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  • File :1232070939.jpg-(18 KB, 165x111, sidebar.jpg)
    18 KB ­­ 01/15/09(Thu)20:55:39 No.2785942  
    There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.
    >> TAMMY <3s U !Sb87i47eDo 01/15/09(Thu)20:58:43 No.2785967
    funny how athiests crow over that when in fact it's an agnostic statement
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:58:45 No.2785968
    This sucks, I was living my life trying to intentionally piss God off. If there's no God, then I'm not going to stop worrying, I'm just going to stop having fun :(
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:59:25 No.2785975

    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:00:04 No.2785980
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:00:49 No.2785986
    But if there's no God, then who's going to protect me from the demons?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:01:09 No.2785989
    I'm Agnostic. Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:01:26 No.2785994

    Most atheists are agnostic. Hence "agnostic atheism". Google the "spectrum of theistic probability".

    The more you know.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:02:27 No.2786010
    The "probably" is courtesy of the British government.

    I prefer to not ride on preachy buses though, no matter what they're preaching.
    >> Attention Whore !!ItIkrFwnmZB 01/15/09(Thu)21:02:42 No.2786013
    Well, they can't really put an ad up that says "There's No God". I wonder if they could get away with a "There's Most Certainly No God" ad.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:03:31 No.2786028
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:03:44 No.2786031
    Alt version:
    The existence or non-existence of God cannot be verified or disproven. Belief in God's presence or absence is a personal matter.
    >> TAMMY <3s U !Sb87i47eDo 01/15/09(Thu)21:04:11 No.2786035

    fix'd for you, you silly tart
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:04:41 No.2786041

    But I AM enjoying my life. If anything, it's you who needs to stop worrying.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:07:34 No.2786070

    Then why do they start arguments like "Agnostics are all big pussies, just pick a side already"
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:09:35 No.2786087

    Bahahaha, awesome butthurt.

    I mean you, not the quoted one.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:10:52 No.2786098
         File :1232071852.jpg-(78 KB, 400x607, godfailed.jpg)
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    But it can. Just, to a scientific standard, i.e. a probabilistic standard of disproof. Theists like to play bait and switch with the philosophical, i.e. absolutist standard of disproof, which can never be met with any amount/quality of evidence, even in principle.

    Originally god had all sorts of testable properties that Christians thought were beyond the reach of science to disprove. Things like the genesis account of creationism, biblical cosmology and so on. As science advanced however it became able to disprove such claims and so Christians moved the goalposts, changing the definition of god so that it was once again beyond the reach of science, at least for a little longer.

    When you have to change the definition of our god a bunch of times until it can no longer be disproven, it doesn't mean your god is impossible to disprove, it means he has been lots of times, you've just cheated in order to evade it.
    >> TAMMY <3s U !Sb87i47eDo 01/15/09(Thu)21:11:29 No.2786105
    more delicious samefag butthurt. you guys are just too easy <3.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:11:34 No.2786106

    Because every single strict agnostic is an overweight Linux-evangelizing neckbeard who voted Ron Paul.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:13:23 No.2786121
    In descending order of shitness.
    1. People who don't believe in god, but are aware of the possibility.
    2. People who believe in God, but not at the cost of their doubt.
    3. People who say there is no God.
    4. People who say God does everything.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:15:59 No.2786144
    Nothing is impossible until it is proved to be. To reject something without evidence is unscientific.
    >> i 01/15/09(Thu)21:17:02 No.2786152
    But isn't that also how Science works? And don't say it's not 'cause it is.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:17:33 No.2786160

    This man speaks with wisdom and truth
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:18:14 No.2786165

    I never said god was impossible. My entire position is that the probability that god exists is very very small. That leaves a small possibility that there is one, but the only reason you'd choose that over the more probable scenario is wishful thinking and fear of death.

    Science deals in probabilities, not certainties. All currently available evidence points to a purely natural universe with no gods. Hence, that is what I believe until new evidence suggests otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:18:50 No.2786170
    If there was no God I'd be worried, and most importantly, everyone else in the immediate area should be worried. I'm not worried because there IS a God.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:18:53 No.2786171

    you must hate your father huh?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:18:55 No.2786172
    postin in agreement of this little tidbit
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:20:27 No.2786184
    many people who don't believe in god aren't worried, and many people who do are worried, theory destroyed better luck next time
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:20:37 No.2786185

    No, there isn't. Don't be silly.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:22:00 No.2786198
    I believe there is a God, despite the unlikeliness of there being power beyond the physical.

    >My entire position is that the probability that god exists is very very small.

    We can get along fine.
    >> i 01/15/09(Thu)21:22:29 No.2786204
    Fine but how would you rate the following two people:
    -People who are aesthetically offended by the concept of God.
    -People who are aesthetically offended by the concept of no God.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:24:13 No.2786218
    I guess that is just them, I'm satisfied with life and happy I know that God exists.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:25:38 No.2786227
    Pretty low, but not bottom. Religious beliefs affect the believer or non-believer mainly, and I think it's pathetic that people would be offended by someone's private beliefs.

    And yeah, I know there's noisy annoying Christians out there
    >> i 01/15/09(Thu)21:25:42 No.2786228
    OK, tell me by what means you come to give a distribution to the likeliness of there existing a God. The best you're going to be able to do is give me a probability that the existence of any unknown force is unnecessary to the modeling of the natural system. And science is many centuries from working with those efficiencies.
    >> Whocares !9ccBFQYMG2 01/15/09(Thu)21:25:56 No.2786232
    Doesn't matter to me if there is a god. If he does exist he obviously doesn't give a fuck so why should I?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:26:22 No.2786237
    I used to be worried about where my life was going.

    Then I realized that there is definitely a higher power.

    Now I am content with life, and I am using the energy that used to go towards worrying, into productivity.

    God = happiness
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:27:22 No.2786247

    But you don't know that god exists, because there isn't one. The Judeo-Christian god has a name you know, Yahweh/Elohim/Yehovah/Allah...No more real than Apollo, Osiris, Vishnu or any other deity. It's a primitive, backwards thing to believe in.
    >> i 01/15/09(Thu)21:28:12 No.2786256
    You misunderstood my question. I meant only with regards to personal beliefs, not anything to do with tolerance of other peoples' beliefs. The way Einstein was aesthetically offended by the idea that the universe had a beginning.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:28:17 No.2786257

    ...Except that no, there isn't a god.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:30:10 No.2786272
    This is the best religious discussion /r9k/ has ever had!
    I think we're growing up.

    Some points (a sort of summary):
    *The existence of a God is not impossible, but it is without evidence.
    *Hostility towards belief or non belief is immature and fuels division and ignorance.
    *We still have a very basic understanding of our universe, though it is advancing quickly. Even in the 20th century, ideas that were once impossible are now pivotal.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:31:24 No.2786277

    Actually no, you're limiting yourself to considering sciences like biology, astronomy and so forth. What about anthropology, and the study of how and why gods are invented and the common telltale themes in all religions? What of cognitive neurobiology and evidence that we're inclined to be superstitious because of evolved properties of our temporal lobes and perceptive faculties?

    There are lots of angles to come at this from, and this book is a great start: >>2786098
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:32:00 No.2786287

    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:32:31 No.2786291
    This isn't relevant. A valid criticism would be that you cannot "know" God exists, only believe that he does.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:33:56 No.2786301
    Oh right, sorry.

    Those people would be around the middle I think.
    >> i 01/15/09(Thu)21:34:08 No.2786303
    None of those things effect the possibility of their being a God. All they say is that the fact that we believe in God is not adequate proof or evidence of the existence of God.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:35:23 No.2786320
    ''Some of you say religion makes people happy. So does laughing gas. So does whiskey...''

    Clarence Darrow
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:35:47 No.2786322
    OK kids, time to prove that God HAS to exist:

    Everything in this universe moves. I think we can all agree on that statement, everything has motion and energy. But, where did all this energy come from? Whether it was the big bang, or some other phenomena, SOMETHING must have started all of this commotion in this world, correct? Whatever that SOMETHING is, that is what we call God.

    So whether you're a sciencefag or not, God HAS to exist.

    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:36:34 No.2786329
    I love people that know some history, and know a few names, and have spent a year on /r9k/ and are now confident that there is no God, simply because their life has not turned out the way they wanted.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:37:21 No.2786335
    Laughing Gas and Whiskey are excellent.

    Laughing Gas was an important medical advancement. Even the idea of laughing gas should make people happy.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:37:41 No.2786338
    I guess lrn2infiniteregress
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:38:31 No.2786350
    There are very few things we know that are absolute, and it has been stated here that you cannot DISPROVE God exists. So, I choose to believe he does.

    I'm a Christian, /r9k/, but you wouldn't really mind me because I want to say we're not all as strict as those kinds that run around in your face, and I'm sorry about them, as I know you are likewise bothered by the atheists that run around treating Dawkins like their own god and yelling at religious types. They're making everyone look bad, both sides have extremists.

    I'm really laid back, and notice nowhere in the Bible where it forbids many things that are assumed wrong and bad by a lot of people for some reason. I don't really participate in these religion threads because I know arguing, internet, Special Olympics etc and this never achieves anything for everyone to rage all the time, I'm not a big fan of rage anymore, I gave up on that a while ago.

    There isn't really a point being said here that I can remember, I'm installing the game for the thread at >>2786044 and will be stepping off to play that shortly. So just ah, we're not all angry people or going to start shit storming arguments because it's stupid, no need to worry over it.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:39:21 No.2786355
    Choosing not to believe in god is not something people should be critical about. (Goes both ways)
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:39:24 No.2786357
    Can you prove this? No. I'm an agnostic not atheist, but what you have there my friend is faith not proof.
    >> i 01/15/09(Thu)21:39:27 No.2786359
    All Acquinas managed to do is repeat what Aristotle said only 'probing' the possibility that he was wrong by saying that it's impossible.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:41:02 No.2786369

    For a better argument see Pascal's Wager or read St. Augustine's work, Aquino was a n00b

    why am i the only one rating this troll?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:41:30 No.2786371
    K, and Christians drink whisky and.. actually no one does laughing gas as a drug really... I'm >>2786350 and just to point out, I've done/will do e and am trying to find some weed, that sure isn't in the bible as a sin.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:41:38 No.2786374
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:41:44 No.2786375
    I think most religions define god as a little more than just 'whatever caused the universe to exist'

    Note also that the universe doesn't have to have had a beginning, our brains just haven't evolved with the ability to comprehend infinity
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:42:28 No.2786383

    "Better argument"? "Pascal's Wager"?

    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:42:36 No.2786385
    Nothing can be known, existence is meaningless. The only thing we can do is make assumptions based on our 5 senses.

    Why do we have these threads again?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:42:38 No.2786386
    burden of proof lies on the person making the positive assertion.

    Most of the christians I know have been really chill dudes, even if we disagreed on religion, so I don't want to bash you.

    Just saying that the atheist has no logical necessity to disprove the existence of God, but the theist has one to prove its existence.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:43:23 No.2786398
    funny how just shut the fuck up, both of you
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:44:02 No.2786404

    You can't make this argument on the internet, using a computer, without instantly invalidating yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:44:20 No.2786409
    funny thing it's the poor ignorant people, whose God has failed them, the ones that keep believing in it, your argument is invalid
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:44:41 No.2786414
    Actually, by his argument, that particle would be god, which is not the definition of god according to any
    Religion I know of
    >> Lawman 01/15/09(Thu)21:44:56 No.2786416
    OK, lets wind up this thread. OP, will you be so kind as to delete this thread if it turns into the same argument we've seen here many times?

    There may be a God.

    A person may choose to believe in a God, or choose not to believe. This choice is entirely personal.

    Tolerance, open-mindedness and doubt are qualities of a mature mind. Other people's private beliefs are not your concern, as long as those beliefs remain private.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:45:46 No.2786422
    Pascal's Wager is even more bogus than Aquinas, and that's saying a lot.

    Considering the sheer number of gods that have come and gone there's nothing that makes your specific god more likely than Zeus.

    In fact it's even less sensible when you factor in the fact that you're commanded to live by pretty strict rules of conduct to get into heaven, but what if the Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims or Norse Pagans were right? You get fucked, bro, and you've sacrificed all your life just to go to whatever hell there is because you didn't believe in the right god.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:46:42 No.2786430

    Can you disprove it? What I'm saying is that there was something that started the universe and life as we know it. I don't know if that thing is sentient or not, but whatever the fuck it is, that's God.

    "Proving" things is pointless, I could ask you to prove that there isn't a God, and you really couldn't give me a perfect answer, so don't be asking it. There really aren't any facts in this subject matter, because we don't know; there's just philosophy.
    >> Lawman 01/15/09(Thu)21:47:16 No.2786435
    We're not talking about religions, we're talking about belief in God
    >> i 01/15/09(Thu)21:47:32 No.2786436
    Burden of proof lies on ANY assertions, not just ones that don't have the word "no" in it. You'd be able to do a lot of very wrong mathematical things, if you accepted negativity as a valid reason of use.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:48:23 No.2786441


    God has done a lot for me in the past couple of years. Dad got a raise, got accepted into a good college, make a bunch of close friends, got a damn good job. Now I'm in school and making stellar grades and I have internships and job offers from high-ranking engineering institutions.

    Life is good :)
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:48:54 No.2786445
    easily disproved but less simplistic than Aquino's view, i never said it was a good argument
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:49:13 No.2786449
    I have no need to prove a negative. A negative is the truth until proven otherwise (not necessarily conclusively).

    That's how it works, homebro. When I make the existential assertion that there's an Invisible Pink Unicorn you are correct in not believing it until I've put forward sufficient proof.
    >> i 01/15/09(Thu)21:50:45 No.2786461
    A negative is just a contrapositive positive. I'm hereby giving you a 1 topic radius restraining order from logic. You are not able to post within one topic of any topic that uses logic.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:51:11 No.2786466
    There probably is a god. There probably is an afterlife.

    The mindfuckingly astronomical odds that the lives you and I are living are purely the result of cosmic chance and that our consciousness will be simply snuffed out like a candle when we die are just as good as there being a place where our essence goes in death, and there being a creator there to greet us.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:51:34 No.2786468
    and you assumed i was talking about you because...

    you just proved you are full of yourself, vanity is the worst of capital vices
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:52:05 No.2786472
    You say there is a god, and I say "prove it" and I won't believe it until you do.

    That is the position of anyone who isn't a militant atheist.

    Evidence points to the existence of a god being unlikely, however, I accept that it's entirely possible but I won't believe it until the evidence weighs in its favor.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:52:28 No.2786476
    Why would I not worry if God doesn't exist? You think it's hard to not sin or something?
    >> i 01/15/09(Thu)21:53:59 No.2786485
    And I won't believe that there's no God until the evidence weighs in its favor. I'm not holding out for the scales to tilt either way in my lifetime. (In my death, on the other hand...)
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:54:44 No.2786490

    The universe being created by something has nothing to do with whether or not there is an afterlife, brotagnon.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:57:23 No.2786513
    That's actually pretty sobering. What if there is a god who created the universe and looks after it, but looks at us as nothing more than a set of chemical reactions that will terminate in the blink of his cosmic eye?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:57:32 No.2786514
    I believe there isn't a god. I don't have to justify it to you or anyone else. No, I don't know how the universe was created, but the Big Bang sounds like a good idea. I'm not an existentialist or a physicist or any kind of scientist, so I don't know exactly how we came to be, or why.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:57:47 No.2786517
    How can you know I'm on the computer, or using the internet? What if my earlier post was never actually posted, it was just your defunct brain deceiving your senses? Can you prove it wasn't?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:01:04 No.2786540
    Brotip: Contrapositives require an If-Then statement.

    God exists is a single propositional phrase, it can't be operated on like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:02:25 No.2786549
    >Evidence weighs in its favor
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:03:19 No.2786553
    Then I guess there's an impasse there. :D
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:04:55 No.2786564
    You're assuming that there was nothing before the Universe. Actually, let me make that more clear and to the point: you assume that there was time before the universe. If you accept that time, or in other words change, only exist within the universe, you would understand how your reasoning is not valid.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:05:22 No.2786567

    >> i 01/15/09(Thu)22:06:36 No.2786572
    Well, if you doubt that you can prove that something doesn't exist, what makes you think that you can prove that it does? I'm talking simple logic here. God isn't an object, so you don't have to worry about him possibly being a single thing inside an infinite array of things which you can individually prove exist as soon as you see them, God exists external to the system. If you think there's more obligation to prove that he does exist than that he doesn't exist, then you're simply being illogical.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:06:44 No.2786573
         File :1232075204.jpg-(56 KB, 450x450, nowshutup.jpg)
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    Actually, you know, there *is* a scientific explanation for what catalyzed the big bang. You're just apparently not very well versed in the relevant science.

    What you've done here is to assume that if *you* don't know the scientific explanation, neither does science, and that we must all therefore fall back on the religious explanation which of course isn't really an explanation so much as a bare assertion since it has no supporting evidence.

    Do you see what an ignorant, silly thing you've done? Aren't you ashamed?
    >> i 01/15/09(Thu)22:08:42 No.2786587
    When you add the concept of evidence to the equation, then you got yourself an If->Then.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:10:02 No.2786595

    but that won't keep mankind from trying
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:10:34 No.2786604
    I'm not even talking about proving the existence of God, I'm saying that even if you assume God exists, then that doesn't mean atheists aren't right about death.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:11:08 No.2786612
    Mind has been boggled.....
    Commencing suicide...3....2.....1....>>2786517
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:13:54 No.2786637
    i think they probably could

    the christfags get away with stating unprovable claims on similar ads

    'god loves you', 'jesus died for your sins'
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:14:18 No.2786640

    What I'm saying is: whatever was the original source of everything in the universe is God. Maybe God was that singularity.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:15:21 No.2786647
    What are they telling us to "enjoy"? It can only be theft, rape and murder.
    >> Whocares !9ccBFQYMG2 01/15/09(Thu)22:16:01 No.2786653
    How come godfags accept "god made himself" or "god has always existed"? Maybe this energy was just always there and our universe is just a stage in an everlasting cycle.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:17:35 No.2786664
    Not really, homebro.

    Like I said, I just want proof. Prove it and I'll be happy to believe in it.

    But until then I won't believe it.

    This is what the negative is.

    Certainly, I could say that you're wrong, but I don't know that you're wrong. I just don't have any proof that you're right. I'm justified in my absence of belief.

    I'm not saying that God doesn't exist.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:19:09 No.2786679
    Thank you kind sirs
    Will everyone else in this thread please look at these posts, and then stop posting retarded shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:19:19 No.2786681
    Wow, I really like discussion as it pertains to the existence of a god; however, everyone here is a gigantic faggot. I'm gonna go fap to that incest thread now. I hope that all of you atheists burn in hell, and all of you theists' gods don't exist.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:20:16 No.2786689
    life and death are misguiding concepts, there's just existence and non-existence, when you die the biological processes that sustain conscience cease, resulting in the lose of sentience, that's it, further speculation is metaphysical bs
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:23:22 No.2786711
    i'm amassed at the amount of samefaggotry ITT

    inb4 more samefag
    >> i 01/15/09(Thu)22:23:49 No.2786714
    ::checks up the lists of quotes::
    Nope, you're not >>2786386, so I got no beef with you saying that even though I find the wording in >>2786449 a little iffy. So long as you aren't holding others to a higher standard than yourself, then I got no problem with any kind of belief; least of all the lack of belief.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:25:40 No.2786735
         File :1232076340.jpg-(116 KB, 460x435, bus-ateo41232024591372377858.jpg)
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    hey atheistfags. Its on a bus it must be true.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:26:43 No.2786745
    This is the problem with most arguments in favor of atheism, that everything is grounded solely in what humans perceive and understand.

    We are one type of organism in a nearly infinite universe, why does everything out there have to conform to what we already know or have seen? The possibilities are endless, so saying "there is no god" as a concrete statement makes you as closed-minded and pretentious as any christfag extremist.
    >> i 01/15/09(Thu)22:28:03 No.2786756
    Life and death aren't all that grand. They're simply relations of existence/non-existence with regards to time. Death is the act of going from existence to non-existence and life is the act of existing when you at one point in the past didn't exist. They're not misguided concepts, they are just concepts from the perspective of the existing object.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:29:52 No.2786769

    You argue that we are limited by our perception, by human contrivances. But God is a human contrivance too, not something beyond our understanding. How could he be when we created him?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:30:20 No.2786772
    i like to call things by their name, energy and matter are nothing more than that, if you use broad and unclear definitions for undefined concepts such as god you are taking debate nowhere

    i lol'd
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:30:35 No.2786774
    Yeah, everything appears to be orderly, and since we don't know the answers to every question yet, the best thing we can come up with is: Magic man done it!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:33:08 No.2786792

    You still lose, though, because you are. Science works, solipsism is just for contrarian 14 year old faggots.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:35:09 No.2786803
    I'm saying a being like god could exist, not that we created him or vice-versa. An afterlife could exist as well, I'm not saying it does, just that it could.

    Saying this or that doesn't exist anywhere in the universe, simply because it doesn't interact with us in a manner we notice or understand, is pretentious.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:39:46 No.2786849
    reality is nothing, (human) perception is everything

    your needs for transcendence are not my concern, keep dreaming until death wakes you up
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:40:05 No.2786855

    Asserting that it does is ridiculous though. If god's immaterial and there can be no evidence for god then how did we come to know about him? What origin is left, other than human fabrication?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:40:34 No.2786860
    I think you mean circular logic is for 14 year old faggots.
    Also, solipsism implies knowledge of ones own mind and existence, which is not what I was getting across. Nothing can be known, period. Prove me otherwise and we'll continue the discussion.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:41:46 No.2786875
    I hope some sandnigger sues this thing for hate speech when it comes to Toronto, that way leftards will finally realize what bullshit speech laws are (or maybe they'll sympathize with them who knows).
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:41:47 No.2786876
    Not "does", "could".
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:41:57 No.2786878

    I think you're still seeing "God" as an old guy in a white robe with an awesome beard and supercool lightning fingers. The whole argument I'm making is that maybe God isn't some dude sitting on the clouds, but is simply something beyond our understanding, something that created everything in existence. God is the thing that science says created all matter, the big bang, and all that stuff. God may just be energy and matter, but we just don't know. And that's why I think we can argue about this forever, because there are truly no facts, science doesn't know where everything came from, and religion doesn't know that God really exists. Interesting thread though, I like seeing more intellectual topics in /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:42:41 No.2786882
    skeptics are fags

    contextualist out.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:42:48 No.2786885
    Also, these are my posts.
    I firmly reject that I posted
    >>2786679 or >>2786612
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:45:29 No.2786906
    that's is from an individual perspective, when you die your body decomposes but the matter that composes it does not cease existing (first law of thermodynamics)

    life and death are just two different stages of matter at a given time (defined from a third perspective)
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:45:39 No.2786908
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    >>There's probabIy no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.

    >>112 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)23:19:20 No.2787197
    Calm and happy Christian from earlier in the thread.

    link to the incest thread plz.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)23:29:59 No.2787274
    >God is the thing that science says created all matter, the big bang, and all that stuff.
    Science does not affirm the big bang was created. The concept of cause is inapplicable to the universe, because, by definition, there's nothing outside of it that can act as a cause

    > God may just be energy and matter, but we just don't know
    Again, i like to call things by their name, i think energy and matter are better names for those two concepts than calling them god

    >science doesn't know where everything came from, and religion doesn't know that God really exists.
    It's because we are not born knowing that science exists, luckily for us scientific progress is not bound by your willingness to remain ignorant. And, again, you are assuming something had to came into existence

    Religion, on the other hand, affirms not only that god exists, but that it has a name and we should praise him in a specific manner.

    I think your concepts of atheism, science, religion and god are, at best, clouded by the fear of finding yourself along in a godless universe, and at worst, mixed up by your sheer stupidity
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)23:37:19 No.2787325
    The greatest trick God ever played was convincing the world he didn't exist.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)00:18:47 No.2787621
    if only witty phrases could sustain an argument this debate would have been over millenniums ago
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)00:29:25 No.2787713
    Well, if my homebrew turns out awesome, and I feel grateful that everything exists and that alcohol is possible, who do I thank if there is no God?

    When I play music and it feels awesome to be alive, and be who I am, and enjoy playing music, who do I thank if there is no God?

    When good things happen in my life, due to a combination of my own hard work, and everything else falling into place, who do I thank if there is no God?

    When my infant son dies from a complication that no one could have foreseen or prevented, who do I curse if there is no God?

    When a natural disaster wipes out hundreds of thousands of people for no apparent reason, who do I curse if there is no God?

    Now, speaking literally of how the universe operates, there is no cosmic rule-breaking invisible sky magician. But in cases like above, I find that sometimes, you just want to say "Thank God", or "God damn it". Because that is the best way to express the sentiment.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:27:52 No.2789925
    See, Dawkins has taken the first steps towards making Atheism a religion. Which somewhat nullifies the very idea.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:31:17 No.2789941

    this is easily the stupidest statement yet.
    good work sir
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:32:16 No.2789950

    You forgot one.

    >When I read posts like this full of faggotry how can I scream OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT if there is no god?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:36:47 No.2789981
    That's more a habit of language than a direct need for god. "Oh god" can often be replaced by something like "oh fuck" or "oh shit" or "oh yeah" or "woooooh" or "fuck yes" or etc etc etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:37:07 No.2789984
    mankind will never know whether there is a god or not. not at least in our lifetime. atheism is still a belief.

    inb4:"OMG thats like saying not collecting stamps is a hobby!"
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:38:49 No.2789996
    it all really depends on how much ritual you need to feel comfortable with life. if you want to believe in something which statisticaly is extremely improbable than knock yourself out....

    >Well, if my homebrew turns out awesome, and I feel grateful that everything exists and that alcohol is possible, who do I thank if there is no God?
    thank yourself. because you made it

    >When I play music and it feels awesome to be alive, and be who I am, and enjoy playing music, who do I thank if there is no God?
    thank the musician who composed it

    >When good things happen in my life, due to a combination of my own hard work, and everything else falling into place, who do I thank if there is no God?
    thank yourself for working hard

    >When my infant son dies from a complication that no one could have foreseen or prevented, who do I curse if there is no God?
    curse yourself for being in the statistical minority, or the fact you don't live in Denmark (lowest cot death per head)
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:38:49 No.2789997
    Exactly! Way to read the post, sir!
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:39:38 No.2790002
    Suggests that believing in a god stops people from enjoying life. Entirely retarded advert.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:40:07 No.2790007
    yep, but it's one backed up with evidence
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:41:09 No.2790015
    meh, I hate it when atheists avoid saying 'oh god' or something like that. If he doesn't exist, then why are you so worried about saying 'god' in vain?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:41:40 No.2790018
    There's no evidence with regards to the existence of God. Just hunches and fundamentalist faith.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:42:28 No.2790024
    if you had to live life according to the rule of law dictated by a person in the sky who doesn't exist, you wouldn't enjoy life either
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:42:46 No.2790026
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    There's probably a God. Now stop worring and enjoy your life.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:43:31 No.2790032

    devotion to something that doesn't exist is a bit of a waste of time dont you think?

    I think thats the point he's trying to get across.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:43:42 No.2790035
    I do. It's pretty swell, brah. Entire statement stinks of superciliousness.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:44:02 No.2790038
    read again, atheisim is a belief, but it's the one that according to the current evidence is most likely
    >> Cyrus !!abIc2O8kqZb 01/16/09(Fri)05:45:34 No.2790044
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    >There's probably no God.

    But you cannot prove that there is no god. Atheists love to spout stupid shit like this but cannot prove it. You cannot prove nor disprove that there is no god.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:45:53 No.2790048
    only 'superciliousness' in the eyes of a believer, to a rational person i would imagine it's fine
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:47:00 No.2790058
    >devotion to something that doesn't exist
    >devotion to something that probably doesn't exist

    Here's your problem. And religious figures suggesting it promotes debate are idiots. The entire statement's worded to throw out debate in favor of the ranting of Richard Dawkins.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:48:01 No.2790064
    Superciliousness again.

    Why must all outspoken atheists be holier-than-thou?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:48:07 No.2790066
    thats why we say there's *probably* no god.
    can't absolutely disprove it, but it's highly unlikely that god exists

    there's probably no unicorns either, but no one seems to dispute that
    >> Cyrus !!abIc2O8kqZb 01/16/09(Fri)05:49:45 No.2790081

    Read it fast and didn't see the "probably" but still.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:50:27 No.2790085
    No one is being holier-than-thou. The irony of calling an atheist holier-than-thou can't be lost on you, can it?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:51:35 No.2790090
    you read, quoted, and then replied without seeing the *probably* bit?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:53:18 No.2790097
    i love how 99 percent of the athiests compare god with unicorns. no one believes in unicorns nowadays you moron.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:54:35 No.2790103
    Nice try, but still a bit too obvious. Better luck next time, troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:56:26 No.2790118
    the unicorn argument is para-phrased from dawkins.

    Religious types say you can't disprove that god exists, the implication being that god must exist. But the fact that the same logic can be applied to unicorns, fairys and other mystical beings just highlights this leap of faith.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:58:33 No.2790127
    oh hey guys, a relevant link

    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)05:59:25 No.2790136
    the existence of unicorns or fairies has no effect on any circumstance. no one cares about it.

    whether someone believes in leprechauns, magical flying spaghetti, thats a personal belief.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)06:00:51 No.2790144

    yes, it's a personal belief that is likely to be untrue, just like the belief of god. whats your point?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)06:02:03 No.2790155
    the existence of god has no effect on any circumstance. no one cares about it.

    whether someone believes in leprechauns, magical flying spaghetti, thats a personal belief.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)06:05:38 No.2790176
    OP's pic is in bus ads in Spain. I bet it is some viral market from a big company.

    Just wait anon, just wait.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)06:06:39 No.2790184
    Those who believe in unicorns or leprechauns might spend their whole life searching for one. Would you tell them there's no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, or do you let them continue with their delusion, knowing that all the time they spend will be wasted?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)06:07:42 No.2790185
    the ad campaign in london sponsored by an atheist group, i imagine it's the same in Spain
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)06:07:43 No.2790186
    >likely to be untrue, just like the belief of god.
    well, thats your opinion.its not a fact.learn to be open-minded.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)06:12:10 No.2790212
    it's just an opinion based on hundreds of years of scientific research and the advancement of humanity.
    I am being open-minded; god may exist, just like unicorns and fairys may exist.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)06:27:47 No.2790289
    i really like the advert, i think it gets the message across fairly clearly
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)07:15:27 No.2790442
    The comparison of a transcendant being that cannot be empirically proven to a physical being is retarded.

    An invisible unicorn, however...
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)07:24:04 No.2790471
    the comparison is made because the proof for both is a book of (likely fictional) text.
    >> ANGRY 01/16/09(Fri)07:25:45 No.2790478
    Go to bed, boy.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)07:30:14 No.2790496
    Enjoy your lack of moral high ground and complete hypocrisy for trying to push your ideals on others, atheists.

    That is all.

    inb4 justifications, only moronic Dawkins fanbois and extremists will try and justify this paid-for point-blank attempt to convert people.
    >> ANGRY 01/16/09(Fri)07:36:08 No.2790517
    >lack of moral high-ground

    As soon as I turned atheist, I killed my mother, ate her flesh and made a tent out of her bones and skin.

    >complete hypocrisy for trying to push your ideals on others, atheists.

    Yes, it is complete hypocrisy. One of the great qualities of atheism is that we push everything on you. We don't tell you why, we just push everything on religious people. Religious people are the most persecuted, after all.

    We atheist love to perpetrate violence and anarchy and we also like to SHOVE our beliefs down people's throats.
    >> Amused !BAsTArDMXo 01/16/09(Fri)07:36:13 No.2790519
    Little Known Fact: The adverts had to be changed from "There's No God" to "There's Probably No God" because the Advertisting Standards Authority could not be shown definitive proof that God does not exist, and as such forced the ruling to be changed so that it wouldn't come under the illegal practice of false advertising.

    Which, atheist though I am, I find hilarious.
    >> Attention Whore !!ItIkrFwnmZB 01/16/09(Fri)07:36:29 No.2790520
    What does religion have to do with morals? Religion has been adapting itself to the morals of society for a while now. People pick the passages of the bible they want to follow and ignore the rest. How the fuck does religion provide a moral high ground, you idiot?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)07:38:47 No.2790528
    Except that much of the New Testament is historical, brosef. Whereas books about unicorns were made for the purpose of being fiction.

    Maybe you wouldn't be so angry if you wern't so hung up about hating people who don't share your beliefs. Boy.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)07:38:50 No.2790529
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    You've all lost, go home.
    >> Attention Whore !!ItIkrFwnmZB 01/16/09(Fri)07:41:12 No.2790540
    The New Testament is as historical as The Lord of The Rings, except LTR contradicts itself less and it's much better written. Well, to be honest that giant eagle saving Frodo part was bullshit since fucking Gandalf could've just sent Frodo on its back. But yeah, still makes more sense than the New Testament.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)07:41:58 No.2790544
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    I hate it when Christians complain about atheists forcing their belief on them. Making gay marriage illegal is forcing your beliefs, criticising religion (or atheism, for that matter) is philosophical debate. If you're really that sensitive, maybe you shouldn't be on the internet anyway.
    >> ANGRY 01/16/09(Fri)07:43:18 No.2790550
    You think I'm angry because I'm hung up on the fact that not everyone is an atheist?

    You might want to reconsider that and not make vague assumptions, especially if that assumption is trying to trump me and my beliefs.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)07:43:51 No.2790552
    >Well, to be honest that giant eagle saving Frodo part was bullshit since fucking Gandalf could've just sent Frodo on its back.

    Maybe the eagles could only fly in after Mordor's defences had been neutralised? There were those big flappy black things around, after all.
    >> Sarcastic !BAsTArDMXo 01/16/09(Fri)07:44:17 No.2790554

    >If you're really that sensitive, maybe you shouldn't be on the internet anyway

    Yeah, using the Internet to express your irritation with people? Communicating your views, ON THE INTERNET? USING THE ONE PLACE ON EARTH WHERE YOU'RE FREE TO SAY WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT TO ACTUALLY SAY WHAT YOU WANT? Ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)07:50:05 No.2790574
    hurr durr

    I wasn't saying you were wrong to express your feelings, I was saying you were wrong to be offended by mere debate.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)07:56:09 No.2790588
    The point of believing in God is not having to worry.
    >> Unpleasant !BAsTArDMXo 01/16/09(Fri)07:57:18 No.2790592

    Yeah I know, I was just being a dick for no reason. Although you shot yourself in the foot by starting with "I hate it when Christians complain...".
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:07:13 No.2790623
    Maybe you should analyse the Bible. It'd be a good start if you intend to criticise it.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:09:11 No.2790627
    >You might want to reconsider that and not make vague assumptions

    >> Attention Whore !!ItIkrFwnmZB 01/16/09(Fri)08:11:52 No.2790636
    I have. I went to a Catholic middle school and shit. I had exams on the bible and of course I read the whole damn thing. Reading the bible is one of the things that made me an atheist. It really makes no sense and it contradicts itself all the damn time.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:23:20 No.2790671
    Being forced to learn it in school is not Biblical anlysis.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:30:57 No.2790703
    Agnosticism is the only religion I do not tolerate.

    Either there is a god or there isn't, you can't sit on the fence and wait till death arrives just so you can go to heaven.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:38:46 No.2790733

    you idiot.
    >> Attention Whore !!ItIkrFwnmZB 01/16/09(Fri)08:39:43 No.2790740
    We analyzed the bible and so did I by myself. Have you ever read the whole bible to begin with?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:41:19 No.2790749
    Agnosticism: The only thing in this thread that ISN'T a religion.
    >> Attention Whore !!ItIkrFwnmZB 01/16/09(Fri)08:42:04 No.2790754
    You need faith for a religion. There is no faith in atheism. Atheism is not a religion.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:45:29 No.2790774
    You have faith that there is nothing beyond what you currently know.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:46:17 No.2790777
    Atheism is a religion, agnosticism is not.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:47:55 No.2790784
    agnosticism is faith in uncertainty, it's probably more of a religion than anything in this thread
    >> Null !MQvQDpFxEY 01/16/09(Fri)08:48:49 No.2790792
    Atheism is not a religion, anti-theism is really close to being a religion, many of those who call themselves atheists, are actually anti-theists.
    When you start converting people and preaching on how your ideology is better than the others you are actually doing some of the worst things religion is nowadays guilty of. That is why I am a proud atheist and despise Stephen Hawkins.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:49:15 No.2790796
    yes there is most definitely faith in atheism. maybe you mean agnosticism or maybe u r low qual troll
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:51:17 No.2790806
    Even Dawkins is not totally atheist. I've forgotten his scale in the book but I think it's out of 8 and he ranks himself as a 7, as you cannot possibly know there's no god for sure, but it's not very likely.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:53:16 No.2790816
    When the atheists say that there is no god, they are not talking about your vague, metaphysical concept that is constantly being redefined.

    They are talking about the intelligent, actor god who plays a role in this universe, which definitely does not exist.

    You use the same word to describe your "idea", but you're really talking about something completely, entirely different. You should probably come up with a new word for it now, though.
    >> Wataru 01/16/09(Fri)08:58:19 No.2790840
    Apatheism ftw.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)09:07:15 No.2790879
    there is "faith" in everything if by "faith" you mean the same thing as "thinking that something is true". all "faiths" are not created equal, however.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)09:08:44 No.2790888
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    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)09:17:08 No.2790934
    lack of evidence + certainty = faith
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)09:59:01 No.2791193
    athesim may be a faith, but it's a faith based on overwhelming evidence that god (in any form) does not exist. Dawkins is agnostic, but recognises the fact that the actual chances of there being a god is similar to the chances that unicorns and pixies are real.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)10:00:40 No.2791200
    People thought the giant squid and the coelacanth were mythical too
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)10:03:10 No.2791219
    Of course, unicorns and pixies are at least somewhat tangible entities, so they have a much higher chance of existing than a non-physical non-detectable as-close-as-you-can-get-to-not-existing-as-is-possible existence.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)10:03:50 No.2791228
    mythical until proven otherwise. God is yet to be proven because it's likely God does not exist.
    >> Rorschach !!AB9ySaRJ1KQ 01/16/09(Fri)10:09:26 No.2791257

    So God is a cryptid?

    To wikipedia!
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)10:13:35 No.2791280
    lol, from the cryptid wiki article:
    "Evidence for the existence of cryptids is typically limited to ***anecdotal*** evidence or other forms of evidence insufficient to withstand normal scientific scrutiny by the general zoological community."
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)10:13:36 No.2791281
    doesnt matter how close you think you are to the truth, you have no proof. there are many improbable truths. as the shirt says "probably" obviously the copywriter knows this. anybody thinking that this constitutes proof needs to lrn2science or lrn2logic.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)10:17:01 No.2791295
    i love how not being able to *absolutely* disprove god somehow infers that god exists. that is a leap of logic, the statement on the t-shirt is true.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)10:17:56 No.2791301
    no it doesnt. it just doesnt prove god doesnt exist. like i said, lrn2logic.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)10:19:40 No.2791316
    i believe that god probably does not exist. Because of the overwhelming evidence suggesting that god does not exist.
    Where is the leap of logic either in the original statement or what i just said?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)10:22:14 No.2791336
    well you are using the word probably. so there is none.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)10:24:22 No.2791347
    exactly, and i have done since the start of this stupid topic. and it's also what the t-shirt says... so what is your problem with it?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)10:29:29 No.2791374
    no problem, whats yours?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)10:33:29 No.2791393
    So what if there is no God? life still sucks
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)10:34:24 No.2791398
    your hideous double negative in an earlier posting

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