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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1232069643.png-(1.53 MB, 798x1023, newwtctowers.png)
    1.53 MB Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:34:03 No.2785725  
    They should have built it bigger. The memorial is pretty, the new subway entry is ok but the new towers should have been built taller and larger. They shouldn't have rushed into construction.

    What do you think of the new WTC?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:35:23 No.2785741
    Will the world trade in the center?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:36:23 No.2785749
    I think that I don't care enough to have an opinion
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:37:18 No.2785757
    >>new towers should have been built taller and larger.

    Engineering doesn't work that way.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:37:50 No.2785764
    Someone remind me what this is all about?
    >> Coltsfag 2: The Reckoning !!YQJh1vIAKp8 01/15/09(Thu)20:38:20 No.2785770
    its ok. we got the crazy ass chicago spire on the way.

    Won't be the tallest, but easily the fucking craziest.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:38:33 No.2785774
    What a complete waste of prime real estate.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:39:04 No.2785782
    Enlighten us oh smart one.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:40:36 No.2785801
    Honestly I can't believe they'd do anything except rebuild them exactly as before.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:41:23 No.2785810
    The security precautions are insane.

    A full body cavity search to get to the Windows on the World?

    Only tourists will go there.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:43:04 No.2785818
    No, but English symbolism does. By making them larger and taller, we would be symbolically saying that, even after being attacked, we can and will come back stronger and better than ever, so fuck yeah America! (or something like that)
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:43:08 No.2785819
         File :1232070188.jpg-(189 KB, 450x385, dubai-towers-dubai.jpg)
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    Not when this is finished.
    >> negaduck !!ZppMeLpe+ce 01/15/09(Thu)20:46:57 No.2785855
    The best way to piss of al queda would be to have rebuilt it... only with MISSILE LAUNCHERS AND GATLING GUNS! AND FLAGS WITH EAGLES EVERYWHERE FUCK YER!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:48:20 No.2785866

    I think it's beautiful. It looks leaps and bounds above the original design.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:49:55 No.2785881

    But by doing that, we would also be brushing aside the death and destruction that occurred, almost denying it.

    No, I think this is the perfect memorial.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:51:30 No.2785898
    Those buildings are terribly ugly
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:53:06 No.2785913
    They rebuilt Hiroshima.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:54:08 No.2785923
    Good design. More angles for the planes to ricochet off of.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:54:12 No.2785925
    That ungodly 10 stories of concrete at the bottom of the flagship building is to protect from car bombs. This isn't a symbol of American triumph, but of American paranoia
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:54:43 No.2785928
    Thats because it reminds you of the dicks that raped your ass when you was a child
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:05:10 No.2786045
         File :1232071510.jpg-(67 KB, 452x587, Crown_Las_Vegas.jpg)
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    Does it now?

    I am SO glad the Las Vegas FAA prevented this white cock from being built.
    >> i 01/15/09(Thu)21:06:52 No.2786061
    Nice. No disguising the fact that megaskyscrapers are basically giant penis compensators for these guys.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:14:21 No.2786134
    I am looking for this one skyscraper concept I saw the other day that had chunks missing and replaced with parks of some sort.

    How many died in the WTC attack? Make it that many feet tall.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:16:49 No.2786151



    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:18:50 No.2786169
    itt: relationship fags who think they are architects. go and look at liebeskind's concept behind the architecture...its actually pretty sweet.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:29:25 No.2786266
    No its not. The only good part (the memorial) was from a separate competition. Building a much larger single tower as opposed to building four individual towers would have been better.

    The best construction processes could have made it HUEG.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:40:02 No.2786365
    Yeah and while people in their very own country not far from Dubai - and neighboring countries - are choking on shoes for food.
    Fuck you Dubai. Fuck you America, and any other country wasting money on useless shit when people die every day without water, food, shelter, medical supplies...
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:42:33 No.2786384

    PROTIP: You can help those people 'choking on shoes for food'. But posting on 4chan will not help them in the slightest.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:50:10 No.2786455
         File :1232074210.jpg-(119 KB, 424x599, 424px-Wtc_arial_march2001.jpg)
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    >The base of the tower (fortified because of security concerns) has also been a source of controversy. A number of critics (notably Derek Murdoch in the National Review) have suggested that it is alienating and dull, and reflects a sense of fear rather than freedom, leading them to dub the project "the Fear Tower."[48][49] Nicolai Ouroussoff, the architecture critic for the New York Times, calls the tower base decorations a "grotesque attempt to disguise its underlying paranoia".[50]

    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:11:17 No.2786615
    Pfft. Tell me this, are they starving because WE build awesome stuff? Or are they starving because they DON'T build awesome stuff?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:14:16 No.2786639

    A perfect example of man's inability to 'see it for what it is'.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:17:24 No.2786662
    no, this is the most awesome thing ever. buildings that MOVE

    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:19:41 No.2786682
         File :1232075981.png-(600 KB, 727x546, newwtc2.png)
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    Pointed right towards Mecca.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:22:19 No.2786703
    Even if it's pointed at Mecca, all it's pointing at it is a giant FUCK YOU.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:23:02 No.2786709
    The WTC construction was supposed to be a celebration of freedom and democracy and instead all it did was show everything wrong with it. The burj dubai broke ground only two years before the "freedom tower" and its almost done. The freedom tower is a hole in the ground. The burj dubai is the tallest man made object in the world.

    Also Adrian Smith at SOM > David Childs at SOM.

    I hope that shit gets bombed before people can actually move into it.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:32:09 No.2786787
    Looks like tentacles sticking out of the ground. Where is Cthulu chilling at?

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