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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

    today marks the end of scheduled maintenance—two guys with two weeks to kill and a few hundred hours later, we're finally [mostly] done.
    page loads/image downloads should be dramatically faster. until we hit 1gbps, at least. to all of my wonderful and ungrateful users: "you're welcome."
    (note: there are still a few other things i'll be working on so expect intermittent downtime)
    ps: thanks so much to mvb for all of the help and support.

    File :1231820392.jpg-(187 KB, 450x667, sukiyaki-django-posterb.jpg)
    187 KB Good, but Strange Movies Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 01/12/09(Mon)23:19:52 No.2750724  
    Alright, to counter the fail of that horrible IMA GIRL trolling, let's talk about Good, but Strange Movies.

    The first for me is going to be Sukiyaki Western Django. It's all Japanese actors trying their best to speak English and do western accents to a very over the top mix between a western and a samurai movie. It's like a threeway between Kill Bill, Lonesome Dove, and Hero. Very crazy shit, I highly recommend it.
    >> !MIKE.KBfzM 01/12/09(Mon)23:22:24 No.2750749
    I'd say it's more a cross between Yojimbo and A Fistful of Dollars. Has some elements of Django in there too.
    It's a parody of Japanese culture, like how the Japanese randomly use English words (wrongly) because they think it's cool. An obsession with the west.
    It's Takashi Miike, so you know it's good.

    Also, American Astronaut
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:23:42 No.2750761
    >It's Takashi Miike, so you know it's good.
    He's hit or miss. As a popular example, I thought Ichi the Killer was mediocre. Good for a shock film but just as a movie overall it needed a lot of tweaks.
    >> $ir Kibbles !eZnqiljHQQ!!E9aSn7UlEuw 01/12/09(Mon)23:24:12 No.2750766
    I wish I had the .gif still, of the sword vs gun fight. That's what made me watch that movie. Holy fuck blocking a sword with the trigger guard.
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 01/12/09(Mon)23:25:19 No.2750779
         File :1231820719.jpg-(118 KB, 349x499, 35avcwj.jpg)
    118 KB
    Next up is Dumplings. It is a film about a woman who eats dumplings that are supposed to promote eternal youth. She eventually discovers that these dumplings are made of aborted fetuses, and then conspires to eat an incestuously aborted child.

    The whole movie is absolutely disgusting, but it was really well done.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:25:26 No.2750783
    I have, as they say, netflixed it.
    >> !MIKE.KBfzM 01/12/09(Mon)23:32:22 No.2750859
         File :1231821142.jpg-(28 KB, 395x585, Aafinalposter.jpg)
    28 KB
    The American Astronaut
    A funny, space western, musical. Absolutely amazing sound track.
    It's in black and white, with some scenes rendered with paintings (in lieu of special effects) and still manages to create a beautiful atmosphere.
    If you're looking for a mental workout or deep plot don't bother.
    If you want to watch an entertaining movie it's definately worth a look.
    >> !MIKE.KBfzM 01/12/09(Mon)23:38:55 No.2750944
         File :1231821535.jpg-(116 KB, 300x429, The_Good,_the_Bad,_the(...).jpg)
    116 KB
    The Good, The Bad, The Weird
    A very hit or miss movie. A korean western set in Manchuria (I think), the movie follows a plot very similar to it's spiritual inspiration by Sergio Leone.
    The film mostly follows Yun Tae-Goo (The Weird, inspired by Tuco) and the events that follow after he finds a map to burried (Russian?) treasure.
    Yun Tae-Goo is an amazingly engaging and interesting, albeit fucking weird, character that binds the movie together.
    'The Good', Park Do-Wan is awesome as fuck. The only thing that put me off was his fucking moustache.
    'The Bad', Park Chang-i is a shit character.

    There's a great scene towards the end with the black market gang, the Chinese army and the three lead characters all charging towards to treasure. Explosions, guns everywhere, lever action rifles, horses and trucks. Fuck yes.

    Good acting, interesting (albeit recycled) plot. Definately worth a watch IMO. Don't kill me for that one /tv/.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:40:54 No.2750976
    Re-Cycle. Very peculiar movie, but I liked it. I just wish they had toned down the jumpy bits, since it made it seem kinda shallow at those times in spite the fantastic visuals and fairly interesting plot.
    >> !MIKE.KBfzM 01/12/09(Mon)23:44:08 No.2751017
         File :1231821848.jpg-(58 KB, 419x600, 419px-Bubba_Ho-Tep_poster.jpg)
    58 KB
    A black comedy b-movie starring Bruce Campbell as Elvis.
    What more do you want?

    Interesting premise, intentionally campy and generally a good watch.
    The acting is, although not great, enjoyable.
    Starts off well, doesn't end as strong but still worth the hour and a half spent watching it.
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 01/12/09(Mon)23:47:05 No.2751044
    That actually sounds pretty damn cool, I'll have to check out American Astronaut. Never even heard of it.
    >> !MIKE.KBfzM 01/12/09(Mon)23:47:22 No.2751048
         File :1231822042.jpg-(23 KB, 288x407, The_Machinist_poster.jpg)
    23 KB
    People very wrongly compare this to Fight Club.
    They are completely different films that share one plot device.
    I won't claim to have fully understood this movie.

    Slower than my previous recommendations, but very interesting nonetheless.
    Brings up some interesting points. Acting is great.
    Bonus points for Bale not using a stupid voice.
    >> !MIKE.KBfzM 01/12/09(Mon)23:51:46 No.2751116
         File :1231822306.jpg-(79 KB, 799x449, the-fountain-20061025102443445.jpg)
    79 KB
    The Fountain.

    I have no idea what the fuck is going on in this movie.
    Something about Christian mythology and the bible or something.
    I don't fucking know.
    What I do know is that this movie is beautiful like no other movie. Absolutely stunning.
    Think that last portion of 2001: ASO.
    Don't bother watching it if you can't get it in good quality with a good resolution, on a good tv (or monitor for piratefags).
    I don't know if it's out on bluray. If it is, get it on that.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:55:18 No.2751164
    Shouldn't be too hard to remake considering that part is in the trailer. Now if only I knew how to make gifs...
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 01/12/09(Mon)23:56:24 No.2751178
         File :1231822584.jpg-(20 KB, 200x285, lolarun.jpg)
    20 KB
    Run, Lola, Run was a great movie. Lola receives a call from her boyfriend -- he lost $100,000 from a transaction that was supposed to occur and he will be dead by the end of the day if he fails to deliver the money. The movie follows three different versions of how the day could play out, and is a very good film.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:58:17 No.2751211
         File :1231822697.jpg-(78 KB, 700x766, save_the_green_planet.jpg)
    78 KB
    where the hell can i watch this? you have a torrent link?

    i'd also like one for tokyo gore police if anyone has that.

    pic related, very strange but good.
    >> !MIKE.KBfzM 01/12/09(Mon)23:59:04 No.2751225
         File :1231822744.jpg-(65 KB, 494x755, twelve_monkeys_ver1.jpg)
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    Twelve Monkeys

    This was made when Brad Pitt could act.
    Set in the future, the present and the past- the movie is about what happens to the world after a virus kills 90 odd percent of the population.
    This has been suggested to people numerous times in /r9k/. With reason!

    It has twist at the end, Shyamalan style- but it doesn't detract from the movie.
    Interesting themes are brought up, time travel etc.
    Was the main character crazy, were the events in the movie real, was he really from the future, etc.
    Interpret it whichever way you choose, it's good either way.
    The closing scene of the movie really leaves a lot to be interpreted. Brilliant!

    I feel like I'm the only one posting.
    >> !MIKE.KBfzM 01/13/09(Tue)00:00:38 No.2751246
    There's a torrent on the Pirate Bay, not sure if it has subtitles.
    I watched it on a plane on my way home from a recent trip.
    >> Pavane !40hMlBXxb6 01/13/09(Tue)00:05:23 No.2751305
         File :1231823123.jpg-(22 KB, 515x371, videodrome.jpg)
    22 KB

    Sleazy lowlife cable TV operator Max Renn discovers a snuff broadcast called "Videodrome." But it is more than a TV show--it's an experiment that uses regular TV transmissions to permanently alter the viewer's perceptions by giving them brain damage. Max is caught in the middle of the forces that created "Videodrome" and the forces that want to control it, his body itself turning into the ultimate weapon to fight this global conspiracy
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:05:52 No.2751309
    No picture, but I highly recommend Horton Hears a Who.

    Assume what you may about this movie, but it is beautifully done and really has a good message in the end. I actually fucking cried in the theatre. Jim Carry and Steve Carrel are both phenominal with their voice acting, and the imagination of the animators and Dr. Seuss is sweet.
    >> !MIKE.KBfzM 01/13/09(Tue)00:08:25 No.2751340
         File :1231823305.jpg-(51 KB, 300x428, Oldboykoreanposter.jpg)
    51 KB
    Oldboy. You've all seen it. Most of you loved it.
    For those that haven't seen it the actor ate a live octopus for one of the scenes.
    Also, incest is wincest.
    Go watch it. There's really nothing else I can say.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:09:43 No.2751353
         File :1231823383.jpg-(43 KB, 258x415, the fall 2006.jpg)
    43 KB
    The Fall (2006)

    Early 1900s, stuntman in a hospital w/ an ulterior motive tells a story to a little girl, which we see as she interprets it. Only similar movie I can think of is Pan's Labyrinth.
    >> !MIKE.KBfzM 01/13/09(Tue)00:13:33 No.2751400
         File :1231823613.jpg-(37 KB, 275x425, for-a-few-dollars-more-posters.jpg)
    37 KB
    Not necessarily a 'strange' film, but one everyone should watch before they die.
    Clint 'the motherfucker' Eastwood stars as The Man With No Name in For A Few Dollars More.
    Often overlooked in favor of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly this film is one that certainly should not be underestimated.
    I'm sick of typing so I'll leave it at that.

    I keep getting fucking muted for the images. Bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:15:06 No.2751417
         File :1231823706.jpg-(15 KB, 280x280, 51J0TJ7RXQL__SL500_AA280_.jpg)
    15 KB
    The Cell has some of the best art direction ever. If only games were this trippy
    >> !MIKE.KBfzM 01/13/09(Tue)00:15:54 No.2751425
         File :1231823754.jpg-(65 KB, 500x313, pansLabyrinth.jpg)
    65 KB
    Pan's Labyrinth.

    Can't be fucked writing anything. It's in Spanish, with subtitles.
    Beautiful movie. Visual director is a God.
    Interesting undertones. Can be interpreted that the girl is crazy.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:16:21 No.2751429
    For everyone's info these are by the same guy.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:17:13 No.2751436
    but the movie has a completely useless plotline connected
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:17:51 No.2751447
         File :1231823871.jpg-(32 KB, 700x472, chexps01.jpg)
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    Chungking Express. even if you don't like it it'll get you chicks
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:18:00 No.2751450





    Only a few movies to see then and I am an official strange movie guru.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:18:03 No.2751451
    You probably didn't understand the movie.
    >> !MIKE.KBfzM 01/13/09(Tue)00:20:34 No.2751489
    Shh, you'll put them off. It's still worth watching.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:21:11 No.2751496
    So cash.
    My favorite ever, tied with slumdog millionaire

    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:21:12 No.2751497
         File :1231824072.jpg-(32 KB, 701x514, MOLOKO.jpg)
    32 KB
    seriously? no-one?

    clockwork orange. a classic.

    "yes my brothers, tonight was going to be a night to remember..."
    >> $ir Kibbles !eZnqiljHQQ!!E9aSn7UlEuw 01/13/09(Tue)00:21:27 No.2751502
    Bumping this. I've seen a lot of these, wanting more. Has anybody seen 'Boy A?' I downloaded it and haven't watched it yet, don't know if I want to sink time into it or not.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:21:38 No.2751507
    I understood the movie completely. One of things you'll learn as you grow older is that even the most "intellectual" movie has crap. Tell me where it was necessary to have all the shit about facist spanish rule
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:23:30 No.2751531
    Ofelia's little fantasy world was a place she created for herself where she was actually important, to cope with the agony of being stuck in the middle of the horrible real-world situation and not being able to do anything about it.
    >> Pavane !40hMlBXxb6 01/13/09(Tue)00:24:53 No.2751552
    in b4 cube
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:26:46 No.2751579
    but what was beginning seqeunce and ending?
    >> Autonymoose !x4vv0ZYuAo 01/13/09(Tue)00:27:58 No.2751598
    Primer. Guys in a garage discover time travel.

    If you watch it once and understand the whole thing, you're either a liar or a savant.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:29:40 No.2751618

    I don't know, haven't seen the movie in ages. I just recall the stuff that I wrote and that the RL storyline seemed fitting to me.
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 01/13/09(Tue)00:30:48 No.2751629
    To parallel the young girls rebellion to the political struggle of their time.


    Yes, Cube and Cube Zero. But not Cube 2: Hypercube, which was awful imo.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:32:14 No.2751655
         File :1231824734.jpg-(80 KB, 450x600, 450px-Visitor_Q_(poster).jpg)
    80 KB
    you want takashi miike?

    Visitor Q will make you LOL WUT
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:34:34 No.2751683
    Suspiria - highly stylized slasher
    Paprika - wonky dreamy anime film
    Abre los ojos - like Philip K. Dick?
    Solaris - something about love in space
    The Science of Sleep - something about love in dreams
    Cat Soup - short and sweet
    8 1/2 - watch this
    Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes - don't know why I love this
    El Topo - I don't love this
    The Diving Bell and the Butterfly - told by the perspective of a paralyzed man
    Primer - newbie time travelers fucking with themselves
    Voices of a Distant Star - think you have it bad with a girlfriend in Canada?
    The Fountain - three narratives conjoined
    Inland Empire - Eraserhead is better
    Barton Fink - they won't admit it, but they owe Kafka a blowjob
    Invasion of the Body Snatchers - existentialist or something
    La planete sauvage - beautiful yet bizarre animated scifi
    Le voyage dans le lune - pioneering, ancient, oddly hilarious
    L'annee derniere a Marienbad - a dreamlike loop
    Les yeux sans visage - this is where horror is meant to go
    Le temps du loup - post-apocalyptic,
    L'age d'or - a surrealist's psychoanalysis of the Victorian mind
    La cite des enfants perdus - good old movie fun
    >> !MIKE.KBfzM 01/13/09(Tue)00:35:14 No.2751691
         File :1231824914.jpg-(30 KB, 295x438, Kpax.jpg)
    30 KB
    Was he an alien?
    You decide.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:39:03 No.2751736
    I've always really wanted a movie that is what "No more heroes" is to videogames.
    and Sukiyaki Western Django looks like exactly that, thanks, will get movie soon.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:42:00 No.2751783
    I don't think it was that hard to understand. I liked it, but honestly it was a little slow. 2001 was also slow as fuck, but it looked pretty all the fucking time, which was great.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:43:54 No.2751810
         File :1231825434.jpg-(66 KB, 432x640, HardCandy_movieposter.jpg)
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    If your girl wants to see this on a first date, run.
    >> !MIKE.KBfzM 01/13/09(Tue)00:44:31 No.2751816
    I quite enjoyed the change of pace, every now and then cinema needs a break from the norm.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:44:52 No.2751820
    I thought that was how it was meant to be interpreted. Is there any other way to interpret it? The ending pretty overtly expresses that [SPOWLERRR] It was all in her head [/SPWOLLERRR]
    >> POULTRY !vqxWP5L00Q 01/13/09(Tue)00:50:55 No.2751904
    that movie was a piece of shit, i had to watch it with a girl and she thought it was scary

    it was fucking stupid, trying too fucking hard to be trippy

    that same fucking girl had the nerve to tell me old boy was the worst movie she had ever seen

    glad i don't hang around that tasteless wench anymore
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:52:09 No.2751926
    Both are shit, actually...
    >> POULTRY !vqxWP5L00Q 01/13/09(Tue)00:53:02 No.2751937
    well at least we agree on one thing

    the cell sucked
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 01/13/09(Tue)00:54:43 No.2751964

    No. If you see the interview w/ the director he says that it is expressly implied that it was real and that she was meant to be the queen and that she had passed the final test.
    >> !MIKE.KBfzM 01/13/09(Tue)00:55:28 No.2751979
    See that's what I thought, but I didn't want to be the only one to say anything
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:56:42 No.2751994
    The Wall
    Being John Malkovich
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:58:29 No.2752017

    Also by ellen page (not that it makes it a better movie)
    Is an indie canadian movie called "The Tracy Fragments"

    The story is basically.... bah! fuck you, that's not important. What's important is how the movie is shot, which is almost entirley in -split screen, with each part of the screen representing something else about tracey on her quest for <shit that doesn't matter>.

    Here's where you can watch it. I highly recommend getting the higher quality one, it's really important when some of the windows are so small you can't see shit, save a few pixels having sex.
    That's right. Sex.

    Online version (shit quality, do not watch unless retarded)

    Good quality, although its a torrent with 5 seeders right now (I'll make it six) worth the wait if you're into quality/ have a hueg monitor.

    ??? version.
    (A megaupload of the movie, can't confirm quality)
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)01:00:30 No.2752045

    Heyyy, I saw that movie at VIFF! It was pretty good. The lady who wrote it teaches at my university.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)01:18:05 No.2752232
    Requiem for a dream was pretty good, and I've just picked up "Pi" by the same director and watched a few minutes of it, and it looks REALLY good. I'm saving it for a rainy day/friends to watch with*/free time/when I feel like watching it.

    *Yeah, right ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)01:19:56 No.2752255
    I saw Pi when I was 12.
    Now I'm here.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)01:21:25 No.2752272
    I audibly loled at this. I don't know if you were meaning to be funny or not but it was a hilarious post.
    >> !MIKE.KBfzM 01/13/09(Tue)01:24:07 No.2752306
    I was getting worried there, yes I was trying to be funny.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)01:26:29 No.2752335
    Dear brother,
    Your anecdote is riveting.
    From your brother,
    With love
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 01/13/09(Tue)01:27:14 No.2752346
         File :1231828034.jpg-(202 KB, 500x745, repo_the_genetic_opera_movie_p(...).jpg)
    202 KB
    This movie was Different but overall i enjoyed it

    "Repo! The Genetic Opera"

    link related
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)01:37:33 No.2752444

    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)01:39:46 No.2752463
         File :1231828786.jpg-(33 KB, 499x750, GFKFKF.jpg)
    33 KB

    You see what the other posters did? They attached the poster and a good reason for us to watch the films. Don't just come in here and dump your shit like that.

    Cool thread though, seen a lot of these films and they sure do fit in the weird category. The Cell sucks, but the scene with the horse was kind of cool. Films with Jennifer Lopez tend to suck.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)01:45:07 No.2752510

    but hes the only one with decent taste, compared to everyone else's "omg takashi miike hes so fucked up and fucked up = good amirite just like chuck palahniuk"
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)02:39:28 No.2752999

    I just finished watching Primer. It's been on this computer for ages but I forgot about it.




    Holy shit, amazing but WHAT THE FUCK
    >> No meaning in this post. Oh wellz Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)02:41:24 No.2753018
    I know this thread wont be here forever

    here is a link of this awesome post for anyone who just want to bookmark it .

    You know, for those who dont want to be bothered to create a .txt

    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)03:16:46 No.2753338
         File :1231834606.jpg-(37 KB, 268x335, mindgameposter250.jpg)
    37 KB

    There are 3 Miike suggestions in this thread, but yeah, it's a pretty solid list. Even the anime in the list is good. Can't say I've watched any of the French movies, even if I have I won't recognize the French titles.

    Mind Game: A nobody gets shot up the ass and killed in a restaurant after cowering on the floor while the love of his life gets molested. He is then given another shot at life by God. Car chase, living inside of gigantic whale, really weird animation and an uplifting story.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)04:31:31 No.2753981
         File :1231839091.jpg-(43 KB, 278x599, 278px-630507549.jpg)
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    The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
    Though it was made in 1920, this classic will keep you interested, even creeped out. It deals with a carnival coming to a small town. One of the first German expressionist films, so there's definitely something here for you hipsters too. When I think of tasteful plot twists in horror, this is the first and among the best.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)04:39:39 No.2754044
         File :1231839579.jpg-(28 KB, 500x375, 417949404_025dfde9bb_o.jpg)
    28 KB
    little otik. mmm svankmeyer
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)04:39:40 No.2754046
         File :1231839580.jpg-(17 KB, 300x392, La_Jetee_Poster.jpg)
    17 KB
    La Jetee
    Someone posted Twelve Monkeys. Fuck that. This is the short film it's based off of. No WaCkY hijinks in this, just fanfuckingtastic direction through standalone photos and a simple, bleak narration.
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 01/13/09(Tue)04:42:26 No.2754074
    Looks very interesting, I'll have to check it out.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)04:58:23 No.2754166
    Just finished watching this. Hella got my brain thinking about corruption and capitalism and now I'm hella raging at the status quo. It was also entertaining.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)05:08:14 No.2754236
    brb 400 blows
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)05:09:56 No.2754244
    I'm actually sort of touched. Is that allowed on 4chan? Besides /an/, that is... Thanks for the appreciation.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)05:19:49 No.2754291
         File :1231841989.jpg-(41 KB, 303x450, 1111111.jpg)
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    I really really really enjoyed this movie! It was so sad to see her struggle against the world she was born to, near life-changing. I cried
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)09:00:55 No.2755642
         File :1231855255.jpg-(33 KB, 598x448, 1231029841920.jpg)
    33 KB

    /r9k/ would be better if most of the posters didn't feel that they have to force an internet tough guy attitude. I can sort of understand most of the "Interest" boards having that attitude since people tend to rage about those things in real life as well. /b/ hangs over the boards like an oppressive shadow.
    >> !MIKE.KBfzM 01/13/09(Tue)09:04:18 No.2755666
    Anyone got a working torrent for this?
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)09:05:56 No.2755675

    These look very interesting. I am downloading or trying to download most of the films in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)09:11:52 No.2755697

    For anyone interested, here's a working torrent. http://thepiratebay.org/details.php?id=3323052
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)09:17:03 No.2755722
    I'll spare the recommendations but here's a nice little community for cult, foreign, and generally obscure film. Close to 10,000 items up at present and all rapidshare. You'll need to sign up but it's free.

    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)09:17:10 No.2755723
    Cool thread. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)09:19:07 No.2755733

    There's also a torrent for the DVD image at asiandvdclub.org if you've got a user there.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)09:38:10 No.2755838
    I heard "Himalaya - l'enfance d'un chef" should be a really win movie, and I'm pretty sure I watched it years ago when I was much younger... But I searched the Internet with no results, anyone happened to stumble across it?
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)09:48:19 No.2755893

    Can't find it either. Soundtrack sounds good http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=FoLfzIzjmUI
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)09:57:25 No.2755936
    Brazil - 1984 on drugs
    Naked Lunch - by David Lynch iirc
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)10:03:23 No.2755972
    Last Year in Marienbad. Also Mon oncle d'Amerique. Both by Alain Resnais
    Also. The man of the line. Now that's a weird Dutch movie.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)10:28:45 No.2756116
    david cronenberg, actually, you can smell the B-movie geekery.

    I'm just using this post to bump this shit yaw.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)10:33:54 No.2756166

    I agree, that one one wierd ass film
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)10:35:03 No.2756173
    Nine Lives of Thomas Katz & its relative Le Roi De Coeur

    John Waters flicks, the last one is very good

    strange british hippy shit like the Magic Christian and Withnail & I, best theatrical drama ever put to tape

    hippy-era new wave director movies, my favourite is Giulietta of the Spirits by Fellini

    Walkabout by that australian hotshot director from the 70s

    Altman's imagining of The Last Goodbye, the man was great when doing literature.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)11:01:21 No.2756397
    Might buy both movie and OST, will upload if that happens..

    But please, if anyone ELSE stumbles across it let us knooooow!
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)11:04:04 No.2756416
         File :1231862644.jpg-(258 KB, 749x1000, lebonlabruteetlecinglettz4.jpg)
    258 KB
    motherfucking this.

    'the good, the bad, the weird '
    most entertaining movie of 2008.
    korean western made by the director of 'a tale of two sisters'
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)11:05:51 No.2756430
    If you read the thread, you'd have seen it's already posted. But yes, looks awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)11:07:19 No.2756446
    Entire movie is subbed on youtube in high quality:


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