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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

    today marks the end of scheduled maintenance—two guys with two weeks to kill and a few hundred hours later, we're finally [mostly] done.
    page loads/image downloads should be dramatically faster. until we hit 1gbps, at least. to all of my wonderful and ungrateful users: "you're welcome."
    (note: there are still a few other things i'll be working on so expect intermittent downtime)
    ps: thanks so much to mvb for all of the help and support.

    File :1231813666.jpg-(34 KB, 600x446, P1010012.jpg)
    34 KB Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:27:46 No.2749224  
    I don't understand why misogyny is so widespread.
    What could possibly make you think you're better than a woman?
    Women could, and have, done virtually everything that men have with the exceptions of things they would have done if they hadn't been stigmatized.

    Marie Curie
    Clara Barton
    Amelia Earhart

    Women should be proud of themselves for having XX chromosomes. We are powerful if only we believe in ourselves.

    Oh yeah, and I'm pretty sure you're all sexually frustrated anyway.

    Pic related; it's me. I'm proud of how I look, and if you say anything contrarian, it's because arguing is your way of coping with the fact that you'll never have a girl like me.
    >> Pizza !rWNBkCs4.2 01/12/09(Mon)21:29:21 No.2749250

    you sucka t this

    a lot
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:29:57 No.2749260
    Because obviously calling me a troll makes me wrong.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:30:06 No.2749263
    I don't think "contrarian is a word."
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:30:42 No.2749273
    Well, we can't even see what you look like, so...
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:30:48 No.2749275
    This is pretty poor trolling.
    >> dave 01/12/09(Mon)21:31:34 No.2749282
    i don't care that i won't have a girl like me.

    i used to have a girl like you, and then i dropped her and found one that's half of you, but still is getting her finance/MIS degree.

    seriously, you speak well, but you cut off the top of your head, your use of light is horrible (washes you out), and your have sausage fingers. lose weight, be happier. maybe a guy will hit on you then!
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:31:39 No.2749284
    Maybe if you'd spend less time picking apart semantics, you could actually manifest some semblance of intelligence.
    As it is, you appear to be insecure in your own ability to reason, so you rely on the weaker man's tactics.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:31:50 No.2749287
    You responded pizza, so as obvious a troll as the op is, you've taken the bait.
    That or your just bumping your own thread.
    Either way - lulz
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:31:50 No.2749288
    Sage for trolling and also for having a better looking girlfriend than OP pic.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:31:52 No.2749289
    This troll is so blatant that I bet you'll have 200+ replies within a matter of a few hours. Fuck you, OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:33:14 No.2749307
    In b4 200+ replies.

    No one's contesting that women have made significant contributions to the world, but simply that they're a cold, calculating, and self-serving people who have never truly experienced loneliness and, thus, are inferior as human beings.
    >> cancer.exe !!ZD0NvvGcSg6 01/12/09(Mon)21:33:16 No.2749308
    Its pretty simple. There are guys who know how what girls want and those who don't. The ones who don't get frustrated because girls reject or ignore them.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:33:18 No.2749309
    Posting with the intent of making yourself feel desirable as a result of receiving no attention outside of the internet?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:33:50 No.2749317
    I was just thinking the same thing, this bad boy looks ready to run.
    Go for it anon, tell the nasty lady where to go lol.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:34:12 No.2749321
    It's pretty funny, actually, that when I make good points, instead of trying to refute them because either you know you'll fail or you've never seen someone argue my point in an effective manner, you try to discount them by saying I'm trolling.

    Good luck ever convincing anyone of anything, you weaklings.
    >> sage sage 01/12/09(Mon)21:36:02 No.2749343
    Why must you assume that males are the only ones sexist towards women?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:37:20 No.2749359
    Neither men nor women should be "proud" for being their gender. While each gender does have certain different advantages and disadvantages, it is still up to each person to lead their own life and decide their purpose. You're not special because you're female, I'm not special because I'm male. You're not Marie Curie and I'm not Albert Einstein and we shouldn't be proud of ourselves simply because we belong to the same gender as they did.

    As for being proud of your looks. Savor them, that will pass in time. One day your breasts will sag and your face will no longer be smooth and attractive.

    Can we please stop this nonsense now?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:37:37 No.2749366
    Contribution to 200+ replies.
    OP is totally correct.
    I used to be a male, but women have showed me the light, and now i realize the errors of my ways.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:37:49 No.2749373
    You mean you're not trolling?
    Gee, I'm sorry.
    It's just that I assumed that anyone coming on here and pushing all the buttons you have, must definitely be after negative attention.
    Personally I like it and wish you success.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:38:11 No.2749383
    I don't. I'm not addressing females who are sexist towards females because they are only that way because of unhealthy male influence. If you don't go putting stupid ideas into a girl's head when she is very young, she won't grow up to be a braindead submissive trophywife.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:39:23 No.2749401
    >Can we please stop this nonsense now?

    We could if people like you weren't too fucking retarded to not respond to a troll thread without a sage. Cocks.
    >> ANGRY 01/12/09(Mon)21:42:24 No.2749452
    Sadly, I really don't think this is a troll. The fact that you have been able to name 3 candidates for the epitome of human achievement impresses no one and I am sure most posters are laughing at you right now. Misogyny is widespread because women are vain and shallow. Women will tell you that most women are vain and shallow but they will never admit to being so. It's kind of like an Ouroboros cycle but far less beautiful.

    Of course, I don't think all women are vain, some actually grow past adolescence and figure out that life isn't all about them.

    The fact is that feminism isn't as justified as you want it to be and your post is just further proof that:

    A) Women are regarded as lesser than men. (If you are a troll)
    B) People who glorify feminism usually lack any sense of humanity.

    By the way, I enjoyed your picture thoroughly, I am curious to find out how ugly you really are, considering you had to brighten up your picture to give yourself a more smooth and youthful appearance, something typical of stupid and vulgar people like yourself.

    If you are a troll, you are very good at this.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:43:23 No.2749465
    what do you want, a fucking cookie? Get back to the kitchen.

    Whole wheat
    - Roast beef
    - Mayo
    - Provolone
    - Lettuce
    - Tomato

    A fucking bottle of coke, .5L
    Some potato chips

    Now bitch! I'm fucking hungry!
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:43:27 No.2749467
    I'm going to respond as if you weren't a troll.

    if you were proud of how you looked, I'm sure you wouldn't have cropped your eyes or hidden your complexion/facial features with such intense exposure.

    Whether you look good or not, you are insecure. Not only that, but you have a tendency to abuse yourself psychologically. This is especially obvious because you are posting an anti-misogynist thread in such a place as /r9k/, where the only likely reply you would get is a negative one.

    Though women 'could, and have', more often than not, they haven't. Simple ability does not eaqual achievement, or responsibility.

    I am a healthy, fit, young male. I could go off and become a mayor, theoretically. I could also go off and murder x amount of people before being stopped by the police.

    I have, however, done neither, and so I am not credited with either 'accomplishment'. Just because Marie, Clara, and Amelia were able to overcome their inherent flaws as women, does not mean that you are any better.

    also, I have had girls like you. also girls likely better than you. And more than one at once.

    tldr; go fuck yourself, troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:43:33 No.2749472
    Yes, Cocks indeed.
    Anything can be improved with the addition of COCKS!!
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:44:20 No.2749484
    Thanks, spineless9000.
    For proving my point.
    Enjoy sitting back and preserving your confidence by refraining from making an ass of yourself.
    Don't look down because the realization that being yourself will not gain you any favor amongst your peers may be disorienting.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:45:45 No.2749502

    Maybe if you spent less time arguing childishly with your detractors and rudely treating them like inferior human beings, you could actually get us to seriously consider your points. As it is, you rely on offensively arrogant and oversimplified arguments like this one:

    >What could possibly make you think you're better than a woman?

    Let's just think about this one question for a moment.
    a) It is incredibly sexist.
    b) It is incredibly condescending, which naturally will provoke anger in its target audience. This is not a good way to get someone to take you seriously.

    And then there's the matter of this...

    >Oh yeah, and I'm pretty sure you're all sexually frustrated anyway.

    That does not strike me as a rational argument. Not only that, it is completely and totally irrelevant to the discussion at hand. Relevant ad-hominem attacks are one thing - irrelevant ones are another.

    I'm not a mysognist, by the way. I truly and completely believe that males and females are essentially equivalent. It is for that reason that your point is incompatible with my ideology.

    Women are not superior to men. Men are not superior to women. Is that so difficult to understand?

    The old feminism was good... I had an English teacher who was a REAL feminist. Nice old lady.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:46:30 No.2749515
    It's not a troll thread you piece of shit. Quit always assuming that every thread like this is a troll thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:48:05 No.2749536
    >If you are a troll, you are very good at this.

    Oh please, this isn't subtle enough to be considered good.
    You haven't seen fine trolling and so you respond seriously with some personal attack thrown in for good measure.
    If you weren't so new to the chan you'd ignore this completely.
    Just as you should ignore my allusion to you're naivete.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:48:05 No.2749537
    Contrarian is a word - John Stossel is a contrarian.

    I don't care if these assholes call you a troll. Sometimes reading all this whiny shit about how women are so difficult is tiresome. At least you're partially a breath of fresh air.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:48:50 No.2749548
    I'm not a misogynist, I'm a realist.

    People in general suck.

    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:50:25 No.2749562

    This. Seriously, stupid the male vs female crap. All of you, I honestly don't give a shit and never did. We're all human. Nothing is superior to us.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:51:13 No.2749573

    Really? Oh, drat. I stand corrected.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:51:25 No.2749577
    Just because you took offense does not mean that I was treating you like an inferior human being.
    My question was, "What makes you think you're better than a woman?"
    Maybe you think I'm implying something there; looking down on you... Which seems to reflect YOUR own insecurities.

    The latter was not irrelevant. From what I've seen on 4chan, land of anonymity and the subsequent loss of inhibition, the males who act alpha are the ones who could never make it as such.
    You think a man who beats his chest online in a cliched manner has a chance at mating in the real world?
    Fortunately, he doesn't, unless he hides these bullshit mantras he's inherited from men who seem to him as though they know what they are talking about.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:52:03 No.2749583
    1. you fuckers use the fact you're women to manipulate men. it's not right.
    2. most women are plain dumb and this is something you have to admit. i mean, most men are fucking idiots too, but the intelligent men to women ratio is like 10:1
    3. most of you use makeup. look at you. you're using fucking nail polish. what for? it's fucking useless. and you're trying to make me believe you're smart. you're not. you're generic.
    4. compare the number of men that have done great things the last 50 years vs women. stephen hawking, linus torvalds (i'm not a linux fan. just thought about him. you can change it for steve wozniak, theo de raadt or bill fucking gates if you want), vint cerf, etc. any women doing great things? whenever i ask the only thing i get as a response is HURR DURR MARIE CURIE. i can bet most of you idiots don't even know what the fuck marie curie did.

    so yeah, that's why i fucking hate women. yes, i'm a virgin. but if i didn't want to be one, i'd be learning mystery method or some shit, because you are so fucking dumb that you fall for that shit.
    >> ANGRY 01/12/09(Mon)21:52:16 No.2749587
    I'm not new here.


    huh bro
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:54:57 No.2749626
    /r9k/ is the funniest board on 4chan because for some reason, everyone thinks that it's SERIOUS BUSINESS here. THIS is the board where you can change people's minds and dismantle destructive ideas. Keep on rocking the free world kids.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:56:15 No.2749643

    I dunno I'm a guy and I hate it when people don't think women are as good as men.

    They are. Also I think in certain sports (besides gymnastics) women are built to do better.

    Just the fact they can carry around another person in them and still survive is amazing.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:56:35 No.2749647
    look at me, i'm proud of something i have no control over.

    shut up, no one cares. this also goes to people who are proud of being black, asian, latino, whatever. yeah you're a fag, no one gives a fuck. go accomplish something other than masturbating to your reflection.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:58:54 No.2749685
    Men made roads and houses, OP.

    >33 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

    >> ANGRY 01/12/09(Mon)21:59:12 No.2749691
    >another person

    oh my fucking god
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:01:11 No.2749722
    What o_O?

    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:02:13 No.2749741

    I think I'll respond to this, just because this is fun. :P

    >Just because you took offense does not mean that I was treating you like an inferior human being.

    Tell that to feminists. ;)

    >Maybe you think I'm implying something there; looking down on you... Which seems to reflect YOUR own insecurities.

    Again, tell that to feminists. Let me ask you the same question in reverse: "Why do you think you're better than men?" Can you answer that? Can I answer your question? The answer to both of those last questions is, I hope, "no".

    >The latter was not irrelevant. From what I've seen on 4chan, land of anonymity and the subsequent loss of inhibition, the males who act alpha are the ones who could never make it as such.

    But it has nothing to do with your argument that women are as good as or better than men. Which, unless I misunderstood, was your original point, was it not?

    And most interesting: I, of all the posters in this thread, make a somewhat diplomatic post (or section of a post, to be precise), and you completely ignore it.

    Can't you see that I don't really WANT to debate this? It's been discussed far too much on /r9k/ and elsewhere already. For fuck's sake, I don't give a shit if men and women are equal or not. I just want to live my life without having to listen to both sides incessantly raging at one another over something that could and should be completely MEANINGLESS in the greater context of society.
    >> ANGRY 01/12/09(Mon)22:04:37 No.2749771
    Leave immediately.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:05:20 No.2749777
    Simplistic "IM RITE UR RONG" troll with added lenseflare shitty photo for ironic effect.

    >> sage sage 01/12/09(Mon)22:06:08 No.2749785
    Jesus Christ, wow.
    You're a fucking pretentious slice of flesh.
    Women are over emotional, nobody had to tell me that for me to just my own reasoning to the matter.
    A male has *never* forced shit into my brain, I was born pretty much sexist. Males have more fun, females spend most of their time worrying about their looks. They'll only get something because it's made by a certain brand. They're fucking annoying and talk loudly and fast-ly. Women are, as a whole, unintelligent. You may have your ability to hear higher frequencies and able to pick up a bigger vocabulary in English, but generally math is the basis of everything. Men naturally have greater motor skills and able to figure out mathematical problems and view a geometrical shape and rotate it within their mind. I never heard of *one* mathematical philosopher back in the days of Archimedes, Aristotle, Syracuse, Plato, Socrates, Euclid, Fibonacci, and so on; none of them were females.
    Most females are social billboards for corporate companies and paint their face with chemicals to generate an unrealistic look. It takes more for a woman to look "attractive" than it does for a man.
    Not all females are as dumb as you are, just the HUGE majority. All of the women around me just make me delve deeper into the mindset of being sexist. Stop acting like a fucking object, stop painting your face and your nails with chemicals and calling yourselves equal, that's not what a human looks like. Females are just my social tools. Being *proud* of having XX chromosomes? You're giving off vibes that you're saying women are more intelligent than men, not equal. It's kind of like somebody going out and shouting out Straight pride.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:06:57 No.2749797
    Thank you for a very pleasant diversion OP.
    Have to go now, but I'm sure you will have lots of fun.
    I seriously suggest you look into the art of trolling a little more intently, for you have instinctive skill, but not the discipline recquired.
    You're freind,
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:09:24 No.2749825

    Hahahahahahaha so true.

    But for cerealz, the internet is SERIOUS BUSINESS.
    >> ANGRY 01/12/09(Mon)22:09:31 No.2749827
    You are friend, too.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:09:40 No.2749829
    Are you retarded? I guess in your day, educators didn't place much importance on reading comprehension.
    I'll say it at a pace with which you can keep up.

    Your "tell that to feminists" crap is no improvement to your argument. You're trying to weasel out of having to account for your shortcomings here. Take it like the dignified man you think you are instead of a sore loser.

    "But it has nothing to do with your argument that women are as good as or better than men. Which, unless I misunderstood, was your original point, was it not?"
    Oh, now I feel bad because clearly, you are "differently-abled."
    Listen. The reason I brought up the fact that a lot of these neckbeard misogynists seem to be sexually frustrated is because it means that their "arguments" are severely biased. To the point at which they can't be taken seriously because it's just spite and willful ignorance driving it.

    It's time to take that other hand off of your penis and put your *other* head to work here.
    >> sage sage 01/12/09(Mon)22:10:01 No.2749833
    Yeah, exposing the intensity of your picture to be higher in brightness and not showing a face definitely shows you're attractive yet intelligent. Try showing that picture as ID reference and see how far you'd get.
    Whoops, forgot my sage!
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:10:09 No.2749835
    You KNOW it's a troll when it's followed by "PIC RELATED IT'S ME HURR"
    >> sage 01/12/09(Mon)22:15:09 No.2749904
    Passing kidney stones is more painful, each gender can have it. I'm pretty sure they usually survive.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:15:42 No.2749912
    That's not a tanktop.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:22:05 No.2749981
    give me one time a woman has run a country that makes a significant fucking difference in the world.
    if a black guy can make president, why cant a woman?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:22:22 No.2749985

    You guys are a bunch of idiots. Not every controversial topic is a troll. Morons. Try acting more like this is /r9k and less /b
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:23:48 No.2750007
    >I'll say it at a pace with which you can keep up

    Great! Thank you for clarifying that particular point. Please forgive me if I make assumptions - every OTHER female (or male, actually) who makes a post with the tone of yours in fact IS insinuating that their gender is the superior one. Males do this too. You can hardly blame me for reading such things into your post - it's what I'm hardwired to do now, from being around here so long!

    >Your "tell that to feminists" crap is no improvement to your argument. You're trying to weasel out of having to account for your shortcomings here.

    What shortcomings are we speaking of here? I have many, as do all humans. What of it? I'm merely making the point that feminists are like misogynists in reverse. If you're going to accuse me of lacking basic reading comprehension, perhaps you ought to remember a story about glass houses.

    >Oh, now I feel bad because clearly, you are "differently-abled."

    What? I'm not "differently-abled" so far as I know, and never stated nor implied any such thing.

    >Listen. The reason I brought up the fact that a lot of these neckbeard misogynists seem to be sexually frustrated is because it means that their "arguments" are severely biased. To the point at which they can't be taken seriously because it's just spite and willful ignorance driving it.

    Yes, I quite understand that, and in fact agree. While I am not particularly intelligent, I am not particularly stupid, either. However, you could have just come out and SAID as much, instead of posting something that [you should have known] would be taken as being deliberately inflammatory.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:24:45 No.2750022
    >It's time to take that other hand off of your penis and put your *other* head to work here.

    See, there you go again. Not only do you continue with these condescending and obviously inflammatory remarks, but you're stereotyping. Badly. If you've been reading my posts, you'll have seen that I am, in fact, AGREEING WITH YOU.


    I am merely taking issue to your presentation for the purpose of my own aesthetics. Does that really merit lumping me in with the rest of your "detractors"?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:25:23 No.2750031

    ... should be the same post, BTW. Stupid field too long errors.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:26:00 No.2750045
    I chose horses
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:26:32 No.2750052
    You're the reason why there's sexism.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:27:45 No.2750067
    >>Try acting more like this is /r9k and less /b



    Sage for less-than-amateur-trolling
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 01/12/09(Mon)22:29:54 No.2750093
    Well. OP, I think you really need to look into the history of women and power, there are some things in there that you do need to be critically aware of in order to understand misogyny.

    First, cutting beyond the arguments about strength and evolutionary dependence, you have to get to something critical.

    Women become pregnant. Pregnancy can be debilitating and often women miss months of work due to maternity leave.

    I cannot stress enough how missing a month is career-destroying. In a work environment, you are on critical projects, the possibility of you taking a month or two off will destroy your ability to be effective in that job. Women in their late 20s and early 30's are almost worthless in a mission critical jobs because they are too likely to get pregnant and waste your time and resources.

    This is something that is hard to grasp and is very misogynistic -- but it is also true. I cannot tell you how devestating it is to career momentum to disappear for months. Months is long enough to be forgotten. Months is long enough to go from Superstar to Who? Oh. Her? Yeah. She bailed on us when we needed her.

    Then there is the mommy stigma, that people will always perceive you to be vulnerable, ready to run out of a business meeting to go pick up your kids from school. And the few times a woman does do it are magnified by millions.

    It is not fair, but it is what happens, and it is what makes women, very very disadvantaged in the business world.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:30:55 No.2750113
    I "should have known" you'd be offended?
    Let's all reform our replies in accordance with politically correct standards.
    Oh, right, we can't because that would be fucking pointless.

    You are obviously very confused as to whether or not you agree with me because you misinterpret much, if not all, of what I say.
    Do me a favor and stay off of my side because you're fagging it up.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:31:42 No.2750120
    Well, uh, femanon here, and I'd just like to make sure you know that you're not proud of how you look if you have to photoshop an image of yourself that much.

    I mean, other than the fact that you're an obvious troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:33:01 No.2750134
    Durr I'm right and if you disagree with me you're just coping with something else
    >> Peaslee !!9kYN4XWvAjd 01/12/09(Mon)22:35:41 No.2750164
    Excuse me. You are attempting to use advanced vocabulary and sounding pretentious. Contrarian? Seriously? First of all it's not a word, and second of all, even if it was, it's unnecessarily long.

    I hate women because they're stupid and proud of it. Stupid guys at least compensate by having big muscles, which is an achievement. Stupid women just get to be stupid with other stupid women and think they're cool because of it. Not that all women are stupid, but 90% of stupid mothers will create stupid daughters, thus the cycle is endless.

    I raise Curie by Pascal. And Barton by Bill Gates. And Amelia Earhart obvious was an idiot, she just flew planes for a living.

    You showed us like a couple of square inches. How are we supposed to judge anything? Are you so weak and insecure?
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 01/12/09(Mon)22:36:14 No.2750172
    So true. And that angle only makes it more obvious and very painful. It's like a jr. high. myspace picture. It's terrible.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:37:35 No.2750193

    >I "should have known" you'd be offended?

    Well, surely you have SOME idea of what emotional responses will be evoked in your target demographic by what you write? You'd be just as socially retarded as the people on 4chan are if you didn't.

    I'm not particularly offended, by the way. I'm just saying that all you'll get by phrasing your posts so is more misogyny and antagonism. If *I*, someone who is deliberately TRYING to agree with you, can misinterpret your posts, someone who is inclined NOT to agree with anything a woman says will certainly misinterpret them.

    >Let's all reform our replies in accordance with politically correct standards.
    >Oh, right, we can't because that would be fucking pointless.

    Not just pointless, IMPOSSIBLE, actually. But I'm not talking about political correctness. I do not give a shit about political correctness. I think it's the cancer killing this world. I'm talking about you, making a point to 4chan. A CLEAR, UNDERSTANDABLE, and INARGUABLE point. So far, all three have been in dispute due to the way you phrase your posts.

    Once again, I draw attention to the fact that I have apparently misinterpreted your posts. I admit that, I really do. Please accept my admission and move on. If I can misinterpret you, others can. And have. And WILL.

    Do I make MY point clear now?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:38:37 No.2750208
    I could beat you in a fight. Your argument is invalid
    >> Peaslee !!9kYN4XWvAjd 01/12/09(Mon)22:39:38 No.2750224
    It probably is.

    SHUT THE FUCK UP. Anyone who is offended is supposed to be; those who take it at face value are just as bad as those who find it directed at them.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:39:59 No.2750229
         File :1231817999.png-(13 KB, 410x211, how_it_works.png)
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    I think girls are generally pretty cool. Misogyny is easily summed up by this image.

    That said, contrarian is a noun; as in "one who is contrary," not a adjective as you've used it here.

    Example usage:
    >If any of you feel like being contrarians, it's because...

    Anyway, ugly shade of nail polish, great myspace angle, and excellent use of flash to totally wash out any flaws in your skin. Really awesome picture. Though I must admit, I like your hair.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:40:42 No.2750238
    Discussing this is like discussing religion. If you have to explain it you dont even get it.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:41:09 No.2750245
    >a girl like me
    You must think very highly of yourself. Kindly GTFO.
    >> Peaslee !!9kYN4XWvAjd 01/12/09(Mon)22:41:48 No.2750253
    My only complaint on the hair is it looks 14-year-old-greasy.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:42:20 No.2750259
    >Women could, and have, done virtually everything that men have with the exceptions of things they would have done if they hadn't been stigmatized.

    translation: women have done everything men have done except for the things they havent...its not often that i see a grasp of logic this poor...most impressive op
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:42:30 No.2750263
    It's mostly sexual frustration. Young women have a very easy time getting sex and we are all rightfully bitter about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:42:33 No.2750264
    You bring it upon yourself with shit like this.

    You TROLL
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:42:48 No.2750268
    "People in this thread will misinterpret your argument."

    Thanks for that, little Suzy.
    If what I said had been simple enough for any dimwit to comprehend, it wouldn't have been an argument at all.
    >> Peaslee !!9kYN4XWvAjd 01/12/09(Mon)22:43:46 No.2750279
    Correction: women have done everything men have done except for the things they haven't because they were too busy whining about being women.
    >> Anonymous !VXdXLG8v/w 01/12/09(Mon)22:43:54 No.2750280
    Girls invented windshield wipers. Men invented the car, history is history.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:44:15 No.2750287

    What would it have been then?
    >> wB !9Y0UTmCMPI 01/12/09(Mon)22:46:57 No.2750326
    Possibly. But keep in mind a girl looking like that probably has a bodybuilding police officer as a boyfriend, who could kick your ass AND GET AWAY WITH IT.

    I think that invalidates your argument.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:47:00 No.2750327
    In all fairness, windshield wipers are pretty fucking useful.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:47:07 No.2750329
    "This is a website."
    "I walked my dog today."
    "It's possible that some folk heroes had never existed."
    >> Anonymous !VXdXLG8v/w 01/12/09(Mon)22:47:56 No.2750341

    So is the god damn engine!
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:48:48 No.2750354
    >"It's possible that some folk heroes had never existed."

    I think some people from the Middle East would consider that an argument.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:51:05 No.2750379
    In that case, they would be misconstruing the phrase as if it were specifically about Mid East folk heroes, in which case, I guess it IS too complicated to be on that list.

    This proves my point. When making an argument, misunderstandings are inevitable.
    Doesn't make you any less stupid for misunderstanding in the first place, sadly.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:51:46 No.2750392
    Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Jesus, Muhammad, Moses and Abraham, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin.

    Compared to

    Zenobia of Palmyra
    Queen Elizabeth or Victoria.

    Done more for good or bad than any woman.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:52:18 No.2750405
    I like how this thread opened with accusations of trolling and went so many posts anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:53:25 No.2750426

    Once again, you make this all about me. What about everyone else in the thread, the ones who thought you were a troll? Don't you have anything to say about them?

    Though, now that you mention it, I guess it does make me feel kinda special to have you picking on me. :)
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:55:59 No.2750453
    I was actually reading and understanding the post until you said sexually frustrated.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:56:45 No.2750468

    Same here. Then I rage'd.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:59:43 No.2750510
         File :1231819183.jpg-(34 KB, 320x240, 080425_girl_giant_tumor1.jpg)
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    You, specifically, have appeared unusually asinine. Call it "picking" if you will.
    Those who accuse me of trolling? I've already said what I've got to say about them. No one paid it any mind because people here are so scared of "taking bait" and therefore humiliating themselves that they're reluctant to make a case.

    Troll-fearing denizens of /r9k/, I have bad news for you.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:00:02 No.2750516
    ...Have you ever been on /r9k/?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:03:08 No.2750550

    I'm sorry, but what the fuck? Also, sage for a 0/10 troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:06:21 No.2750580
    Why should I be proud of such a generally retarded gender? The only reason I'm glad I'm a chick is because I get to date the guys I find excellent, and have more power over the fucking retards (which are fewer than they are among women, btw). That and I get more attention for managing to achieve the simple tasks most women can't than a man doing much more difficult things would. Double standards are awesome when you're a notch above cunts like you.

    I'm so glad I wasn't born a lesbian. I probably would have killed myself the instant I hit puberty.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:07:50 No.2750602

    Maybe so. But I still made you admit that you believe women are not superior to men on a strongly misogynistic board. ;)
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:10:19 No.2750623
    sure is [spoiler]trolls trolling trolls[/spoiler] in here guys
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:12:11 No.2750637
    ITT: We have always hated women on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:12:14 No.2750639
    You didn't "make" me admit to believing anything. The notion that I would be ashamed of anything I believe is so ridiculous that it makes me question how comfortable you are with your own standpoints.
    Again, I don't understand why you feel it is so central to my argument that women be above men when I never pretended that this was the case.
    I'm going to go the safe route and assume you're trying to divert the conversation. Bravo? It didn't seem to be going anywhere because the thread is full of vacant vessels like yourself.
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 01/12/09(Mon)23:13:23 No.2750648
    This is just a horrible thread. We have to make like 3 good threads to make up for this thread. And everything in the world is wrong with the OP who has not been demonstrably intelligent, provocative, or interesting the whole time. It's been a horrible trainwreck of those trolling, those being trolled, and those trying to salvage this mess from being what it is.

    But it cannot be saved. There's no hope for it. It's just a magnet for disaster, a hole into which quality becomes shit, and nothing good could ever come from.

    I hate you OP. With all my soul.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:16:24 No.2750687

    The insecurities begin to flow. Don't worry, you had a decent run there. 1/10 would shake my head in disgust again.
    >> Soviet Canuckistan !!h5f05jH+Yuq 01/12/09(Mon)23:17:50 No.2750701
    Women that actually think like this are what make me hate my own gender.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:19:29 No.2750719

    >>and if you say anything contrarian, it's because arguing is your way of coping with the fact that you'll never have a girl like me.

    who are you to dictate what my differing opinion means?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:21:41 No.2750743
    I'm going to cum on your lips and stick them to my wall. then I'm going to make you cook dinner. And wash all the dishes.
    >> my2¢ 01/12/09(Mon)23:24:57 No.2750771
    You say "I'm proud of how I look, and if you say anything contrarian, it's because arguing is your way of coping with the fact that you'll never have a girl like me."

    Your stating this does not make it so. What it does is protect you, it gives you a sense of unassailable security but this security is based on a commitment to a false premise. False because your assertions cannot negate our opinions and false because you are clearly insecure about how you look. This is why the picture you've posted is washed out, over exposed and your eyes are obscured.
    If you were proud of how you look, you wouldn't hide your face. You wouldn't feel the need to armor yourself in a blanket of shielding words, protecting you from insults that you are sure will follow.
    Your assertions of the power of women are both sad and amusing. Not because women are inherently inferior but because when you use these words you use them as affectation; a mantra that if repeated enough times you may some day feel able to believe about yourself.
    You use words that are bigger than you are, words that you barely grasp enough to wield to further insulate yourself or, more accurately, to obfuscate the person you really are with this flimsy construct of a "strong, smart woman". Flimsy logic as flack.
    You come in here painting yourself as a champion of womanhood. You ask why men hate you while with the same breath, you insult them on a basic level. All while flailing to dodge insults that have yet to be hurled.
    What you surely believe to be a proud statement of feminine pride and worth has landed as a misguided, antagonistic spasm of insecurity and philogyny.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:25:20 No.2750780
    I agree. Fuck girl, shut the fuck up already! You're obviously not a troll because your responses are unintelligent, but not substantial enough to evoke a strong response. Nobody is making an argument against you because you haven't said anything worth addressing (other than what was already said by someone that it appears is to old and/or too intelligent to be spending time on 4chan, and he even agreed with you). Seriously. Go for a run, it will do some much-needed calorie burning and give you happy feelings that should help you overcome your own sexism.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:25:51 No.2750787
    more like /trollsandvirgins9k/
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:26:11 No.2750791
         File :1231820771.jpg-(13 KB, 280x280, snuggie.jpg)
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    lol @ all the men in this thread. PRO TIP: all the great inventors who were men was like 100 years ago they don't invent things anymore!! and back then women werent aloud to invent things

    women are inventing useful things everyday! they invented the snuggie and its the most comfortable line of clothing ever in history!!
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:26:58 No.2750802

    Did I ever say such a thing? IS that notion something to be ashamed of? The fact that you're rushing around denying leads me to believe that you, consciously or not, DO believe such a thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:27:23 No.2750807
    It's spelled "allowed".
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:28:34 No.2750824
    OMG I am so wearing a snuggie right now.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:28:38 No.2750825

    The "snuggie" is clothing?!


    Shh! It's only a model!
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:31:19 No.2750846


    Wouldn't leave home without one.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:32:24 No.2750860
    I'm not a misogynist. The most sexist view I hold is that men are sometimes better suited to certain occupations due to basic physiological differences. Like pro-wrestling or policing.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:34:50 No.2750885
    This thread made me laugh. OP, when you're trolling, you don't get caught up in an argument with one of the posters. It's bad form. You're supposed to let them mill about and slaughter one another.

    >> UZ !kHzD4It5Tc 01/12/09(Mon)23:35:59 No.2750906
         File :1231821359.png-(11 KB, 604x287, troll face.png)
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    This whole thread. Seriously, this is almost funny but somehow too sad to be funny. :/
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:39:11 No.2750947
    OP, what exactly is the point that you're trying to make? You say that you don't understand why misogyny is so widespread, and don't even understand the cause. You can fix that problem by studying some history. If you want people to argue with you, you could at least make a point more intelligent than "I don't really understand the world... Also, I think I'm hawt".
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:40:23 No.2750962
    Girls rule boys drool

    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:40:32 No.2750964

    I read it as more like, "I don't really understand the world, but I think women are awesome. Also, I'm hawt and you're all losers."

    I don't think I'm alone in that interpretation.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:41:24 No.2750981

    Girls drool...

    ... from their vaginas when our raging hard cocks are stuffed in them.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:42:09 No.2750997
    You'd think we'd get tired of shit like this eventually.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:44:35 No.2751025
    Hehe, I wonder how many people responding here are actually women.

    Judging by the lack of sophistication evident in the OP's posts, I suspect she has yet to become one.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:48:39 No.2751068

    The "snugie" is just a cheap rip-off of THE SLANKET (which was invented by a man named Gary)
    >> UZ !kHzD4It5Tc 01/12/09(Mon)23:50:28 No.2751099
    Nah, trolls never sleep. It's their whole schtick.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:57:52 No.2751204
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:58:11 No.2751209
    OPs a trolly-olly O!
    Your a trolly-olly O!
    Im A trolly-olly o to!

    We're so happy cant you see?
    Pooping poops and peeing pee!!
    All together lulzn Anonymously!!
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:02:09 No.2751264
    I think this thread is officially dead. OP got scared.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:05:05 No.2751300
    Norman Borlaug
    Albert Einstein
    Winston Churchill
    I think one can safely say that men have done more.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:06:07 No.2751315
    ScientistFag here, I assume this is not a troll.

    >Women could, and have, done virtually everything that men have with the exceptions of things they would have done if they hadn't been stigmatized.

    Hmmm is that neccesarily true? I've certainly met extremely intelligent women in my work. One even outscored me in my coursework and I hold her with my highest respect.

    That said, most women I've met are shallow, boring and only care to be a parasite. That is, they see men as walking wallets and a man without her target profession is someone she won't even look at.

    When we look down on women, we're not looking down on the fundamental being of a women, which is probably the same or similar to being a man. Minus some physiological difference (including brain structure). We're looking at how average women behave.

    Anyway, though you're likely nothing special to look at (the fact that you had to crop and brighten said a lot), it would be better if you weren't so vain like the other girls.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:06:24 No.2751322
    Ah yes, but let's not forget Dr. Phil
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:08:01 No.2751336
    hard to tell from your picture, but potentially attractive. My curiosity is piqued.

    I'm male, but I don't hate women.

    I love them.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:10:38 No.2751365
    I once saw a poster of famous women throughout history, and they had so few to choose from that only half the poster actually had people on it, and one of them was Marge Simpson.
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 01/13/09(Tue)00:12:00 No.2751382
    There were a massive number of female snipers during WW2. They were more resistant to cold and tended to be less fidgety than men, so they were very popular in the Soviet Union. Two generals ended up becoming feminists because they were so impressed by the women fighting for them.

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