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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

    today marks the end of scheduled maintenance—two guys with two weeks to kill and a few hundred hours later, we're finally [mostly] done.
    page loads/image downloads should be dramatically faster. until we hit 1gbps, at least. to all of my wonderful and ungrateful users: "you're welcome."
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    ps: thanks so much to mvb for all of the help and support.

    File :1231778889.jpg-(39 KB, 584x328, bush-pc-wide-cp-6078781.jpg)
    39 KB George "Dubya" Bush just had his final news conference. Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)11:48:09 No.2743112  
    And you know what? I'm gonna miss the guy.

    ITT we discuss Bush's legacy a mere 8 days before he is no longer President of the United States.
    >> RICK ASTLY 01/12/09(Mon)11:50:44 No.2743118
    sorry to be the one to tell you but obama will be shot in the fucking face.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)11:52:11 No.2743124

    Not impossible, just highly improbable.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)11:54:35 No.2743135
    man, how fucking cool would it be to be president?

    motherfucking president of the united states.
    >> i 01/12/09(Mon)11:55:31 No.2743138
    That doesn't change the fact that Bush won't be president in 9 days or ever again.
    >> Lord Nikon !!gN1qH1LItjI 01/12/09(Mon)11:56:10 No.2743144

    I can guarantee there will be a few attempts though.

    One is probably gonna hit but not kill him, but I don't expect much more than that.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)11:56:16 No.2743146
    It'd be fucking horrible if you couldn't handle your shit right.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)11:58:35 No.2743152
    op never mentioned obama
    >> RICK ASTLY 01/12/09(Mon)12:01:48 No.2743165
    i dont give a fuck,im in a shitty mood and obama seems to be looked at as if he is jesus...it pisses me off
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:03:04 No.2743175
    Go write a blog post about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:04:48 No.2743183
    I had a dream where george bush had an affair with Brittney spears whom he met ast a concert where she sang an aria from gerzelda. He took her in the back of his van (got noticeably younger) and fucked like rabbits. the next day, she was all freaked out that she fucked george bush and he was all worried about his job and such. She started yelling at him and he got stressed out and started yelling "I'm just some guy! ok! I'm just a guy! fuck!"

    I bet no ones ever said that before you fucking mootblock
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:04:59 No.2743185
    bush for me developed a comical aura about him over the years...obama is full of win but decidedly unfunny
    >> RICK ASTLY 01/12/09(Mon)12:07:12 No.2743199
    obama sucks my wifes shit coverd strapon,just look on rate my cock...in the bottom right corner
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:09:17 No.2743211
    Obama's inauguration speech has epic shoes to fill.

    People expect to be moved.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:10:31 No.2743217
    Nice try Rick Astly, were not going to let you rick roll us again!

    Hahaha! You little scamp!
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:14:50 No.2743240
    Bush was a nice guy, had good intentions, and was actually honest(despite what his critics say, 'blood for oil, etc, etc.). I just read an article about him in my local paper and it pointed out things I never even heard of about him. For instance, he was having a Yale reunion at the whitehouse and a friend from college came up to him who had been a man in school but is now a woman. The guy/girl says, 'you might not recognize me, i was Peter when I left college,' and Bush replies, 'And now you've come back as yourself,'. That's fucking moving, and doesn't fit the whole 'bush is an evil racist bible thumping moron,' AND, during the Bush presidency, the US gave more aid(lol aids) to Africa than any other president or the rest of the world ever has. So, 'bush doesn't care about black people' doesn't exactly fit the actions he took.

    tl;dr: Bush was a great guy, maybe too idealistic, and maybe to naive, but the media made him out to be hitler with a cowboy hat.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:19:49 No.2743267
    Bush was cool. Might not've been the best President ever, but considering the circumstances I think that he did pretty well. People just like jumping on the Bush-sucks bandwagon.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:21:05 No.2743278
    That's how Rick rolls.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:21:26 No.2743279
    Unfortunately, I doubt he'll be remembered as the cunt he was.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:25:35 No.2743301
    >>during the Bush presidency, the US gave more aid(lol aids) to Africa than any other president or the rest of the world ever has

    do you have any idea where aid actually ends up when we send it to africa? africa is a useless shithole and im tired of watching my tax dollars get thrown down it. let those spearchucking niggers fix their own damn country
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:25:56 No.2743304
    Bush wouldn't have been hated nearly as much if the Iraq war had been thoroughly justified. There definitely is a bandwagon effect, but I believe that is mostly amongst young people (many of whom couldn't even vote in 2004). He also fucked over young people even more with the "no child left behind" act.

    I think this came back to bite McCain in the ass a few years later.

    I am an Obama supporter (voted for him) and I think Bush would probably make a great guy in person, but as a president I would say the road to hell was paved with good intentions.
    >> Jim !NAZi1Dbdps 01/12/09(Mon)12:26:33 No.2743309
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    This is Bush's legacy, a legacy of failure. Here's a nearly complete list of his many, many, many failures in office. No successes were listed because the list would have been pathetically short:

    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:29:05 No.2743319
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:29:20 No.2743320
    I'm crying
    Bahh wahhh
    Obama wahhh
    somebody is going to shoot him, wahhh

    You faggots don't realize how effective the secret service is. If you've lived anywhere that Bush came to give speeches, you'd know they cover their shit. Whole areas of the city shut down, secret service guys all over the hotels, the apartment complexes, etc. Nobody is even going to get NEAR obama with a gun, let alone actually get a shot off.

    I hate to break it to you, but Obama's our new president, and he's going to kick bush's ass.

    Cry harder.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:29:50 No.2743322
    Who is that stylish gestapo looking motherfucker?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:30:11 No.2743324
    I think bush was not president material but rather the son of a president who got threw into things that he could never accomplish because people said "hes the son of the president, lol, he must be good!" and he never grew out of it.
    >> Jim !NAZi1Dbdps 01/12/09(Mon)12:30:43 No.2743328

    Jack Abramoff, lobbyist, thug, criminal and all around scumbag.

    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:31:29 No.2743334
    Not to mention the entire division of national guard's that are going to be in the capitol that day.

    They are even shipping in police from other districts.
    >> Jim !NAZi1Dbdps 01/12/09(Mon)12:31:39 No.2743336

    Also it should be noted he was a conservative lobbyist and he got a lot of his Republican buddies into deep shit when all of his illegal dealings came to light.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:32:09 No.2743338
    I wasn't aware presidents kicked each others asses. Whoever is president, i want them to do well for the country.

    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:33:00 No.2743346
    Admit it, you'd pay to watch a fistfight between the outgoing and incoming president when it's time to switch over. You'd fucking pay.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:34:56 No.2743356
    Can it be 'epic Dubya quotes' time now too? I've seen a poster with em, but I didn't have enough time to read them.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:37:53 No.2743369
    well, they dodge shoes at any rate
    >> Anonymous­­ 01/12/09(Mon)12:38:53 No.2743376

    GET IN HERE and say thanks to mootykins real quick. thanks.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:42:22 No.2743390
    Dude. Obama can bench 200 ibs. He is also like 20 years younger.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:44:46 No.2743409
    I was watching it, but then I could no longer endure the embarrassment of him being our president.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:50:23 No.2743446
    George W. Bush will forever be seen as the man who trolled the planet.

    At the end of the G8 summit last year, he said, "So long from the world's biggest polluter!" as he bid farewell to the other leaders.

    I wish I could be joking.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:50:56 No.2743449
    I always thought Bush was a terrible president, but if I ever ran into him on the street, he'd be really chill in that funny uncle sort of way.

    Wonder what he's going to do in retirement, besides plan his presidential library and write his autobiography
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:53:01 No.2743464
    That's pretty funny though.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:53:15 No.2743467
    i'll be sad to see him go, i think a lot of people misunderestimated him
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:21:58 No.2743690
    Dumb rich boy gets elected to presidency, gets manipulated by genuinely scary people with horrifying ulterior motives into doing incredibly unethical shit, will be remembered as "ha ha he no talk good."
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:28:56 No.2743742
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    Am I the only one who thinks Bush is drunk or high as fuck in this conference?
    >> ricefaggot 01/12/09(Mon)13:29:43 No.2743750
    I think Bush is awesome.

    Gonna miss ya, Dubyah
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:30:13 No.2743752
    He's an incompetent moronic neocon ideologue and since I'm not American, I have nothing but contempt for him, the dotards that elected him and, to a lesser extent, your entire population. Good day, sir.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:30:54 No.2743761
    last 8 years: "worst thing to ever happen to this country since it was founded"

    ITT: hey he's not bad actually
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:32:27 No.2743774
    George Bush is what everyone here wishes they could be.

    He trolled the entire world on an epic level and completely got away with it while getting paid to do it.

    He'll probably write a book and continue the troll/profit.

    God damn I'm jealous.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:34:04 No.2743789
    I hate Bush more than I hate anyone else alive. I am American, by the way, and yes, I voted for Obama. FUCK YEAH, KICK THE FUCKTARDED BASTARD OUT OF OFFICE.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:39:31 No.2743825
    I don't think handing over the presidency when your maximum length of term is over can really be called being 'kicked out of office'.
    >> Autonymoose !x4vv0ZYuAo 01/12/09(Mon)13:40:54 No.2743834
    I'm going to take my meager savings and throw a small party come the 20th. Good riddance to bad rubBush.

    Yeah, but you know there will be more plans/attempts on Obama's life than every previous president combined. That includes shoe throwing.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:44:37 No.2743867
    Bush will be looked upon kinder by historians, then how we feel about him now.

    His main domestic legacy is that of one fuck up after another. Mainly he will be remembered for fostering an atmosphere of intense polarization of American political culture. Furthermore, his election strategy of relying on a base of white, middle class southerners has completely fucked over the GOP for elections to come. The GOP has lost urban voters, visible minorities, Latinos, women, young voters, to the Dems.

    Where he will be vindicated:

    1) His foreign policy. Obama will carry on what Bush started (Afghanistan), and despite what it's harshest critics may have had to say, Iraq in 50 or so years, once it's gotten past the hic ups of any young democracy will stabilize. Bush may have been wrong about the WMD's , but Iraq's future is indeed bright.

    Gitmo; Obama is about to find out, that closing Gitmo ain't as easy as it looks. Does anyone really think that if Bush could have closed it, he still wound't have? The problem is what to do with the prisoners. There are lots of people who probably don't need such a high degree of security (probably the slight majority), but there are still some of the most dangerous men in the world incarcerated there.

    Katrina: This was NOT his fault. 1) It was an act of God, and the failure was that of a weak internal structure (something in place, well before Bush became president); if Al Gore had been president, the results would have been the same.

    Bush won't be considered the greatest president of all time, but certainly not the worst, either.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:46:12 No.2743882
    I don't hate Bush as much as a lot of people do. I will be honest, at the time of 9/11 I did not know many people who thought Afghanistan was a bad war and I still think the troops there can do .lot of good. That being said I don't think they will bring a stable democracy but they can try to leave some Western ideals and hope for the best.
    Iraq will be something that will make or break his reputation. If Iraq is a relatively stable democracy in 10 or 20 years there is a good chance that historians will look at the role the the war played and decide from there.
    Bush isn't a great president but it is way to early to decide if he was the worst. I probably will never hold him in high esteem. However I won't view him as much worse than Kennedy who did get America into Vietnam and he's lucky he was assassinated or his reputation would be in the shitter.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:47:44 No.2743898
    I know, I'm just trying to make myself feel better about the utter shambles this country has become.
    >> Autonymoose !x4vv0ZYuAo 01/12/09(Mon)13:48:21 No.2743904
    Bush will be seen as the Woodrow Wilson of the 21st century.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:48:43 No.2743908
    Bush fucked around about Katrina, didn't mobilize aid forces in time, etc.

    And if you honestly think that ANY aspect of his foreign policy is actually going to VINDICATE him, you're delusional. I'm not even going to touch the Gitmo thing because that shit is so fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:49:29 No.2743918
    Nobody kicked him out. His second term was up. he was out no matter who won.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:53:25 No.2743959
    I think he is a complete jackass. But the fact that he said no to Israel once, makes him a jackass with some resemblance of balls left.
    One can only wonder if Obama won't be yet another Israel doormat.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:55:45 No.2743982
    One thing I've noticed from the interviews and stuff Bush is doing lately is that he isn't nearly as stupid as he had been made out to be. I think he did a lot of misguided things with his presidency, but he seems like a nice guy that's actually pretty damn smart and quite open minded.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:58:12 No.2743998
    inafter Helicopter drivers.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:58:49 No.2744006
    >> Jim !NAZi1Dbdps 01/12/09(Mon)13:59:37 No.2744012

    He's a nice guy, but he was the worst president we've ever had. Being nice in person doesn't excuse the heinous acts of torture he authorized or any of the dozens of other major fuckups he had.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:59:43 No.2744014
    His presidency was in large part just a waste of eight years. I don't know what else needs to be said.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:01:30 No.2744030
    I shook Bush's hand once. He complimented my shoes and wished me a good day before going to his business.

    Decent guy, even though his administration is shit
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:01:48 No.2744037
    >I think he did a lot of misguided things with his presidency

    Understatement of the fucking century.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:03:19 No.2744050
    Obama will die from an Inside job,

    But on topic GWB was a good man He did do alot of help with taxes and federal aid.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:03:35 No.2744054
    Not that poster, but i can assure you, that no other president would have acted any different then Bush did during Katrina.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:03:37 No.2744055
    Far from the worst.
    ITT people that weren't alive for the Carter administration.

    Carter seriously fucked everything up.

    If you're pissy because GWB tortured some ragheads, than you're just a fucking pussy and need to man the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:07:26 No.2744074
    How exactly was it like during Carter's time anyways? I got the whole Iran hostage thing as well as the insane taxes and gas lines, but what else sucked ass about him?

    Note: I'm not defending him or anything I'm just curious
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:08:42 No.2744085

    Carter gets a lot of undeserved shit too.

    Neither he, nor Bush would be worst.

    I'd put Harding, Grant, and Buchanan well below both of them.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:09:36 No.2744094
    Do as much coke as he can and go the way of Rick James.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:09:38 No.2744095
         File :1231787378.jpg-(119 KB, 344x344, 1227107908101.jpg)
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    He loved dressing up in funny outfits and palling around with natives.

    Ironically, he probably indirectly did more to reduce racism then any other president since Eisenhower.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:11:08 No.2744115
    The Hostage crisis and Revolution in Iran in general, wasn't Carter's fault. It was due to factors that were well in place far before he became president.
    >> Autonymoose !x4vv0ZYuAo 01/12/09(Mon)14:12:22 No.2744122
    >Ironically, he probably indirectly did more to reduce racism then any other president since Eisenhower.
    How so?
    >> Commexo Kid !!8b5XS3eXeft 01/12/09(Mon)14:13:16 No.2744129

    did.some one mention me??

    btw, whatever.happened to my dollar??
    >> Commexo Kid !!8b5XS3eXeft 01/12/09(Mon)14:14:02 No.2744136
         File :1231787642.jpg-(58 KB, 481x599, bdfgre.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:14:50 No.2744145
    Rick James is dead bitches...........................and I figure George will die some cocaine associated reason also, either directly or indirectly linked to cocaine.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:15:35 No.2744149
    I once had a dream where I was sitting at a restaurant with W. and we were talking about his presidency and he started crying, saying how sorry he was for everything.

    It made me sad.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:15:36 No.2744150

    Off the top of my head - he could easily have scapegoated all Arabs for 9/11, and went out of his way not to.

    He could have scapegoated Mexicans for illegal immigration, but went out of his way not to.

    He had the first black Secretary of State, followed by the first black female Secretary of State.

    He pretty much buried the GOPs Southern Strategy of running on a quietly racist platform. (Not counting the 2000 South Carolina primaries.)

    Of course, he and his party did start scapegoating gays instead...
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:16:33 No.2744162

    I still have one.
    If it's any consolation, you're tied with Teddy Roosevelt as the best President of the previous century.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:17:16 No.2744171
    Grand was pretty bad, but I cannot comment from experience from him

    Gas lines. Gas lines. Gas lines.

    You really don't know how shitty it was unless you were there. This shit we're going through now is nothing.

    Plus, the Iran shit wasn't Carters fault, but he did jack-all to remedy it. The Iranians even went to far to refuse to release them until Regan took office because even they knew Carter was a pussy piece of shit.
    >> The Guru !!GUJgcWVW8Zk 01/12/09(Mon)14:18:15 No.2744179

    As I was reading it i thought it was gonna say "waahhh bush is bad, please obama help us"
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:19:48 No.2744197
    It wasn't bad at all. Gas prices got high because ragheads decided to cut off the supply. Not his fault.
    Guess what? Gas prices got high under Bush too, because his war destabilized the region.

    Oh, and Bush will be remembered as the worst president of all time for several generations. There isn't anyone even close.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:21:13 No.2744219
    can anyone name one good thing bush has done?
    i can't think of any
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:21:36 No.2744226
    before i admit to this, i want to say that i'm not racist and i voted for obama.
    but the other night i had a dream in which someone said to me, " on jan 20th, we're gonna see the inNIGGERation of the first black president of the united states "
    when i woke up, i thought it was actually pretty funny. but damn, subconscious. thats kinda fucked up.
    also, fuck bush.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:23:03 No.2744243
    >Iranians refused to release prisones because Reagan promised them weapons if they waited
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:26:00 No.2744273
    Putin would win
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:28:09 No.2744295

    Shut the fuck up. The only president you have any mature experience with does not mean you can determine if he's the worst or best.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:28:46 No.2744301
    "Obviously, some of my rhetoric has been a mistake," Bush said, adding: "I have often said that history will look back and determine that which could have been done better or, you know, mistakes I made."

    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:28:52 No.2744303
    I think Bush would win. He has guns.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:29:20 No.2744308

    >> Jim !NAZi1Dbdps 01/12/09(Mon)14:30:17 No.2744314

    You're an idiot if you don't recognize the simple fact that Bush is the worst president America has ever had. It has nothing to do with partisan politics, he's just the plain worst. By comparison, Carter seems almost good.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:31:05 No.2744319
    I'm sorry, some stupid negro in the thread forgot about Andrew Johnson.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:32:28 No.2744330

    Explain how he was the worst president we ever had

    Do it
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:33:08 No.2744335
    meh, Andrew Johnson inherited a mess.
    Bush created them through his own incompetence.
    >> Jim !NAZi1Dbdps 01/12/09(Mon)14:36:34 No.2744365

    I already did in a previous post. With links and references.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:37:52 No.2744375
    Johnson actually believed that changing his mind was a sign of weakness. He vetoed the Civil Rights bill, and was so damn obstinate about it that Congress impeached him.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:39:32 No.2744390

    Explained with links and references = posted a link

    Nice job brohanna
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:41:23 No.2744405
    You know, I'll agree that George Bush is actually a "good" guy, which just proves you shouldn't choose Presidents based on the "like to have a drink with him" mentality. Also, while I'm a pretty rabid attacker of Bush policies, I will nonetheless admit that much of his actions were what you'd expect a President to do in the face of something as game-changing as the 9/11 attacks.

    But still, his legacy is just fundamentally at odds with American core values (lol, I feel like a Republican typing that out, but here goes): torture, suspension of habeas corpus, domestic invasions of privacy, the Bush doctrine of preventative warfare; none of these things, in my opinion, reflect positively on America, even if you believe that they have somehow made us safer.

    In other areas, his presence is almost non-existent. His only domestic policy I can really recall with any significant value (over 8 damn years...) is No Child Left Behind, which hasn't shown any positive results I'm aware of and is at odds with my personal beliefs on the need for a strong public education system in order for democracy to function. He certainly failed to put an end to the immigration policy fiasco, which was another one of his main platforms.

    So, overall? I think at any other time, he would have made an unremarkable President, sliding us through while making the standard "mistakes" I tend to find characteristic of all republican Presidents.

    But these past 8 years called for an extraordinary, intelligent President, and George Bush just doesn't cut it. What's worse, the imperative need for new policy caused by 9/11 ramped up his ability to cause problems, and I fear that America has suffered for it.

    That's my opinion, I know it's kind of long but it's kind of fun to tie up eight years of frustration. Looking forward to seeing what Obama does with the first real Democrat mandate in my lifetime.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:44:30 No.2744428
    Sandnigger detected.

    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:53:53 No.2744482
    You don't seem to know how shit works. They have these funny little elected officials that run a city, what are they called? Do you know? Of course you do! MAYORS!

    In times of disaster what are they supposed to do?


    What did the mayor of New Orleans do? NOTHING. Didn't even mobilize the fleets of busses to transport people out. He did nothing, and then he RAN.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:55:47 No.2744491
    Chinese Spy Plane Incident
    01'/02' Recession
    Terrible response to 9/11
    Mishandled Afghanistan War
    Letting Bin Laden escape
    Lying to the world about WMDs
    Invasion of Iraq
    Re-directing resources from Afghanistan
    "Mission Accomplished"
    Occupation of Iraq
    Abu Ghraib
    $5 trillion + in deficit spending
    Trialless detentions
    "You forgot Poland"
    Failed attempt to privatize SS
    Harriet Meyers
    Hamas legitimized in Palestine
    Hurricane Katrina
    Blackwater killings
    Lobbyists and Earmarks grow exponentially
    Iraq turns into Vietnam
    "Ownership Society" leads to housing bubble
    Rapidly inflating gas prices
    Iran and North Korea acquire Nuclear Weapons
    Environmental destruction
    NSA domestic wiretapping
    Illegal dismissal of attorneys
    Abuse of Executive privilege
    Refusal to implement a timetable for Iraq withdrawal
    Reluctance to use diplomacy as a strategy
    08' Recession

    Slowest GDP growth in the last 60 years
    Ruining US global reputation
    US debt rises to over $11 trillion
    Pyramid scheme economy established
    The American Empire rapidly approaches decline

    Centuries after the U.S. collapses, historians will point to the failures of the Bush administration as the proximate cause. No other president has done more irreparable harm and done less to maintain the supremacy that was handed to him on a silver platter.
    Bush inherited a surplus tax system and a booming economy, but after 8 years the country was reduced to a laughingstock of the world. There is no doubt, he was the worst.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:57:22 No.2744506
    i can see that you have read the FUTUREguy threads lol
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:59:10 No.2744516
    I doubt it, the man quit heavy drinking cold turkey. That's no easy thing to do.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:06:42 No.2744553

    Okay, now explain how you aren't using Bush as a scapegoat. Tell us why all of those are solely Bush's fault.

    And when you're finished with that, compare and contrast his failures with failures of past presidents. You must know a lot to claim he is not only a bad president, but the absolute worst.

    Remember to include an APA bibliography with at least five non-print sources, and you'll be giving a 10-minute speech on Friday. Remember, this counts for 20% of your grade this semester.
    >> Jim !NAZi1Dbdps 01/12/09(Mon)15:08:48 No.2744567

    You're just trolling now. If it was a Democrat president who did all that, you'd blame him and rightly so. You can't defend Bush from what he did. He was given a country to manage and he failed.
    >> IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER~ Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:10:43 No.2744581
    Whoever wrote that is heavily brainwashed. Wow.

    I like how it's presented in a list, as if it's all facts.
    Read it again. It's completely subjective.

    >01'/02' Recession
    hahaha oh wow
    >Chinese Spy Plane Incident
    Because Bush himself orders the CIA where to fly their secret planes amirite?
    BUSH DID 9/11
    >Terrible response to 9/11
    Completely subjective. As always with shitheads who write this sort of stuff, their hindsight is epic.
    >Failed attempt to privatize SS
    >Hurricane Katrina
    >Hamas legitimized in Palestine
    You're right. The first democratic election those people ever held was a bad idea.
    >Environmental destruction
    How is this new?
    >Iraq turns into Vietnam
    The Iraq conflict is nowhere near to the scale as the Vietnam conflict.
    >Lobbyists and Earmarks grow exponentially
    Again, what is new about that?
    >Iran and North Korea acquire Nuclear Weapons
    Bush is also Chief of Research for both countries an-Wait. Iran doesn't have nukes yet.
    >Reluctance to use diplomacy as a strategy
    I guess Condi just likes flying.
    >"Ownership Society" leads to housing bubble
    GB2 Econ101.
    >Refusal to implement a timetable for Iraq withdrawal
    Which is actually a very intelligent thing to do. At least he listened to our Generals in that regard.

    And the last paragraph is just cute.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:13:59 No.2744615
    i love these threads, the hillbillies and assburgies come out in force
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:14:15 No.2744619

    He sucked big business cock and the american public got double stuffed.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:15:38 No.2744630
    >The Iraq conflict is nowhere near to the scale as the Vietnam conflict.

    ALERT: The 14-year-olds have entered the battle.
    >> Jim !NAZi1Dbdps 01/12/09(Mon)15:16:47 No.2744641
    >Because Bush himself orders the CIA where to fly their secret planes amirite?
    >Completely subjective. As always with shitheads who write this sort of stuff, their hindsight is epic.
    It's not subjective. Invading Iraq was his response to 9/11. It's not subjective to say that was retarded on an epic scale.
    The Republican congress who voted against him? Yeah, he couldn't even lead that right.
    Don't be retarded. His appointee for FEMA failed majorly because he was unqualified and Bush knew that beforehand.
    >How is this new?
    So environmental destruction has to be a new phenomenon to be bad? Bush aided the destruction of the environment willfully. That's bad and it's a failure of his duties to protect America and its interests.
    >The Iraq conflict is nowhere near to the scale as the Vietnam conflict.
    But it is just as failed, just as pointless and even more costly.
    >Again, what is new about that?
    Again, it doesn't have to be new to be wrong. If you think it's good that Washington is now more firmly controlled by lobbyists than at any point in history, you're an idiot.
    >I guess Condi just likes flying.
    Name one thing Bush solved with diplomacy. You can't because he never did.
    >GB2 Econ101.
    You first. That's just one of the many causes of the economic collapse, any one of which Bush could have stopped if he understood anything about money.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:16:58 No.2744643
    More like anyone that paid attention in high school.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:18:19 No.2744657

    Bro, I'm liberal. Of course Bush wasn't a good president, of course he had a lot of failures. But you can't make such an extreme statement like he was the worst president we've ever had without substantially backing it up.
    >> Jim !NAZi1Dbdps 01/12/09(Mon)15:21:09 No.2744681

    It's been backed up and very well documented. Try reading some news from any point in the last 8 years.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:22:42 No.2744698
    The reek of butthurt emanating from your is just amazing. Don't you have a blog you should be furiously masturbating to?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:23:46 No.2744713

    They actually had a debate on this already braw.

    >> Jim !NAZi1Dbdps 01/12/09(Mon)15:23:47 No.2744715

    I don't think you know what butthurt means because you're not using it correctly.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:23:47 No.2744716
    Its been backed up several times in this thread alone, not to mention by thousands of people this decade.
    Its not our fault you can't read/pay attention.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:25:00 No.2744728
    Oh I do, and am.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:26:41 No.2744741
    Bush no longer being President means a lot to me. I grew up under this guy and his shit. Goodbye childhood... goodbye forever...
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:27:20 No.2744751
    You are butthurt?
    No shit, otherwise you'd just accept Bush is the worst.
    Instead of screaming "NO NO NO NO YOU'RE WRONG"
    Sorry dude, you're on the wrong side of history.
    >> Jim !NAZi1Dbdps 01/12/09(Mon)15:28:32 No.2744761

    What are you like 7 years old?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:30:33 No.2744778

    You aren't getting it. We've established that he was a bad president. But you haven't explained how, out of all the bad presidents in history, Bush is the absolute bottom of the shitpile.
    >> Jim !NAZi1Dbdps 01/12/09(Mon)15:31:29 No.2744785

    Because every other president, no matter how bad, did something that was good or beneficial for America. Bush never did.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:31:40 No.2744787

    I dunno how old that guy is, but I'm 26. And this means that for the first time in my entire adult (18+) life I'm not going to be ashamed of the USA.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:34:21 No.2744808

    Do you want to see hateful and vindictive liberal e-masturbate?

    Do you want to see defensive and angry conservatives cry doom?

    Do you want to see brainwashed libertarians BAWWWWW?

    Well kids! You've come to the right place.

    Now start posting! Be sure to use ad hominem attacks as much as possible! It makes you look intelligent.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:34:25 No.2744809

    Okay, that's a start. Now back up that statement.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:35:19 No.2744819
    I'm 18 years young
    >> S. Iwata 01/12/09(Mon)15:35:35 No.2744821
    What did U.S. Grant do that was great for America?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:37:13 No.2744834

    Not GP, but I've got nothing better to do, so I'll argue with yer, pardner.

    I like that you conveniently leave out what will doubtless be his most remembered legacy - that is, the current economic crisis. Even 9/11 is starting to fade into the dusts of history, but this economic crisis will reform future trade relations forever, much like the Great Depression (which, surprise surprise, is still remembered more than Korean War or Spanish Influenza epidemic) did.

    And most of those refutes amount to HURF DURF BUT HE DIDN'T DO IT SINGLE-HANDEDLY THEREFORE HE HAS NO RESPONSIBILITY IN IT AT ALL, or, BUT THE LAST GUY DID IT HES A GREAT EXAMPLE WHO DIDN'T NEARLY GET IMPEACHED. He's the mother fucking president of the world's nosiest country, anything that happens under his watch is by default his fault until he fixes it quickly and calmly. That's his job. Not that you're a complete apologist or anything..
    >> Jim !NAZi1Dbdps 01/12/09(Mon)15:38:08 No.2744853

    It's just one thing that a quick google turns up but I'm sure there are more:

    >The Grant administration reduced the debt by approximately 435 million dollars. That was achieved by selling the growing gold surplus at weekly auctions for greenbacks and buying back wartime bonds with the currency. With this Grant's treasury secretary Boutwell had established a policy which if continued would had paid off the national debt in a quarter of a century. Newspapers like the New York Tribune wanted the Government to buy more bonds and Greenbacks and the New York Times praised the Grant administration`s debt policy.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:38:19 No.2744854
    What objective criteria would you like to use to determine he was the worst?
    In scope and magnitude, he's far worse than Johnson, Grant, Harding, Hoover, etc.

    It would be much easier to do this:
    Try and name one president that is unequivocally worse than Bush. If one can't be found, it can be assumed that he's the worst.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:38:53 No.2744862
    I want you to go take a debate class and try to pull that out of your hat. Enjoy your indefensible position and subsequent F.

    Who is the "worst" is an opinion. It can never be a fact.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:40:38 No.2744890
    Hey Bush-loving faggots, name one president worse than Bush.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:40:43 No.2744891

    burden of proof, motherfucker, etc
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:41:15 No.2744896

    No this is what is terrible about Katrina:

    Previous to his administration FEMA was presided over by a man called James Lee Witt, a man generally reputed for turning it into an efficient organisation. After Bush and his Dad's old chums swindled the election Bush fired Witt and replaced him with his campaign manager, Joe Allbaugh. Albaugh then went on to hire an old buddy from university Michael Brown.

    Michael Brown's previous job was Judges and Stewards Commissioner of the Arabian Horse Admirers Association.

    Allbaugh then left FEMA to set up his own company which was later involved in securing disaster relief contracts from the government for Halliburton through it's subsidiary KBR.

    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:42:40 No.2744919
    i've already made a case for Bush being the worst, as have other people.
    Now its your turn to refure it, by finding a president that has a worst list of accomplishments.

    Oh wait, you mean you're an uneducated nitwit who has nothing to contribute to this conversation? You can't think of any other president because you've never read a book without pictures? Oh, nevermind then.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:42:56 No.2744924
    I happen to understand how delegation of duties works.

    Of course people will heap blame on his shoulders, that still doesn't make it actually "his fault".
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:43:50 No.2744934
    Hey Bush loving faggots, name one president worse than Bush.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:43:57 No.2744936
    There is no "Bush-hating bandwagon", you fucking mongoloids. His administration did some truly terrible things and deserves all the hate they get.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:46:10 No.2744962

    [ ] President Worse than Bush
    [ ] GTFO
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:46:50 No.2744965
    You assume that most people are informed.

    Bandwagon is the easy way to go.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:47:15 No.2744970
    Sorry I forgot to put that Michael Brown became President of FEMA
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:47:28 No.2744972
    best presidents

    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:48:46 No.2744989

    Some good things Bush has done:

    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:49:26 No.2745000

    Roosevelt kept it REAL.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:51:13 No.2745017
    Which was the President who delivered his inaugural speech in a blizzard, wearing no protective clothing, then died of phenomena a month later?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:51:50 No.2745026
    Carter was on the phone 24/7 on the Iranian hostage thing. If you think that his incompetency is the reason the hostages were returned as Reagan was sworn in, you're beyond stupid ('lol, Reagan is such a good president he could do what Carter couldn't in four years while being sworn in). Carter eventually got them out, make no mistakes about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:52:33 No.2745035
    Phenomena would be such a kickass way to die.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:54:15 No.2745055
    Bush is stubborn and remorseless. He regrets nothing about his presidency. Some could call this confidence, but it's just arrogance. He's incapable of introspection.

    In any event, how moronic is it to combat terrorism with democracy? What a shitty idea, seriously, what scholar could appreciate that? It's just absurd.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:56:19 No.2745078
    Up until recently, the collective West did not understand the Arab mind even in the slightest.

    Russia did/does, but fuck if they were going to enlighten us.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:59:15 No.2745112
    fuck that. plenty of people knew it was bullshit. plenty of people knew that Saddam Hussein would no way allow terrorists in his motherfucking country, but they did it fast enough that these people weren't heard. this was ignorance.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)16:01:47 No.2745152
    A couple of guys in the CIA. Yes they got ignored.
    Everyone else; President, Congress, The entire U.S. population thought "Democracy is good! We'll be doing Iraq a favor!".

    As always, hindsight is 20/20
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)16:03:28 No.2745173
    what the fuck is phenomena?

    I don't know if it's because I have the flu, but r9k seems fucking retarded today.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)16:07:56 No.2745223
    It's firefox autocorrecting.

    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)16:10:56 No.2745259
    The entire US population was thinking "9/11 never forget ;_;"

    The Americans are an emotional lot who were in a mood for BLOOD FOR THE FREEDOM GOD after they got attacked. I hope they don't do this every time terrorists get one in on them.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)16:59:04 No.2745818
    I'm going to guess you meant Pneumonia. William Harrison was the guy. His death was completely unrelated to giving his speech in the cold though.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:05:09 No.2748901
    I'm a black dude and I love Bush.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:21:59 No.2749150
    Someone should photoshop sock puppets into that picture.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:30:23 No.2750101
    Bush is the Great Evil? Come on, he's such a lovable guy.

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