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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

    today marks the end of scheduled maintenance—two guys with two weeks to kill and a few hundred hours later, we're finally [mostly] done.
    page loads/image downloads should be dramatically faster. until we hit 1gbps, at least. to all of my wonderful and ungrateful users: "you're welcome."
    (note: there are still a few other things i'll be working on so expect intermittent downtime)
    ps: thanks so much to mvb for all of the help and support.

    File :1231712132.jpg-(67 KB, 275x287, bully.jpg)
    67 KB Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:15:32 No.2732869  
    Share your bullying stories, anons.
    Both hunters and hunted may respond.

    As for me, I've bullied many kids from my 6th till 14th year. I never bullied for lulz however, I bullied because I had nothing but contempt for my victims. They were weak. They were pathetic. They had no backbone or willpower to stand up for themselves and I absolutely hated them for it. It was only when they would stand up to me that these cowards would earn my respect. Yet so few ever did.

    Funny thing is that whenever they went to teachers to tell on me, they would always got the shoulder because they never thought I'd be capable of those things since I was so sweet and likable. That didn't stop parents though, I've had those come to my house plenty of times. Two fathers even nearly beat me up before their wives stopped them, not that it stopped me though. Both of those kids eventually changed schools.

    Anyway, I'll keep this post somewhat in the open and if the thread picks up a bit I'll mention my techniques and methods. So please, share your experiences/opinions.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:18:34 No.2732899
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    wow, that's a cool story you wrote there, bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:19:14 No.2732907
    Welcome to 4chan, here we like to raid random people for lulz. If you don't like making someone feel bad then please fuck off somewhere else. Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:19:37 No.2732911
    I hate you

    I got bullied during middle school, I was weak and short and didn't care about life, I was just happy, but then some assholes decided to pick on me, thanks to people like you now I'm afraid of talking to new people because I'm afraid they'll make fun of me and reject me
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:19:37 No.2732912
    all my bullying was based on my vengeful nature
    some kid would pull some dumb shit, and i'd make his life so rough

    man i could hold a fucking grudge
    i'm glad i started smoking weed.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:19:37 No.2732913
    fascinating tale bro
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:20:30 No.2732922
    I used to be bullied, mostly because I was a dirty, fat nerd no one liked.

    Thank god those days are over. I'm popular, fit and handsome. Those times did leave a permanent scar in my confidence though.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:20:57 No.2732928
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    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:21:25 No.2732931
    Explain your techniques :D

    Btw, i was never a bully nor bullied. I was pretty evened out and pretty much everybody at least didn't dislike me. I did beat up 1 kid just for the sake of him being fat and having an afro though... :/
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:22:11 No.2732938
    fucking amazing game in the day
    >> RICK ASTLY 01/11/09(Sun)17:22:11 No.2732939
    i have bullied ,and been bullied and i dont want anything to do with it.evar.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:22:14 No.2732940
    I was bullied by 2 guys for a few years in Junior school. Since my sister was friends with one of their sisters, I ended up becoming a friend to one of 'em, and obviously the bullying stopped. Instead, we both turned on the other, former bully. Non friend bully no.2 left and went to a different school, and eventually all 3 of us met at a party and became friends again. Funny how that happens, eh?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:22:28 No.2732945

    Good, original subject that will have resonance with people on this board. You'll go a long way in the trolling world.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:22:49 No.2732948
    >Btw, i was never a bully

    >I did beat up 1 kid just for the sake of him being fat and having an afro

    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:23:42 No.2732959
    Bully here.

    There was this one kid that we used to fucking torment every lunch time simply because he used to react the funniest. (For example saying his dad was a general in the army and he would get us arrested).

    What we used to do was every day when he went to play football we used to nab his massive army backpack thing and walk a good 5 minutes to the furthest away area from him, but still on school property. And place it there.
    Every break he had to go find it and he was always late for lessons.

    We also once filled the entire thing with sand. He tried to lift it and failed hard.

    We also went around the school asking people to spit into it, which they did without batting an eyelid.

    That bad got ABUSED.

    We also used to spit from the top story window onto people. I remember once my friend saved up his spit in his mouth for about 30 mins until it basically filled his mouth. Then at the end of lunch everyone had to walk under the window to get to class. He unleashed the fury.

    We also used to bully both of our french teachers, and any time she got the head teacher to sit in on the class we would be silent and just do all our work. He would get bored and leave then we would go mental again. She had a mustache to be fair. It was too easy.

    I miss school :D
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 01/11/09(Sun)17:23:55 No.2732963
    I have never been bullied. However, my brother has because of me. I seem to have frightened the bullies too much for them to target me, so they went after my brother as a proxy.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:23:56 No.2732964
    I have large ears. They more or less match the rest of my body now, but, when I was a kid, they were HUGE. So, bullies took to using them against me by flicking them, tugging them, or grabbing them and making airplane noises.

    One day, while on the bus to school, a pair of bullies (Brothers) sat behind me and started to flick my ears the entire ride. I had enough, spun around in my seat and socked the one that did it last. End of that.

    Next morning, both brothers come to the bus stop with their older sister, who didn't even go to the school, following them. The one that I punched on the bus hit me in the gut and took off. I chased after him and tackled him to the ground before just wailing on him until his sister and brother pulled me off.

    I got in trouble with the school for it (the bus stop counts as school-grounds), and was banned from the bus for a week. The other kid got the same punishment since he started the bus stop fight, but his sister tried to tell the faculty that I was the one bullying her brothers.

    Either way, two weeks later, I never saw him again. I think he might have moved.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:24:06 No.2732967
    I once punched a kid in the head for no good reason and then 2 months later we started talking and became cool with eachother.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:24:32 No.2732973
    beating 1 kid up in a 5 year high school span doesn't really make me a bully. It makes me human.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:24:51 No.2732975
    where do you live, fucker? I'll track you down, follow you and slit your throat when you don't expect it, leave you dieing in the street while I slip away, justice served
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:24:56 No.2732977
    In high school I was somewhere in the middle of the pecking order.

    I took shit from some of the larger niggers due to them being gigantic (and also due to them being 23 years old and still sophomores), however I did give a lot of shit to the average stray beaner, since they are smaller and easy to muscle.

    I picked on a few of my own White folk, but I try to avoid that as the last thing our race needs is even MORE internal conflict.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:26:37 No.2732994
    haha your a pussy
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:27:20 No.2733006
    thats a really good way to get the information you want
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:27:54 No.2733015
    I was part of a JUSTICE LEAGUE that beat a high school bully so badly he had to get dentures.

    In retrospect it was a deeply fucked lynch mob.
    >> Derp !!BsBXC+5ESqr 01/11/09(Sun)17:28:18 No.2733020
    Bullied a dude till he quit school.

    He came back, found out he was a Channer.

    Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:28:51 No.2733029
    I used to bully bullies, because I was the strongest kid in elementary. Then they stopped bullying, so I stopped fighting.

    I'm a motherfucking hometown hero.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:30:02 No.2733046
    I was in 10th with this kid named Leonard. He was Navaho indian and openly gay. He had a nice build and a Beautiful face, very soft features. Think twink.

    So we're waiting for the bus, and there are some girls there, and these three jocks started picking on the girls. Leonard asked them to stop, but they just laughed at him and called him a faggot. Leonard asked them to stop again, and they pushed him away.

    I then got to watch Leonard single handedly beat the living shit out of all three of them. It was something out of a movie.

    I guess growing up gay teaches you how to fight, because nobody fucked with leonard after that.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:30:58 No.2733062
    This one time, we were sitting outside, last year of school. I was chatting with the other dipshit guy in my class, and I said something along the lines of "(His name) is a synonym for retard"... sounded wittier at the time.

    Anyhoo apparently he didn't like it, because he threw his milkshake all over me. I was quite surprised, and jumped up and started punching him in the head. Actually I was enraged and just sort of did it without thinking.

    Also I was deputy head boy of my school. Christ I was a fuckbag.

    But yah, we weren't really allowed to bully at our school.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:31:07 No.2733067
    Oh, and this one time, I had this kid who was just a dick to everyone. He wasn't so much a bully to me exactly in that he just made everyone's day miserable. Told my mother about it and she assured me that it wasn't because of me but, rather, that his mother didn't love him.

    So, the next time he started picking on me, that's what I told him.
    "You're just upset because your mom doesn't love you."
    Stopped him dead in his tracks and he started crying.

    Shit happened in the third grade.

    Funny thing was that, years later, he tried to hook up with my sister who rejected him and made him cry then as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:31:39 No.2733076
    I was a complete nerd who somehow fell into the right crowd. I was neighbors with quite a few of the popular kids in school, and we had grown up as neighbors, so we were sort of friends. I was certainly the outcast of the group, but my ties were still strong enough to keep me from being bullied. By the middle/end of high school those ties were cut altogether, but at that point most of us had matured beyond the bullying phase.
    >> OP 01/11/09(Sun)17:32:42 No.2733084
    I didn't mean weak in a physical manner.

    In my eyes, weak are those who do not stand up for themselves. Who run instead of fight. You deserved to be bullied.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:32:50 No.2733086
    I was the anon kid i printed goatse when i was in highschool at the computer lab and put it in every locker of the school. never got caught lol 6 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:33:19 No.2733092
    Boys pick on girls?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:34:07 No.2733101

    I remember one of my christfag friends at school said I was going to go to hell for not going to church so I cried to my mum that I was going to hell. And she just said "Don't worry, it's not real. It's all made up"
    So that's what I told him the next day.
    He cried haha.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:34:37 No.2733105
    Myself and a freind got through 13 french teachers in a year, consecutively.

    Number 4, we gave a heart attack.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:34:39 No.2733106
    I'm a girl, but I used to beat up the boys in my class all the time when I was in second grade.

    But then I started getting picked on in junior high.

    And now I'm one of those cool high school students whom kids look up to.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:35:16 No.2733114

    We used to abuse french teachers too... What's with that?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:35:29 No.2733119
    ITT: Channers claiming to be superheroes who saved other nerds because they built a psychological construct of that as opposed to realizing they were the ones being bullied and only wished for a savior to come and help them.
    >> I don't noko !z.FT0H6U7. 01/11/09(Sun)17:36:03 No.2733125
    In my early years I was bullied a lot, for being a 'lowly' foreigner (lol scholarship). It eventually made me take martial arts lessons for some years, and changed my character to be a first first, questions later kind of guy.
    When I started high school, I'd take it on me to reciprocate to bullies, making them realizes (or not) that hurting others wasn't as fun now.
    Yet, as the OP, I've hated anyone that hasn't learned to take matters into it's own hands. Bullieds that I've helped preferred to stay the way they were instead of changing and improving themselves. Wusses.
    >> OP 01/11/09(Sun)17:37:03 No.2733140
    >used to bully bullies

    So did I, to a certain extent.
    Whoever the bully was bullying, I would protect that kid and let him hit/spit/kick the bully with me standing right there next to him, saying that if he (the bully) did anything back, I would kill him.

    That's the very definition of power. Kind of miss it nowadays :(
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:37:35 No.2733143

    I love my French teacher, only educator I have right now that I give two shits about. Though I did do something similar to a series of English teachers. Went through two full fledged teachers, and about six substitutes who couldn't handle us. Then we finally got some new sub who just got out of college who was good looking as hell and we kept her there all year. Shit was great.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:37:57 No.2733146
    I have and ex-girlfriend who was dating a guy who was beating on her. I told her to date someone else, but she's kind of a moron, so then I went over, fucked her, spent the night and the next day he came over and we had a talk.

    He didn't listen, and the following week he beat the shit out of her. I ended up paying $650 to have both his legs broken. He was in the hospital for awhile and then I think he left town.
    >> Soviet Canuckistan !!h5f05jH+Yuq 01/11/09(Sun)17:39:35 No.2733159
    The most I've ever been bullied was in elementary school was by some stupid boys about my glasses. One of them actually hit me in the face and bent my glasses so I punched him, took his shoes and threw them in a tree.

    And in middle school, some little cunt in training constantly tried to make fun of my clothes or shoes, or point out my legs when I didn't shave 9I was 11, you couldn't even see the hair). She may have gotten knocked up in high school or something. Lord knows. I could break her in half now, even though I'm pretty small. She was a popular little runt.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:40:16 No.2733164

    This man has learned that Money = Power.
    Remember that.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:40:24 No.2733166
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    When I was about 13 I got into a fight with a nigger (he started it) and won. About five minutes after my triumphant victory his girlfriend (who was fucking HUGE by the way) came up from behind me on the way to the bus and hit me in the head with a tenor sax case. It dazed me enough to knock me down, where she proceeded to kick me in the face. So then I became the guy who got beaten up by a girl, and my epic victory was nullified.

    Worst memory ever.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:40:52 No.2733169
    Well, I was bullied for various reasons. The bullies didn't really succeed in getting rid of what they didn't like (they did tell me their reasons, or at least excuses, for bullying me), they just turned me into a misanthropic, contemptuous, and all around worse version of what I already was.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:42:23 No.2733185
    I've been on both sides.
    When I was young, I lived in a rich white suburban area.
    I bullied out of jealousy. I was the poorest kid in school, I had the shittiest clothes, the oldest video games. I had a lot of friends, because, believe it or not, other little kids didn't seem to care about those things. This didn't really curb my jealousy, though.
    If a kid had a girlfriend, and I was jealous, I would beat the shit out of them and never tell them why.

    Then, in highschool, I moved to a secluded town in the coastal range, and everyone had known everyone since 1st grade, so it was hard to fit in. All the kids there were into outdoor physical activities and were rather large and tough. I couldn't just come in and shove people around.

    Seniors bullied me as a freshman because I was new and different. I, as a freshman, fought back and basically 'earned the respect' of all the guys that had tried to kick my ass (And yes, I lost a lot of those fights, but not without doing plenty of damage.)

    Then I started helping this weird, nerdy freshman that everyone hated, grow weed. He had an outdoor garden that was near ready to harvest when he showed me. After that, we were the most popular kids in school. My being nice to the weird kid really paid off. (We started hanging out because I found out he had as much of an obsession for commodore computers as I did (in 1997)) We didn't sell any of the weed, we just gave it away to anyone that wanted. We never got caught. Everyone loved us. Life was great.

    Thanks to weed, nobody ever fucked with me for the next four years.
    >> The Red Barron 01/11/09(Sun)17:42:53 No.2733193
    I was the kid who bullied the bullies

    It's always so much more fun when you know they deserve it
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:43:33 No.2733201
    God bless weed.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:44:12 No.2733208
    Yup, french teacher bully here too
    >> CaptainIndigo !aR10YHrTDg 01/11/09(Sun)17:45:47 No.2733224

    This was pretty much me.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:47:53 No.2733245
    In Math last year, we had someone replace my old Math teacher, who resigned for various reasons.
    I was really nice to the replacement Math teacher- he was a really nice guy. But for some reason, everyone ELSE hated him. They tormented him, threw things at him, called him names right in front of him like he wasn't even there.
    And then one day, he was gone. He just up and left.

    I felt really bad for him, and I tried to make his days better by talking to him. I suppose I could have stood up to the people tormenting him, but I was too pansy to do so- they would have jumped me, I'm sure.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:48:57 No.2733248
    I was bullied from 6th grade til the day I graduated.
    In 6th to 8th grade I was most bullied because I was the quiet, ugly duckling, and the bookworm.
    In high school I was still teased until puberty finally ended, my braces came off and I bought contacts.
    But when I got into high school, new bullies and former bullies found other things to pick on. The fact I never had a boyfriend, I was too loud, too happy.
    And what was worse? The guys that picked on me were more vicious than the girls.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:49:21 No.2733252
    Oh wow. That really fucking sucks.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:49:35 No.2733254
    I never really bullied but I did help pick on the kids everyone else picked on. This one stupid fat kid did this really annoying thing where he would put his finger RIGHT in front of your face and say "SINNER!" really loud.

    He did that to me and I punched him in the face. Not really bullying lol.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:50:29 No.2733268
    Around when I was twelve or thirteen was the worst time.
    Thing is, no ONE person kept it up. It was as if the entire school had this plan. People I had never seen before would just knock me down or whatever.

    I still have no idea what it was that made me a target. Guess I'm just not a people person.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:50:36 No.2733270
    In junior high (aka middle school) we made a substitute teacher quit by doing all the classic things, dropping books all at the same time, asking stupid questions, and generally being mean.
    >> General Jorge !!m/3jv6L6guk 01/11/09(Sun)17:50:47 No.2733272
    Bullies are faggots and people who get bullied are faggots.

    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:50:51 No.2733275
    I have never seen a guy picking on a girl.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:52:01 No.2733291
    I got bullied a lot in elementary school, until I grew some balls, grabbed one of those fuckers and banged his head in a wall. I got expelled for a week, he ended up with a concussion.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:52:20 No.2733295

    We get it Jorge, you're a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:53:14 No.2733309

    That been said i used to bully a kid. He was poor and stupid, but then his mom died so i stopped.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:55:38 No.2733341
    These three girls who live a ten minute walk from my house used to bully me. They used to follow me on my walk home after school (the bus stop is 40 minutes from my house) and shout at me. When I was 16 they cornered me in a laneway behind a constrution site and beat the shit out of me. I was just trying to crawl away while they kicked me in the stomach/back. The longest 20 minutes of my life. I ended up in hospital but they never were charged with anything, and I still have to walk past them sometimes.
    >> General Jorge !!m/3jv6L6guk 01/11/09(Sun)17:56:12 No.2733346
    I see somebody with a story just begging to tell it.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:56:20 No.2733348
    Why do we all pick on our French teachers/substitutes?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:56:26 No.2733351
    You know life would have been so much better if I had just flipped out and beat someone with a chair. Can't do that anymore though.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:56:35 No.2733355
    Lol at this entire thread. You are all full of shit especially this guy:

    >I ended up paying $650 to have both his legs broken

    Please give me a break (lolol puns), bad dude.

    You did fuck all except cry by yourselves because nobody liked you. If some of you are in fact telling the truth, then you are shitty human beings and deserve to be in serious accidents.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:56:59 No.2733360
    In year 5 I sprayed a retarded girls crotch with water and claimed she wet herself.
    In year 8 our whole class spread the rumor that one girl pissed herself. She had to move schools.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:57:39 No.2733368
    I ;_;'ed and FFF'd at the same time.

    Then some fag asked where you live so he could track those people down.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:57:46 No.2733371
    was bullied in middle school, kinda bullied people in high school (nothing physical, just teasing)
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:58:31 No.2733385
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    Me? Naa, I want to hear more about you.

    Here, have a seat and tell us a little about yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:58:33 No.2733386
    I was bullied in school. I dropped out because of it. I am 22 and have never fully recovered from the trauma. I talk about it with my psychologist occasionally.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:58:36 No.2733387
    I remember someone at my school mugged someone else at my school. (Outside school)

    But there was about 300 people in our school. Everyone knew everyone.

    So fucking dumb.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:00:26 No.2733403

    this, exactly.

    probably gonna need a mootblox
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:00:44 No.2733405
    Was never physically abused because those faggots knew better than to start shit with me, but they still tried to verbally abuse me every day.

    Raped my confidence pretty good.

    I came very close to breaking this one fag's face with a heavy metal plate but I figured it wouldn't look good on my record as I would probably be suspended.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:01:24 No.2733414

    Man, retards were untouchables at my school.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:01:34 No.2733416

    >you are shitty human beings and deserve to be in serious accidents.

    You're a real tough motherfucker. "You all deserve to be in SERIOUS accidents. Not die or get killed, just have accidents.

    STFU baby.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:02:08 No.2733425
    i was bullied and beaten up almost every day from about 2nd grade to 6th. Smart kid in a pretty uncivilised school, also a puny little fuck. I'd get beat on by a bunch of different people, i now realise it's cause they could get a decent reaction out of me. Towards the end of primary school i began to eat away my sorrows (hurray eating disorder).

    Luckily german blood runs through my vein, and instead of becoming a massive fatty, i grew tall fast (also a bit of fatty).

    6' and 90kg in 10th grade, funny how bullies stop messing with a kid...

    in retrospect i dont mind having being bullied, it made me stronger, character building. If i was still as weak mentally as i was back than, i'd never survive.

    Thanks primary school bullies.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:03:16 No.2733432
    Wow, I think it was a long time ago when I last posted that. I'm sorry I made you ;_;
    Maybe I should move house.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:03:24 No.2733433
    I was bullied from year 2 to year 5 because I stood on a girls fingers on the climbing frame. She used to punch me all the time and make my life hell. I never did anything back cause I was always told that punching back would get me in trouble. When I told the teachers they would never believe me and id get in trouble anyways for lying.
    >> OP 01/11/09(Sun)18:03:31 No.2733434
    I bullied both boys and girls.
    But only 4 girls total.

    One was fat and disgusting.
    One was rather popular even and thus made me infamous. Something I later regretted in high school. Still got to hang with the cool-crowd, but still.
    And two christianfags.

    Heh, I've had that as well. Bullied this kid for a few weeks, he got fed up and hit me right on the jaw. I hit him back, a teacher intervened and we both lay crying on the ground, lol. Had a headache for the rest of the day.

    We became good friends later on though.
    >> General Jorge !!m/3jv6L6guk 01/11/09(Sun)18:04:14 No.2733444
    Very little to tell really. I had some god-awful social skills as a youngster, to the point where the word "social-anxiety disorder" comes to mind. So people bullied me. Then they avoided me.

    End of story.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:05:59 No.2733463
    Some tiny jackass a few years younger and fifty or so pounds smaller got on me for whatever reason. I didn't really do anything back since it would be a massacre.

    Eventually got pissed and told him I was going to break his face if he didn't fuck off. He gave the classic "Well do something, pussy. Yeah, do something. C'mon." I grabbed the back of his head and headbutted him right in the face. Knocked him out for about a minute and broke his nose. He didn't look at me directly for the rest of the year afterwards.

    Got into a back and forth with some guy that ended with both of us stabbing each other with pens. We were friends afterwards so Good End, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:06:37 No.2733470

    Thank you for sharing, Jorge.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:07:33 No.2733476
    Everyone was my friend up until 6th grade. Made good friends in elementary school. Then in 7th we went from tracks, to year around type scheduling and I knew no one. I was short, skinny, blonde and too nice looking. I got picked on alot. New people stopped picking on me around 11th grade when my balls dropped I guess. Face got much more masculine, facial hair came in quick, etc... But people who knew me from before still did. Sucked. Hated HS.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:07:48 No.2733480
    We bully because we see a part of ourselves that we hate in others. That is all.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:07:58 No.2733482
    I was the funny guy in my class.
    No one can bully a clown.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:08:08 No.2733484
    Man, retards WERE my school.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:08:22 No.2733486
    lol fag, what highschool did you go to.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:08:57 No.2733491
    Cool story, bro.

    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:09:47 No.2733500

    It was actually a secondary school on the UK.
    Near brighton.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:09:59 No.2733503
    I bullied a teacher. She was fat and weird and I hated her so I put a sachet of tomato ketchup on her seat, she sat on it, cried, and quit.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:10:16 No.2733506

    *in the uk.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:11:06 No.2733515
    l can't believe how many teachers get bullied, out of their job no less. Non amerifag here, makes me wonder how little rights your teachers have
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:12:23 No.2733529
    lol, me >>2733503 here
    she shouldn't have chosen to be a teacher in shitty school, then
    also another teacher quit because no one listened to her, and it was our GCSE year, too, and all we did was fuck about.
    >> General Jorge !!m/3jv6L6guk 01/11/09(Sun)18:12:45 No.2733532
    No problem anon.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:13:41 No.2733538
    ITT: weiners with no confidence, trying to find other people who they can make look as bad as they feel. If you're proud of bullying, you're kind of a complete fucking loser.

    Fwiw, I've both bullied and been bullied, but I only bullied unintentionally because of my rambuctious nature (found out much later, felt bad and apologised). In retrospect, it was probably good that I was bullied, it took me down the few pegs I needed to be approaching normal, I'm nearly back to normal confidence now.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:14:08 No.2733542
    I used to make videos of us messing with people.
    We once filmed a teacher and made sure every shot was her on her own. Then we put the song "all by myself" over the top, slowed down the footage and made it look like she had died and it was a memorial video.
    Then I made a website to host it on (This was way before youtube).
    I also made a .3gp version of it and it spread around my school like mad.
    I remember sitting next to the teacher as she BAAAWWW'd about how some kid had made it.

    I got told to take my website down by the headmaster.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:15:33 No.2733555
    I put up with that shit for years. Then I kicked one of the kids ass. Then I proceeded to kick everyone's ass if they messed with me.

    Ofcourse, that made them hate me more... and I'd have to put up with indirect shit. So I put up with it untill I started secondary school.

    I now have no confidence and a general contempt for humanity. I still try to be friendly to others though. But unless they actually need something I can help with, or am genuinely interested in them/what they have to say, I spew sarcasm at them like a leaking gas pipe. I get along with people when put in a group to work, but after it's done, I usually don't stay friends with them.

    I currently have 3 friends in my class of 100+.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:17:01 No.2733570
    I was playing basketball in middle school gym class and an eight grader who was 'captain' of the team got pissed at me for not standing in the right place and covering my man or whatever, so he grabbed me by the shirt and tossed me over where he wanted me and kept yelling and going on about it. He made me cry. I was pissed off.

    He died from driving drunk I believe about four years later and there was a facebook group about it.
    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:17:37 No.2733575
    I used to feel really bad about how my whole class would bully my french teacher.
    Then one day I tried really hard on this oral exam and she said I hadn't done the homework or tried and made me feel like total shit. I even cried.

    From then on I was the one leading the assault. Fuck that bitch.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:19:02 No.2733586
    i never bullied or made fun of people (outright) because it made me feel guilty and dumb. it was pointless.

    however throughout middle school, this big fat mexican girl who rode my bus would always call me fat even though she was like 250 pounds. she always tried to impress everyone by making fun of me. one day she called me fat and i was like "LOOK WHOS TALKING" and she started screaming she was going to get off at my stop and stab me. the stop before mine came and one of her friends got off and asked me if i was going to fight her. i said no, and he laughed and called me a little bitch. i shook with fear as i got off and then i walked quickly to my house crying. she never beat me up. then she had a kid her sophomore year of high school.

    i was a 12 year old girl. at the time
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:19:15 No.2733588
    Sup bullies, thanks for completely messing up both mentality and physically in 8 long years of torture.

    I hope my chance at a normal life was worth all the boredom you avoided.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:19:47 No.2733593
    Damn, I had a french teacher with a moustache also, and There was this short blonde kid who would react to absoluteley everything, so everybody would try to piss him off.

    Thought we could have known each other somehow.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:20:11 No.2733600

    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:22:30 No.2733618
    I remember when the news broke that our old IT teacher really was a pedo. Kids used to joke about it, but we all thought it was a joke.
    His son was in my year and he got fucking abused bad. Not by me though. But I did watch from afar.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:23:17 No.2733629
    How dare she try to teach her students, what a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:23:21 No.2733630
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:23:30 No.2733631
    French teacher theory: trash kids have a problem being told to learn another language
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:24:01 No.2733637
    I'd like to note that some of the stories above were posted by me, and while I did bully I never realised it was bullying till I was out of school and older.
    Back then it was just a laugh. We never thought we were douchebag bullies.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:24:11 No.2733640
    Got bullied for two years, changed school. Fucked me up, no self confidence left, can barely talk to people I don't know...fuck...
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:24:53 No.2733645
    I ve been mentally bullying (trolling) a guy in my class all this semester.
    He always was a big asocial looser and I pray on the weak.

    Am always carefree, drunk with plenty of friend and I dont learn at all and shit which is the complete opposite of him.
    But guess what ... I have great grades and he barely makes it.
    Am just making it as hard as possible for him while boasting about how much fun am having.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:24:58 No.2733647
    I had anger issues in elementary school. I was a little girl who got poked fun at all through preschool and had to transfer elementary schools because they were threatening me and shit. (I don't remember any of this, my mother insisted upon this later in my life) I had to go to therapy for anger issues later.

    I'd pick on all the weaker boys. I think some of them were just playing along. This one boy brought me dead flowers and new pencils and foreign coins and all I'd do was yell at him.

    But there were other kids who I just didn't like. On the playground one day I remember this boy said something to me and he was sitting on the wooden plank divider that keeps the gravel in on the playground, so I grabbed him by the back of the head and slammed his face into the side of the wood. He came up with a bloody nose or lip.

    Later on I saw him a grade below me in middle school or something, but then I never saw him again.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:25:31 No.2733657
    I find it funny when bullies pick on the wrong person, and get the shit kicked out of them.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:25:49 No.2733658
    >all my bullying was based on my insecurities

    fixt that for you bro!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:26:58 No.2733673
    Bullying is insecure people abusing insecure people.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:27:19 No.2733678
    Bullied here. I had ginger hair.
    Built character. I now have awesome friends and a pretty good life.
    Crippled social skills with those of the oposite sex, but I don't think that has anything to do with bullying.

    Stop blaming bullying for your own character flaws.
    Bullies made me harder, better, faster, stronger.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:27:45 No.2733688
    When we were 13 or so we made fun of a class made for not having any public hair.
    We even made songs about it and shit, really made as much of a deal of it as possible.
    Was fun back then, but now we r 21 and hes wierdo that doesnt talk to anyone.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:28:38 No.2733704

    Point was I tried really fucking hard for once, tried to turn over a new leaf and she fucking threw it back in my face and actually singled me out as an example of what not to do.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:28:47 No.2733706
    I got picked on when I was in school since I was quiet and didn't act up ever.

    Now I hate bullies. I've gotten the chance to beat the shit out some kids ganging up on another kid a few times.

    Have seen a group of 4 14-16 year olds picking on some kid when I was going on a jog. They told me they were just messing around. I grabbed the "leader" and hit him in the gut and then grabbed the back of his hair and slammed him face first into a wall and he was bleeding and crying. The others begged me to stop and just stood there while I beat the shit out of him until he just laid there crying bleeding from the cuts on his face.

    Another time I saw a group of kids picking on some girl. She was an emo girl and it looked like a freshman in HS. They looked to be freshmen-seniors in HS. They were pouring water on her and soda and slapping her. I came up from behind and grabbed the kid doing it by the throat and made him cry. He was on the ground face all red when I let him go. His friends had some balls, they tried to fight me. The one that took a swing got hit in the nose and was bleeding pretty bad. I grabbed him by his hair lifting it up and kept punching his face and made it slap down into the street. He crying and spitting blood up. Friends just watched.

    And I'm 32 now and work in construction. I guess it's pretty fucked up I beat the shit out of teenagers, but they were little shits that deserved it.
    >> Sanchez !IS3gM5D.kI 01/11/09(Sun)18:29:16 No.2733712
    I guess I was bullied. I stood up to them, so what does it matter? Didn't I do the right thing?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:29:27 No.2733714
    beating on a ginger isn't bullying, it's life.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:32:25 No.2733761
    Strangely... I agree. For the first years untill I just started to beat them up, I just cried or ran away. Methinks I generated an introversion I wouldn't trade for anything. I still have no confidence... but that's more because of my looks than anything else. I put myself down more now than others.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:33:20 No.2733776
    I bullied this one retarded kid, because he was retarded and ugly and annoyed the hell out of me. Besides him I was a pretty nice guy, I got into fights with bullies because I didn't take shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:33:36 No.2733778
    one time i busted a kid in the face with a apple and got kicked out of school that shit sucked ass because i was him a few weeks ago and now he has a crooked nose
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:33:42 No.2733780
    Knowing emo girls did she then offer to fuck you or get attached to you in some way?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:34:30 No.2733787
    I support you in your endeavor.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:35:10 No.2733799
    I got bullied a little bit because I was a pussy who wouldn't stand up for myself despite being physically bigger and stronger than most. There was one guy who'd mock me, get in my face and shit until I snapped and flattened him. We're now pretty good mates, funnily enough.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:35:27 No.2733805

    To be fair it was always the retarded thugs whos opinions I had no respect for anyway that used to tease me about it.
    Shit like "Oi ginger" or "Haha, ginger".
    That was it... They never came up with clever insults. So once some thug twat (Hard kid at my school) went "Haha ginger" and I just had a massive verbal assault against him saying how fucking unimaginitive his insults were. Then I just listed every ginger joke I could think of and he just walked off looking confused. Never bothered me again.
    Kinda like the end of 8 mile but I didn't rap. And I was ginger. And there were no black people at my school.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:36:18 No.2733817
    No, I just told her to go home and to tell her parents if they did it again. Didn't talk to her or "bond" with her.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:36:34 No.2733820

    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:37:04 No.2733830
    You are a hero, mother fucker!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:37:16 No.2733833
    whats up, Simon?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:37:41 No.2733843

    GG, sir.
    >> Sonic 01/11/09(Sun)18:38:33 No.2733855
    See, I used to live in Denver, Colorado. I was bullied constantly. I was short, kind of skinny, but athletic, and I was just too much of a "pussy". I used to take Tae Kwon Do, and it was beat into our heads not to start fights. For some reason, I interpreted this to mean don't fight back. My dad insisted that I pull out of TKD after a few tournaments, because although I did quite well, he thought it was bullshit, and got me to do Japanese ju jitsu. Anyway, the main bully, joey, was busy picking on other new kids for a bit, so I used the opportunity to study martial arts 3 days a week, and progressed fairly quickly. After about 3 months, he got tired of making fun of the new kids,a nd decided that he was gonna rough me up a bit, was making fun of me, I ignored him, he said "Hey, I'm talking to you!" and pushed me, when to punch me, and I parried, knocked him in the face, threw him down, and got him in a juji.
    Bitches don't know about mah grappling
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:38:45 No.2733857
    Fuck this thread is depressing me, bringing back all those shitty memories from school.
    Complete social exclusion, no friends, going back home after a day of constant humiliation with nothing to look forward to...

    I swear if I ever get diagnosed with a deadly disease I'll go to some school and shoot down any bully I can find.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:38:55 No.2733859
    bawwww people were mean to me in middle school

    I had this beaner that thought he was in a gang bully me in middle school. Principle and all the teachers wouldn't do shit about it, so I beat the fuck out of him in the middle of the gym, in front of 50 kids and 3 teachers. Nobody helped him.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:39:41 No.2733867
    I was kinda bullied in the 3rd grade, just bugging, teasing and occasionally being pushed around. Then one day I decided that fuck the teacher and fuck the parents because they didn't help worth shit and when he started to push me around I punched him in the face and split his lip. After that and the whole process afterwards we became fairly good friends and to this day we're pretty chummy with each other.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:39:45 No.2733869
    I just had an epic vision of this. You just beating the shit out of them, lighting a cigarette and walking into the distance.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:41:30 No.2733899

    Name isn't simon :)
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:42:11 No.2733910

    I have dreams about doing shit like this. Except I'm still in high school and I literally walk the hallways WAITING for some poor defenseless girl to be picked on so I can come in all white knight and save the day.

    Sadly I go to a pretentious prep school where most of the people are vapid whores and oddly enough, not much bullying goes on, and when it does, it's normally against a couple specific male kids per grade, whom I normally try to help out, but have no classes with.

    tl;dr I want to help an in trouble girl (especially some emo or scene one).
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:42:22 No.2733912

    all french teachers are bitches. i've traveled with mine, she went to my mother's funeral, buys me christmas gifts, and she's still a cunt.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:43:52 No.2733936
    yeah i'm with you, i used to be weird and fat and clingy and have no opinion of my own

    but now i'm awesome, but yeah i agree, it's always at the back of my mind.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:44:31 No.2733944
    Never been bullied or bullied other. I'm a scary looking guy, I'll tell you what.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:46:07 No.2733971
    I wasn't a bully, most people in high school kept their goddamn distance after I stood up to a star football player. The other times people tried to start shit I just stopped, delivered my return salvo and told them to either start the fight or get the fuck out of my face. Some huge nigra tried to punch me as I sat back in the class we had together after I embarrassed him in front of a bunch of people, I ended up one-handed blocking it and just swatted it aside.

    After that no one tried to mess with me.

    Middle school I just got in a ton of fights because I was rather unstable so I never tolerated people talking shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:46:34 No.2733978
    well, how about


    you say they were weak, but there you were, picking on weak kids since you were too weak to pick on kids stronger then you.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:49:09 No.2734018
    I once got started on by four 14-15y/o outside a takeaway. They asked for my "pass" so I pushed them out the way (I was 19).
    Then then continued to swear at me and terrorize the chinese lady that owned the place.
    When I went got into my car, one of them opened the door and started having a massive go at me. I was all "Fuck this. Im not gunna be sitting down if shit kicks off" so i get out. One of them squared up to me so it's chest to chest. Which is really fucking homo. So I push him back and that then means he can punch me because i touched him first? That's chav rules I guess.
    He lamped me in the face and I just stared at him. Im not big, but I was bigger than him.
    I'm not a violent person, but every ounce of self control went into not beating the living fuck out of that kid. It would have felt so good.

    I work at a school, so beating a 14-15 y/o wouldn't have looked good. I probs would have got fired.

    I often think about killing that kid, since I know he will never do anything worth while with his life. He's just going to be a moron all his life and end up in jail.

    Might as well save the tax payers some money.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:49:15 No.2734020
    >Kinda like the end of 8 mile but I didn't rap. And I was ginger
    Why are ginger people so awesomely funny?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:51:51 No.2734052

    We have nothing else. Be funny or die trying.
    Hot people can get away without having a personality.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:54:57 No.2734094
    Awesomely funny ginger here: When your hair reminds people of a clown, you have no choice to but to yuk it up.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)18:57:37 No.2734130
    About the only bullying story I have is from Eighth grade. After a family breakup followed by multiple new schools and cities in a short time I wasn't in good shape mentally and had become withdrawn and timid. Perfect for a bully.

    Over a few weeks he had picked on me some and I could tell it was only going to get worse but I didn't really want to get in a fight so I was pretty obviously trying to avoid him. The last day he tried anything with me he had a pencil with a pin stuck through the eraser and was hitting various kids with it just to get a reaction and then he'd laugh.

    In math class he sat to my right and as I was writing something he hit me with the pin on my right forearm just below the elbow, drawing blood. I looked at the wound and then back to my work, ignoring him. He hit me a couple more times in the same place and I slowly turned to look at him. After five or six more hits he turned to somebody on the other side of him and said "Hey, get a load of this guy" pointing at me and hit me several more times in the same spot. By now blood is starting to drip but I still didn't react other than to watch. Eventually he got bored and quit saying "You're stupid". Interestingly he never bothered me again.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:01:07 No.2734176
    The worst thing I ever saw a bully do was put his hand down his pants, put his fingers under his foreskin and smack people with the foul dick smell.

    It was nasty, and I saw people throw up from it.

    I remember he hooked on girl int he mouth, but she had no idea what he was doing so she just laughed.

    I almost puked.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:01:30 No.2734182
    i was trapped in a "friends"-cirle.

    i had the choice to either go to school and have no friends at all, or have two friends and get 5 bullies with them

    to bad i was fucking stupid enough to pick the later.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:01:39 No.2734184
    When I was in 2nd grade I got bullied by, of all people, a red-headed girl. That probably contributed a lot to me being as fucked-up as I am right now.

    Anyway around 6th Grade I started being "The Funny Guy" and I never got pushed around, because nobody bullies "The Funny Guy". I guess even bullies like to laugh.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:04:03 No.2734217
    bullied for 9 yrs. grew cute. transformed into the school slut. the obvious bullying stopped. of course ppl started talking behind my back but that didn't matter at all, compared to being screamed at.
    sex doesn't boost your self esteem btw.
    feels good though.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:04:37 No.2734226
    Regularly beaten by a group of 6-10 kids during elementary school. Teachers turned a blind eye, family refused to let me change schools even after numerous death threats and stabbings. This was all in a "nice" middle-upper class neighborhood, by the way.

    The entire ordeal left me a social recluse through middle and high school, which worked out nicely in its own way, since everybody was scared shitless of me after Columbine.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:06:16 No.2734247

    I remember one of my friend protected me using humor once.
    Someone was after me (We'll call him scot) for some reason or another and he had ginger hair, but he was in denial unlike me and had bleached it blonde. Really blonde. Anyway, he got his big friend. Biggest kid in the year to try and beat me up.
    Just as he was aproaching my friend asked the hench guy "Wanna hear a blonde joke?" so he got distracted and said "Ok" to which my friend replied "Scot".
    The massive bully went away laughing and picked on the scot kid for being ginger with dyed blond hair.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:07:06 No.2734263
    in later years i got rid of those bullies by doing the 4th grade agian. Good class good friends. Though one time a guy tried to humiliate during it class with a network message to everyone in the class.

    I took my pair of compasses and hit it with the sharp point right next to his hand threatening him I'd place it in his hand the next time he'd do such a thing again. Though i appolegized for my harsh behavior and he for his bullying and we both got along fine after it.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:12:02 No.2734341
    I was bullied alot back in middle school. These 2 guys beat me and my other friend up once and just kept fucking with us for about all of 7th grade. Me and my friend were skinny ass asians and there was no way we could take on 2 niggers in a fair fight. So near the end of 7th grade we had it with being messed around with so much. So in preparation we filled our pockets with salt, put a mathematical compass with a sharp pivot point in my pocket and wore a pair of cross country cleats. The kids that picked on us usually bother us on our bus ride home. So we made sure we were seen by them and lead them to an alley way some ways from the bus stop and from the main road where noone would see us. So they yelled at us to stop and we did. They got close to us and asked us why we didn't pay their toll to ride the bus. At that moment me and my friend threw salt in their eyes. They were blinded and stumbling around so we just started punching them everywhere. One of them fell down and I stomped on him with my cross country cleat on his thigh. Revenge was sweet. He was crying and screaming how he was bleeding from like 10 holes the cleats made on his thigh. We ran our ass outta there. They never fucked with us again.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:12:08 No.2734344
    You deserve 7 internets
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:14:47 No.2734381

    heh, Columbine actually worked out well for me too. People gave me a WIDE fucking berth.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:14:59 No.2734385

    He has 1 life. And that's even better.
    >> uruk !3GqYIJ3Obs 01/11/09(Sun)19:15:07 No.2734388
         File :1231719307.jpg-(134 KB, 680x1024, salaasuruk_0279.jpg)
    134 KB
    I used to bully a lot.
    Last year this guy everyone bullies didn't shave for like a week so his mutton chops were hairy as fuck. Everyone made fun of him, and during a math lesson the teacher made me write down some shit. Since the chalkboard is rotable I wrote it face against the class and then turned it around. There was a drawing of a boy with giant mutton chops and "homo scotus" written underneath it. He standed up and went for the sponge to wash it away. I picked it up and held it above his head (i'm 6f 7" so it wasn't very hard). Suddenly he wen't berserk and shoved me away. I hit the wall and entered stage III battlemode and shoved him back. He literally flew a meter and crashed lower side ribs first into the corner of a desk. He cut a path through the desks with his body. Then he standed up and fell down again, unconsciouss. Since even the teachers hated him, noone did anything to me.

    Feels good man
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:22:41 No.2734498

    I'm entering level 3 rage mode.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:28:24 No.2734572
    >He standed up

    spoken like a true bully
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:30:43 No.2734613

    Holy shit.
    Was his name something like Loet van de Berg?
    >> uruk !3GqYIJ3Obs 01/11/09(Sun)19:31:20 No.2734621
    I'm gonna trace this interweb adres and beat teh shit out off you guys
    >> Sanchez !IS3gM5D.kI 01/11/09(Sun)19:32:55 No.2734635
    Oh gawd. Please find me. Please find me. Please find me. Please find me.Please find me. Please find me. Please find me. Please find me. Please find me.Please find me.Please find me. Please find me. Please find me. Please find me.Please find me.Please find me. Please find me. Please find me. Please find me.Please find me.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:33:56 No.2734654

    If I ever meet you, don't think you being 5" than me is going to save you.

    Sure you can beat up a skinny fuck, but I get way too fucking carried away in fights.

    I might leave you crying and piss on your face asshole, but it gets worse than that with me, son.
    >> uruk !3GqYIJ3Obs 01/11/09(Sun)19:36:18 No.2734681
    what do you do? do you have any nigger superpowers? do you cry and fiddle?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:37:09 No.2734689
    Never been bullied and never bullied anyone else...I was a real problem child though. If someone just as much as touch me, I threw them down a flight of stairs.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:38:23 No.2734707

    Nah man. Can't remember his name now. But the kids name was Jarret.
    And his dad went over to Ireland and tried to get it on with a 14 y/o in his car.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:41:40 No.2734758
    I used to hit girls because I knew I'd always win
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:44:35 No.2734796
    Let me see, I got picked on allot in middle school because I'd just moved to a rich white town, I'd grown up in a small poorer black/white community and I was in the private school so to say the least i suppose I was sheltered. Now I start going to a new school in my new city, we lived in the poorer neighborhood in a shitty house. In my elementary school this poised no problems for me because most everyone else going to it were also from the lower income bracket. Fast forward 2 years to middle school I try to fit in get along with everyone but it's hard, I get beaten up on the bus twice and if I fought back I got suspended, it really ticked me off, then one day some kid was annoying me and teasing me and I snapped and went ape shit and beat him up, I got suspended for 10 days but it was worth it. Another was football I signed up for it trying to be like everyone else and all I got was ridiculed. I think that's why I stuck to baseball...
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:47:38 No.2734839

    I need something mightier than facepalm.jpg.

    No one likes your stupid bullying antics you jock faggot. Now get packing my groceries.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:50:08 No.2734883
    elementary and middle school I was the pussy everyone fucked with. Fat, apathetic, self entitled elitist shitbag.
    Then the summer of eighth I hit my growth spurt and filled out like a fucking barbarian. I dawned a black leather jacket, a pair of dark sunglasses, and started perfecting my ability to intimidate.
    Because I figured out that putting the fear of god in someone with a few cold words and the threat of violence is more effective than knocking their teeth out, to this day the worst I've done is rough a guy up (unless you count threatening a jock faggot with a knife) and the worst that's been done to me is people cheap shotting me and running away.
    School was actually pretty fun, because of fucking girls who just wanted me to piss off daddy.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:56:16 No.2734976
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    Hurr durr. I am an retrad.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:03:00 No.2735073
    High school was full of loads of put downs for me. I was never picked on directly until year 9, some fat kid who was always a complete ass would randomly punch me in the arm and shout out me. Complete fucking retard. I never reacted other than just saying "Oookay then" but apparently even that was enough to send him overboard at me. Weeks would turn to months and I wouldn't fight back or really show any sort of resistance. It got to me pretty bad though, my confidence was shot down horribly and I become a social mute whenever he was around. Nobody really noticed a change in me but I knew it was happening.
    Jesus christ, if I had the sort of mentality back then as I do right now I would have kicked the shit out of him straight from day one.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:03:28 No.2735079
    Whenever there is a tough guy thread /r9k/ fills up with people who can't type sentences correctly or spell.

    I never got picked on for long because I was sharp and quick. I'd have a devastating comeback and I spread rumours about everyone. I never directly bullied anyone and was nice to anyone who ever bullied me.

    I'd get them back by stealing their stuff or vandalising/destroying their property. I have some sort of complex where I can't let people do bad things to me and get away with it yet I dislike physical confrontations.

    I had friends but one of them was a homosexual which made my friends group a target. We were all strong alpha males who were getting good grades at the time too and this didn't really make any sense for us to be targetted.

    I'm happy that my homosexual friend was bullied because it showed him how much we (friends group) love and accept him and I really did fuck up a lot of other peoples stuff and there were numerous talks that the principal gave at assembly about the stuff I wrote and things I wrecked.
    >> Shawn Eater !DboU7yuujg 01/11/09(Sun)20:06:04 No.2735115
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    When I used to go to Cardinal Gibbons people used to call me as terrorist. It would go on for two years until I got kicked out for murkin some nigga during third lunch.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:06:09 No.2735117

    >dawned a black leather jacket

    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:07:34 No.2735132
    School turned me into a jaded anti-social hate filled faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:08:21 No.2735139
    This thread...

    The Internet Tough Guys...

    Oh God, it hurts....
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:09:28 No.2735151
    But it appears that their syntax and punctuation still suck.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:10:03 No.2735160
    I was pretty damn scrawny all the way to eighth grade; I was pretty short, 4'11'' by eighth, and I was on 50 mg of concerta, at LEAST, so I weighed about 60-70 pounds. So I was bullied pretty consistently.
    But then one day after school, I was completely alone in the upper eighth grade hall, and my locker was at the end of the hall. As I was about to leave a kid who bullied me came up and start saying shit to me, I don't even remember what, and started to shove me into the lockers and slap me.
    I fucking SNAPPED.
    I did a side step, grabbed the back of his head, and slammed his face into the locker as hard as I could.
    Instantly, his nose was shattered, a dew teeth were knocked out, and he was out cold before he hit the ground.
    Nobody bothered me after that, and I quit the meds and grew a foot in about a month. That shit HURT.
    >> chainsawmascara 01/11/09(Sun)20:13:06 No.2735206
    Hey, foxy.

    Girls used to rip up and destroy my clothes during gym while I was out running. People used to constantly make fun of my name (including my cousins). I used to be called a lesbian for no reason (although I am fond of the ladies now). I was beat up for a while, until I nearly put a kid in the hospital and almost took out another's eye with a stick (which was, ironically, an accident). I was bullied for a long time, and in elementary school I became a bully because of it.
    Currently, I am a total pacifist and haven't been in a fight in at least five years.
    >> Pretentious. You proletarians make me sick! A fine tripfag of European descent. !nzcH8FLamA 01/11/09(Sun)20:13:41 No.2735216
    Me and my friend always used to taunt this goth guy on the bus home who would remain silent. Untill one day I was going to my friends, and once we got off we could hear him slamming on the bus door once it had started moving, the bus stopped and he ran out and tried to find us, but we hid in the bush. It was funny watching him wait for the next bus for so long.

    Oh, and some guy followed me home once but that's about it.

    Other then that it was just me being subtle and annoying to people on msn.

    Actually I do remember onne time when I was in grade nine and I pissed off some guy and managed to make the whole of grade ten furious at me, they never did anything aside from threats though, funny shit thinking back on it.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:15:09 No.2735238
    I was generally neutral throughout my school years.

    Eventually the dirty niggers of my high school started trying to trip me and what not, and I ignored them. Then they gave up and left me alone.

    Dirty minorities.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:17:56 No.2735279

    So you saw yourself as culling the weak so that made what you do acceptable? You're still inflicting misery and harm often on people who did nothing but sit there and paint themselves as an attractive target according to you.

    Yes, as you can probably tell I was bullied. I stood up to them many times, but it's like the carcass suddenly twitching and then they're all pouncing on you.

    By your logic and rationalizations if a jewelry store had an open top display case you shouldn't get in trouble or be thought of as "wrong" for just reaching in and stealing.

    Hell, since a girl in skimpy clothes is walking in the bad side of town it'll learn her to rape her wouldn't it?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:18:11 No.2735285
    When I was 12, I had probably my worst bullying experience so far. Some stupid bastard decided it was time for everybody to turn on me for a week. On the Friday of that week, the retard of my grade pulled my pants and underwear down in one swoop while I was having a serious conversation. I ran after him for a good 10 seconds before catching up to him and kicking his left leg so far right that he spun around and landed on his back. I rugby tackled him while he was was still in shock from the fall and knelt on his chest. After raising my fist, I stared into that fucker's very fucking core. He was terrified. A teacher pulled me off of him before I could do anything to him, but he doesn't fuck with me anymore.

    Actually, something else on the subject of pulling my pants down without consent: The same grease mechanic-to-be dickhole that bullied me for most of my junior years did that once. He was trying to walk away like it was somebody else that'd done it. Since nobody else in the area was stupid enough to pull something like that, I ran up to him, grabbed the scruff of his neck and jumped over his shoulder. I was my 2nd year of 'elite' jiujitsu (I never found the actual name of the style, the sensei and his sensei before him just called it that when I asked), so I was able to roll out of it and stand facing him before he could get up. He actually talked his way out of it, but he certainly took me a bit more seriously afterwards. I never got dacked again either, so it was fairly productive.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:18:46 No.2735290
    I was one of those kids who was fairly popular, but for some reason there's that one group of kids who bullied me.
    Then one day, I pissed them off after telling a bunch of kids the ringleader was a closet gay, and he stabbed me in the gut after school.
    So I kicked him in the sternum, breaking a couple ribs, and slashed him across the face with his knife.
    >> Shawn Eater !DboU7yuujg 01/11/09(Sun)20:19:39 No.2735302

    ^ clearly is beowolf.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:20:24 No.2735315
    So many people in this thread deserve to die. If only there was a hell...
    >> Pretentious. You proletarians make me sick! A fine tripfag of European descent. !nzcH8FLamA 01/11/09(Sun)20:23:03 No.2735350
    My friend who had this thing going where we were trying to get back at each other for random shit pulled my pants down on the oval once. I just stood there for a few seconds with my pants down and was like "go on then, have a suck you faggot." I got him back by wetting my hand and slapping him on the back really hard one day.

    High school was fun.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:25:39 No.2735369

    Then you've never really paid attention or the guys at your school were nicer. I had the classic bully tactic happen to me countless times in middle school.

    Boy: "Hey...I really like you. Will you go out with me?"
    Girl: "Omg...really?! I like you too!"

    Something to that effect.
    >> OP 01/11/09(Sun)20:26:11 No.2735376
    >Hell, since a girl in skimpy clothes is walking in the bad side of town it'll learn her to rape her wouldn't it?

    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:28:21 No.2735402

    My being bullied story. It started about kindergarten. Our teacher was one of those classic "I got 'demoted' to kindergarten. I'll take it out on the kids" For the most part she was fine. But when it ever came to people misbehaving or ignoring her... There was often a group. 90% of the time I got singled out. Soon the class picked up on this and they started to mess with me. Name calling, pushing, etc. I was tempted to actually fight back physically, but everyone at the school and my parents for the longest time told me not to be violent. So it became a mental block.

    (to give you an idea, my mother, godfather, and father all threatened physical harm on this teacher when they came into classroom activities on parent days)

    Several years of bullying and general schoolkid stuff pass. Eventually I move onto middle school after getting in a fight which was just me finally snapping and popping some kid in the mouth hard enough to knock him on his ass. Things got worse, despite moving from a public school to a private (protestant) middle school/highschool. Second day of classes I get fucking TACKLED in a touch foot ball game. I was a chubby kid, 5'3" and a kid about my size managed to hit me, and throw me about three feet onto my back. I end up becoming that guy, and his circle's 'friend' meaning they used me as the whipping boy to make themselves look good. Whenever I'd hang out with them alone, we were all fine and polite and they were actually FRIENDS. The second they were in a group, they would fuck me, call me names and what not.

    At one point, another group of bullies threw rocks at me, and one hit me in the head. Light concussion.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:28:43 No.2735407
    Finally after that I move onto another private highschool, a catholic one, and at this point if anyone approaches me it's a trap in my mind. Some seniors introduce themselves, genuinely nice, and I'm suspicious, but nothing bad happens. A girl says hello, rather cute, and I freak her out cause I'm looking around like I'm about to get jumped. Finally, about this time I go into therapy, get on antidepressants, and then after that first year of emo bullshit I finally went immediately into "fucked if I care about anything" slacker laziness. It didn't help I was on prozac. Finally after going from a 3.4 gpa to a 2.2 gpa I was switched from prozac to wellbutrin, my attitude and lethargy became more peppy, but still happy and by the middle/end of junior year I was off the anti-depressants.

    Junior and senior year I was in the drama 2 class and that pretty much brought me out of my shell. Now I'm in junior college and have gone through the stereotypical social butterfly phase with a large group of good friends. The other day a guy tried to intimidate me and I laughed in his face and just kept walking.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:29:21 No.2735416

    And this is where you are universally heralded as a sociopath.
    >> SAGE 01/11/09(Sun)20:29:23 No.2735417
    I became best friends with my bully. Odd enough.

    Though the bullying amounted to him just calling me stupid names.
    >> עמנוחתול 01/11/09(Sun)20:34:27 No.2735486
    I only connected the "cycle" thing recently, actually: I was bullied MERCILESSLY really early, spit on daily, physical violence, etc changed schools then did the same to others in middleschool. I had always gone under the assumption that it was like just "phases", but now I see it's more "pass it along".
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:37:41 No.2735523
    >The second they were in a group, they would fuck me
    We call that a "gang bang".
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:39:37 No.2735558
    i've only really bullied two people. both were social outcasts, and one had a massive full body twitch.

    i only did it for the lulz
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:41:37 No.2735590

    fuck *with* me. God dammit I hate accidentally omitting certain words.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:47:14 No.2735664
    In my early days of high school, one of my good friends (I'll call him J) was pretty much a delinquent. He got suspended and had behavior monitoring shit pretty much constantly. His older brother (who i'm friends with also, i'll call him M) was a lot more level-headed but he still had conflicts with the fuckhead guys in his year. Due to them being brothers, they stood up for each other and i got involved because they were both my friends.

    One guy in particular (henceforth: David) got into a fight with my friend's brother, M and after that he pretty much had a vendetta not only with J and M, but with me and my friends as well. One day David punched one of my friends in the face (my friend had small-man syndrome and thought he was untouchable) because he was talking shit for something, and i was walking towards them at the time, to i king hit David in the side of the head and although dazed, he fought back. The teachers ended up breaking it up, but he broke his hand and his face wascovered with bruises for weeks while i didnt have a scratch.

    After that, David got his mates to do the whole "FUCK U DOING HITTIN MY FRIEND, CUNT?!!?". After a few months of him generally being a fuckhead to me and my group, we started standing up to them and i got a whole group of people in my year (these bullies were 2 years above us) that he'd pissed off and we stood up to him. He eventually got expelled from the school and i never heard from him again.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:55:44 No.2735771
    I was never bullied or a bully. I was a nerd, but I was six and a half feet tall and fat in Jr. High. No one really wanted to fuck with me.

    This one time though, I was in PE and this older kid who was about my size thought it would be funny if he ran at me and tried to tackle me. Just before he hit me I noticed him and got out of the way so he kept running. for some reason I got super retard strength and chased after him, eventually tackling him to the ground. I was a cool guy after that and we eventually became friends.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)20:58:20 No.2735813
    Fast forward a 2 years and we were the oldest year in the school (Year 10, ausfag). There was a group of year 8 kids that sat near where our group sat and one kid in particular thought he was really funny and that everyone liked him (Nobody did, my sister was in the same year and everyone thought he was a douche).
    This kid would throw things at our group and try and make himself out to be tough by trying to bully us (we werent exactly the popular group, but not total losers. His group were losers though - they played yu-gi-oh in the library). We got sick of his shit and started abusing _him_ back. He got pissy and went to the teachers about it and they could tell that he started it.
    Everyone was told to leave each other alone and stop the abuse, so i got the idea to give him a nickname that wasn't offensive or that really reflects anything about him, so from then on he was known as "Muffin".
    The name stuck and because we didnt do anything else other than call him Muffin, the teachers told him to just ignore us. One day i happened to be tlking about him to my sister and she said something like "Everyone calls him Muffin for some reason, but he gets pissed if you do". She didn't know that i started it and i found it so hilarious that the name stuck so well.

    In hindsight, we were pretty hard on the kid, but he chose to sit next to us and continue sitting there. If he moved, we would have forgotten about him. Excuses i know, but whatever.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)21:00:49 No.2735843
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    I was bullied pretty terribly when I was a kid until I learned how not to be a victim. Was bullied predominantly for being ginger, despite the fact that I have awesome looking hair.

    After that I would either go off on a verbal tirade or simply do my best Clint Eastwood impression at whoever tried to fuck with me. Whatever suits the situation best for belittling the fuck out of some uppity shit.
    >> Titsplease !XuUYIJO9Yg 01/11/09(Sun)21:00:52 No.2735845
    i was never threatened by bullies, mainly because of inspiration from rorschach from watchmen.

    there was this fat guy, he said 'imma kick your ass' and i said 'fat chance' and hes like 'lulz gonna make you sqeal' and i said 'big deal' and i broke his nose when he tried to punch me

    i loved it
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)21:06:59 No.2735920
    Holy fuck, I hadn't laughed in 3 hours, you are a good anon.
    >> paki taxi driver 01/11/09(Sun)21:14:42 No.2736020
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    bullying made me a person i am.

    i got my ass beaten till i went to high school and my family moved out from working class district. at school, after school, for some like 8 years. i never told anyone, because i was too proud, i thought i should deal with it myself, but these fuckers were bigger than me. worst part is, that none of my friends had ever backed me up, cause it could take this shit at his head. for 8 years i was closed in my room, playing computer games and reading the books. i couldn't sleep at night, because when i closed my eyes next thing was morning, and i'd have to go outside. once i got beating from my father, because he thought i'm too lazy to go to a shop, while in fact i was scared chavy fellows out there. i wrote suicide note when i was 12, but nothing happened.

    in the result i feel worse than most of the people, and i know that no one will ever back me up (with all the emotional implications). it's not such a big deal, and it also has upsides - i don't deserve this girl, so she can go; i don't have any expectations, so i can't be hurt, etc.

    and i'm a little bit bigger.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)21:15:45 No.2736031
    I was kind of a geeky kid in school, but I was never really bullied.

    My only experience was this one guy in elementary school who was annoying me and attempting to pick on me, and after a few days of that shit, I kneed him in the balls. A month or so later, when he was standing near me in gym, I kneed him in the balls again for good measure.

    At that point, he learned not to bother me.
    >> Holland Boy !GaZtwAtvk. 01/11/09(Sun)21:16:20 No.2736042
    This kid who was really depressed and never smiled, on occasion we called him "Smiley". That's about it, I'm not a dick.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)21:21:50 No.2736125
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    As a military brat I was always gray area for bullies. Some tried to assert their dominance, but mostly they left me the fuck alone as they already had their proverbial bitches.
    The one memorable time I was bullied was 5th grade, school on a military base. I made a few friends quickly, one of which was the current class bully, who I found to be a friendly but slow witted brute who had been held back. A sixth grader decided that I would be a good candidate for his new bitch and began harassing me on the playground.
    Out of nowhere the Sloth to my Chunk, Blaster to my Master punched the sixth grader in the gut and shoved him to the ground and proclaimed "no one fucks with my friends" loud enough for the bullies friends to hear (who promptly ran away).
    I learned a valuable lesson that day - make friends with bullies and they can be used as weapons against other bullies.
    >> Sanchez !IS3gM5D.kI 01/11/09(Sun)21:27:37 No.2736209
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)21:29:52 No.2736240
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    Now granted, the next year I turned the entire class into a bully. By then my bully friend moved away (military brat life), but I had proven to be a powerful member of my class. I used this power for the good of class, by directing the classes wrath towards the weaker, smellier, annoying members. One I drove to the brink of expulsion (but he only got a suspension) as he got so sick of the classes torment he lashed out on me, throwing my backpack and lunch box on top of the cafeteria gazebo's roof when I wasn't looking.
    The other wasn't entirely my doing, but made another member of our class freak right the fuck out and throw a trashcan at two classmates and push a teacher (the casual name taunt of 'Hollow-head Holland" still makes me smile to this day).
    Good times
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)21:31:55 No.2736271
    That's fantastic and honestly made me warm inside.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)21:35:14 No.2736324
    I've only had two people pick on me. The first was in gr.6. Only bully in town. I'm fairly skinny. Quiet. I tried to be nice to him. He decided to pick on me one day. It only lasted a day. I threw him clear over a set of desks. He didn't speak to me for six years.
    The second was in gr.8. He slowly began pushing his limits with me. This guy was straight out of juvie. 3 years older. Extremly unstable and prone to attacking teachers. He tried to fight me for no reason. I was on the hockey team. A rather large teammate took care of it. He never spoke to me again.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)21:42:51 No.2736441
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    Bullying is serious business
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)21:45:43 No.2736483
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    Serious business in Japan, at least.

    It's also an excellent book to read and drama to watch. I RAGEd and BAWWW'd many a-times
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)21:47:49 No.2736510
    im from chile (south america for those who dont know) i was never bullied, in fact i'm a geek and i am very popular
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)21:48:42 No.2736524
    Picked on grade 3 through 6.

    Grade 6 was the worst, because the mother of some kid in my class ended up gambling all the families money away, so she told her kid to tell the school that I was touching her inappropriately during lunch and whatnot. So she told the school, and her friends also said I touched them. Eventually during one lunch the chick is crying and all her friends come up to me with her telling me that everything is my fault for touching them and whatnot. It was really fucked up because I had no clue what the fuck they were talking about. Lunch ends, and I get called down to the principals office to deal with the situation.

    I told them the truth, that I had never touched them inappropriately, and if I did, it was on accident. Eventually, social services got called and started talking to me and held me up after school. I get home, and my mom is furious and I told her what happened. She flipped out, because they weren't allowed to do that.

    One day, my parents got called into the school, and they tell my mom and dad that I did all this shit, and I was obviously lying about it because I cried (really though, I cried because I had no idea what the fuck caused all this shit). So my mom pulls me out of class, and takes me home. My mom and dad sit me down and have a talk with me, and I explain everything to them, and they said they heard the opposite of what I said, which was a load of shit.

    Wasn't until a few years later that the father of the kid who started the whole "you sexually harassed me" thing got drunk at a party and told my mom the truth. That his wife was a gambling addict.

    Fuck that chapped my ass. Being in so much trouble for something I didn't do. RAGE.

    Needless to say, switched schools for junior high. Continued to be harassed by people until grade 8 where I ended up making a few friends. Grade 9 was fucking awesome though, because it seemed as though a lot of people wanted to talk to me and be a friend. That was weird.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)21:51:28 No.2736564
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    I've been bullied all my life by anyone and everyone. The problem is that my expectations of peoples behavior towards me is quite low so I often don't realise they're the reason why I'm feeling so miserable.

    But as soon as I become aware, after I've been pushed too far in one session, then it's punch to the face time. Extra points for a bloody nose. I get into trouble with the authority of the school/whatever yes, but it is worth it.

    Why? Because their reaction goes from one of nasty arrogance to total surprise and butthurt. And that anon, is priceless.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)21:52:03 No.2736570
    In elementary school, I was all right until my parents got divorced in the third grade. Then I wasn't really a bully as I was a class clown.

    But after the third grade I got transferred to a school in a different town with an interesting difference -- White students were the minority. I was there from 4th to 6th grade, and at any given time there were less than ten white students. I was never physically bullied for being white, and never called out specifically on it, but there was always a quiet resentment for me that I could notice on some of the students. Maybe I was just a dick, and I was looking for an excuse, but I had some friends that stuck with me through all three years, so I couldn't have been that bad of a guy, right?

    During middle school (7th and 8th grade), shit got tough for me. I switched schools again, back into the same school system that I had begun elementary in. I got beat up a lot, but it was really because I was a nasty little shit that didn't know when to shut his mouth. Looking like Harry Potter in the midst of the HP craze didn't help either. Even so, I managed to make friends by way of someone who knew me back from third grade, and introduced me to his circle of friends. We'd be together from then on through all of high school.

    Speaking of high school, my freshman year I got bullied a bit, but I had started to mature and I had finally worked out all my problems stemming from my parent's divorce. (spoilers: my mom was a terrible person so it's no big loss not having her.) So after my freshman year, I didn't really get bullied anymore. I even started to get recognized by the general student body as an all-right guy. Impressed some of the ladies with my quick wit, which was easier to show off after I conquered my fear of public speaking. I can't think of a good way to end this, so there you have it.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)21:52:11 No.2736571
    The injustice is...unbearable. I want to pay you money or something. FUCK
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)21:53:42 No.2736596
    You should have sued her family.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)21:59:04 No.2736668
    I moved to a new school in Junior High. I moved to an area that was filled with rich families, we lived in the purely middle class part of town. Because I was overweight (I had a paunch) and because we weren't loaded, the kids liked to give me a hard time.

    I've always been really strong, but I'm a really mellow person. The kids at the school took my laid back attitude as a sign of being weak. They would verbally tease me, poke me, or throw stuff (nothing heavy) at me. I never let it bother me. I just looked at them, smiled, asked them nicely to stop, and went back to what I was doing. If they wouldn't stop, I'd just move.

    One day during gym one of the worst of the bullies came up to me and out of nowhere, for absolutely no reason, threw a punch and hit me in the ear. It fucking HURT.

    I went into a blind rage. I honestly don't remember what happened. But when I came to, I was in the principal's office with a policeman, a school guard, and the two gym teachers.

    From what I heard afterwards, I charged the kid who threw the punch and literally lifted him off the ground by his neck. He passed out really quickly, but it took the 2 gym teachers, and 4 or 5 kids to pull me off of him.

    He and I were both suspended. He was suspended for 2 weeks, me for 3 days. I was never bullied again after that incident. That kid actually wound up being my friend in Highschool.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)22:03:01 No.2736722

    On top of that, during grade 10, there was a kid named David who picked on me in grade 9 (although grade 9 was still fucking sweet), he chose to pick on me without any real reason. The reason (as far as I can piece together), was because of his mother and father. His dad, used to work for my dad, he was well payed for what he did, because he was incredibly good at his job (like, best payed employee type deal). Eventually, he quit and left my dads company. David's mother on the other hand, liked to spend money on shit they couldn't afford (you don't pay until next year type deals). So this set them in the shitter as far as "quality of life" goes. I should add, during David's teenage years, he constantly fucked up and pissed off his dad; to the point where his dad began to beat him because he could not control him. I'm going to assume, while his dad was working for my dad, that his mom convinced David that my dad refused to pay his dad a good salary. This, being a child, probably got into his head a little. Anyways, TL;DR, David hated me. Picked on me all through grade 9, but it stopped around grade 10, until one day a friend of his informed me not to go to our local county fair in my town when it was here, because David was going to kick my ass. Me, thinking David was better than that, decided to go to the fair. I though to myself "Hey, i'll go during the day, while David couldn't possibly be there!" Well, I was wrong. He was there, and his friends were there, and his friends friends were there. Fuck. I was surrounded by at least 50 people, god fucking damnit, lol.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)22:04:23 No.2736739

    Oh wow, wall of text, my bad. Still not done yet...

    So David was pissed at me. At one point before he was going to kick my ass, he said to me something like "I wanna fucking talk to your dad!", so I said "Sure, i'll call him for you." by his request. Dad came down, dad talked him out of it (being that my dad was a lot bigger than David). Was made fun of at school by a few people for a little bit about that, they clearly didn't understand that David specifically said he wanted to talk to my dad though, so whatever.

    That was pretty much it. There was also some Dbag in grade 10 that only bullied me when he was around his friends. Only had a few confrontations with him though, nothing really came out of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)22:08:20 No.2736779
    I always got bullied, from 1st grade to 12th, although a LOT less in high school because I played football and worked out and shit. Other football players would make fun of me for yelling really fucking loud when I hit someone, until we did tackling drills and I would knock them over when they were supposed to be tackling me. Then everybody started yelling like me because it makes you hit harder when you yell (its a fucking fact).

    Anyways, one specific incident. In 2nd or 3rd grade some kid was picking on me. His name was anthony and he was a little bitch. I slapped him really fucking hard, and he started crying.

    Picking on me really didn't work though, because I am unaffected by insults since I don't give a shit about other people and what they think of me, because other people are fucking retards.

    I would do shit like return wallets I found on the ground, etc. Basically got in with the staff of the school, anybody who bullied me in high school got fucked over by the staff.

    It makes me lol hard these days when I see these pathetic little fucks who bullied me. They're working at burger king, other places like that, not going to college like me.

    Also, I drop acid a LOT. And dropped it a lot when I was younger. Probably affected why I wasnt bothered by the bullying.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)22:09:01 No.2736786
    Forgot to add. When he came back to school, he still had bruises on his neck that were shaped like my hands.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)22:11:41 No.2736828

    It was really shitty at the time. While it was happening my parents told me not to talk to the girls, in fear that the girls I associated with might turn on me and side with the 4 that said I sexually harassed them.

    This kinda scarred me, because I have trouble getting physical with a girl in fear that *gasp* I might sexually harass her. In due time, i'll get over it. I don't get into many public situations where womenz are present anymore. Only 19 by the way, so plenty of time.

    As for suing the girl, there was a point at which my dad consulted his lawyer, who advised him to inform me that I should not associate with any of the girls anymore. One of the girls, Kaelyn, started talking to me in class, and I told her straight up that my dads lawyer told me not to talk to her, to which she replied "OH YEAH WELL MY LAWYER TOLD ME NOT TO TALK TO YOU EITHER, SO YEAH." She shut the fuck up right quick, was nice. Tis a shame her family was such white trash, that she turned out to be a lesbian dating an ex meth addict (who ironically got pregnant), with such a shitty life. Bitch.

    Also, I couldn't sue what I couldn't prove at the time. Could have easily backfired on me. It was 4 statements against 1. Such horseshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)22:12:43 No.2736842
    you're not from sweden, are you?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)22:16:58 No.2736887
    No. Murrika.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)22:20:53 No.2736929
    ITT:Gingers get bullied for being ginger more than blacks for being black.
    Where's the real racism. Lol.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)22:22:39 No.2736952
    In middle school I got bullied pretty badly. Kids would make fun of the way I looked (wasn't very good looking) and other things.

    It really fucked me up. I'm pretty shy and nervous around new people because of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)22:24:09 No.2736964
    I dropped out of physics. Afterwords, I agreed to be someones partner for a mini trebuchet project. Told him I had everything under control until the last moment and then laughed at him. I downplayed people with words. I was always taught by teachers and guidance counselors that they hurt the most. At best I was punched. I made fun of people with no friends. I made people realize how worthless and flawed their hobbies and ambitions were. I told teachers I didn't learn anything. I told jocks that they were womanly. I pointed out peoples insecurities wherever I could find them. None of them ever thought to point mine out, it's usually the same old insults.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)22:27:52 No.2737005

    I used to rip into ginger kids hard, but I was ginger too. So it was ironic or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)22:33:39 No.2737086
    I went to a private school and we all were nice to each other.


    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)22:40:27 No.2737175
    was hunted, learned to become a hunter.

    same as op, those who i deal it out to, their ones who need to toughen up.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)22:41:49 No.2737191
    > I quit football and became a stoner beach bum after that.

    Fuck yeah! Victory is yours!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)22:42:07 No.2737197
    What I want to see are stories from instructors (or rather, substitute teachers, since I doubt full-time teachers post here) who have seen bullying and how they would compare it to when they were young and bullies during their time.

    I personally have no stories to share. I was bullied during middle school, but thanks to various drugs (both prescribed and otherwise) I can't no longer clearly remember that point in my life.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)22:42:10 No.2737200
    I got bullied by this group of three people every day for years. Finally i snapped, slapped the girl, broke the first guys nose, and grinded the second guys face into a brick wall.

    Didn't get into trouble, somehow.
    >> Pavane !40hMlBXxb6 01/11/09(Sun)22:42:11 No.2737201
    This is one of the best posts I've ever read on all of 4chan
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)23:01:49 No.2737498
    A few years ago I had a job at a court as the Chief Clerk to the Judge. I was promoted over someone who had been there 2x as long as I had. He became really hostile to me. He started going into my office and purposely screwing up my work. Our boss never believed me because he had been there so long. One day I had enough. He had password protected his computer through his bios thinking that would be enough. I stayed late one night fixing a bunch of files he fucked up. After I fixed the files, I opened up his computer, flashed the bios, and logged on. I uploaded a bunch of CP to his hard drive. I told our boss the next day that I saw him looking at porn. Of course the boss didn't believe me, but had one of the techs come to look at the computer's hard drive anyways.

    He was fired, then V&. Last I heard he got off with 5 years of probation and he had to see a counselor (on his own dime) about his problem.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)23:04:22 No.2737535
    Protip: When you get into a fight, make as much noise as you can when you hit them. I was always the quiet, reserved kid when I wasn't with friends, but the one time someone picked a fight with me, I was shouting at the top of my lungs like a maniac whenever I'd throw a punch, and it scared the shit out of all the bullies from then on. P eople called me the Beast.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)23:08:07 No.2737582
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    They clear the way. THE WAY OFF BULLIES, FUCK YEAR.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)23:10:42 No.2737622

    Yeah guise, like totally, if you lose your breath just before a fight, you will like totally win. Srls, guise. Srls.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)23:12:23 No.2737644
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    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)23:24:16 No.2737766
    Pathetic school fights dont last long enough to lose your breath fatty.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)23:43:42 No.2738059
    people called you the beast because you were ugly. i don't think you ever got in a fight. en joy your no friends.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)23:48:48 No.2738132
    Back when I was in grade school my best friend was this black kid who lived a couple blocks down from me. He used to come over to my house, we'd go play on my Playstation, and he'd stay for dinner, sometimes sleep over. I was asian, he was black, but back then race didn't really mean much to us, and my parents were pretty cool about it too. My mom would let him stay over a lot because she knew he was going through some tough shit at home (dad was an unemployed alcoholic, mom was a fat abusive chainsmoker). We were kinda like a second family to him.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)23:49:22 No.2738140
    One time this fat kid everyone hates got into a fight with a CHOLO ESSE kid. Fatty basically tried to play mercy with him, and gangsta kid was just really confused.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)23:49:25 No.2738141

    Later on we went to the same high school, and we were still good buddies; he'd come over occasionally to have dinner with me and the folks. We wouldn't really hang out and talk at school though cause he started hanging out with the jocks after joining the football team, and I was with the geeks. Although we were around the same height in grade school, his growth spurt kicked in way stronger than mine in High School and he became HUGE. Not only that he started working out, and got really strong (benching over 350).

    Needless to say, I got picked on, being the nerdy asian guy with glasses. I was walking down the hallway after school one day, when this fucker out of the blue punches me on the back of the head. I black out for a bit and I'm lying on the ground dazed. He and his friend start laughing and kicking me in the stomach. Then I see this large shadow behind them, and it's my buddy. He grabs one guy by the back of the neck and shoves him face first into the locker. I see him collapse unconscious and there's a huge dent on the locker and blood spraying from his mouth, face, and nose. The other guy gets this panicked expression and starts to run, but my buddy catches him and literally picks him up and throws him on the ground. Then my buddy gets on top of him, grabs him by the neck, and starts slapping him while yelling, "You like that you little bitch? Don't ever fuck with my brotha again" Meanwhile that guy starts bawling and his face is bright red from all the slapping.

    I was lucky that my buddy was there after school for football practice, and we were also lucky that no teachers were around. But word got around about what happened, and I turned into "the guy you don't fuck with or you'll piss of his BIG BLACK friend". 4 years of not being picked on after that.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)23:53:26 No.2738196
    I learned to befriend the bullies. It served me well.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)00:25:51 No.2738608
    When i was in elementary school there was this retarded kid (literally retarded) me and a couple kids would beat the shit out of every day after school. To get to the busses there was two sets of doors, it was weird, the first set led to a small room that served no purpose, and then the other set of doors that led to outside. so we'd wait for the retard and beat his ass every day after school. he was so scared of us, he would wait as long as he could before the buses left to try and reach them, so frequently when we beat him down bad enough he would end up with an ass whooping AND missing his bus home. One time me and the other two kids beat his ass really bad, and the buses started to leave, so we were going, i was last out the door and from the ground he grabbed my backpack and started to pull me down so i would miss my bus too. I yelled out to one of the other kids, and he turned around, ran back, kicked the retarded kid IN THE FACE and we both caught our bus. He missed his. We musta made him miss his bus ride at least a dozen times. I know because he rode the same bus as i did
    >> Seaven 01/12/09(Mon)00:27:25 No.2738630
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    Courage Wolf does not agree, sir.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)00:30:04 No.2738672

    Also another thing, around that time cubscouts became popular at my school and i joined like everyone else,and all the kids would wear our little uniforms to school and show off our badges and beads and bullshit. One day i was late to reach my bus for some reason, and i got on and the ONLY space left was next to the retarded kid.


    So i had to sit next to him (his name was rocky). apparently he wasnt TOO retarded as he caught on how important my uniform was to me. And since he hadnt gotten his beating that day, he must have forgotten to stay in line. Cause he took a blue pen out of his pocket, and DREW A LINE ON THE SLEEVE OF MY CUBSCOUT UNIFORM

    I flipped out. Even though the uniform was navy blue and you could JUST BARELY make out the pen line on it when you were looking really hard, i had kept that uniform in the most immaculate condition possible. I mean, i went apeshit. I punched him a few times and grabbed the pen from his hand, and threw him down on the seat,got on his chest with one hand on his neck and the other hand using the pen to scribble all over his face. I drew lines all over his face, and had managed to write the first two letters of FUCK across his forehead before the bus driver pulled me off of him and threw me off the bus.

    My dad beat my ass for it that night, but it was worth it.
    >> Seaven 01/12/09(Mon)00:31:38 No.2738696
    Yes I concur. I'd give it maybe even a 10/10 for I was a victim of bullying for alot of my life.

    Good job OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)00:34:55 No.2738735
    It takes real human courage to beat up on a retarded kid.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)00:39:43 No.2738800
    I used to bully this kid until I found out his sister was the hot girl at school. Tried asking her out but she started yelling at me in front of her friends about being the asshole who keeps picking on her brother.

    Friends started avoiding me for a year because it turned out she was also the popular girl at school.

    Lesson is know who you're gonna pick on or the shit can get back at ya.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)00:40:23 No.2738803
    Not op here but you still disgust me. I spent middle school saving faggots like you. I can't tell you how many kids I told "don't worry man i got your back", to encourage them to stand up for themselves. They never would.
    They would do nothing and then cry when they got beat up. Leaving me to confront their tormentors alone. I risked my ass so many times for faggots like you before i realized it wasn't worth it.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)00:43:42 No.2738857
    i picked on this small spanish kid. and then another one like randomly out of nowhere. i got yelled at and stopped. i think i was racist.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)00:52:21 No.2738964
    seriously if you were a victim of bullying the thing you should've done was hit the fucker as hard as you could. If that didn't work use a bat. I was a victim of bullying unitl i slammed my locker on my bully's arm hit him in the stomach and knocked him on his ass.

    He never fucked with me every again.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)00:55:46 No.2739019
    All throughout gradeschool I was picked on mercilessly (Not so much bullied, as I was way bigger than everyone else). I was so disgusted by how everyone acted around the opposite sex that I didn't admit I was into girls until the 7th grade or so. I remember fucking snapping on a few occasions. My parents were "strongly encouraged" to have me see a psychologist.

    Turns out frothing at the mouth and hurling haymakers at random targets is perfectly normal.
    >> Seaven 01/12/09(Mon)00:59:41 No.2739082
    No one said it was abnormal
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)01:05:14 No.2739148
    Helps remind you to breathe, one of the first things you learn in Tae Kwon Do. It also gives you a huge psychological boost, and your opponents a good scare.
    Seriously, you'd be freaking out too if some guy is punching you in the face while screaming like a bat out of hell.
    >> Seaven 01/12/09(Mon)01:08:39 No.2739179
    My grandfather told me that Insanity is the best way to win fights. If you're fighting a big rushen bear of some sort and have a manic look in your eye you too could be the winner of the fight!
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)01:19:42 No.2739326

    Yes their called battle cries, they've been used for millenniums by warriors and soldiers all over the world to boost confidence and intimidate opponents.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)01:26:34 No.2739412
    I'll post a story, why not. Memories!

    In elementary school I was picked on a lot. The reason behind this, I was the weird kid. I was not a class clown, more of a school clown. I never really had anyone at the time I could call a friend, and I was pretty much an outcast. I was beaten up trying to catch the bus by the "toughest kid in school" (now a crackhead, there is justice in this world) because I stood up for someone. I was not a big kid, I was a small skinny nothing. I had two older brothers who did stick up for me, but I got more shit for that then anything else.

    Then comes Jr. High, my first year. I was called many things, beaten, and humiliated in front of the whole school. There was many a tear shed. Until one day, I saw two guys picking on someone I talked to a lot when waiting for the bus. I told them to stop, but they didn't listen. So I decided that if I couldn't stop them from picking on that kid, then I'll become the target. So I grab my math book out of my bag, and crack one of the fellows right in the skull. They moved to attack, punched me, hit me threw me, they beat my body pretty good. They felt pretty good about themselves until I stood up, grabbed my shit and walked past them to my bus. No words, no running, I just walked away.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)01:27:41 No.2739432

    The next day in gym, the two approached me again, thinking I learned my lesson and started picking on me. I met them out by my locker and they still wouldn't stop, so I grabbed one by the collar and threw him into his locker.

    At lunch they followed me to the store (I wanted chips, chips are awesome) punched me in the back and knocked me down. My 'friend' at the time ran like his ass was on fire, I stood up looked at them and said "If you want to punch me, have the fucking guts to look my in the eye."

    I earned their respect that day, and became pretty damn good friends with them. After that, I met any bully face to face, eye to eye. I don't fight people because I am not good at it, I get beat. I do however stand my ground, and I choose my words carefully. I have confidence, and help people when I can (not that I do much but I've been told people respect the fact I don't take shit).

    I am now an professional actor (in the sense I get paid for what I do) and I pretty much tell people off and take whatever happens for it, I back it up when need be and if I am beat well I get beat at least I didn't run away.

    I'm fucking weird.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)01:28:10 No.2739441
    i bet its fun replying to you own posts.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)01:35:42 No.2739532

    stfu fag

    I'm telling him that, that shit you learn in Tae Kwan Do is nothing new.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)01:37:02 No.2739551
    Jesus Christ, you sound like some sort of shounen main character.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)01:37:56 No.2739567
    Ooooooo who are you???? :D
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)02:00:10 No.2739844
    Ha, if only
    Someone that doesn't know when to turn the other cheek and not get his ass beat in.

    I just find it retarded that people bully other people especially when they do not deserve it.

    When I got to high school I met all of my elementary school bullies again, after the whole Columbine shooting event they did not want to fuck with me saying "We thought you would do something like that." To which I replyed "Someday I'll need my groceries bagged. For future reference, plastic."

    Oddly enough one of them works at a grocery store, he's pretty nice. Still has trouble with those numbers but the school system can only do so much.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)02:03:42 No.2739878
    i think he was asking if he knew you from anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)02:05:26 No.2739893

    All things are possible
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)02:07:46 No.2739921
    are you on tv?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)02:15:43 No.2740015

    I fucking wish, I just do community theater and whatever gigs come my way. Maybe in the future, someday.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)02:15:44 No.2740016
    Your kind of people are what turn harmless guys into quiet guys that always will carry a fucking knife with them. Die in a fire, or congrats on trolling. I would not hesitate to kill you, unlike ten years ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)02:17:36 No.2740032
    it had nothing at all to do with you its a group mentality thing
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)02:20:44 No.2740063
    Got bullied the first year of high school until that faggot tried to do shit to me while I was listening to Every day im hustlin.

    needless to say he didnt bother me again
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)02:23:35 No.2740093
    some kid decided to pick on me at school when i was 12 for about 3 months

    the next year he dies of cancer and i lol'd
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)02:27:24 No.2740119
    Gotta love the cries and pleas of mercy of the bully when come back with an AR-15.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)02:30:34 No.2740147
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    I think that school shootings would help give people a proper perspective on what they're doing. they should do more drills for this.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)02:32:46 No.2740165
    Eh I've been the hunter and the hunted.

    I'm a hardass motherfucker nao
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)02:35:57 No.2740191
    I was a glum looking loner who opted to listening to his mp3 player rather than socialize with anyone. No one messed with me ever, thanks in part to giving off an aura of "Don't talk to me" and my brother telling people I tried to kill him with a knife and I had mental issues. I really did carry a knife most of the time even in school, only a 4 inch serrated blade though.

    It was mostly my equalizer though in case I was outnumbered or a guy was substantially larger than me, I wouldn't use it in a fair fight (I would enjoy a fair fight too much to want to end it quickly with a knife).
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)02:36:39 No.2740201
    This thread makes me lose my faith in humans. Sage.

    Because of my bullies, i'm a potential murderer. The only reason i'm not a one yet is because there's people i care about. Someday if i snap though, my bullies are in a deep shit. I know where they are.
    >> Corneranon !!GFq+yMIPHJI 01/12/09(Mon)02:52:26 No.2740341
    I was bullied by:

    1) 'friends' who had a vengeful nature (infant and nursery schools)
    2) a teacher who didn't like me (1 1/2 years of infant school as I moved up into year 1 half a year early)
    3) random people (secondary school; years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11)

    I have bullied one person who, after making up stories about me to try to get me into trouble, I decided to fight back by always telling the truth about every situation (included non-favourable ones), but that doesn't really count as bullying.

    I have not been bullied in college, although one faggot decided to moon me and now will not leave me alone (he is always making small talk and he must know that, despite my restraint, I despise such content-free speech).

    I must leave my corner now and must go to college without proof reading and re-drafting this. Pah!
    >> LOL error field too long Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)03:00:56 No.2740423
    Former juvenile criminal here.
    Big toughguy bully in 3rd grade decided I was the victim. Did the tough talk one day, the next day she shoved me...
    I ran a pencil through the fat fleshy skin on the side of his neck, told him something like, "You fucking faggot, I don't like touching other boys like you do, fuck with me again and I run the next pencil into your eye."
    Teacher came to the back of the room, and I gave her "he needs a nurse, his pencil slipped and stabbed in the neck."
    No friends that year or for a few after, no bullies either, little bitches were too scared, all I'd have to do it stare at them and smile.
    I think it was 8th before another tried. Too many new people, the ass figured the loner was the one to pick on. His greeting was to grab my neck and twist me around. Why do these faggots like touching other boys anyway? I stood up, stood on his foot, and pushed him over, was dragged down with him. I got to my feet while he was still cursing, picked up one of those nasty stamped metal combo desks (the table platform attached), raised it over my head and slammed it on him.
    Got suspended for 3 days, long enough for the marks on my neck to heal. The bully spent a week in a brace because his ankle was wrenched and swollen, went well with the cuts and swelling on his face.
    He gave me a 'dude we fought, I respect you for fighting back, let's be friends', slap to the back... faggot didn't bother me again after folding his arm behind his back by holding the pinky, then kicking him behind the knees. I gave him a line like "I don't play with assholes who use fights for entertainment", or "I don't fight for fun". Most teachers were scared too.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)03:03:36 No.2740453
    You just made up all of that or at least elaborated quite a lot. I know exactly what kind of person you are.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)03:06:22 No.2740486
    I was somewhat bullied grades 4-6, until I started realizing that the only reason people bully you is because those bullied get mad. After a while I just kinda gave up on people and stopped caring. At that point I no longer felt bullied and I was happy...

    In high school I'm not really bullied. I'm sorta picked-on by people, but mostly in good nature. If someone actually does something out of bad nature to me (almost never happens because I basically give people over 9000 reasons to not dislike me) I'll get in their face and match their retaliation, at which point they back down.

    Most of the physical or verbal abuse I receive now is by girls who do it out of a humorous anger pulled from their love of me <3
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)03:15:09 No.2740580
    I know exactly what kind of troll you are.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)03:20:06 No.2740619
    Come meet me, pick fights with any short white guys you find in Tacoma at night. I'm the one with the concealed carry permit and 8" knife.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)03:23:46 No.2740652
    Tacoma smells bad... Why would I go there on purpose?
    >> Cancer that is killing /g/ !zkraGArAss 01/12/09(Mon)03:27:37 No.2740691
    Someone found out I didn't like being called by my last name, because I was the only one who had my name, why couldn't they say my first name? So three girls cornered me and chanted my last name because they knew I didn't like it and I tossed sand in all of their eyes. It felt so awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)03:28:26 No.2740699
    I was bullied a lot in grades 1-5, mostly because it was easy for them to get reactions from me, and i was an annoying little fucker.

    I got in most of the trouble too, because i was always the first one to throw a punch. Up until grade 6, then i got anger management, which fucked my confidence over so much that i now avoid any/all confrontation, if at all possible.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)03:35:53 No.2740740
    Paper mill has been gone for years now, smells just any other city now: bums, dumpsters and sewers.
    Reason not to come here is you're a passive aggressive moron hiding behind the internet.
    I'm fine if you don't come, if you didn't understand; I don't like touching faggots.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)03:39:28 No.2740769
    wow op you were a fucking dick.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)03:39:38 No.2740773
    I probably got bullied throughout middle school, I don't quite know, I don't remember those years. (related?)

    The most recent bullying incidents I remember were in high school.

    On one occasion, this kid was picking on me in some way (don't remember how) and I ended up saying 'fuck you.' So he got all in my face and offered a handshake. When I didn't take it, he gave me a little bitch slap. I wasn't about to do anything because this fucker was a football player with enoough muscle to put me away, so I just took it and grabbed his hand.

    In the same class, there was this other kid, and for some reason, we started sqaubbling. Don't know why. I remember an occasion when he pulled me off to the side and cussed me out in a hallway.

    Later that day (or week), he called me out again and said he'd fight me right now. I didn't think much of it because I thought he had a mouth bigger than his brain, so I called him on it. So he punched me in the nose and I blacked out.

    When I woke up, I was on the floor, and my nose was bleeding profusely. So I got up, pretty clear headed, and put up my fists. I remember him saying, "You still want to do this?" But it didn't really register. I remember thinking, "Why is this kid still standing?" So I pulled off my right hand glove (it was winter), and I dashed at him, giving him a huge haymaker. It connected, hard. He fell backwards and some teach tackled him.

    After coming back from my suspension, the football bully told me, "Good job, he's eating out of a straw." Apparently he got a wire installed in his jaw.

    And that was the last time anyone fucked with me.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)03:40:17 No.2740782
    Bullying completely fucked me over. If I could go back into the past I would. Things would have been different and I would hardly be in the rut I am now.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)03:42:45 No.2740804
    lol, i'm not
    I'm just a random Seattleite making fun of Tacoma. Thank god they got rid of the plant though.
    >> Cancer that is killing /g/ !zkraGArAss 01/12/09(Mon)03:44:18 No.2740814
    All you motherfuckers are gonna pay, You are the ones who are the ball-lickers. We're gonna fuck your mothers while you watch and cry like little bitches. Once we get to Hollywood and find those Miramax fucks who are making that movie, we're gonna make 'em eat our shit, then shit out our shit, then eat their shit which is made up of our shit that we made 'em eat. Then you're all fucking next.
    >> Anonymau5 !.7FhrQ4rjk!!1BsXw/gL7GJ 01/12/09(Mon)03:46:37 No.2740835
    I got picked on in Primary School, which sucked but then I didn't get picked on in High School.

    Fuck yeah partying.

    I guess I'm one of those types of guys you all hate. In retrospect, I did do some pretty bad shit to people in High School.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)03:46:41 No.2740836
    I was bullied pretty bad in junior high by a girl whose boyfriend I had a crush on. The funny part is if she hadn't made such a big deal about it not many people outside my group or her little gang would have known. They broke up because I told him something she said about he and I being a perfect couple because we sucked in bed.

    Her insults always contradicted with one another. One day I was a lesbian next day I fucked every guy in school. My personal favorite was how I was such a slut yet I was too ugly to get laid. Turns out though, she likes girls now or at least every picture of her screams "LESBIAN!!"

    You know the old saying if someone picks on you they like you. I have a sicken feeling it was true in this case...
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)03:49:47 No.2740864
    What was this game called? I forget.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)04:12:40 No.2740961
    this one kid was talking shit over AOL IM

    I was in 11th grade i think, him in 10th. we both had the same bus stop.

    he said something about my brother and i took that as cause to seek revenge. (really i exaggerated what he said as an excuse to feel angry and pick a fight.)

    i told him i was going to kick his ass at the bus stop next morning.

    when i went that morning i skipped the stop and walked toward the path he walks down. i met him and he looked frightened. i told him to kiss my feet or i would kick his ass. in a trembling way he said "ok", gesturing that he was submissive. he got down on his knee and actually kissed my dirty shoe's toe.

    immediately afterword i felt horrible and guilty - remember the jock in The Breakfast Club, when he recounted the story of taunting that nerd? he said what made him feel worse was imagining what it was like for that kid to be humiliated before his father when he told him the story. i felt like that towards the kid.

    he probably thinks of it and fantasizes about kicking my ass to this day.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)04:14:05 No.2740972
    Got bullied till 9th grade because I was into computers and smart in general. Had good grades, my homework was always done, had descreet clothes and so on. Anyway, I was good mom's boy with polite appearance and manners. But I sucked in gym. Weak, no coordination, very small muscle power.

    So, those sport faggots started to bully me in 4th grade. Stole my homework and other stuff. Eventually even my money and my original Half-Life CD! Got beaten up often in toilet or dressing room etc.

    But I didn't care. I knew that some day I will revenge!

    Anyway, after high school I saw them hanging in front of bar. They saw me too and started to talk loudly how weak and pussy I am. Didn't care, I just walked away.

    Now I work for big company as IT-manager and my dept started to hire new people (techsupport, helpdesk etc). Turned out that two of those faggots just graduted somesoft of lower computer science in vocational training school and looked for job. When one of those faggots entered my cabinet for interview he started to beg me that he really needs that job. And I lol'd. LOL'd so hard, that he apologized for sufferings and even promised to return my Half-Life CD. I still LOL'd and sayd GTFO. I hired other faggot, because he was more passive and didn't do anything to me. He just watched and laughed while I was being bullied.

    And those other faggots. Well, they work in local supermarkets or warehouses. Everytime I see them I say hello. They don't answer and turn their heads down.

    OOOHHHYEAAH, that feeling is so good. FUCKING BULLIES!!!
    >> Cancer that is killing /g/ !zkraGArAss 01/12/09(Mon)04:25:35 No.2741029
    Perfect uke/seme match. :3
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)04:27:36 No.2741047
    In elementary school I was the quiet, teacher's pet nerd girl, but it was a small school and everyone was nice to everyone else, including me, except for this one guy named Brandon.

    I don't even know what it was about him that everyone hated. I think I may have been the only one nice to him. Maybe that's why he had a crush on me, which he announced to the whole world. Literally. He stood on a mound of dirt at recess and yelled "I want the whole world to know I love (insert name)".

    I got sooo much shit, not from the guys at all, but from the girls. The next day, during recess, literally every girl in the class ran after me, trying to steal my jacket to give to him. It was a jean jacket and I loved it more than anything, I was so proud of it. I ran past the teacher, and pleaded with her to help me. She laughed in my face. They eventually caught up to me, knocked me down, and held me as they took off my jacket, and then ran and gave it to him as a "present" from me. He put it on.

    I got it back at the end of the day, and remained nice to him even though he had completely humiliated me and I had no romantic interest in him. I never wore the jacket again, but it did teach me a valuable lesson; women are bitches and whores.

    And then in high school I was kind of popular and athletic and the only girls I knew from back then that went to school with me where fat and unattractive. Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)04:51:00 No.2741175
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    I was bullied from first grade until freshman year high school. In 5th even my teacher got in on it.
    It was always mass bullying (The whole class that I was stuck with because I was an honors student) I started to feign being sick to stay home. My grades suffered terribly because of this. I also dropped all of my extra curricular sports (karate/basketball) and began gaining weight. I started smoking cigs at 11, pot at 12 and drinking heavily at 13.
    I was then sent to Catholic high school (after telling my parents I was an atheist). At first it was just an annoyance, but then these two girls started bullying me. They would do things like drop a tray of food, then blame it on me and the dean would force me to clean it.
    After the first year, I couldn't take it. When my parents refused to let me go to public school for sophomore year, I tried to an hero. Mistake. The students from all of my classes that would make fun of me sent me get well cards and fruit baskets with everyone else. I didn't care. I was done with that place. I stayed in the madhouse for a week or so, because of a negligent doctor, then bounced up outta that bitch.
    I then continued my rocky relationship with school, graduating two years late after going to a secondary school for a year, doing drugs, having dirty unprotected sex with random punk/metal chicks. I lost the weight, looked sexy, etc. No one suspected my horrible self esteem issues.
    However, now life has caught up with me. I realized that I am 20, unemployed, fucking up community college and gaining all of my old weight back. My self esteem issues have resurfaced and I'm trying me best to choke them down and live my life as well as I can before I die. I want to bring a woman I have fallen in love with to a tropical island and live there with her for at least a year. That's my dream.
    Bullying sucks. I guess I was just weird and maladjusted because I'm an only child. Weird kids are easy to pick on.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)05:01:59 No.2741248
    I was bullied a long time ago because I was small. But eventually I grew and fought back. Some I never saw or talked to again. Others were scared of me.

    The point is ignoring them ain't gonna help until a LONG time later. It took me years to realize I should of fought back earlier.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)05:03:18 No.2741261
    Ahh you're all such horrid people.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)05:10:55 No.2741329
    I used to be the bully in elementary school and ended up getting bullied a bit from grade 8-10. Got worse each year, with grade 10 being the time I finally said fuck it and dropped out. Haven't done anything with my life since then.

    Shit was so cash.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)05:15:28 No.2741369
    Am I the only one who turned from bully to bullied?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)05:16:10 No.2741372
    I was bullied for being tall, too dark, and ugly by my classmates. My family bullied me for having nappy hair, being passive, too different (I listened to pop music instead of rap), and well, for not being my perfect little sister, pretty much. Before and a little during the bullying, I was a nice, cheerful, and fair person. I still don't understand why so many of my classmates held so much enmity against me. Perhaps because there were a lot of people who had low self-esteem and felt that they needed a passive person like me to make them feel better. Nevertheless, I still can't get over it because I can't stop having flashbacks. These flashbacks make it hard for me to open up and trust people.

    As for my family, I don't talk to most of them. Mainly because I found out that they knew about the bullying and they either joined in or turned a blind eye to it. I've completely cut off my sister because she committed the ultimate betrayal when instead of standing up for me as I done for her in the past, she joined in on the bullying. Then, when our cousin, the one who bullied me the most, died, she called her the older sister she never had. I'll never forget that.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)05:18:46 No.2741388
    God damn that's fucking shitty.
    >> Pang Tong !KOcvfNjeL2 01/12/09(Mon)05:23:05 No.2741416
    I was never really physically bullied a lot. I was never beaten up or got into a fight or anything. I wasn't particularly popular, but by High School I had a few good, "popular" friends and by extension I don't think there were many people who disliked me or otherwise most people had just stopped being so childish and petty. I know that bullying went on at that school, but I'm not sure to what extent, so I'm not sure why exactly I managed to avoid the worst of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)05:23:24 No.2741422
    Oh man that sucks.

    It probably isn't comforting in the least, but if we had gone to the same school I would have been a friend, not a foe. Stay strong, femanon.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)05:26:16 No.2741442
    I got bullied a bit since I was 12 years old. Three years later I'm 15 years old and they're still doing it. Outside during lunch, one of them bumps me in the shoulder on purpose, so I finally lose my cool and push him to the wall and start punching the fuck out of him and slamming the back of his head against the wall. Soon after his face started bleeding, two of his buddies came to help him. Normally I'm a weak person, but I guess I was so fucking wild at the time that I managed to take them both down. People start trying to stop the fight after a while, so I spit on one of their faces and leave. I get sent to the office, about to be suspended. I tell them they've been bullying me for two years so they ended up getting suspended while I had to be supervised during lunches.

    They stopped after that, and I stopped taking shit from people. Standing up for yourself is a quick way to end it. Wish I knew that sooner.
    >> Bullies should be eliminated. This means WAR. 01/12/09(Mon)05:28:55 No.2741461
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    I went to a private school until 6th grade. during school I was always considered the "leader type" because I always liked to make activites and other kids would join me. During summer break my parents sent me to a summer "day camp". Because both of my parents worked, and I had two brothers, they were afraid to leave us home alone because they thought we might burn the house down etc.

    Long story short, this "day camp" was nothing more then a school used as a daycare for elementry student from different school because their parents also worked. Thse two guys kept giving me trouble and on one day hit me in the back for no reason. My father is a military man, so I was brought up with a more military mentality then most kids, so to me that attack was a sort of declaration of WAR.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)05:29:21 No.2741463
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    Nothin' too major for me I guess, I introdcued myself to the new kid in the 4th grade and some chick started laughing at me and got the whole class laughing at me because here the skinny weird kid was trying to make friends. I cried. Then in highschool at least I was kinda funny so I didn't get too much shit, I was more the kid who watched the sand get kicked in my friends faces then be the kicker or kickee per se...
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)05:30:36 No.2741479
    Why is this shitty thread still alive?

    PS: fascists.
    >> Bullies are a threat to peace and should be eliminated. This means WAR. 01/12/09(Mon)05:31:05 No.2741482
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    That night I found my old tan vest and cut it open. I found some sheet metal plates and sewed them in making a armored vest that looked completely like a normal vest when done. Now these two asshole caused trouble for multiple other kids(whom I bearly knew).

    So I decided the only way that we can neutralize that threat to the general peace of the playground was to gather the rest of the kids that grew tired of these two punks and empower them and offer them sercurty. I already learned about military history and about how countries made alliances which each other so that is one country was attacked, all the rest of the countries in the alliance would come to the aid. So after talking up the rest of the kids, I(with their help) formed the Iron Alliance. Idea was simple, Near the chain link fence at the boarder of the school, there was this long bamboo type plant. We each had to break off a part of this bamboo and turn it into dull, blunt spears. These were our weapons. The next week, those too punk bullies went and smashed this kids lego tower then kicked him out of his chair. Later that day at break, I lured these guys into the back area were there was little supervision and near the bamboo area. That is were half of our group was waiting for them. around 7-8 kids. We each took up our dull bamboo spears and I yelled "ATTACK!" "CHARGE" and we all rushed those two bullies. At first their faces looked like they were laughing at what they were seeing, but as soon as we were halfway to their area running at full speed and our spears still pointed at them, their faces got serious and they took fighting stances.
    >> Bullies are a threat to peace and should be eliminated. This means WAR. 01/12/09(Mon)05:32:02 No.2741490
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    It was 4 spears on each of them, and while their shirts were being ripped and we were kneeing them in the face, the taste of power overwheeled us all. It was such a great feeling. even though those two guys punch a few of us in the face, none of us felt pain, because we were in battle together. I remember after they ran away almost crying, the next day the supervisors were wondering what happened to them, but they were too ashamed to tell anyone what happened.

    I remember seeing the purple welts on their necks and arms, and then when they looked at me, I looked them back in their eyes from across the playground and smirk. Still wearing my home-made armor.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)05:32:04 No.2741491
    My middle school years were made into a living hell because I was fat, thanks to two or three assholes. Really it was a group of kids who just spent lunch every day making fun of me, one time to some silent tears when they finally let off for a bit. I still don't know why to this day, but I just never fought back. I never did anything to them, I was just the butt of all their jokes. My only self-defense was changing the subject and trying to laugh along, but I was really fucking depressed, and it transferred over to my home life.

    But when some other asshole tried to get in on the fun and start cracking jokes, I'd go motherfucking apeshit berserk and pound in his skull, then toss him down a flight of stairs. After that the other bullies would laugh with me about it and be cool to me for about a week, and then things would go back to normal.

    Finally between Middle School and High School I lost all the weight, and made friends/girlfriends with relative ease. Life was good.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)05:32:49 No.2741498
    Anybody here suffered from passive-aggressive bullying?

    It's harder to catch somebody doing it unless you're in on it but that's what makes it the most frustrating.

    When I was a teenager, I was ostracized by the family members around my age. They'd threaten to throw out my stuff or to beat me up if I told so when an adult came around I had to deal with them pretending to like me, then they'd go back to treating me as if I were subhuman.

    At the present time, the one doing the bullying is my mother's husband. He makes offhand comments about things he knows we (my mother and I) are sensitive about. We live in a sort of separated household. He in his part of the house, we in ours. We never go in his parts (which is about 2/3rds of the house) but he frequently invades in ours. He stands around staring at us, making comments, and just imposing. If one of us asks him to leave, he says something like, "What? I'm just exercising my legs." To top it off, he often leaves his garbage around.

    The absolute worse part about it is that when you get angry about it, you lose. How do you explain that a simple act like walking in somebody's general area can make another angry? Also, they can always lie about. Physical bullyiing is always terrible but the psychological part of it is much worse, in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)05:33:14 No.2741501
    I was never bullied in elementary, although on my record it says I got into a fight or two (I just happened to be standing nearby, and one time it wasn't even a real fight lol). In middle school some people tried to mess with me but I'm kind of like Arnold in Hey Arnold, I know everyone and they know me because we had some sort of memorable experience together, so when middle school kids thought about bullying me they had a fuckton of people to get through first, goddamn I was likable. High school, it's nearly the same except with a bigger group of people that would defend me to the end, heh. There were more incidents with other students, but just because I had a posse doesn't mean I couldn't handle things myself.

    As for me being a bully, I guess I was a jerk to this one cousin when he was growing up. I think it started because on one of my birthdays I didn't have a party or presents or anything, because it was this cousin's christening/baptism or whatever. My immature self raged to no end after realizing that the name on the cake wasn't mine. We're cool now, though.
    >> futur skool teacha 01/12/09(Mon)05:33:22 No.2741503
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    tell the teachers - not because they'll do something, but because it gives you the green light to bring fuckers down. google arm locks, wrist locks. use it. it's easy, and they will be recovering 2 years. claim you don't know how it happened, all you can remember is he attacked you, you were defending. repeat it like a mantra. you don't remember any details (it's important, you don't remember _any_ details), just being attacked, and struggling. the teacher will back your story up, as most of the kids. have fun.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)05:35:49 No.2741517
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    >their faces got serious and they took fighting stances.

    was it like this? coz this is a serious fighting stance
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)05:38:49 No.2741536

    God, sorry anon. From school, I get, but from your family? That shit is unacceptable. Visit your family, and smack them up hard (no weapons, make sure they don't have access to any - careful planning may be needed). No doubt you're male, so if/once you're in shape, you should have a decided physical advantage against your parents (old) and your sister (girl). No doubt you're bitter from all of that, draw on that. It'll give you the closure you desperately need, it'll feel great, you can yell out all the things you've thought but never said, and it'll remind them who's the fucking boss. Do it, it'll be awesome.

    Then, either cut off all ties with them, or mend fences. Your call.
    >> This means WAR. 01/12/09(Mon)05:45:33 No.2741580
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    no more like this...
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)05:47:28 No.2741593

    I had something like that. More phsycological and verbal bullying, never physical. Being left alone and made fun of for no reason at all - Theres nothing you can say or do to stop that.

    Havn't had any friends for 5 years, been alone ever since. Suffer from crippling anxiety in public and only like my own company, I don't do anything. I just sit in and get drunk. You know what though, I'm not unhappy. I'm quite happy to be alone and alchoholic because that's all i've known for so long.

    The problem is Family members who don't understand this. They knew i was alchoholic and never said anything. Brushed it under the carpet like an embarrasing secret. They knew I had no friends but instead of being supportive they kept on pushing me and pushing me asking why "I" wanted to be alone, why "I" was so anti-social. Who make me feel like theres something wrong with me and drive my insecurities deeper. Especially my parents, stupid fucks, make me suicidal just by talking to me. I always remember my mom who said nothing and put on her always fake smile saying it was just a "silly game" after i tried to kill myself when I was just 16. She's done the most phsycological damage to me.

    Parents that don't know how to deal with a child that was bullied... there the real problem with bullying. They ruined my life by being shit parents and now they push me further by blaming it all on me.
    >> A Noun You'll Miss !!cVgf/U6WfoE 01/12/09(Mon)05:53:41 No.2741619
    It was my first day of 2nd grade in a new elementary school. Automatically, I was probably a target for like most of the upper grades (3rd through 5th graders). To this day, I seriously don't even remember why I was picked on although probably being one of the few asians in the school probably was a factor. There was probably 30 asians out of a school that houses 500 or so. So who did I have to turn to for help? Nobody. Fucking teacher always thought I was joking and the teacher's aides never bothered to stop the bullies. All I had in elementary school was a close knit of friends that I made only possible because they too, were targets of bullies as well. And yes, those friends were Asian, further giving credence to the race motive. Still keep in touch with some of them, but I'd never bring up the subject of elementary school around them. Too many bad memories.

    Middle school was tame. Nothing much occured besides the standard social group labeling and the like. Much of the bullies in elementary school either moved or went to a different middle school.
    >> A Noun You'll Miss !!cVgf/U6WfoE 01/12/09(Mon)05:58:01 No.2741649
    High school was the absolute worst.
    -So in 9th grade, apparently because of class size allocation, I was taking an elective class about construction that was filled with 12th graders and that alone made me a target for bullying. Everyday, I would deal with the pranks that always made them laugh and torment me to no end. This includes: hiding my backpack in strange places, taking my lunch after I bought it and sometimes broke my glasses which irked my parents who had to replace them every so often. What really pissed me off was that NOBODY helped me. The teacher just turned a blind eye to the bullies, the school fucking loved them because they were on the sports team of the school and whenever I spoke up against them, everyone would just laugh at me for not being a man. Eventually they graduated and pretty much forgotten about me, but the damage was done. I was ridiculed by pretty much the entire school and made absolutely no friends other than my elementary and middle school ones.

    There's more. Damn field being too long.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)05:58:54 No.2741656
    I just felt proud for Anonymous kind.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)05:59:05 No.2741658
    i flipped out like that all the time, until i got to about grade 7. Pity. the closest i got to that was i attacked some kid with a shard of glass in like, grade 4.

    Oh, and i threatend to shoot up my school, something along the lines of 'if you want another columbine, you're going the right fucking way' in grade 7, which suddenly made the administration (none of the kids knew what i was talking about) treat me a lot more gingerly.
    >> A Noun You'll Miss !!cVgf/U6WfoE 01/12/09(Mon)05:59:18 No.2741660
    -10th through 12th grade was worse. I had a crush on a girl that I had shared classes with during that grade. We had some great conversations and shared some personal things and I was on my way to getting out of my social shell when one day all hell broke loose. Suddenly, most of the bullies that I hadn't seen since elementary school had moved back to finish their high school here. Right off the bat, they recognized me as the kid they tormented in elementary school. By now you'd think they'd apologize for their behavior right? WRONG. They pretty much kept up their routine of bullying and tormenting. I could tolerate all that coming from them but the girl that I liked eventually joined their side and told them every personal detail that I told here. It just made the bullying worse and I could count on nobody to help me. You'd think the school office would've noticed a crying teenager during lunchtime hiding in the nurse's office everyday and try to help him but no, they never bothered. I never bothered to go to prom because I had no one to go with and because the bullies always went to the social events. The only event that I went to in high school was the graduation ceremony because I thought at the time that if I didn't go, I wouldn't have had gotten my diploma. I got my diploma and got the fuck out of there.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:02:05 No.2741679
    I got teased a lot when I went to a new school.
    I was small but I was strong, and I'd kick the shit out of anyone who made fun of me. It wasn't that I was good at fighting, but I went further than they expected.
    >> A Noun You'll Miss !!cVgf/U6WfoE 01/12/09(Mon)06:02:55 No.2741684
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    So where am I now? Aside going to college and soon getting my Associate's, I sometimes go to therapy for issues in the past, mainly intimacy and trust issues.

    Obviously stemming from the betrayal from that one girl, but it was brought on by the bullies. My therapist keeps telling me to forgive and forget, but I can't do that.

    How do I forgive the people who made my school years a complete mess?

    I can't even approach girls because I'm horrified that history will repeat itself. At least in college I made some friends because nobody cares about what you were in high school.

    A few months ago I got a letter for a 5th anniversary high school reunion asking if I could come. I tossed that fucker into the shredder and thought nothing of it. Who the hell gives 5 year reunions? I thought it was a 10 year interval. Wierd.

    Many posters in this thread mentioned something about retaliating against bullies. I like that and I wish I had someone like that when I was little. Maybe I should start doing that. I could possibly give some kids out there the idea that someone actually cares for them.

    Tl;DR: I have intimacy and trust issues thanks to bullying.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:06:46 No.2741715

    I don't recall having asked where you are now...
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:07:44 No.2741721
    It feels that unless something big happens, a real death or something that is a blatent indicator of a ruined life, parents just won't get the idea.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:08:23 No.2741727

    And now I feel like a dick for making my little joke when you're pouring heart and soul out to anon. Sorry 'bout that chum. You should go to your reunion, get drunk and kick some ass.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:09:19 No.2741735
    When I was younger, I was the one people bullied but once I did bully a girl for awhile at my so-called friends' encouragement. She was a new girl with coke bottle glasses, big teeth, and bad breath. I personally had nothing against her. I just wanted to be accepted. It's fucked up when I think about it but for once I just wanted to feel what it was like to bully someone. I'd call her names or pretend to be affected by her breath. It didn't go on for long because I have a heavy conscience. One day in class, somebody said something to her while she was washing her hands in the back of the classroom and she started to silently cry. Another person said, out loud, "Oh, you're crying?" One of the popular girls said jokingly, "You shouldn't bully her. You made her cry!" Half the class laughed uncomfortably and then went silent. Nobody, not even the teacher who overheard it all, comforted her. I knew that feeling well and I felt horrible about contributing to it so I intended to apologize to her but she left early and never came back.

    A year later, there was another girl in my class who was bullied by my circle of friends. I made some offhand comments about her so my friends wouldn't make fun of me. Later on, we were put in the same group for an assignment. I went over to her house and to my surprise, she and her family were extremely kind to me. Perhaps it was because they were religious. When we talked about the bullying, she just said that the ones who bullied her we're merely "going down a rough path" in their life and that they'll receive the proper guidance from Jesus. After that, I stood up for her whenever anyone said something. Of course, people made fun of me and called us lesbians but I didn't care. I did manage to get at least my group to stop calling her names when I was around. Unfortunately, she suddenly moved and I never got her information.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:10:26 No.2741743
    In high school, I met one of my best friends when I stood up for him on a bad day. I didn't actually mean to say anything. I guess I was just in a bad mood and the guys who were harassing him were irritating me. My friend was a religious fellow and didn't swear at all. The jokers who were bothering him were trying to get him to say "dick" instead of "penis." When they threatened to beat him up for not saying dick, I jumped in and called them all faggots and told them that if they wanted someone to beat up that they should beat on someone their own size. Surprisingly, they backed off and I went back to being in my bad mood. Next period, he formally introduced himself to me (I didn't know he was in my class lol) and said to me, "You're crazy!" He also knew my other friend so we've been friends since that day. He's been one of the most loyal friends I have because he's been with me through my ups and downs and dealt with me without judgment.

    Now that I think about it, most of my close friends are/were the bullied/underdogs. So, bullies, next time you think you want to pick on somebody, you might want to think twice because that person might be your saving grace later on in life.
    >> official unofficial seaven w/o trippy BE AFRAID MR BUBBLERS Seaven 01/12/09(Mon)06:12:20 No.2741754
    I was bullied constantly throughout most of Primary School. Since about year 1 I can remember. All stopped in year 6 though when i snapped and grabbed one faggots head and smashed it into the brick walls in front of his whole class and mine.

    I felt calm after that.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:14:01 No.2741764
    go back, meet the bullies, and then follow them home, and kill them and their families. Then kidnap the girl, rape her, and sell her to the russian mafia.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:15:40 No.2741771

    This made me baww :'(. I too was bullied in high school and lost someone i cared for. I had a crush on a girl who used to hang around with me (Despite the fact I was bullied and my only friends where social outcasts - Druggies and the like but they where good friends) but being too afraid that if you get with her with bullies would target her as well.

    A while after she started going out with her now-husband I found out that she had actually had a big crush on me since she first met me but had given up after a long time trying to get with me.

    tl;dr girls like boy, boy likes girl, boy cant do anything, boy loses girl :'(
    >> Mr. Children !3GqYIJ3Obs 01/12/09(Mon)06:18:15 No.2741781
    I was kind of teased when I was in 2nd grade, because I was pretty nerdy and hung out with the unpopular kids. But, nowadays, people leave me alone.

    As for bullying, I've punched a few dumbass douchebags, but they deserve it. They sometimes show up downtown drunk or Robotripping, so they're really easy to mess with. My friend and I once ran up to one, punched him in the head, and actually talked him out of punching back.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:19:27 No.2741788
    This thread = Why public school needs to DIAF
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:20:13 No.2741791
    I remember seeing some fucking stupid 15 year old wigger kids a while back picking on some kid outside walking home from school. One of them grabbed the kids backpack and threw it over a fence, while the other pushed the kid around a bit and stepped on the back of his feet, making him fall over. I got sick of it and went up to them and told them to fuck off and leave the kid alone. They pulled their tough guy act and tried to start a fight with me. Normally I try to avoid fighting with kids, but these little fucks who think they're unstoppable just pissed me off to no end. I dodged his punch and gave him a big one right to his fucking nose and he fell to the ground crying. The other faggot tried to headlock me, so I pushed him out of it and gave him some punches to the stomach. They were both on the ground, so I gave them both a good kick and told them that if I ever saw them bullying again, I'd kick their ass twice as hard as I did right then. After that I jumped over the fence and got the backpack for the kid and asked if he was alright. Seemed to be fine, so he walked off and thanked me.

    God damn, I never felt so good about myself before. Fucking wiggers, I swear to god.
    >> !MIKE.KBfzM 01/12/09(Mon)06:21:53 No.2741799
    I insulted my friends and beat up those weaker than me because I was always so nervous about being accepted.
    I feel so bad about it now.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:22:15 No.2741801
    Oh, I did a good deal of flipping out back in the days. It wasn't until I realized my classmates figured out how to trigger my anger and used that for their own entertainment that I taught myself how to control my anger. When I did flip out, all the teachers did was remove me from the area and have me sit by myself for awhile. I spent a good deal of the 6th grade in the dean's office. Not because I was bad, my dean would tell me, but because they didn't "know any better", apparently. Nobody ever said a word to them, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:22:24 No.2741802

    My family is a joke. Everyone has fake smiles and bitches about each other behind their backs. They only care about appearances, if i killed myself they'de probably only worry about what other people would think about them.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:24:09 No.2741809
    >> A Noun You'll Miss !!cVgf/U6WfoE 01/12/09(Mon)06:24:50 No.2741815
    As much as that thought pleases me, fate has already dealt them a bad hand. Most of the ones I've seen anyways.

    It's either:
    -Dead-end job cuz your dreams of football and baseball ended when they broke something in their body
    -Drinking themselves away at the local bar
    -Early marriage that leads nowhere and only staying because of their kids.

    Fate has already made it so they can't possibly advance in society and just stay where they are right now. One day, I'll be better than them and will be able to belittle them.

    As for the girl in the story, no clue on what happened to her and really don't care.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:25:01 No.2741816
    You deserve a medal, sir.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:26:11 No.2741822
    So what you're saying is..you were a tough asshole until the victim stood up to you, at which
    point you backed the fuck off. Correct?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:26:51 No.2741827
    I've heard some stories about bullying in private schools but they don't do it as openly as they do in public school. If there are some private school anons reading this, I'd like to hear some stories.
    >> official unofficial seaven w/o trippy BE AFRAID MR BUBBLERS Seaven 01/12/09(Mon)06:27:10 No.2741830
    But I think bullying makes us strong.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:27:26 No.2741832
    figures. Still, i was never betrayed in school like that, at least not.. that i can recall. I hung out with the stoners, wasn't really bothered by anyone, most of the people in my grade, while i wasn't an amazing friend, was someone who it was socially acceptable to talk to, so i had a better time than you, i think.
    >> A Noun You'll Miss !!cVgf/U6WfoE 01/12/09(Mon)06:34:28 No.2741874
    Indeed, you probably had a better time.
    I remember the stoners at my school were one of the few groups that didn't harass me, aside from the gamers and geeks.

    I hope this thread is still up much later.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:36:09 No.2741885
    I never got bullied.

    I did, but i took it as a joke.

    Everything gets laughed off here or taken as a G-up
    In this respect, australia is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:41:21 No.2741915
    Lots of people think that gay people are all wusses. The first job I worked, the assistant manager was gay. He was a 50 year old queen, and he used to drive semi trucks cross country in the 60's and 70's cruising for action, in a time and place where being gay could get you killed. This dude was not to be fucked with. Yes, I do believe that being gay does make you a tough person lots of the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:48:26 No.2741953
    The worst I had was the occasional bit of verbal assault, having erasers thrown at me, etc. I have a tendency to crack jokes when I probably shouldn't, but it's helped me out a lot. Usually when people tried to bully me I ended up making them laugh.

    I am somewhat ashamed to admit that I sometimes took part in bullying those kids that nobody likes. But the thing is that usually there was a reason nobody liked them beyond them being "weak" or whatever. Mouthy little shits usually, the kind of kids that would be a dick to you even if you tried to be their friend.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)06:49:40 No.2741958
    Yeah, I was bullied in middle school, and a bit in high school. I basically ignored it and went about my business. Then school was over and NONE OF THAT SHIT MATTERED. The end.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)07:01:53 No.2742000

    I was the main (longest at it) stoner in my school while I was there. I didn't mind anyone and most people got on with me, jocks, nerds, hangers-on, older students, quiet ones etc. Either they where scared of me or thought I was "cool", they never bothered me. Was even friends with a few people who where bullied and hated by most, I hope i made them feel like you did, that not everyone hated them. Even kept in touch with one that's made it into some uni somewhere, meet up every now and then for a few drinks. Could never figure out why he was bullied when he's one of the soundest guys i know. Personally I hope everyone in this thread at least feels sorry for the people the tormented when they where younger.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)07:10:35 No.2742023
    I got bullied a moderate amount in middle school, elementary school, and early on in high school. I don't really blame the bullies, I was a walking target. I slouched, I was usually on the verge of tears regardless of what was going on, and I didn't really fight back. My home life was fucked up and my mom enjoyed nothing more than making me cry. If I were an idiot with cruel tendencies, I'd have bullied me too.

    As I got older, I used my sterling reputation with the school faculty to cause grief for the kids that used to cause me trouble in middle school. On a couple occasions, I'd start an argument with one of the stupid assholes in the library or in a classroom, and get the other guy to start yelling loudly at me until one of the teachers flipped a bitch and gave him detention. Other times, I'd walk behind one of the fuckers between classes and just repeat his name in a high-pitched voice, over and over again, and follow him into the bathroom, and during passing times. During flag football in PE class, I'd punch some guys in the throat and make it look like an accident. I'd rifle through homework piles and steal their homework before they turned it in. Another one of my pastimes was kicking jocks in the balls, and then running away to hide behind my large, angry, hillbilly goons.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)07:13:25 No.2742031
    I never really bullied anyone.
    Never got bullied myself in return.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)07:15:38 No.2742039
    No! I must kill the jocks!
    And then you were a bully.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)07:38:53 No.2742110
    Don't fucking speak for the whole country. Just because you laugh something off with someone doesn't mean they're cool with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)07:40:51 No.2742116
    Sure thing ;). I went to a public primary school, and a private high school (no middle school here in those days). I remember there being a pack of bullies who tormented everyone, especially me and my friends. However it was mainly just juvenile things like tripping and name calling - perhaps it was because it was a school in a fairly affluent/well to do area? I later heard that teachers thought our grade (and those 4 in particular) were amongst the worst students ever, which surprised me, since I didn't think it was that bad.

    Then I went to an all-boys private school (some of my friends were going and I didn't cherish the idea of going to a school where I knew anyone, and wasn't much interested in girls - late bloomer). It had a very big prison mentality - there were proper pecking orders and clique/gangs and unspoken alliances between cliques/gangs, but there wasn't quite as much bullying as I would have thought for that environment. I don't ever recall anyone being beaten up in a bully situation, although physical fights were a routine (semi-daily) thing to settle arguments. Most of the bullying was verbal, or rumour-spreading. Someone spread a particularly nasty rumour about me in grade 9 and I acquired a nickname that stuck for years, but eventually that died down and I'm not too much the worse for it. I only wish I'd had the opportunity to fight back physically for closure, but then I would have been up shit creek (since physical violence meant insta-b&).
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)07:42:57 No.2742120
    thank you for that contribution.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)07:44:52 No.2742132

    You sir, watch movies.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)07:45:56 No.2742138
    I think the biggest thing between public and private schools is that public school teachers didn't bother to stand up for students, probably because they're either new or complete fucking failures at life. I had a grade 3 teacher that tormented me terribly for next to no reason - punished me arbitrarily, attempted to turn the class against me, intentionally marked my work down, despite my being above average (I took to swapping papers with my dumber friends, if I was going down I may as well help someone else out). My parents even told me that one time I nearly got in deep shit when I defended myself against a group standing in a circle throwing rocks at me, but luckily there were witnesses that called bullshit on my stupid teachers' story (they got off scot-free, fwiw). I remember spending quite a lot of time in the Vice-Principal's office, but I think she knew that it was partly the teacher being a giant queen-bitch, so never punished me with anything worthwhile (usually a talk, or a time-out, or writing 10 lines out).

    Then later, I had a grade 6 (still primary in this system) teacher that was more subtle but did much the same thing - she didn't punish bullies when they picked on me or only gave them meaningless punishments. Teacher bullying/condoning bulling is pretty bad, since there's nowhere to turn and you can't fight back in any way shape or form (parents think you're exaggerating/being paranoid, and it does sound paranoid, even if it's true). Later, I heard she pulled the same shit with a student, and when the parents of that child confronted her, she had a massive nervous breakdown and was forced into retirement. Not sure how reliable that is, but it made me feel pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)08:01:34 No.2742190
    Whats with the "we", I don't remember us collaborate on how "we" should act here and it's not stated in this site too, asshole.
    >> OP 01/12/09(Mon)09:26:15 No.2742495

    I learned them to come up for themselves like many people have in this thread. Just read the replies of those who have.

    As for all of those who didn't come up for themselves, well, they deserved it, correct?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)09:44:34 No.2742593

    >> Cyrus !!abIc2O8kqZb 01/12/09(Mon)09:50:24 No.2742630

    Someone like you would get their throat slit where I live.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)10:05:42 No.2742726
    There was this big oaf guy in my year. Friends with my group, but he would always hit people in the arm or impose or just say stupid shit. Anyway, one day he had been aggravating me all day, just saying some real stupid things, and then decided to throw an apple core at my head while I had my back turned. So, I calmly walked up to him, he was sitting down, and I just started laying into him. I really fucked this guy up, hit him maybe 15-20 times in the fucking eye in the time it took for him to realize what the fuck was going on and get up. I didn't even get suspended, but I fucked him up so bad, he nearly went blind in that eye. Nigger wasn't friends with my group after that.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)10:08:40 No.2742740
    It's true

    Your writing is atrocious. No wonder you turned to bullying, you can't be very smart if you're past "14th" year (what is that for you, Grade 1, 14 times)? Please have a vasectomy or an hero, you're polluting our gene pool with stupid.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)10:09:06 No.2742748
    you created kids who do school massacres and probably dont even understand that.
    there are people who deal diffrently with stress.... badly
    >> OP 01/12/09(Mon)10:16:38 No.2742787
    English isn't my first language.

    I'm a law student though. What about you?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)10:19:51 No.2742802
    I was never bullied

    I never bullied anybody
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)10:19:54 No.2742803
    I'm thinking private schools might have more impetus to stop bullying because the parents of private school kids are more likely to whip up a fucking shitstorm if things happen, especially when they're paying so much to keep their kids there.

    Anyway, in response to
    >>2741827 :
    I went to a private girls' school. Bullying was usually quite subtle, or as subtle as bullying can get, with a lot of snide-remarks-in-the-guise-of-friendship, bitching and ostracisation kinda stuff going on (in the later years at least). A lot of hierachical bullshit, enforced with a smile.
    I'm not sure if that was any different to a public girls' highschool, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)10:45:33 No.2742889
    Standard bullying happened to me. My father always tried to get me to stand up for my self, but he had to work long hours and wasn't around much so for each time he said "don't take shit from dickheads" my mother said "fighting is wrong blah blah blah be a vagina" a hundred times.

    My mother was a nice enough person, but she was entirely too stupid and naive and completely fucked up my sense of self worth with her nabmy pamby carebear bullshit. I don't talk to her anymore, she tried to bitchify my younger brother too and like my old man, I couldn't be there enough to reverse all the damage so I taught him how to go for the face.

    He is a huge softy but can punch another kid in the face no sweat, I'm so proud he doesn't take as much shit like I used to. So a happy medium was achieved.

    tl;dr it's probably your mothers fault you were a softcock like me, don't make the same mistake with the next generation.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)10:56:07 No.2742921

    jesus christ... your mom can be overprotective or somehow stupid (whatever, i don't care), but that doesn't mean you must be acting like a bitch. just threat her like 3 years old child, in some situations, and it should be fine. that's general rule of dealing with parents.

    you fuck little ungrateful prick. anyhow, good luck
    >> RICK ASTLY 01/12/09(Mon)10:58:00 No.2742927
    yeah mothers suck at real world preparation,do you think its possible to epicly stand up to about 5 people all at once even if you were mollycoddled etc?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)10:59:18 No.2742931

    my father was absent since he's at work all day

    and my mother raised me to be a weak so she can control me easily

    I'm still messed up until today, I have no feeling of self
    >> RICK ASTLY 01/12/09(Mon)11:07:47 No.2742943
    you think youve got it bad? well my mother dosent care or encourage me to do anything,in fact her latest plan is to tell the government im retarded to get herself more money,iv thought about punching her out of frustration before,and my dad never stood up for my mother or himself,ever...if im going to stand a chance in the real world im gonna have to seriously get help,its too late for being taught how to be a man (like your father encouraging you fight or whatever)and i dont have a clue how myself either i dont wanna be stuck living with my mother on benefits forever and i dont want to kill myself either im sort of just living for others really.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)11:11:45 No.2742955
    at least she doesn't criticize your choices or decisions

    I couldn't even tie a trash bag without being criticized and talked down to.

    Now I'm mentally and emotionally crippled, I can't make choices without quadruple guessing myself

    Don't get me started on women, I can't start a relationship since I don't associate them with positive experiences/feelings, all I have is distrust and loathing
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)11:14:34 No.2742964
    well it's good you realise these things about yourself so you can start to change
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)11:16:01 No.2742968
    it's easy, all you need to fix your lack of father figure, is to take a knife and go to the woods to hunt down a bear. hm... or maybe it was two bears - one bare chested, second with a shirt on... i don't remember.
    >> FRAU DOKTOR !!FIKs9rk6k0M 01/12/09(Mon)11:17:48 No.2742974
    Dare I say, OP, even Nietzsche would be appalled by your actions. The weak can only become strong through their own exertions. Your prodding and goading them did nothing more than to force them to believe that they were weak.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)11:18:28 No.2742975
    Yeah I'm self-aware enough to know my bad traits (probably because I needed to be self-conscious enough to avoid getting into shit situations like that)

    I tried to change I really do, but it seems I can only go so far. You may be able to renovate the building, but you can't change the foundation.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)11:18:49 No.2742977
    are you guys fucking serious? Where I live no one gets bullied. Why bother? life bullies you enough.

    Fights happened, I was in one, being the biggest guy around with karate experience meant I rarely ever had to get into one. However, one kid who was a year older then me (also a big guy) thought I was all talk, so after school everybody gathered outside for the fight. He immediately grabbed me (people always grab and sorta wrestle when they can't fight) so I tripped him, but then I realized that we where on pavement, so I grabbed him by his collar and pulled him back up so he wouldn't die and I would go to jail. Well, then I flinged the kid into the crowd of people and tore his shirt.

    whole thing lasted like 6 seconds. The kid was so weirded out by the whole thing he laughed his ass off and said "were cool, were cool"

    we where on good terms after that and wasn't ever really bothered again
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)11:18:58 No.2742979
    so much fail in this thread.
    man the fuck up. all of you.
    >> RICK ASTLY 01/12/09(Mon)11:19:40 No.2742982
    most women and men are not supposed to be together,and when they have kids they fuck it up<sums up this entire thread not to mention the world...
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)11:28:49 No.2743023
    oh yeah, my dad worked 12 hour days (6 till 6) and took off sunday but I never saw him as not being around. We talked about stuff a lot.
    My mom didn't teach me to be a pussy. She didn't really teach me how not to be a pussy either really. She was just a typical mom, although she has a heart of stone if you get down to it. She wouldn't think twice of beating kittens to death with a shovel if she felt it was needed. I'm a little softer, but when it gets down to it, I'm the same way. No matter how much depressing shit comes my way. Our whole family knows how to repress every emotion for the sake of survival.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)11:31:03 No.2743037

    That is pretty fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)11:36:03 No.2743060
    that is fucking hilarious. How did you not find that funny?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)11:41:47 No.2743085
    I was never really a bully nor got bullied..i stand up for myself and no one messes with me cus i'm stronger then most of them.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)11:52:15 No.2743125
    Once we were spinning with a girl and I accidentally let go. She broke her arm right before the summer holidays and it was all my fault. Two months later she broke her arm again. I didn't know it, so my classmates called me to enlighten me that "the bones still haven't grown". I cried like a bitch and refused to go to school because I felt so guilty.

    That and the time they shoved a dead tarantula from biology lab in my bag during recess was the closest to bullying I've had. I was fat and shy and really pompous though, so I understand them.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)11:55:17 No.2743137
    I'm about 1/3 through this thread and I can't believe how many of these stories end with "but after he was a total dick to me/I removed my foot from his ass/they found my ear and reattached it, we became fast friends!"

    It just boggles my mind. There's a dude at my work who logged me off a computer and started using it himself a couple times, and I can't even talk to him anymore.
    >> OP 01/12/09(Mon)11:58:38 No.2743154
    I didn't bully them to make them 'stronger'.
    I bullied them because I hated them. Let's be clear about that.

    If they would stand up to me, then fine, they would no longer fit the criteria for which I bullied them in the first place. Big deal.

    Also, bringing Nietzsche into this makes you a pretentious cock.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:02:18 No.2743170
    I got what i deserved.
    I absolutely loved bullying, just for the kick of it, the meticulously planned attacks, the more elaborate the funnier. The look on their faces when the trap snaps, desperatly looking around in sheer terror, followed by the few seconds of total silence, the foul grin on my face getting bigger and bigger and then the moment supreme, a deafening explosion of relentless laughter, orgasmic.

    Ironicly that lasted only 3 years after that i was transferred to another class and the hunter became the hunted. The laughter tore me apart and combined with other more severe issues i was leveled to the ground and to this day (8 years later) i'm a paranoid depressed drug addicted loner.
    I dont regret any of the bullying i did myself though.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:12:15 No.2743229
    I got made fun of because I was a nerd but never bullied that much. Some punk ass kid in 6th grade tried (he was on his 3rd try through 6th grade, too) but one day in gym, he was fucking with me. I crab walked over to him and kicked him right in the gut. Next day some older kid did the "pull the backpack while I'm walking" thing and the former bully grabbed the guy by the collar, threw him against the lockers, and said "HEY! That's my friend, leave him alone."

    BUT.....the story of my buddy is much better. He was just as much a nerd as me, but he never stood up for himself, he just took the abuse. Then in 7th or 8th grade (can't remember) some asshole decided to start messing with him. Every day, the same shit...throwing basketballs at him in gym, messing with him at lunch, dumped him in a garbage can once, low-grade bully stuff. When I was there I'd step in, but I couldn't always help out.

    So one day, we're hanging out in front of our 1st period classroom when the bully kid just walks up with some friends, and stomps my buddy's foot as hard as he can. And he was wearing sandals, so that shit had to hurt. I was about to jump in and push the guy off, but before I had the chance my friend fucking SNAPPED. He was all over that guy, my quiet skinny nerd best friend was throwing and landing punches as the other guy was desperately trying to run away.

    Epilogue: A few days later, after word got around (small school, so it got around quick), the guy comes to my friend and says, "Why did you tell everybody you whipped my ass!!!", clearly trying to intimidate him. He goes, "Because I did, shut up."

    Nobody even tried to bully the guy again.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:23:08 No.2743285
    Haha, a real-life tsundere! I hope at some point you let a guy stick it in, not that you liked him or anything...

    I sorta had a problem with bullying in elementary school, but honestly it was mostly just being made fun of for being kinda weird, nothing that would really be considered a big deal (I was sorta friends with the guy anyway, and recently got back in touch with him in an attempt to buy some weed). Things sorta stayed like this in Middle School and early High School, with people chilling with me, but the more popular kids often making jokes about me being weird.

    Then, things suddenly started to change. I was in IB (this rather stupid honors program), and so most of my classes were with this same group of (usually) intelligent people, or at least people mature enough not to do anything physical. The jokes stopped once people started to get used to my sense of humor, and especially when we all got a shitty History teacher, and I started giving tutoring lectures at my house. Suddenly I was being invited to social events by the most popular kids in the class, and towards the end of my senior year even ended up in a pot circle with some of the most popular jocks at the school. I guess being the smart class clown can make things a bit easier.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:24:31 No.2743293
    I think I was too weird to be bullied, well, I'm not THAT weird. However, I was playing chess at lunch at school and someone knocked down the pieces before a game and I freaked the fuck out. I didn't beat anyone up, I just screamed

    people just stared at me like I lost my mind, and I did scream it about as loud as any human could. it became a sorta joke between my friends to randomly say "why the fuck did you do that!" whenever anyone was doing something completely normal
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:29:48 No.2743321

    Yeah you can try and justify it as much as you like OP, you are in the wrong.

    So because you hate something that gives you every right to just stomp it down until there is nothing left? You had/have serious metal issues, and the only thing that would take care of that would be to show you just how weak you really are.

    You'll probably reply with something about not being weak, or some other justification as to why you did it. But lets be honest, you bully the weak because you are weak.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:30:24 No.2743326
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    I don't see what's wrong with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:31:04 No.2743332
    There was this kid who bullied me when i was like, 8 years old. I didnt really care at the beginning but once i had enough of it, grabbed my chair and smacked the kid in the face with it. I didnt even get detention for it, heh.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:31:38 No.2743335
    Bullied here.

    Through elementary til mid high school I was the one bully looooved to hit.

    At first I would react but when middle school started, I stopped showing any sign, it was normal for me to never say anything or talk to people. When high school started, I started my revenge, slowly but surely. I stopped seeing the help school offered to make sure nobody would say that it was a bad idea. I grew bigger and I sure as hell was bitter. First day of 10th grade someone tried to push me around. I choked them agaisnt a locker and just said "Not anymore it's your turn.". I took down every single bullies I had one by one. Some joined me out of cowardice and others met a pitiful end. Violently in fights or ridiculed in classes.

    I became the bully, but never targetted people who were clean and good.

    At graduation I was one of the most loved or feared student in school. I didn't took shit from anybody. No teacher or student stopped me.

    Now in college, I did what I had to do. I'm no longer a bully but nobody fucks with me.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:32:24 No.2743341
    Me and my friend used to get bullied by this one guy in first year, now i am twice his size and see him out on Fri/Sat

    I feel great when i muck about with him showing my superior strength to his weak physic ( he has the body of a 12 year-old anorexic girl).

    I just know if i could go back in time i was knock the fuck clean out of him, i am waiting for a chance to take his head off him.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:32:41 No.2743343
    ITT: Delusion of Grandeur and Baw of Trauma.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:38:43 No.2743373
    I feel bad for these new urban generations who don't have the option of fighting back - else they feel like facing off a bona fide gang.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:48:34 No.2743433
    Hahaha, that reminds me of this one time, before I had much experience with girls, these girls did that to a nerdy friend of mine at the mall, and they just ignored them. A few days later, a girl did a similar thing to me at school, and thinking the same thing was happening (she was rather attractive), I responded sarcastically. I later found out she was serious, hahaha, fucking high school. Turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as that girl was sort of fucking nuts, and would go through major mood swings.
    >> OP 01/12/09(Mon)12:54:17 No.2743476
    I'm not going to continue explaining why I bullied.
    Should be really fucking clear about now.

    Either way, I have never justified anything. All I have stated so far were merely reasons why. Big fucking difference.

    And sure, you can call me weak all you want. It serves no other purpose than give you a feeling of justice of sorts. It wouldn't have been fair otherwise eh? The bully that 'got away' with it. ;)
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)12:56:23 No.2743487
    In during OP feels Bully's remorse and is afraid to admit it.
    >> OP 01/12/09(Mon)13:01:42 No.2743522
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    Yes, I'm very very sorry.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:02:49 No.2743534
    During 8th to 10th grade we used to bully some guy.

    He was actually bigger and stronger than us, but we broke him down mentally. During the first month or so of school him and I were actually friends. That probably made the bullying worse.

    At first we were just rude, but later on we would call him various things to see what ticked him off.. First we called him Nazi, then we called him Pedo, and finally we'd start making jokes about incest. All three pissed him off severely.

    During the late half of 10th grade I and a friend wrote "<name> sucks off his dad" in the gravel on a football field visible to all students at the school.

    Massive lulz were had until the school principal threatened with pressing charges.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:04:44 No.2743543
    I don't think I ever really bullied anybody in school.. I was on the recieving end a couple times too many to understand that kids can just be cruel for little or no reason, and there wasn't any point for me to do it.

    There were times when I would be part of the group that would talk about somebody behind their back or laugh about them, but I would probably just feel bad doing it to their face

    I remember this one morning though in like 9th or 10th grade I think, this one kid who was kind of fat got picked on alot by this tough jock kid who was really, I mean really fucking dumb. But he was tough as nails.

    Anyway, the tough kid was sitting down in his chair (we were in homeroom waiting for class to start in the morning) and the fat kid heard him say something walking back to his seat, and he said "dumbass" and flicked him on the head. And the guy got up and just fucking spazzed the shit out on him, I'm talking followed him to the back of the room where he was sitting and beat the fucking shit out of him. No teacher was around. Just pummeling him in the fucking face and head for like three minutes straight, and by the time it was over his white t-shirt was all ripped up and full of sweat and some blood.

    Then the kid who was his friend started freaking out and talking about how he had enough of this shit and he was going to shoot up the school, and that's when I thought "lol what the fuck am i doing in this nuthole" and left for a better school.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:08:31 No.2743567
    Not really bullying, but I used to give my little sister a pretty hard time.
    One day a bunch of my friends were sleeping over in our old bungalow by the beach. We were maybe 8 at the time, less. Young enough to get read harry potter as a group bed time story.

    Anyway, we spun this huge story for my sister who was about 4 that we were actually werewolves. Shit was complex. We even had some kind of arch nemesis, I can't remember what we called him though. We ran around the garden howling and sniffing and screaming for a few days.

    My sister ended up crying under the bed screaming "I DON'T WANT YOU TO BE A WEREWOLF ANON!!!!!!"

    Eventually she told our parents who explained it all to her. And for some reason a year later when we revived the werewolf story this didn't stop her from believing us and getting upset again.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:10:19 No.2743582
    i used to make this one girl suck my cock
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:12:38 No.2743592
    I work as a para for a kid who both bullies and gets bullied. If I think he's purposefully bullying another kid as opposed to just not understanding human interaction or letting his issues get the better of him, I'll come down on him like the wrath of God.

    But if he's after some little punk who has it coming, I'll take my time. There is no teacher like experience.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:16:48 No.2743641

    No need to be so defensive, just stating an opinion is all.
    >> Johnny Thunder 01/12/09(Mon)13:18:02 No.2743651
    I was fucking huge back in my school days, i mostly bullied other bullies because they where usually cunts that started crying and shit after a few empty threats.
    They're all probaly on some anonymous website right now trying to sound badass.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:18:57 No.2743662
    There were no bullies at my high school. Bullying is for twelve year-olds; if you faggots seriously derive satisfaction from hurting people then you're just terrible human beings.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:19:53 No.2743666
    I won't lie to you, I was a bully.

    One of the better ones was when my friend Kenny had a birthday party. He liked my friend Crissy, so I took some kendo stick...not the bokken, the other thing, and went into his bedroom, shoved it in his drawer and put his tightie whities on it like a flag. I then proceeded to wave this flag around in front of her.

    So he locks me out.

    No biggie, right? Well, his friends come over and they're bitching like, " Ahhh---that asshole girl, look what she did! Man, such a bitch---blah blah "
    So for whatever reason, someone puts up the idea that we should fight about it.

    Awesome. I fight my brothers all of the time. Who cares if I'm a girl, my balls are bigger than these faggots'.
    So I beat his two friends up, and this 6' guy, Patrick comes up like, " Yeah, I can kick her ass. "
    I'm like " You're a faggot, but try it. "

    The two friends come back with "weapons", a baseball bat and a hockey stick. I proceed to take said weapons and kick their asses again.

    Now it's time for Patrick. He hits me, but I take the hockey stick and clock him in the forehead with it.

    Blood EVERYWHERE, now the guy has a permanent scar that's caused him to be bald on that part of his scalp.

    I got away with it, and away with further beating up these associated kids and their friends. Why? Because I'm a girl, and that was my only technique.

    And that's actually a little unfair. I threatened and stole and beat up, and I -should- have gotten my ass kicked.

    Unlike OP, I -always- bullied for lulz. I had no rhyme or reason, I just liked beating up my male counterparts. And they were too afraid to effectively reciprocate because I have a vagina.
    >> Johnny Thunder 01/12/09(Mon)13:22:10 No.2743691
    thats the most blatant made up story in the history of 4chan..
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:23:38 No.2743702
    Yeah, I wish.
    A restraining order on my record says otherwise.

    But this brings a good point, what OF girl bullies? Girls naturally bully each other and it often goes unnoticed. There's a real double standard.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:23:51 No.2743704
    in middle school this guy liked the same girl I did so I started making it known that I really didn't like him, but I was a fucken pussy so I convinced my friends he was a dick so that our whole little group was against him. We made up nicknames for him and shit but we were all too scared to touch him, it was little girl shit in a sense that it was all just talk. A year or two later he turned against me and convinced his group that I was a fuckin dick and they would mock me at lunch and shit... then I didn't see him for a couple years until I had a class with him in high school and it was awkward and one day he randomly said hey to me and I was like hey man, no hard feelings. We shook hands. That was great. I haven't done anything mean like that since.

    Usually I can tell when people are the type who will bully you and then I just make sure not to slip up around them, cause if you make one wrong move or something they'll give you a shitty nickname or something.
    >> ricefaggot 01/12/09(Mon)13:25:23 No.2743722
    You should have just beat his ass and then pissed on him
    >> ricefaggot 01/12/09(Mon)13:26:50 No.2743729
    I don't think "terrible". Dominating other people is just fun.
    Aaah, maybe that's kinda terrible
    >> ricefaggot 01/12/09(Mon)13:31:55 No.2743768
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    ...Also, it sounds like a lot of you guys were bullied
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:40:34 No.2743832
    Bullying is for faggots.
    Bullies are faggots.
    Victims are faggots.

    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:41:59 No.2743848
    Bullied for two years, every time I confronted the gang, they backed down.

    One threw a book at me in a hallway, so last I had a reason to retaliate: grabbed him, kneed him in the nuts, punched him in the face and walked off when my best mate broke us up. No hassle after that.

    People shook my hand as I walked the corridors after. In my class, I was pretty much a pariah, but I didn't give a fuck. My mates were all older than me.

    The bullying destroyed my young, naive self. There was no going back, so I made a new, better me. It's working well.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:44:58 No.2743870

    Riveting story, brethren.
    >> ricefaggot 01/12/09(Mon)13:45:04 No.2743871
    That's pretty cool, man.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:49:04 No.2743911
    i bullied a kid until he went to a special school. bitch deserved it though, he started it and couldn't take it
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)14:07:39 No.2744077
    I was horribly bullied all my life.

    There is NOTHING is worse than meeting a new person, starting conversation for a couple of minutes, everything going well, and suddenly making a huge social mistake by accident as I tend to do... and watching the other person realize "hoshit, this one is broken" and walk away.

    It still happens sometimes. I'm trying my best to change.
    >> ricefaggot 01/12/09(Mon)14:10:37 No.2744107
    Awwwh, how cute ;___;
    >> A Noun You'll Miss !!cVgf/U6WfoE 01/12/09(Mon)15:13:01 No.2744603
    Archive this shit for great justice.
    Thanks for your request.
    It has been added to our database and the thread will be archived as soon as enough request for that thread have been made.
    This thread has been requested 3 times now.
    >> RICK ASTLY 01/12/09(Mon)15:19:16 No.2744668
    yo "the rick" is back! i just been thinking about bullying and i remember when all of YOU bullied me :( thanks anon i appreciate all youv done for my career....shitheads.....
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:36:17 No.2744828
    i never told anyone about this shit, cause of amount of my fail

    dear god, please don't archive this!
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:39:20 No.2744870
    Archive...what archive?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:59:55 No.2745126

    Lads, we don't have to criticise OP. He's on 4chan, the central hub of useless internet losers, AFTER being the self-described alpha male. He's either
    - Lying/trolling (in which case, disregard, epic troll)
    - The biggest loser to grace the internet since Chris-chan
    The rest of us have real excuses, we were never high up and/or we were always kept down by fags like OP. Some of us mental, physical or severe emotional problems that keep us down. OP doesn't. OP started at the top and fell down to the level of the people he so despises (the proof is in this thread). OP is the very definition of loser - he lost, and he lost hard.

    GG OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)16:12:54 No.2745281
    When I was in pre elementary I started getting bullied by my seatmate every lunch, I told this to my father and he told me to defend myself. The next day at lucnhtime again when he started to pick on me again I took my fork and stabbed him in his arm...Never had any problems after that...

    In mid elementary I started growing bigger than all of my classmates being half european and them asians...They started teasing me since they couldnt hurt me physically thankfully I wasnt really bothered by it and I ignored most of it...In highschool we had all become friends and never really had any fights anymore exept when it came to women...Do highschoolers in america really still bully cause damn that seems so immature...
    >> A Noun You'll Miss !!cVgf/U6WfoE 01/12/09(Mon)16:24:11 No.2745412
    1) Request Interface
    2) Type 2732869
    3) Scroll to /r9k/
    4) Type those letters
    5) ???
    6) Win.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)16:38:24 No.2745592
    I've been both.

    I was in middle school, but I was also in another language school at the same time. All the classes were really small, with only about 10 students. This one guy would fuck with me every break time because I was the youngest in the class. He'd bump into me on purpose, shove me, exclude me from conversations, nothing too serious. I kind of just took it and even told on my dad because I was a little bitch, but he basically told me to be a man and do something about it. It's been such a long time so I don't remember how I did it, but I fought back one day and he never fucked with me since.

    A year or two later, in the same school, I grew arrogant. I started picking on this creepy kid with glasses that would always avert his eyes when he saw me. I'd bump into him and he'd scurry away, or try to dodge me when I walk by.

    Now I'm 20, and think bullying is fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)16:55:30 No.2745778
    i've had a taste of both worlds. in high school, i was the kid who'd be targeted for someone wanting to redirect the heat they were taking, or just randomly pick on. i was the convenient outsider, treated no differently than with the mild neglect you'd hold to a stray dog. i'd get pee'd on occasionally in the showers after gym class, made fun of relentlessly and baselessly, and held in contempt for having done nothing. and my friends never did a thing, even as intertwined as our small school was. they'd either sit back and watch and laugh, or they'd join in. anything that could be used against me, was. after graduation there were parties i was strangely invited to, mostly by association, never directly. at one of these, my best friend from beginning of memory, says to me around the table "i remember when [douchebag] would make fun of you," everyone laughed, "just ripping into you at the lunchtable and you'd just sit there quietly, not a word. i wanted to do something about it." shedding no further expression, he finished his beer. and that's when it clicked, and i said "But you didn't. nobody did." then i stood, pushed in my chair, and left. i haven't talked to anyone since. i still hate everyone i went to school with. everyone.

    now, i'm the meanest motherfucker you'd know. not so much physically, though i'm fit to boot, but psychologically it's become a game to see how many people i can make feel like a depressed piece of shit at any given time. i'm fairly good looking, too, and project an attractive demeanor, so it's fun to raise the hopes and desires of girls, and then pull out the rug from under them. post high school has been nothing but a streak of vengeance by my justification. i live to make people miserable now because of what they, products of society as a whole, did to me then.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)16:59:22 No.2745824

    That's one of the great problems with an industrialized society, men are expected to work long hours away from their family, and the wife is expected to stay at home, rear the children, and teach them proper morals and values.

    It sounds good, but it has a negative drawback for boys, as a woman cannot raise a boy to be a man, that's a fathers job. But with the men always gone, the boy has no father figure, so they choose their mothers as their fathers. And what we get is a society filled with effeminate and weak willed men. I would know, I fit in this category.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)17:03:23 No.2745871
    (girl) in middle school got bullied in a pretty typical way - i got sprayed with axe, people tripped me in the hallway, got death threats online, had people distributing my address so id get free condoms and shit in the mail. it's not so bad now because i just take a shitload of APs so i dont have to deal with those people anymore.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)17:27:17 No.2746170
    >- Lying/trolling (in which case, disregard, epic troll)

    meh, it's trollian who accidentally generated decent thread, nothing epic.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)17:34:31 No.2746252
    I love you.

    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)17:39:01 No.2746313

    Cute girl gets bullied all throughout school, goes to college, feels a little better about herself Then some fuck with an agenda comes along and crushes her hopes for no reason other than he can't man up about his own past. gg Anon.
    >>   01/12/09(Mon)17:42:02 No.2746345
    I'd hug you.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)17:42:10 No.2746348
    When I was in middle school and before that I was bullied occasionally. In high school when I learned to grow some balls I punched them in the face when they messed with me.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)17:48:59 No.2746421
    I was sodomized in the bathroom of the high school by two guys with a broken-off tree limb.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)17:49:39 No.2746427
    Bullying in my town really just comes down to senior priority. As a freshman, sitting in the wrong seat of the bus or looking at a senior/junior strangely could get you a verbal beating. I was never exactly terrified, because the juniors and seniors were never particuarly interested in bullying. Most of it occurred within our own grade.

    Now as a senior, there is virtually no bullying. Juniors and lower aren't worth the attention, plus there's no satisfaction there. We live in the US northeast, so it's pretty hard on bullying but not unheard of, it's just frowned on by the student body as well as the teachers.

    I'll give you an example. We had this guy, we'll call him George, who was a asian of some kind that thought he was black. Well, this gay kid who was (and still is) utterly flaming homosexual let it slip around the school that George let him suck his dick. The next day, Flaming Gay Kid has a black eye.

    Two days after that, George is in the hospital for a concussion and broken nose, with a lawsuit against him. The broken nose and concussion were from two seperate jumpings happening within 2 hours of eachother. Kids who didn't even like FGK beat the shit out of George because he bullied them in middle school or gay rights or some shit I don't care about.

    Point is, he who throws the first stone gets hit by a fucking avalanche around here.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)17:56:33 No.2746491
    ITT: scum of the fucking earth

    wouldn't have expected this out of this part of the internetz but I guess there are assholes everywhere. good luck burning in hell forever if those fairy tales turn out to be true, fucking losers.

    it's a good thing that at the high school i went to anybody seriously bullying people around would be viewed as the faggot he/she was so it never happened too much. i wouldn't be able to take it. i'd jump on any fuckers bothering quiet people with all my 120 pounds and probably get my ass kicked to hell but goddamn i would fight you faggots. i always tell myself it's not a person's fault what they become but good people can only withstand so much faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)18:03:06 No.2746572
    i used to be shelled up socially so that people would sometimes bully me but i was too good at subtle acting to let it get deep and it never bothered me past the fact that the people bullying were always such nasty fucking people.

    i'd never bully anybody except a bully, and if i seriously hurt said bully i'd start feeling sorry for him thinking oh gawd is he gonna be ok... but it probably wouldn't last long as assholes tend to be assholes forever.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)18:04:14 No.2746587
    I remember hearing about a bully at my old middle school who got a pitbull sicked on him by one of his victims.

    Bully needed a skin graft for 60% of his face and lost vision in one eye.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)18:11:42 No.2746685
    I've only been bullied one time. Back in 9th grade some fat idiot around my height totally misread me and thought he could cause some damage calling me names and stuff. At first I just ignored him, waiting for him to go away but he'd just keep laughing and following me around in between 2nd and 3rd period. Then one time I was walking home after school and I happened to run into him on the way. He started laughing and pushed me to the ground. I'll admit it, I totally fell down, wasn't expecting it... but then I just got up and kicked him in the chest and he started tearing a little and laughed nervously and started walking the other way and I kinda said sorry because he really was a weird kid... He started being all shy and respectful around me after that, like he was with all the other kids, and I imagined trying to talk to him but never got the guts to (I was pretty shy).
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)18:17:33 No.2746758
    some scars on the arm or leg would have been sufficient. that guy's gonna be fucked up forever :(
    >> Baron Von Steuben !kC4tNQ7y82 01/12/09(Mon)18:28:05 No.2746884
    In elementary school, I basically beat the shit out of this one kid so hard he wouldn't talk to me, or anyone he didn't know for that matter, for a few weeks. After that, I felt like total shit, so I essentially became a shut-in for most of middle school. I tell you though, it helps being a foot and a half taller than most people in the school.
    >> PROTECTOR Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:20:00 No.2747490
    I consider myself a protector. I fight to protect the ones I cheerish and love. To be a "protector" I must define what it is I am protecting against. I have defined what I am protecting against is anyone or anything that is trying to hurt me, or the ones I love and cheerish.

    My enemies are those who go out of their way to intentionly harm me or the ones I love.

    I do not bully for the very logic that I can not become what it is I swore to protect agaist. If I attacked another with selfish ill intention that only means I have become what I swore are my enemies. I will never become scum.

    Even now, when I see my enemies attacking people close to me, I will try my VERY best to destroy them as a threat. While engaging the enemy and if the enemy is far stronger then me, I am not afraid, because it is my menaing to protect, even die for the cause.

    I am very dangerous to bullies, and in the past I have actively targeted and brought down many for the good of the comunity. I now work at LAPD.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:31:20 No.2747631
    I'm sorry
    For something that I didn't do
    Lynched somebody, but I don't know who
    You blame me for slavery
    A hundred years before I was born
    Guilty Of Being White
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:12:04 No.2749015
    Archive this thread! One more request required. <3
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:14:04 No.2749050


    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:32:13 No.2750127
    Normally I'd say you were trolling, but in this case you actually DO seem to be stupid enough to be a cop.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)22:58:43 No.2750500
    my rationalization is that all people are extensions of society, and if one group of people treated me that way before, then people i meet later in life are akin to those past. those outside socialized behavior, outsiders..... i can pretty easily recognize a girl, or anyone, who has had a tough time socially- cute or not. i know they're not inept or socially stupid. sometimes, though, they try my game out on me because of said high school experience. they and i are not so different. mistreatment like that sticks with a person strongly for a long time, so i understand why theyre doing it, but i'm going to do it better. some deserve it, but i do try to avoid doing it to those who do not, unless i feel like destroying something beautiful. call me Nutting.

    for instance, one girl i am/was somewhat seeing. she's a little different. in fact, she trolls /b/ from time to time. needless to say, she's not the typical garden variety young woman. the kicker is that she has a boyfriend, yet she really likes me. she goes out of her way to be with me. far out of her way. not willing to tear away from the relationship, though, she's putting more hurt and frustration on me, by putting me in the backseat. toying around with me like that only fuels my propensity to cut her down, though at the same time i care for her, so i'm more playful about it. so, needless to say, it's fucked up now, but i am having a hell of a lot of fun tormenting her on her bridge between myself and her current boyfriend. whether it shall be like the flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz mutilating the scarecrow to pieces, a magnet sapping iron filings from sand, or rust gradually corroding a bar of steel into oxidized dust; i will dismantle that relationship one way or another.

    i really don't know what i'll do if i get into a relationship with her, but i am going to find out.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)23:54:30 No.2751151
    The little to no bullying that goes on at my school is all between the popular cunts and the ugly cunts.

    Everyone in my year respecs the shit out of me, namely because I'm the witty smug bastard who always has something to say and it's always funny. People in my year are immature, though, so I hang with upperclassmen/graduates.

    Damn, it feels good to be respected.

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