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    File :1231505973.jpg-(13 KB, 299x400, Lip_Piercing_by_rivjern.jpg)
    13 KB Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)07:59:33 No.2706382  
    How do you just simply not care what other people think of you /r9k/? Many of you seem to be good at this so I need some advice.

    I've been a nerd all my life and looked the stereotypical part too. I was the brunt of many people's jokes and I recently got fed up of being made fun of, as well as being bored of how I looked since I'd had the same look for so many years.

    I got a new haircut and a couple piercings. Trouble is, everybody just started laughing at my new appearance. I'd hear people mutter behind my backs about me "trying to be something I'm not" and laughing.

    I'm not trying to be something I'm not, I wanted a new look and I wanted piercings. I'm male but I don't mind admitting I BAWW'D myself to sleep that night. A couple days of the same stuff happening and I just got fed up and took out my piercings and stopped gelling my hair.

    I feel fucking awful, like I'm stuck in a rut and nobody will let me change. I'm laughed at the way I was, I'm laughed at when I want to change. How do you not give a shit what people think? inb4underageb&, I'm at University. Pic related but not mine.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:02:05 No.2706391
    Sounds like you're trying to be something you're not.

    Just dress better, cut your hair well, groom yourself, etc. No need to adopt some caricature of what you think a cool person is, just dress normally but do it well.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:02:25 No.2706392
    If you care about what other people on the internet think about you, then you have problems. Anonymous is never a satisfied person.
    >> Ashent !!A04TlwTt979 01/09/09(Fri)08:03:40 No.2706401
    The only way to make a huge change all at once is to relocate, if people don't already like you. If you were popular, you could make a large appearance change whenever you wanted - but for a dork to try to change their image drastically over a short course of time is laughable.

    You need to do things slowly. Keep the new haircut, learn to wear it well. Start dressing better, and then wear whatever piercings you want after you already look half decent.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:05:06 No.2706411
    Post pic of before and after OP.

    Also, you're at university, you shouldn't give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:06:14 No.2706417
    I love nerds. Don't be ashamed of who you are, anon. Just find better company. Also, protip- everyone's scared of what other people say about them. A lot of people hang out with other people not because they like them, but just so they won't be alone. My suggestion; find someone nerdy as you, you think you'll get along well with. Try starting a conversation or work that out. Study for something together or something. You only need one, very good person to feel better.
    >> Anonynomus 01/09/09(Fri)08:07:17 No.2706422
    I agree, if you really want to learn to stop caring about what people think about you, first step is to post pics. Why should you care if we see your face?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:07:19 No.2706424
    It's not about not giving a shit what people think, it's about choosing to wear things which suit you. A skinny person who doesn't look like they've seen the light of day for a few years is probably better to go with more of an 'indie' style, wearing clothes which fit tightly. Also, don't suddenly change your dress style, it'll just look like you've read a "how to dress like a __" website
    >> Captain Trip !RBYbEnPFvU 01/09/09(Fri)08:10:49 No.2706444
    You sound insecure, and surrounded by people you can't associate with. If you had some accepting friends, you'd feel more comfortable.

    I'm often quite shy and self-conscious, but when my friends are there, I feel more comfortable being myself.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:11:30 No.2706447
    Don't take the piercings out! Such a waste of money...
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:13:21 No.2706459
    Thread needs before/after pics.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:15:28 No.2706474
    Don't worry anon, it'll all work out.

    Maybe it was a drastic change? If a nerd or something just suddenly comes in with piercings and a new style, its gonna be weird.

    Just go gradually? Start with some new cloths, meet some new people, eventually start fixing a few things here and there, get some new shoes, kinda change your style, start with an ear piercing, gauge it to like a 6 or 4gauge (Which I promise isn't big at all and its just thick looking, looks nice too, and don't worry they will shrink if you want them to.) Then you can get a lip piercing done and such.

    Also? What music do you listen to? Band tees could help. Aside from that, you can try skateboarding as a side type of thing so it just all goes along smooth. Just make sure you want to be this not look like this, if this is you, then be you and good luck anon. It'll work out for you.

    Again, just gradually change.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:15:50 No.2706480
    you need to become more self-confident, more aware of your surroundings and the society you live in (and how especially the latter operates -almost exclusively social) and adjust your actions/attitude accordingly, and overall you need to probably be able to relate to other people more period as it sounds like you don't
    >> Helpfag 01/09/09(Fri)08:16:29 No.2706485
    And this

    Also... Fuck people, that's what I did (No I don't mean literally fuck) If they don't like you then why the fuck should you care? Also confront the people who "mutter behind your back" ask them why they need to look down on you to justify themselves.
    >A couple days of the same stuff happening and I just got fed up and took out my piercings and stopped gelling my hair." this is sadly a bad Idea. don't let their words get to you and you wont have a problem.

    I know maybe not to much help, I basically just said "Don't care" when your question was "How di I not care" but fuck it, it's the best I can do.
    Hopefully some help could be gained from this.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:17:42 No.2706496
    Dress how you want to dress. Be the person you want to be. Once you're the person you want to be, you're not pretending to be something you're not. You are the thing that you are.

    Get this statement in your mind: "Fuck those people."

    It helps.

    Don't take the piercings out. Dress how you want. Fuck those people.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:18:13 No.2706498
    we are anonymous on the internet.

    Its easy to feign an uncaring personality when no one can see our ugly mugs.

    don't fool yourself, everyone is self conscious. Its not so much making yourself not care, as it is making yourself appear to not care.

    Its the image of cool.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:20:30 No.2706508
    Alright, alright, let's not get too weepy here.

    First of all, I find the best time to change one's appearance is over a long vacation--winter break is almost over so you're right fucked there, but maybe you have another one >= 1 week long coming up. Anyway, here's a set of requirements you'll probably need to fulfill before you can successfully de-nerd:

    Hygiene: Are you showering every day, or at LEAST every other day? You should be. Brushing your teeth daily is a non-negotiable, if they can't stand your breath they won't want to talk to you. Brush your hair. Don't overdo it, ever.

    Clothes: What do you wear on a given day? I'm not going to elaborate on this one until you let me know.

    Awkward habits: Cut them. Nobody even remotely socially competent wants to hear your internet jokes. I know that if anybody starts going "SAGE" or "LULZ" at my school I can never take them seriously ever again.

    Fitness: This one is less important but will score you brownie points with your desired gender. You don't need to go to the gym (but it's good to do so), but at least run, do situps/crunches, pushups, whatever. Join a club sports team next year if you can. Just do SOMETHING.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:22:28 No.2706516
    Other anon adding here- CUT YOUR FINGERNAILS. SRSLY. I have this guy who doesn't vut his and let them grow long and wild and it's disgusting. No one wants to let him put his hand in the snacks they bring.
    >> Ashent !!A04TlwTt979 01/09/09(Fri)08:22:36 No.2706517
    Also, OP - the people laughing at your new look would probably respect you more if you didn't pussy out of it after their reaction. Fuck them, be who you want.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:23:29 No.2706524
    Thanks guys but I'm not trying to be something I'm not. I'm not trying to look like a 'cool person' At Uni cool is very subjective, I know some nerdy looking guys like me that are some of the most popular people going, it's just their personality that differs from mine that makes them so popular.

    I'm doing this because I've always wanted to look different and I've wanted piercings for a few years now. I really hate the phrase "trying to be something I'm not" - sounds like it dooms me to being stuck in this rut for my entire life. If women are allowed makeovers, why not men? My life is pretty shitty right now and I'm trying to change a lot - I am taking up guitar and singing lessons, I'm trying to get more involved in social clubs and I'm taking up archery. All these things are an improvement on my current situation of sitting in my room all day on the Internet, gaming and fapping. I've wanted to do all this for years, it's only recently I've built up the courage to do so.

    I want to change because I want to, not because I feel I need to. I just want to not be laughed at and mocked for changing. All that courage I built up for years is coming crashing down.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:24:15 No.2706528
    By the way, if it helps, I'm well-liked at my school among the people that I myself choose to talk to. I'm into science and tech shit, and I know it, and I don't try to hide it. If you really wanna flaunt your geeky side, do it tastefully. Things like that ugly "Schrodinger's cat is dead" shirt and the ones with the Periodic Table, or caffeine molecule...don't wear them. Ever. The nerdiest thing I wear (subjectively speaking I guess) is my Batman shirt. But it looks good, and Batman rules, so fuck you guys.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:24:39 No.2706529
    I'm cool as hell and I've never de-nerded. However, I never talk about /b/ in public. That's just fucking wrong.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:27:11 No.2706544
    By de-nerding I mean showering daily and not wearing WoW shirts in public. Honestly, anything beyond that is just icing on the cake.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:27:24 No.2706547
    sorry to hear that OP...i feel for you i really do.

    I'm actually a former nerd that went through with the change, but it wasn't overnight and sure the fuck didn't have lame piecings. I started exercising daily and got a great haircut/dye. I used tanning lotion til' i built one up and gradually became somewhat popular(i didn't have dates a lot but i had a great group of friends)

    High school is full of idiots that want you to be cut down, grow slowly around them so they wont notice.
    >> Ashent !!A04TlwTt979 01/09/09(Fri)08:27:28 No.2706548

    So you've been a long time in the making. Don't let some extra hardship stop you from accomplishing what you've almost begun.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:29:18 No.2706554

    Dude I am very popular and well-liked, and I have a hoodie with a caffeine molecule on it. I don't have a periodic table shirt, but I definitely would wear it if I did. And I would ROCK that shit!

    It's all about confidence. Fuck all of these assholes. Everytime you let something like this get you down, you're letting them win. Find what makes you happy and do it 100%
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:29:48 No.2706557
    Let me share an experience. My natural hair is dirty blond, and I don't like it's colour. I decided that black would fit me better (before all the emos decided it would fit them better, too), and dyed it when I was about 14. I got 7 "Is that a wig?" comments as well as some others, non too positive. I cared little, since it looked so much better on me. With this attidute, today, no one can tell my hair colour is not natural, and also it got one of my teachers saying it fits me better.
    [spoiler] my mom still hope that I will stop dyeing it, though. [/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:32:04 No.2706571
    It's not about getting down, it's about taste. That shit is usually ugly as all hell in my opinion. Also, I just have a personal grudge against that Schrodinger's cat shirt. FUCK that thing is annoying.

    You seem like a pretty cool dude, though, or at least a sensible one.
    >> Yakko 01/09/09(Fri)08:32:21 No.2706573
    Baby steps OP.. baby steps.

    By the sounds of it you're still in highschool, keep gelling your hair and then after a few weeks put a piercing in... then another after a while.

    That, or watch and copy The New Guy.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:32:51 No.2706577
    you can't make everyone like you. if you try to please everyone you'll be hated and come off as a simpering faggot.

    now im not telling you to be an asshole or turn into a slob, just dress how you like and fuck everyone else. if you try to fit yourself into an image then you'll just end up being miserable.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:40:05 No.2706631
    grow a beard and buy a fedora hat
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:40:08 No.2706633
    I wouldn't recommend OP gage their ears and start skateboarding. Doesn't sound like them. You shouldn't start doing something just to be a certain way, just let it happen naturally.

    If you feel like doing something, just do it. Dont worry about what other people will think, and if your going to do something think if you really are doing it for yourself or for someone else.

    This is just wrong, this guys probably about 15 don't listen to him. Everyone does care what people think of them to an extent, but for 99.9% of people that I run into, I couldn't give a shit what they think of me.

    You gota realize that those people making fun of you, or judging you are a bunch of fucked up assholes, who live fucked up, warped lives and are all sad, pathetic, depressed losers, just like everyone else. So fuck um, who gives a shit.
    >> Captain Trip !RBYbEnPFvU 01/09/09(Fri)08:40:08 No.2706634
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    If you're really determined, you can change your life. The motivation has to be for you though.

    You can't lose weight, stop smoking, change your clothes or personality for the sake of other people, that motivation is thin and brittle. But if you really want to turn your life around, then no set backs or outside influences should be able to stop you.

    Remember OP, a lawyer is someone who doesn't cry until it's over.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:45:24 No.2706667
    Another thing...it doesn't sound like your situation got worse because of your changes. They made fun of you before, now they're talking behind your back (and that'll go on for most likely just a few days/weeks). Put your piercings back in and keep gelling your hair. You want to be that way after all.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:48:28 No.2706687
    Just be you, whatever or whomever that is. I have far more respect for people that are themselves and don't start listening to x music and dressing like y to conform to a group. Fuck that, I would disown any friend I knew, however close, if they started doing that.

    Jesus, why would you want to pander to these people anyway?
    >> Anonynomus 01/09/09(Fri)08:50:21 No.2706693
    So you're lacking in confidence, eh?

    1. Go to /b/
    2. find a courage wolf thread
    3. ????
    4. PROFIT!
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:53:34 No.2706716
    I care TOO much. that's my problem.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)08:54:21 No.2706719

    get some friends

    it's easy to not give a shit about your appearance when you're playing some Left 4 Dead co-op
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:08:14 No.2706803
    OP here. Thanks for all the advice guys. I do have some friends at Uni but they're all pretty much like me in that they're nerds who sit in their rooms all day gaming, probably how I got on with them so well. They're good friends and I don't want to abandon them at all but they also ridiculed my attempt at change. They're stuck in their ways and anything different is bad to them.

    Once again I'm not doing this to fit in with a certain group, or to look like somebody else. I'm doing this to look like I want to. I've had several piercing sites bookmarked for years and I'v researched haircuts, I know exactly what I want for me.

    My biggest problem is I have so many barriers in my way to changing. There's no way I want to carry on the way I am - my life is shit and boring, I don't do anything and I look awful in my opinion. I need confidence but it's hard when I get no support, in fact quite the opposite.

    Thanks to everybody that's supporting me, I wish I knew you people in real life. Changing would be a cinch if I had the support of people like you.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:09:18 No.2706811
    >Changing would be a cinch if I had the support of people like you.
    We are all over the fucking place. You just have to reach out.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:12:29 No.2706831
    It comes with age. Eventually you realise that no matter what, someone will be laughing at you. the best way to combat it is to find someone to laugh at.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:25:52 No.2706907

    you just keep doing your own thing OP. So fucking what if a few people belittle your attempts to change. They'll get bored of it after a little while and besides, they're still stuck in their old ways while you are trying new things. Onwards and upwards broseph.
    >> Anonymau5 !.7FhrQ4rjk!!Xwa0U0YIvRT 01/09/09(Fri)09:26:15 No.2706910
    Haha, who gives a fuck what other people think? You're pretty fucking weak minded dude.

    What piercings did you get?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:30:21 No.2706938
    Fulfill the people asking for pics OP. It may help.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:30:51 No.2706942
    Just keep your new look provided it's not lame. You probably should've done the change gradually though. Like first just the haircut, then one piercing, then another, etc...

    I can't believe you're in college and people still act like that. It's incredible. That's like middle school behavior.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:34:34 No.2706965

    I try very hard not to care but when you're surrounded by people who are mocking you for changing it is very hard to not give a shit what people think.

    The worst was when I walked into the communal kitchen and all my flatmates (who make fun of me) were there. This was the day after I got my piercings. One of them walked up to me, starting talking in a sarcastic manner saying, "Yeah, I see you got some new piercings, that's cool, that's cool." I heard everybody else smirking in the background. Then he said "Oh, did I say cool? I meant fucking ridiculous, nerd." and then he spat in my face. No kidding, he actually spat in my face and everybody else started laughing.

    How do I ignore something like that? How do I not give a fuck what people care when they do things like that? They made fun of me before but they never actually physically did anything until now. I ran out of that kitchen fighting back tears.

    For those who asked, I got an eyebrow and lip piercing.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:37:40 No.2706982
    Become neutral. Wear clothes from the GAP, dress basically for a little while.

    You need to work on your body so you have some presence around other people. If people see you as a runt they'll treat you like one, because they know they can get away with it. So, your plan to stop being victimised is to go and get a new body.

    Lift weights. If that bores you, buy a bike and ride it. Maybe that bores you, so buy an ipod nano and go running for two hours a morning. Do something, and when your new body starts shaping up you'll naturally feel about a million times more confident because you look good naked.

    Also, don't take any advice here, online, because the vast majority of the people here are fuckups. Ignore them.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:39:17 No.2706996
    What fucking faggots. You're definately in with idiot jocks who think they're still in high school. Stand up for yourself and fight back.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:39:32 No.2706998
    Also having read your last post, move the fuck out into another shared house, that isn't normal at all. I've never heard of anyone getting spat in the fucking face from a flatmate, move out dude. You can't do any worse than the place you live now, seriously. Anywhere will be better or equal.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:40:44 No.2707003
    Hey man, look, you've got mutant powers. You can hear smirks. Fuck 'em.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:41:33 No.2707009
    You see, that's why they laugh at you.
    Spat at your face? You should've kicked him in the balls right there, period. You let them make fun of you. Why didn't you comment to him? "Yeah, I did, what, jealous because you can't stand a little needle?"
    God damn it, I'm so pissed I could punch the guy that did it to you in the face.
    Seriously, get angry more instead of holding that up.
    And do post pics of you- I promise I won't laugh and if someone else will, well, fuck them, I'm sure they're uglier.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:41:34 No.2707010
    OP post your pic with the head blurred out, we will give you honest advice on what youre doing wrong.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:43:18 No.2707025
    You're supposed to rely on the institution to help you with that. Go to whatever they call your mental health center and spill your guts to a counselor. Ask for help. They will help. Those people are being cruel and unusual to you. They must really hate their lives to be as cruel as they are, they are using you as an outlet. You need to stop them from doing that. You've already been forced into a role, well now is the time to get out.

    Next time those faggots try to fuck with you you need to stand up for yourself. Spit in THEIR face. Forcehead to nose. Anything. Speak THEIR language (confrontation, and violence) since they are that fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:44:12 No.2707032
    Oh. And don't post pictures of yourself. Someone will make fun of you, and some of these people asking for pictures might just want to humiliate you even more.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:45:04 No.2707035
    hes already said hes a fucking dork who gets spat on, it cant get much worse, im not gonna mock him i feel genuinely sorry for him but i think we're not getting the whole picture here somehow
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:45:09 No.2707036
    Of course someone will make fun of him, that's 4 chan for you. So what.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:47:12 No.2707048
    Op, it sounds like you're friends with /b/ tards. /b/ tards would talk shit no matter what you do.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:49:15 No.2707065
    OP you should have kneed that fucker in the balls.

    Also you need to move to a different city, everyone in your town sounds like a fucking jerk.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:52:15 No.2707086
    op give us some background infos

    what are you studying?
    where? (country, what sort of college)
    do you play any games / sports?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)09:53:35 No.2707101
    what an interesting thread.

    get tangled up in drugs OP. start smoking cigarettes all the time. smoke weed and sit around doing whatever you want while you're high. so you don't turn into a pussy pothead, try a stimulant, maybe a nice study drug, especially if it's something you can snort. snorting is fun and you can walk around running your fingers all over your nostrils like you're captain jack sparrow on coke. probably shouldn't try coke, nobody can really handle it.

    when you're in a miserable situation, don't let it get to you, don't let it cause you misery. if your car breaks down and it's raining, walk in the rain and be glad for the excercise and time to think. don't feel sorry for yourself, ever. when you're dealing with people, smile, act happy, act confident, and be honest. definitely don't use strategy; that's for amateur dramatics. don't tell them about your problems; tell them about how beautiful you think the world is.

    that's how to be comfortable with yourself. once you can do that, i guess the main problem is getting past what people already may think of you, and the lesser one would be figuring out how to do whatever you want. my advice would be to focus on the latter and not give a shit about the former. people will think you're very cool and enigmatic if you do whatever you want. prop your feet up on tables, smoke like i said, and treat your attention like a commodity; pay who you think deserves it. stop being so normal and be however you want, like with the piercings.

    you should probably work on building an internal sense of superiority. think about it; they're all stupid bitches and douches texting each other, fucking without love, and doing everything without thinking. if you don't do that then you're missing something, and you should seek the people that do this out and make them your friends.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:00:23 No.2707154
    Now tell me, how would someone with no contacts or friends would go about inquiring drugs?
    Tell me that.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:01:03 No.2707162
    Kick his ass. Seriously, use a hammer and rusty nail if you'd like, how the fuck can you stand for that? You're looking for approval of people you don't like and clearly don't like you. If any of the people there had any decency, they have stopped him spitting at you, so move out asap.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:02:49 No.2707173
    Pretty much what other people have said.

    The first step towards not caring is actually NOT CARING. Fuck them, if they say anything you can either:
    1) Completely ignore them.
    2) Scoff or make some sort of derisive comment about them
    3) Get butthurt and let it bother you.

    My personal favorite is the 2. A quick snort followed by telling them that you don't give a fuck about what they think and they can keep it to themselves or just fuck off. It worked for me, now I can do whatever I want and people just accept it, I've lost the hardcore nerd image (all I ever really did was play ps2, never much ofa nerd as no glasses and all. People are fucking stupid).

    Also, don't dress like a faggot. Piercings, cigarettes, tight jeans and other faggot paraphernalia only work if your friends are just as gay as you are.

    So, first step is not caring. JUST DO NOT CARE, you can;t apply a topical lotion and somehow not care, it's an attitude adjustment so ADJUST IT.

    I wish you well good anon, may you have good times and new, non-shitty friends. Please don't be emo, we don't want or need any more.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:04:01 No.2707191
    OP is in college. Go to local music shows, look around for people who look like they do drugs, make new friend, get high.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:05:51 No.2707204
    If you are satisfied with yourself, you do not need other people to be satisfied with you as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:05:53 No.2707205
    >I know that if anybody starts going "SAGE" or "LULZ" at my school I can never take them seriously ever again.

    I detect underage ban, if you are going to say school at least pretend and say college or uni. The rest of the post makes sense though.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:06:54 No.2707214
    >Trouble is, everybody just started laughing at my new appearance.
    If you're honestly in university, nobody is paying attention to anyone else's identity crises anymore. You're either a lying underage b&, or exceptionally paranoid and too preoccupied with what other people might think of you.

    Fuck them. Just be content with yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:07:46 No.2707221
    talk to young black men, like, the ones that act "niggerish". or obvious druggies. don't just walk up to them and ask for it, make small talk. when you finally do ask, make sure it's quiet and you're far away from people, because both these types of people are very paranoid. they may have trouble deciding whether to help you or not, and there's not much you can do about that. under no circumstances, ever, should you give a drug dealer your money to go get your stuff.

    that's about it. just make some friends that do drugs.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:09:07 No.2707234
    It's easy enough to say "don't care" but human beings need some approval to feel good about themselves. The trick is to gain approval from yourself and no one else. Most people learn this in childhood during the early teens (that's what the "rebellion" phase is all about)

    Whenever you do something, be sincere to yourself and ask "Is this what *I* want to do, or what I want other people knowing I do?". "Is this the right thing to do or 'right' for the people I want to impress?". and "Is the way I want it?"

    Also where are you studying?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:09:53 No.2707241
    one key thing to remember is DO NOT GET INTO AN INSULT WAR.

    If they insult you, give maybe one insult back and then literally and liberally ignore them.

    if you get into wars with people it means you care
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:10:24 No.2707251
    everyone uses college, university and school interchangeably. except for you. i would sage your post if i could.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:12:29 No.2707273
    Wow, you managed to say the same thing I said but in fewer words. I'm always writing too much crap.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:13:20 No.2707278
    muteblock for some reason
    >everyone uses college, university and school interchangeably.

    The connotations between the first two and the latter are different. You know they are so don't deny it. But it is just friendly advice, there was no insult in there.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:14:42 No.2707293


    do NOT talk to niggers if you want drugs. only niggers sell drugs, anyways. since niggers are niggers, they will nig you over.

    talk to white people or at least spanish people. potheads are abound and marijuana might as well be legal. just ask people who either smoke cigarettes or just look like potheads.

    remember, around blacks, never relax
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:15:39 No.2707301
    Well, OP, I confess I was never the nerdy kid who was picked on. However, I wasn't the popular kid either. I got along with a most people, were friends with none and has conflicts with a few others. I used to wear plain clothes. Jeans and t-shirts. As time went on I grew unhappier with my looks and really wanted to change.
    In the past I had voiced my negative opinion about emo kids because they are fucking ridiculous. However, I like the way they look a lot so one day I decided to get me some new clothes. Black, super-skinny jeans, obscure black band shirts, rather classy shoes and some other stuff that "wasn't me".

    When I first started wearing them I got a lot of weird looks and I know people talked about it behind my back. However, I liked they way I looked so the gossip didn't bother me one bit. Eventually people got used to my new looks and didn't bother with it. I remember overhearing a few of the rather ugly and poorly dressed people talk shit about me with their female friends and I truly enjoyed hearing the girls trying to find a way to wiggle out of the said conversation because in fact I look better than most people who I used to go to school with.

    Anyways, you should *only* dress to appease yourself. If you're truly happy with the way you look, the clothes you wear and all that then you wont be bothered by all the smack talk. Also, you should hit the gym and get some muscle mass. One day when you see one of your flatmates alone you should just come up to him and hit him in the face with no warning. That will take care of the bullying. If they gang up on you you should *NEVER* show a sign of weakness or submission. You should just let them beat you while you're laughing at them. They will rage more, they will get no pleasure from beating you and you win overall.

    And get some damn friends.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:16:21 No.2707304
    OP here.

    I did report the guy that spat at me but since he's the most popular guy on the floor, everybody stuck behind him and reporting him only made me more unpopular.

    I don't want to post pics (not much to see anyway as I took the piercings out) but if you wish to know where I live, I'm in England somewhere. Yes I actually am going to University, but it's not a very good one or in a great area so there are a lot of chavs about.

    I'm going to be moving out as soon as I can, but no places have come up so far. I'm waiting on my University to contact me when they find a place.

    I wanted to kick the arse of the guy who spat at me so badly but I have no muscles due to only playing video games all day and such whereas yes, he is the jock type who plays lots of sports and has a lot of muscles.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:16:39 No.2707306
    Don't do drugs, you'll just fuck it up and get ripped off or get drugs and vomit on yourself and then people will strip you naked and throw you in the street.

    You will not be cool. You'll just be an incoherent loser for a couple hours.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:18:01 No.2707321
    You really need new flatmates and probably a change of course/uni. Find one of those 'free counselling' stickers all over the uni, prob in the common room, call it and make an appointment and ask what you can do to move somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:18:46 No.2707328

    Get out and do the things you want to do. Want to write stories/ be a novelist? Start writing and practicing. Want a significant other? keep your eyes open for potentials. Want a better body? Buy a book on exercise (do some browsing and research first!) and hit the gym.

    If you want it, try to go get it and make it happen. If you feel better about what you're doing, you'll reflect that confidence in your appearence.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:21:15 No.2707356
    You're bored with your life?
    You should try some drugs, depending if you have self control. Drugs are a wonderful way to pass time and enjoy life, especially psychedelics and contrary to popular opinion, most of them aren't very addictive. I can say from my own experience that smoking causes a bigger addiction than most drugs (then again I don't do coke / meth / etc)

    Also, get in a fight. If you have people who are being abusive to you, hit them in the face when you see them. Every time. With full force. You'll get a sweet adrenaline rush, you'll gain respect and people will stop messing with you.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:22:17 No.2707364

    >How do you just simply not care what other people think of you /r9k/? Many of you seem to be good at this so I need some advice.
    >/r9k/ - Relationshit Bawww

    Ha ha, nice troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:22:50 No.2707368
    Muscles mean jack if you are brutal enough that he doesnt get ahold of you. If you dont know how to fight, here is the easiest way, Kick him as hard as you can in the balls. I dont have enough space here to explain techniques and reading about them probably wouldnt be helpful anyways, but either way, figure out how to do it. Then work on his body, punch him right below his ribcaghe as many times as you can, power shots not rabbit punches. He might be hitting you while this happens or grabing you, dont stop just keep it up until you score the hit that knocks the wind out of him, you will notice right away when this happens.
    Now he is yours to do with as you wish, I suggest throwing him to the ground and alternate between kicking him in the face and the ribcage. Repeat at will until you start to edge into death row territory, then back off. Or dont its your life idc.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:25:10 No.2707387
    >>2707304 I wanted to kick the arse of the guy who spat at me so badly but I have no muscles due to only playing video games all day and such whereas yes, he is the jock type who plays lots of sports and has a lot of muscles.
    I'm as uselessly weak as you, which is why I got my average high enough so I could go to an exceptionally nerdy university where my problems would be elitist mathies rather than dumbass jocks.

    You should switch universities. There's no reason university should just be 4 more years of the social ineptness of high school for you.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:27:09 No.2707406
    dude, i swear most chavs dont bother going to university, shitty luck is shitty...

    which university are you at?london?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:29:13 No.2707425
    mostly just get pissed off and don't stop until you get knocked out; don't stop because he hurt you and startled you, that's fucking stupid. don't stop thinking either.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:30:05 No.2707436
    hey third party here, I refered to all educational facilities as "school" all throughout post secondary and beyond, and so did everybody I know, and now I am an old fucker, and when I talk about those years I still say school when refering to such, and so does everybody else I've ever heard. The *only* time I ever hear school refered to as "university" is when its coming from complete failures who say it to let you know that they actually did go.
    Maybe get out more ect?
    >> got spit on? Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:31:18 No.2707449
    When you let someone walk over you, it gets harder to recover your dignity.

    The more you get trod on, the harder it gets.

    So either don't let it happen in the first place, even if you get a busted lip or stop the shit now, it won't get easier.

    People think twice about stepping on a guy who just flung a straight into their face the last time they tried shit, even they the did kick his ass. But don't be an arrogant cock or insult people.

    Give as good as you get and don't go a step over. Respect will come later.
    >> Newdog15 !iY.gz4t4uI 01/09/09(Fri)10:32:00 No.2707454

    Well, here's how I went about it back in grade 13 (Ontario, Canada, briefly had a thirteenth grade, during which I was in high school). Make what you will of it.

    I was that dork in school who let everyone look down upon him. For years. I let myself care about their bullshit. I let myself be affected by their insults. I allowed myself to give a shit what the brainless half-wits and herd animals which made up 99% of the population thought of me. And what they thought of me, basically, was "Hey, there's a guy who will get all riled up if we insult the way he looks/acts/thinks/is named/is dressed or whatever."

    I went away for seven months, to the west coast, to find myself, and you know what I discovered? The people out west didn't make fun of me for any of these things, because there wasn't the history there of my being the guy who would respond to it. It was then I realized there was nothing innately flawed about me; people are just assholes, and I was allowing myself to be their victim. I was giving them the power to make me a loser by acting like a loser. As soon as I stopped giving a shit, I wouldn't be the victim anymore.

    I came back to Ontario and began my final year of high school, and utterly, utterly transformed myself. I went from being that guy who tried and failed to be the guy who had no distinguishing traits or characteristics to being the guy who went to school one day in a bathrobe and facepaint and the next day dressed in a suit and tie with smart business shoes.

    They had no fucking idea how to deal with me.

    Any insult I received was met with a sneer of contempt or a delighted laugh. My personal motto, which I cited frequently was :"There is no truer praise than the scorn of an idiot", and thanked many of these assholes sincerely for their unintended compliments.
    >> Newdog15 !iY.gz4t4uI 01/09/09(Fri)10:32:21 No.2707457

    My victim complex went aawy really fast. People stopped treating me like a dork because I wouldn't let them. The insults went away. I became more popular, and grade 13 was by far my happiest year up to that point.

    tl;dr: The people who think you're a loser are right, because you're an asshole who allows himself to be upset by their mindless bullshit. The moment you see their mindless bullshit for what it is and treat it accordingly is the moment you stop being a loser. Confidence comes from realizing that almost everyone alive is a fucking moron and are in no position to talk down to you.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:36:10 No.2707489

    Why would you go for the floating ribs before damaging their visibility or consortium? A strong jab to the upper lip or bridge of the nose can end a fight quickly and painfully for an opponent. Once you've got him tearing up, then you go in for the floating ribs, the testicles, and the armpits (there are pressure points in the armpit, the pain is immense).
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:38:10 No.2707502
    >now I am an old fucker

    Then you're excused for being completely wrong
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:41:31 No.2707528
    uh wernt you paying attention? He *doesnt know how to fight* I'm not going to tell him to hit somebody above the neck when he doesnt know wtf he is doing. He'd probably hit way too high and break a knuckle and piss off the guy or glance off his cheekbone.
    Yeah there's all sorts of things I COULD suggest he do, but if he could carry them out I wouldnt have to suggest them in the first place.
    This is a guy with no muscle memory, nada, zero. What I gave him is about half a step up from a key to the eyeball.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:43:59 No.2707548
    how can I be wrong? Lol thats how it goes. Nobody says "college" or "university" when generically refering to school, and even when they dont they say the name of the school.
    Maybe your experiences will be similar when you meet more people and are out in the world.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:44:35 No.2707559
    OK I'll bite.

    >refered to all educational facilities as "school" all throughout post secondary and beyond, and so did everybody I know
    >everybody I know
    >hear school refered to as "university" is when its coming from complete failures who say it to let you know that they actually did go.
    >complete failures

    This latter may be true, but it doesn't mean everyone who goes to a university or a college and actually refers to them as university or college is by default a "complete failure". So, your social circle called it "school"., congratulations. I also witnessed two old people proclaim that they both cal a radio a 'wireless'.

    Two opinions do not make a solid argument, go pay attention to tv, other people and various other mediums where you can see what people say and if I am wrong and everybody calls everything "school", I will admit defeat. Until then, you are still wrong.

    add proper grammar to suit your personal taste
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:45:43 No.2707569

    boy, you sure sound WACKY and ZANY!!
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:46:58 No.2707578
    I don't think anyone expects him to go Bruce lee on his ass but for fucks suck have some backbone and stand up for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:51:25 No.2707601
    OP I've not read the thread yet but sometimes based on physical appearance changing everything about you is never the way to go and you can follow all the advice given here and still be the exact same as you are. Which is why we probably should see a picture just so we can get a general idea of what you look like.

    But the main thing is to stay in control of yourself. Someone does something to you, don't react. Don't let it affect you. And the way to do this is just to 1 think "I'm better than them" but this can lead to things worse off down the line. The second option is to laugh it off, if they say something to you turn round say "thanks" and give a thumbs up. And smile at them. Which is a much better option than 1.

    But before working on physical appearance we'd need to see you first. And you can never change your physical appearance without being whatever it is you want to be inside first. If you think of yourself as a loser you will remain a loser, you need to teach yourself exactly why you're not a loser. Once you believe this yourself then you can begin to feel better about yourself, life in general and not care what others think about you.

    I used to be quite like you a long time ago OP, fortunately I got out of it before it became a problem, had other things since but I got myself out of them. I love psychology in general so I'm more aware of the workings of people and the world around us, but follow this advice so far and hopefully things should get better :)

    But your own attitude is the main thing that matters in any situation. In your first post you're bawing so you'll remain feeling like this. Change how you feel and your outlook on life here and you'll reflect that in real life. I'd love to help you more or give you some proper advice and guidance but this is 4Chan, not a clinic so I can't be much help other than this I'm afraid.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:52:20 No.2707608
    >when you meet more people and are out in the world.

    The fact that you had to resort to insulting that poor robot belies you lack of belief in your own argument. If you really did believe what you said, your statement would have been enough and you wouldn't have had to be a bad sport about it.

    That is, unless you mean
    >nobody says school when they mean university or college, school means high-school or elementary-school even before you get into the specifics of naming the institute.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)10:57:03 No.2707638

    I don't think you realise how much of a cretin you are.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)11:27:02 No.2707772
    check out some of sean stephensons stuff may help you. think i spelled his last name right.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)13:22:10 No.2708158
    Honestly, as other people have already said, the real way to just not give a fuck is to simply just not give a fuck. Have a look at some of the stupid things you do, things that the popular people would ridicule you if they saw you do / say / whatever. Then realise that these assholes do the same kind of shit.

    To kind of elaborate, I used to work at an EB, and our region manager was one of those overbearing fucksticks who want to push you into the ground and use you as disposable labour. One day he asked me to stack a sales table with items in a particular way, and I spent like fifteen minutes getting it all done, only to have him come over, swipe it all off the table onto the ground, say "that's not what I wanted", then he did it himself, pretty much identical to the way I had originally. He was an asshole, always treated me like shit, and fuck I wanted to punch his face in and key his precious BMW. Then one day I had to stay back and help him and our store managers do a stocktake. He was joking around with the other guys, putting on a persona that he was Darth Sidious from Star Wars, quoting him from all the movies "once more the Sith will rule the galaxyyyyyy", and he sounded like a retard. It was then I realised he was just another person, and just as retarded as I percieved myself to be. It was a huge awakening for me.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)13:22:33 No.2708160

    The next time he pulled shit like the incident with the sales table, I had no problem with telling him straight up "If you knew how you wanted it, why the fuck didn't you do it, and waste my time when I could be doing other important things about the store!?" It was as if I'd slapped him and insulted his mother, and he didn't try and pull that shit on me again.

    TL;DR version:

    People are assholes, but all up, they're human as well. Sure they might seem popular, but in their circle of friends, they still have the same concerns "am I cool enough? Hope the bros like my new shirt." The sooner you realise this, the better. Also, if they give you hell, and you do come out and smack one in the face, I'm sure all their mates will give them shit because "that nerdy kid fucking hit you man".
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)13:26:01 No.2708176

    Oh, and was also mentioned - don't change yourself just because you want to appear to be cool, or to fit in with their expectations, because that isn't sincere to yourself. Change yourself the way YOU want to change. If you want to have a lip and eyebrow piercing, then have one. Fuck what they think. I'm pretty sure there's something about their appearance you see and think "fuck he looks stupid in that shirt / shoes / hat / whatever".
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)13:36:08 No.2708216
    Do things for yourself first, and persist at it. There's a long time constant on stuff like that and the people who laugh at you will do so no matter what because they are assholes. Why are you trying to appease assholes anyways? If they suddenly wanted to be your friend, how could you trust them? They are Shits.

    If you like your holes, keep 'em, get more. If you are gonna be an outcast, be a stylish one! Believe me, there are others, even if you have to wait a long time to find 'em. First you gotta find (make) yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)14:13:34 No.2708460
    So much this. YES. I found these type of people in college, and finally have friends I can relate to :) We don't care what you wear.
    >> -EeelEeet^- !!hN3cVk7VMv6 01/09/09(Fri)14:17:16 No.2708475






    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)14:20:58 No.2708491
    Don't listen to the faggots suggesting trying to fight people, that doesn't solve anything and will probably make things worse. Just wear things that don't bring attention to yourself but still look fine and move away from the cretins that you're currently living with.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)14:28:49 No.2708539
    OP, what's been said so far makes sense. Basically, you're fucked because right now you live with a bunch of people who have always acted and will always act like this. It sucks, but if you let it get to you by running out of a room crying (+100 faggot points for that btw) you'll never win.

    Honestly though if that's how you've been acting then you are fucked for the rest of the year, easily.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)14:28:59 No.2708541
    If you look a twat, then of course you'll get trouble; but i've seen the most retarded looking of people fit right in when it comes socially.

    The people who get "picked on" after the inital burst are the people who lack confidence / social abilities.

    Social abilities are not hard to pick up, i was in your exact position when i was a lot younger, overweight, chubby face, geeky laugh, geeky look, geeky attitude.

    People WILL pick up on things if you do them too over the top, your "change" happened in a single day did it not?

    And judging from what people have said "he's trying to be someone he's not" implies that they've known you for a while, your best bet is to just take the shit and wait until you can get away and find people you can socialise with, it takes years to clear the slate.

    Seriously, the best thing you can do if you get taken the piss out of, for example "Hey here's chubs!", don't go cry yourself to sleep, don't think, look or reply like you're offended. The way i got out of the vicious circle was replying to things like this like "I grew these tits for you man, i got a boat and you've got the motor" ( the amount of times i've talked and become friends with people after that sentence still seems unreal )
    Give a chuckle/laugh regardless ( laughing only when someone else does can show social insecurities and lack of confidence ), if he gives a "wtf he's gay aswell" face, just throw in a "just kidding man" while laughing, or say something like "holy shit man you should of seen your face" and keep laughing.

    Wall of text crits you for 9k. Best of luck mate.

    Britfag here btw, be the "big-man" as i was often referred to for several years.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)14:30:39 No.2708557
    Be what you want to be, you fucking loser. Looking different doesn't make you different; it's like painting a dog red and saying it's a firetruck, for fuck's sake.

    Act different. You control all your decisions, remember, fucktard? Example: Instead of cowering, step forward and tell them you don't like being made fun of. Imagine a perfect you; what would you like to be like, act like, what you would you admire! Be that person, or else fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)14:34:28 No.2708590
    I smell a repressed, bitter nerd who never had the balls to stand up for himself.
    You suck a lot of cock, sir.
    >> -EeelEeet^- !!hN3cVk7VMv6 01/09/09(Fri)14:35:45 No.2708604
    >Just wear things that don't bring attention to yourself
    >don't bring attention to yourself

    >> jflo !/I4V7mEaE2 01/09/09(Fri)15:20:59 No.2708914
    u did everything to fast! people are going to notice the change and talk shit. it happened to me but i didnt give a fuck, they got use to it and stop talking and moved on to a next victim. and hmmm not to care wut anyone says thats all a self esteem issue. i dont give a shit cause i know i dont have time for there drama and i got better things to do with my time, also go out outside places where no one knows u.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)15:29:23 No.2708957

    I'm about to go to work, so I don't have time to read advice given throughout this thread. I'm sorry if this post is irrelevant now.

    You shouldn't jump straight into being a completely new looking person like you did. It's silly. One day, gel your hair. Let it sink in for a week or two. Then get a piercing a week after that. let it sink in. Keep building from there.

    If a pasty nerdfag that wears WOLF SHIRTS and has an anime bookbag came into class wearing all American Eagle clothes, smelled good, and had his hair all gelled up...you'd be like WTF too. You know you would.

    That doesn't answer your question though, really.

    >How do you just simply not care what other people think of you /r9k/?

    It's a matter of being confident in yourself. It's not something you can learn, it's something you DO. For example, I'm sure when you drop something or fumble you look around shakily and hope that nobody saw you (not that they care about you).

    Keep that last bit in mind, OP. NOBODY BUT YOUR FRIENDS (if you have any) CARE ABOUT YOU. Keep this in mind when you are embarrassed, nobody gives two flying fucks about you; they have their own lives they're trying to lead. This is the key. Now open the door, OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)15:30:22 No.2708971
    What you do, is when you hear someone say that, you FLIP OUT AND BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THEM.

    It's the easiest way you'll get anyone to respect you. Just flip out and break someone's jaw or something and you're good.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)15:32:40 No.2708991

    jesus christ its srs advice on 4chan, you dont see that often
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)15:51:03 No.2709167
    Cyncism and dislike of people honestly has been helping my situation with people like these for a while. And no, I don't think hatred of humanity is cool, but it's all about building your fences.

    It's actually easy to not care; Never put yourself in a position where you are concerned about them in the tiniest bit. And I don't mean, heartless machine shit either. Just, know all people have the potential to be bastards.

    When they pull shit like mocking you, you can brush that off, because it's not like you ever NOT trusted them to say something out of the way. Just recently redid everything about myself, and my hair, and a few of my friends laughed and attempted to make me the butt of the joke all night. Stopped it before they could start, told them that there's never any pleasing them, so I'm never going out of my way to look good for them.

    You aren't going out of your way to look good for them right? Great, they only were going to laugh regardless, now proceed not to give a fuck and wear whatever you liked.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)15:54:59 No.2709202
    Nobody here cares about you. You should care about what other people think about you.

    Simple as that.
    >> Tripbrother !h3GcfSpi2Q 01/09/09(Fri)17:10:16 No.2709726
    This post made me so fucking angry.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)17:12:54 No.2709738
    I just figure I'm super cool and if other people cant see that, that's their own problem.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)17:14:09 No.2709745
    post pics. chances are you're just doing it wrong. if you're a pasty fat nerd, you're going to look completely retarded with piercings and a trendy haircut
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)17:17:37 No.2709773
    yes, post pictures. I must see what all the fuss is about.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)17:35:33 No.2709875
    true story, OP:
    when i was 11 i started dying my hair. and i never stopped. its been every color under the sun. ive had a ton of piercings and dressed in your stereotypical hottopic black garb for countless years now. i'm a cumdumpster and nobody has knows that i had a figure for years because all i wore was baggy shit and ive been a total tomboy for my whole life.
    but over the last couple years its really gotten old. i settled into dying my hair the same tricolor bright ass neon fire theme for three years and it was sort of my calling card, its how i felt like everyone expected me to look. but i was tired of it and i felt like any change would be met with jeers and laughs.

    but in the end, is it worth it to try and be/look a way that doesnt make you happy? fuck it.
    so i started painting my nails, and dressing like a girl. i dyed my hair back to its natural color for the first time in 12 years and got a pair of sandals for the first time in my LIFE. and i feel great about it.
    of course i was met with some giggles and some holy shits but in the end everyone agreed the change was good for me.
    tl;dr - in the big scheme of things, how long are you gonna know these ppl that laughed at you? how much of an impact are they gonna have on you in fifteen years? fuck em. do what you want. the only thing that matters is if youre happy.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)17:37:05 No.2709887
    for that, you should have punched the fuckface square in his nose. i'm a fucking girl and i would have broke someones face over that shit, dude stand up for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)17:38:20 No.2709904
    You sound like a dick.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)17:40:56 No.2709921
    Whatever you do OP, don't do what the some of the stupid cunts here are doing and actually fight the harassers, even though I doubt you'd be dumb enough to do that.

    Honestly man, what kind of fucking university are you at where people actually care about how others dress? At my uni there are a few extreme cases like the guy who wears a fucking sweat band over one eye even though he has perfect fucking vision (EXTREME NO FRIENDS EDITION); but for the most part people just leave each other the fuck alone.

    Man, its all about how you pull this shit off. Me and my mate gym every single day, we would walk into the middle of the commons wearing stubbies and a singlet, coated in sweat and fucking start eating amongst the hundreds of soft-cocked, stuck up mother fuckers studying their asses off every single goddam fucking day.

    Seriously, its all about the atmosphere you give off. Just fucking laugh it off man. Bullying at university is fucking hilarious, because everyone but the bully and his/her friends thinks that the bully is a pathetic piece of infantile shit and receives no respect.

    A guy in my engineering year received some minor level mocking and abuse from a peer; all his friends found it hilarious and I must admit my inner asshole thought he might have deserved it too (he is a poser and a complete asshole himself). But the guy who instigated the bullying is forever tainted with a negative impression in my mind.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)17:47:36 No.2709977
    OP I had a similar life when I was younger. I solved all my problems with weed, working out and brazilian jiu jitsu. The confidence I got after a straight year of doing all 3 was enough to make me not give a fuck about what anyone thought of me. Not only can I defend myself so much better now, but I look better for the ladies.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)17:48:57 No.2709989

    What this man said is the ultimate truth. If you feel good with your body, good enough to not be a sissy and hide your naked body, then you will have gained true confidence.

    I used to hide my body because I thought it was flabby and disgusting (it was, but on an American scale I would have been just right in body weight for my size and age). I was no worse than most guys my age. 2 years of weight training later and I fucking no longer care. You just don't care, the issue becomes a non-issue.

    Consequentially you gain strong inner confidence. You look at people who imtimidate you differently.

    Admittedly there are many people who can still imtimidate me easily, I'm not massive and cut, not even close. But the guys who used to scare the shit out of me at high school I would stand toe to toe with anyday, even the guys who I know would still kick my arse in a fight (I am a pacifist, but if anyone fucking mocks my more vulnerable I will get right in their fucking face and tell them what a fucking little bitch they are). Its not about being strong man. Its all about confidence.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)17:51:58 No.2710009
    this anon speaks truth. most people really dont have confidence, so if they threaten you and you actually stand up for yourself, they will back down for fear of real confrontation and humilation in front of their fucking fan clubs. just tell these ppl to fuck off.
    or if youre not as angry as that, just shrug it off. when ppl laugh or jeer just shrug and smile and say yeah, well it cant be any worse than i looked last week right? maybe if i keep trying ill find a style that works for me heh.
    i mean really what are they gonna say to that? damn you, for trying new things!!! grrr!
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)18:03:50 No.2710082
    I care a lot. My friend told me he thought I'm sleazy. I was horrified.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)18:07:02 No.2710113
    Yeah I don't give a damn what anyone thinks, but I've never had anything like that to deal with. You should have punched him or something though, even if you wouldn't win in a fight you'd get a few bruises, at least you'd be letting the fucker know that he can't get away with acting like that.

    I've read this thread in bits but I've not seen you state where you are studying. At my uni there was a guy who sounds a bit like you, lacking in confidence and whatever and then changed his style, got piercings and new clothes, nobody even mentioned it, they didn't give a damn about his change. I think someone mentioned it in passing a few months later that it was a bit of a surprise. Seriously though, everyone I've met at uni hasn't felt the need to ridicule others to make themselves feel better, so I'm wondering if it's where you are. Or maybe you've just been unlucky and got stuck with a huge group of cunts, could happen anywhere I guess.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)18:09:50 No.2710148
    Mocking in uni? Exactly where is this university?

    In Finland there is no more bullying in high school. The biggest reason is that people are divided to vocational schools and high schools after junior high. High school basically means continuing to post-secondary education and vocational school means getting a job right after graduating.

    Generalizing, the smarter ones go to high school and the less smart ones to vocational school. Not surprisingly the scum that usually are the ones who enjoy bullying weak kids don't have the interest nor ability to continue to high school (mostly interest). Naturally in university the meatheads will be even more absent.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)18:11:58 No.2710168
    No one actually bullies you once you leave high school you know.

    At least that was true for me anyway. I was pretty unpopular in high school but when I went to Uni i had a gf within 2 weeks and made lots of friends without attempting to change my personality at all.

    At school I always got the best grades and I still do at Uni, the difference is people think its a good thing here, not something to insult you about.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)18:13:43 No.2710190
    Where the fuck do you live where bullying still happens?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)18:14:55 No.2710200
    The worst bit was that I can see why he'd think that.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)18:15:20 No.2710206
    Seriously mate, what uni do you go to?
    Because shit like that doesn't usually happen in most of the good unis, where all the chavs can't get in a stuff.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)18:16:56 No.2710221
    My highschool life was pretty bad, to be honest I think it has permanently damaged my personality.

    My social life is fine now and I have a great job, but I don't have the same level of confidence as I used to have before all the bullying started and due to the years of trying to keep my head down and avoid people I'm positive my conversation skills are a shadow of what they used to be.

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