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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1231304674.jpg-(22 KB, 282x320, birthday.jpg)
    22 KB Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:04:34 No.2676611  
    my birthday /r9k/obots. Didn't do shit, no one called me, didn't get anything. la sigh
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:05:05 No.2676620
    Happy birthday man.

    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:05:19 No.2676623
    happy birthday. how old are you now?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:05:47 No.2676628
    People care about birthdays?

    I've long since forgotten mine.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:06:33 No.2676639
    I don't care about mine, but it's nice to care about those of people who find it important.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:08:08 No.2676653
    Happy birthday! Remember that /r9k/ is the only friend you need - we love you and appreciate you for who you are. Don't worry about those weird people outside who hate you and laugh about you behind your back, just stay here with us. Forever. :)
    >> Kino !1cFi6ry2ks 01/07/09(Wed)00:08:29 No.2676659
    Happy birthday OP

    (Moot's black.)
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:12:07 No.2676698
    le sigh.
    yeah birthdays man. they just keep coming. have a good one, dudeski.
    unfortunately, >>2676653
    hits a little too close to home, too
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:13:35 No.2676717
    I called my girlfriend, she apologized and said "I forgot. I knew, but I forgot" and then said she would call me back when she got home, it nows turned midnight. called my other friends, they said "awesome, wanna hang out at around 11? we'll call you back!" again, its now midnight. I called my childhood friend, a girl who refers to herself as my sister constantly declares her undying love. after 5 minutes of talking, her phone cut out and she never called me back.

    So here comes another lame ass year
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:13:54 No.2676725
    Hey, we have the same birthday!

    I got one call, from my roommate, but I do try to keep knowledge of my birthday under wraps. I didn't get any presents, either :(

    But that's ok! Birthdays are just silly cultural traditions. It's not like it's anything great that you accomplished, your mother did all the work. March forth, brave anon. You're the real hero of our society.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:13:57 No.2676726
    it was mine yesterday yay I wish you a happy birthday and i want you to know that no matter what it could be worse
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:14:54 No.2676735
    >>2676725 here

    wtf I turned 20, too.

    >> Chuck Bass !!zGr3GYcfNX/ 01/07/09(Wed)00:16:32 No.2676762

    happy birthday, OP. by the way...

    is 'sigh' masculine or feminine?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:18:17 No.2676788
    Have a good one, 01/07/89
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:19:07 No.2676803
    Happy birthday

    I'll dedicate a song to you
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:20:39 No.2676827
    Yo I've been in their position before, i hate calling people after 9. Text them or something. At least get off 4chan brah!
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:21:20 No.2676841
    man, i'm just here cuz /b/'s down. people actually say nice things here?...bizarre....
    >> now incredibly happy tripfag !SHjzCSZsqE 01/07/09(Wed)00:24:08 No.2676885
    fuck man i know its insane
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:24:10 No.2676887
         File :1231305850.png-(67 KB, 800x600, ssranonbirthday.png)
    67 KB
    The cake was like this when I found it, I swear!


    Happy birthday Anon. :3
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:25:02 No.2676906
    nevermind it's back. i was starting to get weirded out in here : \
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:25:39 No.2676917
         File :1231305939.jpg-(200 KB, 1600x1200, Stephanie S - cute animals.jpg)
    200 KB
    Aw. Happy birthday, robot. *hugs*

    Here I made you a dim sum cake.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:25:48 No.2676921
    Where's the kind femanon who volunteers to post 'happy birthday' on tits?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:27:59 No.2676954
         File :1231306079.jpg-(36 KB, 448x443, 1219942280134.jpg)
    36 KB
    that is so cute, drawfag :3

    here is another cake for you Anon.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:28:17 No.2676956
    yay, thank ya anon. made me smile :)
    >> now incredibly happy tripfag !SHjzCSZsqE 01/07/09(Wed)00:29:00 No.2676966
    im staying
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:29:43 No.2676976
    woohoo!, at least /r9k/ still loves me, makes it all worthwhile!
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:31:08 No.2676999
         File :1231306268.jpg-(19 KB, 380x392, 1220633208919.jpg)
    19 KB

    ...but...but after this one I don't have any more cakes for you ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:31:37 No.2677006
    Sad Capricorn is sad.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:32:38 No.2677015
    Mine was three days ago. I feel you, man. ;-;

    Here's to hoping that next year will be better. Good luck, anon.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:37:35 No.2677094
         File :1231306655.gif-(38 KB, 319x400, Anime-JoyeuxAnniversaire.gif)
    38 KB
    cheer up Capricorns, anonymous c-cares!
    >> The Guru !!GUJgcWVW8Zk 01/07/09(Wed)00:41:09 No.2677143
    Should have went to Disneyland. We could have hung out.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:48:10 No.2677251
    I don't really care for Florida much. Too damn hot and filled with angry old people, or little richy bitchy white white girls screaming "This is my song!"
    >> RIP George Carlin, age 71 Anubis !D.Jip6r9wQ 01/07/09(Wed)00:49:48 No.2677272
         File :1231307388.png-(1.35 MB, 1770x1500, Lolicon_Sample.png)
    1.35 MB
    Many happy returns, OP. From one robot to another, have some birthday loli

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