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    54 KB Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:45:46 No.2676159  
    What does /r9k/ think about abstinence-only education?

    More specifically, what does /r9k/ think about abstinence in general?

    In before Christian trolls.
    >> Rorschach !!AB9ySaRJ1KQ 01/06/09(Tue)18:46:44 No.2676177
    An excuse for virgins to justify their patheticness

    I might give it a try
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:47:19 No.2676183
    humans are animals, we fuck when the female is of breeding age, anything past 13
    >> Mr. Children !3GqYIJ3Obs 01/06/09(Tue)18:48:22 No.2676193
    Only ugly people and the obese don't get laid. Safe sex is where it's at.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:48:43 No.2676198
    It's sick. I agree with Huxley in saying that abstinence is perversion to the highest degree.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:50:06 No.2676220

    Sex education needs to include all forms of sex, including BDSM and others
    >> ­­ 01/06/09(Tue)18:50:26 No.2676224
    When I was taught sex ed, they just said 'Condoms aren't perfect and don't always work. Be abstinent.' and that was really it. Stupid as fuck. Christ, teenagers are going to fuck and aren't going to listen to teachers when they tell them to be abstinent. You have to teach them about proper condom use, other methods of birth control, dangers, etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:52:07 No.2676240
    I couldn't have said it better, myself. There's nothing more to add, but I keep getting muted trying to reply, so I'm adding all these extra words.
    >> WHO'S HUNGRY FOR BACON? !xpNwBbZIek 01/06/09(Tue)18:53:23 No.2676254
    We think that it doesn't work.

    Explained: a crucial-part of abstinence-only education is inculcating absolute ignorance of everything sexual in teens, hoping to 'solve' natural sexual desire. But if fails, epically, and what you get is moronic teens fucking each other wherever they can, with no protection (because either they don't know what condoms are, or they're too scared/unable to buy them), becoming pregnant and getting STDs and then having their lives ruined by raging parents who only have themselves to blame.

    You have desperate, frustrated teens who are never allowed to participate in satisfying inter-gender relationships, and never taught how to handle their sexualities, and instead grow up emotionally immature because of this.

    And then there's all the weirdness of the rites and rituals parents resort to... some of which come down to child/sexual abuse.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:53:51 No.2676262
    Abstinence is morally wrong, but practically right.

    Sex education is telling teenagers to do something that they shouldn't be doing. But, the practical effects are better than abstinence-only. Therefore, we must regrettably support practical sex education.

    It's like teaching kids how to rob a bank and not get arrested.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:56:18 No.2676290
    Kids should be thought about having sex and have safe sex, they will have sex just make sure they will use a fucking condom.
    >> WHO'S HUNGRY FOR BACON? !xpNwBbZIek 01/06/09(Tue)18:56:28 No.2676293


    >> Kikwer/Curlybrase 01/06/09(Tue)18:57:07 No.2676302
    Bad idea for sex education, teenagers will have sex, regardless of fear mongering. When one of them gets knocked up, well shit.

    But just ingeneral? It isn't a big deal. If someone doesn't want to go around rabbit humping every pussy and cock in the building more power to them.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:58:22 No.2676311
    It doesn't work. Enjoy having moar teen pregnancies red states.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:58:59 No.2676323
    I disagree with abstinence-only education.

    On the other hand, I think abstinence is a noble thought and is a good goal. It is not the be-all end-all, however, because most people just don't have that kind of will power.

    Sex education should include all forms of safe sex, including all forms of birth protection and the obvious solution of not having sex in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:59:39 No.2676331
    You still have a twisted view of human sexuality. It's just fucking, dude.
    >> Soviet Canuckistan !!h5f05jH+Yuq 01/06/09(Tue)19:01:13 No.2676352
    I'm not against abstinence, in the sense of waiting for someone you're very close to, and in a committed monogamous relationship with. I think marriage is an arbitrary milestone in terms of sexual intimacy. While marriage is still a very special commitment to me, I don't think there's really a difference in sexual "readiness" between married and non-married couples, and if the couple is indeed monogamous, the marriage really doesn't change anything. It's a ring and a piece of paper.

    Now, I'm not a fan of casual sex. But it happens, often among teenagers, and therefore teenagers should be taught how to practice safe sex. Abstinence is a highly effective method, and should be promoted, but no more than condoms or the pill should be promoted. It's just another method of birth control/STD protection to me. Some make the choice for moral reasons. That's fine, as long as they stick to it and understand its implications, or at least be responsible if they end up having sex.

    I also find it ironic that anti-abortion conservatives often favor abstinence only education. If kids don't know how to prevent pregnancy when they inevitably have sex, we're going to have more unplanned pregnancies and probably more abortions. Seems like a pretty contradictory stance, to me.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)19:02:05 No.2676367
    I think that the government has no right to offer money to schools that teach abstinence only education. People need to have all of the information presented to them and not have a crucial part of being a teenager (i.e. raging hormones) completely ignored and dismissed by adults.

    Plus, abstinence only education has been proven to be less effective than comprehensive sex ed. Safe sex needs to be taught--kids will have the same amount of sex no matter what, it's just a matter of them being protected or not.

    If you want kids to not want to have sex, though, show them the birthing process. Like, unedited, uncut shots of the baby popping out of some woman's hairy vagina. It's disgusting, and would probably be better birth control than some motivational speaker saying "don't do it".
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)19:02:08 No.2676370
         File :1231286528.jpg-(34 KB, 480x480, usa-flag.jpg)
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    ITT: America
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)19:03:39 No.2676392
    Abstinence should only be taught as being an option, like condoms and diaphragms are. There should be no sex education that preaches abstinence over safe sex.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)19:03:52 No.2676394

    I would argue the exact opposite.

    Personally I abstain due to faith (Not due to horrific bad looks or lack of personality, before you ask), but I can definitely see how teaching abstinence as the only form of sex education is a terrible idea.

    Although actually reading your post, it seems you stated one view and argued the exact opposite.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:40:39 No.2676408
    It should be taught as "mechanical" biological sex. The ins and outs of everything done from a scientific view. This should be done early on, around 10 maybe. Later on, maybe a bit more personal and teachings of the actual act of sex along with good and bad sides of what it entails. Respect for anothers sexuality should also be taught and also every form of contraception should also be discussed.

    What I dislike about alot of teens these days is that they seem to define themselves by sex alone, if theyre not having any theyre looked down on. Respect of others and ones self should be stressed. Sure have sex, but do it because you and the person youre with genuinely like eachother, not because youre both pissed out your skulls. You can do this and have multiple partners, contrary to what some seem to think.
    I also hate stupidity of some people, they have no idea what theyre doing and what the consequences could be, but they still go round having sex because "everyone is doing it" then they get STIs and pregnancy scares all over the place and even unwanted pregnances...
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:42:48 No.2676410
    Call me a romantic but I honestly believe waiting until marriage is the best case scenario. You don't risk diseases and you can have all the sex you want with the person you actually love. The only "problem" I can find with abstinence is when people don't follow it. That's not a problem with the practice, it's a problem with humanity. Duh?

    If followed through, abstinence absolutely works. Maybe people shouldn't be weak?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:46:16 No.2676416
    I wasn't given abstinence-only education. Never got pregnant, but the sexual relations I had scarred me to the point that now I've chosen abstinence.

    I wish I was taught to abstain. Maybe I wouldn't be so miserable with my past, now. I feel a lot better not thinking about sex all the time. It's made me into a much happier person. It may be because my choice to abstain is linked with faith, though. That tends to make all of the difference.

    With the school things.. with the whole separation of church and state thing, there shouldn't be abstinence only sex-ed. Parents really have to step up and be responsible in teaching their kids.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:46:42 No.2676429
    Sex is just a theory anyway.
    >> Soviet Canuckistan !!h5f05jH+Yuq 01/06/09(Tue)23:47:23 No.2676439
    I think it's appropriate to teach kids more and more about sex as they grow older. Start with the basic anatomy when they're little (explain boy parts and girl parts, use pictures if they're curious), give a simple but accurate explanation about where children come from (add more details over time), teach the girls (and inform the boys as well) about menstration and teach the boys (and girls) about the changes they'll be going through. And so on. Sex education needs to be an ongoing process, and I for one will be teaching my child that way. They'll probably be the kids that get in trouble for telling their friends about sex, but at least it will be the truth. I remember the crazy speculations of curious 7 year olds whose parents were too afraid to discuss sex.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:49:02 No.2676449
    If you're super-paranoid about getting pregnant or getting someone pregnant, the best thing to do is not have sex at all. I agree with that.

    But most teenagers do want to have sex and will anyway. It doesn't matter if you tell them not to. At least some of them are gonna have sex anyway - deal with it. Might as well teach them the safest way to do it.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:56:00 No.2676496
    "Maybe people shouldn't be weak?"

    Not to insult you, dear Gentleman, but this is probably the most moronic thing I've heard this week. It's pretty self-apparent as to why.

    Abstinence-only education, much like Marxism, is based on some fundamental assumptions regarding human nature. But if we know anything, it's that human nature is infinitely mutable, and just about impossible to predict on a large scale (ala 300 million Americans of diverse socio-historical backgrounds).

    That being said, abstinence, as a personal choice (not public school dogma) has the benefit of preparing oneself for the possible addition of a child to a family unit. If you started investing early and are reaping the benefits of compounding interest (YEAH ROTH IRAs!), it makes more sense to have a child in your late 20s, early 30s, than when you are 19.

    Not only will you be more fiscally prepared when you are older, but you will also have more money for retirement, so that you can enjoy life, instead of slowly dying trying to raise a brat that will end up hating you and everything you stand for anyway.

    Otherwise, abstinence (as a tool used by the religious right) is entirely detrimental to a society that is already reduced to a state of chronic infancy.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:02:03 No.2676577
    >If followed through, abstinence absolutely works. Maybe people shouldn't be weak?
    No shit, Sherlock.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:46:33 No.2677234
    yup, pretty much what i'll be doing.
    myself (a brit btw) i had this basic science book i read when i was maybe 5 or 6 which briefly described sexual organs and the biology behind pregnancy. my mum and dad never shyed away from things either (trips to zoos and nature tv shows with animals having sex probably helped in some way).
    information given and used correctly will not encorouge misuse and need to find out. infact no knowledge probably leads to more sexual curiosity because they dont know whats happening and suddenly have these urges and feelings they didnt have before.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:53:13 No.2677318
    I laughed at this, and I thought it was rather hilarious that it followed these two:

    But anyway. It seems so fucking lame that GWB as well as a majority of conservatives feel the need to push abstinence only. Even with statistics in hand that it doesn't work compared to comprehensive programs, we still spend tens of millions on it. Fuck this country for throwing even simple rational thinking out the window.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:53:41 No.2677326
    Abstinence is for virgins.
    >> RIP George Carlin, age 71 Anubis !D.Jip6r9wQ 01/07/09(Wed)01:05:17 No.2677513
    I can understand the reasoning behind advocating abstinence sex education. The less children are encouraged that they should, the less likely they'll do it, right?
    However, I stop at understanding their position. Realistically, it just doesn't hold up. Kids will be kids, and it's just not right to teach people that their base drives are immoral.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)01:15:17 No.2677669
    youve never told a kid not to do something. theyll do it anyway out of curiosity or even to pite you because you said dont
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)01:16:39 No.2677686
    unless you give them reasons and explain it to them until they understand. you know, teaching?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)01:19:41 No.2677727
    Holy shit. You just got told by that guy. In all seriousness though, you probably can't logically reason with kids when your motivations are almost entirely religious.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)01:23:48 No.2677781
    just going on pure emotion, I wish I would have waited for my current boyfriend. there's something wonderful when you meet the right person and get married (solidifying your relationship [hopefully] forever) and are both able to say "I waited for you, because you're worth it"

    because just sitting next to him is better than everything physical I ever did with ex's...
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)01:26:57 No.2677824
    Abstinence education is clearly pointless. People are going to have sex because sex feels good, and people like to do things that feel good. I mean, I think it should be included as a component of sex ed - obviously the most effective way to not get STDs or get pregnant is to not have sex. But for most people that's unrealistic.

    I'm sure plenty of people have morality saying to wait until marriage or whatever, but for plenty that's silly. You can't force your morality on others.

    I had a really good sex ed class my freshman year. We learned about at least 20 different forms of contraceptive and about 15 or so STDs. It was a really informative class and I'm glad I had it. Knowing about all the diseases scared me into not having sex, not eternal damnation or some shit like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)01:31:48 No.2677888
    Even though you seem like a huge troll, I would take your story to be true for someone out there. But just because it was true for you doesn't imply that it's true in general or for other people, and can't be justified for teaching others at a public institution.

    And most people are still people after they've had sex. Just because you're not a virgin doesn't mean your first night won't be special, if being in his presence is so fucking great.
    >> RIP George Carlin, age 71 Anubis !D.Jip6r9wQ 01/07/09(Wed)01:31:59 No.2677892
    did you read my whole statement? I said I understood the abstinence arguement, not that I agreed with it, or believed it to be effective.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)01:32:07 No.2677893
    damn, he beat me down good and proper!

    but seriously, i was just pointing out that kids are curious beings and they like to try things. it is only by teaching and by enforcing the teachings correctly that works best.
    why do you teach kids most things? because it alot of things put them in danger. sex doesnt really put them in danger as such, so it is harder to enforce by saying "dont do it!" only, which is why abstinence doesnt work imo.
    >> Caddley !!KVLAQH0shwd 01/07/09(Wed)01:32:18 No.2677898
    I'm lucky that my mom started teaching me and my sister about human sexuality as early as three. There was a sexual incident involving us and a family friend when we were five or six, and we legally could testify because we knew exactly what happened. I was introduced to the issues and benefits of drugs and alcohol, knew what was good and what was bad. I had the feelings, but by then I fully understood them and controlled them. Knowledge of what is happening lead to me being able to resist. Yes, I'm a virgin. Big deal, I haven't has sex. I've been ridiculed in high school. And then I laughed at them when they had STIs and pregnancies.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)01:33:32 No.2677911
    i was being partially facetious =P

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