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  • File :1231278974.jpg-(194 KB, 400x500, 2006_06_WMT_0335.jpg)
    194 KB Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:56:14 No.2674775  
    ITT: Ronery fags.

    Second year of university here. First year I made about 2 friends, one of which was on my course. The other was some faggot who I hated and he was just annoying. I only really spoke to the one on my course when we were in classes together, didn't have his MSN contact. Not sure where he is now, he probably dropped out or something.

    So i'm halfway through my second year now. Figured i'd make a bit more of an effort to make friends. Went to the kitchen whenever there were people, but I just can't hold up a conversation well. If I get asked a question, i'll give you a straight answer. Doesn't really bode well for socialising. So now everyone else on my floor of the flat is pretty well acquainted and they have dinner together, and I just sit in my room playing Left 4 Dead, fapping and watching movies or TV series while eating something I made really quickly, or eating a takeaway meal.

    I have a group of friends who i'm close with from before university, but i've kind of alienated myself from them this year by barely ever going on MSN. I think they're a bit pissed at how little I contact them.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:58:26 No.2674803

    except I live off campus so I have zero friends or even acquaintances. The only people who know I exist are in the student orgs but they don't really care and they probably only see me as a helping hand/member fee
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:00:32 No.2674833
    Yeah same here. I try to enjoy the solitude.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:02:11 No.2674851
    What I do is ask the other person questions. It keeps me from talking, and I think it makes me show interest in them. The best result is when I ask a question which requires a lot of explaining. Still, I try not to force a conversation. If they continue to give short answers I give up and try again later.

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:04:16 No.2674875
    what uni u in?
    im in my first year atm and having the exact same experience
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:04:24 No.2674878
    >First year I made about 2 friends

    You had friends, you're not a ronery fag. Try again in your next life.
    >> Rorschach !!AB9ySaRJ1KQ 01/06/09(Tue)17:07:59 No.2674916
    >I just sit in my room playing Left 4 Dead, fapping and watching movies or TV series while eating something I made really quickly, or eating a takeaway meal.

    What the fuck man you have it made
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:28:34 No.2675196
    in the same goddam position
    try jioning some sort of club or something. I got into a comedy-club at the start of the year, and now iI'm slowly advancing towards not-ronreyness
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:33:26 No.2675259
    Same position kinda. But I have a good group of friends outside of Uni.

    What pisses me off more is those sporty fags that have like 2 million friends after the first day. WTF is up with that. Highschool all over again.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:37:36 No.2675324
    First year uni here. Barely talked to the people in my flat... makes it awkward when I'm making food and they all know eachother really well.

    I have a 3 really good friends from my course and a girlfriend from my course though, so I guess I'm doing okay.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:39:04 No.2675347
    >but I just can't hold up a conversation well. If I get asked a question, i'll give you a straight answer.

    I do the exact same thing. Some girl asks me a question the other day and i reply with a simple yes. She goes "I can tell I'm annoying you,
    " and walks away. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:40:47 No.2675379
    >3 really good friends from my course and a girlfriend

    I would kill for that.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:41:01 No.2675382
    same here kinda- i think making friends with all the people in my flat would be a bit annoying though. they'd always be coming in my room and shit. better to have friends you can control your meetings with in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:43:33 No.2675417

    You mean a girl that accidentally touched you once don't you?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:48:58 No.2675494
    Do you see those hundreds of state threads that are posted on /b/ and /r9k/? Despite the fact that you'd have to be extremely lonely to stoop to such lows, sometimes people from 4chan can be pretty decent people (when not online.)

    I still play L4D in my room, fap, lurk, and commit many acts of deviousness in my off hours and still manage to make new friends by either: Getting off my ass and putting myself in uncomfortable situations or putting away my pride and sending a message to another roneryfag.

    In b4 rage
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:50:51 No.2675519
    OP is me. Or at least, his social life is.
    Oh and replace 2 friends with just 1 friend.

    Wow, I suck even more than someone who sucks.
    Oh well, I have my 2D waifu to keep me company.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:07:25 No.2675712
    I'm going to give my little contribution to this thread.

    Right now I'm in my first year of university and let me say I have royally sucked balls at making friends. Seriously, just-fucking-sucked.

    Now, my flatemates are not bad people and I have nothing against them whatsoever, but they're the bipolar opposites of me and, to some extent, each other. They consist of a black male and female, a ginger devout Christian and a Chinese exchange student.

    The two blacks simply hang about with other blacks and I barely talk to them. Sometimes they have their friends over and they are so CUNTING loud and annoying I want to stab them all. The ginger is nice enough but is too wrapped up in playing in a jazz band to speak to anyone and the Chinese girl...I don't even know what her fucking name is. She never comes out, and if she does it's only to cook some pig disgusting smelling meal with other Chinese students.

    So, on the side of flatmates, I have been extremely unlucky

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:07:54 No.2675722
    I keep telling myself its ok that I dont have any friends now, ill find people just like me with the same interests when I start college next year.

    This thread is what I have been afraid of for a long time..
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:09:28 No.2675741
    I hate ronery threads so I will sage this, but that won't stop me from being ronery. For me, being ronery isn't about not feeling a warm hole around my cock.

    It's about being with someone who actually finds me attractive, physically and personally. Someone who actually sees something in me. It's not that I haven't kissed a woman or had a girlfriend that bothers me. It's that I've never met a woman in my life who wanted a kiss from me, or wanted to be in a relationship with me. The desire and attraction has never been there. I don't want to be with a girl who feels sorry for me or who is desperate. I want to be the guy she genuinely wants. Sometimes I like to think that maybe I have some admirable qualities. Maybe. But after all these years, no woman has shown any interest in me.

    And I'm not just talking about finding "the one" either. Even a one night stand thinks I'm attractive enough to spend the night with me. But fuck, I'm not even that decent looking.

    A prostitute on the other hand, is only in it for the money. Yeah, if I were only interested in getting my dick wet, I would've paid for an escort a LONG, LONG time ago. And, just in case this post doesn't sound gay enough, I'm interested in feeling, emotion, and mutual attraction behind the physical act, not the physical act itself.

    Fucking /r9k/, I'm fighting back tears now.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:13:09 No.2675786
    Been going to the University for a year, have made absolutely no friends, but whatever. I don't really give a fuck and am happy by myself. Of course I enjoy the company of others, but the lack of it doesn't bother me. Just learn to love yourself and friends will come eventually. Or not, but you still got yourself and that's all that matters. :)
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:16:33 No.2675818

    Realizing I'd have more luck shitting gold than making decent friends with these people, I didn't despair and looked onwards to fellow people on my course - it was after all early days (this was back in September/early October).

    Now I did in fact meet this one person in my department who I got along with quite well. He was a typical bandfag (long hair, hoodie/jeans, spoke every other sentence with the word 'dude') and he had some friends at the university's towers and a handful of times I went there and out with the people he knew there, but no matter what I did, however I handled myself, as much as I tried, I could not befriend them - they just wouldn't allow it. Apart from one ex-army guy (who was VERY alright), they'd never say hello to me, or engage in conversation with me. I never did anything to them, I'd compliment them, ask them questions, be kind, smile, say thank you and all that basic tripe, but they just wouldn't have it and not once was I asked if I ever wanted to return or go out with them. I never did anything wrong/annoying and cranked my socializing engine to full power, but nothing worked, and soon the bandfag eventually stopped contacting me.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:17:07 No.2675826
    My god i feel like the personification of this thread

    Been back 2 days and my room already stinks of sick from the copious amounts of vodka i've already gone through

    I don't gel with my flatmates, havent done any work and already fucked my body clock again.

    And yet, back home I have loads of friends, hosted new years and had a great holiday (still a BAAWWfag virgin though)

    End of semester i'll be out of here unless alcohol poisening gets me first
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:18:46 No.2675852
    I know how you feel

    except this happens with everyone

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:20:06 No.2675863
    The dorms are always full of activity. there should be lounges and TV rooms and the like. Find when people are playing board games or socializing, and ask to join.

    IN my dorm experience, people who wanted to socialize kept open doors. You can visit them, they can visit you. Find people playing video games, ask to join them.

    Eventually, you may become friends, or just meet there friends who come to visit.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:26:49 No.2675937
    I was worried coming into college this semester that I would be in the same boat. However, my social anxiety decided to manifest itself in other forms (i.e. fear of being alone lol). What helped me was getting lucky with a really cool roommate. Admittedly, I'm a boring guy, not good looking, suck at small talk, but I just made sure to be part of the group the first few days and everything worked out. Ended up joining a fraternity (a nerdy one, albeit), next step is to meet some girls.

    Anyone at university of illinois, i'll be your friend :D
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:29:58 No.2675970

    Now, the best luck I have had is with a girl who got transferred to one of my classes. She is smart, funny, very attractive and not a slag like many at my uni, and we get on perfectly. The only problem is, she has a boyfriend. Now that's no FFFFFFFFUUUUUU to me at all. Naturally, if she was single, I'd consider asking her out, but since she isn't, so be it, but there's no reason we couldn't be friends. Consequently, she only tends to deem it fit to see me during lessons or the days we're in the same lectures. Meeting up on days we don't have classes is virtually non-existant, and I'm afraid that if I asked her to do anything with me, she'd take it as me trying to pounce on her, so while I haven't 'cut' her as such, I don't tend to make full effort with her anymore, despite how nice she is.

    And, finally, we move onto people on my course. Bar one tall spotty bearded person from Cambridge who I speak to, the rest make little contact with me, even if I ask them things or engage myself. As soon as the class is over, everyone rushes out and I don't get a chance to go 'Hey, what are you doing now?" It's like school again, except I'm not with my close friends back home.

    So, here we are in January, and I will say minus me losing weight by attending the campus gym and doing fairly well on my course thus far, the term has been one of the loneliest of my life. I now do exactly as OP does most of the time - films/games/music/internet in my room. I go shopping by myself, go to class by myself unless it's with the other girl, and I have no-one to sit with and talk to except people halfway across the country/world on my computer, or visit, or go out with, despite all my efforts to make it possible.

    I only hope that, come this August, when I hopefully study abroad, I'll have much better luck with people. Until then, I just consider myself lone wolf'd.

    P.S. I realize that wasn't such a 'little' contribution, and I apologize.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:37:11 No.2676058
    This is true.

    I got lucky because while I'm generally a quiet guy, I just so happened to be moved into the only dormitory where I knew someone from when I had been commuting to school (There are like 25 dormitories here #_# that was lucky). Plus my roommate was probably one of the coolest dudes I've ever met, I got involved in a bunch of stuff because of him.

    Protip: People complaining about loud noises and smelly foods are doing it wrong. People have their annoying shit, you just have to let that stuff go.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:57:24 No.2676305
    I'll bite.

    First year university, not a single friend. I am an active member in a couple organisations, but as someone said, I think they just see me as a helping hand.
    Here's where things differ from me and a lot of other people here, though. I am quite able to socialise, I often chat to people in lectures if the lecturer is late and I can manage pretty well, but occasionally (I only mean like three times, of course) people have asked if I'd like to go to the pub with them or something, a girl even invited me to her birthday party. That fucking terrifies me though, how the fuck do people manage that?
    No way I am going to let these people get me alone, not a chance. I am paranoid beyond hope, I sit in my room alone, fap, lurk, read and cry myself to sleep convinced that I am being spied on.

    I've had a few friends in my life, but I've never been comfortable with them, and never really believed that they weren't just using me. I usually go through a particularly bad period about 6 months in and piss them off, then think of it as proof of everything when they won't talk to me afterwards, when I know deep down that it is just because I was a dick to them.

    What should I do? I tried to go to a councillor before Christmas, but the one at uni was booked until late January, and now I can't work up the courage to call again.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)19:01:00 No.2676350
    wow are you me?

    seriously I have paranoid delusions that everyone doesn't really give a shit about me and only want to use me for something
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)20:34:23 No.2676401
    Luckly I didn't have this problem on my University because they promote a lot of group projects on the first year.

    Having friends is cool, but I'm still a ronery fag because I can't get a girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)22:11:50 No.2676404

    Holy Toledo, you just described my life to a T. Every person I've known is basically an enemy in disguise! ._.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)22:53:34 No.2676405

    i feel ya

    all I can say is it gets easier with time. As you get older, you become more attractive to girls, I am not sure why. The only thing you can really do is try to be your best self whenever girls are around.

    As for university, I am in my 4th year and only now making friends with people. Not real buddies, mostly girls who are only friends so I can help them with their homework, but it beats nothing at all. I can tell others in my classes are in the same position but I don't really know how/want to get to know them. I think I almost prefer being ronery, I'm so used to it now. I've had some play from girls, I know I'm attractive, but I just don't like being social for long periods of time, I get antsy and want to just get away. I still hang out with hs friends from time to time, so I'm not completely alone (but they live kind of far so it still sucks).
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:22:53 No.2676407
    At least in Europe this should work: Buy some alcohol (a casket of beer, some wine, some liquor) and just go to the kitchen when there is people there and say "hey, guys, I'm [insert name here] and I just felt that I want to know some of you better. Party at my place on Friday, free booze."
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:42:49 No.2676411
    I used to be like the rest of you guys, and in some ways I still am. What you need to do is ditch that security blanket of seclusion/familiarity and take a chance with a conversation.
    You can't make friends if no one knows anything about you. Even if they're not 'like' you, at least you've shown some interest and made a contact - who knows, they might come back for you. Not too many of my college friends are like me either, but that's what makes it interesting (protip: something to talk about).

    I wonder how anyone manages to get a job without getting used to talking to people. You're going to have to do that once college is over.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:46:13 No.2676413
    22, should be out of college by now, but am, more than likely, going to end up going for yet another semester because I have no full time job (only part time) and need to remain a full time student to be on my parent's insurance.

    I have a fair bit of friends, none of whom are particularly close, though.

    I still live with my parents, and want to get out every day.

    I have n-e-v-e-r had a girlfriend or any romance of any kind, and as such am a virgin.

    If I'm with friends, I often am at least superficially happy, but, in my private life and quite resigned, bored, and really, feel a bit lonely and empty.

    And the thing is, I don't really see much of anything changing.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:46:16 No.2676415
    Well I just started graduate school six months ago and have been living in an apartment. As with other people in this thread, I barely know my flatmates ( I don't even know one of the girl's name). I just go into the kitchen to cook quick meals, and spend the rest of the time in my room watching animu.
    I feel that i should feel bad for not knowing them better, since we live together, but then again there's no real reason to, is there?
    And of course I don't have any other friends. I don't hang out with people from class or clubs (and I am in a few clubs). I go to class or club, and then leave. That's it.
    I think the problem is I don't know how to hang out with people outside of a forced time period or situation (ie, living situation, class or club).
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:46:43 No.2676430
    I moved to a new town three years ago, and I still haven't made any friends. I'm a freshman in uni... I keep trying to meet people, but it's really hard because club meet times and class hours are erratic, and it takes me an hour to drive to school. When people DO talk to me, I freeze up horribly. I start having panic attacks, and I start imagining that the person I'm talking to is pounding my face in(vividly, sometimes to the point where I think it actually HAPPENS for a split second).

    I went through a lot of violent peer rejection until I was 12, when the kid around me realized that they could get put in juvi for getting caught beating up nerds. I made a friend in 10th grade, but we had nothing in common... we only talked because I was desperate for human interaction and she wanted jesuspoints for talking to the weird kid. Most of our social 'visits' were just her watching T.V. while I sat in the corner trying not to die. It barely lasted the year, and after I moved we lost all contact.

    I want to be normal so bad... I've been trying so hard. I got rid of the stutter, lost 20 lbs, started giving a damn about hygiene, but no matter what I do I can't stop being terrified of people. Any time someone gives the slightest hint of rejection or disinterest I start to think that they're going to knife me, or smash my face into a door and throw me into a dumpster.

    I signed up for a freshman camping trip at my uni. It's called Explore!, in camp Berachah. I figure it should be safe, since it'll mostly be professors with a few geeky kids thrown in. But spending the night in a cabin with strangers is just... oh god... I know it's good for me, but I'm fucking shaking just thinking about it. Still.. I hope I can meet someone. I hope I can learn how to talk to people.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:47:56 No.2676441
    So how is it in grad school? I'm getting into humanities so I won't be raking in the bucks but at least there will be girls unlike engineering.

    I just broke up with my college girlfriend and aside from being sad part of me is freaking out about getting back to the scene and trying to find another girlfriend. I feel like now that I'm in the "real world" everything is 10x harder and I've never had to actually go out and pick up girls before.

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:49:12 No.2676451

    What if you feel like you had "the one" but she broke up with you after almost 5 years? that's pretty fucking discouraging :(

    I mean you start to feel that everyone gets one...some people don't even find one perfect girl, how are you supposed to find another?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:49:38 No.2676452
    I can't "connect" with almost everyone. I do this >>2674851
    but I can never get past just being acquaintances. I always feel disappointed in myself and how boring other people must see me as, and I'm worried that I'll lose the few friends I have because I don't have much to offer in the relationship. I wish I could be one of those loud, spontaneous, outgoing people that everyone likes, but I have a shitty personality
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:50:28 No.2676457
    >Left 4 Dead

    Theres your answer brah, get some free booze, put up fliers saying theres a big ass booze and games party

    Not many chicks will show up and if they do its only cause their boyfriends are there, but you'll likely make some friends.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:51:00 No.2676460
    I'd love to post my reply, but /r9k/ keeps giving me non-ascii text not allowed or wtfever when there's clearly none there.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:51:56 No.2676464
    I have a couple of local friends and a ton of acquaintances and a handful of still-acquaintances-but-almost-friends.

    I've made an effort to make more friends by talking with people on these boards. However, that doesn't work out often as many of you are too much like >>2675347 with your simple, direct answers. "but h0h0 you didn't ask for details faggot" but the person asking the question usually wants details, even wild deviations that make you say, "what the fuck were we talking about?" Trust me.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:53:27 No.2676477
    well in Murkia

    You'll get pre-charged and arrested for date rape and well rape. and the girls will hiss and boo if you do that...

    Man FUCK Murka
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:53:38 No.2676478
    Protip: Smile and ask her more questions. Laugh at things that aren't very funny. Compliment her... and actually the hardest part is knowing when to stop before its too much. I dunno, this works for me, but usually I go do something (like dance) with the girl after a few minutes.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:54:48 No.2676487
    ITT: the people with serious personality disorders come and complain that they don't have any friends.
    >> the only time when a tripcode is appropriate !SHjzCSZsqE 01/06/09(Tue)23:56:22 No.2676502
    Ok guys, lets have some practice.
    Im a hot girl. You're awkwardly chatting with some friends at a party, when I come up to you. We've met before.

    Her: Hey ____, great party, where'd you get all the booze?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:57:36 No.2676511

    I didn't buy it, I'm too nervous to buy booze. I want to have sex with you, is that okay?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:58:09 No.2676517
    my gf and i went to the same college together. we both just graduated in mid-december. for the past year, we lived 5 mins walking away from each other. the year before that, only about 20 min walk.

    i can't tell you how frustrating it is to now be in a long distance relationship. granted, it's only a 2hr drive, but it sucks balls having to wait for every other weekend to see her instead of whenever i wanted.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:58:11 No.2676518
    ok Here's a prescription for you lonely guys.
    1. Find a party (Shouldn't be too hard, it's a university!)
    2. Pregame, and IM TALKING PREGAME get yo alchol on
    3. Get social, chat up with your newfound "confidence"
    4. ????
    5. Wake up next morning, and be like "Woah bro didnt i see u at the party" and use last night as topic.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:58:33 No.2676525
    >> Fail the only time when a tripcode is appropriate !SHjzCSZsqE 01/06/09(Tue)23:59:20 No.2676534
    Her: Hahaha you're funny! (Fishes for a topic) OMG were you at that party last week where Devin streaked?! (Protip, you weren't)
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:59:57 No.2676538
    I've graduated high school. I've applied to college and I'm awaiting acceptance or denial. I've applied to various local places for work and had not a single reply. I'd have to rely on my parents for transportation even if I did manage to get hired. I'm rarely seen outside of my room save for necessary journeys the kitchen, restroom, and perhaps down the street to one of my only two friend's house. I only venture that far because our houses oddly enough share the exact layout and I can find comfort there. The other friend has joined the military. Neither of these friends, despite having known me for well over 5 years knows very much about me aside from the mask I show daily. I've never been in a relationship and felt anything. I've never had sex, nor really wanted to. I'm lonley because no one I come in contact can know me, like me for me, share a mutual attraction. Not because I'm ugly or out of shape, but because this body is but a cage for the woman inside and she is drowning in pent up frustration and sorrow.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:00:34 No.2676550

    No, I was at home fapping. Mostly to giantess porn,but I thought of you a little bit.
    >> the only time when a tripcode is appropriate !SHjzCSZsqE 01/07/09(Wed)00:00:45 No.2676555
    Her: I can't your penis is in there is this bad y/n?

    (I just felt like trolling myself)
    >> Desire to date you, falling! the only time when a tripcode is appropriate !SHjzCSZsqE 01/07/09(Wed)00:02:18 No.2676583
    Her: haha whats fapping? Sounds like something fat people do... with fish.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:03:44 No.2676603

    This has been nice, but you should just get back to the damn kitchen and make me a sandwich.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:03:50 No.2676606
    (ASSHOLE/ BADBOY) : Suuuup Baby

    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:05:47 No.2676629


    nice 1
    >> the only time when a tripcode is appropriate !SHjzCSZsqE 01/07/09(Wed)00:06:27 No.2676637
    Her: haha oh my god you're funny.

    See what just happened there? Badboy is handsome and wearing a leather jacket, pulls a bullshit line on a FUNNY girl and it makes her like him a little.

    Protip, this shit doesnt work with cunts, but works extremely well with the slightly insecure
    >> the only time when a tripcode is appropriate !SHjzCSZsqE 01/07/09(Wed)00:08:25 No.2676657
    Yo guys I should mention that being in a band helps a shitload.

    I mean seriously, I have awful teeth, 2 years ago I was really unpopular, and thanks to good musical talent and a lot of emotional maturity over the past 2 years I'm quite popular.

    Even though I have depression now.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:12:50 No.2676706

    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:13:11 No.2676711
    1. Start HRT
    2. Become epic trap
    3. Prostitution
    4. ???
    5. Profit!
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:15:01 No.2676738
    I joined some clubs (i.e anime club, role playing games club) when I started uni. That's how I met my group of friends
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:19:45 No.2676816
    socializing takes practice, imo.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:23:43 No.2676878
    for me it's not the inability to be a friendly friend but just scared of the AWKWARD
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:29:06 No.2676968
         File :1231306146.gif-(13 KB, 163x253, Captobvious.gif)
    13 KB
    thank you for that

    m0xenb0xenfurf derf
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:35:13 No.2677055
         File :1231306513.jpg-(29 KB, 375x300, ron4ri.jpg)
    29 KB
    fucking go outside and stop whining.

    OP go here
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)01:37:58 No.2677963


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