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  • File :1231269163.png-(153 KB, 508x291, Picture 61.png)
    153 KB Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:12:43 No.2673361  
    jump to 50 seconds to see a gutsy girl stand up to the evil jew soldiers shooting at kids. this is from south korean news, they would never show this on jew owned american tv news

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:14:39 No.2673380
    dumb white bitch

    that isn't her fight why the fuck is she there. daddy probably paid for the plane ticket lol
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:15:00 No.2673383
    How long is this shit going to go on for? Israel should just annex palestine and get this over with.
    >> The Guru !!GUJgcWVW8Zk 01/06/09(Tue)14:18:14 No.2673411

    >dumb white bitch

    Are you blind?
    >> Detective Gumshoe !P5NkPJJDbc 01/06/09(Tue)14:18:39 No.2673419
    A simple bullet to the head would shut her up, bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:19:26 No.2673422
    looks white to me bro

    maybe spanish, italian or greek
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:21:53 No.2673440
    Yeah, the poor little kids who only throw rocks at the evil soldiers.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:24:06 No.2673462
    god jews are so evil. they're worse than the kkk
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 01/06/09(Tue)14:26:30 No.2673474
    if that was a guy he would have been shot...
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:28:07 No.2673492
    if that was a guy, he would have shot back
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:28:51 No.2673500
    No he's not, probably just a really fucking stupid 15 year old browsing 4chan.


    About the girl, incredible. One of the most amazing videos I've ever seen.


    Probably samefag.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:28:52 No.2673502

    Bastardized greek at the very most. It seems way more likely and logic that she's just palestinian, as the title says...
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:29:16 No.2673509
    Humanity +1
    There is still hope for us.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:30:03 No.2673512
    Humanity - 1
    Jews - 0

    fix'd for you
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:31:56 No.2673531
    Were they really shooting kids?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:34:50 No.2673557
    Wonder what happened to her when the camera was turned off.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:34:54 No.2673559
    I hate the fucking Jews so fucking much but you can't say anything against them or you're a nazi.

    When I was in high school playing pickup basketball we had one Jew in our group. When it was my turn to pick players I didn't want him (because he sucked at bball). He then openly called me a nazi in front of the whole class. Mind you I'm no nazi and I picked plenty of niggers because they are awesome at bball
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:36:00 No.2673569
    No way. And those were rubber bullets, in any case. They won't shot to kill.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:36:04 No.2673572
    If there were no camera or she were a man she would be getting the shit kicked out of her.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:37:20 No.2673590
    of course they were. jews genocide with the best of them
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:38:25 No.2673601
    Those faggots are heartless.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:39:12 No.2673607
    lolno. If someone with a bag or thick cloth walks towards you and doesn't stop when you tell them to then you shoot them dead.

    It's standard operating procedure. She was lucky the camera was there & the Israel soldiers didn't show the necessary balls. It's only a matter of time till those two get themselves killed by a suicider
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:39:27 No.2673609
    she's just trying to be the next 'tank guy' martyr standing up to the 'big evil'. totally for the show of the camera. notice she's facing it half the time with her back to the trouble down the street. also, notice the american accent?
    >> The Red Barron 01/06/09(Tue)14:40:50 No.2673620
    Girl has some balls and some hearts

    I would love to meet her <3
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:41:03 No.2673623

    Now that you mention it, their magazines were red, perhaps to indicate less than lethal ammunition?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:41:27 No.2673628

    If reality were a Ninja Turtles episode, you'd be a henchmen for Shreder. I'm not talking about bebop and rocksteady, you'd just be one of those foot guys, you know? Getting your ass kicked by turtles occasionally, being bossed around and generally just hating life. That's you.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:11:19 No.2673889

    that's her
    she is from michigan
    lol wut silly kid from michigan in a PLO "baby shield" organization
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:18:17 No.2673973
    Are you and everyone on this thread talking about rubber bullets fucking stupid? I'll explain something for you.

    1.- Israeli soldiers SHOOT AT KIDS. Kids THROW ROCKS. Do you know of any goddamn person that has been killed because of a rock thrown by a kid? No? That's what I thought. Also, soldiers wear bulletproof vests and helmets. I'm sure a rock is LETHAL DANGER for them. I'll repeat: Israeli soldiers SHOOT AT KIDS. Real fucking bullets. Out of pure hate. This is no news, it's been happening since God knows when.

    2.- Rubber bullets are called "LESS LETHAL ammunition" for a reason. They're not harmless, not even safe to shoot. They just have LESS chances to kill you. Military use rubber bullet = metal projectile sorrounded by a REALLY THIN cover of rubber.


    3.- YEAH RIGHT. You know suicide bombers aren't THAT common, not even there, right? I'll bet you're an amerifag who watches Fox News.


    4.- Amerifag too it seams. Or just stupid. Sir, I'm afraid you don't understand the concept "movement". The camera MOVES to face the girl. It's called "TV reporter". The girl MOVES to your country to study. The girl MOVES back to her country. It's more likely than you think!

    >9000.- Fuck you Israel, fuck you jews and your "oh can't touch this, if you do, you're a nazi". FUCK YOU.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:20:49 No.2673991
    i can't stand shit like this

    Girl is getting her 15 minutes of fame because she's such a fucking hero. This is exactly what she wants, she knows her doing what shes doing is futile and pointless but she wants everyone to see what a brave soul she is and she needs all the attention she can get.

    1. Muslims are fucking crazy, suicidal, and throw rocks.
    2. Bullets are rubber and mean to tell the muslims to fuck off.
    3. Hamas instigated all this shit and now everyone is acting as if they're the victim. Honestly, if you lived in Maine and some crazy fucks in Canada were firing missiles into your neighborhood and Canada wasn't doing shit about it don't you think your government should have the right to?
    4. Hamas hides behind civilians and children and also Pallywood makes fake videos that they send to media showing how cruel the Israelis are.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:27:49 No.2674057

    Muslim kids are raised to be loonie extremists.

    >Israeli soldiers SHOOT AT KIDS. Real fucking bullets. Out of pure hate.
    >Out of pure hate.

    No...the KIDS hate the Jews probably more than the other way around. They have rules in Israel etc etc u can't shoot at anything just cause you hate it. However in muslim loonie land you can shoot rockets, do whatever you want etc.

    >Do you know of any goddamn person that has been killed because of a rock thrown by a kid?

    No but the soldiers don't have riot gear...they can still be HURT by rocks so they have to prevent that.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:27:55 No.2674059
    jew detector exploded

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:30:14 No.2674077
    >>They have rules in Israel etc etc u can't shoot at anything just cause you hate it.
    In this thread: Respecting rules in the middle of a retaliation war. GO GO GO.
    >>However in muslim loonie land you can shoot rockets, do whatever you want etc.
    Oh my, underage b& PLEASE
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:33:05 No.2674097
    if you let kids THROW ROCKS, they move onto THINGS THAT CAN ACTUALLY KILL/HURT YOU
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 01/06/09(Tue)15:35:30 No.2674123
    I think a better analogy would be:
    1. America destroys one of those massive illegal tunnels on the border with Mexico.
    2. Mexico really needed that tunnel to move drugs or something, so they shoot a few shitty rockets at Texas.
    3. America bombs Mexico back
    4. Mexico fires bigger rockets that can reach Oklahoma.
    5. America sends in ground troops, who surround Mexico City.
    6. Now Mexico is using rockets that can almost reach Washington DC, and says they are ready to kick American ass.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:39:06 No.2674141

    No. Maybe a terrorist group in Mexico but not Mexico itself. So America goes in to eliminate the terrorist threat because Mexico is incompetent.

    If Mexico attacked America no matter how shitty the rockets were they would still be the aggressors and at fault.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:41:36 No.2674164
    Kills on one side: 3 or 4 on Israel

    Kills on the other side: 400-500 in a few weeks, lots of children, schools bombed

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:46:22 No.2674189
    You guys are pathetic pricks. Seriously, did jews rape your mothers? Although, this is no big surprise, this shithead palace whines about everything.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:46:25 No.2674190
    IF they werent there in the first place then the kids wouldnt be throwing rocks now would they?
    Instead of killing the shit out of everyone in gaza they should really try to see why hamas is rocketing them and why palestinians hate them, nobody hates anyone for no reason...
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:47:20 No.2674205

    when you put rockets on buildings and start firing from them, the other side doesn't really have time to check who lives there, what the building is used for etc.

    Hamas thrives on conflict, they want Israel gone by ANY means necessary and don't really care if that means sacrificing a bunch of kids as long as the news shows that Israelis are murderers. All they really believe in is their Muslim religion and in their mind those kids are probably in Muslim heaven now or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:50:30 No.2674250
    Man, that girl is lucky there's a camera crew there, because they could seriously have fucked her up with just a bit of provocation at the wrong time. It's not hard to write of one wounded/dead girl when she's in the middle a a battle zone that's wracking up a kill count in the hundreds with murky distinction between civilian and legitimate target.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:50:48 No.2674256
    yeah exept america blocked anything going to mexico including food and basic supplies nad that tunnel was the only way of smugling the supplies...also the USA was all of mexico's territory and the americans arrived and forced the mexicans to leave...
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:52:23 No.2674260



    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:56:48 No.2674272
    doesn't change the math one bit
    children don't deserve to die even if they live near terrorists

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:57:28 No.2674277
    PROTIP: this was from years ago. also, the girl was an american cititzen whose parents were from palestine.

    also, if it was a israeli girl in front of Hamas, they would have shot her dead and then celebrated. Which shows that jews are still somewhat better than muslims, even though both are pig disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:59:11 No.2674278
    So what? You want them to shot her point blank?

    God, you can't win with these sandniggers.


    from now on, everything on the news is staged.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:59:53 No.2674283
    It's a progress. The nazi rate was 1-10. The zionist rate is 1-100.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)15:59:53 No.2674284
    delicious liberal tears omnomonom :) keep 'em coming
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:00:47 No.2674290

    ...they blocked off Gaza BECAUSE of the rockets

    everybody's territory was once somebody else's and do they really think they're going to take "their" land back? They are a very weak terrorist organization. They are kicking and screaming that it's their land when everyone has already learned to accept that its Israel's land now and if you want to make a case about it it's not going to be using terrorist methods based off your extreme religious beliefs.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:02:28 No.2674298
    are you really as much of a fucking retard as you let on?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:02:45 No.2674302
    I would like any of you big blubbering vaginas to suggest something more reasonable for israel to do when hamas, whose installations are purposely placed beneath city centers and weapons stored under their own mosques, breaks the ceasefire they demanded after the last time they broke.
    Are you all that fucking stupid that you cannot see hamas uses the people in Gaza as hostages for their own personal gain in order to smear israel where the people in the south have to live their lives in bunkers?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:12:25 No.2674329

    Obviously they don't deserve it....doesn't mean the Jews are at fault though.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:12:29 No.2674334

    Dumbass, soldiers and Israeli civillians have both been stoned to death by mobs of Arab youths.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:13:53 No.2674364
    >also the USA was all of mexico's territory and the americans arrived and forced the mexicans to leave...

    Well, now that you bring it up, about half of US territorial possessions west of the Mississippi were Mexican.

    And, also, you would need to consider the violence which provoked the embargo, which was instigated by Palestinians.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:14:07 No.2674368
    The Muslim is Fucking STRONG in this thread

    inb4 the same Muslim / Palestinian fag replying to this with "Fucking jew"
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:14:47 No.2674377
         File :1231276487.jpg-(80 KB, 750x600, islam2.jpg)
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    The only good muslim is a dead muslim.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:17:07 No.2674399
    Palestinians are inhuman, they have not proven their right to exist by being the weaker group in the region and therefore they need to be completely eradicated. Israel has proven over and over in its wars versus the multiple arab states that it has the right to exist there and the weak Arab states can't do anything about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:18:58 No.2674417
    Why the fuck does everyone love sandniggers?? I don't fucking get it. Extremist muslims are worst form of cancer humanity has ever had.

    No matter how psycho israeli might be atleast they dont come to our fucking land and start claiming bullshit laws over their bullshit religion
    (Eurofags will know what i mean)
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:20:06 No.2674428
    raging mad islamafag lunatic. Enjoy watching your genetically inferior bretheren being wiped out by superior Israeli forces.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:21:27 No.2674441
    >More than 600 Palestinians have been killed and at least 2,700 wounded since Israel began the campaign last month with the declared aim of ending rocket attacks by Hamas Islamist militants on its southern towns. Nine Israelis, including three civilians hit by rocket fire, have been killed.

    lol, over 600 brown monkeys dead. GREAT SUCESS
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:25:02 No.2674469
    Getting pissed off by Jews is hardly a solely Muslim phenomenon.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:26:08 No.2674476
    >Palestinians are inhuman
    no, they are Homo Sapiens, just like every other human. any perceived differences are of purely cultural character.
    >they have not proven their right to exist by being the weaker group in the region
    they are weaker because unlike the other side of the conflict they are not financially and politically supported by a superpower.
    >the weak Arab states can't do anything about it.
    they can, but won't, because they have certain interests with a superpower mentioned above.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:27:05 No.2674484
    Right sure they are. Genetic delta inbetween average palestinian and average jew or average american caucasion may be more then you think.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:29:45 No.2674506
    Then citate a source, you Stormfront bullshitter.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:29:55 No.2674508
    Haha, who cares about faggots in the middle east? I think all the rock throwing and rubber bullet shooting is good exercise for those retards. They are just having fun.

    I'm just happy I live in the civilized world with other white people who do not fight constantly over retarded shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:31:47 No.2674524

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:31:54 No.2674525
    Can't we just nuke the whole fucking place?

    Jews, muslims, BOOM.

    problem solved.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:36:48 No.2674576
    I don't support either side in this fucktarded campaign. But I do want to note that the rifles are fitted with adapters on the muzzle to fire less than lethal plastic rounds. So it's not like they're trying to kill them. The only thing is I've never seen the adapters used outside of the Israeli Defense Force so I don't think many people from other countries would understand that the soldiers were trying to disperse the crowd, not kill them.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:39:30 No.2674597
    if the jews where as bad as you say they'd have killed that stupid bitch.

    get over it you sandnigger
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:41:19 No.2674619
    Argh must I look through my books for citations.
    Heres the fastest one, James D Watson is one racist, sexist motherfucker.


    wiki/dont rage until google scans all the books in the world.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:41:44 No.2674622

    You don't shoot a unarmed woman in front of a camera. bad for business...
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:41:49 No.2674626
    another bullshit protest in some bullshit country I don't care about.

    Why can't they get their shit sorted?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:44:10 No.2674660
    ITT: Trolls, many of them.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:48:39 No.2674710
    palestinians have two options:
    1. Let israel slowly bulldoze all their villages, building jewish houses on top of the rubble, gradually annexing their country, all while choking aid and supplies from ever arriving and beating up people on their own land. this strategy would hopefully show the world that palestine as a country has the 'moral highground,' and perhaps the international community would put a stop to it.

    2. fight back using whatever resistance tactics they can. david won against goliath after all, right?

    this is a military occupation with a purpose. the history and context should never be forgotten.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:52:07 No.2674735
    I'm aware of that particular controversy and that article doesn't make me any the wiser. It says what conclusions he came to but not why or how. His statement is easily disregarded due to the apparent lack of taking into account nurture vs nature.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:55:22 No.2674763

    You inexplicably left out option 3:

    Peaceful protest.

    Ghandi won against the Brits after all, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:55:31 No.2674767
    hey guys dont mind me i just popped in to say dont be mean to israel because they are jews and jew were killed in the holocaust so dont be mean ok because theyve suffered enough already remember ok thanks

    p.s. fuck gays and gypsies
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:57:48 No.2674792
    This girl is a true hero, something that few people from 4chan will ever understand. They rage at her because they are uneducated, are frustrated that they have no social or intellectual life, or out of blind angst and frustration. Either that or they're just trolling to be cool. Either way, there are going to be around 3-6 troll responses to this post, but the funny thing is that I've been trolling on the internet for longer than it took you faggots to lose your virginity.

    Israel is a state led by European terrorists, whose ancestors invaded Palestinian land as illegal immigrants, milked the sympathy of the British Empire, inflated their numbers to 32% of the Palestinian Mandate's Population, then recieved 52% OF ALL THE LAND in the 1947 UN Declaration. Of course the Arabs and Palestinians were right to reject the settlement. It was their land, gained through underhanded methods. They fought a noble battle they knew they would probably lose because it is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

    The Palestinian people are more noble and human than anyone on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:58:59 No.2674808
    Whenever there is a peaceful protest the Israelis shoot the protestesters then the American Media doesn't care. Very productive.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)16:59:33 No.2674817
    Should've buttstroked her.

    Daddy must be real rich to be able to send his daughter across the planet just to help some Arabs protest.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:00:26 No.2674830
    the British actually cared about their world standing as they were a waning power without the unconditional backing of the world's greatest military force. They also had to worry about rebuilding their own nation.

    Israel doesn't give two shits if people don't like what they're doing. They also have the unconditional backing of the United States and try to guilt trip the rest of the world into agreeing with whatever they do.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:00:43 No.2674835
    read it again please. your option 3 is my option one
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:01:59 No.2674848
    Typical Palestian appologist logic.

    There is a really really batshit crazy option. Hamas could get diplomatic. It could actually (I must be retarded for even thinking this) keeps it's word on cease fire agreements.

    Currently, Israel cannot trust Palestine even to stop shooting during a ceasefire. How can they even begin to trust Hamas enough to give them back some land?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:03:09 No.2674861
    You are a fucking idiot. Did you know most of the science, mathematic and philosophy that came to the West is Muslim in origin, or at least was founded/funded by Muslims during the Abbasid Caliphate. Not only that the only reason why the Muslim world isn't more advanced than the West is due to the Destruction of the Mongols and their descendants who smashed Muslim power before they converted to Islam...
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:05:33 No.2674887
    Palestinians are the niggers of the Arab world. No nation wants them.

    BTW how was your first semester of college?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:07:04 No.2674904
    I watched it and I feel for the soldiers.

    This girl may have whatever nice inside her pretty head, she may be a great person, a saint in comparsion to any 4channer, I dont care. And it doesnt matter.

    1. She does`nt belong here.
    2. She makes those soldiers` job much harder. And their job is NOT to kill pretty arabic kids, as I recon she thinks.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:07:23 No.2674910
         File :1231279643.jpg-(41 KB, 720x480, 1228703454972.jpg)
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    >Did you know most of the science, mathematic and philosophy that came to the West is Muslim in origin

    image related

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:07:42 No.2674913
    First semester was fun 3 and a half years ago. It's my last semester before grad school actually, which I will enjoy completely as it is paid for, yet again by the US government. How's the local community college doing you sport? Oh that's right, you dropped out.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:09:03 No.2674932
    1. She does`nt belong here.

    Funny, how you can easily apply those European Jews being on palestinian land as the same deal.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:10:14 No.2674942
    Does it tear you up inside to know that Palestine has absolutely no way to force Israel off it's land?

    Palestine's only option is diplomacy, and ironically that is the one solution they refuse to consider.

    You'll be crying about this for years to come. Delicious tears, they fuel me.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:10:27 No.2674944

    To be european those soldiers must be, hmmm... 70 years old?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:10:53 No.2674948
    dis grl is an tru hiro, omg u guys r so stewpid. Fuck you how dare you say shes a bitsch?. u gyse r trol. im an oldfag lolz

    jooland is bilt by wite man 2 hold Allah down, urop is terrist, der hstory-men attack Republic of Palestan wit illegal mimigration, sucked britain dick, had sex babby, den got halfALL the land in 47. my peple were right 2 b mad, dese men who caem were not Allahu Akbar. we stole Palestan fair and square first! we had slaves, we dont want 2 b dem

    Da Glorius Palestan people r noble and human, u guyse r not.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:12:22 No.2674970

    israel will never be able to trust hamas, granted.
    that being said, israel has the power to eject hamas from the legislative council and eventually stop the violence. do you want to know what this magical power is? two steps
    1. stop razing palestinian buildings
    2. GTFO of palestine

    this is a simplification, but if these two things happen, the reason for hamas to exist will disappear. voila, you have your ceasefire.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:13:55 No.2674981
    I honestly can't believe there are people impressed with this.
    Tank guy stood in front of a tank. A fucking tank. Like, the "actually aiming at the people in front of it" kind of tank. And he didn't back off until it left.
    This girl found the most non-threatening looking soldiers (note how they're away from the main group and weren't doing anything in the first place) and just wandered around them like she was playing basketball, then promptly flinched and ran away as soon as an actual bullet got shot anywhere near her.
    oh, also, nice failure on your fifteen minutes of fame that never even got on american TV.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:13:57 No.2674983
    I don't tear up, I rage. Your apathy makes me hard and your resistence makes me harder. Palestine will eventually get back their land. Just like the Crusaders were eventually defeated, the European Jews will eventually be forced back to Europe in delicious irony.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:15:00 No.2675001
    >the reason for hamas to exist will disappear

    I dont think so Brent
    If they leave Palestine, this would in effect displace 3 million people

    I think you meant they should... leave gaza and west bank?

    In that case, Hamas will want them to leave ALL of Palestine and will make more rockets
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:15:54 No.2675009
    Just read this post

    Whatever you are Jewish, American, An apathetic asshole, Muslim

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:16:07 No.2675011

    >1. stop razing palestinian buildings
    >2. GTFO of palestine

    how would that harm hamas in any way?
    >> Zoltan 01/06/09(Tue)17:16:37 No.2675019
    You aren't white or yellow so....
    What the hell are you doing on the internet?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:18:48 No.2675048
    How are they going to do that?
    Rocks and Faith?

    No other Arab nation wants anything to do with them. Why do you think that when they flee to Jordan they are pushed into refugee camps?

    No one wants them. No one cares to help them (except rich college kids). They are all on their own.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:19:19 No.2675052
    Errr...don't know if all of his research came out in general media but he was basing those opinions off the research he conducted by himself. Not sure how much the government was involved in it but surely it was greatly interested. Basically they took 6-7 different homo sapien sapien specimens representing by external appearance different race groups and ran DNA tests to see the differences. Needless to say some of the differences were significant and even in the same range as the delta inbetween a chimpanzee (one of the great apes) and a homo sapien sapien.
    From there on its moot, so go figure if the USA government decided to close down the project in order not to fuel unnecesary racist sentiments whether factually wise those sentiments were at times right despite conflicting with the happie antropological hippie belief that all races are equall.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:19:55 No.2675061
    Actually I am a German Expat living in America.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:20:10 No.2675065
    So basically it was James D watsons genes and 6 other subjects or total 7.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:20:16 No.2675066

    Solution: Israel leaves, and makes their Jew nation somewhere where the people already living their won't care, or better yet, realize a religion doesn't need a country.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:21:03 No.2675072
    Still butthurt about not being able to finish off your "Nazi" experiment?
    Is this what fuels the antisemitic sentiment in you?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:22:35 No.2675101
    The American backed governments don't want them to do it. However the Arab street when it takes power back after the American dogs die or are overthrown will descend on Israel like a pack of wolves. Israel will either accept defeat or nuke the region, showing the true cowards they are.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:22:39 No.2675104

    I suggest siberia. Or northern canada.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:22:54 No.2675107
    Jews hate this video because it's an unfiltered look at what their theocratic soldiers actually do. There's no chance this will ever show up on American TV because it shows Israel in a realistic light instead of a positive light.
    >> Zoltan 01/06/09(Tue)17:23:18 No.2675114
    Solution: Palestinians leave Jewish land and go Allahu Akbar somewhere else
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:23:22 No.2675117
    Most people in Israel aren't big Zionists or anything, they were born into this situation.
    In fact, even the majority of people who came to Israel aren't big Zionists, they just wanted to be with their own kind.

    Leave where?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:24:10 No.2675130
    So when I don't support Israel I'm a Nazi? Actually, I supported Israel in its war against Hezbollah until they started bombing civilians like crazy. Israel has a right now to exist, however it doesn't have the right to invade and kill hundreds and eventually thousands of people.
    >> Zoltan 01/06/09(Tue)17:25:08 No.2675145
    Because both of those places are excelent for crop growing. Why not just jettison them into deep space?

    (people in siberia would kill the jews, have you not been to russia yet?)
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:25:12 No.2675147
    An interesting, if unrealistic hope.

    At any rate, it's a good time to be alive. The news is more entertaining than any movie.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:26:02 No.2675160
    i guess i simplified it too much for you

    israel has had an aggresive military presence in palestinian land for decades. they are slowly encroaching onto more and more palestinian land. the wall goes through their fucking towns. this is what bred hamas and its followers. hamas are extremists who gained legitimacy through the anger of a people that are being wiped out.

    don't all of a sudden evacuate everyone from the land, but stop subsidizing houses for new jewish settlers on land THAT IS ILLEGAL FOR THEM TO LIVE ON
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:26:53 No.2675170
    PROTIP: Claiming that there's a vast media conspiracy against you instantly makes your opinion invalid (have you noticed that both sides of every political conflict do it?)
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:27:08 No.2675175
    Right to exist? what the fuck does that mean? did ancient greece have the right to exist? Did Rome have a right to exist? How about the MIng Dynasty.

    nations rise on good decisions and fall on bad ones. Israel has been making bad decisions since 1940. quit delaying the inevitable by asserting a "right" that simply does not exist.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:27:38 No.2675179
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:28:08 No.2675188
    name a network and i'll tell you if it's owner and news director are jews. go go go
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:28:36 No.2675197
    Go to Europe or Florida.
    >> Zoltan 01/06/09(Tue)17:28:52 No.2675206
    I love that when Jews steal land by western mandate all the Muslims come out and bawww

    But when Muslims steal land by western mandate, everything is fine here folks

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:29:14 No.2675212
    What if those hundreds of thousands of people dont wan't Israel to be there and if given the means would kill every Israeli and wipe it from the face of the Earth. Wouldn't they all deserve death from an Israeli point of view? What if someone wants to kill you and given the chance he tries to. Would you idly stand by or would you defend yourself and eliminate the threat to your life by killing the attacker. As far as I see it if Palestinians or a subgroup of them declares their goal to eliminate Israel and actively pursue it its Israels right to completely exterminate it from the face of the Earth. Ie to make it more comprehensible for you, when you declare your intention to kill another person you also void your rights to exist from his point of view.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:31:50 No.2675228
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:33:21 No.2675257
    fuck hamas and Israel.

    Kikes vs sandniggers= everyone loses.
    >> Zoltan 01/06/09(Tue)17:33:41 No.2675267
    moot is jewish
    foxes are jewish
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:34:54 No.2675278
    Last time I checked, that's called returning stolen property.

    The true Hypocrits are zionists.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:36:44 No.2675311
    If the Palestinians had any brains at all (unlikely. They are Arab) they would give up. Later, build casinos to reap the Jewgolds.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:37:23 No.2675321
    Al Jazeera
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:38:03 No.2675330
    Why?, I was born in Israel, this house and land are payed for.
    I'm not going to leave.

    So some sandnigger wants me out, good for him.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:38:20 No.2675331
    It's funny since Arab knowledge is the basis of all your modern knowledge.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:38:23 No.2675332
    Someone please heat up the oven...
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:39:25 No.2675354
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    Time for some evil jew zionsim quotes:

    "Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in China, when world attention focused on that country, to carry out mass expulsions among the Arabs of the territories."
    -- Benyamin Netanyahu, then Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister, former Prime Minister of Israel, speaking to students at Bar Ilan University, from the Israeli journal Hotam, November 24, 1989.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:40:20 No.2675372
    Well, I can't say I feel sorry for you when their rage builds and they come into the house that is paid for and take it back over your rotting corpse.

    The US will eventually abandon Israel.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:40:40 No.2675377
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    "Everybody has to move, run and grab as many (Palestinian) hilltops as they can to enlarge the (Jewish) settlements because everything we take now will stay ours...Everything we don't grab will go to them."
    -- Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of the Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, Nov. 15, 1998.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:41:05 No.2675384

    They did some astronomy and low level math. Then promptly forgot it all.

    brb Renaissance going on in Europe.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:42:02 No.2675396
    Yeah, if anyone had any brains they would just let their entire family be killed. I mean, that makes sense.

    Fucking pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:42:10 No.2675401
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    "Israel exists as the fulfillment of a promise made by God Himself. It would be ridiculous to ask it to account for its legitimacy."
    -- Golda Meir, Le Monde, 15 October 1971
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:43:23 No.2675413
    except all the missiles mexico has are shitty qassam missiles which are built on garages and has the range and power of a peashooter.

    >> Zoltan 01/06/09(Tue)17:43:43 No.2675421
    And then what?
    Israel still has nukes


    Jews take land = stealing.
    Muslims take land = returning it to owner

    Fucked up logic you have there buddy
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:44:27 No.2675432
    Um... are you serious? I suggest you take a look at the Abbasid Caliphate and Islamic Science and Literature. Without the documents the Arab world provided there would be no Renaissance Europe.

    They didn't forget it all either, they unfortunately were the victims of the Unstoppable Mongol horde which destroyed much Arab knowledge and power and led to the Arabic dark ages.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:44:32 No.2675435


    American news corporations are almost entirely funded and dictated by the government, the single greatest supporter and funder of Israel in a political and military capacity.

    But you're right, the American government would DEFINITELY do one thing and then condemn it with their own news networks, wouldn't they?

    Just in case you didn't get it (and there seems to be a substantial chance because you come across as a complete fucking binlid): I'm being facetious.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:44:38 No.2675438
    >The US will eventually abandon Israel.

    Unlikely. Also, at this point Israel is no longer a fledgling nation that is utterly reliant on U.S. funding. It'll do fine, especially against it's under equipped and untrained opposition.

    That, and no one in the world knows better how to deal with an insurgency than Israel.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:44:50 No.2675440
    Lol, it's true. That's why you sandniggers can never win, God hates you, and love us(jews).
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:45:21 No.2675446
    who the fuck cares

    this conflict WILL NOT EVER END they both think their land is given to them by GOD HIMSELF. let them fight it out whoever wins, i dont care, i'd much rather have israel win than another fucked up islamic nation.

    sittin pretty in america, fuck you middle east.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:46:11 No.2675453
    >American news corporations are almost entirely funded and dictated by the government
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:46:32 No.2675456
    all [insert race here] are [insert stereotype here] they deserve to be [insert punishment here]
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:47:14 No.2675468

    you can be a butthurt loser and hate arabs or penguins or whatever, but please don't make retarded statements such as these exposing your ignorance.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:47:19 No.2675470
    European Jews taking Muslim lands by force and immigration=Stealing
    Palestinians suffering years of exile and abuse by Israel recieving land: Returning to rightful owners.

    Get the fuck out you filthy Zionist, there are enough jews in the world that would protest your statements.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:47:26 No.2675475
    Lol, let them try.
    If having rage would've meant something half of 4chan would be controlling the Earth, other half being Muslims.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:48:31 No.2675487
    This is the kind of retarded sentiments the American media is trying to brew - and it seems like it works among the retarded and the epically ignorant!
    >> Sanchez !IS3gM5D.kI 01/06/09(Tue)17:48:55 No.2675493
    God bless those Jews. They are doing some serious good to this world! Yay Jews!
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:49:23 No.2675500
    Yeah, the last few centuries have been a complete exhibit for love of the Jews, look at how G-d rewarded them with the shoah for example...
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:49:32 No.2675503
    >That, and no one in the world knows better how to deal with an insurgency than Israel.

    Are you fucking serious? Are you a fucking idiot? If Israel could deal with insurgency why has there been an insurgency in Israel since the 1950's? God some things that Americans say...
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:50:01 No.2675508
    Oh yes, it totally was the Mongols and not, I don't know, the spread of Islam that did it.

    Say, what system of measure does modern science use?
    >> Zoltan 01/06/09(Tue)17:50:50 No.2675517
    What about Muslims getting 2 US approved states in Europe?

    PROTIP: Jews were in that area before Palestinians if you want to look up the original owners
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:52:49 No.2675541
    yeeah... two thousand years before? or has it been more?

    US should return all the land to amerindians by that retard-grade logic.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:53:17 No.2675548
    Original owners were the Caananites, who the Jews committed Genocide against in order to steal the land... sounds eerily fucking familiar doesn't it?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:54:49 No.2675563
    I know you have proved your ignorance and potential retardation before, but you must realize that this time it doesn't even manage to follow a fallacious Aristotelean logic chain. Seriously, you can still be an ignorant retard screaming EEVIL MUSLIMS!! KILL KILL!!! Without refusing reality and history, why so butthurt?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:56:25 No.2675579
    I have a friend from Canada who lived in Israel for a few years. After what he experienced, he said that he hopes they wipe out every Arab.

    You Aspergus fucks sit in your air conditioned basements, not knowing or having experienced anything of the real world. You have no claim to an opinion.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:56:37 No.2675583
    Do you even know when the peak of the Abbasid dynasty took place? The spread of Islam actually was the best thing that happened to the world. Did you know if it wasn't for Islam and the unifying force behind it, there would have been almost no trade to Europe, no Intellectual bonuses that went with it...

    Wow, you are a fucking epic idiot. You should learn more about history than spouting ignorant statements.

    I'm going to whip this out for example, if it wasn't for spices that went to Europe because of Muslim trade, the West would never know the rich spices of the East, therefore they would have never searched for a shorter route to the spice Islands and therefore wouldn't have a need for Columbus to find America.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:57:08 No.2675594
    I'm not the one furiously mashing at the keyboard. Oh, and try to remember than there are more than just one person besides yourself on this board.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:57:59 No.2675604
    Practical world view:
    If we started looking back on who was the original owner of anything we'd have to give Earth back to monkeys and apes.

    Wars win people land, Israel has proved it's stronger, therefore it holds the land.
    I'm sorry kids, this is the way the world works.

    U.S. should drop any support to any fucking country AND the U.N. and deal with its own issues, let the world crash and burn for all I care.

    This new politically correct world where we try to compromise everything is fucking retarded.

    Israelis and Palestinians will NEVER reach peace.
    Palestinians want Israelis dead, and vis versa.
    Let them battle it out.
    >> Sanchez !IS3gM5D.kI 01/06/09(Tue)17:58:46 No.2675612
    Watched the video.. Was I supposed to be impressed with something?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:59:13 No.2675614
    Who here thinks the stereotype of a paranoid man thinking the Jews are to blame for everthing is funny?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:59:24 No.2675618
    Unfortunately, reflecting your butthurt sentiments does not at all redeem your epic ignorance. You'll have to cry more, retarded loser.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)17:59:36 No.2675621
    Oh wow.

    The spice trade was to India. Not to dumbfuckistan. The only thing the middle east had that western nations wanted, was poppy.

    Samefag, I want to see your history textbooks. They must be hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:00:15 No.2675630
    Now, Islam, like any other religion, is epic AIDS

    But, its spread did spark the discovery of the new world (since the Turks held all the "classical" trade routes), and the renaissance etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:02:57 No.2675658
    I lived in Egypt. Helped give alms to victims.
    You're dismissive without offering anything except empirical evidence from your friend. And it's "Aspergers".
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:02:59 No.2675660
    What have the Muslims ever done for us?

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:03:16 No.2675663

    This one times 100000. Absolutely correct.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:03:49 No.2675666
    dumb fucking interfering bitch. no wonder they're so reluctant to let the press and NGOs in. i sincerely wish they'd shot her.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:04:20 No.2675671
    What about Muslims states in Europe? You chose to ignore that so you could spam your idiocy
    Got them through illegal immigration, terrorist action and western backing too

    If you want Jews out of Israel, then Muslims in Europe need to GTFO

    If you think the Palestinians lost something, then let them retake it by force. Oh they tried that and lost. Too bad.

    Like I care about Jews... lol
    All i know is Jews existed before the Muslims, so Muslims cannot claim Palestine based on "who was there first"


    As you can see, Palestinians should GTFO of west bank
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:06:07 No.2675690
    Not samefag, two seperate authors.

    How the spice trade reached Europe was either through Persia, by way of Silk Road, or through India which then went through ARABIA OR EGYPT!

    Did you know who controlled India... I'm going to lay down this fact for you. Mughal Empire, ever hear of it? You know who ruled it. Muslims.

    For your ignorant mind, if you want at least dubious claims in your mind, wikipedos wrote this: The Indian commercial connection with South East Asia proved vital to the merchants of Arabia and Persia during the seventh century and the eighth century.[13] The Abbasids used Alexandria, Damietta, Aden and Siraf as entry ports to India and China.[16] Merchants arriving from India in the port city of Aden paid tribute in form of musk, camphor, ambergris and sandalwood to Ibn Ziyad, the sultan of Yemen.[16]

    Moluccan products shipped across the ports of Arabia to the Near East passed through the ports of India and Sri Lanka.[17] After reaching either the Indian or the Sri Lankan ports were sometimes shipped to East Africa, where they would be used for many purposes, including burial rites.[17]

    Indian spice exports find mention in the works of Ibn Khurdadhbeh (850), al-Ghafiqi (1150), Ishak bin Imaran (907) and Al Kalkashandi (fourteenth century).[17] Chinese traveler Hsuan Tsang mentions the town of Puri where "merchants depart for distant countries."[18]
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:06:22 No.2675694
    This comment
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:06:41 No.2675699

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:08:44 No.2675728
    Muslim kills children everyday. Israel is trying to free Palestinians of the tyrannical hamas those soldiers are heroes.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:08:49 No.2675729

    >> Sanchez !IS3gM5D.kI 01/06/09(Tue)18:09:04 No.2675737
    Sure is samefag in here, guys. Guys.. samefag..
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:10:30 No.2675753
    So, what's it like living in the 19th century?
    >> Zoltan 01/06/09(Tue)18:11:08 No.2675760

    And if we are lucky, also 21st
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:11:28 No.2675767
    Bunch of retarded angsty Muslim teenagers throwing rocks at soldiers and the soldiers want to shoot back sounds fine to me.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:12:06 No.2675776
    Fuck your Hungarian Jew ass Zoltan.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:12:08 No.2675777
    I know this kind of retarded delusions are fed to you via media, but you'll be in a surprise if you check how many peple "MOOZLIMS" killed, and how many Israelis.

    Yes, it's fucking retarded to refer to Palestinians as Muslims, but that way I guess the media can channel your rage towards all TER'RISTS to support Israel.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:12:42 No.2675782

    I disagree because alot of Palestinians don't want Isralies dead and just want peace, and vice versa.


    As for you, you are the greatest example of why nobody should ever consign themselves to arguing over the internet, you massive massive wanker.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:12:56 No.2675784
    this is lolworthy when viewed in the context of your previous comments.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:14:17 No.2675797
    Yeah because you could then go to India and China surpassing the middle east by MAAAGIIIC!!!

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:15:02 No.2675803

    Palestinians ARE Muslim though.

    Muslim = believer
    Islams, specifically.

    And please, learn to filter out the obvious troll posts, which that one clearly is.

    That said, fuck off you tinfoil hat wearing dunecoon loving waste of flesh.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:15:51 No.2675812
    Not magic, ships.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:16:10 No.2675815
    being described as the definition of freedom, is pathetic 50 years ahead everybody leaves their pathetic
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:16:13 No.2675816
    I tried to count the logical fallacies and factual errors in your retarded reasoning, but it's nigh impossible.
    >> Zoltan 01/06/09(Tue)18:17:19 No.2675830
    I actually hate Jews

    Nice comment though

    The butthurt is audible
    Unless you have something intelligent to add, gtfo of this thread

    Hes right, Muslims have been starting shit for a long time in Europe, you cant condemn the Jews while ignoring the Muslims
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:17:59 No.2675839
    Yeah, from now on we can refer to Italians as simply Christians, because they are so - OH GOD I DIDN'T GET THE INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS POINT LAID OUT BEFORE ME DID I?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:18:35 No.2675848
    wow, you're really fucking dumb
    ever heard of the silk road?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:18:42 No.2675851



    Palestinian nationalism,
    Sunni Islamism,
    Religious nationalism


    Palestine is run by an Islamic state.

    Just because the gun you've been shooting at me hasn't actually hit me I'm still going to attempt to disarm you and if harm comes to you in that process it is your own fault.

    Dismantle Hamas and put in a competent government and your country won't be raped.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:19:27 No.2675857
    So why are you silent

    Did the Albanians not colonize kosovo and take it from the Serbians, by US mandate?
    Did the Muslims not colonies Bosnia and take it from Serbs by US mandate?

    Those were rhetorical
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:20:00 No.2675861
    They weren't bipassed by ships because the Horn of Africa was one of the hardest areas to sail... When Muslims began to cut of trade to Europe the reason for sailing West was to avoid Africa. Again, you're just plain wrong about the spice trade. Learn2history.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:20:01 No.2675862
    This is gold. I like you, sir.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:20:29 No.2675867
    Here is a clinically retarded loser that thinks 15th century trade with the east was conducted exclusively via naval means.

    No. The silk road. Turks took Constantinople, taxed too much - so that even going around the world to reach India would be better - and going around Africa wasn't obviously swimming in profits - they ran into America.

    The more you know, the less you expose your ignorance and humiliate yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:22:15 No.2675879
    Because there was no Palestine before Hamas, and Hamas always ran Palestine, and in fact is the government of all Palestinians OH WAIIIIIIIIIIIIIT

    Stop trying to defend fallacious usages and stop crying, retard.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:22:16 No.2675880
    >Dismantle Hamas and put in a competent government and your country won't be raped.

    1. Only US can do that
    2. The new government will eventually be overthrown by islamic militants

    3. Palestinians dont want hamas gone (inb4fatah)
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:23:22 No.2675893
    Yeah, I've no posted in any of these threads yet, but just though I'd say I'm in the "fuck both of them" camp.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:24:01 No.2675898
    it's funny because if it wasn't for US, Hamas wouldn't be there.

    They screamed "DEMOCRATIC ELECTIONS WILL SOLVE EVERYTHING" - and guess what the palestinians raped by israelis chose? The neutered, uncharismatic Mahmoud Abbas, or the guys fighting back?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:24:03 No.2675900
    Fatah was a corrupt political group which deserved to be replaced.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:24:49 No.2675910
         File :1231284289.jpg-(79 KB, 533x800, typical israeli.jpg)
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    Even if we get rid of Hamas, we still have Israel. The same country who is deliberately targeting women and children.

    >57% of those killed by Israel in 2009 were children; 428 dead since strikes began
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:24:52 No.2675911
    The slope, it is so slippery.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:25:37 No.2675916

    Me calling you a wanker was my first post in this thread. You have re established that fact by assuming all sorts about me. Have fun hating people you'll never meet.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:26:14 No.2675927
    Because Israel didn't kill Palestinians when Hamas didn't run the place, right? OH WAIIIIITT

    They just have a different excuse now.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:26:44 No.2675934
    Tell the cowardly fighters to stop hiding behind them, or in schools.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:26:56 No.2675938
    Ownage by facts seems to have caused a bleeding anus, make sure you get that checked out.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:28:12 No.2675948
    Yeah, because the UN school Israel bombed today, killing at least 40, was actually a Hamas hideou-OH WAIT IT WASN'T
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:29:36 No.2675965
    it's funny because while I defend the right of Israel to defend itself in an actual debate with intelligent people, the incredulously ignorant people here who know nothing but the shit media feeds them, makes me defend hamas
    >> TheRightousMan !vyaRPG2MO6 01/06/09(Tue)18:29:50 No.2675969
    So far as I see it the first half of this thread was retarded trolls and pro-zionists doing some masturbation.

    Currently the Zionists and trolls are overwhelmed by history and logic and are losing ground to those who desire peace for the Palestinians and Rightous Jews.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:31:22 No.2675981
    You can never be too careful.

    Besides, who cares about sandnigger children? They're just going to grow up to be insurgents. The risk of accidentally wasting the future creator of a cure for Cancer is monumentally low.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:31:39 No.2675987
    Spoiler: the country with the most suicide bombings is Sri Lanka, and they aren't even Muslim

    Enjoy your ignorance.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:31:50 No.2675990
    Just after the 10th day of fighting there have been:

    500 deaths
    2,500 injured

    Women & Children make up:
    25% of the deaths
    45% of the injured

    It just keeps going up and up and up.:
    >> TheRightousMan !vyaRPG2MO6 01/06/09(Tue)18:33:06 No.2676001
    Obvious troll is trying too hard, go back to /b/ and learn who bloodninja is.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:33:08 No.2676003

    Israel is shooting children, even little girls who are fleeing for their lives. They got caught doing it:

    >The soldier in the watchtower radioed his colleagues after he saw Iman: "It's a little girl. She's running defensively eastward."

    >Operations room: "Are we talking about a girl under the age of 10?"

    >Watchtower: "A girl of about 10, she's behind the embankment, scared to death."

    >A few minutes later, Iman is shot in the leg from one of the army posts.

    >The watchtower: "I think that one of the positions took her out."

    >The company commander then moves in as Iman lies wounded and helpless.

    >Captain R: "I and another soldier ... are going in a little nearer, forward, to confirm the kill ... Receive a situation report. We fired and killed her ... I also confirmed the kill. Over."

    >Witnesses described how the captain shot Iman twice in the head, walked away, turned back and fired a stream of bullets into her body. Doctors at Rafah's hospital said she had been shot at least 17 times.

    >On the tape, the company commander then "clarifies" why he killed Iman: "This is commander. Anything that's mobile, that moves in the zone, even if it's a three-year-old, needs to be killed. Over."

    >The army's original account of the killing said that the soldiers only identified Iman as a child after she was first shot. But the tape shows that they were aware just how young the small, slight girl was before any shots were fired.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:35:02 No.2676032

    Non radical Muslim civilians must die if it means the destruction of Hamas.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:36:05 No.2676047
    Not trolling. I honestly do not care one bit for the lives of those "people".
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:37:02 No.2676056
    Anything else like this that isn't shown by the Western media?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:37:29 No.2676063
    Shit son, everybody and his mother knows who bloodninja was.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:37:42 No.2676065

    Shooting kids is never a big deal. Well, it's a medium deal in the Occupied Territories, I think the guy was court-martialed or something.


    >'It's a little girl. She's running defensively eastward'
    Operations room
    >'Are we talking about a girl under the age of 10?'
    >'A girl of about 10, she's behind the embankment, scared to death'
    >Captain R (after killing the girl)
    >'Anything moving in the zone, even a three-year-old, needs to be killed'
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:37:59 No.2676069

    >The Guardian, Wednesday 16 November 2005


    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:38:17 No.2676074
    this is war, of course people are going to die.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:38:30 No.2676076
    One less in the world. Good.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:39:23 No.2676087

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:39:47 No.2676089
    well i am of the opinion that no one deserves the bloody place. but for a realistic solution i would force isreal to retreat to 1967 borders and give up jerusulem to UN control. thats the only way its going to work.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:40:27 No.2676097
    Was that faked like the media faked Muhammad al-Durrah?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:40:54 No.2676102
    >Greek kid throws rocks, gets shot, robots rage
    >Palestinian kids throw rocks, get shot at, robots come to soldiers' defense.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:42:50 No.2676119
    If you can't defend your country, you don't deserve to have it. Simple as that.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:43:23 No.2676123
    >brutal genocide in Darfur, Robots silent
    >> TheRightousMan !vyaRPG2MO6 01/06/09(Tue)18:43:24 No.2676124
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:44:13 No.2676133

    no, not 'simple as that'

    you are simple, not the issue
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:45:05 No.2676145
    Waste of time propaganda bullshit.

    Professional soldiers get rocks thrown at them and respond with rubber bullets and tear gas, liberal retards on the internet bawwww.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:45:07 No.2676147

    The Greek students fight a tyranny.

    The Palestinians fight peace.
    >> Black&White !J1uF5XYTIE 01/06/09(Tue)18:45:20 No.2676151
    The UN isn't doing shit to stop Israel.

    Rather than tell Israel to stop the inhumane acts of killing children, and cutting off food an supplies to the majority of the country, they ask for them to stop firing for a few days so they can help then leave.

    It's sad and pathetic becuase they are the ones that are suppose to be securing rights.
    >> TheRightousMan !vyaRPG2MO6 01/06/09(Tue)18:45:20 No.2676152
    I hear this argument again and again and I will cum buckets when America loses to China and Amerifags get butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:45:52 No.2676164
    History has consistently shown that might makes right.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:46:00 No.2676166
    oh wow you really are an idiot. you saying if we stopped upgrading our army that gives the chinese the right to come into your hosue and kill you?
    i care its just no one has any idea because the media doesnt report it
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:46:37 No.2676175
    well duh, we like Greeks and we hate Palestinians. I don't get what you're trying to point out.
    >> TheRightousMan !vyaRPG2MO6 01/06/09(Tue)18:47:03 No.2676180
    >The greek student fights "the man."

    >The Palestinian fights for his murdered family, his lost home and his violated human rights.

    I believe I just fixed that for you.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:47:21 No.2676184
    They're not going to let you cum buckets, that unchecked ejaculate could endanger the one-child policy
    >> TheRightousMan !vyaRPG2MO6 01/06/09(Tue)18:48:34 No.2676197
    So Nazi Germany was legitimate in its might up until it started losing WWII? I seriously hope you are shitting me if you believe that in the modern world, might makes right. Not even realists anymore believe might makes right.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:49:28 No.2676212
    i never said they were im just saying they should. of course we should give isreal a month to start the fall back to the old borders or we bomb their airfields. but hey the world doesnt work like it should.

    being an idealist can be depressing sometimes
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:50:13 No.2676221
    Tripfag, I believe I can almost smell the stench of your ridiculous sense of morality.

    Go find me a molecule of "right".
    >> TheRightousMan !vyaRPG2MO6 01/06/09(Tue)18:50:52 No.2676228
    Israel has a history of killing anyone who gets in their way, the UN, US soldiers, Arabs, Israelis...

    The UN is almost powerless because the Israelis would kill their soldiers and claim "Mechanical error"
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:50:55 No.2676231
    I think what this thread (Hell, every Israel thread) boils down to is who is the 'good guy'? Who is the most morally justified? Who are you rooting for?

    So I'll just cut to the chase: I'm siding with Palestine.

    Israel has possesses the following advantages:

    1. A modern, information-based economy;
    2. The second most powerful land army in the world;
    3. A bizarre, nonsensical friendship with the US that includes the tremendously useful get-out-of-jail-free card, the permanent veto in the Security Council
    4. 100-300 nukes.
    5. A very impressive k/d ratio against both militants and civilians.

    I can't really fathom why you support Israel unless you specifically hate Muslims or you're one of those kinds of people who think the strong should rule the weak. Besides, Israel kind of has no choice but to implement the two-state solution.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:52:17 No.2676241
    the only right is might. Palestinians can have whatever they can manage to hold, no more, no less.

    If you're Palestine, maybe you should think twice before antagonizing Israel, regardless of what might or might not be just.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:53:13 No.2676250
    what a primitive, unfair world you live in
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:53:21 No.2676253
    underdog =!= the good guy
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:53:53 No.2676263

    The Palestinian does not want peace he wants the destruction of non Muslims. The loss of his family was required for the greater safety of the world.

    This isn't hard.

    Radical Muslims want DESTRUCTION listen to me in the Koran it says to murder all infidels.

    Not all Palestinians are Muslim or even radical Muslims.

    Hamas however is extremely radical and needs to be removed.

    If you throw rocks at Israeli soldiers expect to die and with good reason.
    >> TheRightousMan !vyaRPG2MO6 01/06/09(Tue)18:54:39 No.2676270
    So in theory, then, I am going to say this, it is right for the police to enter your house. Take your property and put you in jail because the police have the monopoly on power?

    Do you kind of see where the logic that might makes right fail?

    Your neighbor can take your house right the fuck now, rape you in the ass as long as he holds more power?

    You do know society stopped with the whole might makes right thing long ago...
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:54:57 No.2676273
    yes but they could have used special forces. not airstrikes on schools
    >> Zoltan 01/06/09(Tue)18:55:50 No.2676283
    >TheRightousMan !vyaRPG2MO6

    I hate righteous indignation

    Ignore mode ON
    >> TheRightousMan !vyaRPG2MO6 01/06/09(Tue)18:56:03 No.2676286
    Also then, the First Gulf War was a war of US aggression against Iraq which was entitled to take Kuwait since might makes right... fucking idiots trying to legitimize Israeli war.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:56:41 No.2676295
    It's shocking to see young people with such a brutal imbecile mentally. Seems that Capitalism Ideology works amazingly well, after all.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:56:44 No.2676297

    Same goes for the overdog
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:56:58 No.2676300

    Rationale for that last statement

    One-state solution: Jews become a minority in their own country. Intolerable, even if democratic. BAD END

    'Expulsion'/ethnic cleansing: The Middle East is forced to respond militarily by popular outrage. Europe may step in. USA refuses to use permanent veto because Israel has gone too far. Israel fends off invasion by threatening to nuke all opponents. Israel is now a rogue state, and will now be cut off from the rest of the world for at least 50 years. BAD END

    Two-state solution: Everyone's happy! Except extremists, and of course terrorist attacks continue both ways. It will take a lot of work, and piss off a lot of people, but in the super-long term Israel finally gets the Middle East off it's back as enemies. In fact, some regimes that only stay alive through by opposing Israel may collapse. OK-ISH END
    >> TheRightousMan !vyaRPG2MO6 01/06/09(Tue)18:57:08 No.2676303
    Over 90% of all palestinians are not Radical muslims.

    Your logic is pretty fucking fail there buddy.

    You have no idea what Islam preaches.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:58:23 No.2676313
    96% of statistics posted on the internet are indisputable fact. Wiki told me so.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:58:26 No.2676314
    Neither Israel nor Palestine is in the right, what the fuck is wrong with you people
    What we need to do is set up immigration for sane people to sane countries, then let the dumbasses nuke each other into the ground over whose 3000-year-old book is better.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:59:41 No.2676332

    That's why 'good guy' was in quotes. I root for Palestine because I usually root for the underdog. I believe Israel is the only one with the power to end things. But Kadima gets votes for war, so it looks like nothing's going to change soon.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)18:59:52 No.2676335

    It didn't stop, brah. It just got more "civilized".

    Now you can be killing people on the other side of the world without having to worry about it... because you're just living, right? Putting others into poverty wasn't your intention, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)19:00:51 No.2676346

    I support Israel because Palestine fired missiles into Israel and when told to stop or they will be crushed they kept doing it.

    Anyone who supports Palestine is either ignorant or is antisemitic.

    Israel is a nation that wants peace and you know it.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)19:00:53 No.2676347
    You don't quite grasp the concept, you slippery-slope talking simpleton.

    Kuwait had a rather strong ally. Saddam was stupid for forgetting about that.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)19:01:57 No.2676364
    What a primitive, perfectly fair world I live in.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)19:02:06 No.2676368

    90% yet they have an Islamic extremist head of state?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)19:02:51 No.2676381
    you having a go at me or the nutcase who think might makes right? I sometiems find it hard to believe people actually believe stuff like that
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)23:52:12 No.2676467
    i've met a lot of jews like you who seem to have this memory disorder where they can't remember things that happened over five years ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:03:22 No.2676598




    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:17:09 No.2676769
    It's obvious that there is one Muslim in here that is trying to act like he's a whole gang of people but that's besides the point.

    The whole conflict is just stupid when you think about it. It's just the name of the fucking country. If people could just live side by side without trying to kill each other then there would be no problem. My neighbors are black but I'm not shooting rockets at their house to get them out of my neighborhood.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)00:36:17 No.2677071
    What if those black neighbours decided to break in and start fucking with your stuff? What if they kicked you out and started living in your home?

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