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  • File :1231263205.jpg-(70 KB, 400x328, potw_mormons1.jpg)
    70 KB Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:33:25 No.2672406  
    What are you supposed to do when you're having a debate with religious people and suddenly all they start saying (or all they ever say is), "Wow dude, you're so cool! You're so funny! Man, you're the greatest! That's hilarious, you should be a comedian! Man, you are such a cool dude!"

    I'm in a situation where I can't get away from them (real life stuff) and if I don't say anything they preach to vulnerable (those who lack any critical thinking skills) people non-stop.

    If I can't get to them using logic (symbolic, informal, fuzzy, any of it) or emotion (appeals and such) how do I get through to them? Or, at least make them shut the hell up instead of telling me how cool a dude I am.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:34:56 No.2672418
    I suggest instead of trying to "debate" them or whatever, you just tell them to shut the fuck up and leave you alone.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:36:11 No.2672430
    He's right. I tried to debate my way out of plenty religious debates but at some point people will just get ridiculous and attack you instead of your argument.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:37:02 No.2672441
    You can't get through to them. Their meme is so well developed that it can withstand logic and reason.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:37:55 No.2672445
    Say, "SORRY I AM NOT SUPERSITIOUS" and close the door.

    Or just close the door. What's the problem?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:38:05 No.2672447
    He's trying to prevent them from converting others, though (I think...)

    Tell them something along the lines that sarcasm is a poor excuse for an argument and is a god existed he would be ashamed of their inability to defend their beliefs.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:38:41 No.2672451
    Religion is the meme called "I am right, you are wrong".
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:39:56 No.2672461
    We help out at a youth center that only has two rec rooms. I teach math and he teaches arts and crafts. We let students freely move between both because we usually teach them related material... fractals, perspective, and so on.

    If I don't say anything he will talk about how Jesus is lord and how science is bad for teaching "evilution". These are inner city kids who want to learn (which is why they go there), but most didn't really get a chance to learn critical thinking skills.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:40:52 No.2672471
    I like your idea
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:42:06 No.2672478
    Pay some ghetto nigga to "accidently" shoot him
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:43:19 No.2672486
    Just keep circling around with the same arguments over and over again.

    If you're keeping them from harming others, then it's worth standing their ad hominem.
    "Ad hominem is a well documented logical fallacy"
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:43:35 No.2672488
    Atheism is the meme called "I am right, you are wrong".
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:44:17 No.2672493
    Cops will do that
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:44:34 No.2672495
    Just ignore him. Or is he stuffing that shit down the kid's throats too?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:46:04 No.2672507
    >at least make them shut the hell up

    tell them you're a jew, nobody likes them. or muslim.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:46:35 No.2672513
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    Wow man, you're such a cool dude, have you tried reading this yet?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:47:14 No.2672516
    I'll try that.

    I've already explained several fallacies to him... that's usually when he starts calling me funny and cool.

    Here's what I've explained so far: Straw man, authority, circular reasoning, appeal to masses/popularity, personal attacks, and my personal favorite... ambiguity.

    I've even had the KIDS explain to him why each of those don't make you right.

    He's usually talking to the kids.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:48:01 No.2672523

    I can't tell you how many times I have literally smacked that fucking magazine out of the hands of one of those damned missionaries.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:48:27 No.2672528
    Atheism is the idea that we should wait for scientifically irrefutable proof in something before believing in it.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:52:03 No.2672555
    For some reason I'm really nice to Jahova's Witnesses, i'm also nice to Door to Door Salesmen and people trying to sell you things on the street; They have pretty shit jobs, people turning them down ALL the time, it's quite nice to see the smiles on their faces when you treat them like real human beings.

    Unless they call on me before 9am, then i'll just be a bit grouchy, but still polite.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:52:40 No.2672561
    Science is proven wrong all the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:53:47 No.2672565
    'You see, kids, if God really existed he wouldn't have been murdered by that drug dealer.'

    Newbish inflammatory post, try harder next time.

    >Atheism is the meme called "According to the available evidence, I consider myself justified in my position of not believing in a God of any kind".

    I fixed that for you, free of charge.

    This is the good kind of Atheism, mind, not the Richard Dawkins kind.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:54:36 No.2672568
    Wow, we actually have a gentleman on /r9k/, who'd have thunk it.
    Don't be stupid if you don't want /r9k/ to be stupid, so stop with this stupid trolling.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:54:51 No.2672569
    That's the, uh, point of science.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:54:52 No.2672570
    I've toyed with the idea of counter-converting.

    I want to tell them that I'll convert and be the best missionary they ever had IF AND ONLY IF the two missionaries that convert me begin preaching the virtues of the White race to everyone they see alongside their religion.

    If I can get them to plug the master race while they preach about their religion, then I'll do anything.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:55:12 No.2672574
    You admit you are wrong. Why is that so difficult? You don't think you are omnipotent just because you claim all your opinions are based on science do you?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:55:22 No.2672576
    Here's a conversation we had the other day:

    Tom: "Wow Imani, this picture is great! Everyone loves it so you're the most talented painter here!"

    Imani: "Thank you so much! I think Michelle's painting is better though."

    Tom: "It doesn't matter, yours is the most popular so that makes you a better painter anyway."

    Imani: "Okay..."

    Me: "Being the most popular, liked, or famous doesn't make something the best. You do know that, right?"

    Tom: "You can't be the best unless everyone likes you the most."

    Marquis: "Yes you can. We learned this in school. Everyone thought the world was flat, but it wasn't."

    Tom: "Well that was a mistake."

    Me: "God damnit... anyone else want to give him an example?"

    Imani: "Everybody used to think slavery was okay, but that doesn't make it right.

    Tom: "That was another mistake."

    And the conversation went on like that for another 10 minutes.

    (Sorry, someone called me)
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:57:41 No.2672593
    The point of science isn't to be wrong all the time. The point of science is to learn things about nature as accurately as we can.

    It allows for corrections. That's one of the great things about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:57:58 No.2672595
    >"Wow dude, you're so cool! You're so funny! Man, you're the greatest! That's hilarious, you should be a comedian! Man, you are such a cool dude!"

    Are they being sarcastic or are they trying to be nice for whatever reason?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:58:00 No.2672596
    Reminds me of the interegation process in 1984.

    'If everyone believes I am hovering, then I am' etc.

    It's these idiots that think belief is somehow real that are fucking this world up.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:58:14 No.2672599
    rape them, and their family, and their dogs, and go through their entire family tree just raping everything.

    if that doens't work, let god sort them out, i do condone that method as well.

    or just tell them about your sexual background and really beef it up, they will never enjoy 3somes with lesbians. WE WILL NIGGARS!
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:58:17 No.2672600
    Just say hell would be a cooler place to live. Eternal bliss is its own hell, at least Satan is hosting all the dead rock stars.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:59:37 No.2672608
    They're not really sarcastic. They do that whole, "If you push me down I'll tell you how great your push was and how strong you are" things.

    They pretend to be happy even when you can see they're about ready to cry.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:00:05 No.2672610
    Yeah, well
    >they will never enjoy 3somes with lesbians
    Neither will you.
    Hell, why wouldn't evil take care of it's own?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:01:08 No.2672617
    In that case, just barrage him and his faith with insults. You really need to make an impact.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:01:23 No.2672620

    I forgot to add...

    And that is the problem. I want to know how to get around that. I want to know how to force them to either continue debating, force them give up and say that they don't know what they're talking about, or whatever.

    If they're right, I learn something new. If they're wrong or can't back up their beliefs or anything like that then I want them to admit that.
    >> FTR 01/06/09(Tue)13:03:00 No.2672630

    No, atheism is the belief there is no God, no more no less. Anything else, like thinking the scientific method is the best for gathering knowledge not atheism, nor is it implied by atheism. And Atheist could conceivably think that the scientific method is bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:08:09 No.2672670
    >atheism is the belief

    No it's not, it's not having the 'belief' in the first place and just living in the real world, y'know, science, the study of nature and y'know, the real fucking world.

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:09:52 No.2672683
    aaah, religious fags vs atheist fags, once again, pointless, useless, 16 years old trash
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:09:56 No.2672686
    you're arguing semantics
    >> Acers and Chasers !GzIuYcsk4Y 01/06/09(Tue)13:11:18 No.2672693
    Why bother? Just ignore them, their minds are already to ingrained with their beliefs, it's not like one guy is going to change their minds. Hell, God himself probably couldn't change their minds.

    Also, if they do that it's probably a good indication that they sense pretentiousness in your tone. If you insist on arguing with religious nutcases then you should probably try to approach it more lightly.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:11:48 No.2672698
    theists are the ones who argue semantics; they'll just say that "oh hey atheism is a belief too, it's just as far fetched as the THEORY of evolution which is bs etc etc"
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:12:13 No.2672704
    Sometimes people are just too far gone, maybe there's nothing you can do.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:12:19 No.2672706
    Belief is defined as any cognitive content held as true.

    Science leads to beliefs.
    "Hey guys, let's let go of a pencil in mid air a million times and see what happens! Odd, there is a strange force that keeps attracting it towards the Earth. Let's call it gravity!"

    Math leads to beliefs.
    "Hmm... I've deduced that a^2 + b^2 = c^3!"

    Both of those are beliefs.

    Atheism is the lack of belief in god(s), right? If you don't believe x, you believe that x is not true.

    People, quit thinking that beliefs are bad. They are not.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:12:54 No.2672713
    you still believe in non-belief

    Let it begin... LET IT BEGIN

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:14:33 No.2672729
    stop raging for a minute and be rational.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:14:35 No.2672730
    I grew up in an orphanage and saw the nuns with that same attitude. I've seen it happen with other people too, even in regular discussions. Even South Park capitalized on the attitude in that Mormon episode.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:14:39 No.2672731
    It's not just symantics, saying that 'atheism is a belief' is just some whacked out fucking bullshit religious people argue to make us seem like we're following their line of stupidity.

    I only /believe/ in the damn obvious, like what actually has evidence, or what didn't come out of the asshole from some spaced out Jew fantasizing over his mother.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:15:32 No.2672742

    this guy is above the rest of us, let's tell him how cool we think he is
    >> FTR 01/06/09(Tue)13:15:50 No.2672749

    The weak/strong positions in atheism are silly, just say you don't believe in god in the same way you don't believe in fairies and that should close off most of the "atheism is a faith belief" arguments.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:17:41 No.2672769
    What do you think belief means if not any cognitive content held as true?

    What's silly about them?

    Before we get completely derailed, does anyone have any advice for forcing him into a situation where he has to confront me?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:19:09 No.2672787

    Are you sure they're ready to cry? It sounds like they are being facetious, but maybe they're right and they want to change the subject because they know that argument doesn't go anywhere.

    The only way to really convince religious people is to brainwash them back into reality. Not something you can do in a single conversation.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:19:25 No.2672792
    MAGOO from Xenu.Net got converted by friendship of an anti-Scientology.

    it's what fucks them up, they expect a fight.


    they almost want it.

    you turn them by mind control, hypnotism. this dos not work if you're an "Outsider" int heir mind. you can only destroy them from the INSIDE.

    do not fight with them, be friends with them, invite them in the house, talk with them. here's teh hard part, as a Satanist, i know the bible better then most christians. with that knowledge you can use it to implant doubt, about the "truths" int eh bible, about the morals, or ethics of "killing" peopel for adultry, or burning na animal on sundays. or about anything. WWJD? turn water into wine, get them to drink wine, it's what jesus would do, alcohol is the best mind control drug EVER. it's the best truth syrum.

    but you HAVE to be kind to them. by you fucking up what they expect/want a fight, you throw them off, this is the best attack against the Soldiers of God.

    in any fight, unbalance the enemy. if you can gain any trust, if they ever have any doubt, tehy normally have no one to turn to. I have been there for J Witness that want to leave, My mother has been ther for Mother wanting to divorce in strong christian family.

    They cannot leave on their own, they NEED someone there to help them. Please, do not fight Christians, be the wolf in sheep's clothing.

    Machiavelli says that as well, pretend to be religious, because then you can manipulate them. you go behind their mental defenses you are no longer an "outsider"
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:19:31 No.2672794
    you know you sound exactly like a fundamentalist religious person, right?

    im just playing devils advocate here but to completely dismiss an argument without taking the time to refute it sounds exactly like something a fanatical theist would do.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:21:14 No.2672809
    No, belief is the end of curiosity and thought, belief is 'I will support this claim no matter what'. Basing trust in the real world and your senses is not belief, it is the state we are born in, or that animals still live in, and god fucking damnit, animals don't have the higher thought to believe. 'Not Believing' is not a form of Belief, or some opposite state, it is just a neutral state. Science has evidence that we can actually percieve, so certain things are held as true, we'd actually need belief to think otherwise, because there is no reason to think it is false in the first place.

    I'm fed up of this fucking arguement, why do you fags insist on thinking that we are believing in something rather than just, y'know, following logical thought patterns.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:22:00 No.2672819
    He doesn't want to cry. I've seen people put on the same attitude when they want to cry... sniffing, drops starting to form, and everything.

    Say you're a 300 pound geek who just scored a world class supermodel in front of your hotshot brother and best friends. Imagine them saying "Way to go!"

    That's what he (they) sound like, though not always that extreme.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:23:35 No.2672841
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    just youtube Magoo story about why she converted from Scientology, it was because there was one man that was nice to her.

    you do not fight them, they wanta fight, they expect it, it helps them resolve their faith, freindship they cannot refuse, and they cannot fight. you can only kill form within, and you do not need to be relgious just knowledgeable and friendly with them.

    you say how their cool, how their funny, how they're great. you be as great, you mimic them. mimicing them makes them feel liek you're one of them. they relate and like themselves. you be a part of them.

    be there when they doubt, they will need someone eventually. everyone does, they have doubt and if there is no one else from the outside that's friendly, they turn to no one and just continue on.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:24:32 No.2672854
    I've read the Chinese war books, the prince and king training manuals, and all those other Five Rings books.

    But because of the situation, there isn't anything else I can do. Besides, these kids respond best to direct confrontation... it's just too bad he keeps shying away from that.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:26:10 No.2672867
    atheist do not just believe in what they can see, some things cannot be seen but make sense. god does not. it did over 200 years ago, before we knew about the planet and the stars, and the world around us.

    we have come so far in knowledge we no longer need to call weather "act of god" for a reason.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:26:46 No.2672874
    'well, the big bang is just as crazy as god, right? the idea that there was nothing and then a huge explosion happened and suddenly everything came into existence'
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:26:51 No.2672876

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:27:05 No.2672878
    Get a dictionary. Beliefs can and do change. Why do people think that once you believe something you can never change?

    I am an Atheist. I also bet I can use logic a lot better than you can seeing as I had to take over 32 honor credit hours on it and am writing my graduate paper on it. (I realize the irony in this.)

    If you want to argue in the English language use the proper definitions for words.

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:28:22 No.2672893
    The Big Bang theory isn't 'there was nothing there', the only thing implied is that there was a big motherfucking bang, which we have decent proof of.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:28:33 No.2672896
    The Big Bang is just like evolution.

    The Big Bang theory doesn't state that nothing exploded. That's the opposite of what it says.

    Evolution doesn't deal with the origins of life. That has nothing to do with evolution.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:28:38 No.2672898
    I'm hoping that the 's mean you're quoting someone stupid and not being stupid yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:30:02 No.2672919

    Redshift gives us evidence for the big bang.
    >> FTR 01/06/09(Tue)13:30:59 No.2672925
    Nothing's silly about the position of atheism, but distinguishing between weak/strong atheism is.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:31:12 No.2672928
    Newfags are new. It seems like people forgot all those religion vs. science motivational posters we had. The last part of that post is almost a word for word rip of one of them...
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:31:34 No.2672931
    That's what you said. I still don't understand why.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:34:05 No.2672957
    the only thing you can do, is just get their msn, or aol, whatever, have a line of communications, and stay friends. if you fucked it up by fighting with them, then it's almost gone. but all is not lost, you will find in the future other relgious people, just listen to them and agree.

    i am glad you have studied the sun tzu and the prince, they are good starts, check up on some mind control books, a lot of them basically explain region and their use of mind control, and as well police too.

    there's talse of police conving relgious people int ihnking they wer esatanist that raped and killed, even though they did not. that's how fucked upy ou can get these people if you can get in their heads. they are easy to control people, that's how they been raised and trained, and why they are STILL religious.

    you and me are not that stupid, they are. if you can get within their trust, start with just talking with them, they want to talk, always do, get them to tell you about their relgion, what they believe, and do not fight them.

    then get a phoen number, an e-mail address, go see a movie, something that is pretty much gay, any thing that will help you get a line to communication, so if they need to talk, even a year down the raod, they'll know they can.

    it's the only way. I am still working with friends with this. even after they denounce their region they cannot just walk away, even with your help, all they can do is try to get away from their family.

    it's no easy road.

    i feel bad for them more then anything.

    but you need to be their, and just listen. if you want to fight. it's so fucked up, what there religion does.

    I wish i could help you out with them liquidjack@gmail.com.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:34:22 No.2672960
    >'blah blah i'm awesome, have a dictionary'.

    >S: (n) impression, feeling, belief, notion, opinion (a vague idea in which some confidence is placed)

    Even your own dictionary is conflicting, I'm not believing in any fucking idea, I'm just accepting what I see as real. There's no idea to it, it's what we get before we have ideas. My statement still stand, nigger.

    Also, I really don't care what this dictionary says, maybe if you got an older source where you can find the origin of the word.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:36:04 No.2672972

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:39:05 No.2672998
    You persist in thinking that
    >accepting what I see as real
    Is an idea?

    It's not an idea, I'd NEED an idea to think otherwise, such as the idea that my senses and consciousness are lies.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:39:11 No.2673000
    Ignore the argument, fine.

    The root of the word doesn't matter. The original meaning doesn't matter. What matters is context. We're using the word now. If we want to understand each other we need to be talking about the same thing.

    Water may be H2O right now, but if I say water 500 years from now when people changed the meaning to "star"... the old meaning doesn't matter.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:43:23 No.2673048

    >The root of the word doesn't matter. The original meaning doesn't matter. What matters is context. We're using the word now. If we want to understand each other we need to be talking about the same thing.

    So why should I conform to your bullshit? The arguement was about syntax for the whole fucking time. I was brought up to BELIEVE (hurr) that belief is a trust in something intangible.

    Well If you want to understand me, I think I've made my position pretty clear.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:44:21 No.2673061
    You STUPID faggot. You're completely ignoring what a fucking WORD means because you don't want to be associated with theists.

    I hate you so much I hope your entire family is murdered so your retard genes won't pollute continue to polute the gene pool.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:46:54 No.2673080
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    they say, it doens't amtter what was before the big bang, not that there isn't nothing, jsut there might as well be nothing, because the big bang FUCKED UP IT.

    but that's only sometihng you'd learn form reading a book. stephen hawkings, history of time. but still

    big bang is the "start" of time, and anything before then doesn't matter. it doesn't mean it didn't exist, something it was all there before like now, just it sucked into one big bulb of EVERYTHING, and then for some reason it exploded.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:47:04 No.2673082
    I don't think you understand me, I think he's twisted the fucking meaning of the word from ideas of gods and fairies to 'you hold trust in that the keyboard you're typing on is real'.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:48:52 No.2673104

    you know that in the english language words can have multiple meanings, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:49:16 No.2673107
    Are you being serious or not? I can't tell.

    "The root of the word doesn't matter. The original meaning doesn't matter."

    Let's take word asd.
    The root is sd which means x and was created 200 years ago. Everyone understood the word sd to mean x and they used it as such, except for one group of people who used it when they meant y. Whenever the group that used it as x spoke with group y they used the same word but with different meanings so they never got anything done.

    The word formed into asd 100 years ago and had the meaning of x twice. Another group of people used the word asd to mean x thrice. Whenever the two groups got together they would use the same word but with different meanings. They never understood each other.

    Today the word asd means b and understood as such by everyone. Whenever people get together and use the word asd they all understand it to mean b. Nobody has a problem understanding anybody because everyone uses the same current definition.

    So what's your problem? Don't like the definition of believe? Find me one in a reputable dictionary and we might both agree on it. Don't make up your own definitions... it's the same thing people do when they say that "Evilution is just a theory!"
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:50:49 No.2673121
    EVOLUTION IS A THEORY, like gravity and electricity, and any other thoery that we call "LAW OF EVOLUTION" or "LAW OF GRAVITY" or ...
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:52:22 No.2673143
    Well then why are you reacting like you just got a tent pole stuck through your dick because I follow one of the meanings? As far as I can see it's the most logical application; If every thought is belief then you don't need the fucking word.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:53:14 No.2673150
    Ignore them. They are brainwashed anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:54:05 No.2673159
    Where does it say that every thought is a belief?

    You're talking to two people here. This is the OP, not the guy you responded to.

    By the way, do you know what logic is? Most people don't so I'm curious about what you think it is.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:54:59 No.2673169

    because you're picking and choosing what you want to BELIEVE and ignoring everything else.

    yeah, you follow one meaning while ignoring the rest. good job, you're a fucking moron.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:55:03 No.2673171
    Christians: "I am right. You are wrong"
    Atheists: "I am right. You are wrong"

    SAME BULLSHIT OVER AND OVER. FUCKING STOP THIS. It doesn't solve anything, doesn't change anything, and is just a waste of your precious time. Let people believe whatever the fuck they want to believe, it ain't like someone's going to kill you based on faith, I thought humanity was beyond that.

    Of course, I also thought that bullying and popularity whoring would end as soon as people graduated from High School...
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:58:47 No.2673211
    Hasty generalization:
    "Christians: "I am right. You are wrong"
    Atheists: "I am right. You are wrong"


    People refuse to read the latest literature.

    "It doesn't solve anything, doesn't change anything, and is just a waste of your precious time."

    There _are_ people who have gone from Christian to Atheist and others who have gone from Atheist to Christian.

    "Let people believe whatever the fuck they want to believe, it ain't like someone's going to kill you based on faith, I thought humanity was beyond that."

    They can believe what they want, but unless you believe that debate is bad I don't see what the problem is with bringing it up.

    (And for the record, people do still kill and hurt each other because of different beliefs).

    "Of course, I also thought that bullying and popularity whoring would end as soon as people graduated from High School..."

    Politics? Business? Pretty much everything else involving most social animals?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)13:59:21 No.2673218
    I'm a fucking moron for using the logical application of a word rather than just giving it a 'fits all sizes' purpose?

    How the fuck can you communicate when every meaning is implied when you say a word?
    There's even no 'picking and choosing' in the word 'belief', it's pretty clear on what it is supposed to mean.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:01:11 No.2673238
    Yes. Any cognitive content held as true.

    If you think that's wrong, give us a different definition and a source.

    Anyway, what is logic?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:04:28 No.2673268

    > They can believe what they want, but unless you believe that debate is bad I don't see what the problem is with bringing it up.

    Actually, I like debate. Just because I'm not a fan of religious debates, doesn't mean I hate debate as a whole. In my own experiences with such debate, I simply feel they do nothing but bring out bad blood in normally nice people.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:05:42 No.2673285
    But people have changed their minds because of them and we've learned new things.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:05:52 No.2673286

    >I'm a fucking moron for using the logical application of a word rather than just giving it a 'fits all sizes' purpose?

    Yeah, thats how the english language works. Do you even know what logic means?

    >How the fuck can you communicate when every meaning is implied when you say a word?

    You infer meaning from the rest of the sentence. Are you not a native english speaker?

    >There's even no 'picking and choosing' in the word 'belief', it's pretty clear on what it is supposed to mean.

    You've already been proven wrong, why do you insist on making yourself look like a complete and utter moron?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:06:07 No.2673289
    Logic is a thought process nigger, inb4 you claim it's some absurd greek belief.

    Also, your own source in conflicting, I copy pasted the other meaning, which is contradictory to the previous one. No, I'm not going to find a source, it's just gosh darned SILLY to think that we believe in apples being green and red, it may be subjective, but we still fucking know it, there is no active belief going on, it doesn't need to go through our abstract mind etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:08:25 No.2673313
    I don't want to make you seem like a moron or anything

    >why do you insist on making yourself look like a complete and utter moron?



    Quotes aren't original.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:10:56 No.2673339
    Logic is the branch of philosophy that analyzes inference. It studies truth (relations) and math is a subset of logic.

    Unless you think symbolic logic, fuzzy logic, informal logic, and so on are impossible for computers to do (Unless you believe computers can think)... they're either more than thought processes or not thought processes. Which one is it?

    >Also, your own source in conflicting

    >any cognitive content held as true
    >S: (n) impression, feeling, belief, notion, opinion (a vague idea in which some confidence is placed)

    What's conflicting about that? And so what if something is conflicting? It can still be used. Relativity and QM for example.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:12:17 No.2673351
    to convert anything or anyone, be friends.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:13:43 No.2673369
    >No, I'm not going to find a source, it's just gosh darned SILLY to think that we believe in apples being green and red, it may be subjective, but we still fucking know it

    #1 Apples are not green or red. Their color depends on the surrounding light. They can be black, purple, and so on.

    #2 According to the definition "any cognitive content held as true " it's not silly.

    #3 To know something you need to perform cognitive functions, right? When you know something that information is stored in your brain, right? It's cognitive content that you think is true. It's a belief.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:15:05 No.2673386
    My keyboard being infront of me is not a vague idea, unlike me believing you're a stupid kike.

    Computer logic is a different meaning of the word.

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:16:43 No.2673398

    It won't work if the person is just pretending to be your friend though.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:18:18 No.2673413
    >#1 Apples are not green or red blah blah

    I said subjective nigger, but it's still green at the time, under that light, through our eyes etc, unless you'd tell me to believe otherwise, I'm gonna go with the obvious.

    >#2 According to the definition "any cognitive content held as true " it's not silly.

    You're face is silly

    >#3 To know something blah blah

    You're just pillydashing around with nonsense that I've already covered.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:18:34 No.2673417
    >impression, feeling, belief, notion, opinion (a vague idea in which some confidence is placed)

    Impression OR feeling OR belief OR notion OR opinion (a vague idea in which some confidence is placed)

    They're just telling you what an opinion is there. It's closer to x, y, z (p)... not p (x, y, z).

    What makes you think computer logic has a different meaning? Do computers follow different rules than us?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:20:04 No.2673428
    If you're going to say it like that, fine. An apple is green.

    >>You're just pillydashing around with nonsense that I've already covered.

    You haven't shown me the contradiction yet. See >>2673417
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:20:47 No.2673434
    Do you think like a computer? No, well then, fuck off.

    Anyway, you should know we have different types of logic, deduction, reasoning etc.

    Also, I fucked a spic yesterday.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:22:25 No.2673448
    >impression, feeling, belief, notion, opinion
    none of those are tangible, like the real fucking world.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:22:53 No.2673451
    Logic is not a form of thought. I already went over that. If it is, show me. Otherwise I'm going to go with the dictionary.

    I already discussed several of them including inferences and deduction. Thanks for reading my posts.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:23:51 No.2673459
    Are you unable to grasp abstract concepts?

    Jesus you really are retarded.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:24:15 No.2673463
    Are impressions, feelings, beliefs, notions, and opinions physical? If not you are admitting there is non-material stuff out there. If there is, it is tangible (which we see with drugs and other things).
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:25:18 No.2673468
    Yes it is, specifically it's the study, but as some other hyperbolic nigger said, there's several meaning to words. Like we have the logical, emotional and repitilian brain, don't you think we go through logical thought because of this you fucking lizard?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:28:32 No.2673496
    Show me a source claiming that logic is thought, please.

    Okay, there are several meanings to the word. Show me a definition claiming that logic is thought.

    >>Like we have the logical, emotional and repitilian brain, don't you think we go through logical thought because of this you fucking lizard?

    We have brain structures which allow us to think within the confines of logic. Are you suggesting that it's possible for the law of excluded middles to be logical and illogical at the same time?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:29:04 No.2673506
    They're thoughts, I suppose you could argue that they are somehow tangible, but they don't have any meaning, and fuck, what relevance does this have? Hell, you're not even making sense.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:30:07 No.2673513
    They are either tangible or they are not.

    That person said none of those are tangible. I disagreed.

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