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  • File :1231256375.jpg-(19 KB, 416x300, leeches.jpg)
    19 KB Should people get to be old? Smash 01/06/09(Tue)10:39:35 No.2671552  
    I hate old people (70++ years old). They're slow, they're stupid, and most of them have major physical and mental problems.

    Is it really that necessary to live as long as possible? Is it necessary to waste billions of dollars on medicines that let people that are already old, live for 10-15 years longer?

    And don't give me the crap argument of them having worked all their life and thus deserve to be a fucking pimple on my ass for that. They worked to make money and live a decent life, not to pay my school tuition with their tax money.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:41:51 No.2671565
    It's for them to decide.
    No one cares about what you think.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:42:18 No.2671570
    Start this thread again when you're 70.
    >> The Red Barron 01/06/09(Tue)10:42:23 No.2671572

    I'm sure the old people are the reason your life is so agonizingly retarded.
    >> OP !!8Md9k7Wr2S+ 01/06/09(Tue)10:43:02 No.2671577
    man what a fag i am
    >> sage sage 01/06/09(Tue)10:43:46 No.2671581
    If you'll be 70++ years old, will you just kill yourself?
    No, you fucktard
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:44:42 No.2671588
    You would fit in nicely with the New World Order's agenda.

    Hell, I'll bet you support reducing the human population and birth rate to "sustainable levels," don't you?

    The greatest freedom is the freedom to be left the fuck alone.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:45:45 No.2671597
    >Hell, I'll bet you support reducing the human population and birth rate to "sustainable levels," don't you?
    And you don't? Lol retard.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:48:09 No.2671614
    I hate old people.
    And how the fuck should they kill themselves?
    Most of them are physically unable to do this or their brain has already degenerated to a point where aren't able to consider the option.
    Fuckin waste of flesh.
    >> Smash 01/06/09(Tue)10:48:58 No.2671618
    I'm planning to commit suicide when I reach 50-something. I don't have a reason to live for 70-80-90 years.

    Why the hell would I want to be a half-blind, half-death, socially retarded, senile loner the last years of my life?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:50:03 No.2671625
    I think people should be left the fuck alone, who are you to impose your will on someone who is just as legitimately "human" as you are?

    It sounds good on paper, granted, but you're playing God. Ironic, considering how 4chan BAWWWS at the very mention of any kind of deity.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:50:07 No.2671626
    Because you can still waste your time on the internet without doing shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:52:00 No.2671637
    weed, books, film, anime, manga, thinkin' about the good old times, fear of death,nostalgia, search for peoples you haven't talked to for 50 years and fucking ask them: What's up?
    >> Smash 01/06/09(Tue)10:52:02 No.2671638
    We live on a planet that has a limited amount of resources. Who the hell are YOU to decide how many kids to get, when we already live on an overpopulated planet?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:52:59 No.2671644
    70+?? 25+ is old. 20, even, is pushing it. Everyone born before 1990 should just be banned from 4chan forever.
    >> Smash 01/06/09(Tue)10:54:00 No.2671652
    Sounds good man. Too bad reality isn't like that. I see old people in my part-time job every day. They're all lonely and miserable as shit. Unless you're rich enough to spend your last years in a resort for elderly in Florida, your pensioner life will be just as horrible.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:56:11 No.2671663
    Do you not think that people, most of whom are intelligent, would deal with that issue on their own without politically correct faggots like yourself making decisions for you?

    Case in point, the birth rate in some first-world nations is NEGATIVE, whereas all of the undereducated shitholes have high birthrates. Granted, there is a lower survival rate and lower life expectancy, but industrialized societies trend towards lower birthrates, simply because of the correlation between fewer children and greater material wealth.

    Goddamn it, can you really be this fucking retarded? Who the hell are you, or anyone else, or any group of people to decide who lives and who dies? What the fuck is wrong with you? Wake up, you are not God!

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:56:17 No.2671664
    70 ain't that old anymore. It's like the new "50" or some bullshit like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:58:04 No.2671677
    Leave our elderly alone, go bomb Africa or some other aids and drug dealer spewing shithole.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:04:23 No.2671722
    OP, I hate you. You're slow, stupid and lazy. You ought to be sterilise before you pollute the place with your filthy spawn. Then, just like in Logan's Run you should be impaled on a hot spike and exsaguinated. Oh wait, that just happens in my head. But yeah, like, die.
    >> Smash 01/06/09(Tue)11:06:05 No.2671731
    I don't think you even know what "overpopulated" means. The US is overpopulated. When 5% of the world's population spend 25% of the world's total daily energy production you have a problem. Japan is overpopulated. Japan nor South-Korea would exist as nations hadn't it been for IMPORTS.

    IMPORTS of energy and food are a limited source. What do you think will happen when the 1++ billion people of China and India start spending/ (wasting) as much food, water, and energy as us in the Western World?

    There are already resource wars been played out all over the world. And the population will increase by 50% the next decades. "Luckily" most of that growth will come from nations that nobody ares of.
    >> Anonynomus 01/06/09(Tue)11:07:30 No.2671741
    Well wouldn't that just mean that the "old 50" was as senile and stupid as the "current 70" is?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:07:59 No.2671749
    And you think you're better then these people as well? You're the same piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:09:50 No.2671759
    Society exists to serve humanity, not the other way around you fucking aspie fascist asshat.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:11:04 No.2671767
    the term "resource war" is the most overused term in poli sci today. Most so-called case studies don't hold up to scrutiny.

    You're also confusing population levels with lilfestyles. US society is indeed wasteful, but that doesn't mean changes can be implemented to offset it's resource consumption.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:12:04 No.2671777
    That 5% you speak about so cavalierly does more, both scientifically, economically, and in the realm of charity and outreach than any other 5%. Say whatever you want to about waste, and resource wars. Regress is not going to get us out of the hole, progress will. Unfettered science and attaining a post-scarcity economy will solve not only the problems you speak of, but the global issues of disease, poverty and socioeconomic inequity.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:12:39 No.2671781
    if you feel so strongly about this, why don't you set an example, and chug the cleaners you keep under your sink.

    -1 for earth's population.
    >> Smash 01/06/09(Tue)11:15:14 No.2671793
    What about the millions of animals that are affected by our wasteful specimen? Not to mention mother Earth herself, she must be suffering a lot because of the strain we put on her.

    When a specie take more than it gives back to nature, you can talk about an overpopulation of said specie.

    Think of all the stuff you eat. Do you think it grew naturally? Do you think the the meat you just ate was hunted and caught in a natural way?

    Look at any chart of population growth the past 2000 years and tell me something isn't wrong.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:15:49 No.2671797
    Old people actually are very knowledgable. They may not be so good with computers, but they can still teach you a lot about life.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:18:30 No.2671815
    I miss the days when life expectancy was 30-40.

    You have kids at 14, work on the farm till 25 and if you're lucky, spend the last few years telling folk tales to your kids before you send them off the mine.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:20:18 No.2671828
    99% of all species that have ever existed are now extinct. Mankind is not responsible for that, the natural process of evolution is. Mankind is a part of that process.

    Furthermore, people are, on average, living more healthy, fulfilling lives and have many more opportunities than they did 1000 years ago. If that trend continues, imagine what we could accomplish!
    All of these problems you're talking about would only be fixed by total societal regress (which would be an inhuman concept) or technological and societal progress to the point that they're non issues. Eugenics is not the answer, neither is rabid, knee-jerk envrionmentalism.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:20:26 No.2671829

    This is what eurofags actually believe
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:20:54 No.2671832
    I'm not american but nice rant.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:23:33 No.2671847
    fuuuuuuuuck i hatteeeeee old people, like good lord why the flying fuck would u wanna live past 70,
    Also arcanine please shoot me if i ever get alzheimers
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:24:50 No.2671858
    Please don't refer to the earth as "herself"; it makes me want to punch you.

    What is "natural" anyways? Furthermore, what makes something more superior simply because it is "natural? I mean, lots of things about me aren't "natural; i live in a house, not a cave; i wear clothes instead of walking around naked; i take medicine, ect, ect.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:24:55 No.2671859
    Lol some of you fags are hilarious. Being 70+ doesn't automatically mean you're senile or a cripple. If people take care of themselves they can actually be very fit compared to others half their age.

    With future treatments that help to reduce the effects of aging and increasingly easier/better ways to stay/get in shape I would be surprised to see many 70+ beating the fuck out of you whiny little bitches that want them to commit suicide.

    If they don't beat the fuck out of you you'll just become old liker them anyway and you'll be too much of a pussy to take your own advice and kill yourself. Haha, faggots.
    >> Anonynomus 01/06/09(Tue)11:24:59 No.2671861
    We need some contact info before we can come shoot you.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:26:15 No.2671871
    more old women should be more like kreia from kotor 2
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:26:51 No.2671874
    You don't understand the population/resources problem.

    The problem is high birth rates. Where do we have high bird rates? Yeah, LEDCs (the third world). It's not inherent - it's because children are a massive source of income for them, unlike in the first world. Well, the best way to reduce the fertility level is to educate women. It's not about mass sterilisations you fucktard. Reducing population growth is part of the development process.

    Also, fat Americans need to stop eating and using so much water. It's not JUST about the population.. Sustainability IS important, just saying "leave me alone" is irresponsible and ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:27:25 No.2671877
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    >wouldn't, fixed

    Oh yeah, obligatory old guy too.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:27:30 No.2671878
    >It's for them to decide.
    This. I agree with you and all, but that's because we're young. I imagine being an old person is like lounging on a mountain with a beautiful view of a comet coming to destroy the world.

    They probably just think about their 70 years of life, they tell a lot of stories.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:28:44 No.2671882
    >when we already live on an overpopulated planet?
    This is debatable, actually. Contrary to Malthusian arguments, with improvements in technology, an even larger population could be feasible.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:29:50 No.2671885
    Food, Water, both are renewable and fungible. Considering what industrialized countries produce in comparison to 3rd world nations, the logical thing to do from your perspective would be to simply kill all of the brown, uneducated people and use their resources to create a perfect, renewable, green society. But since HYOOOMANS are a blight on your precious Gaia, we should all start offing ourselves en masse.

    You go first.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:32:06 No.2671901
    the term overpopulation is so fucking debatable anyways.

    I mean, "naturally" (whatever that means), purely living off the land, not manufacturing/agriculture, ect, the earth's population could only hold a couple million.

    Technology changes everything; and some people need to realize that it will continue to improve, and managing and sustaining a large population in the planet will be more the feasible in the coming years.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:32:09 No.2671902
    >Food, Water, both are renewable
    There's enough food to go around at current levels - distribution is unfair. Water shall become more scarce in the future.

    How did "my logic" say "kill off the browns"? I said EDUCATE THEIR WOMEN. It's tried and tested - google "Kerala population policy" for a good example. We don't need such radical things as China's one child policy.
    >> Smash 01/06/09(Tue)11:32:43 No.2671909
    Does this take into account all the other species living on this planet? We've already exterminated millions of species. And ruined the lives of many million sea animals.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:35:00 No.2671932
    No, it's about resources, not other species which we live with. That's a totally different kettle of fish, bro. Although the crossover is obvious - destruction of habitats has knock on effects, reduction in biodiversity reduces scientific research opportunities, etc.

    I'm just lolling at all the armchair demographers ITT.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:35:12 No.2671936
    How is water going to become more scarce? There's a natural cycle of evaporation, condensation and whatnot that draws water away from the oceans and deposits freshwater on landmasses in the form of rain, not to mention aquifers and if necessary, purification, distillation and desalination plants.

    How is mankind going to run out of water any time soon?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:35:28 No.2671938
    Species have been going extinct well before humans were on the planet.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:35:42 No.2671941
    Are you talking formal education? I think literacy should be the bare minimum, but you could learn practical things instead of bullshitting through 12 years of school. Look at Appalachians. If the world suddenly turns to shit they'll be able to survive with ease in the wild.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:36:06 No.2671943
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    All you faggots need to stop fucking like nigger rabbits in that old mudpuddle Africa. I reckon if you yougins kept yer dicks in yer pants the world would be a darn better place. You newborn wastes of sperm are the ones overpopulating the Earth. I'm older than Christ and my existence has never been a burden on society.

    You faggots best not try to fuckin kill me. I'm a hardened warrior. I've fought on the deadliest battlefield for countless years, the battlefield of life itself. I deserve a fucking medal of honor for living this long.

    Too bad you sick fucks can only dream of living as long as me since you're all weakminded pieces of shit.

    I may not know where I am or what my name is but I do know that the old is flaming faggot for hating old people. Fuck you OP, without us old people you never would've been born.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:37:24 No.2671955
    It's not "running out" of water, it's DISTRIBUTION. What's the river that runs down the west of the USA, into Mexico? Is it the Colarado? I've forgotten. Whichever it is, you know it runs totally dry into Mexico? All because Californians have to use their hosepipes to clean their cars?

    Also, groundwater withdrawals are frequently too high for natural replenishment.

    I don't know if you're trolling or if you're just stupid. I suppose I have the advantage of being formally educated on these subjects, but Jesus.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:37:55 No.2671960

    >> Smash 01/06/09(Tue)11:38:05 No.2671961
    Not in this pace. Minus what happened 65 million years ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:38:43 No.2671965
    Billions of organisms have already gone extinct, and billions more will likely do so, even if man were to go extinct. The extinction of a species is a commonplace and somewhat necessary thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:38:54 No.2671968
    Well the correlation IS between literacy levels and lower fertility levels, yeah. It's just because once women realise they don't have to till the fields all day and get married at 13 they stop having 10 children. It's about giving them more opportunities, not just giving them condoms and hoping for the best, y'know?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:41:12 No.2671982
    How does your inability to elaborate on your degenerate greenpeace positions make me a retard? It's not stupidity that makes a man unable to comprehend nonsense.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:41:37 No.2671990
    oh, check out the internet tough guy, "i've been formally educated". Nobody gives a flying fuck. Your fucking high school environmental class doesn't give you any upper hand here, you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:45:54 No.2672026
    rage.jpg. Water management is a huge business now. It's not my fault you don't get this.

    Degree, actually. Not env. science or any of that bullshit though.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:48:44 No.2672057
    Holy God! You elitist douche! I fucking understand your position now that you've explained it! You're not the only fucker on these boards who's been to college! Jesus Christ! You're either a troll or just extremely arrogant!
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:48:57 No.2672059
    That's generous, is it because of the welfare they get that pisses you off? I wish there wasn't border control, at least not racist border control (which it may or may not be, those civilian ones that don't get paid have to be)

    But I think we do need to control how many people live here. And even though those brown women you're talking about don't have much money or live well lives, that's their fault. Let me explain my reason. They make their own outlook on life and they chose to illegally cross a border into a giant shitstorm of laws and recession. I don't understand, I would've fleed Mexico to Buenos Aires. Or Chile. South America looks beautiful and seems ten times better than Mexico.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:50:47 No.2672077
    fucking seconded you self-righteous douche
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:53:19 No.2672103
    >the welfare they get
    They don't get welfare in LEDCs, the income is from the children working on the farms and so on.
    >that's their fault.
    Have you ever played that Real Lives game? If you get born into a shitty country, you are more likely to immigrate into a better country. It's called the brain drain. Naturally there are other reasons as to why poverty doesn't seem to leave come countries (conflict, being landlocked, AIDS, natural resource abundance, poorly managed aid, etc) but saying "it's their fault" is fairly heartless.

    I am probably the only person ITT who has read books, written essays and given a second thought to population/resources/development.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:53:30 No.2672106
    Then if you're planning that how does it bother you?

    And for the record my granddad was a great man before he died. Only learnt to drive when he was in his 70s and passed, was up to date on all technology had better TV's, stereo's and surround sound systems than the rest of my family did. He had his own laptop and set up his own wireless network within his house all by himself. And as well as all this he could still walk practically fine didn't have any signs of dementia or any illness from getting old, was fully linguistic in quite a few European languages, English, French, German, Polish etc.

    And for people like you to put every man like him down is a sick unloveable self obsessed arrogant arsehole.
    And even if this is 4Chan where no one cares about anything I don't think I've got so worked up from a single person on here before. Fuck you, cunt. I hope someday you realise how wrong you are and can actually be properly happy because anyone that lives a life so close minded is a sad sad individual.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:56:46 No.2672138
    at least most of them worked their youths, unlike you, who is a scum from the start.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:56:56 No.2672140
    If you really believe that, you're fucking pathetic.

    But why am I replying to a troll?
    >> Smash 01/06/09(Tue)11:57:18 No.2672143
    I don't care about your granddad. There will always be exceptions. Just as some kids born deaf and blind can become successful (Helen Keller) some old people can be of value to society.

    But in general the majority of old people are a pain in the ass to themselves, their families and society.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:58:35 No.2672158
    Look, i'm sure whatever online university from Thailand, you printed your "degree" from made your parents very proud; but fyi, if you want people to take you seriously, i'd stop acting like an arrogant prick, and stop thinking that claiming that you've read essays, academic literature, ect actually means anything ITT.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:02:33 No.2672187
    Yeah, it is fairly heartless. I'm not proud of it, I don't think. Never played Real Lives. I'm assuming you're referring to Mexico? I can't remember your OP. If so, you didn't comment on the South America move. Buenos Aires is wonderful, I'm learning Spanish so I can move there some day. But I don't get why they choose North America over South America, Mexico isn't the only place.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:04:15 No.2672206
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    Hey faggots! I'm 55 years old and I'm feeling great!


    I hear some of you haters be thinkin you can just knock off the old Hulkster all nice and quietly because you think he's past his prime. I've got news for you shitstains, I'm badder than I've ever been and if you aren't careful...

    YEAH BROTHER!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:12:42 No.2672267
    lmao you know the guy you're arguing with is actually entirely right about the upcoming scarcity of water. desalination is extremely fucking expensive and a huge drain of energy.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:18:43 No.2672309
    oh! I love the smell of a flamewar in the morning. pure trolling glory.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:23:42 No.2672346
    How the fuck can that be? Maybe tap water, but last I heard the world was two-thirds water. You can distill it yourself if it's salt and bleach it if it's river.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)14:18:30 No.2673415
    Oh god, this thread is so lulzy. MOAR!

    lol old people

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