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  • File :1231255983.png-(88 KB, 800x495, 800px-Samesex_marriage_in_USA.svg.png)
    88 KB Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:33:03 No.2671511  
    >English: Laws Regarding Same-Sex Partnerships in the United States
    >Purple: Same-sex marriages
    >Green: Unions granting rights similar to marriage
    >Dark Blue: Unions granting limited/enumerated rights
    >Light Blue: Foreign same-sex marriages recognized
    >Yellow: Statute bans same-sex marriage
    >Orange: Constitution bans same-sex marriage
    >Red: Constitution bans same-sex marriage and other kinds of same-sex unions
    >Red: Constitution bans same-sex marriage and other kinds of same-sex unions
    >and other kinds of same-sex unions

    What the flying shit, why the fuck is fucking 50% of America red?
    >> The Red Barron 01/06/09(Tue)10:34:51 No.2671518

    We don't really give anyone rights unless they go through their own civil rights cases. We don't do anything logical without the American super-system backing it up, otherwise we'd be fucking Commies!
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:37:03 No.2671531
    If you aren't white, heterosexual, and male, you're really SOL when it comes to civil rights
    >> FRAU DOKTOR !wZksHsjAbg 01/06/09(Tue)10:37:32 No.2671537
         File :1231256252.jpg-(37 KB, 800x600, hey man im a jumping spier.jpg)
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    The map is wrong on some counts; NH has civil unions with the same rights that married couples have.

    I think the map may be out of date. Also, that legend sucks major cock, change it.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:38:30 No.2671544
    What legend?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:38:44 No.2671545
    Wow, way to hyperbole.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:40:22 No.2671557
    Because no one wants you faggots shitting up our marriage rights
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:41:05 No.2671560
         File :1231256465.png-(85 KB, 454x450, 454px-Same_sex_marriage_map_Eu(...).png)
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    Now Europe is MUCH more friendlier about this.
    >> FRAU DOKTOR !wZksHsjAbg 01/06/09(Tue)10:42:42 No.2671574
    Sorry I think I meant the map key (you know, what all the colors stand for).

    I'm pretty tired at the moment, so my apologies for my lack of coherence.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:43:54 No.2671584
    Well, yes, actually.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:44:15 No.2671586
    Most of the red states are shitholes where no one lives anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:45:19 No.2671593
    wut are u fucking dense as dog shit or sumthing?

    Murka still hates fags and niggers. suprise surprise

    come on now.....
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:49:15 No.2671619
    I'm not sure what you're saying so I'm just going to wish you a good day c:
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:50:43 No.2671632
    >The Netherlands was the first modern nation to legalize same-sex marriage in 2001. Same-sex marriages are also legal in Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway and Nepal.

    best countries in the world.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:57:01 No.2671670

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)10:57:46 No.2671674
         File :1231257466.jpg-(86 KB, 403x396, 1231115316579.jpg)
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    >South Africa
    >best countries
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:01:11 No.2671698
    Spain ain't bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:08:04 No.2671750
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:14:57 No.2671791
    somebody tell me the point of marriage , i dont get for what its is good for ?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:20:48 No.2671830
    Well, you see OP, it's obviously fine to deny gays the right to marriage as long as they have access to civil unions, which are functionally the same but make it so good, churchgoing people don't have to have their morals called into question via interaction with these hedonist homosexuals. Can't understand why gays would be so upset, I mean civil unions are just a way to keep them separate, but equal....

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:24:00 No.2671848
    If you didn't listen to him when he was campaigning, Obama said he DOES NOT SUPPORT SAME SEX MARRIAGES.

    I don't know what all you fags/fag sympathizers are on about. Even the most liberal guy ever to run for president doesn't want fags to get married.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:28:30 No.2671881
    I oppose gay marriage because I love seeing fags and liberals cry. YOUR TEARS ONLY MAKE MY DICK HARDER!!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:30:06 No.2671888

    Obama is a hypocrite. I don't think he gives a flying fuck whether gays get married or not, he just had to go the safe route and say "yay civil unions, nay gay marriage" to ensure maximum vote haulage.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:31:15 No.2671893

    Yeah gay people are separate but equal but o wait they have to file separate taxes and they're not guaranteed hospital visits and they can't pass on estates to each other.

    Yup definitely equal.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:33:12 No.2671914
    that can be fixed with something like a union or whatever with another name. why the name? why the rite?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:33:15 No.2671915

    You'd be crying to if there was a national discrimination against douchebags.

    Unfortunately the US embraces them.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:34:02 No.2671920
    I'm not America.
    So not like I had a say anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:34:36 No.2671927
    Relax guys! Everything is going to sort itself out in the next decade. Gay marriage bans are slowly going the way of Segregation. As soon as the baby boomers die out, you're golden. Just hang in there! <3


    your friend Canada
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:34:40 No.2671929
    Marriage gives many benefits including tax deductions and hospital visits.

    For example: A married straight couple can see their SO if they're dying in hospital. As gay couples can't marry they don't have to right to visit... so they aren't allowed.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:35:29 No.2671940

    because it's still segregation dumbass

    and "we're gonna be butt buddies" doesn't sound as nice on invitations.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:36:56 No.2671950
    It's funny because I'm a pretty hardcore republifag and I strongly support gay marriage. Don't see how it hurts anyone and I see it as the same as any other discrimination the US has ever committed and then later rectified.

    Politicians don't do shit because they know they'll lose shitloads of votes from all the religious groups and just regular fag haters. That being said, you can't force churches to accept them so I'm not sure where'd they be getting married.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:37:06 No.2671952

    CZ has had same sex marriages for 2 years now
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:37:18 No.2671954

    The baby boomers might be gone but they've already planted the seeds of hate into the next generation.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:37:53 No.2671959
    >the most liberal guy ever to run for president
    He's still a conservative. You read the guy's books? Shit's less radical than some of our most avowed Christian social conservatives (eurofag). Y'all be fucked in the head, yo.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:38:44 No.2671966
    New Mexico looks a little lonely out there.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:40:22 No.2671976
    i'm not reading that garbage. but yes, i know he's a Muslim fundamentalist.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:43:33 No.2672006
    Canada would be all purple, fyi.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:44:04 No.2672011
    I'm gay and I don't support gay marriage.

    Equal rights yes. Marriage no.

    Think about what it would mean. Polygamy would need to be next. Then incestuous unions, etc... Moreover it would open the door for religous persecution by the courts etc...

    The whole idea of marriage (a primarily religious notion) needs to be removed, and something else needs to take its place that addresses the myriad of civil rights issues surrounding partners of various sorts.

    For instance, if my partner is in the hospital I should have the same rights as a person in a marriage right? What if it was my best and only friend? Should that be treated differently?

    Think deeply about this issue and the truth announces itself. State sanctioned marriage is not a seperation of church and state. That's what is wrong and needs to be changed. Trying to alter the definition of marriage to make it open to many new types of relationships is inefficient, insulting to many religious folks, and is just backward silly. Marriage is the problem, not the solution.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:45:11 No.2672019
    cuz u a faget

    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:45:44 No.2672023
         File :1231260344.gif-(28 KB, 631x347, electoral_college.gif)
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    I can't believe nobody posted this map yet. I mean, they're practically the same map.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:45:48 No.2672025
    So what if stuff like that is allowed?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:45:54 No.2672028
         File :1231260354.png-(14 KB, 777x400, Canada-Gay_Flag.png)
    14 KB

    Fuck yah civil rights!
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:46:55 No.2672038
    So basically... Marriage should be replaced with something that isn't related to religion?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:48:03 No.2672052
    FFS ! what is marriage good for anywas ? can somebody tell me ?

    i dont get why people fight over stuff like this (exept the fact that some people are afraid of changes) .
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:49:17 No.2672061
    >>2672052 see >>2671929
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:49:41 No.2672068

    There are all sorts of legal rights atached to marage like hospital visitation, next of kin laws, property rights (as in who gets what when your spouse dies), tax breaks, etc. etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:52:34 No.2672094
    ok , this is COMPLETE BULLSHIT . i dont get what this shit is still good for or what it was good for in the first place .

    but still thnx for the info .
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:53:12 No.2672100
    Nevada went democrat though

    as did Indiana

    lol chart
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:53:30 No.2672107
    I mean at one point it was a lifelong union. Now the majority of marriages do not last, and this is a growing trend. The entire notion is antiquated, and the laws surrounding marriage and divorce are antiquated, and why try to keep patching a sinking ship.

    Beyond the growing divorce rate, many people are just deciding not to marry anymore. Something needs to change and expanding marriage is not the answer.

    I do think that the issue for gays is not so simple though. By gaining the right to gay marriage, they have earned not just social acceptance and approval, but have actually been rewarded by the state. It's a big deal to them for these reasons. It means that the years of social baggage about being perverts and degenerates is finally officially wiped away. I think of it in similar terms as reperations for blacks. It's an official mea culpa. An admission that society was indeed wrong. It makes a lot of sense that gays, an historically persecuted group, would want, even need this.

    At the same time however, I don't think our legislative decisions should be guided solely by what feels good to some people.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:55:11 No.2672120
    > keep patching a sinking ship

    It's like sticking your finger in the dyke.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)11:56:05 No.2672130
    >Liberal in the American sense


    He'd be considered right of centre in almost every other western country

    america's politics are so skewed to the right its painful
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:00:56 No.2672175

    Which would be fine IMO if the far right wasn't such war mongering, social conservitive whackjobs.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:02:34 No.2672188
    I can see where fiscal conservatives come from. I'm a sociaist, personally, so I obviously don't agree. But, there is absolutely no justification for social conservatism anymore. Not a single gram.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:10:52 No.2672255
    I love how you state personal opinions as facts.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:11:54 No.2672262
    give me some reasons social consevatism is justified

    why shouldn't everybody be guarenteed the same rights
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:13:17 No.2672271
    I don't disagree you, and in fact I believe you make the correct point, but I often feel as if

    1) Changing the state support of marriage isn't even on the table/is too ingrained in our society to be altered
    2) For god's sake (pun? maybe?), someone needs to finally stand up to churches and make them do the morally righteous thing by accepting homosexuals, despite what one line says in the one book of the Bible that no one takes seriously anyways.

    I think social change within the Church is just the faster route, as well as the more righteous one. Already many Protestant denominations are taking steps in the right direction. It's absolutely retarded that in the 21st century we let outright homophobia color so much of our public discourse, and then actually change our nation's policy to cater to bigots.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:38:08 No.2672448

    Change within the church is great. It should not be in any way related to public policy though.

    If some churches, say episcopalian, want to allow gays to be ministers, I think that's awesome. It won't make me religious, but the more diversity of the religious product there is, the better it is for consumers.

    It also helps break up the larger monolithic sects, which ideally means less power for any single diocese, and therefore for the general public more freedom from the control of religious institutions. For most thinking people this is a good thing.

    But, as I said, don't make it the work of the state to break up or change these institutions. One of the defining characteristics of the American Ethos is tolerance to religious belief. Hell many of the original immigrants, the pilgrams, came here for that very reason.

    If we want to pursue a religion neutral government then we need to get rid of the whole concept of marriage and replace it with something not inextricably tied to historically religious concepts.

    Perhaps taking the in god we trust off our currency, making it illegal to force people to swear on the bible in court, getting rid of one nation under god in the pledge should be the focus. The focus should not be put on trying to change that contruct called marriage into something new and counter to the beliefs of the institutions which have historically propped it up.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/09(Tue)12:44:06 No.2672490

    Nice try heterofag.

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