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What does it take for a woman to be forever alone? And for men?

Assuming both have rather normal lives, they go to college, they got jobs etc
Haha, I remember that thread. OP of it was like

> lol my bitch is my submissive
> she worships my cock
> bow down to me betas

And then posted that pic. I think I've been here too long.
that picture makes me want to kill both people in it
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HIgh standarts

>egypstm address

Believe in the power of your dreams.
>see t-shirt

Every time OP, every time.
>Extremely ugly (0/10)
>Awful personality
She still gets sex though.
For women?
Overly high standards
Overly picky (over priced)
Very fat and ugly.

For men?
Almost anything. For men to have success with any woman he needs to fit into a narrow type. Outside of that he will see little to no sucess with girls.
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This one is also hilarious.

>For men to have success with any woman he needs to fit into a narrow type.

You have no idea how much I've been preaching this on /r9k/... i'm so proud of you

Well, that's a "mass" upload, alright!
thats a "mass upload" for the "body fat"
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>/r9k/ finally got a girlfriend

>implying you need to "preach" this
>implying it isn't common knowledge

Women are born, Men are made.
funny, how almost every male has a gf...we are a minority
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Imagine if it was a guy.
It's not even that hard.

It's like women expect perfection or something but expect men to settle for some of them, who haven't done jack shit.
i'd fuck the bitch on the right before i got near either of the ones on the left

LOL. Like an unclean, not rich, awkward Penn Jilette.
I am a girl and I am forever alone because...
a) I refuse to date a guy who drinks or smokes weed or does drugs, and I don't do these things myself. I don't even drink coffee or soda but its ok if does
b) I am extremely shy
c) I also require that the guy has some sort of future ahead of him -- like be in school for something and have a plan for the future and have life goals
d) I am extremely extremely shy. Even if I make eye contact with a cute boy, I become afraid in the pit of my stomach and hide.
It's so annoying
e) I don't even have time for a boy because I always have to study and am nervous about my grades.
f) I live with my parents so I can't just take a guy home. And my parents are very strict. If I went to the movies with a guy, my mom would be horrified because we'd be in a dark room together.
I'm 20 and a kissless virgin
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Robots need to come back to reality.
I'm not that ugly, no.
That doesn't change anything, you're still desirable to men.

You have high standards and you refuse to stand up to your parents. Don't complain, unless you're hideous or have a BMI over 30, you have life served on a silver platter.

Try >>>/cgl/ hammy.
you really should consider changing your mind about a).
even though I can't have a period, I'd allow my gf to have one every month.

lel. I'm already fucking someone at least 2 points higher than her. And the word "deserving" is just plain dumb. If anyone thinks the universe owes him a perfect girlfriend, they must be delusional.

I don't give a fuck I'll shoot for the left my whole life.

Then you'll probably die alone. Learn to settle faggot, perhaps you just ain't good enough.
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Even better than OP's.
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Forever alone because..
>Just another bro

Pic Related.
Not the guy you are referring to but,

Do you say that I should "settle" for a girl I'm not attracted to? Nor in a physical or personal way? Should I lie to that besaid girl when she asks me if she looks good?
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>black robot bragging about his white bitch
yeah men who drink and do drugs / men who are in special ed programs
so wanting a guy with a semi decent future who doesn't do drugs or drink is an unusually high standard to have? Keep in mind that I have a semi decent/ better future ahead of me and I don't do drugs or drink either
And what's the point of standing up to my parents and getting into a big fight if there isn't even a guy there to justify anything?
I never went on that board in my entire 4chan career and I don't even watch anime so yeah.
You're an adult, stop listening to the ridiculous shit your parents have to say. I think you just need to grow the fuck up and stop being a child. [spoilers]although there are men who love children too[/spoilers] -some chick from /an/

>grow the fuck up and stop being a child.

Now hold on just one second!

The great Heath Ledger said "Never let anybody convince you that you don't deserve what you want"

Maybe it's time for you to get fucked.
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It's ok that she had a wild past, her past doesn't define her!
the parents thing is not a big deal
Its the other things that are
if I met a guy I would date him
But there isn't a guy within a 20 mile radius of me who wants to date me and I am not going to just go up to my mom and say "MOM LET ME DATE" when I probably won't get a date for a lonnnnnnng time
>Keep in mind that I have a semi decent/ better future ahead of me
So you go to college? Why can't you meet guys on your level?

mmm yes I like to see women suffering. Please keep posting your dating woes, it brings a sense of fairness to my life
Post pic, you have intrigued the great Kleptomancer
>"Never let anybody convince you that you don't deserve what you want"
what a dumb quote

actually it's not just dumb but kind of fucked up... narcissistic, solipsistic

>so wanting a guy with a semi decent future who doesn't do drugs or drink is an unusually high standard to have?
When/where do you think we are? Every "normal" human being over the age of 18 drinks regularly, smokes cigarettes and a good number of them smoke pot (the least druggy of drugs, but the most common).

>Keep in mind that I have a semi decent/ better future ahead of me and I don't do drugs or drink either
I'm pretty sure most guys won't care if you drink or smoke occasionally, and guys don't care about your career or future, it's just not something we look for, being goal minded and aggressive towards them is a masculine trait.

>And what's the point of standing up to my parents and getting into a big fight if there isn't even a guy there to justify anything?
Some liberty? Living better in your own house? Find some peace and tranquility even if you start dating someone?

Idk dude, it's 90% on your appearance. If you're a 7/10, you could possibly get a 9/10, but you gotta start young, after 27 your beauty will start to decline and by the time you're 30, you'll prolly have to settle for some 4/10 betafag.
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The only women who end up forever alone are the ones who have incredible high standards.
Pic related.
This is my dating life in college:
> go to the library
>ooh cute guy
>make eye contact
>can tell he's attracted because guys do this thing when they are attracted to you
>maybe say hi, and probably get a nod or something back
>get scared in my stomach
> sit down and study and feel scared
>get up and see if he's still there
>he's not
This happens time and time again.
>sit by guy in class
>sit by him every day
>he does the thing and i know he's attracted
>get too scared to even make eye contact with him so I look at the floor
>never see him again in the summer
the end.
That's my dating life. If i could meet a nice guy at school i would date him (providing that he doesn't drink or do drugs). The thing is I am way to shy
Stop being sarcastic I never said I was depressed I have come to accept the fact that I will die alone its ok.

Yeah, and it's what the alphas follow every single day while you sit back and play internet philosopher, faggot.

Yes, yes. Tell me how it makes you feel to know you will die alone... please use plenty of adjective and make your emotions shine through don't try to hide behind a facade of logical acceptance

>the great Heath Ledger
>the great

Let me guess, you also quote Marylin Monroe on Facebook? Grow the fuck up dude, most of your desires have been maliciously changed by the mass media, promising women you will never EVER have. Unless you start seeing the world for how it is, you will always have impossible ambitions.
I think the "no drinking" thing is going to cause a problem. I do know lots of guys that don't drink, but it's also very common for guys to just drink casually (a drink or two once or twice a week). Not everyone that drinks gets drunk frequently.
>implying narssicism is bad
Narcissism is actually one of the things that helps you get laid.

It's ok to try and grab what you want, if it's within your reach. If not, then it's just plain silly. A 9/10 guy can do it, a 4/10 fag can't.
Kleptomaster sorry I don't post my pics here because I know better
Look what happened to JLC and other tripcoders
idgaf about how everyone smokes weed and drinks. I don't need multiple guys, just one guy. Avoiding drugs in alcohol 99% of the time goes hand in hand with being a decent human being, being clean cut and having a good future ahead. I never met a sober person and said to myself "oh he's an asshole and he's going to be poor"
Why the duck can't women keep eye contact?

When you look away I assume you're not interested.
>incredible high standards.
Tbh. Wrong. Because the only thing that attracts me is personality. Aslong as you keep yourself from being morbidly obese and have hygiene.. I don't give a damn.

Heath Ledger was a talented, well-spoken guy and actually his character said it not him; I was judging the quote moreso than the person who said it fuckboy.

The media didn't influence shit bitch. I like pretty girls and now I will go after them; go tell 95% of the female population to stop fucking exclusively alphas and see if it works.

I'd rather die alone than settle for some girl well below my caliber.

It's ok dude, if you don't look like shit, you won't have to be f.alone. If you're pretty (7/10), I'm sure you can get the man you want. Still, if you fit any of those two cases above, I don't see why you would complain on /r9k/.
No, I am ok with being alone. I'd rather be alone then have a serires of shitty relationships with losers who just use me for sex and then get dumped in a wastebin at 30.
Tell me, why do people need alcohol to feel happy? That's really depressing. That "buzz" is from losing control of your mind, albeit a little bit.
Well I might not be 'forever' alone, but I am currently. For me all it took was being a shut-in, extremely shy/untalkative and fairly ugly. I should mention I'm 20 and attending university, but there's more females attending than males anyway.

I know I could probably find people that want to have sex with me, but that's not what I'm interested in. I don't really care about sex, only the relationship side of things. Men and women are very different in terms of sexual desire for the most part.
Occasionally I keep eye contact
I just get embarrassed
and afraid

Then stop fucking whining.

And you will eventually get lonely; you're hiding behind a logical acceptance like most women do on here.
I didn't say I am not lonely
I said that there are plenty of weird loser guys in the world and it would just put me through an even worse depression than just being alone
For women:
>Mental retardation
>Extremely high standards
>Extreme bitchiness

For men:
>Extremely ugly (deformed)
>Mental retardation
>No status
>100% betaness

>For men to have success with any woman he needs to fit into a narrow type

What the fuck? I don't fit into any specific type, yet I enjoy moderate success with women. I'm not a special snowflake, fuck. Just a standard-issue "normalfag".

It's ok, if you're a 9/10 businessman, you'll get the model you desire; if you're a pretty, clean guy I'm sure you'll get a decent one. If not, then you'll get a fat or ugly one. Doesn't matter, you won't have to settle for "some girl well below your
If you're stressed out or wound up from your day it numbs you a bit. Helps you relax. You could say it's a "crutch" or whatever, but drinking in moderation isn't going to turn an otherwise good person bad. It's like how people drink coffee to wake up and face their day, except in reverse.
I have 0 doubt in my mind girl in ops pic is a furry and likes anime.

It's so funny that you're trying to convince me that I don't deserve what I want; I'm glad Heath Ledge has just the quote to help me laugh you off.

Those are some really high standards. most successful guys have vices. The only person that I've seen that fit's your criteria is literally as interesting as a wet carrot.
I don't even drink coffee
Your mind should always be within as much control over yourself
It's like willingly giving yourself mild mental retardation
So basically
>Women have no reason to be foreveralone
>Women have it easy
>Feel sorry for me
>It is no fault of my own.
>The World sucks.

Jeez, of course women can be forever alone. But you guys go into denial and start self-pitying.
I'd rather have a boring guy who is stable and doesn't drink / do drugs and is reliable and won't cheat than an exciting guy
I don't know anybody who doesn't drink.
oh, I do, I had a friend in school who didn't drink, also he was a social outcast (before the time everybody else started drinking), always looked like a hamster, always wore tracksuit pants and the same pullover.
in retrospect he probably has serious asperger's, not that he wasn't my friend, he was my only friend when I was 11, but man, this dude never changed.
I saw him recently, he is 23 now, still wears the same pullover (he lost a shitton of weight) and tracking pants.
poor fellow.
maybe you should date him? he is studying to become an engineer.
>can tell he's attracted because guys do this thing when they are attracted to you

He's stroking his cock while looking you dead in the eye?

Now I know I was getting trolled all along.

11/10, you win, you got me to respond several times.
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I am so extremely sick of seeing this shit. Women do not seek out men who fit narrow niches in their fantasies. Sure, most women have standards that are too high. But, once they get past a certain age, they realize they need to lower their standards. Everyone has a fantasy guy/girl, and you can not be pissed at them for that.
Be pissed at Disney, the media, etc. for portraying a man's worth as his attractiveness.
Also, relationships won't make your life better. Find some good friends, stick to that. The rest will come. Stop fucking whining. I want this board to get deleted because of whining.
Whining makes people hate you. Because you act like you deserve better than what you have.
Work hard, accomplish things in life, and then come back to the internet, because no one wants to hear about your shitty life.
"Today I will describe the Major College Crush or MCC.
MCC was beyond FINE, perhaps the most gorgeous man I have ever laid eyes upon. But it wasn't just about looks, oh no, he was a talented athlete who spoke three languages and could wear a tight sweater like NO OTHER. Seeing him in a baby blue sweater just made me melt.

Minor College Crush: the Viking
Although I was nearly obsessed with MCC, one of his teammates showed a little interest in me for a couple months my senior year of college. He was a minor college crush, but since the moniker MCC has already been taken, I will call him The Viking. He exuded masculinity and was a natural leader or 'Alpha male.' He eventually became the team's captain.
Big, tall, muscular and blonde. He reminded me of a modern day Viking physically."

This is how women end up forever alone.
No, you can just tell
It's a thing
They look you in the eye like they want you
It's just something girls learn
I know a bajillion girls like me and we attract each other
And I have met a few guys like me from time to time through family and whatnot
Albeit like once a century
I met one guy who I really really liked -- quiet, studious, tall, doesn't drink / do drugs
I probably will never see him again ;_;

Women can be forever alones. What make some people rage here is that it is SO FUCKING HARD for a woman to get to that state you practically have to try. I do pity some f.alone fembots though, the ones that suffered from childhood traumas, the ones that were raped (in the real sense of the word), the ones that were born with extreme facial defects, the whales that have a 40% fat percentage.
Are you people kidding? Most of the guys I know don't drink.

Not trolling you, bro. The beauty of women is one of the last things on this Earth that motivates me naturally and I'm not going to toss that away just so you can sleep better at night knowing that some ugly chick found her "mate."

ragefuel for decades.


Fucking whore; pretending to be into a bunch of deep traits when you're just as shallow of a cunt as the rest of them. I love how the fucking female troll of the library only fucks guys 6' and up

That's because you're a social outcast who doesn't go clubbing or to parties like most people do. Open your eyes.
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>Women do not seek out men who fit narrow niches in their fantasies.
Only 99% of them.

>Sure, most women have standards that are too high.
When they're 30 and a single mother.
Well fuck, I don't remember trying.
It just sort of happened that I became forever alone.
>I'm not fat
>No physical or mental problems
>I'm probably like average with looks (maybe)

Did I miss something.. Fuck.
>That's because you're a social outcast who doesn't go clubbing or to parties like most people do. Open your eyes.
So women can date guys like us if they don't like drinking.
omg are you serious? you are retarded
I liked a guy with those qualities in high school too and he was 5'4 or something tiny like that and I still liked him.
I'll never see him again either.

Why are you quoting my posts? I'm not whining about shit.

What happened then? Did you live your entire life in a bunker? Are you tomboyish? Are you a NEET fembot?
>So women can date guys like us if they don't like drinking.
But you guys aren't as exciting as the other guys :3

Are you fucking serious!? Do you know how rare it is to be over 6'? Yet you want to fucking make us feel like shit because we aren't some genetic mutation. You have some nerve pretending that you can't find a normal guy when in reality you just want some giant to come sweep you off your feet and fucking bump his head on every tree branch that passes by.

Well, then... how considerate. I'm sure lots of fembots will reward you for that, why don't you ask the one on this thread on a date? :)
I have female friends that every last guy worships the ground they walk on. They're like 5/10 looks-wise, but their personalities are 15/10. And they date guys who are 4/10's because of personality.
Stop judging based on popular opinion.
Yes, a lot of women are just stupid bitches and whores. And the real women suffer because of them.
I'm just glad I'm not a woman, their lives suck no matter what.
To put it simply, I'm agreeing with you, however, I disagree with the 99% stat you put up. it's about 70-30.
>Well, then... how considerate. I'm sure lots of fembots will reward you for that, why don't you ask the one on this thread on a date? :)
No point, really.
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>I'm just glad I'm not a woman, their lives suck no matter what.
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>I'm just glad I'm not a woman, their lives suck no matter what.
Yeah lol
I've always been tomboyish but not to extremes, saying that I was always treated like one of the guys.
But jeez, you see all these fat women with dredful, irritating personalities being in relationships.
I must be worse than them ..Oh damn.
>Also, relationships won't make your life better.
Fucking bullshit, my life to several times better when I got a relationship. It made me much happier.
You guys are wayyyyy to insecure and defensive. I'd like more of you if you weren't always so offended by BS.

Geez, I get it. No need to have a tampon party.
>What does it take for a woman to be forever alone?
oh that's easy well you see-
>Assuming both have rather normal lives, they go to college, they got jobs etc
u wot m8?
Dude, if you can't be happy when you're alone, you're fucking screwed. You sound like 70% of women, thinking that they -need- a relationship to be happy.
Fuck that shit.

IDK dude, I have a 7/10 girl friend who got dumped by a 3/10 guy (he kinda had money, but still, he was ugly as fuck and annoying). Sometimes, shit just doesn't work as we think it does. I still find it hard to believe though, you don't seem to have issues (neither mentally or physically), you should be taken.
you're the one who had a jock strap hissy fit about something I didn't even say
Nah, there's a huge difference between a girl who's sad because her last boyfriend broke up with her 2 weeks ago and a guy who's a 20 something kissless virgin.
I refuse to compromise on some issues but I generally am accepting of guys, I tend to friend zone guys though, buts its because I don't know what other way to get interested in them and find out about them.

I mean I really don't believe in love at first site, But I really like being familiar with someone first before randomly hooking up with...strangers. I think the reason I've been alone and virgin so far is I have problems separating the friendzone from the lovezone
Fair enough.
Just... OkCupid?

Well you attacked a sensitive subject
I should also add that I know what I don't want, but I'm not sure of what I want in a relationship
I guess i'm mostly seen as another bro. I mean everything I do is probably seen as guy things. Funny thing is, I don't get physically attracted, i'm attracted by someones personality. So my standards are not really high.
I don't drink or smoke, I occasionally drink coffee. I drink mostly tea.

Check, am a lawyer working my way up the corporate ladder. 60k starting currently.

That's perfectly fine.

But the thing is, although I could match all the whys on your list concerning the guy side of things, I will be dropped, why? I'm below average in looks.

>Even if I make eye contact with a cute boy
That's where I lost.
People where I live don't use this thing. Also I'm in a relationship, I was just saying you were wrong when you said relationships don't make people happier.
I'm forever alone out of choice. I'd know I make a terrible girlfriend, plus I have so many other things I want to do and well love is last on my list, and to be honest it probably will always be. I do get lonely though
I have really bad social skills. I have a hard time making eye contact, I stutter, and I couldn't carry a conversation to save my life. I make inappropriate jokes and laugh too loudly at the wrong times. I get told that I "wiggle" a lot, awkwardly shifting my body if a guy is near me. I'm also obese and wear almost exclusively hoodies and jeans out of insecurity.

I have had one boyfriend, and he was a faggot furry /b/tard Wiccan that didn't have a sex drive. He broke up to me to dedicate more time to his furry comic.

I sit at home every night on 4chan.
I'm forever alone because the guy who took my virginity won't have an exclusive relationship with me.

lol, you're just like my friend, she's cute and all but she loves to do manly stuff, like volunteering in an organization that builds houses for poor people, she gets all dirty and bruised. Still, people ask her out A LOT, she almost always declines and then calls me up and we laugh at the reaaaaally ugly guys that wanted to date her. If you're a 7/10, that should happen to you to.
For the first time in nearly two years I feel legit loneliness...it just started today. But I'm scared of men and don't want to have sex with them (unfortunately this is what they all want). I'm desperate for a pet at least.

Trollin or dumb? btw, there are like 5 billion other guys out there.
how many of those guys want a girl whose a virgin?

The clock is ticking. Remember that guys can wait and postpone love in order to build a stable economic condition, we will probably get increasingly better as the years pass, peaking at 35 or 40. Women's worth starts declining as soon as she reaches 28-30.
Yeah but I love HIM, not the other guys.

Please go into detail about your loneliness. Let the waves of emotion wash over you; don't try to rationalize your feelings away. I want to feel that pure emotion come from you.
I'm probably very average in looks. Though i'm 18 and look about 16 -_-, I was a "late bloomer" though, I guess my looks will mature eventually..hopefully..

LOL. You're on /r9k/, probably 95% of the guys here would happily date a virgin girl. Even I, a man whore, dream of settling down some day with some virgin/not slutty feminine girl.

LEL. Dumb, that's all I've got to say.
Well, in my case it's extreme social awkwardness.
thats cool with me, I'm sure men can find a women they love and want. I already have no worth, which is why I'm ok with being alone
But the guys here are unattractive.

You're 18? shiiiiet, you've got your whole life ahead of you, at least 10 more years till you got to start worrying, you're alright girl. :)

>in her fertile years
>no worth


Welp, yeah.

Tell that to all the friends who question me. Aha, it never bothered me till now. It seems that's all people care about.
>so wanting a guy with a semi decent future who doesn't do drugs or drink

When the vast majority of people will have a drink from time to time, wanting a guy who doesn't drink greatly limits your choices.
oh shush I am sure you look ok
The vast majority of men are meh tier average looking or better
and if a guy is compatible with me and meh tier average looking then you know what? its fine, i would date him.
So if you don't drink, don't do drugs, are softspoken and studious and have a good future ahead then you are someone i'd date
I tend to suppress my emotions, just to keep my composure so I really can't vividly describe any feelings. I just, compartmentalize extremely well. Even now I'm subtly ignoring the fact that I'm lonely as hell. Maybe I've felt this way for a long time, but these feelings are really becoming apparent. I've been sitting alone at home in absolute quietness all day. I usually like this, but maybe I'm lying to myself. I haven't spoken to any of my friends in weeks, just got out of school with no job prospects and all I do is play WoW. My life is incredibly empty for the time being.
most men who don't drink tend to be really good quality

Relationships? Love? Sex? Finding a soulmate? Having kids?

I'm pretty sure that's been humanity's main concern for at least a couple thousand years, lol.
>I'd know I make a terrible girlfriend
May I ask why?

Why did you give him your virginity, then?

>I'm scared of men and don't want to have sex with them
What exactly do you mean by that?
I'm forever alone, and I think it's because I have low enough self esteem that I'm oblivious to any subtle hints that someone might like me. I go through phases when I think I'm too ugly to leave the house even when I know it's not true, and that's not an attractive personality trait.

I also refuse to have anything to do with serial cheaters or manwhores and those are the only guys who overtly hit on me. One of them managed to get me out on a date without me even realizing it until he threw a shitfit when I didn't want to take him home.

Don't judge us so quickly, the truth behind it is:

>Before you get into a man's heart, you probably have to get into his pants.
>Before you get into a woman's pants, you probably have to get into her heart.

It's not that we JUST WANT SEX, it's that it's our first concern, like a first checkpoint.
I don't think people shoud be made out to be weird though. Sometimes it just turns out that way, yet people make it seem like they are weird if they havn't done anything by a certain age.
>Average looking guy, somewhat shy
>is forced to fuck walruses

>Fat ugly bitch
>enjoys the affection of average looking guys

Fuck this system.
Not fertile
I might have to have my womb removed at the tender age of 21
Terrible family genetics, history of family health problems
mental issues as well

I want to be alone, anyway

so yea as I said if we were judging this by basic human functions, I fail a major one and thus I want nothing to do with relationships
Are you sure your idea of what an average looking guy looks like isn't a bit biased.

It's just on the numbers, when an average 16 y.o. kid has gotten laid twice in his lifetime and a 30 y.o. male is still a virgin that lives with his mom, you're obviously somewhat weird. I agree that getting ridiculed because of that its mean but, well, that's life.
>most men who don't drink tend to be really good quality

You base this on what?
Aw, she actually looks a bit like a sad puppy.

Shitttttt, that's sad fembot. I'm truly sad, it's never pleasant to see someone nice (at least that's how you seem to be) get fucked up by life. Still, I'm sure some guy out there would date you, you just gotta lower your standards, or just drop em.
on what i've seen
I have met many nice guys who got good degrees and are close to their families who don't drink or do drugs. It's always the best guys and the type of guys who i like.
Narcissm runs in my family and I'm afraid I might be one or display traits of one. I also don't really like being intimate with the ones I love, as well as needing my space 70% of the time. I also have a super low libido, so if anyone is ok with a sexless marriage then sure

Plus with all my health issues it wouldn't be fair to hook up with someone and then they have to take care of me down the line
Yes, l am.

>Why did you give him your virginity, then?
Because I love him, we were co-workers, he was good looking, charismatic, confident, interesting, and a million other things. My first time was amazing, he knew everything about sex.
Check your cis privilege, asshole.
People should only be concerned with their own lives. Maybe at 30, yea.. something a bit weird but people make you seem like a weirdo if you havn't done anything by 18.

In the grand scheme of things.. it's such a small thing for people to be concerned about.

>it's never pleasant to see someone nice get fucked up by life

Except when it happens to men then you can just rationalize them away as "nice guys." Don't pretend this girl has real problems.

Perhaps, but sexuality is all around us. For guys, the quantity and quality of girls you fuck is what determines your worth. It's just how shit works.
I go to college and everything but I'm disfigured on half my face. Two months ago I had a paid date with a male escort to finally pop my cherry, at 25. It was pretty amazing ("sex with an actual human being really feels that good?!") and he was very professionnal, even with my mangled face. So yeah, forever alone reporting in (not really, I have friends and family).
I doubt you've encountered more than a handful of these guys.

But my original statement still stands. You're cutting out a lot of the population for excluding guys who drink, and personally I don't understand the aversion. It's not as everyone who drinks is some sort of raging alcoholic.
Its not so sad, I knew from a young age I wasn't interested in love or getting married. As I got older I started realizing I'm not really into other people, so those issues I guess was mother natures way of telling me that yep I was right

thanks for the offer, but i'm sure you'll find someone who wants you
Are you doing it again? How was it?

Well, if she has shit genetics and she isn't even fertile, she has serious problems dude. And I never rationalize shit in that way, most guys are betafags and get frienzoned because they just try to get girls out of their league, they just won't accept they won't get their 8/10, as you have seen in this thread.
> Men and women are very different in terms of sexual desire for the most part.

No they aren't.

Men and women by and large are two sides of the same coin. For every guy that wants to(and tries to) fuck every attractive girl that crosses his path, there is a woman out there who operates the same way. And the same applies to the opposite end of the spectrum.

It's just a matter of finding someone who's on the same wavelength as you are.
> I have really bad social skills. I have a hard time making eye contact, I stutter, and I couldn't carry a conversation to save my life. I make inappropriate jokes and laugh too loudly at the wrong times. I get told that I "wiggle" a lot, awkwardly shifting my body if a guy is near me. I'm also obese and wear almost exclusively hoodies and jeans out of insecurity.

I love how there's this huge preface of shit that has never prevented women from gettting laid as fuck. LOL cannot carry a conversation, like that has ever been a problem for women. Men approach them and lead the conversation anyways because they want to fuck em. You being alone has everything to do with obesity.

> I have had one boyfriend, and he was a faggot furry /b/tard Wiccan that didn't have a sex drive. He broke up to me to dedicate more time to his furry comic.

Oh god, my sides hahahahahahahhaha
Maybe when I will be horny. I learned pretty well how not to be horny in my teenage years. He actually said he would cut me a deal. Well, it was out of pity, but he was very charming about it.

Well, if you think you can do without relationships, then it's not so bad, as you put it.

And... what offer? lol

>most guys are betafags and get frienzoned because they just try to get girls out of their league, they just won't accept they won't get their 8/10, as you have seen in this thread.

Aww that's adorable; it ties the world up in a nice little bow of fairness. Guys are suffering because the world is fair and they're trying to be unfair... but this ugly girl with a full list of standards is "suffering" because the system screwed her over. Oh no!

Get your fucking head out of your ass; you heard her say that plenty of guys do "the thing" to her and are attracted to her.
>I'd rather have a boring guy who is stable

Then you're looking for a warm body, and not a relationship.

Translated: Ugly
woman: seriously ugly
man: socially awkward

What? I never talked about fairness, thinking that way is just plain silly. I'm talking about supply and demand, when most of the 4/10 guys can't fuck in their zone (4-5/10), they just turn to the 1-3/10 girls. And yeah, it all probably started with the sexual revolution and with the feminists movements, but she isn't the one to be blamed for. And btw, I get sad too when my fellow friends get ditched and stabbed in the back by whores, but guess what, that's just the way it works dude.
>woman: seriously ugly
>man: socially awkward
I think that covers the general cases. Though I would add:
>woman: seriously socially fucked up (it's not just awkward at this point)
>man: seriously fucking ugly
This so much.

Fuck this muting bullshit.
Yes they are.
On a basic level, women tend not to want/need sex as often. I know there's sluts out there, but the fact that they're even classed as 'sluts' tells you something.
And it's also why sex tends to dry up after marriage for a lot of people - in the majority of cases, it's due to the woman lacking interest.

It all comes down to the differences in investment between men and woman. Women invest a lot more in egg production and rearing children, so they have to be choosy. Men can fuck and leave, so quantity is more important for them. Which is why being a manslut is not so looked down upon.
Why don't you girls join a dating website? You get dozens of messages everyday.

women: seriously ugly
men: seriously ugly, spaghetti dropper.
Forever alone because..
>Just another bro
Holy shit, are you me? Since I'm ugly, I would always get friendzoned by guys. I don't really mind since they were awesome friends.

You just said the problem was that guys go for girls out of their league. Now the problem is they won't settle for girls under their league?

Are you a woman? You're starting to reek of woman.

THIS, christ, your complains are entertaining and all but there's a simple way to get laid/loved.
yes, I don't really consider myself a looker
Don't believe their lies, what they say and what they do are two completely different things. You'd be a fool to take anything from them at face value.
Hey foreveralone females in this thread who are socially awkward heres a pro-tip:

It's not because you're awkward it's because you're ugly.
women: fat and have standards.
men: below average and refuse to settle with fatties.
The whole crippling social anxiety kind of prevents me even thinking about doing that, and even uploading a picture of my face.
If you wanted an exclusive relationship with him, don't you think you should have waited until you had one before giving him your virginity?

If you don't see the relation between those two statements and the reason why some men are forever alone, you are truly dumb.
>bawwww alpha guy popped my cherry but doesn't want to date me, I'll never love a less than perfect man again
lol forever alone women
Then you worse than everyone else in here.

Dress up, get your make up on and take the best photo you can. After doing that, just state you're shy and all that crap, most guys won't even read it if your pic is ok so you don't have to write much.

>Men go above their league, don't get girlfriend
>Men go in their league, don't get girlfriend because women can go above it
>Men should settle

Is this what you are trying to say? If not please tell me what you are trying to say so I can move onto the fucking tear you apart phase.
>he knew everything about sex.
And why?

Because he as fucked and dumped women since he was 14.
Mostly, though the inability to to even be within five feet of people, make eye contact, hold a conversation for more than a few minutes or even leave the house more than once a month doesn't exactly help.
If the picture did not represent how I look on average, I will be shitting myself by the time it comes to meeting him face-to-face.

Not that I'd ever have the guys to do that, I can't even deal with the pressure of talking to someone online with the expressed intention of romantic interest.
Aren't those statements like....the same thing?
I'm forever alone but that is mainly because I am a shut in.
>guys to do that
I meant guts, obviously.
Because men are scumbags and only want one thing

To put their smelly stinky disgusting penis into my clean pure body. And they have those disgusting eyes that are always looking at my beautiful maiden body, imagining me carrying their disgusting foul seed in my belly. I don't want their smelly dicks anywhere near me, or their hairy wilderbeast bodies near me as well

Plus men are stupid and I'm super smart so why would I want a stupid neanderthal, and unelegant creature speaking to me? All men are the same
It's okay you fell for an alpha sweet-talker that will never want to be with you, it happens.

The funny thing about this is he was probably just good looking and confident. The other shit is just your mind building him up because he's attractive; stop spewing bullshit about your Wal-Mart co-worker.

>women pretending they have depth
I don't know, but I don't regret it.
My body is way more pure than yours, wench. I bet you already kissed someone.
Ok then your happy. So gtfo.
I'm not happy, he's dating someone else.

Well, the last one sounds a little bit too bossy, it could be rephrased to:

>If you're not 9-10/10 and want to date someone, you will probably have to settle (obviously, intended for males).
Look, you know what women want? You want to cut through all the bullshit?

Women want you to fuck fat, ugly bitches. The moaning bitches whose cunts smell like low tide. The fat cunts who whine to them about how they can't find men, but are such wobbling mounds of entitlement, they can't imagine that they ough to change themselves.

They despise us shy/nice/responsible/affectionate guys to such an extent, they want to force us into union with these hateful hippos. They truly want to see you, an average looking, relatively intelligent and educated young man in the arms of an acne covered yaoi fangirl. They want you to have to procreate with this shuffling beast who spends her evenings scrawling fanfiction of Twilight.

That is what women want for you.

Because they hate you.

There is a quiet war between us and womankind, /r9k/.

If you're not careful, they'll gently push you over the cliff and into fat-canyon.

No, settling is going for a girl below you and going out of your league is above you. She initially said that guys refuse to go for girls in their league then she backtracked and said that women can get guys above their league which means men have to settle for less.

>most guys are betafags and get frienzoned because they just try to get girls out of their league
>when most of the 4/10 guys can't fuck in their zone (4-5/10), they just turn to the 1-3/10 girls

First the problem was that men are shooting up; then the problem was that men can't get girls in their league. Pick one you cunt.
I've never let a disgusting creature get so close to me. Mens lips are just as foul too, constantly shoving food into their mouths like the filthy disgusting animals they are, grunting like pigs

Bitch my lips are pure and unkissed

Welp, then you're fucked, lol. I'm pretty sure that if you take care of those mental illnesses, you will be datable. After all, you're a girl in a world where vaginas are pretty much worshiped and put in pedestals.

Alright then the problem isn't that "most betas are shooting out of their league" like you originally said; the problem is that women are shooting out of their league. You were wrong in your original statement and I was right to call you out. I win.
>implying you have never put food in your mouth.

GTFO bitch
You're pretty far from being forever alone when you refuse guys in your own league just because you want to get back with some alpha douche that used you for sex once.

That's more like being.. i don't know... retarded perhaps.
Because I'm too socially awkward to even talk to people online.
I bet you flirted with a man at some point of your life, filthy slut. I could never breath the same air as you.
>On a basic level, women tend not to want/need sex as often.

I know this might be beyond your experience or research knowledge, but women on average are the same as men in their sexual desires.

Men just express those desires in a much more overt manner.

>most guys are betafags and get frienzoned because they just try to get girls out of their league.
>when most of the 4/10 guys can't fuck in their zone (4-5/10), they just turn to the 1-3/10 girls.

Both are correct, men just have to settle unless they are 8-10/10s. Just remember that, whenever you see a chick with average looks, she's got at least 1 more point that her male counterpart.

I actually believe this 100%. I think women feel bad for the fatties and are so disgusted by us that they see us as a solution to the fat girl's problems. That's why I don't take advice about "settling" from anybody on here; hot girls have their own agenda and so do the "man up and fuck a fatty" guys.

I'm actually a good-looking guy, I can make people laugh, and I've had a good amount of friends and am knowledgeable but because I don't fit a "confident, cocky" archetype i'm automatically "socially awkward" aka "not attractive" and i'm forced to "settle for fatties." No thanks.

Never let anybody convince you that you don't deserve what you want.
>mental illnesses
Nothing's diagnosed, bitchnigga.
I suppose if I was more open, males would be more likely to approach me. Though where I am, there's enough vagina to go around for every man to have one on their pedestal without even glancing at me, so they don't have to bother with the effort of prying me out of my shell.

Shooting out of her league? PFFF, dude when you have a vagina, you can be in pretty much every league you want. Haven't you read about male disposability? about how women are regarded as more than man, always?. Women don't have a league, they pretty much fuck who ever they want dude.
> Think you're a shy/nice/responsible/affectionate guy
> In the process of typing that entire post
Yes, but I am not shoving food into my mouth like an animal or grunting, or breathing like a disgusting creature who can't chew THEN breathe
No, they have higher standards.

If women were like gay guys, i wouldn't have a problem.

Welp, that's sad. Where I live, shit's like that too, but I thought you lived in Murrika, where even the 250lbs whales could find somebody. So, what will you do then? Will you just let the years go by?
i can't speak for all women (apparently a lot of men on /r9k/ have the ability to) but I don't give a shit if fatties are getting fucked. I would only be concerned if they were getting fucked over me, so if anything, I want them to be ignored because they'd be competition.
Good for you, man.

As a little extra, women genuinely view nice men, or men who are simply not cocky-confident-alphas, as being on the same tier as fat women are to us. So they shove nice guys in the same category and condemn them to the company of these sweating mounds of flesh-coated butter.

Men must rebel with all their spirit against this perversion of the natural order.
Sorry but I only surround myself with fellow, gentle womenfolk. I love my mother she's kind and elegant I'm just sorry she had to endure a filthy beast filling her with its disgusting baby juice

I've never spoken to a disgusting man creature either
Ok, sorry if I wasn't clear, I'm talking about on a casual-sex-with-strangers level mostly. Even though I brought marriage into it.
Because they're filthy monsters that make non-slutty women uncomfortable.
being a nice person does not mean you have to be saint

I'm not, I'm just an advocate for the nice guy.

I'm "one of them" only in as much as I favour them over alphas.
Look at this bitch, she's not having sex because the grunts she has been seeing has had bad table manners.

That has nothing to do with sex, yet, it seems to be her main problem. If she was a guy, she wouldn't care about that as long as she could get the dude naked.

Female and male sexuality differ A LOT.
Nah, I'm in the UK, in a university that is around 2:1 male to female. On my course, the ratio of women is even higher.

Yeah, I'll just wait it out until (IF) someone takes an interest, because I'm too far gone to ever work up the courage to announce my interest in a man.
All it takes for a man to be forever alone is for him to be the shy, quiet type that can't strong arm himself into a relationship.
I bet a man already masturbated to you, if you say it never happened one of the robots will start masturbating to you right now.

Not me, obviously.
I mean 2:1 female to male.

If this is who you are, women will hate you. Actually hate you.
Seriously have you never seen the way a filthy man beast chews sometimes? Grabbing huge chunks of food stuffing them into their mouths, or talking an chewing at the same time

And then they can't even brush the disgusting stumps in their mouths, and it smells like wild creature crawled into their mouths and died

I'm not having sex with pig disgusting men

2:1 Female to male ratio? Bitch, where the fuck are you studying?! lol, that must be a fucking paradise, I wouldn't even have to compete with my already low standards.
Don't tell yourself this.
I know at least two self-proclaimed 'shy' guys that are in relationships with fairly shy women.
>I bet a man already masturbated to you, if you say it never happened one of the robots will start masturbating to you right now.
In the future a woman will be able to send a man to jail for fap-rape.

I don't agree with your misandrist opinions but I'm glad I called you out on being wrong and an idiot. Now go back to "feeling sorry" for someone who can be "in any league" lmao you're a mentally backwards idiot dude.
I cannot stop foul creatures from think about me, because I cannot control minds. But its disgusting that they have to rub their filthy hard shafts in order to get pleasure, and that repulsive juice come shooting out from their stiff shafts. That isn't clean at all, and yet thats all they talk about or do

I dream of a world filled with pure clean women
Why do men always have to make it about numbers or getting what they feel like they deserve? (hint, both men and women generally think they deserve a lot more than they actually do, it's a Dunning Kruger effect thing)

Just go up to a girl, ask her out. If you both want to fuck, it'll happen. If not, move to the next girl. It's not rocket science. Oh wait, maybe it is.
You're funny.

Just because your dad was like that when back he molested you doesn't mean that every dude out there is like that.

Learn the difference.

>Be a nice person
>Express views about how unfair the world is to you

Place called Royal Holloway. It still surprises me even now when I come across this shy, average or below looking guy with a smoking girlfriend, but there's a few even just on my course.
I know most guys prefer quiet, feminine girls but tomboys are a major weakness for me. A little while back this girl came into where I work with oil all over her hands from working on cars. I found it a bit of a turn on which made me feel weird upon reflection, but my point is I know I'm not the only one. They're not common but they're out there.
The fact you think of sex as a zero sum game speaks volumes.
I agree, such filthy disgusting creatures should have their hands tied behind their backs, whipped everytime they think about something dirty.

Then they should be chained and locked away until smart women can figure out how to reproduce on our own.

>average or below looking guy with a smoking girlfriend

Now you're just being mean. Time to move to the UK then, lol.
I'm like that too.
I often fall for and hit on boyish dykes.
Nope, some girls are fat and hideous in combination.

There are girls with very manly features, basically looks like dudes. These girls have trouble getting laid and can be as desperate as some men in here. It's unfortunate for them, they happen to be having a vagina and living in the same world as most guys do.

The fact you have no argument (insert meaningless saying here)
>betafags talking about being "nice guys"

You're not foreveralone because you're "nice", it's because you're a pushover and have zero assertiveness - there's a big difference.
Thank goodness such a nasty beast was not around growing up, such a ugly creature has NO relation to me.

Do you think liking/falling for tomboys is related to being beta or unmanly? I'm starting to believe it does.
What, not even going to deny that you seem to have this crazy us versus them mentality? So you're going to blame the entirety of womankind instead of thinking maybe, if a couple million women in the world don't want to have sex with you, the problem might be you?

You're right there, if seen some, and while they do struggle, they won't die virgins nor have to pay someone to fuck em. Unless you're seriously deformed, I'm sure someone from craigslist (a chubby chaser perhaps) will happily fuck you, lol. In the end, they don't have it worst that most guys, just tougher than most girls.

We shouldn't have to assert ourselves in the manner that women want us too; do women do anything like this when attracting a mate? Of course not because it's unnatural and puts the person in an awkwardly powerful position. Stop shitting on us like we're all "u-u-u-hhh hi--- my name... iss" guys; most of us are just normal guys who aren't expressively confident and dominating.

The only reason that one would even act in that manner in a social situation is too attract women and that's not a good enough reason for me right now.
No i don't have zero assertiveness, not any longer at least.

But it doesn't really help, im very inexperienced and don't really know how you do it. I look pretty bad as well, and the kind of girls that i like don't like me back.

I'm going to blame whoever is at fault; women created a sparse dating system that only benefits the top 10% of men so it seems reasonable to blame them. (I know women didn't consciously make this system but they still perpetuate it by instinct; I have a right to protest that just as I have a right to protest a shark for biting my arm off)
Women are held to a higher standard of physical attractiveness to acquire a mate (or at least, to not be a complete laughingstock). This takes time and effort, like you could be doing with learning social skills. You can't expect your future girlfriend to put in a ton of effort when you don't.
why should men have to be anymore assertive than women in a society that's calling for the end of gender roles
Then why aren't you getting pissy at the 7/10 men who refuse to keep their standards up and only fuck 7+ women? If alpha males would stop thinking with their dicks, you all would benefit. Women only get to go for higher standards because men ultimately have none.
I'd say there's a spectrum between super-masculine attraction and super-feminine attraction, and that beta males fall on the slightly feminine side of heterosexual attraction.

So beta males (or at least the kind which browse /r9k/) basically wants some elements of what the feminine attraction desires - that is, they want to see their partners as being either equal or superior, and they also want to be actively pursued and seduced.

However, because women by and large want the same thing, there's a kind of mutual pushing-away going on here, like trying to draw two positive magnets together.

The resentment /r9k/ feels comes from the fact that they live in a world and society which doesn't accommodate their particular style of attraction. They're expected to take the lead, to dominate the woman, to control her etc. etc. but unfortunately, that very process is anti-attraction to them.

It's like asking a typical man if he'd go out with a super-model, just as long as she was permitted to put on a massive amount of weight first and develop a disfiguring skin disorder. Yes, he'd love to be in a relationship with a super-model, but the preconditions for this relationship render the whole thing pointless.

So all the /r9k/ variety of beta can do is let off steam by whining impotently. And I mean that in the most sympathetic way possible.
>Women are held to a higher standard of physical attractiveness to acquire a mate (or at least, to not be a complete laughingstock)
Nope, guys don't really give a shit unless you're very fat. That's why girls say they don't dress up for men, they dress up to compete with other women.
>Women are held to a higher standard of physical attractiveness

not these days they aren't
Haha, probably not applicable to the rest of the country. Our women have a bad reputation for a reason, I will admit. Though it is a bit exaggerated.
On the other hand, some 3/10 fat girls have expressed an interest in me in the past, and im on my way into a relationship with one of them now. It was basically her job, even though i had to initiate contact of course. Afterwards, she pretty much latched onto me like a magnet, i wasn't to happy about it though, she seemed like a real uneducated redneck, and god no, she wasn't even remotely attractive.

I didn't care though, i let it roll, we're meeting up next week.
It's not gonna work, i don't care, im too fucking tired of not having anything.
Maybe in bumfuck nowhere where there's not many women to begin with. Here in the city, it's incredibly competitive.
I live in one of the biggest cities in the world, dumbass.
>We shouldn't have to assert ourselves in the manner that women want us too

You mean like saying "hey, my name is _____" ?

I think you have some unrealistic conception of what being 'assertive' means.

>Of course not because it's unnatural

It's "unnatural" for women, but it is natural for most men.
>will happily fuck you
That's the thing, women's worth isn't judged by who she can get to fuck her. There's plenty of desperate, horny old men that will stick their dick in anything. They want to be desired, not just as a fuckhole.
For men, sexual partners can provide more worth, so it is different for males/females.
And you're not seeing how much crap women spend on beauty products and treatments? Or are you not just hanging around the right people?

And that's why 95% of women have no trouble attracting a mate? Because our standards are "SO HIGH!?" Most women have no trouble getting a boyfriend/lay because men like women not social resumes; women don't have to bring experience (how many high-quality girlfriends have you had/fucked), references (how many friends does he have, is he popular and powerful), and nail an interview (is he expressing all these traits in a charismatic and confident way).

Don't you ever compare female and male attraction.
I live in Las Vegas and I don't find that to be true
It doesn't matter, they're doing it to compete with other women, men don't give a shit.
Also men have to do a bunch of stupid shit to impress women, I got a friend who's taking steroids to get a decent amount of muscles.

Here is your dumbass of the year award.

Hey everybody! The secret to attracting women is to be assertive enough to introduce yourself!!! this fucking idiot I can't stop laughing at him

>natural for most men

Not really. Most men can't consistently attract women and have to "Get lucky."
>why should men have to be anymore assertive than women in a society that's calling for the end of gender roles

Because biology doesn't come to a screeching halt because of a recent cultural trend.
And for all those women with high standards, you have a man who fucks and then publicly humiliates a girl because she isn't up to his standards. Or has a secret fat girlfriend he likes the personality of but would never take out in public. People are just awful in general, its not just betas getting shat on.
I don't like men I like women
But most lesbians don't want me cause I'm too girly, and some women don't want me cause I'm not manly enough
>they're doing it to compete with other women, men don't give a shit.

They're competing with other women to get the attention of men.

Stop being so aloof.

Legalise rape.
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>Society ending gender roles
>For men

Hypergamy is hardwired into female genetics. They would ABSOLUTELY HATE a society where men are equal to them
Because women really find swollen roid muscles and shrunken balls to be attractive.

Nah, he's doing it to show off to other men. The most popular body type with women is otter mode, according to this board.
cool by that logic i should be able to have sex with a girls as soon as she has her first period

I see you are trying desperately to blame this on men but as you said men don't date above their league only below it because woman follow "supply and demand" or some bullshit.

You're just grasping for straws now to the point of shitting on your own arguments.

Yeah, you're right, but we were not talking about what women want, we were talking about how a woman's league can be much more bended and expanded.
>saying the same thing twice
>They're competing with other women to get the attention of men.
No, they say it themselves that they're just playing their little stupid game.
Rape didn't evolve to be the main method of intercourse for humans, because it's not optimal for most. Of course it still exists in smallish amounts, because it is effective in some cases. But your comparison doesn't work.
No, he's doing it because women like ripped guys.
Well....... maybe you shouldn't be pinning all of this on one sex being out to maliciously deny you of a wet hole to stick your dick into. The system's in place because people are going to be attracted to what they're attracted to. Unless you're serious about forcing that 6/10 to have sex with you because it's fair.
>Nah, he's doing it to show off to other men.

funny thing is that's the same reason women where makeup and buy overpriced clothing they do it to show off to other women not for the men
>Hey everybody! The secret to attracting women is to be assertive enough to introduce yourself!!! this fucking idiot I can't stop laughing at him

It's not my problem if you're too ugly or too incompetent to maintain an interesting conversation.

But keep making excuses.

>Not really. Most men can't consistently attract women and have to "Get lucky."

Yes really. Most men don't put nearly as much effort into the process as they could.

r9k and 4chan in general is full of guys who just don't give a fuck, and expect some 8/10+ waifu just because of their awesome specialness.

And before you reply with more empty whining, yes a lot of women don't put a lot of effort into the process either. That's the problem with america nowadays, every other person - male or female - is a lazy piece of trash, and wants to put the absolute bare minimum to attract a mate.
Has he gone out and polled the women around him to find out what they like, or is he just sticking with tired stereotypes.
Even if we give you that, how about impregnating girls as soon as they're capable of conception? Perfectly biological - humanity would not have survived if people did not reproduce at as early an age as possible - and a culturally accepted tradition in many societies.

So by your standards, people ought to be free to impregnate girls 13 - 16 years old without legal or social censure.
>No, they say it themselves that they're just playing their little stupid game.
>say it themselves

>taking what a female says at face value

what the hell is wrong with you?
Every man knows women liked ripped guys, go to /cgl/ and see their "hot cosplayers" thread, it's full of ripped guys.
Also my friend got into that PUA shit, but he did it obviously for other men, right?

So you were oversimplifying in your original post? Being assertive isn't as easy as introducing yourself? So you're an idiot.

>That's the problem with america nowadays, every other person - male or female - is a lazy piece of trash, and wants to put the absolute bare minimum to attract a mate.

This would be fine and dandy if women would stop putting in no effort and expecting men to be James Bond.
I take it you don't think men judge women to their faces for their looks, just like how /r9k/ says women do exclusively to men.
>sticking with tired stereotypes

Stereotypes have a basis in reality.
Ok, go for it. That's not even technically paedophilia, it's hebephilia, or however you spell it.
But a roided body? Really? Like I said, most women I've asked on this are more ottermode fans, which you can get through controlled weightlifting and fat loss. Roids'll just give you the kind of bulk club girls and Jersey Shore types go for. Plus backne, gyno and rage.
>Being assertive isn't as easy as introducing yourself? So you're an idiot.

>more adhoms
>This would be fine and dandy if women would stop putting in no effort and expecting men to be James Bond.

You sound like a hurt child with all the crying. Treat them according to the way they act and nothing more, and eventually they will wise up.
they do and most don't like a woman who wears a ton of make all that does is make them worry about how you look without it and they don't give a damn about the label on your outfit .
Then what about the stereotype that men are only out for one thing and will bail as soon as it starts to look serious? Or that men will inevitably cheat on you as soon as a 9/10 comes walking by?
Dude, i've been going for 4/10's, it feels useless.
Sorry, my life is going bad and i wish i could be a bit more like
everyone else.

It's not your fault, but i've been marginalized in society in various ways for as long as i can remember, and it makes you bitter and sad after a decade or two. Maybe im not a likable person, well fine, i'll try and do something about it.

But you would have felt the same way if you were in my shoes.
>most women I've asked on this are more ottermode fans

No offense but the sort of women you've likely had extensive conversations with don't represent the average woman.

>Roids'll just give you the kind of bulk

Roids won't turn you into a bodybuilder unless you want to look that way.
>fucking bump his head on every tree branch that passes by.

I'm 6'4" and I know that feel...hard.
What about them?

For a certain kind of guy they definitely have some validity.
I did an experiment and went out in a ton of club makeup today. And what do you know, men were opening doors for me, flirting with me over the counter, doing all this kind of stuff when usually they just ignore my minimal makeuped self. Sometimes I get the feeling a lot of ordinary men out there respond more to the social cues of what a "hot chick" is supposed to look like than anything else. You tell me, is it some kind of male competition thing?
Anyone have the fat ugly bitch on okcupid
wanting a real relationship picture ?
Um, I have a job out in the real world. I'm talking about a 23-30 year old professionals in the UK, plus students from back in the day for good measure.
It depends, if im not happy in my current relationship i will probably leave if i could do so in an orderly fashion, but i would never cheat on my wife. No matter how hideous she would be, i wouldn't. That's way below me, that's not how i do things.

>men are only out for one thing and will bail as soon as it starts to look serious.
That's also true when you're below a guys level. If he knows he can get better chicks, he will try to escape getting tied up, but unlike girls, guys like this usually don't refuse sex.
>grown women
>liking otter-mode faggots
actually where im from drinking isnt real prevalent either. theres only a few people that drink pretty regularly (my age that is, older people around here drink pretty regularly)
You looked like a slut they wanted to get layed dealwithitwhore
One question: think these 4/10s are picking up on the fact that even you think they're substandard? Numbering is for sperglords.
Some guys in here seem to be attracted to girls with paste on their face. I just think that girls in general look older when they have makeup on, i dunno why.
I think they want 7/10 guys that they can't get, that's the reason why they are single.
But why do men reward that? Is it because it's impossible for them to just go about their business day to day without making it ultimately about sex?

>Hey guys attracting women is hard there are a ton of variables that can go wrong... I wish it was as easy as it is for women :(
>i don't have that specific problem though
>no i don't do that either
>yeah i did and that didn't fix it either
I'm probably around a 4 or 5, but all the other 4/5 males I'm attracted to are reserved like me, so shit doesn't go anywhere. And approaching them is out of the question for me because of maximum shyness

I already debunked your stupid opinion; you can't get pwned and then keep trying to pretend you're right.

I no longer care about what you say.

Brits seriously have shit tier taste in men.
If you keep striking out, it kind of is your fault. Same with guys who say they always end up dating crazy girls: the only variable is you.
>actually where im from drinking isnt real prevalent either.

Unless you're amish this isn't true.

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