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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1230911216.jpg-(15 KB, 180x204, a_spoiled_child_art.jpg)
    15 KB Spoiled children Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)10:46:56 No.2631939  
    Hi /r9k/. My family is pretty rich and my parents have basically told me not to bother working. The most work I do is checking over our financial situation on my computer for an hour or so each day.

    Have any of you ever had any experiences with "spoiled" children? Do you think that it is having everything with no effort that causes the problems or bad parenting?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)10:48:47 No.2631960
    How rich are your family then OP?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)10:50:11 No.2631969
    I'm jealous.

    I'm a spoiled child in the sense that my dad has always gotten me everything, but his only condition has been for me to study and get a degree in whatever. His business is a travel agency and with the intrawebs being stronger than ever it has no future, so the family business is worthless and I will probably live in mediocrity until my dad dies and I get all his stuff.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)10:51:30 No.2631978
    I envy you.
    It's not exactly fun if you have to work hard every day to not end under a bridge.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)10:51:35 No.2631981
    My family is also pretty well off, but my parents always made me get a job. They wanted me to learn to sustain myself, and not have to rely on the money they leave me.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)10:51:54 No.2631985
    you guys make me sick. i have nothing
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)10:53:50 No.2632004
    You should work OP. You'll feel good if you can get a job you like.

    I might have been a tiny bit spoiled, as a result I'm currently trying to force myself to be totally independent.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)10:56:01 No.2632028
    Kill them and inherit their money so you don't have to work. That'll teach them good.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)10:58:05 No.2632045
    I always felt like we were spoiled as kids, even though my family are average working class people. But we weren't spoilt in the sense of having lots of material things, at least not compared to other kids at school.

    Our parents would take us out for long walks, days at the beach, treks through the woods, we'd build stuff in the garage, make crazy food, just hang out and have fun, tell stupid jokes, listen to old LPs ...

    All the kids with affluent middle class parents, they never, none of them, got anything like that. When I was younger, it would be a problem for me, relating to others and feeling "inferior" about my "socail status". I know now of course that I was the lucky one. So what if I didn't have everything that other kids had? At least I knew how to have fun with my mum and dad.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)10:58:26 No.2632050
    if you have money you should go to a good school and be a doctor or do something to help others who are not fortunate and have to go to community college and then take out student loads to pay for medical school like me
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)10:58:30 No.2632053
    Cool, I have to work for my things and support myself because no one else gives a shit

    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)10:59:33 No.2632064
    If I won the lottery I'd still work part time just to keep my sanity. Then again I like my job.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:01:17 No.2632076

    Richfag here. All of my current friends come from a lower status, but seem to all have a much more fulfilling family life. As a result, they seem to be more funny, creative, and caring, individuals, and hanging out with them and their families is truly a fun time. It's almost jealousy inducing.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:04:13 No.2632094
    My great grand mother was abandonned. The pride of my grand mother was to be able to feed her family. My dad grew in a house without running water. He's now a highly respected math teacher. I go to university and hope to get a PhD and create a successfull business to continue the social ascension of my family, where every generation allowed the next to do better than them.

    People like OP, who do nothing but sit on their ass, are enviable but have no merit.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:05:55 No.2632107
    if you dont work or study you have a shitty life no matter how much money you have. just my opinion.
    >> faustus 01/02/09(Fri)11:07:56 No.2632123
    You are alexander costello adn I claim my five pounds.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:09:53 No.2632133
    The main parents' duty is education. Your father must teach you how to work. Try to work, start with job in the father's company if you don't have guts to live on your own.
    Btw, you already work for your father checking this financial situation. Maybe, in the future, he will entrust you to do something more.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:11:24 No.2632143
    I have to agree. Don't you get bored, OP? What do you do for mental stimulation? And please don't tell me you come here for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:11:37 No.2632144
    Yes, that is bad. Because if something ever happens where you lose "your" money (and by that I mean THEIR money) you will not know how to take care of yourself. And let's say you've never had a real job, and then when you're 30 you have to get one. Or 50. You're going to be fucked.

    My ex was a spoiled richfag. He was so used to his parents paying people to do everything, that once he was out on his own he didn't even know how to do simple things. Like check if a fuse was blown, put air in a car tire, unclog a drain, etc. etc. all kinds of simple things that once you don't have the money to pay someone else to do, you will be damn screwed if you don't know how to do it.

    Refused to learn most of it too. "I'm not gonna watch you put air in the tire cuz it's COLD outside waaahhh."

    And you can say there are plenty of rich people who still teach their kids to do that sort of thing, but there are many things you won't even think to teach your kid without being rich. Like if you have a maid cleaning your kitchen all the time, you're not going to think to teach your kid that you clean a coffee pot with vinegar instead of soap, etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:14:16 No.2632156
    >My family is pretty rich and my parents have basically told me not to bother working

    Fuck you my families rich and theyre still making me work :(

    Im guessing youre pretty into the stock market. Ive been getting more into that recently, made a couple of hundred quid on a 6000quid portfolio. Id be doing far better but shitty fucking HBOS shares are killing my profits.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:16:17 No.2632164

    But den ur kwoffe tastes like vinegar,
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:16:57 No.2632171

    Im from a rich background also, this is exactly what I have with my friends too.
    >> Ela !!h5f05jH+Yuq 01/02/09(Fri)11:18:00 No.2632176
    Well, you clean the machine out by running vinegar through it from time to time. You still wash the pot with soap.

    Although I'd love to see a spoiled person run soap through one...
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:19:53 No.2632185
    richfag here and i completely agree. after high school i just moved into an apartment and did nothing because i didnt need the money. 1 year ago i started uni and my life has become alot better.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:20:44 No.2632192
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    Where's the gentleman scientist or artist ideal gone, people?

    Seriously, if you don't have to worry about money that's when you have the leisure to be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:20:54 No.2632195
    OP here. I should say, I manage our stocks and capital, find new investments etc. for an hour or so each day. That is basically my work. Money makes money, I don't need to do anything more than this for our family to be secure.

    In regards to the boredom of doing nothing and being useless, my parents (who are very nice people) told me to basically shoot for whatever dream I want to, so I am studying music. It doesn't really matter all that much if I'm not successful, though... maybe just to my own self esteem.

    Anyway, I was hoping this thread would be more about your experiences with spoiled people and your beliefs about this.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:23:05 No.2632204
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    No personal offensive meant to you OP. But unless you actually go out to work and disown your family I fully believe you should be killed along with the rest of your family. You maybe still have a chance of being a decent human person. Your parents obviously don't by what you have said in your post.

    No war but class war.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:23:25 No.2632206
    Richfag here as well. I think sometimes being rich can cause problems, such as too much separation in the bonds with the children. But my family is extremely tight knit, to the point where we eat dinner every night together, I enjoy coming home from college, we play Jeopardy together, do errands together, etc...

    The only downside to it is, to me, work ethic. My parents made me get a job when I turned 17 and I have no work ethic because since I can remember we've had maids in our house, no money ever came out of my pocket, and I could spend my days lazily doing whatever the fuck I want to. So yeah, there's a downside.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:26:50 No.2632222
    credit crunch much? how are you stocks doing?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:29:40 No.2632235

    People can't usually chase their dreams, because they need money to sustain themselves. And the more time they spend making money, they less time (if any) they have for actually fulfilling their dreams.

    You've been lucky enough to not be burdened with this usual human problem, so use it to it's fullest. Otherwise your leisure is wasted on you.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:32:49 No.2632259
    The only problem I see with being rich is that you make your money off the backs of other peoples labour and are therefore in my opinion lower than a thief or burglar. At least they only steal from those who can afford to lose it. Cunt.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:33:03 No.2632260
    Quite the opposite for me. My family was dirt poor most of my childhood. I never had a room of my own and usually, since I was the oldest, let my sisters have a room and I simply lived off the couch or floated around staying with friends. We were living out of our car a couple times as well. Things got better just before I got out of highschool when my dad got a job in cement inspection. After that I payed for college out of my own pocket while working full time. I would have to say that all of this, although a pittance, has taught me to handle pretty much anything. No matter how bad something gets now, I can get through it.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:33:54 No.2632265
    I don't like rich people that are rude and assholes just because they have money, but your post leads me to believe you're psychotic, and I think you're a fag.

    I'm also broke as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:34:05 No.2632267
    I'd become a racing driver if I didn't have to worry about money.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:34:55 No.2632273
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    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:35:23 No.2632276

    The job thing is right on, but those life skills are easy to learn and with the Internet you can find out the best way that your parents might not even know about.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:36:09 No.2632280
    hey there kid lookin kinda FABULOUS
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:36:37 No.2632285
    You're just assuming that because they're rich they're an evil old miser and they eat children. Which is wrong, and you're a retard for thinking it.

    It's totally possible to make money without exploiting any group of people and causing any suffering. You can generate millions of dollars in your life time simply by putting money in a savings account and certain types of "safe" stocks. Basically the bank gives you money because you gave them money.

    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:37:52 No.2632299
    >>I don't like people that are rude and assholes

    Money doesn't even come into it.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:38:06 No.2632300
    I'd become an astronaut!!!1
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:38:47 No.2632310
    Get a job OP. You meet a lot of fun people... and you'll learn how to not seem like a spoiled cunt, because no one likes that.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:39:47 No.2632316
    LOL you're assuming that profits from stocks don't at some point come from skimming from workers wages.

    Protip: the larger the companies profits, the more money they're stealing from their workers.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:44:04 No.2632340

    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:44:04 No.2632341
    You aren't causing any of the suffering you claim is so rampant yourself by investing.

    You can say that you're enabling it, but basically someone else will just come along and invest anyway. It doesn't fucking matter.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:46:43 No.2632358
    >thief or burglar
    >only steal from those who can afford to lose it
    OH WOW

    Just no.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:47:09 No.2632364
    op your a fucking tally o faggot if i aint eva seen 1 befoah
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:48:52 No.2632373
    Ok let's say I make a ton of money gambling. Who did I hurt? The people who gave me the money did so willingly.
    >> Anonymous M.D. !!2hzYXkiYitO 01/02/09(Fri)11:48:58 No.2632375
    Welcome to Capitalism.

    Not a richfag but still that's pretty obvious.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:49:05 No.2632377
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    The Capitalist Insect Preys On the Blood Of The Working Class.

    The money that rich people have comes from there constant abuse and exploitation of the working class over decades and century's. I am not psychotic I just see that simple fact for what it is and too cure a cancer you have to cut it out. These people all had chances and opportunities to change there ways to something better. They did not and so deserve nothing better than death for there crimes against decent good humanity.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:50:18 No.2632385
    I think the problem is more in the parenting than the just being rich. I've never been personally acquainted with someone as rich as you OP (well, not acquainted enough to know how their parents raised them) but from the people I know who are pretty well off, I'd say it's parenting that does or does not spoil the kids. If you ever have kids, make them clean up after and do things for themselves AND OTHERS - that's the part some people forget.

    Getting a kid everything they want or could dream of every Christmas and birthday also contributes to spoiling.

    As something of a poorfag myself (not starving in the streets or anything, but still), I try not to assume someone is spoiled because they're rich. I also try very hard not to auto-hate them. But it's like rich people don't know how to be classy anymore. So many of them shove it in people's faces and bitch about the dumbest things (but I want my new car/iPhone noooooowwwwww!) Those are the ones I'd like to kill. I was hanging around with a friend of a friend who casually dropped $2000 buying clothes on the internet that he had absolutely no need for just while we were talking to him and he was whining about various things. Maybe 2k is nothing to people like OP, but to me, god damn. That could go so far to helping me through college, but people like him blow it on an assload of ugly AE clothes.

    Anyway, my point with that wasn't "give your money to others" as it may have sounded like. I guess I'm trying to say that keeping your fabulous riches on the downlow (even if the person knows you have money) will go a long way towards not seeming spoiled.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:50:43 No.2632391
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:51:50 No.2632402
    I know that's the point of capitalism, but that's my point. Capitalism is not good.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:52:50 No.2632405
    You didn't hurt anyone. Most rich people don't make their money by gambling though.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:54:18 No.2632416
    To the underage b& who wants to kill rich people:

    What if a rich person used their funds to help poor people? Does that cancel it out?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:56:32 No.2632438
    Personally I am very happy for you, OP. Ignore the faggots in this thread who wallow in suffering and want everyone to be as miserable as they are. Enjoy life to the maximum, fuck working in some cubicle so that somebody else at the top gets to relax.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)11:59:16 No.2632458
    I have a rich friend who has enough money to last him for the rest of his life, but he does odd jobs and charity work. He told me that after school he just sat at home for 2 years, but it got really boring so he just went out to do something.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:01:05 No.2632472

    I would like to be that rich. When you're that rich you can go out and do things you enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:02:07 No.2632477

    Lawls. Underage subtle insult, attack the person rather than there argument. Troll less please?

    As for the question. Depends on how you define on help the poor. The poor don't need to be helped all is that is needed is the oppression of the working class needs to be stopped. Maybe you mean the person gives money to charity each year, makes himself feel better, doesn't change anything. Charity is not a solution its a disease just another way of telling people they are not capable of looking after themselves and each other.

    If a rich person gives up there funds and there past and joins the war, then they are no longer that need to be wiped out but a decent comrade.

    Equality should be the natural state of affairs.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:05:49 No.2632509
    No... you're psychotic, or a very bad troll. It's quite ridiculous that you think this.

    So when does someone make the transition from being the working class to being a big rich meanie that needs to be executed for having money? Do doctors deserve to be killed because they make a lot of money? What about blue collar workers that make a lot of money? You can make a shit load of money welding underwater, should you die then?

    How about Bill Gates? He donated 50% of his profits to charity. He still donates ridiculous amounts of money to charity. Surely he deserves to die though because he drives a nice car and has a big house.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:07:08 No.2632516
    If you get a promotion and make more money than you used to do you deserve to be killed for that too?

    Is there a cut off line? You make X amount of money, you live. But once you go over that you need to die??

    There are so many problems with your logic it's mind boggling that you hold onto it.
    >> Anonkii 01/02/09(Fri)12:09:03 No.2632531
    Are you stupid or something? Money managment is also work. Directing investments to different project promotes healthy use of available resources. Having knowledge of investments is as much a job as anything else.

    If you produce shit or is a shitty producer you get nothing. If you do good you get investments thus making it possible for you to increase your production at the expense of less efficent producers. There are of course many exceptions to this due to human nature but the general idea holds true.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:09:08 No.2632532
    Jesus Christ I hate this "class war" bullshit. It's fine to say "HURRRR SMASH THE RICH THE RICH ARE EVIL" but not ONE of those motherfuckers would be complaining if THEY were rich.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:11:18 No.2632551
    My parents are rich, I could have some of it but I don't. Argument is disproved.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:14:48 No.2632574
    I totally agree with you in the case of venture capitalists and initial stock options. Most trading however gives nothing back to the company whose stocks are being traded and thus does no work and is of no use. Before you ask I have no solution as to how to adequately manage investments into new or expanding businesses whilst preventing profiteering from future trading. I just think it's a lamentable situation and would never be involved in stock trading myself.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:16:17 No.2632585

    Its not about money. Good attempt to side track the actually point. Money is just another tool of the rich, the upper classes used to oppress the working man. Simple a tool used by those in power, like religion and racism. Anything they can to divide the unite of comrades.

    Its not about money its about if the person works for or against the greater good in the fight for equality. So yes Bill Gates would be on the list he is a force against the greater good.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:21:39 No.2632613

    Everybody bring in the popcorn! This argument is gold.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:22:49 No.2632619

    1. Define "greater good"
    2. So then, what's the motivation of those evildoers aside from opressing the lower classes for no good reason other than villany, like Captain Planet antagonists?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:24:32 No.2632628
    I have this argument about once a month on average, usually as soon as someone finds out I'm a socialist I have to have this really tiresome argument where they don't know anything about socialism and constantly come up with stupid arguments. It's not all their fault though because socialism is a very broad church (lol ironic analogy) so the views I hold have nothing to do with what most people would think of, i.e. everyone gets equal wages hurrrr
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:25:55 No.2632637

    Yes EVERY thief is fucking Robin Hood. You're an idiot.
    >> Anonkii 01/02/09(Fri)12:29:11 No.2632652
    Well, you are wrong about "most trading" since huge companies needs huge amount of capital to actually invest so what might seem like just hoarding money is later spend in a lump sum with the investors money. There are of course people that can join in on these huge streams of money and make a profit from it but then again, they are doing the right thing if only in a smaller scale.

    But as you said, there are potholes.

    You should read "The Social Meaning of Money" by Viviana Zelizer, that way you might get that money is not produced as a tool by "those in power" but it is often created by all classes and societies. Currency is not evil or a powertool, it fills a function in all societies and that is why it exists in all societies.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:33:23 No.2632672
    I'm not saying they mean to be, just that by the nature of things they mostly rob rich people. Because they've got more to rob. Whereas the profit capitalists skim from wages only effects those who have to work i.e. not richies.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:33:57 No.2632675
    it's 95% bad parenting and the rest having everything. i hate spoiled people. not because i'm poor, but because i'm not spoiled. i hate you, nathan allen, you're a stupid piece of shit and you'll never have a real relationship with anyone, because you're such an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:36:08 No.2632692
    Fuckin communists.
    Is this what /r9k/ is in this day and age?

    Oh robots, how you have fallen.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:37:45 No.2632703
    OP, get yourself a part-time job ASAP, or else you will end up being a lazy fuck and you will feel worthless. If you don't feel that coming, then continue with your life as you will. While you may not need the money, I think it will make you feel better about yourself
    >> Casanova Frankenstein !HggsKt0/NM 01/02/09(Fri)12:40:03 No.2632713

    in during you're only upper middle class.

    You couldn't manage money to save your life. as evidenced by your vague and unverifble statements.
    you also made NO mention of options trading (aka the only way to make money in stocks)
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:40:57 No.2632720

    It's been long since I've seen a caravan raid.

    Most thieves steal from the people around their own social standing, or at least not from the super-rich.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:44:16 No.2632740
    YEah, money is definitely used specifically to oppress, and totally not something that makes it easier to trade goods and resources, you fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:54:46 No.2632785
    God just how many richfags are on 4chan?

    I bet you're all wealthy white kids who live in the 'burbs and come to 4chan because despite your affluent lifestyle you're all social failures.

    [spoiler]jealous poorfag out ;-;[/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:56:04 No.2632794

    Because it's important that people on 4chan can verify your statements, right? Go back to bed, tripfag.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)12:58:24 No.2632814
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    Sorry for the slow reply, I was out checking my snares to see if I had caught anything for dinner. Anyway the greater good is the greater equality. Freedom and choice for everyone rather than just the privileged few that is a greater good. People not starving to death whilst others waste and throw away food. People not living homeless while others own multiple homes while staying only in one. People not profiteering from the misfortune of others. Easy enough concept.

    The motivation one is rather simpler and less childish than you would try to portray it. Its those peoples selfishness. Turning there back on there comrades and brothers and instead focusing on there own pure hedonistic joy at the expense of others and it is at the expense of others. These are the people that climb on and stamp down the backs of others. Rather than trying to increase the equality level of everyone they focus purely on themselves. Innate greed and poison.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)13:00:22 No.2632822
    Fucking pinko scum eh. That McCarthy didn't go far enough I say. String them up the lot of them.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)13:11:06 No.2632884

    Fair enough.

    And the solution is indiscrimate murder of those responsible, how exactly?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)13:12:53 No.2632895
    if i was dad in OP i would have wrecked that shit
    >> Casanova Frankenstein !HggsKt0/NM 01/02/09(Fri)13:13:24 No.2632897
    greed is an evolutionary imperative.

    Enjoy fighting a forever losing battle.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)13:14:33 No.2632903

    Fighting a losing battle isn't as bad as commonly portrayed. At least you can remain true to yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)13:16:17 No.2632912
    can i have some of your money?
    just 50 bucks is all im asking
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)13:18:53 No.2632930
    bad poor person, go back to your hovel and get off the libraries internet
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)13:26:54 No.2632975

    In the long run it's not a losing battle though.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)13:28:37 No.2632987

    Anybody who participates in the cyclical mass overconsumption of resources, especially looking down from the top of the spectrum, deserves to lose, but since the free market isn't upwardly mobile unless you submit to pyramid schemes rather than the library, they never lose. Wealth is just passed around over their heads like a washed up, burnt out squa.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)13:30:57 No.2632998
    it can be bad parenting or spoiling, or both. just look at me. i had just a tiny bit of both. i was never really spoiled. i had no allowance, the only time i could get my parents to buy me something i want (as long as it was cheap enough and not something electronic), my grandma got my brother a super nintendo and gameboy, which had 5 games between them, so i had to leech off him for games. i didn't have a computer until age 15, and that was when my dad's computer died, and i was thrifty enough to save it from the garbage, find out what was wrong with it, and replace the part for cheap. i didn't have a tv in my room until age 17, and i STILL don't have a car at 21, because i can't afford it and they won't help me get a car.

    despite this, i have been somewhat spoiled. whenever my dad wanted me to do a job, i would ask "what's in it for me?", which would usually end in "you're going to do it because i said so", but sometimes resulted in a bit of cash (if it was a particularly hard or long task). when i got a job at 15, my parents didn't try to control what i bought with my money, so i went hog wild for a few years. now that i am in college, i have gone 4 semesters without a job, because my parents buy me groceries and i stay with them during the breaks and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)13:36:04 No.2633027
    whoops, didn't finish my thought
    >had no allowance, the only time i could get my parents to buy me something i want (as long as it was cheap enough and not something electronic), was when it was my birthday or christmas
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)13:40:06 No.2633063
    Not all rich people were born that way, sure in the case of OP that is true and honestly it'd be better if they got themselves a job, but a lot of rich people put their life's work into getting to their position- compared to those who sit around with no ambition, some richfolk deserve their life of affluence.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)13:48:39 No.2633129
    Who cares? Misguided ambition is what causes the world to burn. There will be blood.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)13:50:03 No.2633142
    Yes compared to those people, but I think you'll find a majority of people work hard their whole lives at their jobs BUT STILL don't become rich. I don't say that most CEOs don't work hard or that entrepreneurs aren't really good at what they do but I still think the inequality of outcome for similar levels of input in our society is wrong.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)13:52:13 No.2633159
    I agree wholeheartedly with the class war fag.

    Only I don't believe that socialism is the way forward.

    Socialism is not the great equalizer its made out to be, and has failed all too often. Its been used by people over and over again as a tool to drive down the proletariat the same way that capitalism has.

    There is no easy solution to economic and social injustice, and to suggest there is only exposes you to accusations of extreme naivete.

    Sadly the kind of people who seek power are almost always the sort who should never be allowed to wield it.

    This is an issue that will not be solved by an 'ism'.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)13:57:24 No.2633199
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    how much money does it take to never have to work again?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:01:56 No.2633239
    Wow, a bunch of privileged white people who have had everything handed to them most of their lives by the efforts of their parents talking about how hard work should be rewarded and how anyone who isn't rich is just lazy.

    It's solved by anarchism, actually.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:03:14 No.2633246
    So basically no one is allowed to live comfortably as long as there are people suffering. I have to wallow in shit just so some other shmuck can wallow in slightly less shit. It's alright for me to make a lot of money, but only if I spend every dime of it on making sure homeless people I don't know or care about can live comfortably.

    I'm going to have a hard time taking anything you say seriously, not only because it's either vague or ridiculous, but also because you want to kill people for how they use their money, which you also believe to be a tool created for the sole purpose of oppressing people. IE shit that makes no fucking sense to anyone that isn't crazy.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:04:07 No.2633253
    >how anyone who isn't rich is just lazy.
    I don't think anyone has said anything even remotely close to that.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:12:11 No.2633339

    That is why one day one day when you are sleeping. You and the rest of your family are going to be dragged out of your comfortable warm beds in your over sized house. Lined up against a wall and shot.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:15:26 No.2633368
    life is unfair. you can be bitter about it, or you can be constructive.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:16:13 No.2633380
    Brainwashed kike, the money system is crazy because it is an awful system and will result in permanent oppression unless a smart, intelligent, righteous dictator imposes practical anarchy. You deserve censure and forced institutionalization until you stop holding such diseased cultural values.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:18:14 No.2633393

    You know, I think it's really disturbing when a person thinks that basic needs for survival(food, water, housing, etc..) are considered being spoiled.

    I mean isn't that why your parents worked so hard? So you'd have an easier life that they didn't?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:18:35 No.2633394
    you sound like you are mentally ill
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:21:26 No.2633412
    I think that a million would probably do it. You could safely invest it and produce about $50K/year, which would work for me.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:26:11 No.2633463
    I'm actually broke and I haven't been able to afford heating for the past couple months. Your post and assumptions just go and help convince me that you and everyone that goes on about class wars are fucking insane and deluded.

    Yes, I don't like the generic rich baron like the people that own walmart, because they are generally making a point of screwing over people who are working for them. But this mentality that EVERYONE with money, that their life goal is to simply oppress and hurt people worse off than them is completely absurd and ridiculous, and quite frankly I don't understand where it comes from.

    Basically, I'm under the impression that you attribute every hardship in your life to someone completely unrelated to you in every way. You've deluded yourself into believing that, somehow, killing people and their entire families who have done you no wrong other than having what you consider to be a lot of money will make your life better and the world a better place.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:29:10 No.2633495
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:31:01 No.2633517
    You are right, it isn't everyone. It's just a very large number of them.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:33:21 No.2633542
    I'm not a jew, and again, I'm not rich. I doubt I qualify as middle class.

    Money is useful because it does several things.

    It makes it easy to conduct the trades of goods, resources and work because it is (sort of) standardized.

    Example: If I have two eggs, it would depend entirely on who I'm dealing with and where I am for what I can get for these two fucking eggs. Maybe I can trade them for some clothes? Maybe not, who knows. The value of these eggs are completely up in the air and rely on the buyer. I would have to find someone who wants these eggs.

    If instead of two eggs I could use a form of currency to buy, things become incredibly easy. I know exactly what I can get if I have 5 dollars, and I don't have to worry about finding a certain person that wants 5 dollars, as everyone can use the money to do whatever they want with.

    I mean really, I don't think I'm doing that great a job of explaining this, but it's such a simple concept I think, it shouldn't need explaining. Money is easy to deal with as opposed to NO money.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:34:26 No.2633553
    simpler simpler simpler simpler simpler simpler

    I agree with many of the principles of socialism, but you need to stop typing so that you don't hurt our cause any further. We're on the same side, but you are an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:35:03 No.2633558
    You're so fucking retarded it's mind boggling. How do you manage to function in real life?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:39:59 No.2633611
    in classwarfag's defense, becoming rich and affluent by nature creates a more distant relationship between the manager and the worker. I have half a mind to believe that most CEO's and execs aren't aware or simply have no ability to change the lot that they've dealt some of their poorest workers. Businesses are accountable to their stockowners, after all.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:44:32 No.2633655
    I'm not what you'd call poor. I guess I'm in the middle class. When I went to school though, I noticed about all of my friends seemed to be well off with the money. They weren't worrying about tuition or loans, almost none of them had talked about how the US economy had been effecting their households... But the whole time those same issues were weighing down on me.

    Not to say my friends were spoiled or anything, but there's got to be something different in the mindset of someone who can go for a degree without worrying about anything compared to someone who is constantly burdened with school loan debt around 80k, a family back home struggling to make ends meet, and hardly any money to eat anything but dining hall garbage.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:48:24 No.2633677
    This is assuming that everyone who is "rich" is a CEO of some sort.

    There are just too many problems with this logic that no one will answer for. When is someone considered rich? Just because you're rich doesn't mean you're a CEO and you give all of your workers minimum wage and drive them into poverty. It doesn't even mean you're automatically a CEO. There are lots of 'workingman' jobs that can net you huge amounts of cash.

    According to the guy that wants to kill everyone with money, you're rich as long as you have a nice bed that's warm, or you can be happy with your life because you aren't toiling away in a sweatshop.

    it just doesn't make any sense from any point of view except someone who is completely jaded and out of it. His reasoning is like that of a child that doesn't understand how the real world works.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:56:48 No.2633746
    Look, life is bullshit. All of you faggots know this. Are you honestly going to let your childer suffer for the sake of tradition?

    God damn it. Its 2009, back-breaking labor is a lie propogated by the very people urging you to splurge every holiday season.

    Furthermore, it should be instilled in children from birth that outside of your family (even that's hit or miss sometimes ) NONE OF YOU FAGGOTS WILL HELP ANY OF YOUR SO CALLED FRIENDS NOR WILL THEY ASSIST YOU IN A TIME OF NEED. So why the fuck would I set my kid up to be a miserable sack of shit? I'm making sure he's got money for college and a reasonable support system so he never has to depend on another shit person for anything.

    He may not get a benz for his 16th but I will damn sure make it so he understands the bullshit of things life throws at him as well as not to give a fuck about anyone except the truly misfortunate.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)15:03:39 No.2633812
    In the end all that matters to me, is me and all that matters to you is you. It is the way of things.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)15:05:40 No.2633823
    Parents giving you everything with no effort IS bad parenting. It teaches no self-discipline whatsoever and gives the kids a massive sense of entitlement. This will cause problems when they get older when they still expect to be handed everything - imagine the first time someone tells that young adult "no."
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)15:05:46 No.2633825
    Game of the fucking year. I'm going to bring this up every time you bring it up.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)15:36:29 No.2634096
    Newsflash dickwad, we are ALL entitled to a comfortable life sans bullshit. Humanity has been through enough already, is time for us to progress, you wanna do it the hard way, fine. Just don't drag the rest of us down with your sorry ass.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)15:50:35 No.2634207
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    >And the solution is indiscriminate murder of those responsible, how exactly?

    First It would not be indiscriminate. It would be highly targetting against those ,who are the common enemy off all comrades, preventing the increase of the greater good for the whole. All you need is a small vanguard to start the revolution a few pebbles rolling down the top of the hill.

    Also it is not a solution its a start. Right now we are stagnating the wealth divide grow larger ever year. The people at the bottom need to realize that they can stand up and take what is rightfully theirs. Rather than being cowed by what the elites tell them. Once people see that others are standing up and fighting the oppressors of the common good we will have the start we need.

    America has an estimated so its probably higher homeless of 744000. Some people would call that a standing army waiting to be organised.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)16:21:22 No.2634503
    And army of drug-addled old men. Well it's better than nothing I guess.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)16:37:44 No.2634717

    See everyplace nothing but negative fucking vibes, people trying to troll others. Its shit and it stinks.

    Recent study shows 40% of homeless people is composed of average working class families who have been pushed down trodden on and stamped into destitution by the so called society that supposedly supports them.

    But hey who actually cares who the truth when you can just try to slander a whole good as drug addicted layabouts. You make fun and light of the situation now. But when the time comes and you the poor, the homeless, the immigrants, the exploited knocking on your door asking you to justify yourself you wont laugh then.

    One world, one class, one equality.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)16:47:33 No.2634820
    Your reply doesn't make much sense, which makes me think your knee-jerk reaction is due to you being offended by taking "drug-addled old men" to mean yourself. What kind of drugs are you on, you seem awfully paranoid...
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)23:15:03 No.2634882
    I kidnap and ransom them for money - If thats what you mean

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