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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1230829869.jpg-(20 KB, 200x200, wau.jpg)
    20 KB Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:11:09 No.2621220  
    Describe yourself /r9k/.
    What are your hobbies, likes, dislikes, personality traits etc.

    Preferably do not include ASL and try to make it pretty basic so "drawfag, anime, artist, nice belts, travelling, caring, quiet".

    You may include a drawing or pictures which are relevant to you.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:12:05 No.2621226
    20 / m / South east england
    >> Cancer that is killing /g/ !zkraGArAss 01/01/09(Thu)12:12:29 No.2621227
    drawfag, anime, artist, nice belts, travelling, caring, quiet
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:14:34 No.2621239
         File :1230830074.png-(50 KB, 400x391, ME6.png)
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    This is the only picture I'll ever post of myself. It's not even a picture, I traced it from one.

    Likes: Adventure.

    Dislikes: Sedimentation in juice.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:15:04 No.2621242
    big dick, tall, athletic, failure, short hair, female, likes almonds.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:15:32 No.2621246
    trying to think of something that separates me from everyone else here (i'm guessing most people on here enjoy videogames and reading, for instance) and all i've got is that i listen to a lot of hardcore, go to shows, occasionally arrange them myself, have a zine with a friend and travel around a lot to see different bands. can honestly say that i don't remember anyone ever posting anything about that here.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:16:02 No.2621248
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    Caucasian, anti-asian, likes alot of music, mostly quiet.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:19:22 No.2621262
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:20:20 No.2621269
    Stencils, cinema, music, banter, friends, travelling, eating out, design.
    My hobbies, scarfs, red post boxes/ telephone boxes, ribbon, tacky things, vintage photos, posh antique furniture, gossip.
    Heat, ice, snow, packing, essays, brussel sprouts, metal+rock music, high heels, packaging.

    >Personality traits
    Laid back, snob, reliable, impatient, friendly, awkward, no concentration, easily amused, casual.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:20:47 No.2621270
    I will remain Anonymous. I have no age; no face; I live everywhere and nowhere at once
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:21:08 No.2621273
    college student, effeminate asian male.

    I am a writer, mostly poetry at the moment. generally pretty shy but i tend to make a lot of friends, with very few enemies. i have changed schools a lot though, so it's been hard to make close friends.

    I like comic books, old school games (especially CRPGs), bubbles, sparkly things, and music of all types. used to hang out with scene kids but then I realized they were all stupid, so now I just hang out with whoever comes my way.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:22:09 No.2621279

    >Laid back, snob, reliable, impatient, friendly, awkward, no concentration, easily amused, casual.

    Well how the fuck does that work?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:23:59 No.2621291
    I make lots of things, I think it's one of the most rewarding things one can do as a human. Sew clothes, knit, do sculpture, make jewelry, all that. I like puzzles and mindtoys (hai rubik's cube). Only ever posted a pic of myself once, in the robot9000 AIM chat. I didn't like it, I like being anonymous much more, even if it was fun getting complimented, making penii hard, etc.
    Like emoticons, guiltily enough. Try not to use them outside of IM and texts though, but sometimes the urge is overwhelming. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    inb4 pina coladas, getting caught in the rain, etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:24:14 No.2621293
    i'm an it student

    i like... well, i don't know. i like being liked, and i like being the one in control, but never the one that is known to be the one in control...

    i dislike being the public figure
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:25:54 No.2621306
    scooting around the 'butts, obsessively watching movies and TV shows, wandering aimlessly around my town, reading comic books, spending time with my boyfriend
    people without respect for one another
    Michael Cera in things other than Arrested Development
    final fantasy games
    fanboys of stuff
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:26:25 No.2621313
    I vary
    I'm schizophrenic you see.....I've been the devil, a guy who won the lottery and was featured in who's who........it's not so cool you gaiz
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:27:35 No.2621316

    Badly, very badly.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:30:00 No.2621328
    >big dick


    how big? post pics! :D
    >> Metalfag !!WukOxuQwP1j 01/01/09(Thu)12:31:35 No.2621336
    Avid metal fan but that's a personal hobby that I don't really talk to people about mostly because I don't wanna bore them. Other than that I have no realy specific tastes; video games (Oh yes I'm casual), TV (especially comedy or horror), going out with friends and getting drunk.

    I come across as a social retard sometimes but that's only because I swing between being really loud and outgoing or quiet and introverted.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:32:57 No.2621344
         File :1230831177.jpg-(340 KB, 2401x1607, 100_1518.jpg)
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    Hobbies - Rugby, Kayaking, Beer, Socialising, Lurking, other bits
    Likes - Cold Pint, Fish and Chips, Mexican Food, Cold winters day, Heavy Metal, the above
    Dislikes - Rap, Tesco, Snakes, Warm Pint, Chinese Food
    Irrelevent Fact - Pic related, I part own it.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:34:02 No.2621349

    what would you do with a train?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:35:12 No.2621357

    ...and now we know something about this anon.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:35:28 No.2621359
    Fix it, hire it out, preserve it, enjoy it. At least thats what I do with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:36:14 No.2621363
    I am the essential /b/tard in most respects, but I have much higher self esteem, and I am extremely intelligent with some prospect for my future
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:39:29 No.2621377

    It doesnt look very "perserved" to me.

    Can you actually ride it around places? Or does it just sit there, doing nothing.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:41:12 No.2621388

    Give us chance to fix it, it needs cosmetic work yet but the insides are coming on pretty well.

    I'm not quite sure how to explain it....it's based at a tourist railway which takes people around on old fashioned trains for a bit of cash and lulz.....so its just another old train been saved I guess
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:42:48 No.2621399
    Very quiet guy, writer type who also photographs and tends to keep to myself. I think a lot of my friends think I'll end up being a serial killer some day, lol.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:45:05 No.2621411
    i am anti-materialistic and dont think about money. and i'm rly hung over right now, just felt like sharing
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:52:36 No.2621450
    I'm a big music fan, I like a lot from metal to folk to electronic music, I love music from the 80's. I go to a lot of concerts with my friends as well. Cats, I like cats, also other animals. I like movies, especially the less mainstream ones of all kinds, romance, action, horror, etc. And I like eating nice things, big fan of meat, a good meal makes me happy. What I dislike is getting up in the morning, leaving the party when I still want to go on, musicals (just can't stand em), stupid people. As for personality I suppose I'm very caring for the ones I love, I'm probably the biggest softie you'll ever run into, usually make people laugh, like to help people, can be very impatient, often very cuddly, short attention span for things that don't interest me.

    Could go on probably, but this is pretty much it... I think.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:59:25 No.2621490
    Hobbies - Art (2D, 3D and creative writing), working out, playing piano, studying psychology, sociology and philosophy.
    Likes - Novelty, video games, comic books, animals, music (of all kinds), coffee, sex.
    Dislikes - Bullies, illegal drugs.
    Irrelevent Fact - I have three sisters and two brothers.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:04:59 No.2621528
    >serial killer

    This is something to hope for, anon. One day.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:06:59 No.2621540

    Motza;jhga Block!
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:11:59 No.2621576
    psychfag, wine enthusiast, blogger, starting interesting conversations, classical music, type 3 ADHD.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:13:14 No.2621584
         File :1230833594.jpg-(132 KB, 582x497, mono.jpg)
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    Internet, video games, the odd movie or book.
    I like to take things to pieces, I have boxes of wires/PCB's in my room. I want to learn how to make things with them but I'm not that clever (despite the fact I sometimes give off that impression).

    I have no idea how to write about your personality traits so uh. I dunno. I like the way OP asked us not to include ASL.

    This picture is something I made. I used to doodle excessively in the same style when I was at school.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:13:33 No.2621586
    Isolated, angry, argumentative.
    >> Anonymous of Massachusetts !NoraVXgoIM 01/01/09(Thu)13:13:38 No.2621588
    Digifag, pokefag, /a/non who plays the vidya and is getting back into /tg/ stuff, history nerd, fanfic writer, depressed heartbreakfag.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:13:47 No.2621589
    Weird, loner, looser, drugs, drinking, nerd, stuborn, self-centered, anti-social, reading, movies, internet, chess, writing, fights, wanking, dreaming, physics, chemistry, biology, traveling, cultures and customs ,slacker, lazy, paranoid, depressed, pepsi, whiskey, russia, unattractive, intelligent.

    TL;DR sad abusive nutterbutter junky
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:18:31 No.2621628
    Photograp, music freak, psycologi, freindly, socialist, good with food, clothing, straight male

    shit, need to go to the movies
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:21:58 No.2621661
    Extremely good looking
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:24:05 No.2621686
         File :1230834245.gif-(52 KB, 304x450, g-i-cake.gif)
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    Hobbies: writing, tarot, studying languages
    Likes: paranormal, rococo france, white chocolate, cinnamoroll, toys, Katamari Damacy, cute things, Kimya Dawson, fairy tales, coloring books

    Dislikes: the church, violent people, bigots, music with screaming, really spicy things, fighting, the sexualization of little girls, being kept in the dark about things, summer, fish

    Personality: bright, optimistic, slightly naive, a little immature sometimes, energetic, hopeful
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:27:54 No.2621714
    reggae, house (both music and tv show), exploration, nature, animals, psychology, all sciences, stubborn, charming, self-protective, private, introverted, reading non-fiction, libraries, novelty, comedy, wit

    hates: arrogance, lying, manipulation, control, yelling/screaming/general aggressiveness in others, rudeness, sports
    >> Loserbernd !!U9j3G3j0Qi5 01/01/09(Thu)13:33:00 No.2621753
    -Failing physics student , lack of potential and motivation

    -Have no real hobbies, or atleast i have no passion.

    -Go to snookerclub and to fencing. (fail at them both)

    -Just trying to kill time and soon myself

    - a boring loner with no skills nor talents.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:39:17 No.2621802
         File :1230835157.jpg-(606 KB, 1666x1481, thumbs.jpg)
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    I am: redheaded, mesomorphic, fairly proficient at fighting, intelligent, perceptive, absent-minded yet capable of strong focus, strongly in love with a girl who unfortunately lives far away, shy, a huge fan of the White Stripes, somewhat of a snob in terms of likes and dislikes (but not mean about it), fairly caring but seemingly cold, and on the whole happy with myself.
    I'm graduating high school this year, and I don't think I want to go to college. I want to travel, and eventually find somewhere to settle down and teach. I know I'll hate college, maybe less than high school, but still I will hate it.
    And amusingly, I'm trying to teach myself ASL. I've got the fingerspelling down pat, I think.
    Pic related, it's my uneven thumbs and hairy man hands.
    Anybody who knows me in real life should be able to know me based on this information and the picture, but I don't mind.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:42:56 No.2621826
    expert at making other people feel awkward
    neurobiology student by day, painter by night
    also i have a hedgehog and a resin skeleton collection.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:46:03 No.2621852
    I get that serial killer thing a lot. I walk very determinedly, and when it's raining or snowing I often end up wearing entirely black (depending on whether my jeans are blue or black). It's funny walking quickly past people and knowing you're making them shiver.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:56:12 No.2621938
    Add "retard" to your little list.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)14:05:16 No.2622036
    Film, music, reading, comics, gaming. Anything that I can be creative with and make my self.

    Completion, my PC, entertaining, good food, being with friends, going to the gym.

    Constraints, boredom, tidying, football.

    I have an IQ of 135 but I act like an idiot to make friends, it seems like the easiest way.

    >Personality traits
    I'm finding it hard to describe my personality.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)14:05:26 No.2622037
    In the Middle Ages people were killed for reading or
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)14:11:11 No.2622083

    That you Ptacek?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)14:18:01 No.2622129
    personality : nice, easy going, easily make friends, very open
    hobbies/interests: technology, sexual attitudes, sex, languages, history, mythology, people
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)14:27:45 No.2622211
    Anyone else noticed that the question "who are you" causes the exact same answers one would expect to the question "what do you do"? Seriously, WHO are we?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)14:33:00 No.2622254
    i am an algomation of reflections of what others see of myself
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)14:33:55 No.2622262
    That's what i wanted to hear
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)14:38:50 No.2622299
    Oh fuck off.
    God I can't stand that shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)14:40:40 No.2622315
    hurr muteblox
    >Anyone else noticed that the question "who are you" causes the exact same answers one would expect to the question "what do you do"?
    >"what do you do"?
    >What are your hobbies, likes, dislikes, personality traits etc.
    >What are your hobbies,
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)14:41:30 No.2622322
    i am a roneryfag obsessed with things he'll never be able to get
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)14:59:58 No.2622477
    Wear black a lot, reticent (less so when drunk), loves all things art (painting, scultputre and photography) and history (especially war), shy, unsociable by nature, need a friend, student of politics, loves reading anything, doesn't watch a lot of films, doesn't like video games, apatheistic,has no musical preference, somewhat misanthropic and detatched.

    Also gets the whole "gonna grow up and be a serial killer/rapist" rap and suffers night-terrors.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:02:51 No.2622498
    Hyper, loud, childish art girl who hasn't gotten laid yet.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:19:23 No.2622655
    DJ, producer, music geek, girl, (really really) gay, trans (mtf), trippy, smart but I hate being described as such, calm, kind of shy but quick to make friends, fashionable, trendspotter, interested in radical politics even though I find "revolutionary" types incredibly immature, needs to get laid/get a girlfriend badly.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:23:30 No.2622690
    ITT we respond a phiIosophicaI question that has remain unanswered for ages with myspace trivia
    >> Humbert Humbert !yEAMx5Pedo!!JrAzq66AR/4 01/01/09(Thu)15:30:28 No.2622755
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    I am a bad man. Haunted Humbert the horrible.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:32:24 No.2622771
    Oh fuck you, pseudo intellectual faggot. Be bitter on your own playing solitaire.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:37:53 No.2622824
    you are what you do, and do what you are.

    "you" are defined by your decisions and your actions. "you" are what people see you as and you reflect and become what they see.

    so listing your interests and personality is some of what you are as an individual
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:38:07 No.2622827
    Enjoy your lifetime job flipping burgers, everyone knows philosophy majors go nowhere in life, because no one wants to hear your pretentious know-it-all garbage!
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:38:33 No.2622829
    nah, pedos are cool
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:40:26 No.2622845
    i am lucifer, betrayer and savior.
    deceiver and revealer of truth.
    I am the morning star.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:45:41 No.2622895
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:45:46 No.2622896
    agree, but that's only one fourth of ''you'', psychologically speaking there are 4 dimensions, there's the ''you'' as what you really are, the ''you'' you think you are, the ''you'' as everyone else sees ''you'' are, and the ideal ''you'' people project to
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:45:49 No.2622898
         File :1230842749.png-(197 KB, 448x499, selfportrait.png)
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    I have a short attention span and I think too much.

    I like most forms of art, both creating and observing. Bland self-portrait related.

    I could probably out-knit some old women.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:46:18 No.2622904
    >> RAGE 01/01/09(Thu)15:49:35 No.2622920
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:50:19 No.2622926
    Robot Hitler. I was accused of being this a while back, at first I laughed at the sheer ridiculousness of it, then I began to see how it fit. And now I realize it is a truly apt description.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:51:49 No.2622940
    Thats it im dropping out of college.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:53:50 No.2622956
    I'm a bit of a shut in, I like to consider myself a roots musician, I hate vanity, I'm quiet.

    That's really it.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:54:06 No.2622957
    By: John Amato on Wednesday, October 24th,
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:55:39 No.2622970
    I am easily distracted by myself.

    I am a fucking art student and i think art and design are fucking important goddamn.

    I think about stuff a lot and analyse every situation I get in after I've been through it.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:56:25 No.2622978
    "That guy with big eyebrows."

    Yeah, that's what most people remember me as.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:56:41 No.2622981
    >there's the ''you'' as what you really are,
    elaborate. If neither self reflection or "observation" by others are legit ways to objectively explore that you, on what basis can you you claim it even exists?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:57:45 No.2622989
    Drawfag, 5'9
    I love movies, reading, music
    Fencing, kick boxing, etc
    animals, science
    and finally stilted grammar.
    >> NoV/a °д° 01/01/09(Thu)16:03:58 No.2623030
    - Animes
    - Video games
    - Piano
    - Prefer to be alone, inb4 not an emofag, it just makes it easier to practice piano..
    - Usually quite random.
    - Still studying, not half bad
    - I've got around 4 good friends, none that I can call a best friend though
    - liek the internets
    - Still has dreams and such :3
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)16:13:46 No.2623106
    exactly, no one can really knows since there's not a third fully objective party, but it's necessary for the existence of the other three
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)16:20:37 No.2623171
    Short dark-haired girl with huge boobs is how I'm described, every single time.

    I like painting my nails, eating grapefruits, singing, swimming, and reading. I have a pet bearded dragon, I'm too cool for my friends, and I feel best in a cute dress, opaque tights and heels. I secretly watch anime, have read over 1000 manga, everything from yaoi to ecchi, prefer grimdark seinen stuff like Zetman and Berserk, and get off on weird /d/ shit like tentacle rape hentai, and I have an android fetish. But nobody knows any of this.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)16:24:21 No.2623204
    Industrial designer, goofish charm, gamer, caring, observant, curious
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)16:27:17 No.2623235
    But couldn't it be exactly the other way around? So that the other 3 definitions of "you" amalgamate to an average form of "you"?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)16:39:33 No.2623337
    i (>>2622824) would say the real "you" is the self that is the decision making part, the one that decides what parts of yourself to project to others, the bit that hides some things from others even your loved ones. thus youre real full self is never fully on show at one time and this defines the other 3 "you"s to different people.

    myself i try to be a very balanced individual and most people see me as a very stable and "safe" person.

    >>2622129 is also me btw =)
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)16:43:50 No.2623378
         File :1230846230.jpg-(210 KB, 363x344, facehookimproved.jpg)
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    hobbies: drawing, cross country skiing, music collecting, reading
    likes: colors, R. Crumb, malted milk, animation, keyboard shortcuts
    dislikes: parties, ennui, feeling too dramatic

    personality traits: I would rather be devoted to one thing than do a little of many. I care very much for a few close friends but I hate wasting my time being around people with whom I have shallow relationships. Spending time alone is great.

    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)16:56:57 No.2623510
    Shoulder-length blond hair, average height, metal fan, guitar player.
    I keep to myself for the most part. I like doing stuff at night, wandering around, writing.
    I dislike being around religious fanatics and I HATE icpfags.
    I spend my money too quickly and I have a bad habit of sneaking up on people.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)16:57:15 No.2623514
         File :1230847035.jpg-(40 KB, 604x453, n1096950157_30141574_7443.jpg)
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    hobbies: painting, smoking, cursing, dancing....internetting?

    likes: music, modern art, internet, internet, internet, vintage lingerie, booze, tetris, short people, weird people, cats, television, hookah, fetishes, light houses, traps.

    dislikes: boring people, stubbed toes, people who won't dance, dry spells, country music, bitches, stupid humor, christian bale.

    personality traits: open-minded, tolerant, silly, creative, patient, good listener, bad speller.

    i'm bored...if you have anything in common with me, IM me: hellspass11

    (pic is me and friends toasting the new year)
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)16:57:46 No.2623520

    That would be your conscious mind, your ego if you like freud. However, the idea of your "real" self is a tricky one. There are a million different ways to describe who you are, what you are and all of them have validity.

    You could consider your concious mind to be the real you but then that ignores your unconcious drives, your beliefs, your thoughts and skills not to mention your physical body. There's a million different things that make up a person and most of them are never understood making it very difficult to say you truly know anyone.

    At best I think we pick and choose the aspects that are important to us, generalize them, make arbitrary categories and sweeping assumptions to describe ourselves and others. These can be very useful mind you but I've always regarded the idea of a true self as a bit silly.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)17:03:59 No.2623584
    Holy crap, I know someone who looks exactly like that in your picture...

    Ireland btw?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)17:04:05 No.2623586
    the "decision" part i refered to also incorporates your subconcience decisions, the ones you dont know youre making every day of your life.. beliefes are also part of this process too, as what you believe affects what you do.
    and i do agree, you never really know anyone, nor really ever know yourself, but every day you can try learn and understand more of atleast yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)17:06:36 No.2623616
    i should have added. i actually hate to try and describe and evaluate myself. its one of my quirks, i "know" what i'm good at, but i couldnt tell you what those things are
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)17:09:21 No.2623646

    Well in one sense or another just about all of your mind contributes to the formulation of, making of or carrying out of decisions. So I can't argue with you on that one ^^, I just don't think distinctions like that are very useful when they don't rule out much of anything.

    I definetely agree with the learning and understanding bit though, I try and make my arbitrary distinctions a little bit more useful everyday.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)17:13:14 No.2623690
    California, actually. It's nice to know I have a twin elsewhere in the world :>
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)17:52:51 No.2624177
         File :1230850371.jpg-(90 KB, 537x551, things.jpg)
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    Drawan, instrument playan, music makan. Also the internet and the vidya.

    People like me for some reason. Probably because I'm harmless and generally funny thanks to my quick wit, although I don't hesitate making fun of my friends either. A lovable jackass, if you will.

    Pic related, it's me and some thing I like to draw.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)17:54:14 No.2624194
    >> UZ !kHzD4It5Tc 01/01/09(Thu)18:00:11 No.2624261
    If you were to replace Drawing with Writing, you and I are quite similar. In the lovable jackass thing, at least.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:02:59 No.2624294
    Oh right, I write too or at least used to. Haven't written a short story in two years or so.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:20:23 No.2624487
    Likes: Interesting beauty, captivating stories.

    Dislikes: Opinions.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:25:42 No.2624541
    i'm a music major studying trumpet(classical)
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:27:19 No.2624560
    No, actually I am this fellow:
    Probably what I do isn't too uncommon. It causes no harm.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:29:17 No.2624577
    I like boobies

    I dislike aids
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:29:57 No.2624585
    I found you, ooze :3
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:30:03 No.2624587
    omg i got mootblocked for 4 hours and this threads still here?!

    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:31:45 No.2624598
    Writefag, manga, history, sarcastic, quiet, mellow.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:33:25 No.2624612
    White, baker (yes, rly), cynical, smoker, drinker, music listener.

    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:34:44 No.2624625
         File :1230852884.jpg-(87 KB, 500x333, 2956418356_d3eceaee3d.jpg)
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    Bring on the trumpets!
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:46:00 No.2624717
    Rude, musician(somewhat), tattoos everywhere, boring, books, sleeping, caring, generous, lazy let's not forget lazy.
    Hobbys are music, electro to southern rock.
    Oh I love the ocean. I love to travel places and meet new people.
    I think I'm the only Dutch one here :<
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:49:16 No.2624745
    Likes: Bikes (especially tall bikes and loong bikes), tea, and lots and lots of books. I love cultural anthropology and linguistics and listening to speeches in different languages. I like riotfolk and some pop.

    Dislikes: ideologies of race as anything more than a social construction and chocolate.
    :] .

    I'm awkward and not terribly graceful. Also, stubborn.
    nice to meet you /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:50:16 No.2624754
         File :1230853816.jpg-(638 KB, 1500x1200, lain wing3.jpg)
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    Grew up in mississippi,(a fucking hellmouth)
    I watch a _lot_ of porn, mostly russian fantasy rape.
    I think anal is used far too frequently in porn these days.
    I like to read weird fantasy and historical erotica.
    I love audio books, especially the ones with voice acting.
    I dislike my family (moms crazy)
    I like cuddling, being choked, sleeping and being introduced and explained things by people who are passionate about them.
    I play wow, badly. my highest characters are a lev 45 beast mastery hunter and a 60 elemental shaman.
    I fucking love beads.
    I have been artistic.
    I dislike this era of decreased chan anonymity... meh... things change.
    I am a very overweight, neurotic, awkward, first generation african american texas female.

    pic is some crap i did in photoshop ages ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:55:16 No.2624789
    Likes Internet
    read lots of books
    nice shirts
    Likes anime
    Quiet alone, loud and joke making in a crowd
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:55:20 No.2624790
    Are you a girl?
    If so...
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:56:53 No.2624800
         File :1230854213.jpg-(86 KB, 500x674, Picture 465.jpg)
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    6'2", slender, female, singer in a folk punk band, lives in an anarchist collective, Likes: baking, riding bikes, getting in fights, and drinking 40s. Dislikes: tall guys that only date short girls.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:05:15 No.2624861
    Live in London. Vaguely artistic, multi-instrumentalist. Funny, somehow intimidating and disarming at the same time (so I have been told). Likes music, interwebs, training, festivals, reading, gigs.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:05:52 No.2624866
    Piano, ballet, charcoal sketching, baking, sleeping
    Stand-up comedians, Gregory House, animu, classical music, Psychology Today, Skittles, the interwebs, sarcasm
    Overly srs people, cold weather, purple-flavored things, people who think flowery vocabulary = intellect.
    >personality traits
    Sleepy, sarcastic, lazy, creative but uninspired, indecisive, weird.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:06:54 No.2624872
    worshipping Satan
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:18:05 No.2624966
    I like music, food, cooking, gordon ramsay.

    I dislike hearing loss, and fat people
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:22:41 No.2624997

    you look gay... are you gay?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:30:43 No.2625075
    nice to see some fellow anarchist squatters on this bitch.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:30:59 No.2625079
    shes a she... you didnt read her post did you?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:33:00 No.2625092
    Music, piano, dance, film, anime, scanlation, cosplay, fiction writing, lucid dreaming (Yes.)

    Computer, talking to friends, smart people, logic, things that make sense

    Stupid people, gross foods, getting told what to do, being angry

    Instead of yelling when I'm mad, I cry. I'll start yelling at someone and the tears will just start streaming down my face. Makes me look like a total pussy.

    >Personality traits
    Energetic, mostly happy, perfectionist, naggy, logical, smart (I think.)
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:34:34 No.2625113
    I know shes a she I read the post.

    By gay I mean lesbian/bisexual.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:41:46 No.2625173
    ah sorry
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:49:08 No.2625244
    No real passions. There is nothing I do that I really, really enjoy and gives me a lot of pleasure.

    I don't particularly like mainstream movies, action, hollywood, made for money type. Stray towards more obscure, foreign, artistic, violent, weird. Even though I may not understand them or "get" the deeper meaning I will watch them anyway, just to contrast with my life if anything.

    Music, yeah been listening to it since 7 years old, many different types, I know what I enjoy and will listen to it at home when on the internet or just chilling.

    I want to get back into reading more. Just for relaxation and brain exercise as well as providing a time filler. Novels mainly.

    I used to bike and would love to get a good bike to do some serious cross country and off road biking, love that shit. But will be a long time till I'm able to get a proper bike and my last bike was crap but I destroyed it doing what I enjoy. So now I haven't ridden bike in months.

    Took up skating instead, find it fun, but sometimes I just lack the enthusiasm to keep going and going, don't know if I will keep it up, will see, in time.

    I'm pretty good with my hands and practical problem solving/fault finding. But am lacking the will lately to make anything.
    The way I see it right now, unless I really need something, I have no need to make it and it will just become another material possession with little point.

    I enjoy drinking tea. But god I feel sometimes I cant even taste it. Need something different.

    Gave up on drugs and drinking, hate that shit now, I came to the conclusion that very little positives ever came out of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:51:31 No.2625270
    Spend a lot of time on *chan. Only use the rest of the internet to look up specific items and pirating. Very few other websites I visit. Yes, it is escapism.

    I enjoy a good picture/artwork, I know when something really evokes a feeling in me.

    Don't really enjoy being around people, I have yet to find someone like myself, everyone I know just seems weird to me.

    I spend a lot of time dreaming and thinking about things. Problem is, very little ever materializes out of what I think about.

    Am fairly pacifist and open minded. I don't care what you do and won't mind you doing it unless it directly impacts on me in some way.

    When it comes to real life I could never do the things I read about or watch in movies or the pictures I look at.

    also adding, I dont play video games, hate reality tv and most sitcoms, most tv in general, I am atheist, enjoy a bit of physical activity, like trees and nature, dont watch a hell of a lot of anime, dont read manga.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:55:30 No.2625307
    I'm pansexual
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:55:41 No.2625308

    Why shouldn't we include American Sign Language? That's a perfectly valid hobby!
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:58:02 No.2625329
    aryan looking, long haired, quiet, music loving, unnattractive gamer.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:58:43 No.2625337
    language enthusiast
    dropped out of uni once, built myself up to try it again, about to drop out once more
    chronic diarrhoea (yeah, ALL THE TIME. even if i don't eat anything)

    can't go more than two hours (one, if at all under stress) without needing to piss. i have a bunch of two hour exams coming up, i am terrified.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:00:01 No.2625345

    so youre bi?

    Thats cool, same here.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:08:25 No.2625400

    To a lot of people the term 'bisexul' just translates to whore, like the girls who make out with other girls at clubs to get guys attention.

    I prefer to refer to myself as pansexual, because gender is irrelevant to me.
    >> Holland Boy !GaZtwAtvk. 01/01/09(Thu)20:10:12 No.2625420
    Guitar, video games.

    My sexual interests, Gears of War 2.

    People who are full of themselves, Boomshot.

    >personality traits
    Funny, smart, determined, sincere, kind.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:17:09 No.2625462
    writer, psychologist, introverted, verbivore, Mensan, alone/lonely, average attractiveness
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:17:24 No.2625465

    Fuck my life. There are seriously no other tall gay/bi girls around here (except for one girl who was way too young). Stop being cool and probably far away as all hell, damnit.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:18:10 No.2625474
    I'm summed up by this song.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:45:45 No.2625725
    Aww, there there babe.
    Is Virginia too far?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:45:59 No.2625729
    i'm an angry kind smart athletic sarcastic asshole, who plays lacrosse and masturbates.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:05:24 No.2625920

    Alas, yes. Ugh, Michigan sucks.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:09:39 No.2625965
    Quiet, introverted, slightly misanthropic, student, procrastinator, moral, agnostic,
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:12:22 No.2625992
    i am me.

    who are you not?
    a sheep.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:13:30 No.2626010

    >> black 01/01/09(Thu)22:23:15 No.2626750

    baaaah baaaah

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