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  • Blotter updated: 12/25/08

  • File :1230709168.jpg-(314 KB, 1280x1024, 4chan.jpg)
    314 KB Anime as a substitute for real life Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)02:39:28 No.2606710  
    Hey r9k, serious topic here:

    I have this friend, let's call him Fred. Fred watches a huge amount of anime. Fred is also a physics/math genius. But Fred is kinda socially awkward. Let's put this into perspective: he doesn't socialize well, like at all; he is partially /b/tarded, especially when he is drunk (get back into the kitchen and what not); when at dinner, we sat with a different group of people than usual, and after which he said "he doesn't like new people"; when asked about empathy, he says has little to none; and finally, when given a would you rather between friends and his computer, he chose his computer. So yeah, not the most social kid.
    Before Christmas break (we are in college), I browsed through his anime folders to take some home. In them I found a lot of "slice of life" and "romance" type anime. Now, I started pondering this and came to the conclusion that Fred "feels" through anime. The two types fit the emotions missing in his life.
    Now, I am no psychfag, but what does /r9k/ think about my theory.

    pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)02:40:52 No.2606729
    import a sexdoll for him.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)02:41:48 No.2606738
    Yotsuba is mai waifu

    3d is pig disgusting
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)02:41:55 No.2606741
    If you've seen seen an /a/ or /jp/ ronery thread, you would realize that you're right on the mark. The most hardcore enthusiasts on /jp/ even claim that they are only attracted to 2D women.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)02:43:22 No.2606757
    I think, and this might sound strange, that Fred is a retarded BAWWWfag who should grow up.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)02:45:37 No.2606770
    He has friends. He's got something that most of /a/ and /jp/ don't have.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)02:46:16 No.2606774
    oh, he is perfectly attracted to real woman, but objectifies them.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)02:51:35 No.2606809
    Everyone has emotions - some they don't wish to admit. Fred is reading those romance animes to please his romantic emotions but doesn't want to look like he's into romance.

    It's the same with how I think of religion and faith. Everyone needs a faith to fill in an insecurity. Not only can it be god, it can be a faith in atheism that gives a secure feeling about the world.

    People tend to blame things rather than people. Watching violence doesn't cause school shootings. Letting violence you see inspire you to express you rage with a gun will. When people are being bullies in the name of religion, it's not the religion causing it, it's the human expression of being a typical asshole.

    Just let Fred be. His story is amusing.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)02:56:40 No.2606837
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    >it can be a faith in atheism that gives a secure feeling about the world.

    >When people are being bullies in the name of religion, it's not the religion causing it

    Oh goddamit.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)03:02:47 No.2606854
    ur pretty on it OP. my cousin is the same way... the sad part is that by watching all this dialog in a "fake" world they forget how to interact within the real world.

    ITT how reading subtitles and vidya game dialogue can lead to poor irl relationships with other people.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)03:04:25 No.2606868
    you think so; I and another friend were planning to confront him about it after break; nice thoughts though, appreciate it
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)03:06:38 No.2606884
    bunk! slice-of-life comedies are one of the few tolerable types of anime, one can't help but enjoy them

    romance and action animes are for scrubs, the same type of people who watch western action and romance movies, base and puerile in their habits

    If he likes SOL it's because he has some remote portion of his being that recognizes quality and nuance when he sees it. His affinity for romance on the other hand may very well stand as testament to your theory that he is an asocialized weeaboo who has externalized his romantic feelings through crappy anime, yet his appreciation of SOL only stands as testament to his character and perceptiveness with regards to quality in his dealings with the world of animuses
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)03:07:06 No.2606888
    I worry about the guy sometimes. Like, our group of friends are all getting apartments next year, but he is not. We wonder if Fred will even come around next year
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)03:16:29 No.2606945
    He doesn't understand women and prefers to use constructs like anime to create all the rules for them to operate in.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)03:21:56 No.2606972
    that makes sense; alright, thanks /r9k/, I am going to bed for tonight, I got my thoughts together
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)03:26:08 No.2606996
    Go back to bed, Fred.
    >> Pizza !rWNBkCs4.2 12/31/08(Wed)03:42:41 No.2607073

    what's worse is when these people confront real life situations with obviously forced and fictional responses.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)03:47:14 No.2607101
    maybe fred just doesn't like you or your friends

    maybe he has good reason??????????????????????????
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)03:49:22 No.2607113
    I wouldn't interfere. I'm not quite at Fred-level, but I've been thinking more about going that direction and being alone in life. He'll probably be happier that way anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)03:53:55 No.2607134

    What's wrong with that, exactly?

    Real women are gross.
    >> 2-XL 12/31/08(Wed)03:54:02 No.2607137
    All people desire love? How the fuck let Sigmund fucking Freud out!
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)08:00:51 No.2608640

    1/10-Almost got me there,friend. Veryvery subtle.
    >> FrozenVoid !FrOzEn2BUo 12/31/08(Wed)08:09:52 No.2608701
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    Fred: Watching shitty romance anime made for 15year-old japanese Girls isn't going to get you nowhere.
    Start watching manly anime like Naruto,Bleach and Code Geass.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)08:13:50 No.2608723
    I really, really, really hope you're trolling with your manly anime recommendations. You probably are... but you never know.
    >> FrozenVoid !FrOzEn2BUo 12/31/08(Wed)08:17:55 No.2608746
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    I watch only mature anime for mature people like myself. Like death note
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)08:23:49 No.2608771
    Does code geass have males in it?
    >> Loserbernd !!U9j3G3j0Qi5 12/31/08(Wed)08:27:38 No.2608787
    If he is really a physics/math genius, then this is more than enough.

    Then we should except some important contributions to science and technology by him.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)08:30:31 No.2608796
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    Yar, mature shows aimed at young teenagers, Hurf durf.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)08:31:16 No.2608802
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)08:34:53 No.2608819
    i had a mate who was VERY into hentai who was also in a relationship with a really controlling girl who used to almost bully him, nagging constantly. i think he was definitely having escapist fantasies. they broke up after about 2 years living together and he got himself a fat girl. i think he still likes hentai.
    >> Loserbernd !!U9j3G3j0Qi5 12/31/08(Wed)08:35:39 No.2608826

    I failed for interchanging them (T_T)
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)08:59:24 No.2608953
    Tell us more about your friend Fred, please.

    Especially why you call him a genius.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)09:02:39 No.2608964
    Can we get more of the adult Yotsuba btw?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)09:10:52 No.2608996

    i thought that was temari with colored hair
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)09:15:30 No.2609018
    That is originally a pic of Temari, its always on /w/
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)09:17:59 No.2609033
    my ex gf was just like this. not event a joke. she broke up with me for a shut in. everyone hates her now :D
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)09:22:11 No.2609070
    My theory is that Fred has more friends online, and thinks that they respect him somehow. He likes to watch anime and usually gets really carried on by it.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)09:26:57 No.2609098
    I have do the same thing OP. I feel nothing IRL, my family are all nice people yet I wouldn't care if they died in flames. Yet when I'm watching TV shows (not anime, It's 99% gay) or some shit I kinda feel something that the characters on screen are feeling, like a contact high I guess. Shit is so cash.

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