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anyone else feel like they are a lightning rod for vilest and malicious people?

I swear I attract the attention of the worst types of people wherever I go. whether it's in school or the workplace I manage to get several people who absolutely hate me and do everything they can to undermine my life. I've had people make all sorts of negative rumors and gossip, try to ruin my reputation and attempt to get everybody else to hate me, they'd seriously form little groups where a good chunk of their time goes to talking shit about me and trying to sabotage whatever I do. hell, in one instance they'd tried figuring out my academic standing in an entirely different class, just to leave me an insulting note in a class where we were together. they got it wrong that they thought I failed, but I did get marked down on a technicality. but that sort of determined hate makes you think, and this was in college where there should be mature adults.

it's not even bullying. at least bullies insult you to your face and demean you personally. I had to hear shit like this secondhand or connect the dots after some major clusterfuck. most of these people I have never even had a conversation with. I've had behavior like this from men, women, older, and same age.

I have no clue why they hate me in the first place. From what I can tell it's some sort of misguided attempt to "bring me down" and "put me in my place." I don't know why, all I do be quiet, pleasant, and certainly not negatively harm anyone. At worst I'm not very social and a bit introverted. do they feel insulted I'm not the type who actively craves (their) attention and approval?

I am just so tired. I've gone through it over and over. what can I do to avoid this? am I doing something wrong?

have some of you experienced something like this?
are you a woman? You are, aren't you.
Because people enjoy making other people suffer. Is this news to you?
I'm a dude

hell, I even picked an OP pic where a dude is being gossiped on
people like you attract people like me
they're good comedy and cheaper than going to the movies because they basically cower and don't stand up for themselves
it's hillarious

it's funny how that works , huh ?
maybe you're just a very annoying person. maybe you dress or act ridiculous.
in my experience most people don't torment others unless they're annoying or insufferable in some way

are you annoying or insufferable?

Sometimes I feel like I'm a lightning rod for trolls who are far, far less clever than they'd like to think, but then I realize those fuckers are a diamond dongzhen.
but its not that at all, they don't even gloat, when I do see them these people don't laugh at my expense or seem happy. they still have a pissed off look, as if I did something so horribly terrible to them and they're just getting me back for it.
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>secretly lift and swim
>always in clothes that cover me
>no one suspects it
>one weak looking guy starts harassing me
>think nothing of it
>hr basically tells me to get over it
>weeks pass
>go to guys cubicle
>grip guys neck from behind
>never been violent to anyone before
>underestimate my strength
>guy is in tears and gets a red necklace
>feel bad for days

please I just wanna work, lift and watch animu.
but that's an actual word?

I hope not, but I'm certainly not abrasive, at worst you'll get a polite listener out of me.
i've been told that ALL southern women are this way, but I often attract the kind of people that try to walk right over me. I'm nice, and pretty level headed, and my fucking nickname is practically 'the voice of reason', but it all gets to a breaking point. I snap and flip the fuck out and knock some heads, everyone's scared for a little while, then they go back to walking all over me.

I'm not friends with them anymore.
did you breakdown in a corner in tears while whispering "GOMENESAI" repeatedly?
OP are you smart? Do they know you're smart?

Maybe that's the problem. People hate smart people. They feel small around smart people so they bring them down in order to feel big again. It's natural.
>I don't know why, all I do be quiet, pleasant, and certainly not negatively harm anyone.

I've known a few nerds who always felt like "everyone is out to get them", and I can tell you that this is bullshit. Almost all of them are huge perverts/whores and they deserve all the hate that they get.
I'm probably average in brains, but I've been jokingly described to look like a college scholar at times.

but I don't creep on anybody, I very rarely impose myself on people and when I do I have a very good excuse

I actually lived and worked there for awhile, but seen this sort of situation in different places too.
>I very rarely impose myself on people and when I do I have a very good excuse
So much bullshit and you don't even know. The problem with autists like yourself is that you have no sense of appropriate reactions to things. You'll interrupt a sweet moment between a couple just to bitch about a cricket in the room or something.
in my case, I think people are more worried that I don't open my mouth than when I do. hell, sometimes I don't even get a word in because I can't find a break in the dialogue
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do you think you're the only person who is affected by negative people?

it's a reality of life.
>it's not even bullying. at least bullies insult you to your face and demean you personally. I had to hear shit like this secondhand or connect the dots after some major clusterfuck. most of these people I have never even had a conversation with. I've had behavior like this from men, women, older, and same age.

Arm yourself with knowledge OP: http://educate-yourself.org/cn/gangstalkingoverview15sep06.shtml

Real answer: everything you've described sound like the rantings of a paranoid schizophrenic (especially how vague and nonspecific you are). You should try seeing a psychiatrist about this, it would probably be helpful even if everyone is out to get you.
>vague, nonspecific
>actual physical letter, confirmed rumor mongering, actually hearing from someone else shit is happening

the link you posted would be close, but these are different groups of people, with varying topics/actions
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so what was the content of the letter?

there's so much you're editing out. i can tell you're not being straight about all this.

Ok, you've definitely posted this before OP, maybe not in the same words, but the same situation. That, or I'm having a serious case of deja vu right here.

One example that you've extrapolated multiple spontaneous conspiracies from.

The fact that you don't seem to realize that link was a written by a schizophrenic is telling. This is an extremely common delusion.
or maybe I just had to condense what I had to say in one post?

I didn't keep the letter and I don't remember every word its been a long time. there was bunch of angry sentences but it was very specific with "at least we didn't fail (specific class I was in)" it was left folded at my usual seat. the teacher did tell me about the markdown in a public way mid-class, so anybody there could just talk about it. but the fact they even went out of their way to know about this is pretty telling
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did it have your name on it? what year of college was this?

do you know who it was from?

tell me a story. Narrate, damn you!
>One example that you've extrapolated multiple spontaneous conspiracies from.
I already told you these were different groups with differing actions. why does it seem like you already have a conclusion in mind and just scrambling for whatever evidence that fits it.

>The fact that you don't seem to realize that link was a written by a schizophrenic is telling. This is an extremely common delusion.
one, gang stalking is apparently a real occurance. two, don't lump me in with people who are just egotistical and mistakenly think the world's out to get them.
my situation is more like I encounter douchebags or groups of douchebags wherever I go too often who does all sorts of malicious shit, not just onee thing like the schizo segment suggests
well no, it didn't have my name, but it was on top of my usual table when class started and with the details that are too specific and just happened a few weeks before. it must be some sort of ridiculous level of coincidence if it wasn't intended for me. happened fall senior year

I never did confirm who left it, I have suspicions but never really had anything definite.
>I already told you these were different groups with differing actions.

The note was the only concrete thing you have mentioned.

>gang stalking is apparently a real occurance

It's a common symptom of paranoid delusions, read this thread, it may be pertinent:


>but its not that at all, they don't even gloat, when I do see them these people don't laugh at my expense or seem happy.
>people make all sorts of negative rumors and gossip, try to ruin my reputation and attempt to get everybody else to hate me
>at least bullies insult you to your face and demean you personally. I had to hear shit like this secondhand or connect the dots after some major clusterfuck.
>From what I can tell it's some sort of misguided attempt to "bring me down" and "put me in my place."
>do they feel insulted I'm not the type who actively craves (their) attention and approval?

This sounds really paranoid.

>they'd seriously form little groups where a good chunk of their time goes to talking shit about me and trying to sabotage whatever I do.

How do you know this?
>well no, it didn't have my name

See a fucking doctor dude.
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you still don't seem to form a coherent narrative that justifies what you claimed in the first post.

to be perfectly honest, you sound a little nuts.
am I really going to have recount to you every behind the back insult and workplace shitslinging before you're convinced? do they need dates and time and location as well?

you act like office politics, and social ladder climbing don't exist

you should read your own link
>should take caution to pressume its all in their head because it very well may not be all in their head.
what you are doing, is seeing a symptom of a cough, saying its just a sore throat, though it could be potentially tuberculosis as well.

>how do you know
not if those things actually happened and I'm just trying to understand it, is it really so hard to accept that some shitty people might actually exist? I want to move where you are where everyone apparently gets along if this is how sheltered you are
guess I can call you a faggot in the street without mentioning your name and you would just walk away in blissful ignorance knowing that it could never have been directed at you

separate experiences, I never said all of these are related.

you guys see a melting pot of crazy when it's a mosaic of shitty experiences, divided, unrelated but multiple bad experiences
>be tall, confident and strong
>can stand up for myself and do it regulary with ease
>still, some people dont like niceness and confidence and just keep on fucking with me despite I don't give them any reason to

Sometimes people are just pricks.
>OP is a weird motherfucker and everybody knows it
>blames the normal people

it becomes obvious that a lot of people are just insecure assholes who want to feel power over someone or validation when you go out to clubs. I've seen guys try picking fights with the biggest lad in the room even when he has no reason to

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