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    113 KB Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)01:52:30 No.2573961  
    ITT: What's the best -chan outside of 4chan? Do you prefer any of them to 4chan? Or are they absolute shit? 420chan is my favorite, despite the fact that i don't take any sort of drugs, mostly because it has good academic boards.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)01:54:28 No.2573968
    And plus, everyone at 420 is usually really nice.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)01:54:33 No.2573970
    Catchan is most superior.
    Also check out Soviet Russia's /big/ board. It's ridiculous.
    >> Penitent+Tangent 12/28/08(Sun)02:01:25 No.2574022
    420chan's music board is infinitely superior to 4chan's
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:03:24 No.2574033
    420chan for its drug and academic boards, the stickies in and FAQs in their drug boards are fucking awesome, especially the /opi/ one, and the lit board turned me on to getting books through IRC which has probably been one of the more valuable resources I've found on the internet

    All the other chans I've been to are either slower versions of 4chan or focus heavily on anime or fetish porn
    >> Autonymoose !x4vv0ZYuAo 12/28/08(Sun)02:05:13 No.2574044
    I enjoy +4chan.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:05:58 No.2574049
    don't anyone dare say that special one lest any non-oldfags find their way there.
    you know the one i'm talking about.
    yeah, that one.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:07:20 No.2574058
    inb4 all the pedo's reppin' 12chan
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:07:27 No.2574059
    7chan has an /elit/ board with a few very fappable stories. (Also many crappy stories, so don't say I didn't warn you.)
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:08:49 No.2574071
    the best chans are the ones that don't have all the I R OLDFAG NEWFAGS R FAGITS WHO RUIN DA BORD
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:09:49 No.2574075
    7chan is infinitely superior to 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:14:48 No.2574109
    7chan's /b/ is superior, but the rest of the boards are just massively slowed down versions of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:20:29 No.2574144
    420 has the best conversations, 7 is the least mature, 99 has potential but not enought users, 12 is... 12, 711 is mostly fail.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:20:47 No.2574148
    99chan is incredibly well organized. Good /b/, awesome audio engineering board, RELATIONSHIP BOARD that actually gives good advice, visible bans
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:22:34 No.2574162
    711 is a bunch of internet tough guy highschool kids
    >> dolphins !!EPQX3nZCQe1 12/28/08(Sun)02:31:41 No.2574209
    7 is ok, complete shit for talking though. Fapchan and 420 are fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:36:11 No.2574227

    I used to frequent 420chans academic boards a fair amount. Then they were getting trolled too hard so I left.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:36:36 No.2574228
    7chan has a nice porn story board though the stories tend to drag on the romance for scenester bitches. I also like the /b/ there and the /lit/ too. 420chan seems to be a bigger version of r9k. That's a very good thing(despite how shitty r9k is)
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:38:50 No.2574250
    12chan is great. I fapped so hard I degloved my pee-pee.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:51:50 No.2574300
    i occasionally visit plusfourchan, 711chan, 420chan, and 99chan.
    i used to frequent infinitychan a few months ago until it disappeared, its back now, but it no lonnger has /i/, and is completely full of retards.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:56:03 No.2574312
    there's hundreds of chans, but the only ones worth going to and get any sort of regular traffic are 4chan, 7chan, 711chan, 420chan, 12chan and maybe iichan.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:57:52 No.2574320
    12chan. but i always feel terrible after i get off it...
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:59:21 No.2574330
    the ONLY chan worth going to is 4chan. period. there's simply no comparison, even with the other 'active' chans (7chan, 711chan, etc)...4chan is the one that matters.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)03:02:09 No.2574340
    has 420chan ever been up in the past few months? i've been trying to get there for like 6-7 months, but it times out EVERY TIME. is it up? i wanna friggin go there, just to see.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)03:04:21 No.2574354

    Grossly overrated lMO.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)03:05:35 No.2574361
    99 for Fetish, but not much anymore. 7 for /s/. 12 for obvious reasons.

    Going to try 420, 711, plus, ii, and fap, now. I'm slowly becoming a regular lurker of one chan after another.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)03:06:45 No.2574367
    It was down for a bit, but it's back up now.

    It's worth visiting just to check out the music board.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)03:09:38 No.2574383

    its been back for about 2 weeks now
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)03:10:29 No.2574391
    goddamn it, i still can't get to it!! it just takes forever and then times out or goes to a google search. this doesn't make any sense. not like i'm b& or anything..
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)03:18:30 No.2574440
    Somewhat same issue. I'm able to get to the front page, but none of the boards work. I just get the 404 not found. Not the chan's 404 page, but a regular one. Happens pretty quickly so it found something, too quick for a timeout.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)03:26:04 No.2574508
    did you guys edit your host file at some point in the past?

    that would probably explain it since they have been going down frequently over the past few months and any thing you many have added earlier is now most likely out of date.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)03:27:03 No.2574515
    yeah, they must have major issues with their server. every time i try to connect, it's as if the site doesn't exist.
    oh well, that pretty much confirms that it's shit so it's obvious no one's missing much.
    >> sage 12/28/08(Sun)03:28:12 No.2574523
    KILL U
    *all these drug abusing faggots have absolutely no life but are willing to share everything with a complete stranger just to have their company*.
    I can see how druggies can be considered annoying when, in fact, everyone thinks they're totally awesome to hang out with.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)03:33:23 No.2574564
    Sorry to hijack this, but it's being discussed here so whatever. 420chan goes down for a few minutes once a day:
    <Kirtaner> yeah their routers redirect to their servers once a day
    <Kirtaner> I already whined about it.
    If you get redirected to something about jchost, wait for ten minutes and try again.
    also 7chan is good for /elit/ and /prog/, 99chan is good for the advice boards (/ask/, /india/), and 420 is my favorite.
    for the record, those of you who don't do drugs should lurk /weed/ for a while. you'll find yourself questioning your position.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)03:36:45 No.2574585
    When 420chan links to 711chan's /i/ things will be a whole lot better.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)03:41:50 No.2574616
    I go to 420 chan for their music board... as well as gurochan for their guro and bbwchan to make me feel better about being a fatty.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)03:44:59 No.2574633
    4chan is probably the worst of the chans and the best is 7chan
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)03:47:16 No.2574643
    desuchan is infinitely superior. Their trap board is soooo fucking hot...
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)03:49:15 No.2574652
    Britchan used to be good until paki/slav loving mods started fagging it up.
    >> Fritzl's basement dweller 12/28/08(Sun)03:53:05 No.2574668
    99chan guyz! And 1chan. Trains are awesome. 711chan is the only one i've seen with a still active /i/. 64chan is total shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:02:24 No.2574717
    7chan = 06 teenage raid kiddy detritus caught up in some pathetic attempt at a "chan elite" circle jerk. no one who posts there is over the age of 19, the mods are drama prone teenage faggots of the highest order and the entire site is like a microcosm of 4chan's /b/ but fixated the "cancer" drama crap that makes 4chan so annoying to begin with

    7chan is the worst of the worst
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:12:17 No.2574759
    711chan is a backwater shithole. 99chan is fags and 420 is a mushmouth disaster. +4chan seems ok for now but that may change
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:18:05 No.2574781
    You probably haven't seen much from there:
    7chan /elit/:exist
    4chan /elit/:does not
    7chan /v/:visible discussion of games with subtle trolling
    4chan /v/: 360 and ps3 are crappy computers in console form
    7chan /b/: legitmate discussion which does not disappear immediately. Pace of r9k but less pretentious
    4chan /b/:everything posted begins page 3 and ends up on page 10 in a minute.
    need I go on?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:36:03 No.2574855
         File :1230456963.png-(549 KB, 768x720, thediff.png)
    549 KB

    this image is the only right answer
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:44:21 No.2574899
    4chan: You can troll without getting b& in an instant
    7chan: PERMAB& in under 10 seconds after you've clicked "submit"

    4chan: Furries post their shit on /b/ to lure idiots
    7chan: Furries post their shit on /b/ to get ALL KINDS OF EVUL FWURRY HATAHS B&
    (note, not like I care but I've seen that happening often)

    4chan: Possibility to find people over 20 with educated opinions
    7chan: Pretentious 17 year olds who linger around to vent their pubertal RAEG

    Do I need to continue?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:45:20 No.2574905
    except 7chan taste good
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:47:40 No.2574915
    7chan's /men/ and /flash/ are pure gold. 420chan's friendly atmosphere makes me go back there over and over again, and 99chan's /docta/ fulfills my need to give relationship advice despite never having been in a relationship.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:49:01 No.2574922

    You don't understand. Do you see FOOD in Ronald's hands? You don't, because he's going to rape you.

    7chan is like being raped by a man who is a clown. Think about that. Think about how a clown that sells fast food must SMELL.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:49:10 No.2574923
    I go to 12chan because I want to be sodomized by an stocky muscular hispanic man in a federal prison while I shower. This is my sexual fantasy.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:50:04 No.2574928
    >You can troll without getting b& in an instant
    and you can enjoy being the victim of spammers hoping to troll(and succeeding
    >4chan: Furries post their shit on /b/ to lure idiots
    Only shitty thing about 7chan b
    >4chan: Possibility to find people over 20 with educated opinions
    Who are college kids who are too obsessed with OMG GREATEST SCIENTIST EVAR to realize every acheivement in mankind is just an improvement/change/blend on something before it that was bound to happen
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:50:35 No.2574931
    You've been banned there, weren't you?

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