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  • Blotter updated: 12/25/08

  • File :1230427998.jpg-(39 KB, 448x604, carol can't see why kids love cinamon to(...).jpg)
    39 KB ITT: Our Childhood Playing (How you played) Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)20:33:18 No.2571499  
    Frankly, I really had no friends and lived out in the middle of nowhere. So I would walk around on my property (in the woods), particularly by this specific waterfall, walk around for hours, and just imagine. It would be everything from Midevil battles to being a tree. I would pace back and forth and just contemplate life that I saw it.

    A badass idea I always had was with magic cards. When I sat in my room, I would memorize each deck I had, and some cards that I found at stores and whatnot. I then would go outside and imagine that I was a wizard and each wizard battled each other for land (mana) and summoned each creature to do their bidding. You can see where I'm going with this...

    So /r9k/, I ask you, how did you play as a child?
    Pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)20:43:42 No.2571621
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)20:46:50 No.2571651
    I was raised by television mostly (single parent, always working etc etc.)

    So I pretty much spent most of my childhood passing the time with vidya games. Not that I'm complaining, I currently own almost every console ever.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)20:48:25 No.2571672
    My brother introduced me to Role Masters and D&D when I was 10. Aside from hanging out with his group and playing (also how I was introduced to weed and alcohol), I would do the same thing. Pretending to be a Half Elf Archmage fighting off hordes of Barshardis, god those were the days.
    >> OPs 12/27/08(Sat)20:50:41 No.2571697
    I always beat my brother in Pokemon cards, and it came to the point where he would not battle me and I would be forced to battle myself.

    It wasn't very fun. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)20:51:05 No.2571698
    I played the "put things in alphabetical order" game.
    Sometimes I played the "count as high as you can while pacing in circles" game.
    My last resort was "press my palms to my eyes and watch the colors."

    I was a very sheltered child.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)20:51:51 No.2571702
    I'd play pretend (usually on my own) or with some toys.
    Sometimes I'd incorporate elements of fiction (videogames mostly) into them, for example I made a sort of Dungeon Keeper thing where certain toys would get given certain tasks.
    I had a couple of Thunderbirds figures who would always get assigned to research, and a little guy with an axe would dig things. :D
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)20:52:49 No.2571712
    I read a lot of books (would usually finish 2-3 adult novels a week by the time I was 8)... I believed that television was evil and that it would make you stupider (which is hilarious when you consider that I work in the media now). My parents were always trying to raise me to be a prodigy. I had an imaginary friend... A magician who dressed like he was from the 16th century. Much of my daydreaming would center around him and I saving the world or me living in the world of one of the books I had recently read.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)20:54:47 No.2571727
    >press my palms to my eyes and watch the colors
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)20:58:06 No.2571755
    I played pretend with my friends until I as around 12 (sadly)

    We'd get so into them.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)20:59:34 No.2571768
    Nintendo GameBoy. End of Story.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:02:25 No.2571798
    Ah, I just remembered more... It was popular at my school to play 4-square (King's Court), but I hated it, so I would always make sand castles or train for Cross Country (as I competed in this school district-wide running competition every year).

    Needless to say, I was never very popular.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:05:15 No.2571820
    I made T-rexes out of legos, smashed hot wheels with hammers, and dismembered action figures. While were on action figures, I used to gather up 2 teams to fight, as I narrated their story, it was pretty fun, I made bases out of lincoln logs and such, fighting them by banging them together and spitting wildly. Of course it all ended in a messy disaster. I'm kinda sad now, because I can't really find any toys from my childhood because they're all destroyed.

    Oh, and I did all of this alone.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:06:29 No.2571834
    I was an only child so I either had to play with my nanny in the garden, or play with my next door neighbor gay son and we would play barbies (he was good at dressing the dolls), or I would make my own toys and forts out of old boxes and packages that toys came in.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:07:23 No.2571846
    I used to pretend I could control the wind~

    At times I really started to believe in it.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:07:34 No.2571851
    my family couldn't really afford much, so all I got were plastic toy soldiers. By my god, after years of collecting, it's an epic army. In fact, thank you OP. I'm going to go find those right now and play with them.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:10:18 No.2571869
    Oh yeah, and I also would sometimes steal my sister's barbies, strip them, and lick them while in bed.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:11:31 No.2571879
    I turned 10 when I was in the hospital... Then went back to school and this game had come out. It was called Pokemon. For the longest time I'd just watch my friends play each other and shit. My gameboy was really old and fat, and had lines all over the screen, but I begged my dad get it for me, and eventually he did. It was the best.. Since then Pokemon has easily consumed over 1000 hours of my life.

    but before that, like when I was 5, I'd set up contraptions in a Rube Goldberg like fashion, with whatever i could find. my most elaborate one used like, 4 wrapping paper tubes, one HUGE cardboard tube, 4 chairs, a desk, a dartboard, 2 golfballs, a bucket, a stick, several books including a dictionary, and a cookie sheet.

    it was awesome, and took up like half my basement. i'd drop a ball down a tube and oh god the awesomeness. then my parents cleaned it up one day. =(

    Also, I'd cover the stairs in blankets, and ride down them using sofa/couch cushions. at the bottom, of course, i'd have all the pillows and soft things i could find. I'm probably lucky I didn't flip and break my neck or anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:14:08 No.2571895
    Came up with elaborate plots in my head and ran around either around the house or outside with my brother playing them. We would play from sunup to sundown using my stories. Nowadays I'm a litfag, go figure.

    Also used to make paper cutouts of stick figures and kill them in gruesome ways. I would walk around the neighbourhood with these papers impaling them on branches or burying them alive, goddamn. When I found a date tree I graduated to smashing dates, pretending they were people.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:14:10 No.2571897
    My friend and I used to pretend we were elves and we would hang out in the woods next to his house, and in the old barns on his family farm. And we would run around slaying orcs (his brother) with swords (sticks) and roam around the fields whacking things with sharpened sticks. It rocked ass!
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:16:37 No.2571920
    OP's play style is pretty much exactly what I would do, even down to the pacing back and forth. I still have the habit of wandering around aimlessly if I'm thinking about a subject.
    >> Dr. God !!k7ks6bCKlgf 12/27/08(Sat)21:17:11 No.2571924
    Ah didn't do anything except read and schoolwork. I lived really far from everyone else, and I wanted a computer so bad, but never got one. I finally bought my own, and I love it.

    And people wonder why I'm so reclusive. Maybe it's a comfort thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:18:17 No.2571938
    I had loads of Barbie accessories. I threw my Barbies out and played with the furniture, cutlery, and so on, which I had. I would build sort of trash-heap cities out of it, on my carpet in my room. I'd construct worlds in the manner of adventure games of my childhood - the N64 Zeldas and FF7 - and I also had lots of beads and sparkly things. These were magic spells, currency, and so on.

    My players were pokemon and digimon battle figures. I had them in various sizes. Hundreds.

    I gave all my Barbie bits and bobs and dollhouse furniture to a charity shop and my battle figures to my ex (when we went out). Now I have nothing.

    I will play my game with my children, though. One day.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:21:17 No.2571963
    Glad to hear someone else did! I'd been wondering lately if that was something really strange.
    I tried doing that again a while ago, and it just wasn't as good. Man, childhood was the best.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:21:35 No.2571967
    I used to play with G.I. Joes like crazy, then when I was 10 I got a BB gun, because I live in the middle of nowhere. Every one of my G.I. Joes died!! I would set the up in trees and behind rocks, which was stupid since there were so many ricochets, then I would pretend they were an enemy army and was a super awesome sniper. Despite the fact that I never died and I could miss as much as I wanted.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:26:48 No.2572010
    LEGO, Doom 2, Dune 2, old DOS disney games (Alladin, Lion King etc.)
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:31:48 No.2572056
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:32:58 No.2572065
    Damn you all! I want so badly to be able to do this shit again.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:34:42 No.2572089
    I made movies [in my head, never recorded anything] using legos and my house. I always pictured hallways and things as massive canyons. Me and my friend would build 5-7 ships and 2 bases and go at it. to be fair, we always had good guys win (me) and then after, no matter what he would win the next "movie" we had space rebels, the "Bill" series (1-4) and johnny thunder I and II. He was my only friend. When I moved away, he got into drugs and kinda fell off the deep end. I still see him sometimes. Shit. I always want to go back to those times...
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:35:35 No.2572097
    oh man, you brought me back...
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:37:23 No.2572112
    My best friend and I were detectives. We made ID cards and had magnifying glasses for clue hunting. We used to go down to the bush land near our school and search for clues as to who lit the fires that would always pop up in summer.

    We also used to play on the trampoline. I think my back is actually fucked from all the falls, but it was worth it. The springs were protected by foam safety mats which we'd rub back and forth building up a static charge. Then we'd bounce around shocking each other mid air. Good times.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:38:33 No.2572124

    Then do. Get off your computer right now, go sit against your wall, turn off all electronics, get a tape recorder or a pen & paper (more power to you if you have both) and just imagine. You still have the power, so FUCKING DO IT FAGGOT!
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:38:51 No.2572129
    LEGOs definitely vented my creative side, interestingly enough with the houses and vehicles I built it would always be someone else riding them and not myself.

    GI-Joes FTW, obtained tons from yardsales and my brother, had a battle station, played endlessly
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:41:03 No.2572141
    For a few years my three best friends and I played mystical animals. We were obsessed with unicorns and the like, so we pretended we were (I was a griffin, my element was fire) We even made up this whole big damn story and wrote it down once. My whole elementary school thought we were freaks since we played mystical animals behind the warming house at recess. Nonethless, good times were had.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:41:17 No.2572145
    -squirt gun fights/ snow forts
    -playing with trucks/hot wheels in a sand box
    -getting totally sweet air with my dyno by jumping off street curbs
    -playing n64 and snes

    The nineties were fucking awesome to grow up in.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:42:29 No.2572154
    My only friends were my little brothers. We had wild imaginations and used it to our fullest extent, due to the fact that we were poor. I had a broken Donatello action figure, and I remember saying that he had his legs blown off in a war lol. We used to play a game where one of us was a dinosaur, the other was the master, and the last was the hunter, and we had to save the baby dinosaur. My mom would be drunk and yell, "Quit playing fucking Baby Dinosaur!" We wrestled, rode our ghetto bikes around the neighborhood like we owned the place. The best times of my childhood.

    Eventually my brothers became boys, and I couldn't keep up. I was kicked out of their circle, left without friends and all alone. We kept a tight bond, but it was never the same.
    >> Turt !DcxVpqccHY 12/27/08(Sat)21:42:31 No.2572155
    30 posts and no one's pointed out


    forshame, /r9k/ :(
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:43:36 No.2572164
    Remember Skip-it? We were too poor for a real one so we just bought hula-hoops from the 99 cents store and spun 'em around our ankles.

    Also, at school during recess, we used to play Power Rangers : Rangers vs. Putty Patrol. I got into HUGE trouble when I swung this one kid playing a Putty into a staircase. We all got a lecture about television and "make-believe".
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:48:02 No.2572195
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)21:54:34 No.2572244

    I still do this when I'm walking by myself. Especially in class. It's even better whenever my desk is in the very back, there, a true challenge awaits...
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)22:01:06 No.2572297
    I used to walk around my property (country like OP) with a BB gun and pretend that I was that one badass that the army always relied on. I would set up paper plates and empty coke cans. These would be my enemies. And I was going to get paid if I did this all by sundown (I used monopoly money). I did this practically everyday for about 2 years, then switched to basketball.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)22:08:36 No.2572338
    I had one main friend really, and it was also my neighbor. When we were around 7 he got some toy band set and we'd march down our Culde'sac(Spelling?)playing with the crappy guitar and cymbals. Sometimes his dad would take us to this little pond and we'd catch tadpoles. Then I moved away and never heard from him again, my parents got divorced and I became this >>2571698
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)23:30:34 No.2572866
         File :1230438634.jpg-(21 KB, 360x600, 360px-I_support2`7834gubf.jpg)
    21 KB
    My childhood mainly involved drunken parties, incestuous activities with my cousins, playing soccer by the river, then swimming in the nude at said lake with all my friends, and playing video games. True story. Unforgettable childhood. Ah! Those were the days.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)23:36:22 No.2572914
    The kids in my neighborhood always played ghost in the graveyard, we would hide in people's yards and such. Good times. Occasionally we changed it up with sardines and tag and stuff. It became pretty popular and when like 25 people were showing up to play hide and seek it was a little out of hand.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)00:19:59 No.2573238
    ah wat a magical post. saved it for last. hm i really liked legos, transformers, nintendo, sim city 2000.i had everything i wanted and would have been happy with nothing. what the fuck happened.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)02:43:12 No.2574268
    I used to play a lot of tag. When I was alone, I'd mess with bugs, kinda like they were Pokemon or monsters to slay. I hate bugs now.
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 12/28/08(Sun)02:50:26 No.2574295
    I read books on microbiology and explored the forest.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)03:16:25 No.2574424
    Me and the neighbourhood kids played army. Ours was a battlefield of honour and only the finest cap guns and stink bomb grenades. Makes me wish I could go back :( >>2571820
    I did these, too
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)03:33:10 No.2574563
    Collected chromes, played with kids from he neighbourhood and danced naked in order to get money from my grandmother (which I would use to buy more chromes).
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:45:04 No.2574904
    TV, Sega games, and making stuff out of nothing. I once made a doll out of a toilet roll, some string and some cardboard. She had a flowery dress made out of wrapping paper and ribbon and pigtails out of string. I also made mini golf courses in my room out of old McDonalds drink trays and built forts.

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