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  • Blotter updated: 12/25/08


    File :1230333148.jpg-(37 KB, 384x576, DSC06001.jpg)
    37 KB Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:12:28 No.2561377  
    ITT: random advices/points/facts

    Rules: You can not use external resources and/or search for shit. It has to come right out of your head, bro.

    When you are blowing up a balloon or a plastic floating thing for your children, you do NOT get dizzy because "lack of air" as so many believe. It is actually the complete opposite. You are gettin' high on air, man.

    FUBAR means Fucked Up Beyond All Repair/Recognition

    Gasoline only detonates if it is spread as a thin moist in the air because it is a thermobaric weapon, meaning that it needs oxygen from it surroundings to detonate. Unlike TNT/Dynamite that has oxygen stored. This means that tanks in cars will MOST LIKELY never explode. Unless you were "running on fumes" that is.

    Now you!
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:14:19 No.2561398
    SNAFU means situation normal all fucked up
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:16:35 No.2561413
    If you are stimulating your prostate, you still must stimulate your penis as well. There is no magical make you come button in your asshole, or if there is, it's very rare
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:16:50 No.2561417
    The ratio for combustion for petrol (I assume gasoline is the same) is 14 parts air to 1 part fuel.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:18:03 No.2561430
    follow your hair when you shave your pubes and you dont get those bumps
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:18:23 No.2561432
    When dumping a body overboard into water, be sure to puncture the lungs (a long screwdriver does this well). This means it will sink, rather than just float around due to residual lung capacity.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:19:45 No.2561448
    petrol IS gasoline you flying fuck
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:20:23 No.2561455
    Now, now. Lets play nice here

    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:20:31 No.2561457
    magikarp learns flail at lvl 35
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:20:35 No.2561458

    also when you slit your wrists cut along the arm nto across top ensure heavy blood loss
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:21:24 No.2561467
    You know how when you yawn sometimes it makes that little burping type noise? You can avoid that by blowing out of your mouth while you yawn, you'll never make that embarassing noise again.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:21:39 No.2561469
    Eventually, the body will surface though. Bloating causes this
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:21:40 No.2561470
    Build your pylon with your 8th probe
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:22:57 No.2561488
    Hold a champagne bottle at 45 degrees as you open it and none will spill
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:23:37 No.2561495
    The human body, if rendered into its component minerals, has a net worth of about 20 American dollars.

    Apple seeds are full of a compound that degrades into a type of cyanide, however you would have to ingest (and chew, not merely swallow) about a bowlful to threaten your life.

    Poison arrow frogs are not poisonous outside their habitat.

    Some men are born with TWO penis holes. (like myself) or with their penis hole in the wrong place. This is called hypospadias.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:24:08 No.2561502
    many substances, when combined with a mix of sulphuric and nitric acid, will form nitro-compounds which are explosive (glycerine or cellulose for example)
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:24:38 No.2561506
    wait so one is for piss and the other for cum?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:25:43 No.2561512
    One of the most dangerous properties of napalm is that it sticks to a target like Jelly
    The FW190 is considered one of the best fighters of WW2, but its performance dropped off sharply above 10,000 feet.
    Only the stupidest and the best posts make it over 100 replies. Usually the stupidest.
    You can easily die of exposure in CA's Redwood forests. Even in the summer if you're caught outside at night.
    /r9k/ is a good board for actual intellectual discussion, but you have to put up with BAWWW and moralistic elitists.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:25:58 No.2561515
    Thankyou, I posted both the combustion ratio one and the body dumping one. Concrete on the feet is a wonderful idea, but in a pinch, very hard to get ahold of.

    When I said "I assume gasoline is the same." I meant the same substance, not the same ratio.

    When cutting your arms, take a warm bath. It enhances blood flow. Alcohol beforehand thins the blood and reduces clotting. Clotting actually means that cutting yourself rarely leads to death.

    Never place the gun to your temple, in a lobotomy, the prefrontal cortex is separated from the brain, and you live. The last thing you want is a bullet in your head, and your CNS to still function. The gun goes in your mouth. See Budd Dwyer for advice.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:27:03 No.2561524
    When slashing your opponent with a knife, brace the blade with your index finger (assuming it's NOT A DOUBLE EDGE). The resulting wounds will be much deeper and thus more effective.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:27:25 No.2561528
    all true
    more awesome
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:30:12 No.2561554
    Is not the most efficient place to shoot yourself in the head. There's a good chance the bullet will just sever your hemispheres and you'll ALSO be a retard (like the temple idea). The most effective way of blowing your brains out is placing the gun just above your eyebrow and aiming for the back of the opposite side of your head. (Left eyebrow, aim for back-right of head). This method ensures significant damage to BOTH brain hemispheres, thus killing the individual.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:31:14 No.2561561
    some more good advice
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:32:15 No.2561570
    >Even in the summer if you're caught outside at night.

    explain, are the trees radioactive or something?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:33:52 No.2561578
    Mixing aluminium shavings with iron oxide [rust] or other metal oxides in the proper amounts, will create a powder that when ignited, will burn and melt at several thousand degrees Celsius. Magnesium strips are often used as the wick for this, and lit with a blowtorch.

    [Do not stare at magnesium wick with remaining eye.]
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:34:04 No.2561581
    that would be awesome

    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:35:46 No.2561588
    Dont' slash people with a knife. Slashing wounds are easy to fix and people rarely die from them. [when they do, it's from blood loss.]

    The only way to effectively kill someone is to stab them in the chest. This allows you to strike vital organs in the body.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:35:49 No.2561589
    It's called thermite. When making this put it in a ceramic bowl (like one for the flowers), preferably with the hole on the bottom. Put on car and light.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:35:54 No.2561590
    Excuse me? "Sever the hemispheres"? This is not a surgical tool, it is a bullet. Trivia: Entry wounds are small punctures, exit wounds are gaping, ragged craters. Relate this trivia to the situation. You can obliterate your prefrontal cortex, and it won't help you. However, if the bullet goes from the lower front to the upper back of the head, the exit wound is at the back. If the exit wound is a large, ragged crater, you are dead.

    Unrelated note: 18% of pigs' tails curl to the left. 25% curl to the right. The remainder curl both ways.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:36:52 No.2561600
    Exposure to cold.
    It's because of the moisture in the air, you lose body heat really fast.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:37:36 No.2561606
    If you think you're going to come early, think about peeing. As you can't come and piss at the same time, you'll last a bit longer.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:37:38 No.2561607
    cool fact

    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:38:50 No.2561613
    Also, try putting it on a block of ice then lighting it. Don't stand too close.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:39:22 No.2561618
    on the other hand it would suck balls if you started to urinate
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:40:01 No.2561624
    depends of the bullet, if its a FMJ it just goes through your head leaving a small tunnel, but if it's a JHP your brain will most likely turn into liquid.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:40:18 No.2561627
    Even this isn't the most efficient way of blowing your brains out.

    At the base of your head, where your spine connects with your brain, is the brain stem. This part of the body controls all your autonomous body functions - breathing, heart rate, digestion, etc. etc.

    If you shoot this, or sever the spinal cord, you will die, as your brain can no longer send signals to the organs in your body to regulate them properly. You will stop breathing, your heart will stop beating, etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:40:34 No.2561630

    It's nearly impossible to piss with a hardon and all that precum
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:40:57 No.2561633
    Explosives are the rapid expansion of gases. TNT actually releases gases that contain Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon.
    Explosives don't 'Store oxygen'. They don't combust, they explode. Petrol, when burnt, produces liquid water, but because it is highly exothermic, it is vapourised, causing expansion, and somewhat explosion.
    However, explosives work by exploding against something. You get a glass of petrol and set light to it, and it'll probably burn like a candle.
    My main point is that I'm annoyed that OP said that explosives store oxygen. They do, but that's not why they are explosive. They don't even fucking burn. They release gases exothermically. No oxygen needed.
    Expansion of gases. TNT is actually detonated by breaking the molecule. This can be done with a little explosive cap or something. Dynamite is the same, but you can detonate it with heat as well.
    Not burning it, you're heating it until it breaks and explodes.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:41:22 No.2561635

    Not samefagging, but am I the only one who laughed hard at this?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:42:40 No.2561641
    A single nuclear weapon detonated several miles above the midwestern United States would send out an electromagnetic pulse that would blanket the entire north american continent.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:43:08 No.2561644
    Mr. Phineas Gage would like to have a word with you

    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:45:04 No.2561657
    Most of the explosives DO store oxygen in their molecules, most of the time in R-NO2 formula.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:45:23 No.2561659
    Mixing ammonia and bleach can create hazardous fumes. Actually, you don't even need to mix them. Just having both containers open in the same room will leave you gasping for breath.

    A commonly quoted statistic is that people only use 10% of their brains. This is untrue. You use all of your brain, but not all at once.

    Doing crunches or sit-ups is practically worthless. If you want abdominal strength, regular compound lifts will work the abs plenty. If you want visible abs, you just need low bodyfat %, since the inscriptions are already there. Working out your abs just makes your gut protrude.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:45:28 No.2561660
    Also explosives are more stable the purer they are.
    Stuff like acetone peroxide is not only a high explosive, it is extremely megasensitive. You can flick it and it'll explode. The point is that you never put sensitive explosives into containers. Ever. Unless you want to hurt someone (yourself).
    However, with acetone peroxide, you can get a liquid with explosive crystals dissolved in it.
    You can paint things with it and the liquid comes off and leaves the crystals behind.
    Paint it on a door frame. Slam the door, and the door will be exploded open with massive force.
    Great fun.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:45:31 No.2561661
    If you're writing a song, try to make the notes ascend in tone. Not for all of it, but try it. Usually sounds pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:46:07 No.2561669
    Rabbits are really really fast
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:46:13 No.2561670
    Microwaving a sandwich is a bad idea. The bread will not get crispy, only dried-out and hard as a brick.

    If you use fresh, whole vanilla, when baking or the like, you can afterwards chop up the husk or stem or whatever it is called and put in your sugar bowl to make tasty vanilla sugar. A great way to make your poor student's oat meal go down a lot easier.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:46:21 No.2561673
    ont piss for a few minutes after you cum, shit is painful
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:47:03 No.2561676
    Holding A will make catching pokemon slightly easier
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:47:16 No.2561677
    1. The reason men suck at aiming piss in the toilet is because of ejaculate that has dried after orgasm. When a guy goes for the first piss after ejaculating and the urine reaches the tip of the penis, the piss hits a wall at the tip because the ejaculate has caused the tip to stick together and the stream is forced to split and piss goes everywhere; Much like when you put your thumb over the tip of a garden hose. After that it is a perfect stream into the toilet.

    2. The male body is dedicated to producing semen when not exerting energy. If you look closely at your guy while he is sleeping, you can see them pulsating back and forth very slowly and rhythmically. This is why men that shave their balls feel the need to scratch themselves moments after sitting down.

    Bet you cum dumpsters didn't know that.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:47:28 No.2561682

    Oxygen is not needed for explosion. Saying that there is oxygen in them is like saying that there's water in orange juice. Yeah, there is water in it, but it's got nothing to do with why it's tasty.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:47:51 No.2561686
    Rabbits run faster uphill than downhill.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:47:59 No.2561689
    Bacon goulash is bacon mixed with pepper, bowtie noodles, and mayonnaise.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:48:07 No.2561690
    What? Microwaving bread is makes it more soft. What kind of breads you have there?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:48:34 No.2561694
    You can just play the notes of a chord arpeggio, over and over again, and it will always sound good too. Musicians call it "vamping".
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:48:57 No.2561696
    Ah, Sorry
    I knew explosions are rapid expansions of gases, but I've heard that TNT differs from thermobaric weapons because it did not need oxygen from the environment, so I made the assumption that it already "had" it.

    Sorry ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:49:53 No.2561703
    The human body metabolizes muscle long before it begins metabolizing fat.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:50:02 No.2561707
    Technically shooting yourself in the neck doesn't count as 'blowing your brains out', but that would be a moot point.

    Throwing punches isn't the best way to fight. Use open handed, stiff fingered 'Karate chops'. Go laterally for the neck, the ears, the kidneys, anywhere on the face. Don't swing from up to down, with the left arm go from the right to the left. With the right, from the left to the right. That way, you don't end up off balance from the torso.

    Each of your loyalty cards has 33MB of data storage assigned to it in the mainframe. Ever wondered why? "Shared between participating companies."
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:50:09 No.2561709
    a certain part of your penis swells when you have an erection, thus blocking your piss. if u manage to push ur urine through, it will be quite painful.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:50:37 No.2561713

    But it's the R-NO2 part what makes the explosive to be able to explode. (like glycerine - nitroglycerine)
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:50:49 No.2561715
    you cannot piss while fucking a girl urine and cum go through the same tube in your body and since you wil be full of precum you wont be pissing anytime soon
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:50:56 No.2561716
    Holy fuck awesome please post more.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:51:11 No.2561720
    The internet was previously a simple information relay system where each large city in th US was be connected and information could be transferred around the country. During the Cold War, it was thought that the US was under nuclear threat. If a single city was bombed, it would knock off the internet and communications for that entire area, as the "link" would be broken.

    So, the internet was simply build into a giant grid. Now, if a single link is broken, the information will easily find a route around it. However, this is also the reason the internet is impossible to govern. It is vast, and unconquerable.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:51:16 No.2561721
    walruses share a common ancestor with bears.
    seals and sea lions are related to canines.
    otters are in the weasel family.
    you learn really interesting things in marine biology.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:52:39 No.2561733
    the government is NOT your friend
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:53:01 No.2561738
    If you blow up a balloon while drunk on beer, it will float.

    Diesel will not ignite, even when vented, from a dropped match. It requires compression too.

    It is not illegal to own a crossbow in the UK if you are over 18.

    Hunting with any kind of bow in the UK *is* illegal.

    Microwaving an egg for a sufficiently long period of time will cause the microwave to blow up.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:53:25 No.2561741
    What? That's some of the worst fight advice I've ever heard. If "karate chops" were effective then why don't any of the UFC fighters ever experience success with it?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:53:46 No.2561743
    and here i was using descending chord progressions
    thx for the tip brah

    also: you sink in a quicksand even if you don't move
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:54:40 No.2561748
    Over half of pretty crimes go unsolved. Go wild
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:54:46 No.2561749
    arthur from shrek 3 is modeled after the white guy in next friday.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:54:51 No.2561750
    NEVER trust whitey
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:56:31 No.2561764
    No, R-NO2 is not required for explosives. Look at acetone peroxide.
    It's only common, because it can be put on organic molecules as a functional group, and its function is to be unstable and release gas when the molecule is disrupted.
    In TNT, glycerine, and other R-NO2's, the bond breaks and releases NO2. No combustion here.
    NO2 is just an explosive functional group, not the only explosive possible.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:56:40 No.2561766
    what the fuck.
    cannot unsee.
    oh god.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:56:58 No.2561769
    Putting a glass of water in the microwave and heating it up is dangerous. If you heat it up for long enough the water becomes super-heated [beyond the temperature it boils at.] When you go to pick it up, the movement will cause an almost explosive release of energy, and boiling hot water will go everywhere, breaking the container and burning you.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:57:39 No.2561773
    the alphabet song is sung to the same tune as 'twinkle twinkle little star'
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:57:52 No.2561777
    There are more obese Europeans than there are obese Americans.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:58:34 No.2561783
    Because they are very fast and very good at keeping themselves balanced and mobile in situations that flood the body with adrenaline.

    The average person, however, isn't. Putting your weight behind a punch gives a strike area the size of your fist, which moves in a line towards your target. Chance of missing: high. When you miss, you are significantly off balance.

    If you stiffen your hand and slice laterally across your target, your chances of hitting are far, far higher, and if you don't (as long as you go with the left arm from right to left, and the right arm from left to right) you aren't off balance.

    When your body is pumped with adrenaline, you become incapable of fine motor function, and are reduced to basic movement. Hence why this technique works. Also, you don't break your knuckles.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:58:42 No.2561785
    For computarbox noobs

    Hit Ctrl + Alt + Del and open task manager. Go to processes to see what you're computar is actually doing

    Most things that it is running are things you didn't tell it to do and you don't need, or disabled processes still taking up RAM. Off the top of my head, there is one called KBD default to all windows PC's that you don't need. Ending unneeded processes will significantly increase the speed of your machine.

    Googling the name of the processes is a god way to find out if they are mandatory or not.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:58:48 No.2561786
    Actually, water becomes super-heated if it cannot boil. That is, if it's in a PERFECTLY smooth glass and isn't agitated at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:58:54 No.2561788
    Liquids don't burn. The gas evaporating from it burns as it mixes with the airs oxygen.

    The word "Hydrogen" means Water creator, because if you burn it you get water.

    The word "Oxygene" means Acid creator, because the early chemists tought acids as oxidated formulas.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:59:09 No.2561791
    If you get stabbed, don't remove the knife. If you do, (and the wound is serious enough) this creates a "sucking wound", due to the air not being able to enter your body. Your breathing will be very shallow and you might die. Thankfully, all you have to do to stop this is cover the wound!
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:01:44 No.2561810
    Yes. I think it's a common misconception that oxygen is needed to cause explosions. It's not. Nitrate is sometimes used as an oxidizer as in black powder, but even though it "contains" oxygen, oxygen is not actually causing the reaction; it's the nitrate itself.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:01:53 No.2561812
    I'll add to yours. Going to start>run and then typing msconfig brings up a box, there is a tab called "startup" where you can uncheck all the shit that loads when your computer boots. Enjoy your screaming fast computer.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:02:02 No.2561813
    The best way to punch someone is with a closed fist, with your thumb on outside of the fist pointing straight down.

    When punching, you need to twist your whole body - legs, hips, arms, torso into your opponent. This can easily one-hit KO, and even kill someone, and is the same way boxers fight. There is no better way to punch.
    >> Yakko 12/26/08(Fri)19:02:22 No.2561817
    Using your balls as an actual teabag hurts.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:02:37 No.2561821

    Google toolbar notifier, search settings application, ituneshelper.exe and VIE.exe are all unneeded
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:02:59 No.2561825
    You can superheat water in ordinary mugs, too. You just need distilled water.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:03:45 No.2561831
    Nano-particles of liquids actually have lower boiling points versus normal conditions (films, boiling water in pot, droplets, etc.).
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:04:08 No.2561832
    carbon tetra chloride is a chemical that used to be used for dry cleaning. it was banned due to being a carcinogen. it was also used for a while to charge fire extinguishers. this was proven to be a bad idea. when mixed with water, a reaction creates the chemical phosgene. phosgene was a chemical weapon, used in WWI, i think.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:05:56 No.2561839
    Umm, no. You just increasing the evaporating surface, thus making the water to evaporate faster. The boiling point doesn't move anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:06:14 No.2561842
    gasoline vapor burns rapidly, therefore, gasoline is most dangerous in hot dry weather, when vapor is readily formed. on the other hand, when it is cold outside, it is fairly safe.
    as kids, my cousin and i flicked lit matches into a can of gasoline in the garage. each one was extinguished when it hit the liquid gasoline. thank god it was winter.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:07:42 No.2561850
    Most explosives in pure form are crystals. Sensitive ones explode if you break the mm sized crystals, I think, because the bonds that hold the crystals together are stronger than the bonds that hold the 'gases' to the molecule.

    Also, TNT. Pure TNT is quite stable. In the war, soldiers would burn blocks of it to cook food. Bad idea, but because burning aromatic compounds releases carcinogens. There was a joke that you shouldn't try and stamp the fire out.
    Also, C4 is a mixture of TNT, RDX and aluminium powder.
    The aluminium powder I theorise (I don't actually know) increases the temperature of the explosion while it explodes, causing a greater explosion, due to some chemical principles that I don't wish to go into (mainly in fear of being grossly wrong.)
    C4 is more explosive than pure TNT or pure RDX. Or TNT and aluminium powder.
    Military scientists mixed them up in different compositions to find the optimal ratios, and C4 was made.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:08:21 No.2561856
    No. The boiling point actually decreases. It's not intuitive, but things on the nano-scale are very different.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:08:46 No.2561860
    this only happens if you get stabbed IN THE LUNGS.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:10:22 No.2561873
    talking about making things that explode makes women like you
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:11:34 No.2561879
    Regarding things that go boom:
    AK47 Muzzle velocity: ~750 m/s
    C4: ~8500 m/s
    Shrapnel from grenades/artillery: upto 7000 m/s
    This means that shrapnel cuts your arms and legs of and shit. However, shrapnel is not aerodynamic, far from it, thus shrapnel looses it speed extremely quickly, resulting in harmless pieces of metal landing at your feet like 100m and beyond (from the initial explosion)

    Most grenades are "defensive" grenades meaning that you have to take cover after throwing one because otherwise you will get shrapnel in your fucking face.

    Concussion grenades are NOT stun grenades, they are "explosive" grenades. Meaning that instead of a small charge and lots of metal, they have a really big charge and no metal. Casing is mostly plastic or really, really thin metal. This results in practically no shrapnel and only a big-bada-boom.

    I've HEARD that White-phosphorus is really, really poisonous, is this true? Yay smoke grenades that fucking kill.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:11:48 No.2561880
    Women like explosions more than men.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:12:11 No.2561883
    Proportions of the monolith in 2001 : 1*4*9
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:12:13 No.2561884
         File :1230336733.jpg-(8 KB, 132x288, Steel-Reserve-Can.jpg)
    8 KB
    this is the best beer. 8.1% alcohol. 3 of these 24 oz. cans should have u eliminated
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:13:50 No.2561893
    lemmie just clarify. that 3 dollars to end your mind. and that is good
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:14:12 No.2561896
    welders have been killed thinking it is safe to weld empty fuel/chemical tanks. the remaining vapors blew them up. one way to evacuate the vapors is to fill a tank entirely with a non-flammable liquid such as water.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:15:32 No.2561902
         File :1230336932.jpg-(50 KB, 450x360, white_phosphorusbone.jpg)
    50 KB
    >I've HEARD that White-phosphorus is really, really poisonous, is this true? Yay smoke grenades that fucking kill.

    White phosphorous will melt your skin off. It's poisonous in the sense that dripping molten thermite onto your arm is poisonous.

    Picture related, it's what you look like after touching white phosphorous.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:16:56 No.2561910
    most diesel cars will run on kerosene.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:17:15 No.2561913
    The peanut is neither a pea nor a nut.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:18:11 No.2561918

    It sounds ridiculous but he is right. You dont have to use karate chops though. The whole idea is to just not ball your hand into a fist to prevent injury to your hand. Using your palms will fuck someone up just as badly if you know what you are doing. You dont need a fist to hit the nose, ears, and throat. And this isnt just some karate bullshit some karate instructor tells you. I have several military defense / martial arts / street defense books lying around and I know its in a couple of them.

    And lol at the ufc comment. You can see a punch coming. You know what kind of stance it takes to effectively punch someone. You cannot catch me about to shove the bottom of your nose straight up into your brain with the base of my palm because just seconds before this I had my hands up in what looks to be a sign of surrender. Doing this just once is going to bring you more pain and destruction than a hand full of punches ever could.

    This makes sense now doesn't it? :)
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:18:25 No.2561922
    Think about an explosion. Starting from a central point, an explosion blows everything outwards, away from that central point. The bigger the explosion, the more force with which everything is propelled away from that central point.

    So what's left?

    One big, ugly vacuum.

    What do big, ugly vacuums do?

    They make everything in the vicinity come hurtling back towards them.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:18:33 No.2561923
    White chocolate isn't chocolate.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:19:28 No.2561930

    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:21:45 No.2561939
    Urgh. Explosions are expanding gases. The bit in the middle would be where the gases tried to expand first. They couldn't so they go elsewhere. The middle of the explosion is actually where there's the most gaseous matter. Where the air is the most dense.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:24:52 No.2561956
    No. You're delusional. You can't drive someone's nose into their brain, moron. This is shit kids say in 2nd grade. Seriously, it doesn't happen, you've never done it, and "karate chops" have never been effective in anything resembling a real fight. Straight punches are much more effective.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:26:09 No.2561962
    It's a slightly radioactive heavy metal.

    Imagine DU as lead, except with a bit of [relatively] harmless alpha and beta radiation.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:26:29 No.2561964
    Depleted Uranium.
    It's the uranium that's left over after they've extracted all the radioactive uranium from it. It's not any more radioactive than background radiation. It's a really dense metal, so it's great for armour-piercing rounds. Also, when hit into a tank, the DU round sheds layers like an onion as it expends its kinetic energy into the tank. Result is better penetration.
    Reason that people bitch about it being used on farmland is heavy metal poisoning. Now that is real. The uranium, like lead, will go into the water, and into the plants. People eat it and pretty much die horribly.

    However, the people inside the tank don't fare much better. They were splattered by near-liquid uranium hitting them in the face at high speed.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:26:50 No.2561967
    Oh yeah, also, palm strikes aren't karate chops, and they aren't used in standup fights because it effectively reduces your range by 3-4 inches, and is much less likely to open a cut than knuckles.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:27:20 No.2561969
    If you want to disable someone quickly and effectively, either cup your hands slightly, and clap them over their ears, hard. The pressure you suddenly iniflict upon their eardrums will either burst them, or render them in great pain, and with a loud ringing in their ears. Fun fun fun.

    Alternatively, use the heels of your palms, and clap their temples. Bang.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:27:29 No.2561970
    the female cuckoo lays its eggs on nests of other bird species
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:28:16 No.2561978
    December 25 is the festival of the sun
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:28:22 No.2561979
    both holes are for both peeing and orgasm, however the littler of the two holes is annoying. Imagine an exclamation point.. the regular urethra is a slit, the other one is a small dot under it. Unfortunately, the little secondary hole is nearly useless and only leaks precum or urine EXACTLY when I don't want it to. Bonus, however: A small extra 'meatus' area under my main urethra and meatus which is sensitive to stimulation and leaks precum, which my girlfriends have all loved to lick. <3

    I loll'ed at >>2561570
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:30:44 No.2561995

    The aluminium powder acts as a catalyst, lowering the minimum energy required for a reaction.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:34:17 No.2562011
    Boiling point is when the tension reaches the outer pressure. Just because you put the molecules so far from each other that they can't interact with each other (bringing them into gas phase) doesn't do anything with the boiling point.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:35:12 No.2562017
    there are only two mammals that lay eggs
    platypus and echidna
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:35:20 No.2562019

    Please for the love of god tell me you're trolling


    Underage b&
    Pointing out the flaws in other peoples posts will give you more rep, even if you don't contribute to the thread whatsoever
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:35:20 No.2562020
    Thought it was something like that. The only two things it could do is either provide energy, or lower the activation energy so that less energy is actually needed.
    However, a homogeneous solid catalyst seems strange to me.
    Do you know the mechanism of action?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:35:50 No.2562024
    in what culture, faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:36:44 No.2562031
    Actually, foobar, foo, and bar are just random variables often used in programming examples/guides/tutorials
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:37:21 No.2562038
    >>2562020 or lower the activation energy so that less energy is actually needed

    That's what a catalyst does.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:37:31 No.2562041
    the fucking of a billion hookers begin with a single squirt
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:38:31 No.2562047

    No one is forcing you to use karate chops, failtroll. Flail your fists however you want, just dont shit up this awesome thread any more with your yapping :)
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:38:40 No.2562048
    >FUBAR means Fucked Up Beyond All Repair/Recognition
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:40:56 No.2562064
    i have had 2 people call me to hang out tonight. i receive more stimulation from beer music and 4chan than them.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:41:06 No.2562066
    Foxtrot uniform bravo alpha romeo.

    Just giving you a hint where the term comes from.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:42:09 No.2562071
    I'll flail my fists into your ugly face, you don't tell me what to do, boy.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:43:01 No.2562074
    obvious troll couldn't be more obvious.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:44:31 No.2562080
    Try shrooms, E, and weed.

    You won't be disappointed.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:44:46 No.2562081
    The only good information I got from this thread.
    Thank you, Yakko!
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:46:28 No.2562090
    Look. The boiling point decreases the smaller the particles get. It's not a difficult concept. Nano-scale phenomenon are different from macro scale ones.
    >> /r9k/ department 12/26/08(Fri)19:48:01 No.2562102
    try ecstasy if you want to become dependent on methamphetamine, cocaine, or some other shit drug, because ecstasy is notoriously impure
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:50:19 No.2562119
    calm down
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:52:29 No.2562134
    Ecstasy is usually contaminated with DXM, as it is a byproduct of the process used to create it. I don't know why anyone would contaminate it with cocaine, because coke is much more rare and expensive.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:52:54 No.2562136
    as we all know
    taken from 4chan's bible itself: Fight Club
    soap and gasoline makes napalm
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:54:36 No.2562149

    'obvious troll' spars in a boxing ring with boxing gloves during his free time. You are preaching to the quire as well as unable to tell the difference between literal and figurative meaning. Now please, stop shitting up the thread. Its not a debatable subject. :)
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:54:42 No.2562152
    Yes. Dependent on something you don't know you have just had. Brilliant.

    Also, http://www.pillreports.com/
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:55:15 No.2562154
    before I scrolled down all the way, that explosion cloud looked like a burnt tater-tot.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:56:22 No.2562161

    Dicks, I thought it was the other way around. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:56:32 No.2562162
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:58:35 No.2562179
    Wtf is a "quire"?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:58:44 No.2562181
    if you go out of a store and the alarm sounds off it is not a valid reason to stop you and check your bags and assume you stole
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:59:29 No.2562184
         File :1230339569.jpg-(21 KB, 375x298, West Point-Aerial-view.jpg)
    21 KB
    This is West Point.

    It is not particularly random. In fact, it is quite a calculated place.

    Of course, you could say that posting a picture of West Point is random. But since this thread is about randomness already, can this post still be considered random? And if not, then surely posting a calculated post in a thread about randomness can be considered random.

    Guys, I'm, like, so high right now. I gotta go find some cookies.

    Fact: Cookies are almost always delicious. There are exceptions, but this is always a good rule of thumb to go by.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:00:15 No.2562192
    You can buy testing kits relatively cheaply that analyse substances for MDMA content and common adulterants. There are also sites where people report bad pills as has already been stated.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:02:54 No.2562213
    You should keep an open mind, instead of claiming to know something you don't.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:04:31 No.2562230
    Yes, it is. Its called merchants privilege, or merchants statute, and they have every right to stop you. Actually, theres a few places where they cant, but for the most part, your statement is false.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:05:33 No.2562239
    I know I can
    (I know I can)
    Be what I wanna be
    (Be what I wanna be)
    If I work hard and if
    (If I work hard and if)
    I be where I wanna be
    (I be where I wanna be)
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:08:12 No.2562264

    I think what he meant was quiche.

    Preachin' to the quiche sounds pretty cool, now that I think about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:08:45 No.2562275

    Wait, seriousIy?

    Tell me more.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:09:27 No.2562282
    oh well don't believe me if you don't want to

    admittedly it probably does vary from one place to another seeing as how all the states in America have different laws and I come from canada

    but were not allowed to prove anything here hehe
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:10:30 No.2562298
    dude, it's choir.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:11:21 No.2562306

    You seem awesome. I'm drunk right now and that made me larff.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:11:36 No.2562309

    The USA is not the world.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:12:25 No.2562315
    http://www.eztest.com/shop/ like from here, for example. I don't actually take e but a friend of mine does and she finds them to be accurate and useful.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:16:07 No.2562345
    No, but it's all the good bits.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:21:11 No.2562397
    Girls like girth
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:23:55 No.2562430
    To treat a laser wound, you should make sure any clothing over the wound is carefully peeled away before attempting any further treatment is attempted. The wound will have instantly cauterised due to the heat of the weapon, so bleeding is not an issue. The body going into shock, however, is. Elevate the legs to make sure a sufficient blood supply reaches the vital organs.
    The more you know.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:24:05 No.2562431

    Dude, you correct an anonymous persons spelling on the internet to feel better about yourself! How sad is that? Color...colour...How many times are you going to stick your foot in your mouth before you give up? :)
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:24:22 No.2562435
    When your dick gets stuck in the zipper open the freezer and stand there wiggling your dick around, hopefully you'll be able to save what little there is to save of your dick.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:24:32 No.2562437

    Fucking expensive though, eh?

    Does your friend know how many uses these kits are good for?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:28:27 No.2562466
    I've been following these embarrassing attempts at... Well, embarrassing. I pity failtroll anon.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:34:02 No.2562514
    20 million kids are eaten by bats every second
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:35:08 No.2562522
    That high pitched noise you someimes hear in your ears is called tinnitus
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:39:39 No.2562570
    i think you made that up anon but i might be wrong
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:39:49 No.2562574
    Just off the top of my head:

    - When modeling in 3DS Max, DO NOT scale any of your objects. You can only scale at the vert level. If you fail to heed my warning then you will have severe problems doing any sort of rigging or even setting up lights in your scene.

    - No 3D package is really better than another. Each one has strengths and weaknesses that the other doesn't have.

    - 99% of the people on all online communities have no idea what the fuck they're talking about (although if they say your art sucks it probably does. Sorry).

    - Most (3D) art schools are bullshit. It's common for only one student per class to ever find a job in the industry within a year. It's not due to a lack of jobs, it's just that they aren't being trained properly.

    - For Widows XP (and maybe Vista?) users: Start-> Run-> type in "msconfig" Lots of interesting stuff to turn on/off in there (including what will load at boot).
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:43:17 No.2562608
    Best fact in the thread.

    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:46:35 No.2562645


    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:49:29 No.2562671
    A shoal (shoal? Pack?) of Pirahna can strip a cow to the bone in a matter of seconds.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:51:43 No.2562685
    I want to spectate this.

    Does that count as a random fact?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:53:40 No.2562701
    I don't think you've ever seen a laser wound, nor are a doctor.

    No, they can't. In a matter of hours? Yes.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:57:13 No.2562726
    In 2004 a material was fabricated that was only 1 atom thick.

    This thread was[is?] pretty entertaining. sans the trolls.

    I don't remember where, some university.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:01:10 No.2562754
    You have a head on your shoulders. Post shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:04:11 No.2562779
    fire can burn.
    can i has my win
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:06:29 No.2562796
    The photoreceptors (rods) on the periphery of your eye are more sensitive in low light conditions than those in the middle of the fovea (cones). They're not very good at detecting features, but pretty good for detecting movement. If you're trying to locate something that at night that isn't static, try looking out the corner of your eye rather than dead on.

    Toothpaste contains a substance called sodium lauryl sulfate that tends to coat your sweet receptors and prevent sugars from binding to them. This is why orange juice tastes bad after you brush your teeth (only the bitter registers and not the sweet).
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:07:44 No.2562806
    Holy shit, that second one is so useful.
    Seriously, I love you anon.

    *internet hug*
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:09:54 No.2562821
    Why DOES it contain that stuff?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:10:22 No.2562827
    JANFU is a Joint Army-Navey Fuck Up

    Why do I remember that?
    >> MoonBoots !EhVtXXdTd6 12/26/08(Fri)21:13:15 No.2562858
    >second fact

    Holy fucking shit best thread ever
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:13:30 No.2562861
         File :1230344010.png-(15 KB, 364x310, red-screwdriver.png)
    15 KB

    Wrong wrong wrong.
    Gases form all through the intestines and in the inner body cavity, not just in the lungs. Lord, lrn2anatomy. The lungs are not two large bags, they are rather filled with many small sacs which in turn fill with air. You may, however, shove your screwdriver up your ass, you ignorant cunt.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:16:36 No.2562887

    You are the reason our prisons are full.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:18:58 No.2562909

    No no no. Directly in the mouth and pointed slightly upward. Destroy the reptile portion of the brain and your basic body functions will cease.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:19:16 No.2562911
    I'd guess the enhanced(?) peripheral vision is what makes people jumpy when they watch horror films
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:19:36 No.2562916
    water is the only element that expands when it is in its solid form

    mistletoe is a parasite

    this thread dosent have to be about punching and explosives.

    scorpions give live birth.

    albert einstein was jewish.
    >> MoonBoots !EhVtXXdTd6 12/26/08(Fri)21:20:07 No.2562923
    I've got one; If you take hot showers, put soapy water on the mirror before you take the shower. This will prevent the mirror fogging up. But it's a bit to clean off dry soap.

    Here's another supposed one; To *properly* wash your face, fill a sink with hot water. Insert your face for a while, 5-10 minutes. This will open your pores. Apply whatever face washing cream you have, and finish off with cold water to close your pores.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:23:43 No.2562953
    >is the only element
    Listen to this man, he knows many facts.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:23:50 No.2562954
    ITT: lies, half-truths, and misconceptions
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:31:30 No.2563037

    This can easily be alleviated by putting a wooden skewer or even a spoon into the water. Just don't touch the spoon as soon as you take it out.
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 12/26/08(Fri)21:35:23 No.2563081
    When equipped with a 3.7cm Pak36, your best chance of taking out a T-34 is to aim at the turret. Its cast iron and rings loudly whenever hit, forcing the crew to surrender or go deaf.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:35:31 No.2563084
    There are certain metal alloys that expand as they cool.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:48:10 No.2563217
    The plastic tops to bottles are not recyclable.

    Gun-metal is a copper-tin alloy.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:51:11 No.2563248
    >>fill a sink with hot water. Insert your face for a while, 5-10 minutes.
    >>water, face, 5-10 minutes.
    I think I'll let you demonstrate that one.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:53:44 No.2563275
    Einstein also married his cousin, and his parents were cousins.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:57:36 No.2563313
    The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:59:45 No.2563336
    Water is not an element. Gallium, Germanium, Antimony, and FUCK YEAH BISMUTH all expand upon solidification.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:00:22 No.2563342
    Wrong. It's a different type of plastic, and thus has to be recycled through a different process. This won't happen if the cap is still screwed onto the bottle - you have to remove it.

    This comment is certified original.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:00:37 No.2563343
    The can opener was invented before the can.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:03:24 No.2563362
    The pancake was invented before the frying pan.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:06:43 No.2563388
    I don't believe you are telling the truth.
    >> TheLaughingMan !!CwndNHTjLMy 12/26/08(Fri)22:08:53 No.2563407
    Marilyn Monroe had six toes.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:09:36 No.2563414
    She was a pretty hot bird.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:10:22 No.2563419
    thermite ftl
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:10:47 No.2563423

    SHIT! i mean substance! SUBSTANCE! realy did i swear!
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:12:25 No.2563434
    The red on a barbershop pole is symbolism for blood.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:12:48 No.2563438
    Horseshoe crabs have copper based blood, which causes it to be blue. Their blood is also used in medicine to test for harmful bacterias and such.

    The families on House hunters have already bought their house before the show is filmed. The show just chooses 2 other houses to film.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:14:33 No.2563454
    You're free to look it up yourself, but posting references is not the point of this thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:14:35 No.2563455
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:18:58 No.2563489
    In an electrical wire, the average speed of movement of electrons is in the order of a few millimetres per second. The electrical charge, however, moves at anything up to 95% of light-speed, depending upon the material the wire is made of (it's about 70% in copper, for example).
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:22:11 No.2563512
    What was the can opener used for before the can was invented then?

    Tank firing computers have a function programmed into them that prohibits the firing of a shell at a certain angle because at that angle the shell would fall right back down and destroy the tank (presumed to be moving forward in the direction the shell was fired [the angle of stupidity for a stationary tank would be 90 degrees above horizontal, of course]).
    One of the compounds of FUCK YEAH BISMUTH is the active ingredient in Pepto Bismol (and is responsible for the "Bis" in its name).
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:22:54 No.2563523
    This is because barbers also used to perform surgery, the red and white striped poles representing blood and bandages. In Italy young boys would be castrated at a barber's (to produce castrati singers - grown men with high-pitched voices) so as to avoid prosecution after the procedure was outlawed by claiming it was a terrible haircut-related accident.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:23:59 No.2563533
    Beards are the fastest growing hairs on the human body. If the average Man never trimmed his beard, it would grow to nearly 30 feet long in his Lifetime.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:26:17 No.2563552
    Symptoms of both yeast infections and herpes for women are vaginal tears.

    "Mariah" apparently means something terrible in Swahili. My teacher won't tell us what.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:27:01 No.2563560
    wouldn't large puncture wounds in the chest & abdomen still help the gases of putrefaction vent?

    also, nail polish remover is a good solvent/cleanup for any crazy glue (cyanoacrylate-based)
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:30:12 No.2563588
    it is exactly the opposite. cans were invented almost 40 years before can openers. Originally, the intention was that soldiers would open their canned rations with bayonets, but doing so was usually so unwieldy that they'd end up just shooting the cans in frustration. The original can opener was sort of a bent bayonet looking thing that was issued during the American civil war, then there was the claw shaped can opener, which was not that much of an improvement. When you bought cans back then, somebody at the store would open the can for you and you'd have to eat it quick, kind of defeating the purpose of the can. The clamp style can opener with the gear and bladed wheel was invented in Nazi Germany, and was discovered by the original spy whose name I forget, the guy who later hung out with Ian Fleming and inspired james bond, while he was in a concentration camp. He realized he could make a fortune with the can opener since it was presumably only patented in Germany, so he stole one and took it with him when he escaped, and in fact, made tons of money with it. He also was the father of cryptography and helped crack the enigma code. Also - he was a Canadian, and probably the second most bad ass guy in world war two. The most bad ass of course being that British guy who fought with a bow and arrows plus a claymore and carried bagpipes in to battle.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:38:07 No.2563662
    Apparently, 90% of people on /r9k/ are chemists.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:38:28 No.2563671
    LOL, trollled.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:38:39 No.2563674
    /r/ing archive on this epic thread.

    "Photographic memory" is also known as "Eidetic memory", those of you who have it now know it forever.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:39:14 No.2563684
    Very bad chemists.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:40:19 No.2563689
    the classic defense of somebody who says something stupid on 4chan.
    LOL I TROL U, typed angrily through a mist of tears.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:42:05 No.2563710

    I lol'd hortily.
    >> MoonBoots !EhVtXXdTd6 12/26/08(Fri)22:43:06 No.2563720
    laughed so hard
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:48:35 No.2563752
    yhbt (__)
    (. .)
    / | LOL ||
    * ||-------||
    ^^ ^^

    Better luck next time. SLUGHEADS!
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:57:01 No.2563799
    - In 2001, it became possible to synthesize diamonds in a lab.

    - Bosco is the very first cartoon character to speak. Mickey Mouse, to this day, imitates his voice.

    - Peter Cullen, who is best known as the voice of Optimus Prime is the very first person to provide a voice for Mario.

    - Boxing is the strongest martial art in terms of defence.

    - Bananas do not grow on trees.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:59:53 No.2563819
    naw dude, white phosphorous (aka willie pete) just burns at extremely high temperatures really quickly. its one of the least stable chemicals in the world as it ignites when exposed to oxygen. not to fuck around with
    >> dnhjfik, gundovjj 12/26/08(Fri)23:00:28 No.2563824
    lol mega enis v sijnh i wonder if u can buy pny cux it prettyu
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:03:56 No.2563845
    Do they take into account wind? A shell fired at 90 degrees will not fall back onto a stationary tank if there is any wind at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:12:41 No.2563919
    Boxing's great of defending against punches, if you're wearing gloves.

    Otherwise? Not so much.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:17:46 No.2563969
    Tea Tree oil is a guaranteed way to get stubborn remnants of stickers off of jewel cases. Now you can stop cursing your local stores for putting those godawful promotional stickers on there.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:20:51 No.2564003
    OP needs to learn the difference between low and high explosives.

    Also, people saying that dynamite and TNT are the same thing make me rage so hard.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:24:04 No.2564034
    Don't pee in bleach, one you just ruined your bleach, and two your pee has ammonia in it which reacts with the chlorine to make hydrazine
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:24:11 No.2564037
    Eating chocolate while chewing gum causes the bonds in the gum to break down, making it melt.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:27:22 No.2564086
    you can make diamonds from tequila.
    >> MoonBoots !EhVtXXdTd6 12/26/08(Fri)23:30:32 No.2564111
    i have to fucking try this
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:32:13 No.2564124
    dynamite = nitroglycerin mixed with a diatomic earth?

    Tnt= tri-nitro-toluene?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:45:59 No.2564221
    During a porn video shoot, there are girls off camera whose sole job is to suck off the guys who are supposed to appear on camera so the guys can stay hard. These girls are called "fluff girls" or "fluffers"
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:49:45 No.2564245
    chewing gum while smoking tobacco means a definitely higher risk of cancer

    chewing gum while smoking weed means a definitely higher degree of fun
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)00:06:13 No.2564370

    The blue represents Mu blood, a race that lives in an alternate dimension of Earth and is only separated from humans by a genetic marker called the Mu phase.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)00:09:10 No.2564389

    Go away RahXephon, I love you and all but this is for useful facts.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)00:10:56 No.2564398
    Huh that was on spiderman

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