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  • Blotter updated: 12/25/08


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    57 KB Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:06:00 No.2561308  
    Why are lesbians more accepted than gay males?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:06:49 No.2561316
    because they're fucking hot in porn.

    RL lesbians are disgusto
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:07:26 No.2561322
    because they're typically arousing to males, who dominate society. you fucking fool.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:08:36 No.2561336

    Oh okay. I was afraid it was because of sexual liberation, but you calmed my fears.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:10:15 No.2561356
    RL lesbos are hot.
    Animated lesbos are hotter.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:10:57 No.2561363
    lesbians generally don't threaten the sexuality of men. for a very straight man, it's like watching someone open their rib cage and dance, bleeding, for aliens. like, 'why are you doing that? STOP IT. YOU ARE LIKE ME AND I DON'T DO THAT"
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:11:25 No.2561367
    They aren't. IRL lesbians are reviled for being hateful, ugly, fat cunts.

    They are a drag on society. At least male fags are fun to hang out with.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:12:52 No.2561381
    sexual liberation? on my planet earth? Don't make me laugh.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:13:29 No.2561385
    serious homosexuality threads on /r9k/ never work out because it's against the law of nature.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:15:07 No.2561405
    If you've ever heard a group of girls talk about it, among girls they definitely aren't.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:17:15 No.2561423
    hurp durp mute
    >serious homosexuality(muteblock) threads on /r9k/ never work out because 4chan is full of 14 year olds who are downright awestruck by the fact that they can troll and say racial slurs without being banned.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:17:52 No.2561426
    Straight robot here.
    One of my best mates is a lesbian, and she's cute as hell.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:18:17 No.2561431

    because those who frequent online messageboards and avoid social interaction are adhering to natural law.

    you fuckshelf.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:18:24 No.2561433

    Since when are the opinions of GIRLS important? I mean really now.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:18:46 No.2561439
    Because lesbians can be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:20:52 No.2561461
    Lesbians are usually cool enough to just hang out with and for a guy to see as another guy; they can talk about chicks together, sports, cars, whatever. Lesbians are like guys, except not.

    Whereas gay guys are all flaming homosexuals and all they ever want to talk about is how good a cock can feel in their ass. This makes straight guys nervous, because they don't want to hear this shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:21:28 No.2561468


    I know a IRL lesbian. Self obsessed bitch. Lesbian this, lesbian that. She's a midget of a midget and has a funny nose.

    I fucking loathe her.
    >> applesauce 12/26/08(Fri)18:21:41 No.2561471
    because they threaten our standards of what sort of masculinity is acceptable
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:22:54 No.2561486
    Lesbians don't go around fucking each other in the asses and blurt out to everyone that they done so, while parading around likegiantic faggots, also most lesbians are beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:23:06 No.2561490
    dawgbro, that's an exception, not the trend
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:24:03 No.2561501
    Well of course real people seem a lot better than stereotypes. Maybe you should try meeting a gay person. And I don't mean one of those flaming retards, some guy who just happens to like men.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:25:27 No.2561510
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    Yo dawg, lesbians are fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:26:25 No.2561520

    Yeah but that's the thing, all gay men are sissy prancing flaming faggots. No exceptions.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:27:56 No.2561535
    This, but only with hot lesbians. Ugly, butch, feminists are hated as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:28:52 No.2561540

    >Maybe you should try meeting a gay person.

    What, you mean like go to a gay bar? Or maybe I should go running down University screaming, "HEEYYYY!!! I WANNA MEET SOME GAY GUYS!!"? Either way, no, that's fucking retarded and begging for assrape (which i know is the fantasy of 99% of all faggots, they all want to turn is straight people into flaming fags).
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:29:48 No.2561550
    lesbians haven't really done anything to offend me. homos captured Freddie Mercury (R.I.P.) and sent him to his doom with their buttfucking ways
    >> Massive !!pZa+UgW/sNe 12/26/08(Fri)18:35:08 No.2561585

    Haha, oh wow. Trolling WAY too hard.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:36:35 No.2561595
    socially, they're not
    >> Massive !!pZa+UgW/sNe 12/26/08(Fri)18:40:31 No.2561629

    The correct answer, by the way.

    Everything after this post is mindless trolling.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:42:52 No.2561642
    HIV doesn't transfer via oral sex. ReRe is a lesbian loli lover and I'm totally fine with that.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:43:36 No.2561650
    cause gayness is nasty stuff. But I'd like a gay friend. If they really are as cool as people say.
    What color should I get?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:44:27 No.2561654
    Because men govern society, and men are governed by their penises.


    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:51:06 No.2561719
    because theyre hot next question idiot
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:51:21 No.2561723
    If OP wants a serious answer, I think it's not because lesbians are becoming more accepted, but female bisexuality. These days it's seems fine and acceptable for a girl to find another girl attractive or to date/experiment with a few girls, so long as she goes back with a guy. And as long as she still keeps her femininity - butch/androgynous isn't acceptable.
    Married/older lesbians are about as accepted as gay men, mostly because it establishes the permanence of the gayness.
    Also, it's hot.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:52:30 No.2561732
    patriarchal society is patriarchal
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:53:48 No.2561744
    it's all due to society's fucked up view of masculinity. it's cool to see two girls doing it because you'd do it with both of them. you can't be a HURR DURR MANLY MAN if you're gay.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:55:53 No.2561759
    I'd go with that.

    On the off-topic, the vast majority of the IRL lesbians and gays that I've known or met have been loads of fun, and they made up for the ones that were stereotypically misandrist or mincing.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:58:01 No.2561780
    right on...its so typical of a patriarchal female oppressive society to condemn men for a behavior it glamorizes in women...idiot
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:04:51 No.2561834
    you're acting like..
    in this case it's TRUE. Are you retarded or something?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:04:52 No.2561835
    Patriarchy means a male dominated society, dumbfuck. A female dominated society (which we've never yet seen outside of myth, since women in general are passive and unambitious) is a Matriarchy.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:06:04 No.2561840
    thread ended right here
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:21:23 No.2561937

    I don't know any other lesbians (except perhaps one more, who is also hot) for reference.
    >> Uboa !/3Kdsh.lGM 12/26/08(Fri)19:23:09 No.2561946
    Girls are actually attractive. They can have the sexy aspect without all the unsightly body hair and shit stains.

    Well, most of them. There are some disgusting girls out there.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:23:37 No.2561950
    well i cant argue with nonsense

    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:25:11 No.2561959
    >I can't argue with nonsense.
    That wisdom cuts both ways.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:29:19 No.2561985
    i see...so what you are saying is...well...nothing...feel free to make a point at any time, kid
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:32:35 No.2562002
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    I don't have anything particularly stupid to say, so I don't really belong to this thread. But I need some text to post anime lesbians.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:36:54 No.2562032
    I was in a class with a girl last year.

    She was the sweetest, friendliest girl in class, plus really shy and quiet. She'd almost never raise her hand or say anything, but when she did it blew me away even though I was supposed to be the nerd, she was that smart.

    I transferred to another school, but I missed her a lot and was very sad because I'd missed my chance to be with her. So I convinced my classmates to hold a reunion party, and even though I'm very introverted, I made an agreement with myself that I wouldn't leave the party before I'd asked her to be my girlfriend :3

    At the party, everything was great, my mates and I were just maxing and relaxing all cool. I was sure I could feel The Vibes from The Girl. She'd even brought another chick with her who was really cool too. I was just waiting for a chance to catch her without her friend so that I could tell her how I felt, and though nervous, I knew if I did not do it, I would die a regretful, bitter old man.

    About four or five hours into the party I was getting slightly buzzed. Not drunk, simply just the optimal state of being for picking up the wimminz. The Girl and her friend were gone, so I went over to the fridge to grab another round of beers for me and the dudes, when I glance to my left and see The Girl of my future making out with the other chick in the wardrobe, like a python swallowing a baby deer, all raunchy and stuff. I was totally dumbstruck, and could only stand there and gape while they were having mouth-sex all over that wardrobe. The thing that snapped me out of it was one of the guys who had gone to get a beer himself, had come upon the scene, and had promptly started laughing, drunkenly and loudly. I did the manly thing and kind of mumbled that he should shut up, shuffled him back to the table and got pissed until I projectile-vomited all over the garden, after which I got drunk again and repeated this, several times.

    tl;dr: Lesbians can be pretty cool :(
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:46:41 No.2562092

    This thread is now a lesbian relationship thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:57:35 No.2562169
    Lesbian Robot reporting.

    Lesbians, I repeat, are not more accepted than male gays. Look at history, how many gay men and lesbians are there? Compare their numbers. Also, it's not true that all males accepts lesbians, most males are even disgusted at the thought that two girls could actually have sex without a penis, they really just think that they could have sex without a penis. Women hates lesbians and thinks that they're some kind of monsters who would rape them when lesbians looks at them.

    To understand what I'm trying to say (since I'm not English so I apologize for the grammar).

    MEN> superior
    GAY MEN> superior as well because they're also males but not much, because they put their plugs into the wrong hole.
    WOMEN> middle class. no one really cares about what a woman would actually say much less on their contribution for society.
    LESBIANS> they are the lowest forms of human beings because not only are they females, it's also because they LOVE other women!

    -sorry I didn't include trans and bisexuals since it's kinda irrelevant to the topic.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:58:07 No.2562174
    >>2562169 continued
    So you see, lesbians are not really having such a fun time. The situation is worse because they are in a male dominated society. Sure we could hang out with guys and be all buddies with them, but the truth is they always think that they could turn us straight and that we love their cock. Which is pretty disappointing because I love my guy friends as my brothers, so sometimes when they're like that it makes me feel isolated.

    I'm not your stereotypical bulldyke/dyke/femme or whatever. I have long hair and just fashions slightly boyish normal clothes. Another thing with stereotypes nowadays is that they have such a huge impact on the targeted group. Sure we can't avoid it because this is how humans learn and describe their surroundings but It's because of propagating this that had caused hate all over. I say it sucks that humans never really learn from our mistakes.

    Also, it sucks to be me because no matter how much effort I give to contribute to society, no matter how nice I am with other people and no matter how successful I'll be, people would automatically reject me for being a lesbian despite all these efforts.

    inb4 "then stop being a raging stereotypical dyke!!!"
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:05:33 No.2562240
    'Nother Lesbian Robot here and I think the one thing we're forgetting is location and culture. I don't know where you hail from girl, but I'm lucky enough that I've never been hated or discriminated against or any of that bullshit. Sure, I'm probably a rarity, but everyone knows I'm a les and no one says boo. My female friends don't think I'm going to rape them and my male friends don't think all I need is a good cock. The only time it's ever brought up is if we're talking relationships.
    So sorry to hear you're treated like a lower caste, but not ALL lesbians are treated that way.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:08:19 No.2562268
    ITT: Men thinking you want to fuck them and wanting to fuck you is worse than men thinking you want to fuck them and wanting to kick the shit out of you.

    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:13:32 No.2562324
    The transexuals have it worse. Everyone hates them except themselves.
    Fuck gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. Try being someone that wants to be the opposite gender, you whiny assholes.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:16:23 No.2562350
    Oh no, sorry. I didn't meant that all lesbians are like that. Just from my experience. also just the same as you my friends are ok with it. Even the guys, even if they still think I'm bisexual and not really a lesbian. LOL. But yeah, they're pretty cool with it.

    What I was talking about was just people in general. The people here are religious hypocrites that would discriminate every time they get the chance to do so.

    Nice to see a fellow lesbot who's doing well.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:18:15 No.2562367
    "most men"

    whatever, dyke.
    >> Soviet Lesbian !hdwrehqOns 12/26/08(Fri)20:20:30 No.2562387
    The previous two lesbots beat me to saying anything. So let me just say that I absolutely detest fake bisexuals.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:22:00 No.2562407
    how can you be a fake bisexual
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:22:27 No.2562410
    If you think of it biologically and in terms of threesomes, If 2 girls are comfortable together with another guy he can impregnate both of them. Whereas 2 guys and 1 girl leaves one man redundant.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:23:11 No.2562421
    you can either be a girl who doesn't really like other girls and just pretends to make out with them to be interesting
    or you can be gay and fuck women because you're expected to
    >> Uboa !/3Kdsh.lGM 12/26/08(Fri)20:23:24 No.2562424
    They pretend to be bisexual because it arouses men the woman is attempting to woo. They wouldn't actually stay in a relationship with a girl. They're quite disappointing, actually.

    God damn. Do they even say "woo" anymore?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:27:05 No.2562451
    as long as they never claimed to want to be in a real relationship and all they want is superficial affection i don't see why anyone would hate them for it. i think it might be pretty difficult to claim they arent REAL bisexuals.
    >> Uboa !/3Kdsh.lGM 12/26/08(Fri)20:32:09 No.2562496
    I've had experiences with fake bisexual females where they would brag about various sexual escapades to their guy friends, but when asked alone if they wanted to go out, they'd say "I don't really like girls."

    It's like a parrot that speaks to you at the pet shop but just squawks when you take it home.

    I don't personally hate them, they're just a bit irritating. False advertising, if you will.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:46:23 No.2562642
    Elephants live under a matriarchal system.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:04:30 No.2562781
    i love how a thread that merely asks the question of how lesbian WOMEN have it better than gays MEN can turn into a thread about the exact opposite...female victimhood and the logical acrobatics required to sustain it are always impressive to me as a person interested in reason

    this is pretty much how i feel...i cannot claim to have a wealth of personal experience because i have only encountered traps once...but i remember they came to my place of business and the guys looked kinda funny, shrugged and went on their way...the women? my god...you would not believe disdain they had for people whom they never even had to meet...my philosophy is feminism=bigotry so this was eyeopening to me...they laughed at them for being 'unnatural,' mocked them for 'having bad surgery,' and made a big scene gathered in a corner office working up a nice frothy hate...you would think these ts had just stepped off of a spaceship...

    i have no idea why they did this or if it is even common...but i imagine it had something to do with considering them imposters and pretenders to the greatness which was themselves...or maybe it was kinda like the mafia who always hates competition...or maybe many women show the same hate to transgenders who dare aspire to be them that they show to heterosexual men who dare to be attracted to them...but i think about this often...

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