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    File :1230321912.jpg-(177 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20081226150346.jpg)
    177 KB Solving ronery... a TEAM EFFORT. Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:05:12 No.2559779  
    So, it seems the only way to TRULY rid this land of ronery threads is to fix roneriness. Sure, the underage b& among us will think this is gay, but their opinions don't matter anyway.

    I suggest some kind of support group so we can uplift the true basement dwellers, and thus increase the quality of our boards.

    This thread isn't for fags who are going through a dry spell or are a little shy. This thread is for guys who have never even touched a woman, who have never known love or affection whatsoever. Guys who, without help, may very well die without ever knowing what it feels like to kiss a woman.

    Come on, let's figure out how to solve this. I don't know how, but it's not going to be easy and is going to take more than simply going out and talking to people.

    On a related note, I've heard good things about pickup artist materials.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:07:47 No.2559799
    I don't think anything I read on 4chan is going to help me.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:08:21 No.2559808
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:09:34 No.2559815


    And no amount of 4chan support groups will make me any less unlovably hideous.

    Maybe you can save some of the less-ugly/average looking ones though.

    Good luck, OP
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:10:00 No.2559822
    >>On a related note, I've heard good things about pickup >>artist materials.

    It sure works if you've got it down naturally but in my opinion it only works if you're really convinced that you're going to score some chicks.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:11:43 No.2559840
    Practice good grooming, it goes a long way
    >> Unnecessarily Mean Guy !3GqYIJ3Obs 12/26/08(Fri)15:13:59 No.2559861

    This thread is NOT for me, then.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:15:05 No.2559870

    Pretty much.

    Advice I can give you 'never held hands' types is keep clean. Wash, brush your teeth etc. You don't have to go to bars or clubs or places you feel uncomfortable to meet women, I'm sure there are even girls at Dungeons And Dragons games.

    I've always considered that pick-up-artist stuff as contrived and gay but then again I've never needed it. I don't look to pick up girls as casual sex isn't really my thing.

    Also there are loads of slutty girls in your local music scene most likely.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:16:56 No.2559891
    We need to figure out where all the roneryfag women are at, then propose some sort of orgiastic merger resembling a cross between the end of Revenge of the Nerds and the last days of Rome.

    Surely somewhere on the internet there is a group of ugly, socially inept women decrying the fact that they don't have the guts to meet men.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:18:21 No.2559904

    What about us ugly, socially inept, roneryfag gay guys?
    >> James MacDonald 12/26/08(Fri)15:18:23 No.2559905
    >Guys who, without help, may very well die without ever knowing what it feels like to kiss a woman.

    that is me.
    i lack the balls for suicide, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:18:41 No.2559909
    Even ugly, socially inept women can find a guy.
    >> James MacDonald 12/26/08(Fri)15:19:56 No.2559919
    somehow, I don't think bathing alone is going to get me laid. sage for kind of useless advice.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:22:13 No.2559936
    >You don't have to go to bars or clubs or places you feel uncomfortable to meet women, I'm sure there are even girls at Dungeons And Dragons games.

    I'm sure there are not. I don't play D+D anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:23:01 No.2559946
    Keep clean? That's your advice? Even I know enough to not be a filthy slob.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:25:31 No.2559967
    You mean well OP but you can't offer more than few tips. And the ronrey crowd require a lot more than that.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:31:25 No.2560026
    Here's a question:
    If I don't enjoy going out and drinking/partying/whatever, don't have many friends/have a male-only job is it even possible to stop being ronrey?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:38:21 No.2560081
    history has shown that there are women who will fuck ronryfags.
    we need to perfect our knowledge of their type and then prevent them from getting to usual men and drive them to us ronery people.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:46:45 No.2560164
    I'd like to know what history books you've been reading.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:50:44 No.2560202

    >but it's not going to be easy and is going to take more than simply going out and talking to people.

    You twat, that's EXACTLY how you solve this problem.

    Screw "quick fixes" like becoming a pick-up artist - the ronery crowd won't pull it off because they lack the confidence.

    Go for viable, long-term solutions. It won't be quick, it won't be easy, but it will last.

    First, recognize that the road ahead of you is long, and hard. You'll screw up and look like an idiot in the beginning. Accept this. If you can't, enjoy roneriness.

    What I propose is first to become more social in general, to get your social skills up. Then, start going for the ladies.

    Realize that most people aren't like you. Social interaction with a stranger is not a strange thing to them, if done properly in the right context. For example, all of these things are perfectly acceptable or you to do:

    - If you're out walking, and encounter another person, and you're *alone* on the street, smile, look them in the eyes, and say "Hi!". Don't stop walking, don't lock eyes more than a second, don't turn around, don't say anything else. They'll return the greeting, but you'll keep

    Fuck it, I grew tired. I don't feel like typing all this shit down.

    Be more social, start small, make lots of friends. Confidence will follow, as will the courage to ask out girls. You can do it, Anon.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:52:57 No.2560222
    there are some girls that dont' like drinking/partying. and they start to grow out of it around 25-27.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:53:03 No.2560223
    Guys, I haven't had sex in almost eight days.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:54:05 No.2560235
    Fuck off.
    Saying "hi" to random people does nothing.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:55:08 No.2560249

    Confidence can't rescue you from ugliness
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:58:00 No.2560281
    Hang about, I've seen ugly people with girlfriends. He wasn't smart or rich either so..
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)15:59:06 No.2560294
    There's got to be more to it than that.

    I just don't know.
    >> James MacDonald 12/26/08(Fri)15:59:57 No.2560297
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:00:59 No.2560301
    I'm not really sure that even those ronery women would like to get it on with a typical neckbeard/fat/skinny/asocial loser.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:02:02 No.2560313
    Dont aim for normal women or attractive ones, you need weird, shy ronery girls. dont try picking up random ones or ones in bars/clubs because they are probably not your type. you'l have to find some sort of group with common interests in which to meet women
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:03:08 No.2560321

    I'm not looking for a girlfriend (keyword, girl)

    And I doubt that man is truly ugly. He might be a little less than average, but not ugly.

    I use "ugly" very, very sparingly so maybe we just have different standards.

    What I do know is that I have never, ever fit into anyone's standards in my entire life.

    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:05:08 No.2560338
    How do I find such a group?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:06:49 No.2560352
    Make a new board called /lov/

    It will be dedicated to all things concerning love and relationships.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:09:02 No.2560368
    /luv/ Sounds better.
    I'd pronounce /lov/ like "Lauve".
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:09:48 No.2560375

    There is, but I didn't want to spend an hour typing it.

    I've done it myself, with the caveat that I didn't have any sort of social phobia, or social awkwardness - I got along fine with the friends Ihad, but I just had trouble making new ones.

    By saying hi to people I didn't know, trying to do smalltalk with people etc. I built up my social confidence.

    It was awkward and meaningless at first, but I learned to appreciate it and understood that meaningful, deep social interaction first requires some mindless chatter - it's like a probe to see if the other person is sane or a psycho.

    Anyway, now I've gotten to the point where I can, without problems, ask a guy on the street for directions, or strike up casual conversation with people I don't know. I genuinely enjoy going to parties or events where I'll meet new people. I have no fear of talking to girls - just taking to a girl is no different than talking to a boy.

    The sort of tricky part is asking a girl out, but I think I can do that, too. I'm preparing for failure, or at least awkwardness, but a year ago I wouldn't have dreamed of doing it.

    Most of all, I think I got tired of not getting anywhere, and realised that I had two options:

    1) Do nothing. 100% certainty that I'll stay lonely.
    2) Do something. Unknown chance of success. Failure results in no change to present condition, but the chance is less than 100%.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:15:26 No.2560423
    I can personally vouch for the PUA materials. Tons of free books, and here is one upped by a generous Anon.


    Start with Mystery Method and then move on.

    Being a pickup artist is not about getting laid easily. It's about seducing and entrancing women, for sex, romance, or whatever else you want. It's about understanding the mechanics of meeting and interacting with women.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:17:44 No.2560448
    The PUA stuff is kinda like if you decided to write down the laws of physics, only you didn't understand the general principles and instead wrote things like 'Ball bounces off wall"

    They have a grain of truth to them, but most of it is people coming up with theories and then ways to justify them. And also giving them stupid names.

    The power they have is that they can provide people who can't think on their feet in a situation like that the script to go through a conversation. Rote learning certain rules of social interaction.

    But it's psychology lite, basically.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:21:29 No.2560479

    It's social interaction for people who don't know how to do it.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:22:41 No.2560489
    Can't do PUA shit. I could never make that work.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:22:53 No.2560492
    Why does nobody mention the books on communication written by Paul Watzlawick and Schulz von Thun? They're probably the best books on the subjects of interpersonal communication and are going to create a deeper understanding of average daily situations and conversations. Perhaps they are also a good basis for all those PUA books.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:25:29 No.2560518
    Look for geek girls. Anime conventions are a fantastic place. Also a big part of it really is just talking to people more, don't worry about how you come off because you probably won't see the people again anyway, so relax more.

    Also, seriously, using online personal sites really worked well for me. I recommend OKCupid, it's free.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:29:55 No.2560565
    So was your problem simply that you were shy?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:32:23 No.2560590
    What if you live in a place with a low population density? (And have no conventions or anything nearby)
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:33:31 No.2560601
    I can't stop worrying about how I come off. Anywhere other than anime conventions? I'd have to travel a ways for that.

    And I've had an okcupid profile for ages, but I'm as shy online as I am in real life.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:38:28 No.2560642
    >I'm as shy online as I am in real life.

    truth, I freeze up with a attractive females online as I do offline

    virgin 444 lyfe!!~
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:43:08 No.2560677

    try interacting with people that you'll never see again.

    Go into town/a city and try to just strike a 2 minute conversation with someone. Something small. If you go to buy a coffee and the person in front of you takes ages, make light of it with the cashier. If you're in a shop, ask an assistant about a product, and find out something about them in the process - "What would you reccomend for someone about to go traveling? Have you been?" for example. 2 minute, in-and-out and never see them again.

    Build up a level of confidence in the small interactions, then try letting a conversation flow more. Build it up till you stop being nervous.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:47:45 No.2560720
    It doesn't matter if I will never see them again.

    I try doing things like that, actually. But conversation never flows.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:47:59 No.2560723

    I guess. I had it easy that way.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:49:53 No.2560739
    >make light of it with the cashier
    Dick move man. Not cool.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:52:52 No.2560764
    Ah right. To start with I thought I was the same, because I'm fine if somebody asks me a question or something. However I don't have anything in common with anybody so I don't have anything to talk about.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:54:59 No.2560782

    this is me, I forgot to mention, the "other girl" is the shy and awkward type found in that type of environment you talked about.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)16:59:27 No.2560813
    Weight Watchers.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:02:18 No.2560827
    What this need is a hook up between people that know a bit about socializing, and those that don't do well in social situations.

    I swear that having a friend or someone you know helping to pull you out of your shell is the only thing that really works if you don't it in you to do it on your own. That's how it happened to me. A few people were kind enough to befriend the lonely kid and now I can handle myself pretty well.

    If you are up to it the first step would be someone that would be willing to cooperate you and show support and advice(I'm up for it), and YOU have to be willing to trust that person to help you out.

    So how about it?
    I don't need troll's replies
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:02:48 No.2560831
    summary of this thread
    >i hate talking to people, how do i do it?
    >talk to people
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:04:52 No.2560844
    Fuck I hate hate submitting without checking what I wrote.

    Disregard the horrible grammar because even I'm ashamed of it.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:06:34 No.2560859
    sorry bro, loneliness can't be solved by other people's words on a screen. it's a personal plight that people have to figure out for themselves

    also, getting a girl won't cure people of their loneliness.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:13:56 No.2560919
    usually i am not lonely, although i have no friends, havent for a few years, and have never touched a girl, am 50% basement dweller (i am at uni). however i am not lonely, i think because i have grown skilled at avoiding thinking about myself and, especially, my future.

    however, i saw the movie con air on tv a few days ago, and got a little ronery when i saw whatsanigger nicolas cage returning to his "wife and young daughter" after escaping the crashed plane. for a little while i wondered how fulfilling it would be to have such a "normal" life.

    so, yea op i figure i am someone you are thinking of. if i ask myself now will i die a virgin, i would say there are many possible futures, and in some of them i die a virgin, in others i dont. trouble is right now i just dont know which possible future i even want to be in.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:14:51 No.2560929
    This is probably what I need. Someone to drag me kicking and screaming into more social situations.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:23:40 No.2560998
    This actually happened to me. Shit was boring as fuck. The drink didn't taste very good and there was nothing I could say to anyone.

    So it might not work for you I dunno.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:25:21 No.2561012
    I've been going out a lot this past year. The drinks are the only part of it I enjoy. So, yeah, it's not really working.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:27:42 No.2561028
    So, pretty much, the world needs people who act like Will Smith did in the movie Hitch and help out ronery people. It could work... we just need people willing to be the "Hitchers".
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:28:21 No.2561036
    i've resorted to fatties

    no luck yet though, they all seem to be taken...
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:29:36 No.2561045
    >the world needs people who act like Will Smith did in the movie Hitch and help out ronery people

    spoiler: there are people like that
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:33:17 No.2561074
    Let's just email Will Smith.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:38:33 No.2561107
    Your the immature idiot who would be kicking and screaming. I would just be putting you out there in situations.

    It's your attitude that you have to change. If your not willing then there is nothing anyone could do to help you.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:40:34 No.2561120
    Why the the ronery retards always being assholes or smartasses with people that might actually help them?

    Are you people really that socially retarded? or are you just trolls?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:45:23 No.2561156
    Just send all the ronery fags free train tickets to "Fun sex party, hot girls will do anyone, no matter how fat/gross/nervous! Only 100 for 3 days and nights of hot fucking with A+++ teenage girls!!!"

    Then once they are on the train, reroute to Birkenau. I'm a jew, if that helps you understand what I'm proposing as a final solution to the ronery epidemic.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:45:28 No.2561158
    I'm one of those guys who hasn't ever even kissed a woman.

    I don't think I'm completely pathetic. I have a job, I'm getting out of college on-time, got full-time work all laid out for me.

    My bane is my (lack of an) outgoing personality. I'm not a super-interesting guy to begin with (except on the internet, I can work that keyboard), couple that with being very socially awkward and not having many friends, I don't get out too much.

    And yes, I actually live in my parents' basement. I'm 21. However, not every basement has an HDTV, dual-monitor computer, and all the other junk I have to keep me from going insane D:

    My greatest dream/goal in life at this point, that also seems the farthest away and nearly impossible to achieve, is to find the girl for me. Someone I know I can spend countless hours with and not get tired of, someone I can hold in my arms and be proud of, someone to be my emotional partner in life. Someone to love me. Someone to love.

    Oh well. Back to basement dwelling D:
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:46:13 No.2561163
    can we have a solution that doesnt involve talking to people?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:47:10 No.2561173

    1. Smoke a bunch of weed.
    2. Go to a party, start drinking heavily.
    3. ???
    4. Profit!

    Note that profit will be waking up with a strange girl in your bed.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:49:22 No.2561189

    oh realy ?

    i once went to the post oficce to get letters for my aunt and the 2 girls went by , one fat and one HOT . the hot just said hi to me in such a tone that i allmoast came in my pants . and saying hi to a stranger in poland usualy gets you in a fight or a knife in your back , so if a girl says "hi" here it means ALOT .

    ofcourse as a /b/tard that i am i realized only minutes later that i was halfway in here pants . im just happy i atleas sayd hi . most /b/tard probably would run away .

    ofcurse i bawwwed after that and hated myself for being a loser , but im used to it . on the other hand would should i supposed to say ," hi , lets fuck" ?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:51:09 No.2561204
    i believe you are from poland because your english is frucking terrible
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)17:51:49 No.2561210
    You're, not your.

    I used the phrase 'kicking and screaming' to illustrate fear of and resistance to change. I want to change, but it is goddamn terrifying.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:07:47 No.2561327
    Oh like I give a dam about my spelling on this site.
    Get rid of that fear, once you get used to being out there it's a cake walk.

    What are you afraid of? Failing? You never fail until you try, and the same goes with succeeding. It's not like one day you'll wake up and have all the confidence you need to make friends and ladies.

    It's only frightening because you make it.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:23:02 No.2561489
    Generally because they get trolled a lot, and the times when they get honest advice it's always from people who never had the same problem so it sounds like they are being made fun of.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:33:35 No.2561576
    Are you serious about getting into a fight?
    Like if I said "hi" would another guy just punch me?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:48:24 No.2561693
         File :1230335304.jpg-(282 KB, 614x800, 1227225804465.jpg)
    282 KB
    i think this is one of the biggest and most import issues facing many.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:57:57 No.2561778

    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:00:56 No.2561806
    I agree OP, this could be a very good idea. Lots of people here need help and they could do with a collective...*something* about making the roneryness go away. (And why they may be that way in the first place)


    There are no organisational skills here for such a support group (- scientology raids were just a fluke). No one will make one, and anyone that tries will be told to fuck off by the community.

    Only if this idea can be made official - with the higher ups, would it actually work.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:05:27 No.2561837
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)19:39:25 No.2562055
    They had a megathread a while ago, I don't think it helped.
    >> /r9k/ department 12/26/08(Fri)19:57:12 No.2562164
    "My fellow Americans. In millions of one-room studio apartments and basements, all across this great nation, there are men who have never so much as kissed a girl."
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:11:51 No.2562312
    I'd like to see it discussed on the next Youtube presidential debates.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:18:17 No.2562368
    Building up social skills
    Start with people closest to you.
    Then male acquaintances
    Then female acquaintances
    Then try to get a girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:20:27 No.2562386
    Roneriness plagues every board to an extent. This needs to be fixed. As more people start browsing 4chan, it will attract more ronery people.

    An hero is not an option, it's would just slow the cancer, not remove it. You are just delaying the inevitable.

    We need to work together so we can start reversing the process. We need to solve the CORE of the problem, which means more than "playing pretend" or trying to hook up with desperate fembots.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:25:16 No.2562443

    Does this answer your question?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:28:41 No.2562468
    Looking for love is counterintuitive.

    If you can't socialise with other males, then there's little chance of socialising with girls.

    Women will come to you if you stop looking for them.

    Treat them normally, but not as if you were interested in them. Start with ugly girls. Just learn to talk and be friends.

    This is the key. If you are incapable of being friends with a girl, then you're unlikely to make a girl fall for you. Unless you're blessed with an amazing countenance or physique and/or charm and/or wit.

    Work your way up. Flirt with ugly girls if you have to. Then work your way up with progressively better looking people. You will develop the experience and skill to interact with attractive people without panicking/worrying.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:28:46 No.2562471
    are you thinking what I'm thinking? next youtube presidential debates, /r9k/ FLOODS the questions with queries related to being a lonely virginfag. They can't possibly ignore us all....well they can, but it's going to be tough if we all contribute.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:30:53 No.2562485
    >women will come to you if you stop looking for them
    that is complete and utter bullshit, but congrats on the 2 4 6 8 get.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:31:35 No.2562490

    Not as obvious as you might think.

    Desperation often leads to them trying to go straight to flirting with girls when they can't even socialise with family.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:31:54 No.2562492
    >Women will come to you if you stop looking for them.

    Confirmed false. None of us actually try and look for women.

    Got muted for that but the robot can't be right every time.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:33:11 No.2562503

    Loneliness is a public health issue. In terms of lifestyle factors that affect life expectancy, loneliness is second only to smoking. Married men are significantly less likely than single men to suffer heart attack or stroke. Cancer rates are higher amongst lonely people.

    Look at the social costs of loneliness too - would Cho have shot up his school if he had a girlfriend and some guys to hang out with? Look at how many 4channers have done truly fucked up things just to get a little bit of warmth, a little bit of human contact. We can't even begin to calculate the damage caused to society as a result of loneliness and isolation.

    We need a fundamental shift in society. We need to break down the stigma attached to loneliness that results in such a dreadful cycle of isolation, the trap of being unable to make friends because you have no friends.

    There is a broad structure of specialised support for people who suffer from alcoholism or depression or schizophrenia, but not nearly enough for social anxiety. I know of someone who took three years to pluck up the courage to go to a support group for social anxiety - how bitterly ironic that the only support available was a terrifying ordeal for him.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:35:16 No.2562525
    I wasn't hurrdurran because I thought it was obvious, it was because the post itself was backwards.

    It's like this.
    Ronreyfag: How does I socialise
    Anon: Build up social skills
    Ronreyfag: How?
    Anon: Socialise

    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 12/26/08(Fri)20:35:51 No.2562534
    I suggest you get the fuck off this board.

    Seriously, RONERY? What the fuck are you? Like get the fuck out. Booo Hoooo Hoooo MIIII soooo rooooneeerryyy.

    First, it is lonely. Faggot. Say it right. Part of why you are alone is 1) because you are creepy and deserve it 2) because you need to appeal to equally creepy faggots to talk to because you are too pathetic to engage with people in real life 3) do you even think your e-support group is going to help, don't you think it is part of the reason that you are worthless and alone? because you are big enough faggots to turn to random strangers on the internet for help, thus further disengaging from anything social that could make you worthwhile

    Go back to /v/ with your "ronery" and "baww" no one fucking wants to hear it so get the fuck out you worthless little boys.

    Grow the fuck up and deal with your problems. The way to increase quality is for you get off. So do it. Leave. Go to some other trash place meant for that shit.

    And it's not the "underage b&" who think this us gay, it is anyone who values a board not full of trash like you.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:37:34 No.2562550
    That guy in Finland had a girlfriend though.
    Seemed normalish, perhaps a bit immature for his age.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:38:06 No.2562553

    I've found this true, from a misanthropic basement dweller, i've turned myself around in a year and actually befriended girls, had a girlfriend, and sexual contact.

    Still trying to make it though. It's been about 2 years since since then. some of my closest friends have been girls, before I had no female friends, as I was simply too inept.

    As soon as i stopped seeing women as potential mates, I found it much easier to interact with them if i'm not expecting anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:39:14 No.2562566
    Lurk moar.
    It's spelled wrong for a reason.

    Fucking tripfags..
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:40:03 No.2562575
    People that cant figure out how to research fitness, fashion, and social dynamics don't deserve the option to procreate.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:40:30 No.2562579

    I'm assuming that the reader has SOME social skills which to build upon.

    It's easier to start where you're comfortable and expand out of your comfort zone.

    The easiest is family and close friends (obviously)
    If you have trouble socialising with family and close friends, then I can't help.
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 12/26/08(Fri)20:41:05 No.2562584
    Guess what, this is r9k and not /b/ or /v/ and we do not have to put up with that bullshit you whoremouthed cockcraving simpering fuck. Go find some equally pathetic boys and do ass to ass with a cucumber. Bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:41:31 No.2562590
    All right guys. After you read what I have to say, and if you actually do as I tell you to, you will never be RONERY again. Buckle down, this is gonna be a big one.

    Start by gaining confidence. Without faith in yourself, you cannot possibly expect others to place trust in you. What is confidence? Confidence is the power to act the way you feel. You are never worried about what others think of you, and you aren't overly apologetic. However, this doesn't mean your a happy-go-lucky idiot. Everything you do must be, in your own opinion, beneficent to the overall group somehow. Confidence is correcting the professor when he slips up, taking your guys to eat on Saturday, and asking people if they'd like to hang out.
    Another big part of self-confidence is self-respect. That means that you must become somebody that you can respect. Go to the gym, get some nice abs, get a haircut, and clean your apartment up. Once you prepare yourself to look like somebody with lots of friends, it's easier to actually get pals. If you can successfully project self-confidence, other people will naturally begin gravitating towards you.
    Now, you might be asking, "Wait, anon, you're telling me how to get friends. I wanna know how to get girls."
    Well, guess what. Girls go out with popular guys. If you were a woman, and you had the choice between a guy with 2 buddies and stayed at home all day on 4chan and a guy who knows everybody in his year, and is always going to some party, guess who you would want to choose? The fun, popular guy always wins out.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:43:13 No.2562605
    OP and his subordinates are pathetic. How can you not talk to females. Smooth talk your way to the top you fucks and stop whinging. You can't fucking expect them to roll up on your front door.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:43:17 No.2562607
    >because you need to appeal to equally creepy faggots to talk to because you are too pathetic to engage with people in real life

    No shit Sherlock, that's why we have this thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:44:35 No.2562621
    >This is not 4chan how dare we use memes on this hallowed ground

    I think you are confused. This isn't Digg.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:49:54 No.2562673
    >Wait, anon, you're telling me how to get friends
    No you're not.
    You're telling us how to look like we have friends. That's not the same. Currently I look normal, clean and I'm not a shivering wreck of self-hate. According to you I should have lots of friends by now.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:50:21 No.2562677
    This brings us to the next bit of our lesson - being a fun guy. Always be doing something fun, always. Once you truly become a "fun guy", you should be able to walk into any boring situation and make it exciting for everybody else. Make bets during studying, give out rounds of hugs for beer, crack jokes, ask interesting questions during a discussion, whatever.
    And speaking of hugs, they're always a good idea. You want to be a touchy guy. Hug a girl you know when you see her, throw out high fives and fist pounds, initiate handshakes, anything that involves skin-to-skin contact. Never be afraid of an opportunity to touch. Touching is confident. Touching makes you less ronery. Touch.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:50:43 No.2562679
    I'm not going to post threads about being ronery, but I'm not going to try to find a girlfriend, either. I really can't be bothered. It's not as if i feel I cannot live without love. If I die alone, so be it.
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 12/26/08(Fri)20:51:09 No.2562683

    Simple then: STOP DOING THAT. The more you do it, the more you become a creeper who has tons of internet friends and no rl friends.

    Go. Out. Go do community service. Look up shit in your area and go do it. Or go attend shitty anime conventions or dungeons and dragons shit, or real life meetups of whatever faggy activities made you such closet cases.

    No, you won't be hanging out with hot girls, but you honestly aren't going to have anything in common with them anyways, so settle for a moderately chubby alternative girl who will actually relate to you.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:52:58 No.2562695
    Good point, but I was just helping to set up the guys who do look like shivering wrecks of self hatred to get at least to where you are.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:56:38 No.2562720
    >The fun, popular guy always wins out.

    yeah fucking right lol

    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)20:58:16 No.2562732

    Touching is right.

    Start with male companions. Shoulders, handshakes.

    When you're comfortable, move onto girls.

    No need to over do it though. A thoughtful pause on her shoulder/arm will do.
    >> Anonymous of Massachusetts !NoraVXgoIM 12/26/08(Fri)20:59:28 No.2562740

    I dated a nerd girl once who didn't have a single online friend, let alone an active social life on the internet. We broke up, largely because I never developed a high enough opinion of her, and this fact had a lot to do with it.

    She had offline friends.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:01:18 No.2562756

    You broke up because she had IRL friends but not internet friends? Why? Most people don't have e-friends.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:01:39 No.2562761

    If you are nervous around girls to even speak them do the following:

    As you walk around town just say hello to random people you see in the street!

    It will help boost your confidence.

    What I have found out through my own analysis of myself. The following holds true:

    You may look like an ass trying to speak to a random girl for 5 minutes and fucking it up (Or maybe scoring) but you look more like an ass not trying for the rest of your life and never knowing what to do.

    You should always think when trying to speak to random girls. What is the worse that could happen? She ignore you you runs off? Big fucking disappointment. Learn from your mistakes and speak to someone else. Why should you care that a random girl just blocked you completely? You lived your 2* something years without her you can live the rest of your life without her.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:02:06 No.2562764
    We don't have any of that stuff 'round here.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:02:35 No.2562771
    Another part of being a fun guy is to always be chill and relaxed. Nobody likes a guy who is tense and has a stick up his ass all the time. If you are constantly tense, the people around you (especially the girls) will quickly pick up on that tension and become tense themselves, and suddenly, hanging around you isn't fun. And girls are constantly looking for fun.
    To be honest with you, PUA material is a pretty good place to start, but if you do it anywhere where the guys and girls are complete strangers, it won't likely work - you'll come off as try-hard and tense. I've tried, and it won't work unless you guys are strangers. If you've read the game, you'll realize that Style concedes that AFC shit does have this place in the world - and its place is actually quite large.
    So. Relax. When I was trying this stuff outside myself, people, guys and girls alike, seemed to like me more when I was chill. Actively trying to get in a girl's pants is not chill, and will most likely turn her off. Go with the flow - you'll feel it when you're actually interacting. Evolution has programmed you to know exactly when to go for the kiss, so don't stress out over it.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:03:58 No.2562777

    Where the fuck do you live, the moon? Catch a train, thumb a lift, borrow a bicycle.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:06:42 No.2562797
    >the moon
    Oh god I wish.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:07:42 No.2562805
    word, me too, least there's not 500 million greasy spics every which way
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:12:27 No.2562847
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    You mean like this?

    Oh yeah I'm still not sure what exactly I'm meant to do to get from
    -stuck in room
    -out with friends
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:15:15 No.2562878
    If you're friendly and nice, people will want to hang out with you.

    If you're totally on your own, i.e. no contact, then consider joining a club, or get a job in a store (watch out for all male staff, you won't meet women, and you won't meet them through coworkers, since they won't meet women either. try to get a job with male/female workers)
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:15:44 No.2562882
    AFC? What does that mean?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:16:03 No.2562884
    So now that you know all this, where do you start? Start by getting some male buddies. Join a few clubs, start a facebook group, plan a party and invite your acquaintances, set up a study session and invite your whole class, or just chat them up over a common interest. This is directly extending off the whole self-confidence bit. If you expect to be accepted, you will be. It's that simple - people are easier to sway than you'd expect. After you get a few guys in your crew, move on to the girls. (Side note, don't freak out if you don't have any girls around. If there are no girls around, concentrate on having fun with your dudes. Don't be afraid, however, to interact with women whenever you see them.) Talking to the girls is even easier - to use the PUA term, "open" them with some simple shit, like "hey, I've seen you around a couple times, what's your name?" Asking them for HURR HURR WATS YOUR OPONION ON MY BUDDY'S RELATIONSHIPS is generally creepy outside the bar scene. Move them to topics that are fun for them, like who is dating who, who they know at a party, social shit. They love it.

    Oh, and there is such a thing as approach anxiety, but I generally get over it by repeating my little personal mantra, "The unfired bullet always misses." Shit works wonders. Merry Christmas, /r9k/ ;D
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:17:19 No.2562896
    >As you walk around town just say hello to random people you see in the street!

    >It will help boost your confidence.

    Shut up. Just shut up right now. When I do this, I spend the next week agonizing at how stupid I looked/sounded. Totally wrecks what little confidence I had.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:19:29 No.2562913
    Ain't no clubs here city boi.
    I do have a job with all male staff though. Unfortunately changing jobs now would be a step backwards.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:19:30 No.2562914
    general pickup artist jargon for "average frustrated chump", which includes the whole dating bit. they generally look down on it because it doesn't work in bars, but elsewhere, it's very solid.
    A note on dating, never pay for the woman. Show that you expect her to be able to support themselves - they actually take it as praise.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:20:57 No.2562931

    If you can say hello and not care about how you look, you'll make a big step. Who gives a shit if some guy you'll never see again, thinks you sound like a prat.

    That said, I don't say hi to random people, nor do i advocate it. However, if a situation brings me into proximity, I will (shopkeepers, librarians, students in my class etc.) say hi, thanks, bye, how's it going, or any other derivative.
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 12/26/08(Fri)21:22:45 No.2562945

    Where are you? I will do the work and find you some shit if you promise to not go on this board until you have attended a social event.

    Else, fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:24:16 No.2562960
    Step 1: Turn off the computer. Permanently.
    Step 2: Leave the house. Stay out of the house longer than you're in the house.

    Everything else will come naturally.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:25:06 No.2562967
    I know it's totally absurd, but I can't help it.

    How do I got confidence?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:25:35 No.2562971

    Sorry man, the best I can offer is this:

    Spend time with guys who spend time with girls.
    Try to find somewhere for people of common interests. A library maybe?

    The only way you're guaranteed to make a friendship with a girl is if you're in repeated, direct contact.

    You make friends on the job, at school, at uni, when together by circumstance. We make friends because it makes those things easier.

    You don't make friends talking to random women.

    If there are no women in any of your circles, there probably won't be. Sad but true, and I know it pretty well.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:26:09 No.2562975
    start with this article.
    and then do what the article says is good for you.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:26:12 No.2562977
    If you are ronery and meet a woman do you tell her you are inexperienced or what
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:27:13 No.2562988
    best would be to become not ronery before you try getting in a woman's pants
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:27:40 No.2562995
    Start low. Seriously.

    Guys at first. Small talk with guys. Then ugly girls. Then attractive girls.

    You can work your way up.
    Start small, it makes a difference.
    Every little thing is useful. Every pat on the back, hand on shoulder, handshake, whether with an old friend, a guy in your computer class, a girl who you're friends with.

    Most of all try to change yourself.
    Make an effort with people, it will help, believe me.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:29:35 No.2563010

    just let her know that you never really had a girlfriend/much experience with girls, because you were shy, or never had time, or whatever your excuse is.

    As long as you don't make it a big thing, it won't be.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:30:48 No.2563024
    A place called Dalbeattie. God-forsaken town.
    Bear in mind I work during the day.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:31:25 No.2563033

    there is nothing wrong with being inexperienced. Everyone has to start somewhere. Don't worry about it too much.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:31:35 No.2563039
    >Small talk
    Explain this concept please.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:31:55 No.2563041

    women wouldnt mind teaching you?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:32:30 No.2563051
    Guys are no easier to talk to than girls. Hell, I sometimes have trouble talking to friends I've known for years.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:32:36 No.2563052
    if you want just sex, honestly CL. older men are always looking for younger guys for sex but you might be able to hook up with someone your own age.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:34:22 No.2563064
    They won't hold your hand, but they won't throw sand in your eyes either.

    Ask them for a little assistance when you need it.
    "I don't know, i've never bought a gift for a girlfriend before. What kind of thing do you like?"
    "I've never fingered a girl, so you got to tell me what you like, okay?"

    They don't mind as long as you don't cling. That's their job
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:35:12 No.2563076
    hating girls will not get you anywhere with them. they're so fucking cute, you know?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:35:20 No.2563080
    However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you are. It looks poorest when you are richest. The fault-finder will find faults even in paradise. Love your life, poor as it is. You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poorhouse. The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the almshouse as brightly as from the rich man's abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring. I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:36:33 No.2563091
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    Hold up a second, people have shown dislike for me in the past for following the rules written in the left column.
    >> Anonymous of Massachusetts !NoraVXgoIM 12/26/08(Fri)21:36:53 No.2563094

    That wasn't the only reason. It was more "I had a lot of trouble developing feelings for her", and not having a single online friend made her seem frankly like a bit of a loser, which really didn't help.

    (Yeah, I know most people don't. Maybe even most weeaboos don't, these days. The cool ones, however, do.)
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:37:06 No.2563096
    Hey, did you see the Watchmen trailer?
    Yeah, shit was tight. Hey, I got a copy of the comic. You should totally read it. It'll fuck with your morals so badly.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:38:14 No.2563110
    people dislike you for admitting your mistakes? elaborate, please.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:39:51 No.2563125
    Ok I admit it, I was only talking about the first one.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:39:54 No.2563128

    Take an interest in their life.
    Find out what they're interested in

    "Do you play games?"
    "Got an xbox?"
    "What kind of music do you like?"
    "Done anything good on the weekend?"
    "Have you ever tried x?"
    "What do you think about x?"
    "Have you heard about the economic crisis?"
    "How's coursework going?"

    Make jokes, but not too much.

    Importantly, ask questions, but also listen, or at least, give the appearance of listening. Nod your head. Murmur agreement. When you disagree, hold your thought and introduce it subtly. If it fails, forget about it move on.

    Awkward silences are only awkward if you feel they are.

    If you act natural, smile occassionally, it will seem the most natural thing in the world. If they ask you a question, think about if it's interesting to them? Do they really want to hear about some meme?

    Smile, laugh occassionally, let them know you're human.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:40:11 No.2563131
    Small talk is pretty much talk about nothing too important. Like if they're reading a book, comment about the book or the author. Or, if they're at a Starbucks staring at the menu, recommend a drink or something. Observe the person, then chose a topic.
    Bam, small talk.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:40:33 No.2563135
    I've been online and inside so long that real life seems fake to me.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:42:22 No.2563151
    Do not seek so anxiously to be developed, to subject yourself to many influences to be played on; it is all dissipation. Humility like darkness reveals the heavenly lights. The shadows of poverty and meanness gather around us, "and lo! creation widens to our view."
    lol you folk take yourselves so seriously
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:42:22 No.2563152

    Do you think that's air your breathing?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:42:46 No.2563158

    Holding your own ground is fine.
    When you don't accept other views you sound like a jerk. Don't just throw your own opinion at them. Learn to keep your own opinion, but not need to make a deal about it.

    When people ask me about my atheism, i don't say

    "God doesn't exist, he's irrational, you're an idiot" (even though sometimes this is what I want to say)
    I know this would offend. Instead:
    "I've come to that conclusion over years of self searching and studying religion. I just feel that way"
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:42:52 No.2563159
    How does that work I don't even-

    >think about if it's interesting to them
    Ok I understand this bit. Don't talk about games or niche music or philosophy or books or WAIT WHAT CAN I TALK TO PEOPLE ABOUT I DON'T WATCH TV OR SPORTS
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:44:17 No.2563176
    I was thinking more along the lines of not copying them when they want me to.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:45:38 No.2563187
    Boy, I feel like a faggot for asking for help on 4Chan, but here goes nothing...

    I've been told by all my friends that I'm hilarious and likable, but I'm worried. I've had my eye on this girl at work. I don't really know much about her, we've said a few words, but I'm afraid. I'm not obese or anything, but I'm not in shape either (Kinda in-between, I've got a big gut and stuff).

    Like I said, I seem to have the gift of making people laugh, but are women after personality or looks? Hell, does anyone here even fucking know, or did I just waste my time writing this?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:45:58 No.2563190
    i think you need to make new friends who are not as insecure as those.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:46:11 No.2563194
    I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers. A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:46:21 No.2563196
    I can usually do this well enough if someone strikes up conversation with me. But ask me to go start talking to someone, and WOAH HOLY SHIT I WANT TO SHOOT MYSELF IN THE FACE TO END THIS EMBARRASSMENT FOR BOTH OF US
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:46:29 No.2563198
    I honestly don't think that I'll ever get any close friends or a girlfriend. I'm too shy, too insecure and too old to change anything about myself (23).

    I must focus on finishing my education and then getting a job. I must accept my loneliness and find happiness alone. I must stop going to 4chan. I found this site a year ago and it has made me feel so much worse about myself. I need inner strenght, no more wallowing in self pity.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:47:09 No.2563204

    Tricky indeed, but you'd be surprised. How are you meeting them? at work?

    "Oh, how is supervisor so and so? Are they nice?"
    "How long have you been working so and so?"
    "What's so and so factor of job like?"

    At education

    "Have you covered this topic?"
    "Why not?"
    "What do you think of teacher x?"
    "How are you finding the subject?"

    Talk about things that they like:

    "Do you watch football?"
    "Oh, I don't really keep up with it."
    "Do you go to games? What's that like?"
    "What do you think of the players? Steroids right?"
    "Do you play sports?"

    "Did you watch so and so show?"
    "Oh? What kind of stuff do you watch?"
    "What's that show about?"
    "Yeah? What time/channel?"
    "I should watch that sometime."

    Even if it's not relevant to you, ask away.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:48:26 No.2563221
    Yep you nailed it. These guys wallow in their own shit and love it.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:48:39 No.2563222

    Just let them know, matter of factly, that you just don't want to do it, or don't do it because of x. Not because you don't like it yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:49:10 No.2563229

    I am now breathing manually.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:49:33 No.2563233
    this this this blootmacken
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:50:23 No.2563242
    I mean look at this shit. Instead of going into a conversation with a clear head this guy is setting people up to have some sorta script running. You gotta just go with the flow man. Meditate brohos, clear your mind. Going in with some sorta plan is gonna fuck you up good.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:51:34 No.2563250

    What's the difference if they start or you start?
    I'm sure it's in your head.

    If it's awkward, laugh it off.
    A good one is:

    "Well now... This is awkward, isn't it?"
    If you laugh, they'll laugh too. Try to be genuine mind you. If you can't do that, feign interest.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:51:59 No.2563253
    Seems to be a mixture of both. She has to think you're hot that it's worth getting to know you. After that, its more personality.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:52:31 No.2563259

    There is no script, It's just an example improvisation. There are hundreds of questions I could have asked afterwards, but it's just an example to show that so many questions CAN be asked.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:53:02 No.2563265
    But going in without a plan ensures that conversation stops dead after "hi", and then welcome to awkward silence.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:53:54 No.2563276

    Just showing how conversation can segue into more conversation
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:54:29 No.2563282
    If all the people on here could go into a conversation clear headed there would be no need for this topic. Sometimes it helps to have a framework of some kind to work with until they are confident enough to go into a conversation clear headed.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:55:23 No.2563294

    Plans, no
    Points, yes

    Have topics, not scripts. Think about what else is relevant.

    I improvised that script, because I know no matter their answer, there's something else I can ask, or talk about. Open ended questions leave you with somewhere to go.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:55:59 No.2563303
    As far as I am concerned, there is no flow. You don't just "do" anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:56:23 No.2563305
    can anybody help with the basics, and i mean BASICS, like carrying on a conversation.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)21:57:11 No.2563311

    He's not wrong.
    Scripts are bad. It's better make every conversation tailored to the people having it. Make a unique connection.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:00:13 No.2563340

    Awkward moments happen. Just relax until you think of something, or they think of something. No pressure. Don't panic or rush.

    Ask why, or why not? How? When? Have you? Did you?

    Don't interrogate. Their answers should be much longer than your questions. Probe gently. Ask about family, jobs, education, politics, tv, music.

    Offer an anecdote, or a joke, or simpy agree.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:02:02 No.2563349
    I know I'm misinterpreting your post, but I want to seriously ask somebody what so and so factor of their life is like, in those exact words.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:02:39 No.2563354
    "What you upto?"

    Whatever they say, ask details.
    "Work? How's the pay?"
    "Any hot girls in your class?"
    "Chilling at home? Watching TV? Reading a book?"
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:02:46 No.2563356
    Isn't that the same as having a script? Just for each person?
    >> Sebastian !!AVPg5o2AiU3 12/26/08(Fri)22:03:21 No.2563361
    Guys. Dress well, exercise, eat well, look good. Confidence comes once you invest in yourself. Get the hell off the computer and do something for yourself. Go for a run, do pushups, situps, eat some brocolli, buy a new pair of jeans.

    There is no better feeling than being admired by women. Seriously, get good looking. You're only young and beautiful once so why squander it?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:04:31 No.2563370

    No, because you're reacting to what the person said.
    You can't steer the conversation if you don't know what they're saying.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:05:17 No.2563374

    Before any and all of your dealings with her, convince yourself you don't need her to like you. "Be yourself" is stupid advice, because most people don't know themselves well enough to imitate that. But if you can muster some genuine apathy towards her opinion of you (not the girl herself, just whether or not she likes you) you'll come across way less clingy/more confident/more fun to be around.

    But yeah, helps if you're good looking too. Still, the worst you can get out of approaching her is a work acquaintance who is pretty but not your type of person.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:05:41 No.2563379
    keeing thread alive in hope of gaining friends of the female gender (i won't even try to get laid yet, having never TOUCHED a girl other than relatives)
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:05:53 No.2563382
    I've done this a couple of times, and after they answer..that's it.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:05:56 No.2563383
    >You can't steer the conversation if you don't know what they're saying in advance

    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:08:34 No.2563405

    This guy right here. Listen.

    Then you're boring them.
    Try to ask something that they're interested in. Ask for their input.

    "Oh I tried/My friend did/I was thinking of"
    "What do you think?"

    Ask for advice. Ask for an opinion. nothing makes people feel more important than being asked for their opinion. Look at me for fucks sake.
    >> Sebastian !!AVPg5o2AiU3 12/26/08(Fri)22:09:28 No.2563411
    Women are human beings. For fucks sake guys there is no magic formula. What are YOU in for in a girl? Probably not the same thing as the next guy. Why not be pretty and have a good personality? I don't think you need to focus on one at the expense of the other.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:09:55 No.2563416
    >Dress well, exercise, eat well, look good
    >Confidence comes once you invest in yourself

    Does it fuck. I do all the above.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:10:09 No.2563418

    not the person you're responding to, but some people like me don't care for small talk and prefer to avoid it, get to the point or stop talking
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:13:35 No.2563444
    >This thread is for guys who have never even touched a woman, who have never known love or affection whatsoever. Guys who, without help, may very well die without ever knowing what it feels like to kiss a woman.

    *sigh* Please stop assuming that every guy is straight.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:14:40 No.2563456
    Gayfags have it on easy mode. See the gay thread for details.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:16:01 No.2563468
    >Women are human beings

    Yeah, and I have problems dealing with human beings.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:17:24 No.2563478

    If they don't want to talk, don't push it.
    If they're distant, then relax and allow that distance to be there without trying to cross it.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:17:45 No.2563479
    ronrey gay guys aren't in the same boat as ronrey straight guys. straight guys almost always HAVE to approach the girl, gay guys sometimes are approached without having to do anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:18:09 No.2563484
    I'd love to meet someone else like this. this basically sums up my life
    >> Sebastian !!AVPg5o2AiU3 12/26/08(Fri)22:18:31 No.2563485
    I used to have this EXACT same attitude... when I was a lonely POS. I got into this fucked up cycle of being lonely and then justifying it by saying to myself, "well that's alright because I hate meaningless social interaction." You need to shut up and do the small talk. No one enjoys it, they enjoy the meaningful friendships that grow OUT of small talk. (actually I enjoy small talk now, it's fucking easy)
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:20:14 No.2563497

    Same here. I've learned to appreciate small talk, it can be fun amusing, and can even grow into something else.

    It's like the class of squire, from which you can be promoted into a knight or a wizard :)
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:21:14 No.2563504
    >No one enjoys it
    >actually I enjoy small talk now
    That was quick.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:23:20 No.2563525
    PROTIP: I'm pretty damned boring.
    >> Sebastian !!AVPg5o2AiU3 12/26/08(Fri)22:25:10 No.2563543
    lol. That's a funny way of putting it. If you guys can invest 20 hours into your characters in Final Fantasy, why can't you boost your own strength? charisma? looks? Lonely nerds can learn a lot from RPGs. You grind your characters to beat the bosses like you put yourself to the grind in order to beat the boss (getting laid? talking to women? I don't know.)

    Don't get away by thinking "oh well if I have a great personality, women can look past me being a fat slob." Just shut up and put in the effort. Learn how to dress well. This is some serious shit right here. Stop wearing hoodies and baggy light blue jeans. Cut your hair. Grow up. Profit??
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:27:05 No.2563562

    At first I was like '_'
    But then I was like LOL
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:27:43 No.2563565
    Dressing well differs by what kind of woman you're trying to attract. But grooming and being in somewhat decent shape are universal.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:27:54 No.2563567
    >why can't you boost your own strength? charisma? looks
    Because real life is not like videogames.

    What do you consider to be well dressed? I don't wear jeans but I have a couple of hoodies.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:28:48 No.2563575
    I try. I'm not a fat slob. But I hate grindan in games, and I hate it more in real life.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:29:17 No.2563576

    Basically, people on this thread need to grind against lower level people to raise their small talk and conversation skills until they can fight the bosses and higher level people (hot people)
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:30:32 No.2563592

    How else are you gonna fight those mid bosses if you can't even kill a rat?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:31:06 No.2563600
    with hacks

    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:32:33 No.2563613

    Or special items... Like rohypnol (has the same effect as hypnosis spell, i.e. Sleep)
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:33:59 No.2563628
    But I'm playing on nightmare mode, and that rat is just as hard as the boss.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:35:30 No.2563640
    Don't want to socialize, don't feel ronery, GTFO, etc.

    I'm tired of writing this rant every time one of these self-indulgent failthreads arises, but you get the drift. You're such envious and needy people and I strongly dislike you.
    >> Anonymous of Massachusetts !NoraVXgoIM 12/26/08(Fri)22:37:28 No.2563653
    The answer isn't to become some PUA faggot who can only attract party/bar sluts. You can get your dick wet that way, but you can't cure your loneliness. I'm not saying you shouldn't take care of your appearance or hygiene, 'cause that stuff matters, but you can only boost your charisma score once every four levels, if you get my drift.

    Choose what you're most interested in. Find a forum for it. (Offline places, too; you can do both.) Post frequently. Join the chatroom if there is one and hang out there instead of here. Befriend the regulars. Lose yourself in your interests, get your life back on track instead of being a 4chan-browsing friendless hikki. Fuck, start tripfagging and hope people come to like your posts, if you're too scared to leave.

    You might get a girlfriend that way - you probably won't, and if you do it will take a while, so try to get with a local girl who shares your passions if you can. But even if you don't, you'll be a heck of a lot better off - single, not ronery.
    >> Sebastian !!AVPg5o2AiU3 12/26/08(Fri)22:38:09 No.2563663
    You're right, it does depend on the kind of woman you're trying to attract. That being said, poorly dressed heterosexual males who are older (above the age of 18) frustrate me. Once you're old enough, you can drop all pretense of stupid trends and start dressing like a man. Men have it so much easier than woman in this regard. All we need to look good is to be well groomed, smell nice or neutral, and wear fitting pants and nice shirts.

    I can't really give detailed advice on this since it is essential to dress for your body type. The best advice I can give is to keep it simple as possible. No more text or graphics on your tshirts. Avoid bright colors. Be overdressed rather than underdressed. Drop hoodies for most occasions and switch over to jackets with collars. Once you have your basics down, you can start investing in a good wardrobe. If you look good, you will feel good. This relationship works both ways. (really head to /fa/ and lurk for a good copypasta thread with the basics of male fashion)

    Oh, and smile god dammit. It makes you 100 times more approachable. Make eye contact with strangers, give them a smile, receive a smile in return, feel happier, profit.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:43:30 No.2563722

    Pretty much on the spot.
    Smiling works wonders.

    Dress smartly, try a casual jacket/blazer type with t-shirt and jeans.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:45:01 No.2563733
    A family friend (who admittedly is an accomplished actor and has confidence to burn), when faced with talking to people at parties, etc. tells them "I'm sorry, I don't really do small talk. Do you have any big talk?"

    It actually works. Damn him.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:47:48 No.2563747

    I assure you, our situation is quite worse. Females out populate males 4-to-1, so you have a lot of potential partners out there to choose from. Gay males make up a significantly lower portion of the population. Some of these guys are closeted. How often do you think the opportunity comes up for me to meet another guy?

    You're damn lucky to be in your situation. At least you can approach a random girl and assume she's heterosexual. If it were the reverse and you approached someone assuming he / she were gay, you might end up with a black-eye.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:48:45 No.2563754
    What does dressing well mean? I wear jeans and t-shirts. Sweaters, too now that it's winter. Dark, neutral colors mostly. This seems about average.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:50:58 No.2563767
    >Females out populate males 4-to-1

    what? where? i need to move there NAO
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:55:29 No.2563792
    In my case, I had to fight a boss battle at lvl 1 without having any EXP (I went from never having touched a woman to actually making out with one of the hottest girls in my class in a timespan of 2 months).
    I'd say I gained at least 20 lvls with the amount of exp I received.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)22:57:10 No.2563802

    Being a gayer is piss easy, don't pretend otherwise. There is no straight equivalent of cottaging or cruising, no straight bathhouses or saunas. I could go to any city in any western country and get my dick sucked within the hour, so could any guy that has basic hygiene.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:05:25 No.2563858

    It's easier to get laid, yes. It's more difficult to find a long-term relationship, however. I assume this is what this thread is about.

    You know, when you mix the psychology of men and women, I just don't see how it works on an intimate basis. Women aren't as sexually active as men are. Can I safely assume that all heterosexual relationships are sexually ungratifying, then? I mean, you have to compromise with your partner somewhere, unless she's a total kink.

    Men being intimate with men, on the other hand, has its advantages. We're more interested in sex, know exactly what other men want, and know how to give it. (and don't have any hang-ups about giving it) If it were possible to turn-on a little switch in your head that allowed you to engage in sexual activity with other men, then would you?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:36:05 No.2564160
    Are you a troll?

    >Women aren't as sexually active as men are.

    This is absolutely false. It's just that many men assume a woman is ready and willing at all times. Women are different, but just as sexual if not MORE SO! And this is coming from a sexually experienced male Anon.

    Also, this is why God invented masturbation. Sex drive higher than your partner? Rub one out today and fuck her tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:44:59 No.2564214
    I didn't read the rest of this thread but I think OP is the type of prick we need less of. My sadness is what I truly understand and what makes me be able to see the world for what it is. I'll stay in my state of Roneryness but I'll look for the poetry and it will make a my view of the world sad, but I'll still believe the world is beautiful for how it had to become and the people who were destine to become the way they were through a chain reaction of events dictated by science and situations. I'll know the failure are looking for something to believe in and thinking for themselves and they didn't think it would be this way either so I'll turn to them for comfort, and I'll know the people who turned out great got lucky and they'll make the world pretty but they won't inspire me cause I could of never been them.
    Basically OP, fuck you, I don't need your optimism. I think your the one with loose morals to so easily fling around that happiness must be the correct course.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:52:00 No.2564258

    *sigh* Every dissenting opinion is surely a troll! I think anyone who posts "are you trolling" needs to be auto-banned.

    Women are about as sexually active as a freshly-castrated eunuch. Fact. They just don't have as much testosterone in their bodies.
    >> Sebastian !!AVPg5o2AiU3 12/26/08(Fri)23:52:09 No.2564260
    She must have dropped some good loot to boot!
    Don't be satisfied with being average. Step your game up son. If everyone is wearing chucks and tshirts, wear nice button ups and leather shoes. (hopefully you're old enough to look right doing so. If you're young, you can get away with being a fashion disaster.)
    I'd certainly give it a shot if such a switch existed.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:56:58 No.2564292
    >Women are about as sexually active as a freshly-castrated eunuch. Fact.

    You are a silly person.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:59:24 No.2564307

    Enjoy your HPV. 90% of women have it.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)00:15:19 No.2564427
    90% of people don't even wear properly fitted jeans a t-shirt jeans and some run of the mill shoes can look great if you have clothes that fit right
    >> Sebastian !!AVPg5o2AiU3 12/27/08(Sat)00:17:12 No.2564442
    You're right. It's ALL in the fit. Baby steps to get the basics down. Good point anon.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/08(Sat)00:32:41 No.2564554
    No, you're a troll because you suggest men should consider homosexuality to get their sexual needs fulfilled.

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