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  • Blotter updated: 12/25/08


    File :1230302209.jpg-(269 KB, 1024x655, stoned.jpg)
    269 KB Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)09:36:49 No.2558090  
    not being 21 and over sucks. no meeting new people, no clubbing, not able to drink.
    18+ clubs are available but those clubs are usually horrible.

    tl;dr: the fuck we supposed to do if under 21?

    inb4:drugs, i already do some drugs.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)09:41:00 No.2558104
    fucker after you leave school life sucks you have to take care of yourself
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)09:41:13 No.2558105
    have all the sex you can get before you get ugly and older.
    also find a fucking way to get money so you tell more people to fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)09:45:51 No.2558120
    Quit being a fucking idiot. >.o Don't make me angry, OP. Parks, walks, beaches, reading outdoors, coffee shops, book stores, sandwich places, volunteer work, (walk dogs at a shelter, soup line, build playgrounds for kids) I've done all these things and met many, many, many people. Libraries, bicycle clubs, gaming stores and hobby shops. I've met girlfriends, lovers, and best friends doing these things. Have a good life. Take up an instrument or singing and go perform at open mic night, they don't card the talent. (if you have any) shit, you may get a patron buying you something sly-like if they're cool, exercise centers/gyms, arcades, sports teams, I have done all these, be fucking great, not a whisper, a FUCKING ROAR.

    RAGED 10/10
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)09:49:53 No.2558133
    Move to anywhere else in the world, then you can do anything at 18.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)09:52:06 No.2558140
    Move to Canada OP, Then you can drink and smoke at 19, however i find that i used to party a lot more before i was 19, it kinda lost its danger and its fun now that i'm an oldfag.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)09:57:18 No.2558159

    Can you be my dad?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)10:03:00 No.2558176
    you gave me some good ideas, sir. I'm having the same problem as OP.

    You might have changed my life :3
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)10:03:34 No.2558178
    sense of direction?
    surely not on my /r9k/!
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)10:04:04 No.2558179
    not be a faggot american

    problem solved
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)10:12:29 No.2558207
    If you have siblings, swordfight them, have epic duels, be their hero. Spin tales about how they can never defeat you, be larger than life. Help them be the person who you'd be proud of knowing, and help be that person to them.

    Yes, I will be your dad. <3 I try to spread the love on the robautology, thanks guys, appreciated.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)10:27:57 No.2558249
    Clubbing is boring.
    Drinking is boring.

    You won't be any better off when you are 21.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)10:38:28 No.2558295


    >> P3epe.tk !!o3dGqMjG/66 12/26/08(Fri)10:40:26 No.2558304
    Watch tv, go to the movies, hang out with friends innocently.
    TLDR There's much more to life than sex and alcohol you poor-spirited faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)10:40:46 No.2558306

    legal age to drink here is 16, and even that isn't enforced that much. europe feels good man
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)10:40:54 No.2558308
    Being 21 and over is overrated as shit. If all you have to look forward to in life is to get stupid drunk and going clubbing, just do us all a favor and kill yourself now.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)10:42:25 No.2558312
    Quit drugs, you'll find some better things to do.

    And, you are able to drink.

    And, only if you're socially retarded, you aren't able to meet new people.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)11:22:57 No.2558539
    Amazing thread is amazing. Archive anyone?
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)11:35:25 No.2558596
    It's seventeen posts long. There is one good post. (And it's not THAT good)
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)12:13:50 No.2558746
    This man speaks truth. We need more advice in here;

    Such as, get out and do some charity work away from home. Meeting people in a team environment is crazy good for socialization skills easy mode. Your team mates have to talk to you, and you learn to employ your skills where you like, vs most jobs where you do sucky or boring shit just because you need money.

    Travel. Make a good anon friend, if needs be, or couch surf and stay in hostels. It's cheap; I traveled to Houston with 200 dollars and signed up to work for disaster relief, stayed in the house of a coworker for a month, then moved into another coworker's place. Made enough money (1500 a week for 8 weeks) to take a bus to California(240 dollars round trip) on holiday where I had friends and stayed for 3 weeks. Then I went home, and hopped another bus to Pennsylvania(380), for debauchery and a music show with other friends I made while working for charity. I went and worked with big cats in my home state Texas, they take any intern (just say you're interested in working with animals), and I met a great girl from Utah and some really cool folks who love animals, and of course huge cats I got to see every day. Life is adventure! Same poster as >>2558120
    here. Life is good, mangs. Be happy; there is no need for listlessness. Go be a kid, or go take the world in, or sit and think. There's no rush! Also, try to steer clear of drinking too much.. people stop being able to enjoy themselves without it if they do it too much.

    inb4 moralfag; I totally get sauced from time to time, and have done drugs, but I have friends who need it to function socially.
    >> Larry !/BFmpSG9KA 12/26/08(Fri)12:21:23 No.2558784
         File :1230312083.jpg-(407 KB, 428x640, 461e8a2877e9a.jpg)
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    Only fat, ugly, and/or boring people think this
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)12:27:05 No.2558813
    Hah. I'm 24 and have no desire whatsoever to party. I laugh at everyone who feels their life is shit because they can't get inside a club.

    Why yes, I *am* enjoying my virginity very much, thank you.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)12:28:08 No.2558820
    Yeah that's me. Back to my cave.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)12:31:32 No.2558842
    Only ignorant people make blanket statements. Aren't we learning?


    Lots of people don't like clubs. Some clubs are lame, man, and some people are more into going outdoors and playing than binge drinking and snorting coke. Then again, a lot of people do congregate at clubs, and they're not all bad. If you can dance at all, it's fun to dance there. Each to their own.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:01:55 No.2561271
    Despite being a caveman myself, I still converse with other people. Because I am painfully honest, other people are honest with me.
    And they all admit that they secretly hate clubbing, but do it not to be left out by friends and they thing its the only way to find a girl/guy.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:06:19 No.2561310

    These things are only boring if you are doing it wrong. Do it right and it's fucking awesome.

    OP, don't listen to this fucknozzle. You are right - being underage is shit, and you are right to feel bad about it. Only mongoloids don't hate being underage.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:10:45 No.2561359
    Enjoying your FREEDOM and LIBERTY there, Yank? Love, Finland.

    Also, clubbing faggotry and failure, unless you're talking about the act of bludgeoning people to death with a club.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:14:08 No.2561394
    Britfag here

    been 18 for a month

    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:18:48 No.2561440
    being 24 sucks.
    its like im totally dying and my youth is fading as my body fails.
    being 24 sucks.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:18:51 No.2561441
    Oh enlighten us Mr Does it right.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:20:21 No.2561453
    After viewing this pic and reading the comments it has become clear to me that /r9k/ is actually digg 2.0
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:22:40 No.2561482
    in what backwards shithole do you live were you are not considered adult with 18?
    >> Fnord !h0Vg2WzGHM 12/26/08(Fri)18:22:55 No.2561487
    Get a job and save up some money so that when you finally turn 21, you can make it rain in the club and pull mad hoes like a real baller.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:23:56 No.2561498
    I think this guy just saw "Yes Man" or something.

    Either way, good show, ole chap.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:24:38 No.2561505
    How about you stop being a total faggot and drink and get into clubs anyways. Nobody fucking cards anyways, and if they do get a fucking fake with your mom's allowance money. Jesus shit this generation sucks...
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:26:24 No.2561519
    I would also recommend going to live shows/concerts. Most are 18+. You can pregame with friends beforehand if you want.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)18:27:25 No.2561529

    No, I'm just an optimist. =D

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