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File: 1337891638075.png-(715 KB, 921x1243, checkyourprivilege.png)
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Privilege is about how society accomodates you. It's about advantages you have that you think are normal and you really need to 'Check Your Privilege'!

Not sure what privilege you have? Luckily robots have created a handy guide to the most common forms of it: based on your gender, race, sexuality, attractiveness, health and personal circumstances.

Start with zero privilege, then add or deduct privilege points.

If you have a high number of points life will be easier for you. People and society as a whole will treat you better and give you more leniency when you fuck up. If you have low or negative points the opposite happens
Why in the name of fuck are jewish people more priveleged than white people? Jewish people are discriminated against CONSTANTLY and they're not the majority in North America. Are you stupid as fuck?
Also, there's not a chance in hell women are more priveleged than men. Quit being a stupid misogynist.

Changes in new edition;

Transperson sexuality groupings have been changed from 'straight or gay/bisexual' to 'gay or straight/bisexual' as people prejudiced towards transpersons consider them to be their orginal gender.

Black base stats changed from -1 privilege points to -2. Black racial resistance to having a criminal record has been removed.

Negative privilege points for being poor added. 'below poverty line: -5 points', poverty is much more common than wealth which is reflected by the point weight.

Bonus points added for being male if wealthy or from well connected familly. While being female is a significant advantage in most areas of life at the Apex of our society men do still receive a bonus for having a penis if they are privileged enough to reach the top. Modifier added to reflect this reality.

As always this remains a work in progress. A light hearted attempt to accurately gauge privilege based on the real world not progressive/feminist fantasies.

If you feel a privilege point is weighted wrong and have evidence to support it please let me know and it will be corrected in future editions.
I got a 23...more importantly, though, why the fuck are they lumping in pedophiles with gay people? Tha fuck?
You know how postmodernist social "scientists" realised that all this "science is a social construct" talk made them look ridiculous and went back to shouting "LOOK AT US. WE USE NUMBERS. OUR FIELD IS TOTALLY QUANTITATIVE GUYS". This is what you're doing now, OP. You're trying to quantify the unquantifiable. Also, calling someone who is not disadvantaged "priviledged" shifts the weight of the issue. The issue is that there are disadvantaged people who need help, not that there are priviledged people who automatically have everything better off since they are not disadvantaged.
I'm a 16. is that good? need more responses
>why the fuck are they lumping in pedophiles with gay people

Both are weird sexual perversions.

>Jewish people are discriminated against CONSTANTLY

I'm not sure what delusion you are suffering from in which you think Jews are discriminated against in the western world.

Jewish have the highest level of wealth, education and elected officials percentage wise compared to any other ethnicity.

>there's not a chance in hell women are more priveleged than men

It's really hard to overstate the massive advantage a person gets for being born female. This is privilege in the real world not the feminist fantasy of patriarchy.

So I have 33.. but criminal record and mentally ill should swap values, really.. you can go further with a criminal record than you can with serious mental illnesses.
shouldn't pedophile be like -30? I mean most people just want to kill them on site basically.
It's good, i'm 5

Female +5 points
Asian +3 points
Straight +4 points
average looks + 3 points
mentally ill -2 :(
educated +10

23 privilege points, fuck yeah
I got 1, or minus 1 because attractiveness is subjective. No I'm not paedophile.
You're such a unique snowflake, I bet you get laid constantly.

Also, why is wealthy so high? Sure, wealth gives you an advantage in life, but not comparable to a '+30' on whatever scale this privilege system is using.
>Jewish people are discriminated against CONSTANTLY and they're not the majority in North America. Are you stupid as fuck?

They are the majority when it comes to the media, and the banking sector, and they're terribly over-represented in the judicial system, as well as American politics. It's not 1930 anymore you daft cunt.
why must we have 3 privilege threads with the same image?

Like something is fucky here.

BTw my is 77
Male, white, straight, tall master race reporting in with 12 points.
I got a 13, but I assumed I was attractive.
You should have an 'average look' instead of just good looking and ugly.
I see you have no argument. I'm not surprised.
male +1
white +4
straight +4
male and short -2
educated +10
sorta-weathly +15 (Parents pay for college/living expenses/car/vacations + grandparents are wealthy)

We already have a different rating for people who have good connections/a rich family though. I can tell you the impoverished Orthodox Jews in my area have neither of these and everyone fucking hates them (They're inbred, arrogant douches, but that's beside the point).
Because there's no point in arguing with someone who is blindly convinced of something. But it's okay, please, tell me all about homosexuals, since I'm sure you have sooo much personal experience and expertise. We all know you want to.
White straight male. 9 points general

>why the fuck are they lumping in pedophiles with gay people?

Because they are both sexual orientations. If gay people can't choose their sexuality why do you think pedos can?


>Also, why is wealthy so high?

Haha. Wealth is basically the biggest indicator of privilege there is.

The whole point of the exercise is to invert the traditional concept of privilege. Which is essentially rich white women claiming poor black men are discriminating against them.


>why must we have 3 privilege threads with the same image?... Like something is fucky here.

I like the little wizard the kid is playing with. It makes me think his wants to gain wizard powers when he hits 30.

>BTw my is 77

Yay you. Completely un-fucking-suprised though.

Anyone going to claim the grand prize of +93?
Female +5
White +4
Straight +4
Female and ugly -3

fair point, but I'm arguing that Jews aren't an oppressed minority group like that poster claims.



pedo? or gypsy?
>/r9k/'s filled with such useless losers who have no jobs or goals that they've taken to trolling themselves

This board doesn't cease to amaze me in how low its posters can stoop just to kill some time.
>Because there's no point in arguing with someone who is blindly convinced of something.

How do you know that it's not you that is the blind ignorant one?

Here's how I see it, as simply as possible:

Your sex drive is your motivating factor for reproduction. When you're sexually attracted to someone that can't reproduce with you (someone of the same gender, someone pre-pubescent) then something is wrong. How can you see that as anything but a mental/biological fuck up. Also, can't you see the similarities between the two? (pedophilia and homosexuality).
>Haha. Wealth is basically the biggest indicator of privilege there is.

Except it isn't... that's the attitude of most who don't have wealth, but it isn't the truth. I suspect you are using 'wealthy' as a term to describe those who inherit money or are born into wealthy families.

I think I'm doing something wrong

white +4
ftm -4
why the trans sections of sexuality? i can't even fuck -1
male and short -2
could have put ugly too, but figured the ftm part covers it
male and mentally ill -3
poor -5
Well, I'm not in the negatives.
Female: +5
White: +4
Female and gay/bisexual: +3 There was no option for necrophilia so I went with the most applicable one
Female Average Looks: +4
Physically Disabled: -3
Female and severely mentally ill: -4
Criminal record: -10
Below poverty line: -5

Privilege points: -6

inb4 300+ posts nobody reads
As a 6'0 foot tall white (assumed I could not stack being white and jewish) hansom straight jew, I score a 15
>what if you're a jew who isn't white, much more of them exist than you think
uh, and criminal record. fuck counting

>female to male
>calls yourself a male

Welp, you're a female, you are NOT a male,

>Except it isn't... that's the attitude of most who don't have wealth, but it isn't the truth

Kind of is.

Wealth alters the way people treat you and gives you more options. You seriously want to argue that Bill Gates isn't privileged just because he wasn't born a billionaire?
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
Stop making this thread you fucking dumb nigger.
If you're a Jew then you're not white.

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