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    File : 1320318358.gif-(45 KB, 550x547, big_bookworm_color[1].gif)
    45 KB Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:05:58 No.253371  
    Reading brobots, who does it?

    I've got alot of good books on my shelf, mainly self improvement ones. My problem is when I read a book I dont take any of it in. It's like I'll read a paragraph but I'm only reading each word instead of the sentences as a whole.

    Reallying annoying when I fininsh a chapter and cant even remember what it was about.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:09:45 No.253396
    deciphering and understanding are two different things

    there is a point at which deciphering and understanding take the same time. That's youth. Then at a certain point, deciphering gets faster than understanding... and that's when reading becomes a real exercise.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:11:58 No.253410
    I read a lot.

    Just finished, and enjoyed "The Magicians", and after that I think I'm going to read some Bradbury, then work "The Prince" accompanied by an online study guide.

    Also if you have trouble remember stuff try taking notes while reading. They don't have to be in depth, or even readable, just something to help jog your own memory.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:13:26 No.253424
    I only read non-fiction, and I can't stand people who read fiction. I hate the fucking thought of "fiction"
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:16:38 No.253444
    I'm reading 415 fahrenhiet its a jolly good read, some of bradbury's nocer work
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:25:48 No.253499
    It's because you've spent most of your life sitting on your ass flipping through wikipedia articles and blogs so your brain never developed the discipline to follow a sustained train of thought for 300 pages.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:44:50 No.253598
    Or in my case, 300 words
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)08:04:22 No.253710

    >sitting on your ass

    as opposed to standing or exercising while reading?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)08:08:24 No.253737
    Whenever I read a book I can never remember the words that I read because I feel like I played the book as a movie and I can see everything. I know I read the book but it doesn't feel like it.

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