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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1230010589.jpg-(177 KB, 500x333, flip.jpg)
    177 KB !!ZGY+xYsioXf 12/23/08(Tue)00:36:29 No.2525901  
    Holy shit, robots. Something rather strange happened to me just now.

    I was driving back from the mall after Christmas shopping, when I noticed a large SUV-type-vehicle behind me. Reason I noticed this is that there was a complete faggot (for lack of a better word) driving it - gelled up hair, popped colar, oversized sunglasses that 16 year old bleach-blonde girls wear that cover up half their fucking face, and some faggoty neclace.

    Anyways, I especially noticed that after going through a yellow light, this guy followed even though the light had turned red a good 3 seconds before he went through. So, whatever. I keep driving, guy's just some retard, right?

    So I keep to the main road, this guy sticking behind me in whatever lane I'm in. What the fuck? Eventually I take the turn towards my house - the guy follows me. This is fucking wierd, I think. I fucking floor it towards my house, the guy floors it as well. So I take an early turn into a heavy residential area, corners every-fucking-where. This is when things got hairy.

    Me driving a Subaru Outback figures that I can take corners alot faster than this asshole, since he's in a fucking big SUV-type car (I think it was a Land Rover, not sure). So I'm driving in a 50 km/h zone going around corners nearing 60. Fucking insane, my car is almost going on two wheels and making the screechy noise. Understandably, he starts falling behind, but doesn't give up. He keeps following me.

    Continued in next post
    >> !!ZGY+xYsioXf 12/23/08(Tue)00:36:50 No.2525903
    Eventually I went around a roundabout way too fast to be safe, like a complete U-turn around it. The SUV guy tries to do the same - with one difference. HE FUCKING ROLLED HIS CAR. It fucking flipped over and the roof bit where his head would of been smashed into a house's retaining wall. I didn't get out to help him, obviously. I slowed down to about 10, slowly moving away. For the entire street I saw no movement in the car at all. Could be possible that he's dead. So I drove back here and typed this up for you guys.

    tldr version: Guy in SUV followed me and flipped his car. Possibly dead, not sure. My car is still in fine condition.

    Has anything similar happened to the robots? Or have the robots ever caused severe injury either directly or indirectly to someone else?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:39:39 No.2525932
    You didn't cause the guy any injury. He did it entirely by himself.

    Also, is there any reason why such a person would be following you?
    >> Just Tempered !AdAYKBuN9o 12/23/08(Tue)00:42:32 No.2525957
    I don't know where you come from, but I'm guessing you were probably legally obligated to stop and help him, call an ambulance etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:43:06 No.2525961
    I had a minivan follow me like that once, but I was in my pickup, and I wasn't going to stop at home to get my civic =\. all of my other friends either had civics or pickup trucks...so i called in the ricer calvary, so to speak =P

    while going down a long road, suddently a few of the fly up from behind her at 70mph (we were going 30, in a 25) and slam on their brakes, revving their engines, flashing their highs, and one cut in front of her i think. she took off on the nearest side-street. one of them got her license plate, but i don't recall seeing her again.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:43:34 No.2525965
    Dude what if he found a wallet by your car and was trying to give it to you?! You just killed a man because you're anti-social and scared!

    Seriously though bro, you should have just stopped somewhere and see if stopped as well, and if he did ask him what's up. What's he going to do, "beat you up"?
    >> !!ZGY+xYsioXf 12/23/08(Tue)00:43:45 No.2525967
    No reason whatsoever, that's what freaked me out most. If I was in debt to ANYONE I'd know what it's about, but I'm completely debt free (no mortgage or anything either, fuck yeah inheriting money)

    And I know it's not my fault he can't drive. I indirectly caused him to crash though. I would do it again, it was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:44:53 No.2525976
    Fuck that, I heard good citizens get sued if they help and the guys an asshole
    >> !!ZGY+xYsioXf 12/23/08(Tue)00:45:24 No.2525983
    I still have my wallet.

    He appeared out of nowhere like halfway towards my house from the mall, so it's doubtful.
    >> Just Tempered !AdAYKBuN9o 12/23/08(Tue)00:46:39 No.2525997
    That's slightly different. People have been sued for trying to move crash victims and causing or exacerbating injuries; but stopping and seeing if they're okay, and calling for an ambulance is completely different.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:47:10 No.2526001
    Most places have Good Samaritan laws for stuff like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:48:01 No.2526006
    how about calling the fucking police
    >> !!ZGY+xYsioXf 12/23/08(Tue)00:48:13 No.2526010
    The guy was fucking following me for no reason. He got what he had coming to him by driving so fucking retardedly.

    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:48:30 No.2526012
    faggot probably thought you wanted to race. those popped-collar idiots do that. good riddance i say.

    my experience isn't entirely related. the other day, i was driving to a movie, and i was fucking too late, because there were about 15 fucking accidents on the road on the way there. which was baffling. it had just snowed (it was a minor dusting, at best, that quickly melted. the pavement was a bit wet, but there was NO loss of traction), and these idiots had managed to crash their cars in the most dumbfounding ways, considering the conditions. about 5 idiots had did 180s and hit the concrete divider, there was a 3 car pile-up where all three cars had MASSIVE amounts of damage to the front and rear, and many, many, MANY cars that had apparently slammed into the guardrails. WTF? then there were the faggots who drove 15mph in a 65 zone. what were they thinking?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:52:11 No.2526049
    You should have stopped to make sure he was dead. He'll be back now.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:52:29 No.2526052

    what the fuck, you need to go back and scope out the scene from a distance. park a ways off and go on foot. if the car's still there, get the licensee plate, and bring a camera to show us.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:52:51 No.2526055
    People completely forget how to drive when it snows.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:52:57 No.2526057
    If OP is in the US he's fine, the eight or so states with duty to rescue laws generally don't enforce them anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:54:56 No.2526073

    I had something suprisingly similar happen. Also driving a subaru at the time, much older rustbox though. Nighttime, snow is falling hard with 4-5 inches accumulation so far. No plows yet came through this twisty road in the development I lived in, a road which I knew well. Headlights behind me staying insanely close, too close for reasonable stopping distance in these conditions. So I gradually picked up the speed trying to stay away from psycho car, and seemed to put about 300 feet between us, when suddenly I was no longer followed. No sound. I figured he turned off somewhere.

    Next day I am driving back the same route, there is a big old shitty yellow thunderbird pitched over the side of the road in the trees, ass end up in the air, driver side door window broken. Squiggle tracks off the side of the road right about the place the car stopped following me the previous night.
    >> !!ZGY+xYsioXf 12/23/08(Tue)00:55:33 No.2526078
    I don't own a digital camera, unfortunately.

    I'll get one of my friends to come over, though I live rather far away. Might be an hour or so at the minimum before I have any results.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:57:23 No.2526089
    Reminds of this one occasion I (in my 4cylinder '99 VW Jetta) noticed I was being followed by some middle-aged looking guy in dark sunglasses, white shirt and a tie, in a shiny new black BMW SUV. Looked like serious business. Scared me shitless, and we had a little high speed chase across my tiny suburban town. I called up a friend who I knew had a gun in his house to let him know I was going to head over and to get the gun ready in case anything went down. So, I screech into this friend's driveway, almost tuck & rolling out of the car just as this BMW pulls in as well, and I sprint into my friend's house and lock the door.

    Turns out it was another one of my goofy-ass friends in this BMW's back seat, getting a ride from his father, who thought it would be fun to try and creep me out a bit. It escalated much quicker and further than he anticipated.

    In retrospect, it's nothing short of mind-blowing that neither of us attracted police attention.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:58:10 No.2526096

    well get out there, there's bound to be a scene by now. maybe you'll even catch the guy getting put in an ambulance or something. get to it.
    >> !!ZGY+xYsioXf 12/23/08(Tue)00:58:49 No.2526106
    Nah, I live in Australia.

    I don't think that I'm going to get in any trouble - not sure if there is a duty to rescue law here (there probably is) but even if somebody saw the entire thing, they'll only be able to describe "a white subaru outback was being followed by him then drove away", unless they have supertelescopic vision and picture-perfect memory and got my liscence plate number. It's highly unlikely.

    Also, there are literally five white subaru outbacks on my street, which has only 14 houses. It is a very popular car.
    >> !!ZGY+xYsioXf 12/23/08(Tue)00:59:26 No.2526110
    Fine, I'll be back in 20 or so.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:02:07 No.2526131
    One time my friend was givin me a ride to school, back in the good ol' days, and we're stopped halfway in an intersection because a bus had to pick people up and was blocking the only lane. So there's the bus on one side of the intersection, two cars behind it in the intersection, my friend's car halfway into the intersection, and a few cars behind us back behind where you're supposed to stop. The light turns red, and the bus finally gets done loading people, so we have to cross the intersection while it's red. As we get to the other side, I look back and see that two other cars that were safely behind the line have tagged along behind us. Okay, I think, they're just some jackasses who decided to use this opportunity to skip a light. Well, about a mile and a half later, we notice the second car that went through behind us is still following us, and it's this little old lady. Still not so bad, maybe she just happens to be going the same way we are, so I kinda keep an eye on her just because. Another 3/4 of a mile, as my friend turns into the school, I look back at the lady going straight AND SHE'S FUCKING GLARING RIGHT AT ME. WHAT THE FUCK.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:02:55 No.2526139
    Make sure you look for the story in the newspaper tomorrow, I'd like to know what happened to that guy.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:04:39 No.2526148
    This could get interesting, hope the Robot OP and the people in the car all end up OK.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:05:55 No.2526154
    i just came back from the mall as well, and the entire time i was reading this i was like "this guys fulla shit, anything above 5 miles per hour and hed be in a ditch in this snow".

    Then I realized not every motherfucker lives in goddamned New York.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:09:50 No.2526187

    You live in Australia and drive an Outback? That's silly.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:09:58 No.2526189
    do this please, you have to.
    >> Just Tempered !AdAYKBuN9o 12/23/08(Tue)01:12:00 No.2526210
    Also Australian. I believe the first person on the scene has a duty to stop.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:14:12 No.2526232
    Aussie here as well.

    Nah mate, most common car is white Holden Commodore. It's the Clitoris car, every cunt has one.

    And OP, I know the type of kid you're talking about. Faggy jocks-type
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:15:05 No.2526241

    You have guidos in Australia?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:15:10 No.2526243

    he said he already left. i'll be waiting for the results.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:15:50 No.2526250
    MOAR STALKER STORIES! These are much better than relationships.

    I don't really have much to share: Everyone who I thought might be tailing me always turned away a street or so after the thought entered my head. My life is so boring, fucking suburbs.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:18:29 No.2526274

    quit whining. you can always change that by being the guy who follows someone.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:22:18 No.2526309
    Subaru isnt even an Australian company. They just randomly name their sedan outback and 30% of Australia goes and buys one?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:22:46 No.2526314
    As an EMT, I have to say it: you are a bad person OP.

    It's not your fault the guy crashed; he was being a dumbass. But for fuck sakes, if you see a roll-over FUCKING STOP!
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:22:47 No.2526318
    when I was little some guy followed my mom so she pulled in to a police station the guy started to follow us in to the parking lot then realized that it was a police station and left in a fucking hurry
    the cops ran his plates and said he had a record for doing stuff like that so they were going to go talk to him
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:23:24 No.2526327
    I mean wagon, dammit
    >> !!ZGY+xYsioXf 12/23/08(Tue)01:26:28 No.2526349

    Unfortunately, not much to tell. Basically the cops put the tape up around the area, and the guys who own the house were standing out the front looking at the pile of shit that used to be a car. A couple of people there said that the ambos (ambulances, if you yanks don't have such an abbreviation) had already taken him away and it looked like he was up shit creek without a paddle. Couldn't get close enough to see the liscence plate, unfortunately.

    Interestingly enough, one person there actually saw it happened and called the cops as soon as it did. Told me he saw a white outback drive away, and then joked about how it's almost as common as a commondore (c wut i did thar?) and I had a laugh with him and continued my "jog".

    So, no consequences, guy is in shitty condition. I'll do what I can to find out if he's dead, or about to die. Maybe break a toe so I can go to the hospital without raising suspicion?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:27:20 No.2526356
    Ausfag here. I've been in the unfortunate position of being the passenger in a car doing the stalking. A wanker friend (well, more of an acquaintance, really) talked me in to hanging out with him (no doubt because everyone hated him he couldn't get anyone else to spend time with) and while driving around he decides to follow some random car. Turns out to be a couple of other wankers just like him also out driving around aimlessly. The chase got to some high speeds and ended with them pulling over and getting out, ready to rumble. Then my wanker friend sped away, cackling like a faggot.

    And I never spoke to him again. Fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:27:31 No.2526359
    Repaint your car.

    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:28:11 No.2526365
    OP is obviously making this up, but not calling an ambulance when you see someone dying is murder via willful neglect. Go to hell for even contemplating this, selfish piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:28:13 No.2526366
    because that wouldn't be more suspicious noooo
    >> !!ZGY+xYsioXf 12/23/08(Tue)01:29:04 No.2526374
    Yeah but it's a fucking good car.

    Mine is 8 years old with 300,000 km on it, and still runs like it's new (except for a bit of lesser power)

    Anyways, I'm about to have dinner. I chucked a pizza in the oven before I went "jogging". Supreme, if you must know.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:29:14 No.2526377
    An old aqquaintance had something like this happen to him. He was driving home from work and a SUV or something of the sort started following him, so he freaked out when they had been following him for about 20 mins so he called his dad to come out and meet him in the driveway.The car slowed down when he got out in his driveway. Well his dad comes out with a fucking shotgun. Needless to say, the car kept going.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:30:35 No.2526384
    >Maybe break a toe so I can go to the hospital without raising suspicion?

    So fucking obvious that OP is making up everything as he goes.
    >> !!ZGY+xYsioXf 12/23/08(Tue)01:30:43 No.2526386
    I lol'd

    >> !!ZGY+xYsioXf 12/23/08(Tue)01:31:46 No.2526396
    Well how do you suggest I find out what happened other than scouring the newspaper for the next week?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:32:58 No.2526402
    by scouring the internet?
    really don't worry about it, there was nothing you could have done.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:32:58 No.2526403
    Some fucking asshole in a Subaru Outback totally cut me off so I followed him to see why he did such a thing and he took me on some road with loose dirt and me being in a low center of gravity car I flipped over and ended up in the hospital
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:33:35 No.2526409
    douchebag was following him, possibly with harmful intent. it was the asshole's own fault he crashed.

    OP should be proud he just cleaned a little scum out of the gene pool.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:33:37 No.2526410

    well that's unfortunate. it'd be nice to have a little info on the guy if he really was after you. now he'll either do one of two things: come after you even more, or just lay off because that experience wasn't worth the trouble of whatever he wanted from you.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:34:25 No.2526415

    Man, if that story shows up on the local news tomorrow you gotta come back and post a link. It'd be pretty epic.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:34:44 No.2526417
    way to fail at the meme by not reading OPs post well enough, also high center of gravity not low you retard
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:35:45 No.2526425
    Your problem was following him. Just get over it and go.

    (yes I know what you're doing.)
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:39:32 No.2526456
    haha fuck yea. i drive a subaru and had some shithead with a modded neon chase me, but i sorta pissed him off i guess. in the end i outturned and accelerated him. it was fun, kinda wish he would have rolled his car tho
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:39:34 No.2526457
    I can't believe that people are whining that the OP didn't call an ambulance. Stop to help someone who was fucking stalking you? How stupid and naive.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:45:19 No.2526500
         File :1230014719.jpg-(43 KB, 400x600, popped-collar-3.jpg)
    43 KB
    There will be a movie made about this called "I Know What You Did Last Winter." In it the popped-collar guy is assumed dead, both by you and the authorities, but he isn't and just lurks around in another big SUV. One year later, to the day, your friends and family are driven off the road in horrific accidents - all by a big SUV driven by a Gucci bespectacled twat with a popped collar and gelled hair. It doesn't end until you confront him, and kill him by running him over with your Subaru, which is his greatest weakness.

    So if you find yourself followed by this waste, slam on yoru brakes so that he hits you, or speed off. If you don't, he will come up beside you, yell "Your car is SO not cash," and run you off the road.

    It will be a blockbuster with three sequels.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:46:00 No.2526509
    It doesn't matter. You're a piece of shit.
    >> Captain Niggawatts, Second Brigade !!cUGUUAl/cS8 12/23/08(Tue)01:47:27 No.2526522
    OP, you are an idort.

    "I was being followed, so I tried to outrace him by making crazy turns and shit".

    Did it not occur to you to maybe zip by a police station? Just park in front of it, what is he gonna do, rape you right in front of a police station?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:48:17 No.2526532
    Nobody said stop and help, retard. They said call an ambulance, so, you know, the guy doesnt lay there and bleed to death over the coarse of 3 hours until a driver who happens to not be a human piece of shit drives by.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:55:54 No.2526580
    I know. Feels good man.
    Enjoy playing the white knight.
    >> !!ZGY+xYsioXf 12/23/08(Tue)01:56:41 No.2526583
    It's Summer in Australia.

    ...Oh shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:56:57 No.2526584

    In australia depending what part of the country many police stations have no police
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:01:41 No.2526609
    Hurr moralfag moralfag whiteknight moralfag. I'm such a badass.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:02:52 No.2526620
    hey op gives us an update tomorrow if something comes up on the news would ya
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:05:44 No.2526638
    Herp derp everybody is special. People love me because I care about everyone.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:07:57 No.2526650
    Are you retarded? I once had a guy break into my gym locker and steal my credit cards and cash, and had to chase him out of the gym and into a parking garage to get it back. Didn't have my cell phone at the gym so couldn't call cops and had to get after him quick because I just got money out of the bank and there wasn't time to stop running.
    So I get my shit back, go back to Bally's and ask the dumbass employees who saw me hauling ass after that guy, yelling "STOP!", if they called the cops yet or what, because he was close by and cops could arrest if they were nearby.
    The idiot gym worker says: "oh uh we thought you might be giving him back his wallet or something"
    me: "Who the fuck would run away from their wallet? You weren't watching the door and doing your job and that POS broke into your lockers and tried to steal my shit. You got him on the security cams right?"
    Bally's guy: "No those are out of service right now."

    In short: you are as dumb as those guys. If he was doing something legitimate he could honk, wave, flash lights, do anything but drive aggressively and freak the other person out. I would not chase someone out of the gym like I was going to beat their ass into a puddle if I was "giving back their wallet."

    By all means pull them from the car and shake their slight spinal injury into a fine jelly, or just keep your distance and tell somebody else around "i think there was just an accident, can you call the cops, i don't have my phone with me. it was some faggot driving in a shitful manner".
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:13:21 No.2526685

    Made me lol

    It really did

    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:15:26 No.2526694
    OP, you are my hero of today, assuming this isn't complete bullshit.

    Merry Christmas :D thanks for ridding the world of one more SUV-driving poser arsehole.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:16:52 No.2526702
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:16:55 No.2526703
    "THE national holiday road toll stands at 17, with no new fatalities recorded since yesterday."


    I guess he's not dead. Right now, at least. That was posted at 4:41PM though.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:17:16 No.2526709
    It's a Christmas miracle!
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:18:14 No.2526714
    Hey man. I pop my collar and I take offence to that.
    >> !!ZGY+xYsioXf 12/23/08(Tue)02:19:18 No.2526720
    ...that would hold true if it didn't happen at 2pm in a residential area heavily populated by stay-at-home mums and retired people and kids on school holidays. I figured that someone else would have the honor of calling the cops, which they did.

    Even still, I don't care if the guy died. One less asshole, right?
    >> !!ZGY+xYsioXf 12/23/08(Tue)02:20:21 No.2526724
    Cool. I guess. I really don't know.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:22:12 No.2526734
    Asshole because he was driving around on public roads?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:23:04 No.2526738
    OP, where abouts in aus?

    Sydney area?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:29:40 No.2526769
    Asshole because:
    1.>gelled up hair, popped colar, oversized sunglasses
    2. Was stalking OP
    3.Proceeded to follow OP even when it became clear that OP was trying to get away
    4.Was so concerned with catching OP he flipped his car.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:30:52 No.2526775

    not really, maybe try this, asshole because he was stalking a motherfucker in a harassing manner throughout the streets of Australia?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:33:39 No.2526792
    there is a duty to rescue law here. Also, I did a first aid course and during it the ambo kept repeating some mantra they had "Anything is better than nothing", I assumed it was legal bullshit to stop you from getting sued (obviously if you drag someone with a broken back you are doing damage).

    You should have stayed man.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:41:05 No.2526832
    When I was younger I would drive around aimlessly with a car full of losers and sometimes we would follow people. Sometimes random cars full of similarly aged losers would follow us. This one time a passenger in a car was leaning out his window with a glass bottle in his hand like he was jousting or something, we led them to Chadstone shopping centre and I did a U-ey followed by some hardcore slalom drifting through the carpark and then we lost them.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:44:30 No.2526859
    In most situations it would be right to stay, but in the OP's situation, the guy was menacing him and met with misfortune by it. Nobody asked the dude to try and chase OP. Since it was in a residential area there were plenty of people around to offer help. OP did the smart thing and drove away normally as if nothing happened.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:47:03 No.2526877
    no, no he didn't. Just because he was an asshole doesn't mean he deserved that treatment.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:47:52 No.2526885
    I wouldn't tell anyone you know about this OP. It will only make your life harder.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:50:18 No.2526900
    What treatment? Having to wait an extra 3 seconds for someone to help him?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:50:45 No.2526905
    Yet if the douche hadn't flipped, OP might have gotten hurt instead.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:53:45 No.2526926
    This smells like bullshit to me. Highly unlikely that some random person would arbitrarily decide to high-speed chase a total stranger, then wreck his shit and get fucked up. Then again, perhaps the chaser was a relative come to visit OP, but decided to play around with him.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:57:59 No.2526958
    Me and my mates were driving up the coast in australia when like 50+ bikies came past us in their gay convoys or whatever they do. The drive past and knock on your windows and shit. Anyway we went to turn off the highway to head home and there were two right up behind us. As we braked (broke?) one of the bikes with a guy and a girl on it hit the back and slid across the road hitting another bike. I was the only one turned around at this point so i saw it all. We thought they were the Uylens or whatever they were called and we thought we were going to get fucking shot. We parked about 100meters down the road while all the bikies were stopping to help out their friends, some guy in a car behind us saw it and waved us on telling us to get the hell out of there.

    The guy on the bike was fucked up and some other one had bone sticking out his chin.

    Even though there were people everywhere we still stopped because it is just the right thing to do.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:59:39 No.2526967
    Anyway, the bikies were in the wrong since they were driving way to close behind us and it turned out to be people from the 'HOG' (Harley Owners Group ) so we didn't get shanked or shot.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)03:02:40 No.2526987
    Something like that happened to me too, except it was some kind of bling bling car with flashing lights and stuff. I had to floor it really hard, I did highway ramp at 160km/h and then put pedal to the metal (210km/h) before I finally managed to lose that creep.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)03:03:24 No.2526992
    Once I was riding in a car with some drunk friends. The driver was sober enough to drive well, but the guy in the passenger seat was bad-off. I was slightly buzzed and stoned, and sitting on a case of beer in the back seat.

    Anyway, these people got behind us on the empty highway and started revving at us. They were in a Camaro or Talon or something, we were in an S-10. They started swerving all crazy behind us, and then completely passed us. When they got in front of us, however, they were perpendicular to us, and ran into the guardrail. Their car stood straight up, and their broken windshield flew all over our windshield. We didn't stop, because we had beer. We just kept on going past their car standing straight up in the air like that. The driver got really nervous and started shaking real hard, and we had to pull over later and let one of our friends drive. I read in the paper later that one of the people in the car died.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)03:14:00 No.2527057
    I keep a crowbar in my car for situations like this. I've actually been followed several times before, none of them amounted to anything.

    When I realize I'm being followed I make a joke out of it. I'll weave in and out of traffic, and when traffic dies down, I'll go 10 miles an hour. Idling, practically. That's usually when they give up and turn off.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)03:16:41 No.2527070
    Usually what I do. I dont know that i've ever actually been followed and it wasn't just me being a suspicious idiot, but i still like to mess with people.

    It would be a bad idea to try to follow me where I live, there are a billion tiny, swirvy roads and i know where they all go

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