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  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229956095.jpg-(48 KB, 733x600, ronery1.jpg)
    48 KB Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:28:15 No.2518551  
    Is it impossible for women to feel ronery?

    Think about it for a minute, being shy and introverted is pretty much a very big albatross around your neck if you are a guy, you can stay single for these reasons alone.

    But when you are a girl, things are different, you can be shy, introverted, have geeky hobbies yet you will still be approached by many different guys asking you out.

    Because simply, man is the proactive party and woman is the passive party.

    In light of this, is it possible for women to feel the kind of ronery you hear men on here talk about, being 21+ and never having so much as kissed a member of the opposite sex?

    Is it impossible for women to feel ronery in effect?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:30:36 No.2518562
    Of course women can be ronery.

    Only the ugly ones though.

    Our eyes have just evolved the ability to completely ignore the ugly women, and thus we don't even notice their roneryness.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:31:52 No.2518569
    18, female, never kissed a guy, had a boyfriend or any of the stuff that others my age have experienced. We're out there.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:33:05 No.2518579
    There are women who pretty much reject said guys advances all the time on _account_ of a profound feeling of detachment, they are very rare though.

    But yeah, ordinary women go fucking insane after a few months of not having a boyfriend. God knows what they would be like if they had to deal with the kind of loneliness 4chan's roneryfags deal with. They'd probably commit suicide.... And that isn't hyperbole. For a woman to go 20 years without any external validation in her life is like a death sentence.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:34:09 No.2518583
    I'm female and I am SO RONERY.

    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:34:19 No.2518585
    >In light of this, is it possible for women to feel the kind of ronery you hear men on here talk about, being 21+ and never having so much as kissed a member of the opposite sex?

    You got 3 conditions for this to happen
    - Crazy beliefs (religion, "men r ebul" femnists, etc)
    - Offensively ugly
    - Never leaves house
    - Combination of above

    Yes, if you were to magically transform all the decent looking male virgins on this website into females, they would probably end up getting laid eventually without doing anything but changing their gender.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:34:28 No.2518588
    Are you at college yet? mootblock.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:37:03 No.2518597
    I'm in love with a #3.

    She'll never know, though. Especially since I never see her since she's always in her house.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:38:26 No.2518605
    No. Next year, March. I doubt anything will happen there, either. I'm so insecure about it now, the thought of it
    all nauseates me.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:39:00 No.2518614
    Fuck you OP. Fuck women> Fuck them all.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:39:40 No.2518615
    It's true that women have it a lot easier in this regard, and it's also true that the whole proactive - passive thing in regards to initiation is one gender role they are quite happy with because it makes life easier for them.

    However, you've got to remember that as a man it's a lot easier to deal with loneliness in itself. Some other anon mentioned something about external validation. This is perhaps the greatest example of the gulf between the way men and women deal with roneryness in the neologistic 4chan sense.

    Men become MORE introverted, they can grow incredibly misanthropic or grow to love the world with the kind of tired sigh of a father who loves a drunken, reprobate son. Due to this subconscious choice to become ascetic in many ways. It also means avenues open up for other roads of development. During my ronery years I grew to love reading a lot more than I did before, there were points when I would have 5 books on the go at once simply because I enjoyed it so much. I took an interest in creative writing even though I was taking a science degree and so on.

    Women tend to look for EXTERNAL validation when they feel ronery, in short, they slut it up. They use sex as a substitute for love and end up even more miserable than before when they realise they can't live their life like a 20 year old forever. There are women who dont fit this mold, but we're discussing general trends here, not exceptions.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:42:26 No.2518630

    I thought I would change when I went to college. I did go out a lot in my first few weeks, but I never really enjoyed it unless it was more laid back stuff like a restaurant or going to the cinema.

    Plus I can't drink a lot, people would tell me to will myself to drink a shit ton in order to 'raise my tolerance level'. But I don't see the point, it's ridiculous to expect someone to undertake something that fucking asinine.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:43:57 No.2518637
    'Lonely' as pretty much lost it's meaning now anyway. The reason a lot of people have started saying shit like 'women cant be ronery' is because we have a seemingly constant stream of threads from e-sluts who think that being lonely = not getting fucked by a guy you met on WoW in 2 months.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:44:34 No.2518641
    I have not lived a very long while, indeed I just started at a University. However, I am very sensitive emotionally, and do require love to flourish. I however have no friends and have no love interests, etc., after one year at University, and have in a sense withered, rather than developed in a particular way.
    I always read widely, but now I compare the creases on the cover of a paperback I bought to the chasms separating me from others and sleep, or walk around the city. I walk a lot, especially at night, and cry. I have regressed. I am at a wall. How does this fit into your theory?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:47:29 No.2518651
    Do you have any proactive hobbies yourself though? Have you attempted to join any societies? That's exactly what I did. My social life is probably nearly as limited as yours, I have 2 friends at university and most of my social life consists of a couple of society meetings a week and maybe going out with said couple of friends to a bar every couple of weeks. I have zero love interests and always have. It's hard for me to explain the metamorphosis of going from a state of abject roneryness to a more positive feeling, because it's so incremental though.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:51:09 No.2518667
    I think part of the problem for men is that women really, *really* don't like male virgins. And as such the longer you go on without someone, the more limited your options become.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:52:31 No.2518672
    My hobbies included reading and playing chess at a club where everyone was 40 or older. I have resolved next year to approach the first nice girl I see, however, and be more outgoing. I wouldn't say I am undesirable, however I am so shy and reclusive that it is no wonder I have no friends, etc. Well we'll see, what comes will come.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:52:54 No.2518674
    After reading this I felt a great urge to go away and wank myself happy.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:53:18 No.2518677
    It's best to build a solid foundation for yourself before you attempt to look for a girl. In any event, I wish you good luck.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:54:56 No.2518686
    These posts are totally fucking true, about women needing external validation like oxygen. It's kind of pathetic to watch, in a way, and I've seen it operate in my group of friends over the years. However, women who learn to be healthy and fill that hungry void that needs validation, are very beautiful people. You can see this when you meet a truly mature woman. Women rock.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:54:59 No.2518687
    has anyone else noticed, at least anecdotally speaking that on 4chan, even on the lonelier boards like /a/ and /v/, that the female anons are far more likely to mention a 'boyfriend' than male anons are to mention a 'girlfriend'? It seems even here that holds true.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:57:46 No.2518703
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:00:28 No.2518720

    It's like retard comes in various flavors! Gotta try them all! :D
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:00:36 No.2518722
    Gay ronery female here.

    Every girl I have ever liked has been straight. It's so difficult to find a decent person that would be a lesbian, let alone also interested in me.

    God damn it, life.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:01:30 No.2518724

    I'm not sure I understand your point, asides from being unfunny that is.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:01:44 No.2518726
    I have loads of friends yet I barely go out, maybe the odd party or concert every few weeks, and even when they will me to come out I usually prefer to stay in and sit on my laptop or play the vidya. As for the girls aspect, for once a girl has finally initiated flirting with me and I think it's only a matter of time before I ask her out. Thing is, like all the other roneryfags on here I've never done this before and I fear I'll just drive her away with my lack of experience(she's had a few boyfriends in the past). Why do I try to convince myself that being ronery is for the best? I talk myself out of everyhing, goddamn.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:02:28 No.2518729
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    This is the average 'ronery' woman.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:03:20 No.2518734
    Turn them. Make them realize it is okay, and that they are beautiful and you appreciate them.

    For some reason, the lesbian is the natural friend and ally of the man.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:03:30 No.2518735
    Have you ever wondered how you could say the exact same thing as the OP without using the same words? Because it looks like you found the answer.

    No, women can not be lonely. If a guy looks like a 5, at best he'll date a 2. If a guy looks a 10, at best he'll date a 7. Everything of 8+, female wise, dates based on money and nothing else. Yes, the ugliest women could get mediocre looking guys if they'd get over themselves, realize they weren't as good looking, and would have to settle for a worse looking man. As long as they don't do that, they're not lonely at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:04:24 No.2518737

    Everyone rationalizes everything when given enough time without someone to play devil's advocate, unless they are mentally tough enough themselves to question their own actions.

    Slutty women who engage in transgression after transgression, cheating on their boyfriends and so on, do exactly the same thing. We all do it. The human capacity for rationalizing transgression is remarkable. The only thing that truly makes people tow the line is a shame society.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:05:32 No.2518740
    i am male have kissed/groped 30+ women
    laid 5+
    been sucked off by hmm 10+ i dunno,
    had 3 some with 2 girls

    none of this was paid for

    i dont fit in on 4 chan

    yeah i had afew uglies in there but most very hot to hot

    my current gf, been with for years, just have affiars now or encourage threesomes

    i fell roney cause idont fit in on r9k

    pro tip all hot girls have bf 90% of the time, you gotta move in

    I am 5,7 muscular have engineering and law degrees. I have not worked in 10 years
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:05:53 No.2518741
    No they can't be ronery, women are far too weak to handle any substantial time of isolation, males can tolerate it with some side effects but females will lose their minds
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:06:14 No.2518742
    I know that feeling; gayfag (hm. Fagfag?) here.

    To answer your question OP, yes. I know a lot of women who get the same ronery stuff all of us do. And while you're right that generally, shyness and introvertedness are not major inhibitors for women, they get a lot of problems *after* the start of relationship. You hear about men getting fed up with their girlfriend's bullshit all the time, even if the girlfriend doesn't think she's doing anything wrong (or even upsetting him), or the guy is overreacting.

    Also, women that are not attractive have a *much* more difficult time getting boyfriends than men who are not attractive do. Most guys can pass for decent looking, or at least fuckable, by having decent hygeine habits, not weighing 300 fucking pounds, dressing decently, and combing their fucking hair. For women, it's harder. Most men have high standards regarding beauty. It's not impossible for a woman who isn't very good looking to get a boyfriend, but it's a lot harder to get past the first aesthetics barrier that guys like to put up.
    >> PogoTheClown !2S4rnrTWyI 12/22/08(Mon)10:07:53 No.2518749
    you're a niggger
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:08:17 No.2518753
    That explains why all my close friends are dudes.

    The one girlfriend I ever had cheated on me with a guy and got pregnant. All I could do was laugh.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:08:21 No.2518754
    Cancer spotted. Nobody cares how much you defy the 4chan stereotype or your shitty spelling. Dammit, if you were any more edgy you'd cut yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:09:46 No.2518759

    This doesn't really relate to the thread...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:11:12 No.2518765

    They are asking permission in a non-straightforward way to stand alongside the other ronery anonymous/tripfags. The thing is, the mass majority of anon/tripfags are at rock bottom.

    Their vapid discussions of how easily they get men, intimacy and sex denies them this place. But they keep ranting as if they know about it, and it is irritating.

    tl;dr Annoying hypocrites won't shut up.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:11:18 No.2518766
    Sage for retardation.

    Fat and ugly chicks have just as likely a chance of being lonely as fat and ugly dudes.

    Fact is that some fat and ugly dudes get laid. They just don't browse 4chan.

    Also anyone who believes a chick needs external validation more than a guy is a mong. Have you not read all the BAWWW on this board?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:13:25 No.2518773
    That's not external validation at all, it's more a case of misery loves company - fucking hell it's more masochistic than it is validatory. I fail to see how anyone has proven the OP wrong at all though. The fact is it's easier for a woman to get a relationship than a man.

    Stupid bitch. If you can't contribute properly then don't contribute at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:15:43 No.2518785

    The point isn't as related to looks as much as you think it is. The point is more related to the fact a shy and introverted man faces far, far more problems than a shy and introverted woman. That was the ceteris paribus between both genders we were discussing.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:18:20 No.2518796
    of course.

    you might as well have asked if women can be fat or ugly.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:19:55 No.2518805
    >>2518740 me again new opitt
    >>2518749 no,no i'm not
    >>2518754 no, not cancer, i am a shit speller and grammererator
    >>2518759 yes your right it does not, lurk moar thread is now about

    bonsu pro tip, you have to just ahve ago, just lay one one her lips, and

    you need at least he numbers i ahve done, so your spank bank is full enough so that you can be meh, fucked better girls than you and good meories for when u are ronrey.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:20:51 No.2518809
    With regards to 4chan, the reason the female userbase may appear to be quite slutty is because a lot of the girls who post here are the counterculture scenefaggots who were also organizing those pathetic CoS 'raids'. Also, 'girl gamers', and everyone knows girl gamers are whores of the highest order.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:22:32 No.2518819
    Jesus fucking christ.....

    mootblockafejasfdkasfiasfjasf ajsfajsfh asfhasf
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:23:09 No.2518824

    we have had enough of your bullshit and terrible spelling.
    sorry, strrible splelign
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:24:52 No.2518833

    yes, if they are fat and ugly.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:26:01 No.2518837
    your points are irrelevant!

    I mean, as a guy I've never even touched a girl for more than 5 seconds, let alone kissing one. But I'm sure the fellow femanons are just like us... except the fact they did have boyfriends and hugged them, and spent a lot of time with them, had love talks, held hands, walked together to school, went on dates, kisses, had sex, and so on, but I'm sure that doesn't matter! They are ronery just like us!
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:26:25 No.2518839
    >>2518805 me N OPITT
    >>2518819 why surpised???
    >>2518824 ur jealosu of my spelling
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:27:37 No.2518845
    It astounds me how women can bitch about being ronery when the definition of ronery for men is something like "over twenty and has never had meaningful physical contact with a member of the opposite sex who is not a relative, ever."

    Then women come and whine about how their boyfriends suck so they dumped them and now they're ronery.

    I don't fucking think so.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:28:58 No.2518851
    Yes, women can be lonely - but not in the same way a strait man can be.

    I'm sorry to any of the femanons out there, but it really is easier for you to find a physical partner than us - and that does make a difference.

    Even though you might have the same difficulties as us at finding someone you can truly relate to, your ability to find a physical mate puts you in a better state than us.

    Quiet, unsociable women can still be chased.
    Quiet, unsociable strait men are never chased.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:31:37 No.2518867
    >offensively ugly

    Lol'd hard for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:32:04 No.2518870
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:34:12 No.2518879
    It doesn't make it better for them. That's why they don't deserve scorn but pity.

    Their happiness depends on other people. Their entertainment depends on other people. That's why women say they like impulsive men, because they need a man to provide their entertainment FOR them.

    Women can't internalize happiness. They will always be dependent on others.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:35:38 No.2518885

    Fucking hell that made me rage hard. 'Ronery' because you have shitty character judgment in partners? Stupid bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:37:38 No.2518892

    I will be creeped out to my pants if I GET CHASED BY A GIRL I DONT LIKE!!

    And again it falls onto whether the girl is attractive or not... But still, you will not like your hands full if what you had in your hands is a slightly less desirable object.

    Now, try getting rid of said girl you have ZERO interest in... That's another thread we can safely put away ourselves into.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:38:18 No.2518895
    My friend, it astounds you because you use logic. What you just posted would make sense to women once you've thrown out every bit of logic in your brain and used your feelings to do all your thinking for you
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:40:45 No.2518907
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    Another self-professed 'ronery' woman....
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:42:22 No.2518910
    >That's why women say they like impulsive men, because they need a man to provide their entertainment FOR them.

    Truer words have never been spoken

    Seriously, if a woman says she is submissive and/or prefers impulsive men, she is basically flat out saying "I am boring please entertain me long enough till I am comfortable enough to sleep with you" or just "I am boring"
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:43:28 No.2518917

    OK, so you negate looks, although these often form the introverted natures we speak of.

    Statistically speaking, there has to be the same amount of lonely men and lonely women. It takes one of each to have a relationship. How do you figure that women then have an easier time getting into a relationship? Are there a small number of guys catering to the entire female population? I don't think so, for every male player I know, I know a female one too.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:43:36 No.2518919
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    aids is aids is aids m'kay
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:44:22 No.2518923
    >have engineering and law degrees

    >yeah i had afew uglies in there but most very hot to hot
    >your right
    >i ahve done

    I don't think so, Tim.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:45:01 No.2518929

    Non-virgin here (though only ever had 1 girlfriend, and that was years ago).

    Agreed. Never, EVER trust a woman who puts 'confidence' at the top of the list of what they'd want in a man. Everyone has confidence around people they are comfortable with, what she means by confidence however is that you should basically be her personal entertainer because she's so much of a shallow and boring fuck she can't do it herself.

    Funny how all so called 'strong feminists' are submissive little bitches are heart too. Guess they hate themselves for it deep down and cover it up with a loathing of men.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:48:14 No.2518950
    So you negate logic and provide your own anecdotal experiences as 'proof' instead? Well, we can all sit here exchanging anecdotes all day if that's your wish my dear.

    And yes, there is no reason for statistical equilibrium because there ARE a small number of male players ('small' relatively speaking) who sleep with a lot of different women.

    Face it, your gender simply isn't ronery. Even if you are a shy and introverted little thing a guy will approach you.

    As for shyness and introversion being caused by environmental factors... Meh, maybe, but I very much doubt this is down to looks. Real or imagined emotional trauma maybe, but not looks. The jury is still out on how much of it is genetic and how much environmental anyway.

    Extroverted faggots are always like 'hurrr there are more of us so we are right' anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:50:39 No.2518967
    Let's have a straw poll.

    Anyone here who has ever known a truly 'ronery' woman?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:53:32 No.2518975
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    It happens but its much different from the way we mens go about it. Very different...


    All true stories.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:56:04 No.2518987
    >>2518551 you're completely insanse..look. for men its more acceptable, to be a geek. Sometimes its also connected with a certain pride, while women are often not taken seriously in their own genre.

    I had once a pretty nice guy, good looking, extroverted blah blah and he told be that he's not up for dealing with me, cause I have some problems. As soon as you have mental or just almost mental problems you getting dropped by the society, doesn't matter if men or women. Both are not "productive" and "too emotional" and this makes a lot of ppl afraid to take a part-responsibility and dealing with them. Furthermore, especially men like to brag with a beautiful, perfect gf, who wants a depressive non-fun girl? Noone because especially your argument tells that women should be outgoing, they are the passive, but SOCIAL and COMMUNICATIVE part of the society, therefore its even harder for a woman, because she can't fullfil this major and basic expectation. And while "depressed" men seem to be more productive, judicious, meeting the prejudice thinking a lot, developing ideas or beein just critical and a geek -intelligent, while women are said to be hysterical, just sad and over-emotional, they are more "emotional". While women do tend to pick also "sensitive, deppressed but intelligent" guys, who the heck wants a "over-emotional, crying, sensitive" woman?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:57:07 No.2518990
    Man is not always proactive (a loser) and women are not always passive (a slut).

    Regardless, yes, women can be lonely, not everyone gets asked out. My roomate for example, hot as hell by normal standards, but lonely because of her "good girl" attitude and religious beliefs.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:57:39 No.2518993
    The oldest female virgin ever was 15.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:58:05 No.2518995

    Also a true story, but I really, really want the exception-women. Also, I think the first true paragraph are exception-men, though I think there are more of them than there are women proportionally.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:58:34 No.2518996
    Sluts are usually passive though.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:59:21 No.2518998
    >your gender

    Anyway, so no personal experience allowed either. So there are a relatively small number of men sleeping with large amounts of women, meaning there's a higher number of men sleeping with nobody. Got it.

    This then means that women experience loneliness later in life, because these men will eventually be snapped up by other women.This would then be when ronery types start getting some. So everyone has the same chance of ending up totally alone.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:00:44 No.2519002

    And why do you think women aren't taken seriously in nerdy hobbies? Could it be because they have a somewhat justified reputation of being slutty? Look at how many girls in WoW ruin guilds by fucking members and even guildmasters. Or how many girls into tabletop gaming just screw around.

    Girls earnt the 'nerdy slut'' reputation all by themselves, nobody forced it onto them.


    Well you just admitted you have had boyfriends and sex. So you've pretty much proven the point of everyone in this thread who claimed women can't be ronery.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:02:33 No.2519006
    Basically what you are saying is that lonely guys have to work hard throughout their lives, get a decent degree, get a decent place of work and then have to deal with some whore who rejected them trying to latch onto them because she's shit scared she's close to 35 and might spend the rest of her life alone?

    Fuck off bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:03:20 No.2519010
    And this is just a troll.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:03:42 No.2519012
    The so called 'emotional' and 'intelligent' men that women get are artfags, they are emotional, that's true. But it's a facade to make themselves seem DEEP. As for intelligent, if they were intelligent they wouldn't be doing fucking conceptual art!
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:05:18 No.2519021
    People in this thread claim:

    Women can't be ronery, even if they are shy and quiet and introverted they will have had at least one boyfriend and sexual relationships.

    You claim:

    No, that's all untrue! I'm ronery but..... I've had a boyfriend and sexual relationships with other guys....

    Do you see how stupid this sounds?
    >> Yeah, this is depressing. Id !!YG874zUILEH 12/22/08(Mon)11:06:43 No.2519031
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    As the culmination of this thread, I say FUCK SOCIETY when it comes to love and/or personal fulfillment.

    I'll work hard to find my own exception and if I don't out of laziness, I won't complain.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:08:03 No.2519039

    I'd agree with you about women being lonely later in life. Once they reach their late 30s they start to fuck up big time if they haven't hitched themselves up already.

    They certainly don''t have the mental resilience to deal with 2 months without a boyfriend, let alone 2 years, let alone a _lifetime_!

    Women are a fragile edifice, they can't deal with loneliness in the same way men can. When they reach 37 or 38 it hits them harder.

    Kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come tumbling down.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:08:33 No.2519043

    I agree with this :/
    fuck that shit man.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:10:07 No.2519051
    wasn't there some research to support the notion that women feel sexiest in their mid thirties? Lots of sexy feeling desperately lonely women around.

    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:10:52 No.2519054

    Essentially, yes. This is the way of the world.

    But in actuality I don't buy your theory of that small pool of players fucking all the women. I reckon the numbers are about even. Because of the fact that looks aren't as much of a factor when girls look for guys, this means that it's the introverted that are left behind. Conversely, for women, introverted girls get laid, while ugly ones are left behind.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:11:01 No.2519055
    It's called lying to oneself. Living your life like a party, like you are an 18 year old forever comes at a cost. Nothing is without a quid pro quo in this world.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:12:14 No.2519060

    I still disagree with you. But I at least appreciate you see that for men you can be pretty much terminally single by virtue of simply being shy and quiet, whereas that doesn't hold true for shy women.

    How many guys have you dated anyway?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:12:55 No.2519063
         File :1229962375.jpg-(30 KB, 500x480, rfsded.jpg)
    30 KB
    Ehh, we can still smack them bitches up.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:13:04 No.2519065
    >who wants a depressive non-fun girl?

    Other depressive non-fun guys or just some horny normal guy, is this a joke? Goddamn woman sounds like that boyfriend dumped you because you're crazy, if you're not getting laid as a woman, your standards are probably far too high compared your level of attractiveness, so lower it. Hell the fact you get laid and have relationships proves the point of the OP, that "depressive, non-fun" girls are much less lonely compared to their male counterparts who more or less totally isolated.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:13:37 No.2519067
    Welcome to the wonderful world we live in.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:14:24 No.2519071
    True, I'm pretty shy and quiet, and that makes guys come to me to be Mr White Knight
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:15:05 No.2519075
    When men become lonely, they become awesome hermits and explorers and philosophers, even scientists. Of course this doesn't happen all the time, but men look WITHIN themselves and within those of generations past for comfort.

    Women look for comfort in others. They think that 56 pelvic thrusts, jizz on their face and the guy leaving them the next morning constitutes 'validation' of a sort.

    The happiness of those who want to be popular depends on others; the happiness of those who seek pleasure fluctuates with moods outside their control; but the happiness of the wise grows out of their own free acts. - Marcus Aurelius

    Remember brosephs.

    There has never, NEVER been a female stoic.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:16:26 No.2519082

    Do you fuck most of them?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:16:58 No.2519083

    None, my penis and I are on our third girl we have dated and laid though.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:17:03 No.2519086
    She ran off because she realised she was wrong anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:17:03 No.2519087
    Ronery girl reporting in. I know none of you will take this seriously, but I'll try my best to explain anyway.

    I could be described as a typical basement dweller type (without the basement). I live alone, I don't work, I go outside at most 2 or 3 times a week for appointments or get groceries if I have to. I don't have a single friend in my city, and certainly don't have a boyfriend.
    I'm a complete social retard..I get incredibly anxious just at the thought of going out. In any social situation I never have a single word to say, even though I could talk for hours online.

    I'm ugly, and chubby (130lbs) and no guy would ever approach me these days. I've had two boyfriends in the past (years ago) and I'm not a virign.

    The difference was back then I actually put myself out there slightly, I tried to make friends and get a guy, but it failed. The only reason those guys slept with me because they weren't exactly hot themselves, and they could see how little respect I had for myself and wanted to take advantage of that. It had nothing to do with liking me for who I am, or even what I looked like. They just wanted a vagina.

    That sort of sex/"relationship" does nothing for loneliness. You just come out feeling worthless, and utterly used.

    So yes, women can most definetely be lonely, even by the 4chan defintion.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:17:40 No.2519090
    There has never been a female that amounted to shit in the entire world. Men have done every little goddamn thing better. Everything.
    Go ahead, prove me wr0ng.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:18:29 No.2519094
    >I've had two boyfriends in the past (years ago) and I'm not a virign.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:19:17 No.2519097
    >I've had two boyfriends in the past (years ago) and I'm not a virign.

    Thanks for proving our point. You're not ronery and you can move along now. As for your 'change of heart', it's temporary. You'll start seeking external validation in the form described by >>2519075 soon enough.

    Let's see how long your 'contentedness in solitude' will last eh?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:19:28 No.2519098
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:20:02 No.2519101
    > They just wanted a vagina.

    So you admit you are emotionally weak then? Emotionally weaker than lonely men at least?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:21:56 No.2519104
    Lonely men and women would be happier together. It's not only the implication of shared interests (usuallly lonely men and women are quite geeky), but also the intimation of shared EXPERIENCES.

    Too bad most lonely women still think they are going to score the captain of the football time though. That's what they desire.

    Ah well.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:22:02 No.2519105
    men are also a lot more dangerous, male vs male violence being the majority of violence perpitrated. Also most sexual predators are men. It's not all sunshine and reacharounds.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:23:15 No.2519106
    Men will stop engaging in violence when women stop loving men who do.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:24:05 No.2519108
    Please refer to...

    You fulfill 2 of needed conditions to possibly be lonely as a female, you're ugly and rarely leave your home! But at least you got laid and had boyfriends though, that's more that can be said compared to your male counterparts! In a way, you sort of contradict yourself but I'll let it slide I guess.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:25:03 No.2519110
    If any of you had or have a boyfriend, you're not freaking ronery.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:25:38 No.2519112
    i got good at being lonely, ive got quite a few hobbies that take time (drawing, reading, building modeltanks, guitar, harp, piano, statues and a growing interest in fashion). After a while i realised i liked spending time on hobbies more then spending time with a girl. For the social part, i simply got a friend of mine into playing guitar too and i got another friend into modeltanks.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:25:46 No.2519115
    >>2519087 has fucked off anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:26:38 No.2519116
    >building modeltanks

    That's fucking awesome. I tip my hat to you sir.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:27:38 No.2519121
    Did you miss the part about how it had NOTHING to do with who I was as a person? They didn't even like me.
    It could be compared with a guy hooking up with a prositute a few times without the money.
    Loneliness is an emotion, and to be with people is an emotional need. Meaningless sex does not help fill that void AT ALL.

    I'll admit I was looking for validation, but it didn't work. I didn't feel any better or more fullfilled then I did before I had sex, infact I probably felt worse about myself.

    I hate the fact that I'm emotionally dependent on other people, but being lonely comes from within myself as well.

    Admitted. This doesn't stop me from being lonely.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:30:50 No.2519133
    I don't think you understand, the fact you speak so lightly of getting sex and relationships when a lot of people here would give their right arm to experience a relationship speak volumes of how little you understand of what roneryness truly is. Roneryness is effectively an understanding that it's very likely you will die alone. Do you understand that?

    No you don't.

    It's also very likely that as that anon said, you are going to slip back into old habits very soon. I'd give it 2 months before you are out fucking random guys again.

    And why TWO boyfriends? Why make the same mistake TWICE?

    One I could understand, but why TWO?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:32:43 No.2519140

    i indeed, find building modeltanks awesome, although i do it on a smaller scale (1:35).
    I tip my hat for the ones who build 1:4 scale RC tanks.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:36:38 No.2519158
    >I'll admit I was looking for validation
    >I hate the fact that I'm emotionally dependent on other people

    I must be an unemotional monster because I don't understand how someone needs validation and are emotionally dependent on others, why would you rely on others to make you happy when you're the only one that truly governs your own happiness?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:37:05 No.2519160
    I probably WILL die alone. There's no chance of me ever getting married, or even having a long term relationship. I'll probably never experience true love, or even lust.
    My situation won't change. I threw myself away to guys years ago when I was around 15. Now I know absoluty no one in real life, I don't even know how to go about finding a friend.

    I did it twice because I was stupid and nieve, I probably still am..but not to that extent.

    I think I can feel loneliness exactly the same as you ronery-male-anons, the only difference is in whether we've been laid or not.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:37:54 No.2519164

    I won't deny I feel a certain sense of antipathy towards you given how I've never really had anyone. For me it's more a constant battle day-to-day of trying to fathom out my own thoughts first. I'm not saying I am intrinsically better than you because I look within for answers. Far from it.

    I'm... kind of well, fascinated by why women react in this way to feelings of intense loneliness. And why even when many of them realise they are being used they still continue with it. I've never ever spoken to a woman at length about why she would indulge in that kind of behaviour. If it's ok could I email you with some questions? Don't worry, I have no interest in 'hook ups' and regardless we probably live an ocean away. I'd just like to hear in your own words about what it's like to be lonely and a woman and how you look back on the days of seeking external validation.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:40:42 No.2519181
    I am a female neckbeard. I have never kissed a man, nor dated one, and I have obviously never had sex. I spend literally all of my time on the internet. I am extremely attractive at first glance, but that's only because I don't let anyone see my monstrous body hair and cottage cheese thighs. I am lonely, but I am too insecure about my appearance to become involved in any sort of relationship and too lazy to fix my problems. I basically have a guy's personality since I've spent every day of the past ten years surrounded (figuratively speaking) by them.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:40:49 No.2519182
    I have dependent personality disorder. It sucks to have to define myself like that using a label, but it's the simpliest explanation I have. I live under constant fear of getting things wrong and displeasing other people.

    It's not logical, and it doesn't lead to happiness. Not in any way, shape or form. But that's just the way I am.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:41:06 No.2519184
    Could you ever see yourself slipping back into that kind of lifestyle? And how old are you now?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:42:12 No.2519186
    The first point of this thread can be summed up as this: If a woman sits on a bar stool long enough, she will eventually be be hit on. If a man sits on a bar stool long enough, he will eventually go home.

    The second point is that there is a difference between "lonely" and "ronery". Being "lonely" is a perfectly normal result of temporary social isolation, but is a transient feeling that will dissipate once social interaction resumes. However, being "ronery" is a result of an entire lifetime, from birth to present, of contiguous isolation containing exactly zero relationships with the opposite sex. The female posters do not seem to grasp this concept - the presence of a single relationship or sexual encounter breaks the chain of isolation and eliminates the capacity to be "ronery", although periods of isolation following this encounter do permit one to be temporarily "lonely". These are two distinct concepts and the terminology is not interchangeable.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:42:59 No.2519189
    >>"Men become MORE introverted, they can grow incredibly misanthropic or grow to love the world with the kind of tired sigh of a father who loves a drunken, reprobate son. Due to this subconscious choice to become ascetic in many ways. It also means avenues open up for other roads of development. During my ronery years I grew to love reading a lot more than I did before, there were points when I would have 5 books on the go at once simply because I enjoyed it so much."

    THIS...IS ME.
    Right now, I feel a general hatred against the primitive ways of my fellow man. I watch the news, see the fucking fundamentalist shouting their curses towards the west and shooting in the air with their AK47's, praising their imaginary god, and I just sight at the typical behaviour of man.

    I just sigh at the pathetic behaviour of people at my college. The bullies feeling superior, acting out their primal needs and feelin' alpha. The pathetic "women", so desperately seeking validation through whoring and denial of the beta-males. The angry, aggressive nerds acting out their anger and hatred of the world towards family and friends.

    However, I am not "emo" nor suicidal in any way, because I am aware of why these things happen. Human instinct and so on. In other words, we are EXACTLY the same as we were 30,000 years back in the fucking caves.

    I know I should just "cheer up" and talk to someone. And I've tried and failed. Hard.

    My question is:
    What did you, >>2518615, do about it all?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:44:10 No.2519193
    Couldn't have summed it up better myself. Wonderfully described, perfectly put.

    I commend you.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:44:31 No.2519194
    It's true. Male, 23, virgin, never dated, etc. Girls never approach me. God, I must watch way too much anime to expect them to. And I'm a pretty stylish guy, if I do say so myself.

    My 20 year old younger sister on the other hand, probably has social skills as bad as mine (we were both homeschooled until midway through highschool), and is an even bigger 2d con. However, she complains about guys hitting on her and asking her out, usually because they like how she's "quiet" and/or "more innocent."
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:45:02 No.2519197
    I think it has a lot to do with other peoples approval. Being wanted by another person (even in sexual terms) is nice idea on paper. But it doesn't always work out so well in real life. I'm terrible at explaining myself, but I'll try and answer whatever questions you have. Email is in the field. :)

    No. I've pretty much given up all hope of that now. I'm 19.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:48:22 No.2519212

    I was like that once.

    I swore to myself to stop being a piece of shit, and do everything in my power to become the most awesome human being possible.

    I'm not that awesome, but I'm sure as fuck trying.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:49:30 No.2519216
    In that case I can be happy...
    I am only lonely...
    but I really do feel sorry for those people who never love.
    Seize the moment!

    You can find love!
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:53:54 No.2519242
    Many thanks. I've fired one off if you'd care to check.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:54:00 No.2519243

    I did not tell in which kind of relationship I was. The interpretation goes far to far. What does it mean, having someone? For someone with low or no experience, the smallest contact, which is linked with your emotion, can be declared as: I had one. Like: I was once in love. I had one , who was important to me. It was a precious person, and the fact, that I felt for him/her makes it worth mentioning this. Although if its linked with a negative experience, probably I didn't even allowed him to contact me, because he will drop me, but I had someone, which was important to me. And this is what makes you feel alive, right? Otherwise, why mentioning it??
    And probably there is the key: having an experience, having the feeling that you have kind of a life. Knowing yourself better by having experiences. You feel less "empty" when you have them. BUT, imagine you make out with a women, imagine you feel attractive, wanted, welcome and loved. And after it's over you crash down and realise she doesn't care for you. Why then hanging out with her? Why feeling good then? And having experience -which is conected with a bad emotional status, does it make you less ronery? Probably. Then you have something you're occupied with. But then again, both, men and women have distraction and entertainment, what do girls have better, which men are lacking of, in this case? Isn't this mechanism for both a pretty bad one?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:57:08 No.2519263
    >I'm 19
    >two boyfriends
    >Been laid
    >Will never expierence true love/lust
    Some of us are 29 years old, still virgins, 0 girlfriends, kisses, hugs, and are already getting to the deadzone of lust fading. Are you seriously trying to compare yourself to that? So many times in this thread?
    No wonder women are fucking retarded. You can't even read or make comparisons.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:59:02 No.2519276
    21 years old
    No Kisses
    Haven't been hugged in over a year.

    I'm pretty sure I feel as shitty as you guys do.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:00:14 No.2519282
    >over a year
    Hello, welcome to NEVER. Fuck you, again, for trying to compare yourself to people who've never had ANY of it in a longer life than you've lived.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:00:33 No.2519286
    Back in the day ascetism seemed to be voluntary. There didn't seem to be the prevelance of those who were lonely as there is today.

    I wonder why that is.

    I wonder whether it's because dating has become something of a free market, and you have to shout the loudest over the herd to attract a mate. I mean, in this case if you're shy you are pretty much fucked.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:01:39 No.2519293
    >No. I've pretty much given up all hope of that now

    Maybe you misinterpreted my question, but why would you want to slip back into that lifestyle anyway?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:02:05 No.2519295
    Have you ever considered that people have different thresholds for loneliness? Two people could be in the exact same situation and they're not nessecarily going to feel the same way. Some people are just weaker, and it doesn't take such extreme situations to induce the same feelings of loneliness.

    I'm honestly not trying to belittle yours or anyone's situation, I'm just saying both genders can feel loneliness to the same extent. Maybe mine isn't the same as yours, but we both feel it.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:03:41 No.2519308
    Post some contact info and enjoy the flood of ronery men lining up to talk to you.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:03:55 No.2519311
    Because people have more possibilities to be individuals, rather than fake belonging to a group because you would have absolutely nothing to do with yourself if you were alone. Yes, that is why this shit is prevelant amongst computer nerds. Think back to the 50's or the 60's, what the fuck do you think those people did when they were alone? There was nothing to do. So instead, no matter how much they didn't like doing it, they pretended to be in to the same things as their 'friends'. Imagine being alone without a computer, and spending all that time thinking how much you hate yourself.
    No, they lied to themselves instead. They pretended to enjoy it all. I suppose most of you, as I, recognize that behaviour. The only difference is, we prefer to stay inside and barely spend time with these so-called 'friends'. The people back then didn't have a choice.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:03:59 No.2519312
    If you really wanted to, all you would have to do is go outside and hang around a public place. Guys would come to you. Shut the fuck up.
    Back then, all you had to do to get a hot girl was find a young one who was unattached and kiss her father's ass for a while until he gave her to you.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:04:21 No.2519314
    Hey how many conditions do you meet in this guys post?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:05:07 No.2519317
    Can we stop the inherent competition about who is more lonely? There are certainly more lonely males than lonely females. But really, when it comes down to comparing 2 individuals cases such as is being done here,, do we really have to deny lonely girls the one place they have left to feel included, to feel like there are kindred spirits of a sort?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:06:26 No.2519327
    You clearly have no idea how men work. It's a funny little thing called SPITE.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:07:14 No.2519336
    You just admitted to not being in the same situation as us, one that isn't as bad. How the fuck can you still be saying you feel the same way? Spoilers: you don't know how we feel. You can't have a discussion about ronery as a female, because the feeling is unattainable. I know you stupid cunts have some natural desire to get that which people tell you you absolutely can not have, and you desperately strive towards getting it now, but I am hereby permanently denying you ronery status. You are a female, you've had sex, you've had boyfriends. You will never be part of our miserable little club, and we're sick and tired of reading your fucking application. Denied. Permanently.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:07:43 No.2519340
    Because I clearly don't learn from my mistakes. It's not logical, but I think I'm just programmed into looking for approval from other people. I guess there's always the hope that if you throw yourself out there, that maybe you'll find a decent guy who actually gives a damn.
    Anyway, it's not going to happen.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:07:58 No.2519344
    I am a man, I've been posting throughout this thread. I even admitted to feeling a little tinge of bitterness towards girls who claim to be lonely yet have had someone.

    Honestly, when you've got to my point you realise why people seek validation. Fuck, I'd be happy with just cuddling up and playing video games.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:09:09 No.2519349
    I don't know but look... Do you really think you can find someone worthwhile by fucking random guys? I mean, really, do you honestly believe that?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:11:01 No.2519356
    Imagine that you have cancer, and you're explaining to someone how your treatment's going. Ok, now that guy you're explaining it to is the guy lying next to you in the hospital, and he just got in a car accident. He broke a leg. Imagine the following responses:
    A) Oh man, I know how you feel. My leg hurts like hell.
    B) I'm sorry you have to go through this. Nobody deserves to die of cancer
    Pick the response you find endearing, empathetic, and most of all: well-mannered.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:12:56 No.2519366
    Part of me would like to believe it's true. But rationally, no, I realise it's not possible.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:13:10 No.2519367
    Oh, you fool!
    Clearly it has nothing to do with their roneryness or even emotion for that matter, other than wanting to score some sympathy from the r9k crowd and wanting to identify with them/us really ronery losers.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:13:26 No.2519371
    You aren't ronery yet, you're just lonely. All that loneliness and longing and unrequited love in your heart hasn't yet dried up and congealed in to bitterness, hatred, empty lust, and desire to hurt.
    please I'm begging you, get out there and help yourself before it's too late. This is the last piece of kindness left in me, for other guys who are on the road in to being like me. Just.. leave 4chan and never come back. Nothing good can possibly come from this place. Go outside, go in public, act fake, play the stupid, stupid role until you become so jaded that you physically can not. And find a girl who actually has a brain and get with her. DO IT
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:14:28 No.2519374
    Fuck. Yes. I support these posts. Stupid bitches think they're as ronery as the guy who's nearing 30 and has never felt the warmth of a woman. That's bullshit, he's not tougher than you, it's a situation that's out of his control. Don't say shit like "Oh, I'm in my early twenties, and I haven't found true love yet! All the guys who date and fuck me just aren't good enough! We're in the same boat!" because that's not the same. At all.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:15:15 No.2519380
    I meant, before you become so jaded.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:15:16 No.2519381
    I'm one of the 21+ neverkissed fags OP mentioned. Never had trouble talking to girls, flirting or anything. I just never ask anyone out (never had the guts to do so) or do anything to push friendship into something else.

    Anyway. Today i had this dream where this hot half-goth feminazi i know from college, came to me while we were in some party (i do go out) and gave me a friendly kiss on the cheek. I kissed her back on the cheek and she then said: "That's how you kiss your gramma, boy" and then we started making out.

    God, i feel so good right now. I just wish this kind of "proactive" girl thing happened to me in real life.

    Ugh... and i do realize how pathetic is it that i feel happier because of this stupid dream but...
    feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:16:40 No.2519391

    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:17:13 No.2519395
    Dreams are hidden desires that we can rationally understand will never happen.
    Enjoy your good feeling.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:17:58 No.2519402
         File :1229966278.jpg-(36 KB, 717x430, Samefag.jpg)
    36 KB
    samefag asdrftgbhuj
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:18:32 No.2519404
    Honestly, it's probably more like comparing lung cancer and breast cancer
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:19:58 No.2519414
    I think you are just setting yourself up for a fall with thinking like that if I'm being totally honest with you here. The surest 'guarantee' provides also the fairest pretext and all that...

    Why would you like to believe it's true anyway?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:20:29 No.2519419
    A looong while back... I dreamt I hugged a girl. I didn't eve associate this girl with anyone I knew. I felt we cared about it though. I woke up and felt better for a few days even.

    But it's stupid. Atleast, placebo is "real".
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:20:32 No.2519420
    If you're attractive enough, girls will be the proactive ones. Trust me, I know.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:20:43 No.2519424
    Or comparing a cancer victim who's had cancer his entire life and is destined to succumb to it, and someone who had cancer but then was cured.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:21:16 No.2519426
    ... or maybe testicular cancer instead of breast cancer, if women could have testicles
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:21:22 No.2519429
    I'm not an expert on medicine by any means, in fact I'm pretty fucking dimwitted, but I just picked a situation where someone is dying versus something sucks pretty bad, where the guy who has it pretty bad thinks he's in the same boat as the guy that's dying.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:21:30 No.2519431
    Dude, these dreams are totally a good thing. It means that deep down, part of you knows how the ball is supposed to roll. Not that this exact thing will happen, but use your fantasies. You think you're the only one with fantasies? Girls never fantasize about that sort of thing? Right. It's in everyone. Pay attention to these things and it will help you get on the wavelength. Don't TAKE THEM LITERALLY HURR. Just...pay attention to them.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:22:44 No.2519438
    Women seem to be more sex-obsessed than men these days.

    It's odd.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:22:56 No.2519443
    It's true but it doesn't happen frequently enough for me to rely on it
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:24:41 No.2519458
    Isn't that just the funniest part, though?
    Really, the only thing that's keeping me from killing myself is I know how badly it would traumatize my mother. The second she's dead, and I mean the very same day, I have a rifle under my bed loaded with a single bullet that's got my name on it.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:25:31 No.2519465
    If everyone was attractive enough... there wouldn't be a /relationship9k/.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:25:53 No.2519470
    why would you do that? Go and travel the world and forget about women and their dislike of us.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:26:37 No.2519477
    Robert Howard style, you mean?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:26:40 No.2519478
    Why put your name on? I mean, nobody is gonna get confused and shoot the wrong person just because your name isn't on it. Well, I take that back. Once someone took my cup of tapioca pudding because I left it in the fridge at work and forgot to put my name on it. Shit sucks.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:26:47 No.2519480
    Well, having a broken leg is a pretty shitty analogy. A woman's loneliness is the same thing as a man's, it's just easier to get rid of. If left untreated, though, they're both going to die. And there certainly ARE genuinely lonely women out there; shit, I'd say it's worse if you've actually experienced what you're now missing out on. At least as a virgin you can delude yourself into thinking sex and intimacy aren't all they're cracked up to be and that you don't need it.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:27:57 No.2519489
    This thread is now a hook-up thread.

    Post some msns lonely fems.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:28:06 No.2519490
    You are "lonely" for a woman.
    Why the FUCK won't you just contact a ronery 4chan-er? There are a plethora of us RIGHT THE FUCK HERE. And since you live in the US, I BET you have atleast 10 of them in your near vicinity. Don't bullshit me with shit like "I don't have money for travel" or "I am asocial". You are NOT. You are a WOMAN and all you really need to do is to sit down in a man's lap and say hi and things will work out from there.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:31:42 No.2519512
    No it isn't, hook up threads invite people who aren't actually lonely. Just keep the conversation flowing.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:34:28 No.2519528
    *sigh* I feel the same way.

    Maybe if we all formed into a single organization, we could rule the world through superiour understanding of psychology and sociology when it comes to the behaviour and needs of man. And should they ever become enlightened to our actions, they will be shocked at their primitive selves as they learn that the only reason we did it: Was for the lulz...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:35:55 No.2519542
    Calm down everyone. Everyone have a cigarette and chill out to some Paganini.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:36:33 No.2519549
         File :1229967393.gif-(3 KB, 294x229, hurrdurr.gif)
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    It doesn't count because I didn't love any of them!
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:37:39 No.2519558
    I have no money. No way to get an education, thanks to a set of circumstances that keeps me from getting any government assistance whatsoever, I don't make enough money to save any to get in to college. I don't have enough charisma to get by on that, most people forget about me entirely the second their eyes are off me. And what would traveling the world do? I have books, I have games, I've seen movies, I've got friends, I've done drugs. I've had a lot of life experiences, but none of them even matter when I consider I've never had any sort of relationship, any real emotional connection with a woman. Whoever said that men don't need external validation was talking out of his stupid, macho ass.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:38:42 No.2519565

    Thanks to an episode of scrubs, Ive found that jumping on a mans back and telling them to "giddy up" works much better. And Im being serious here. Its so unexpected they are forced to go along with it. Then ask for a number and they will give it to you.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:40:03 No.2519567
    I'm that 29 year old guy.
    I still live with my dad, because I promised never to leave him after my mother and sister walked out on him. When he tried dating again, his girlfriend died when he was 58, and he gave up. Now, he's 68, and although I don't know when he's going to die, I know I'll be gone the next day. I've finished a masters degree in accountancy, just like him, because I wanted to make him proud. Nothing will matter once he's gone, though, and I'll kill myself as well.

    Untill then, I'll be sure to sage some annoying females who think they know what roneryness is.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:40:42 No.2519570
    roneryness has a lo to do with discipline and apathy

    Because you're not the most social person, you start avoiding social interactions. It's easier to stay at home then face the real world outside.

    You can fill up your time with hobbies, watching shos or reading books, stuff to kill time with. However deep down you know that you're a loser for wasting your time with doing stuff alone. You know you should start working on your social skills, work out go to parties, but you just can't put yourself to do it.

    You can try to rationalize it, but you're just lying to yourself, as it basically it comes down to this:

    If you stay inside all the time, and never talk to girls, they will NEVER step up to you. You can spent all your time alone, and you will stay alone..

    The key is to realize this and find the discipline to make your life better..
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:43:05 No.2519579
    And on that note, these selfish "attention here" girls have finally appeared to have given up on this thread, which means thread's served it's purpose: it is, indeed, impossible for women to expierence true ronery. No matter how much they try "I'm so alone I haven't slept with a guy in, like, a year!!!", eventually they'll get it through their thick fucking skulls that they do not belong here. If you want to start a clubhouse for the female form of ronery, which is apparently no boys for a month, find a new word for it, and make a new site for it. Piss off.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:43:06 No.2519580
    This is elementary. I mentioned earlier everyone tries to rationalize their transgressions with philosophical gymnastics. Sluts do it too. Why you reserve your ire for only the 'ronery' and try and intimate they don't do the same is anyone's guess though.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:46:22 No.2519596
         File :1229967982.png-(147 KB, 799x2210, making money - some anon.png)
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    Roneriness has fueled my success as an internet businessman.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:46:48 No.2519598

    Why don't you just steal his house when he dies? I mean, I'm assuming he's leaving the house to someone in his will, wouldn't it make sense for you to keep it since you're already living there?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:48:49 No.2519606
    I'm in his will for the house. What's your point?
    >> sage Юрий Андропов !b8AYgJWsvM 12/22/08(Mon)12:49:16 No.2519612

    Baw, I'm lonely because of a conspiracy of stupid women that can't understand my deep soul and appreciation of animu plus I actually have a (neck)beard.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:49:37 No.2519615
    >save money for the future
    lol what future??
    He said he was going to KILL HIMSELF when his father died.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:50:11 No.2519619
    >lol what future??

    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:51:52 No.2519630
    I salute those who stay for family.

    But also urge you to remember life after they're gone.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:51:54 No.2519631
    We can't all be neo-/b/ 'playas' I'm afraid.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:52:07 No.2519633
    Appear macho on 4chan, the girls might sleep with you because they recognized your cool post in this cool thread, cool tripfag.
    And you wonder why people blame you guys for ruining this website.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:52:43 No.2519641
    No I mean, you, or he, seems to have a pretty stable life as it is. What's the point of saving up money?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:54:45 No.2519648
    Dating a girl like this right now, OP. She was raped repeatedly as a child by two of her neighbors and ran away from home after she couldn't take it anymore. Her aunt took her in and for a while she wouldn't even speak, and nowadays she just stays at home playing online games and listening to music to pass the time. We've been dating for 3 years online and I've known her for 5... I feel the only reason she even allowed me into her life is because she was tired of being so alone, and I have to be online pretty much every day now so she doesn't go batshit insane from loneliness. I believe it's called being a hikikomori in Japan, or a NEET in western europe.

    Tl;dr: Ronery girls? On MY internet? It's more likely than you think.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:55:22 No.2519654

    Anyone agree with the fact that all men care about (INITIALLY) is looks, while all women care about is CONFIDENCE? Confidence in many forms, that is.
    Pride, Discipline, Self-confidence, Self-awareness and so on?

    All we really need to do is to fight, and win, the internal fight we men have, which is to overcome the "omg I am so fat, asocial, unskilled, ugly blabla" and act as if we weren't.
    Lie, that is. Lie to ourselves, to our friends, parents and most importantly - to our females.

    And after a while, slowly but progressively, we BECOME what we set us out to be.

    This is, ofcourse, pretty much impossible for the ronery /r9k/-er beacuse it is really, really, REALLY fucking cumbersome and difficult and hard.

    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:55:41 No.2519656
    Did she sleep with any guys before you?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:00:35 No.2519679
    She slept with two guys, apparently. Fucking slut.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:03:22 No.2519700
    She did go on a short drinking stint for a few months where she met a couple guys in the bars, but I never bothered to ask her if she slept with them. It's the past now so it doesn't concern me, and tbh I think asking her would only bring her down anyhow. Why do you ask?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:03:35 No.2519702
    Are you serious? A so called emotionally destroyed lonely woman, who was abused, who lived her life as a hikki.... And she slept with 2 guys regardless?

    How can women be a hikki, be emotionally destroyed, and STILL sleep with guys?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:03:49 No.2519703
    I lol'd, nice try anon. Probably should have gone tripfag for that one to keep it legit.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:04:17 No.2519707
    Disregard >>2519679, he sucks cocks.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:05:16 No.2519710
    I think the point of that comment was the whole "raped by her neighbors" bit...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:05:33 No.2519713
    Why do women do this? I mean, they say they are lonely... But they sleep with so many different men. And they can sleep with ANY man WHENEVER they want.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:07:01 No.2519719
    Jokes post, but
    Proves what I was saying. Regardless of the abuse, she still got laid without even trying. Good point trying to prove there's girls that are ronery, except they're not when they get bored, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:08:15 No.2519731
    Sex is different for women. 90% of a woman's enjoyment from sex comes from mental stimulation/connection with their partner. You don't have to get a guy to even like you to get him to have sex with you; it's like fucking a prostitute only it's not half as satisfying. Unless you're telling me having sex with prostitutes relieves your loneliness...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:09:34 No.2519740
    Right, because the drunk chick who pukes all over the place is so attractive, just like the Lothario you probably are with the spiked drink. It's not difficult to get laid, and you don't even need to try hard if you just fake confidence.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:10:01 No.2519742
    Idiot. Give a source for this bison biscuit if you actually want us to believe it, because I think you're talking out your ass.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:13:25 No.2519765
    Why don't you ronery-fags go out and try to find all these lonely drunken women with low self esteem who apparently exist?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:13:25 No.2519766
    Stop trying to defend your so called hiki princess. She slutted out when she got bored of being alone, and when she got bored of being a slut, went back to being alone. And if you think her slutting out was insane behaviour but understandable considering the abuse she went through, what about the guys on here who want to do that but WILL NEVER GET THE FUCKING CHANCE? Oh right, they can be hikkis too. Because that's the same.

    Fuck you, white knight.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:15:20 No.2519777
    A very good question, though it doesn't even need to be a drunk girl. It honestly is not hard at all to meet a girl you like, just fucking wash yourself on a daily basis and be yourself. Love will find you, not the other way around, and it's better to find it doing something you enjoy because then you have someone who shares a common interest.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:17:35 No.2519793
    Butthurt virgin, lol. The very fact that you think I'm a "white knight" just proves how far you are from actually getting out and having a real relationship. Don't you think I was in the same position you're in before I met her? All the angst of LOL FRIEND ZONE and all that bullshit? Christ, take your head out of your ass for two seconds to realize that we all have the same thought processes and that if you just be yourself you can get a girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:19:29 No.2519807
    I'm sure the 29 y/o dude who's on the verge of suicide just hasn't tried washing yet! That's it. That's the ticket.

    Fucking moron.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:21:25 No.2519819

    And I am pretty sure, I did contribute a bit to the topic, next to my experience, but also gave some good ideas and questions, which might be worth thinking about. But I think you're the same as those girls, I don't think its about answering this question, but arguing, that you have the right to feel the belong to the most ronery one.
    For me, ronery is for instance not only the situation of beeing isolated, but also in the isolation against yourself (the WOT-text) You can have dissocial disorders, lack of stability in every way. And those disorders, you can also get, when you're social, interacting with ppl. Especially when you're outgoing and have those issues they disregard you even more, because you go in their way, unlike the "shy" depressed ones. I don't quite understand where you draw the line between the sufferness of a woman and a man.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:22:35 No.2519831
    It was and wasn't meant to be taken literally at the same time. Yes washing yourself is a must, but there's other social norms you need to meet if you want to have a successful relationship. Call me shallow, call me fake, but both men and women are expected to perform certain roles before they're seen as an acceptable partner. Would you really want to date some girl who never washed her hair or finished school or has an addiction?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:26:28 No.2519860
    >>2519831 never washed her hair or finished school or has an addiction

    You just described the pothead bitch who broke my heart except that she did finish college. To be fair she washed her hair like... every week at least.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:28:21 No.2519872
    >who broke my heart

    I'm sorry to hear it, but surely you can see my point if that's the case. There are exceptions, but ordinarily someone with such negative attributes is not the ideal partner.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:29:16 No.2519881
    There's a lot of ronery dudes that would go for her if they had the opportunity.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:29:56 No.2519886
    This post makes me want to say something.

    I was like you guys for a long, long time. All through my teenage life I had no experience with women. Kisses, hugs, whatever the fuck. None of it. I felt terrible about myself and the way I looked.

    But I hadn't always been that way. Before highschool I was a normal little kid. I had normal little kid dreams and wants and needs. Something happened to me during puberty that made me an awkward fuck but I knew deep down that that wasn't how I was supposed to be. I think what kept me going during all that time was just remembering this little kid and what he'd think of me if I just gave up.

    So I never stopped trying to fix my life. I took a million acne medications until one worked and the shit was gone forever (accutaine lol.) I shaved regularly from the day I started growing hair onwards. I tried to wear clothes that fit.

    But the biggest thing was not a physical change. Eventually I realized that being alone had made me an extremely judgemental, bitter person. I wrapped myself in this blanket of see-through justifications and excuses and pretended that the world was at fault, not me. The day I realized this is the first day I felt hopeful for a long, long time.

    If you ever want to stop being ronery, the first step is to realize that your world-view is extremely warped. There are some attractive qualities we attach to the loner, the tortured man who spends his life deep in thought with no companion but his inner monologue. But do you really want to be that man?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:32:26 No.2519903
    >>2519793 here and I approve this message. It's not easy to accept but it's the truth.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:36:19 No.2519924
    Well, I've tried to change my attitude many, many times. But still most of the people I meet just bore the fuck out of me. Everyone is just so... boring. I'm not a certified entertainment myself, but finding people who I actually want to be around with is really fucking hard. Finding girls I'd be willing to date is even harder. Then again I'm talking about people I meet at parties and stuff. I've never tried going to a cafe and just talking to some girl. Today I had a chance and I chickened out like always.
    ANYWAY, what I'm trying to say is that changing your world view is not enough. Most people are still pants-on-head retarded and I can't help not liking them.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:41:16 No.2519965
    sometimes i go out alone and walk. my lonliness bewilders me. it seems somehow unthinkable that there is nobody there to observe the desperation on my face as my eyes well up.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:43:37 No.2519981
    Nothing to prove what I said isn't right, just bullshit about how I'm a bad person. Right, dumbass, because you have to be wrong if you're not on the moral high ground of an argument. Your hikki princess doesn't know ronery, and neither do you. Out.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:45:48 No.2519994
    It's very possible.

    I had today off from work, but I couldn't sleep. I got online for a bit, played TF2, showered and shaved every last bit until I felt good about it again, and... here I am.

    I don't feel like I can reach out to anyone, because the people I normally talk to I don't have much contact info for. I'll fix that when I go back in tomorrow, but until then I'm fairly lonely.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:46:34 No.2520001
    >For me, for instance
    I don't give a fuck what it is for you. Ronery is not something you can define as you please. Use a different goddamn word - like I don't know, Lonely - If you don't fit the fucking description. You are comparing terminal cancer to breast cancer and saying you know how hard it is. No, you don't, and if you had any goddamn manners instilled in you by your fucking parents, you'd shut the fuck up and just say you were sorry for the other persons' predicament, not that you 'know how it feels'.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:48:00 No.2520010
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:49:20 No.2520020
    My sister is...not due to bad looks, it's because of her aggressiveness and angst towards the surrounding world.

    She is quite talkative, but never seems to "connect" with other people.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:51:34 No.2520028


    The one chick that seemed to get the closest ITT to being ronery, ends up within moments giving out her email and having a guy talk to her. OP's point has been proved for the most part i see no rorenry women ITT or in life.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:52:39 No.2520036
    Sounds like something you ripped straight out of one of those "self help" programms. Spoilers, if you need help, it's because you can't do it yourself. I don't give a fuck about that little kid or my backwater dreams and ideas when I was a 6 year old. Have you met any 6 year olds recently? They're innocent kids that have no idea of what goes on around them. They're 6.
    They also think girls are icky.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:55:53 No.2520073
    This whole thread is all wrong, that or my state is ass backwards.

    I'm probably 5'7", I weight 125 lbs, 38 C. And if I would ever GET a dude, I'd probably just want to make him a sandwich/dinner. I'm ronery because no one approaches me, nor respond when I flirt with them. Never had a boyfriend, been kissed etc.

    You know what they are going for? The 232 lb, 5'3 bitches. The ones where it's obvious they don't shave their mustaches, or arms for that matter. I don't know where /r9k/ is talking about with, "If you're attractive, or if you exude confidence, you'll get dates."

    Around here, being your lonely, pathetic, acne ridden self will score you 10's all day. I dunno. THIS IS BULLSHIT SO RONERY ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:57:12 No.2520085
    I've been so lonely lately. Graduated from college and moved to Austin. Don't know anyone... Been so bored and won't even be able to visit family this year for the holidays.

    Tried dating websites and such but can't even get any responses back. Not that bad looking either. I hate my life.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:58:26 No.2520095
    Guy who is dating the hikki chick: Did she really fuck dudes at bars?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:58:38 No.2520096
    23 male btw

    in before mootblawks
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:59:03 No.2520100
    We wouldn't be ronery if you shy anons that we actually like would LEAVE YOUR GODDAMN HOUSE AND TALK TO US

    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:59:14 No.2520102
    This is a troll post, I can tell because of some of the pixels and my expertise on the subject.
    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:00:23 No.2520112
    It is possible for them to feel lonely.

    Ronery, on the other hand, is for men only.

    It`s about time delay between relationships.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:00:26 No.2520113
    ITT: American twelve year olds are getting on the computer. Thread's dead, enjoy pretending to be girls/ronery, douchebags.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:01:02 No.2520122
    I agree. But then again >>2519924 is completely right. Many, many, MANY of the people I meet, every day, are really boring and lack personality.

    Most of them lack any political, social and emotional opinions. REAL opinions that is, none of that "oohh global warmin is bad!! :(((!!!" or "oohh rapists shudd go 2 hel!!!11"

    And I simply can not STAND these pale, boring, personality-lacking PERSONS.

    What the fuck do I do about that, then?
    I know there are millions of "them" out there, but I've never, ever met one of the opposite sex. Only of the same.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:02:37 No.2520135
    Generally the dreams you have when you're a kid still mean something to you when you're older.

    I just used those as a rudder to give myself some kind of direction in life. They made me not want to give in, as easy as it would have been.

    There is no real help that you can't give to yourself. No lasting solution will come from outside your own mind.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:06:00 No.2520156
    loneliness is just a different way to masturbate

    "oooh i'm so lonely, oooh no one likes me, oooh i'm not perfect"

    lonely people are the worst, they bitch about how they don't have friends but when approached by someone, they shut themselves out and go back to bitching. it's like they WANT to be lonely. women who feel lonely? i call bullshit. i've spoken to 20 or so "lonely" people from /r9k/ and all the lonely guys i've talked to were eager to admit their loneliness and opened up. the 4 or 5 "lonely" girls acted like the world revolved around them and that their problems were what made them unique. "lonely girls" aren't lonely, they're just stuck up idiots.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:08:27 No.2520171
    You know you can shave that off right?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:16:10 No.2520213
    Ronery = no chance at intimate relationships (a.k.a. SEX)?

    It's kind of sad when normal people (which we all were at some point) read things about how lonely and bad the world is and they read it so many times that they actually start believing it. I know I do. But you know what? I realize it. I realize that whenever I go to 4chan I feel lonely and bitter and completely demotivated afterwards. I bet if threads started popping up where everyone wrote about all the awesome things they were doing, other people would actually be compelled do go out and give new shit a try instead of sitting in front of their PCs and jerking off to their misantropic self-image.

    tl;dr Don't fucking think to much about your character flaws and mistakes. Go out and avoid pityfests.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:16:15 No.2520214
    I felt the same way. I still do, to be honest, and it's hard to avoid feeling like that.

    I try to think of it like this: if these people were honestly as stupid as my bitter self would like to believe, they couldn't possibly function. If they are functioning then obviously they aren't that stupid - logic triumphs over bitterness.

    I don't know how to say this stuff without sounding like a "self-help program" as another anon put it, so I'm sorry if it all comes off as corny shit. But honestly, being judgemental of people is never beneficial.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:18:41 No.2520231
    Pretty much every thread on /r9k/ is about relationships and sex though. Other boards, topical boards, actuallly do general discussion BETTER, that's the funniest thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:38:31 No.2520354

    I don't know if stupid plays into it at all though. Having an opinion or functioning in life rarely has anything to do with intelligence. Most human interaction is about compromise.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:38:40 No.2520356

    Wait, you actually like us?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:39:57 No.2520370
    hey shithead, (not sure if you intended, but you made me laugh, and thats pretty rare) if you don't give a fuck what for me is, than why suggestion me to use another word?? And as long as you can't give me an explicit contradiction, my defintion stays CORRECT. And now baawww about having no sexual experience because we aaaaaaall no, sexual activites are important for not feeling isolated and results to happiness and widely acceptance in the society, and also facing yourself. And every woman who fucks around is both appreciated, by men and women, right? So therefore she has no reason to be ronery. WHATEVER RONERY IS Btw, if you have a good definition of ronery, let me know.

    >>2519924 I understand the perception you have, at the same time, you probably intimitate the persons who would like to aproach you. It's not changing yourself in the end, its about trying out a new side of you. And in my Oppinion ( 2520001 you can stop reading here now :) its not about some adjectives, which make out a person interesting or superative, but the amount of contradictonary adjectives.

    >>2520156 "lonely girls arent lonely, just stucked up idiots." I could also say the same about some ppl in here -doesnt matter if male or female. Both like to belong to the "most suffering group", just to have a right to complain and fight. And this is a good reason to have something to fight for, still I don't believe in the validity of a try to do a objective summary.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:43:54 No.2520409
    Anonymous, almost invariable participates in a school, occasionaly go to lan parties, or play MTG at places or other typical "weird" shit along the same lines.

    Anonymous does leave his house. YOU'RE just not looking, or displaying interest. Anonymous is an insecure self-hater. He has no confidence. If you are a major hotness, he wouldn't even consider you ever liking him.

    Anonymous is a male.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:45:52 No.2520429
    No. Womanz feel ronerly.

    There are plenty of reasonably attractive women out there that are lonely. They might not be bombshell hot, or miley cyrus cute, but they're tappable. There's a vague gray area between ugly and hot that doesn't get anything. Because they're somewhat cute, they don't get pity fucks, but because they're not totally hot, they don't get boys chasing them either.

    Or maybe they don't know how to make themselves approachable. These are girls that are afraid to really put themselves out there, but fantasize every night about guys. Maybe they're focus on life isn't on romance, but it's what they truely crave, they just don't know how to get it.

    These are girls that are slightly damaged in the head, and a bit emotionally unstable, but more than willing to sleep with a guy that comes along.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:49:36 No.2520463
    women love shy guys who ARE CUTE
    we are not cute and deep down all spontaneous and LOL SO RANDOM. we're all fat, ugly, opinionated douches who spend all of our time on 4chan. Nobody wants us.
    >> Derp !!BsBXC+5ESqr 12/22/08(Mon)14:49:52 No.2520466




    Hurrp derrp, caps lock.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:51:01 No.2520478

    Maybe loose some weight. I know a lot of girls that go for THIN opinionated douchbags.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:52:53 No.2520494
    >>2520213 good point there. If ppl would have more good role model own life would have other standarts. Trying to apply those standards into live are much more harder if it seems out of world order.

    >>2520214 good point too. It helps beeing not over-judgemental when you approach ppl you like. Its better asking yourself, what can I do, so that we come together?

    >>2520409 its strange, isn't it? Those who should know it better and mean it good, they call it disregardful "self-pity", those who should know it better and mean it good with themselves, call themselves "self-hate".
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:54:38 No.2520509
    Holy fucking foreigners batman. Stop fucking posting until you can get the basics of grammar down. You're hurting my brain with these mad posts.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:56:47 No.2520521
    Uh huh, I'll just wave my magical skinny wand. I know, I'll try eating right! Because that TOTALLY works. And I know, I'll try exercising, because that TOTALLY works! I mean, the last few times I tried it for months on end, I must not have been doing it right. I mean, if you can be skinny, why can't everybody else? I mean, god, those people who are different from me are SO pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:59:21 No.2520544
    um, women that are too shy/introverted over a certain age tend to get taken advantage of pretty badly. so while what you say might be true it's not really so great to be that way as a girl. people who are like that aren't always great at setting boundaries, especially with regards to somebody they're attracted to, and there are plenty of guys (even nerdy ones) that will happily use them as a doormat

    I mean that can happen to men that are that way, too, though it's less frequent...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:03:43 No.2520587
    >>2520509 :DD you're funny! At least you can spot me throughout the thread
    >> noko Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:04:11 No.2520592
    Dude, it REALLY FUCKING WORKS, just try it. I was a obese bitter faggot a YEAR AGO. Now i'm fit, i do sports (swimming cause i'm still a bit antisocial) and i have a girlfriend.

    And you know what, girls love a thin non-stupid guy.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:06:01 No.2520612
    You rotten piece of shit you have no idea how much I payed for healthy foods, vitamin supplements, consultations, a membership at the best gym in the city, and I tried, for months and months and months. And you know what I got for my trouble? Sores, and muscle that you can't even see underneath the fat. I gained 40 pounds.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:09:11 No.2520634

    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:09:11 No.2520635
    oh yeah, I also got nice and humiliated in front of all the people at the gym. HAHA LOOK AT THE FAT GUY WORKING OUT HE THINKS HE'S PEOPLE
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:10:07 No.2520641
    You should check your hormonal levels then. GO TO A REAL DOCTOR, or a nutricionist. You aren't a special medical case.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:13:37 No.2520663
    Also, the gyms are filled with faggots. Try a swimming pool, nobody will see you underneath the water, you don't get sores, no injury, totally safe, and you lose more weight in less time. Cardio=pool=your thing, muscle tonification goes later. Also
    10 GOTO /FIT/;
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:14:51 No.2520672
    I'm in good shape, at least average looking and am still a complete failure with girls. I applaud you and all, but it's not that simple.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:15:58 No.2520676
    1. See a doctor. Most people who claim thyroid problems are BSing but they do exist and are easily treated (At least the kind that makes you fat is easily treated, the one that makes you too thin, not so much).

    2. Plan your ENTIRE day, do the math on how many calories you consume. probably more than you think. Cut down.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:19:45 No.2520706
    nobody says its easy, but you will learn eventually. remember, you are a intelligent person, you can handle it. But it takes practice, and time. Girls aren't magical creatures. And the pussy shuldnt be put in a pedestal
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:22:38 No.2520737
    Also a nutricionis will help you to calculate calories. Remeber those thin anorexic girls, well they master the counting thing. You should learn this new skill.

    IF KCAL=<1600 you will lose weight
    IF KCAL=1800-2000 same weight
    Over 9000.. well you know what happens
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:24:14 No.2520749

    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:28:55 No.2520803
    Eat lees food, works for 99.9% of all people, really. Lost around 60 pounds doing it. Losing weight, however doesnt make you any less a ronery faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:33:33 No.2520843
         File :1229978013.jpg-(19 KB, 400x300, chrismartinyellow.jpg)
    19 KB
    >>nobody said it was easy
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:36:13 No.2520865
    ITT: butthurt girls and self help programms being spammed. Looks like it's one post from becoming "buy my book if you want to know more on www.loseweightnow.com
    But hey, with your infuriating writing, it's pretty obvious you're some kind of wetback.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:37:09 No.2520874
    tl;dr women can be ronery but their solution is so much easier
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:49:07 No.2521004
    This thread is a very interesting read.
    Are all of you Americans, or does someone happen to be from Europe too?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:51:29 No.2521025
    >There are women who pretty much reject said guys advances all the time on _account_ of a profound feeling of detachment, they are very rare though.

    I think I fit that description.
    I do feel loneliness, though, but when people approach me I just don't want to go outside. I don't know why, maybe I'm scared of relationships. I don't feel I belong out there. I feel safer in the computer playing games. But then again, I do feel loneliness and feel like crying abut it every now and then, when I'm not distracted by a videogame.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:51:31 No.2521027

    I'm from Europe and ronery as hell, if that's what you want to know.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:56:49 No.2521068
    Anonymous is predominantly american.
    Though, I'm a euro-pee-an.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:59:08 No.2521094
    lies. women can be lonely. hot ones, ugly ones, u name it. bitches have it hard too.

    protip: fuck the hot ronery ones. hard find, but well worth the effort.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:00:33 No.2521105
    Why do you fill the internet with your lies?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:01:09 No.2521111
    And where are YOU, eh?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:03:45 No.2521137
    Most Americans, on /r9k/ only, are hipster faggots posting on /r9k/ how they should go about getting laid by 4 girls a day. The ronery ones on /v/, /a/, etc are Americans. The ronery ones here are mostly Europeans.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:06:11 No.2521160
    my words are fact and truth.
    imagine you're a hot girl. a late bloomer. when u get into college u get surrounded by other hot girls that wanna be your friend and get asked out by lots of hot guys. u play the field, go to the parties, fuck around, etc and eventually one of the fuckers cheats on you or one of your friends something bitchy to you.
    This whole new 'sociable' world you were accessing too doesn;'t seem appealing at all anymore. you wanna go back to few friends, but good ones, calm nights out and good convos.
    Then you would be a hot girl that is ronery and depressed.
    a great catch if i might add.

    However, it's better to become sociable yourself. that way u can get introvert hot girls and extrovert ones too if you play yer cards right
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:06:11 No.2521161
    >>2520865 :)
    I think I got it. sexual attraction, sexual..interaction is mainly the definition of ronery... The theory is, that men are likely to have ronery than women, and this seems correct.
    Because while "normal" men like to sleep with every kind of girl to make an experience, a "normal" woman chooses a "normal" man.
    It seems that a relationship functions just, when at least one person has no major issues (I will call it problem) Now ppl without problems tend to take ppl without problems, therefore ppl with problems, have hardly any chance and can only hook up with ppl with problems, this is also the reason, why there are so many break-ups.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:07:44 No.2521173
    >my words are fact and truth
    that's not a word, pal.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:08:48 No.2521181
    (field was too long)
    Furthermore, if we assume that women are "sexually developed" at the age of 15, plus the hormons they are called to be more adult at this age, while boys are called to be childisch, we cannot really compare them.
    Because that means that women have a wider period of time, in which they could make the sexual experiences that a man in the same age, an "equal" comparasion is not possible.

    But in general: a bigger period of time rises the possibility of sexual contact.
    Women tend to search for physicall attraction much more, than man do, so that rises also the possibility for a sexual contact.Furthermore I tolerate the theory that women are looking for "dominate" men, which minimizes the possility for the "shy" men for a sexual contact. I also allow the theory that women love men, who make them laugh.
    At the same time I KNOW there are women out there beeing 21plus and ronery, but I can't say if they are the majority, as long as I have no data.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:10:44 No.2521196
    Now to your communication: the argument: "the definition is not correct, you can't invent some", is incorrect. I CAN invent definitions, this is how definitions upgrade, words change, terms are invented, like this functions language, and therefore COMMUNICATION. Because, by lovely anon, its a dynamic process of INTERPLAY.
    Furthermore I am not a "wetback" but european and was the best in english.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:12:58 No.2521217

    Stop posting, you self-hating wetback.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:13:01 No.2521218
    IIT: Mostly ronery and bitter men that are pulling shit out of their asses.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:14:19 No.2521226
    What else would the pull from their asses... I mean, that's where shit comes from?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:17:25 No.2521248
    I'm also European, and if your spelling is this poor, you can't upgrade a goddamn thing, you're killing the entire word instead. Shut the fuck up. Ronery, by 4chan standards, is 20+, never touched a woman, includes hugs, kisses/sex, what have you. It also means you've never had a meaningful relationship with one.
    This is ronery. You will use it as such, or you will use another word. Otherwise, you're just fighting amongst yourself and some other stupid women in claiming that "Baww, we have it so much harder than evil men!!". Stop being the fucking center of attention for 5 seconds. I realize it's asking a lot for women, but my god, you're on the most depressing website on earth, but YOU have to be the one that's suffering most? Men aren't claiming they personally suffer the most, they're just saying they suffer more than women. Women are all bringing up personal examples to prove why THEY THEMSELVES are suffering from roneryness.
    No. Doesn't work that way. Sage for idiot that needs to stop skipping English classes.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:20:27 No.2521270
    Do you WANT the answer to that question? Really?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:21:16 No.2521275
    He doesn't want the answer, he wants a dick in his butt!
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:21:35 No.2521276

    Just do whatever you do with confidence. Be like Buzz Lightyear, fall with style.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:34:45 No.2521368
    Just got served by:
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:37:07 No.2521390
    >Then you would be a hot girl that is ronery and depressed.
    >a great catch if i might add.

    These never stay lonely though.
    >> CAPITAL LETTERS Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:38:54 No.2521409


    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:46:49 No.2521483
    Hey, I'm 20, neither fat, ugly, nor a failure in life (well on my way to an engineering degree). And I'm pretty social to boot, have a circle of friends with whom I go out somewhat regularly.

    Yet somehow, I've never had a girlfriend, or even kissed a girl. I must have missed the boat or something. There must a page in the manual I skipped over or something. I never had the slightest clue of how the fuck you "get" with a girl. Even if I managed to kick myself in the ass hard enough to do something about the girl I like, I'd have no fucking idea where to start. Right, just go up to her and ask her number or to go out for coffee. That sounds so incredibly awkward, even pathetic, there's no way I could ever bring myself to do this. And what the fuck is "flirting" anyways? How do I play this dating game?

    And where the fuck did all the normal guys learn all that? Fuck, most of my friends have had girlfriends for a few years now, and I never figured out how they managed to do it.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:47:07 No.2521485


    Fuck you, mute. m00tc0cks
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:01:40 No.2521614
    why are you blue?

    >20+, never touched a man, includes hugs, kisses/sex
    >It also means you've never had a meaningful relationship with one
    I DO fit into this category!!!
    Furthermore: I was probably the only one who contributed with clever things outside the box. Next to yeah..I wanted to mention my story, but because im a young woman its said I put myself in the centre. While I have to struggle with some "special features", you guys just suffer by not have gotten laid. Becaaauuuse..my defintion or theory of ronery linked with mental/almost mental disorders is wrong, right? So what's the main complain of men, then? It's easy to get into a relationship, or physicall contact, you just extract a certain pride of beeing this way. Its your identification. As soon as you got the chance of beein together suddenly everyone is a chickken. You like beeing a bit weird, don't you? And this is the price youre paying for it. It's all part of feeling good with yourself. Because I don't belive there is anybody in here beliefing in his own death or failure.
    Because as soon as you say; im a loser, you just fit into your expectation. You simply can not not fail. And thats a little success. And I don't consider you as "real" the illness..depressed, otherwise you wouldnt even write in here. If they suffer more than women? But because of ronery, or some disorders connected to ronery? (which is my theory, which is true AND finally doesnt make a difference between man and women) So..in the end..YES, men do quantitatively suffer more of ronery than women. Just said by feeling. Come here, I give you a hug!!!!
    BRB they kick me out of the library...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:06:36 No.2521645

    sage for samefagging it up with that 'bee' instead of 'be' nonsense

    go home ball
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:14:43 No.2521713
    Successful male anon here.

    I was once in the stage of true roneryness, and it only forced me to become a better person. I completely changed my looks and style. I took on new hobbies. Started exercising. Studied harder. Tried to become social (still working on this).

    Now I go to a top 10 university, get amazing grades, work, have a sexy girlfriend, etc.

    But I can't see mai waifu for two more weeks and I'm feeling so ronery T_T
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:20:02 No.2521757

    I am you, Anon. I am you.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:28:04 No.2521822
    Shy women aren't approached by men as much as a lot of you seem to think. A lot of /r9k/ seems to like the shy/quiet/nerdy/whatever type of girl, but there aren't nearly so many guys in 'real life' that want that.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:32:13 No.2521868
    In my computer. Playing games.

    I get very lonely during this season, it's a matter to time. I'll probably drink rum alone in the new year. Har-har.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:35:07 No.2521891
    I am >>2519189
    Wanna talk or something?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:36:10 No.2521901
    Wow, that sucks.
    I have no friends, I failed at least half of my exams, I'm depressed and a sense of loyalty towards my family is why I don't commit suicide.
    Be thankful.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:38:24 No.2521928

    I tried approaching many of these shy women this semester. No notable results thus far. Still trying, though.

    From my personal experience, extrovert women get passed back and forth by extrovert males. It's essentially a big fuckfest.

    Shy girls tend to always be in a relationship of some sort with a beta male. Well.. not always. I've just been really unlucky this semester, as no introvert females seem to be single. I shit you not. I would always ask their friends if the girl in question was single. I was baffled at the results.

    Shy girls seem to be more popular now and days.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:39:26 No.2521940
    This thread is full of shit. Not only is it perfectly possible for a woman to be ronery (in that 21+ and never kissed, EVEN if they are not fat and ugly), but the embittered responses here fail to take into account the fact that being lonely is not solved simply by being with someone. Otherwise you would all in fact just take anything that hit on you. Go find a middle-aged STD-ridden troll in an alley behind a gay strip joint to undo your roneriness if you're that desperate, that's the equivalent of what you're asking women to do.

    Also: "man is the proactive party and woman is the passive party" is a sentence that makes me feel (intellectually) ronery myself. Fuck that, I would rather be physically alone forever than trapped in a relationship with someone who thought that way.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:44:21 No.2521977

    Perhaps. I'm not too sure what we would talk about, though.

    I have the feeling that we would just end up discussing the futility of man. If so, I'm not particularly interested.

    The stoic type generally does better alone.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:44:36 No.2521982

    >Also: "man is the proactive party and woman is the passive party" is a sentence that makes me feel (intellectually) ronery myself. Fuck that, I would rather be physically alone forever than trapped in a relationship with someone who thought that way.

    Whether or not you think it SHOULD be that way, that's an accurate description of the accepted norm, and if you object to someone pointing this out you're simply retarded.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:45:33 No.2521994
    Perhaps it's a regional thing. Where I live, if a female isn't tanned to oblivion and running around nearly in underwear and flirting with every guy she sees, it's incredibly likely that she's single and will be single for quite a long time. Even the squishy nerdy guys seem to get with the orange-skinned thong-wearing girls.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:47:58 No.2522016
    >I believe it's called being a hikikomori in Japan, or a NEET in western europe.

    Recluse in English.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:52:27 No.2522065
    I don't get your "bee" and "b nonsense", but I guess its something non-sympathic. I also don't get your ball. You should have taken my invitation to accept my superiority while enjoying some protection.
    >>2521928 ah see there...now that's a perfect example of a whining thing, which is said to be a woman.
    Am I confused, or do you and you and you and YOU TOO just look for excuses and individual stories to emphazise your own "suffer" and feeling better when you do not ask a women for going out?
    I can't say you're lazy, you're not trying hard to prevent any active action, means the will is there, but im not sure, if we can talk here about an inability to change things either. You just like to whine around like little morons and blame the women for showing them a mirror. They do exactly the same like you. Except me. AND NONE OF YOU WILL GET MY HUG!!
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:00:07 No.2522117

    I never claimed to be ronery. I'm not.

    Am I here to whine? A little, I suppose.

    And yes, the will is there. I'm sure I'll find a girl someday. The girl of my dreams? I can only hope.

    I don't blame women for my being single. It's just an unfortunate set of circumstances, I suppose.

    At least I'm trying.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:03:19 No.2522148
    particularly ugly chicks can be ronery, ppl isolated from society can be ronery, girls suddenly ostracised (dunno how the fuck to spell the word :O ) from their social group can feel lonely, girls who are only getting any attention from ppl who want sex from them can feel lonely and unappreciated too... women evolved to be more social than men, its why theyre usually more chatty, they get lonely easier.
    they probably dont get a lonely as you filthy 4chan losers th
    >> MoonBoots !EhVtXXdTd6 12/22/08(Mon)18:05:20 No.2522170
    More love for girls with a little meat on their bones.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:09:00 No.2522212

    >(dunno how the fuck to spell the word :O )

    If only modern technology allowed us to look up the correct spelling of words in a matter of seconds, you dumb fucking nigger.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:10:54 No.2522227
    Ah, That was my first thought, oh well...

    >>I have the feeling that we would just end up discussing the futility of man. If so, I'm not particularly interested.

    We probably would
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:11:22 No.2522232
    You know what?

    I'm gonna hug all of you guys... end the baww.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:14:39 No.2522268
    umm like i care? if you get butthurt even about spelling on 4chan then enjoy your life of raging in the corner so much you cant stop shaking and having everyone abandon you because you have toddler hissy fits.
    maybe if you keep stamping your feet and whining long enough then the spelling might correct itself.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:24:02 No.2522354

    Why don't you write an essay in which you try to justify your ignorance and stupidity?

    Oh wait, nevermind, you already did.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:25:04 No.2522369
    I have started to accept my situation. I have no friends and that means that I never meet any girls. I mean, I'm 23 and I have never even been to a party. I will never get a girlfriend because I will always be too scared and shy to actually do anything.

    I must accept this and move forward. It's not easy to accept, but I will. I don't even feel sad writing this.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:28:18 No.2522394
    Fuck you, OP. I'm not ugly, I'm friendly, I leave the house, I talk to people, and I go out with friends relatively often, yet I've had a grand total of ONE guy ask me out in my entire life. Loneliness is not limited to just people with a dick.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:28:56 No.2522402
    Got qwned by
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:31:07 No.2522429
    is calling a post thats about two lines an essay meant to be an insult or is it just a commentary on how its too long for you to be able to read it?
    and apart from saying "i dont care", my post didn't mention me or what i did so kudos on irrelevant points. enjoy your raging.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:32:26 No.2522441
    1 is infinitely more than 0.
    2 is the double of 1.
    3 is not much more than 2.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:32:33 No.2522442
    cool life bro

    So what kind of sites are they?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:35:26 No.2522467

    if you get butthurt even about irrelevant posts on 4chan then enjoy your life of raging in the corner so much you cant stop shaking and having everyone abandon you because you have toddler hissy fits.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:38:17 No.2522490
    >>2521940 this thread isnt't full of shit. The main point of all were some missunderstandings, just because ronery has different definitions. For some its just sexual contact, an affair included, therefor for some its not ronery when a woman sleeps with guys.
    Some see it as a type of loneliness, which inflicts also a relationship, so romance.
    And in case ronery is linked with disorders, there are different types specialized for women and men, but, is simply not a hierarchy of who suffers more: men or women. Therefor this thread should be rather called then: which is the quantitative main part of ronery ppl: women or men? Because we also not distinguish here quantitatively, but also qualitatively!
    And here we can say that women might deal with the roneriness quite well, because they're "outgoing". But in case definition of ronery #2 occurs, we can't say that they find better ways to deal with the lack, can we? And if so, what are these mechanisms?
    As I said in my texts: >>2521181
    >>2521161, these are just some HINTS, which give everyone the feeling, that women might probably be quantitatively less rarony than men, but a hint is not an evidence, in plus no one can use his personal sufferness standard and apply it to other ppl
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:41:55 No.2522518
    so after major failing to actually make a valid point against me you try pot luck in hoping the ones applying to you also describe me?
    If i was butt hurt id probably be using the usual teenage american faggotry words like resorting to calling someone a nigger and a dumbfuck for not going to a website just to check the spelling of a word. Why do you think it matters so much?

    why dont u think of an insult instead of spouting gibberish if you're so offended?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:42:14 No.2522520
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:42:43 No.2522525

    Id say as follows. We have a lot of hints, that women probably find quicklier sexual activity, but to say they are lucky in a reltionship, which is meaning to them, is a totally different thing.
    The same is also for men: beeing virgin are for most men something inacceptable, a bigger expectation on sexuality and therefore pressure by the society and individual women to be sexually experienced, is on their shoulders. This might be the reason why men search quickly for getting rid of their virginity. At the same time, who does really know, how many virgin men are? If there would be a poll referring to this, some might not tell the truth, evaluate themselves in a different topic.
    My feeling stays, that there are slightly more women beeing ronery, but this depends very much of the country. I've heard, that in america, compared to germany, the women there are very "sexual aware", and also there in us might be local differences. And I do like everyone of this thread, they contributed everyone like they knew best, Im pretty fine with all this.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:45:53 No.2522553
    I guess now it's actually relevant that I'm a femanon. I may be what you call "ronery", perhaps not in the traditional male anonymous sense, but I've never had a boyfriend, and I'm 18 and in university. I've been kissed maybe once or twice in total, which may be far more than a lot of people here, but it's still an insignificant amount. My friends are often surprised by this (male and female), and I always get asked if I'm a lesbian. The only time I actually care about it is late at night when I have little else to do, otherwise I just don't think about it. I've stopped caring a while ago.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:48:11 No.2522573
    You realize why you're ronery?

    Because you're a punctual dick.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:50:00 No.2522592

    hmm.. I don't know. I'm not a virgin and I made a way bigger deal out of it before. Also the more you go without it the easier it is to not care. At least, for me it's like that, even though I've seen also the opposite..
    Also yes, you learn how sweet the intimacy is, but you also learn that everything comes with a price. You have to make compromises.
    I don't know, maybe I had the wrong experiences, but frankly real life has always left me disappointed in this regard. I can have the exact lifestyle I had as a virgin and feel much less depressed about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:50:16 No.2522596
    You're an Ausfag?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:52:13 No.2522615

    That sure is a lot of words you wrote there.

    You seem upset. Wanna talk about it?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:54:23 No.2522643
    mh. Interesting thing there. Can you have an identity without socialisation? I mean the pure nature, its itself socialisating, its an "institution" which tells you to do something (you shall eat; hide when it gets stormy) and so on. And if you don't do it, you get punished (you freeze, you starve) so in the end, nature is socialisation, it wraps you, tells you rules and you have to adapt.
    If you wouldnt have anything to thing about (rain, hunger etc) you wouldn't exist. Therefor you can say, that socialisation is existance, right? That would mean, that every human is socialised, just not necessarily for the right society he' is living in.
    Imagine a full society full of ppl sitting all day in front of the pc, working from home, communicating from home and so on. Someone, who wouldn't have the same expressions simply wouldn't be considered as "normal" but as strange or maybe sick. Ah wait.
    Now I see it..social IDENTITY. *sight* now..identity is it the same like existance? I think so. You wouldnt call yourself existing if you wouldnt have an Identity, a CENTRE which is saying so.
    That would mean that you actually do not need humans to feel a social identification. But then again socialisation is not only one institution, but many.
    i guess you have then a lack of social identity. What do you think?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:57:28 No.2522678
    do i have a lot to say because im upset? the points were fairly quick, just numerous from your repetitive failure... its also probably below the average words per post in this thread, so another swing and a miss.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)19:14:20 No.2522864
    After reading partrs of this thread, I have ot agree taht women do look for exterior validation far more than men.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)19:17:04 No.2522900

    It's OK, you can let it all out...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)19:18:13 No.2522918
    >You should have taken my invitation to accept my superiority while enjoying some protection.

    Wow. This is totally going to happen. I'd like to take you out for a drink sometime.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)19:25:22 No.2522999
    Who gives a shit about women's feelings? They're barely human anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)19:28:14 No.2523030
    There is some evidence indicating that shyness is, atleast PARTIALLY, genetic.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)19:29:06 No.2523039
    ok, my ex's are now fat and ugly so ive got no where to turn for sex. ive got no xmas presents ready and ive only slept three hours a night the last three nights because ive been crashing at ppl's houses for no good reason. and now im bullied online by a buthurt grammarnazi who will probably turn out to be my future husband. boooooohohohhoohooooooo *wimper*
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)20:00:55 No.2523342

    it's cool. you'll be put out of your misery sooner rather than later. out of our misery, well, there's no telling.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)20:01:10 No.2523346
    >>2523030 you're ironic with me? Because I'd like having a drink with you :) although I am not always the, dominating, straight person :)

    even if shyness is partially in the genes, the fact that everyone is educated by its simple perception gives me the idea to think, that perpeption is socialisation(=existance) But then again socialisation is not only educative(like the nature) its also normative(it gives you standards to apply to, values in a group of ppl) That would mean, that society is an interaction of different roles you give and which are given to you, its all dynamic, its communication. So I think..mmh..I'd say spontaneously, the more chances you have to express the other sides of you, the more happier you are. Still there are sides we need to hold back, in order that we can live together and with ourselves.
    But in general, thats pretty much of what I think. So social identity would mean not only that the society is part of you, and therefor you're SOCIAL, but you are part of the society. You can live different facettes of yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)20:08:51 No.2523420
    People will do what they need to get approval to satisfy their ego. Thus you may take on certain roles or adopt certain behavioural patterns if you are scolded for not doing things "correctly". "Personality", however, is also very influenced by your genes, "directly". There's been an experiment in Russia which attempted to domesticate Foxes in order to breed tame ones. It was en experiment to sort of test how Wolves could have "evolved" into normal dogs.
    It was a highly successfull experiment. The foxes actually became quite like dogs, they became friendly to humans, they started BARKING and wagging their tails when happy...
    Well, you can read all about it:
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)20:30:57 No.2523637
    >>2523420 thanks for the link. Probably you're right and the genes are directing us into directions. At the same time, this link, your argument, can emphazise my theory: That you have indeed more possibilities to react to a certain reaction, than you thought you have naturally given to.

    Now I have looked at the link and I saw, that this project was running by the communism. Well...not sure how they interpreted the result of this experiment, but at this time, a lot of similar experiments have done to prove one thing:
    that the working class is just trained to sit, bark and react whenever the capitalistic regime of the west tells them something. Its not only domesticating, but a dressage.

    Of course we are trained, and beeing educated is nothing more than..well..dressage, at the same time, I tried to find a way explaining society and beeing social, pointing out, that it has plastic advantages and turn it into a major chance of finding yourself.
    For instance, Im not always sure, if its all about the ego. Some ppl can really suffer loving and caring someone, if they get a "punishment" for it, why do they hold on?
    Why also some ppl risk their life, for an idea, for a revolution? If it would be just because of the ego, the nature wouldnt have done a clever thing.
    Because why giving a species the main motivation for themselves? This would make the human "not social", he would need just his own recognition, he certainly wouldn't sacrifice part of his feeling, part of his ego neither. "Love" as we know it, wouldn't really exist.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)20:48:05 No.2523806

    You sound like fun and a serious conversationalist. A drink would be lovely. Too bad you sound foreign and likely in a different country.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)20:53:54 No.2523856
    I have a very hot female friend - went out with her, but it didn't work. And there lies her problem. She has real issues and can't let herself be close to any people she cares about. She may get sex whenever she wants, but she is the loneliest person I know.

    And no, I'm not a friend-zoned fag making excuses.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)21:10:27 No.2524024
    >>2523806 Hey there :) you sound pretty upset, probably just my sense, but anyways *kiss and hugss*
    We all messed up this thread good, I wonder, what some ppl think or feel about ronery, about the oposite gender, or about themselves. I'd like to here some summarys, It was the first time I heard men talking about a private topic, one which is not the easiest for a man, I feel now even more close to men, Im soo thankful for all of you.

    I live in germany, its almost 3 in the night. Are you from America? If we will meet, I take a glass of water without gas with a piece of organic lemon in :) or a tea! Or..mmh..salep! I drink it at a turkish bar in germany, they aren't as bad as many ppl claim. Quite mature and polite ppl, not only refering to this bar. Its kind of warm milk with cinnamon, and ginger and flower extract. Don't worry, it doesn't taste too exotic, but very tender and delicious! And afterwards you just want to cuddle in your blanket and sleep :) But I avoid it in the evenings, I tend to Bawwww afterwards wehn i'm in need for cuddles and squeeze my cold notebook. uh.!! actually its warm..mh: )
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)21:12:36 No.2524048
    Yes, clearly much lonelier than those other lonely people who never get close to anyone or have sex.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)21:25:55 No.2524197

    Not upset at all, jovial and joking more like it. Your first comment just seemed a little cocky. You foreigners are always a treat. :)
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)21:29:25 No.2524228
    Fuck you OP I'm so fucking sick of these baaawwing realtionship threads.
    I'm a swedish femanon and do you know what I did today? I got fucked by some tough jock and I let him cum inside me. His splooge felt nice and warm in me. I then went to my nerdy boyfriends house and let him lick my cunt (I have a furry cunt because I refuse to shave). My boyfriend said I tasted funny which made me smile and turned me on heaps.

    GIRLS CAN GET RONERY. GO TO SWEDEN. It's like a huge brothel
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)21:57:32 No.2524486
    >>2524228 you're funny!! :D
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)22:01:57 No.2524532
    FUCK YOU. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH SWEDEN. I always go there and get my cock sucked squeaky clean.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)22:07:19 No.2524583
    I read more than half of this threads word for word and i came to a conclusion: being lonely in 4chan standards is to be socially awkward, to never had a girlfriend, and to have little to none interaction with others. Wait what? So in few words you are of those WEIRD people that make me feel better about myself everyday. Come on people is your fault if you are lonely. Don't come with this bullshits women in general cant be lonely just because they had sex. Fuck you, fuck you guys, you fail HARD.

    Your are giving the word lonely a whole new meaning. I'll tell you something, you guys are freaks, so of course you're lonely, you freak people out. For some reason this is a huge problem in developed countries, as i see more of this "lonely" (weird) here, U.S, than i saw back in my country.

    All my fucking years in my country i was considered a shy and lonely guy, by must people that new about me. I was quite and shit etc. I mostly had 2 friends at a time and barely left my house, just for school of course. Im 20 now, resident of the U.S, ive never changed the way i am, but here in the U.S im considered "normal" like wtf. I've a got a gf, now ex, a few friends which i barely hang out here. I'm the same one, spend hours playing the vidya and walking alone in the mall etc. Yes alone, im alone, being alone doesn't meant to fail hard at life, to cry about it, to bitch about it and make people feel pity about you. You make it sounds as an horrible thing, well fuck you, im happy doing my shit alone, being lonely, that doesn't mean i go outside looking like a fucking zombie and not smiling and saying hi. So yeah by my standards I've met LOTS of lonely girls, LOTS. They exist, you can see them everywhere enjoying their life.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)22:09:21 No.2524609
    Fuck, sweden sure is active tonight.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)23:40:11 No.2525395
    >>2524197 Hey there :)
    I actually didn't meant to sound cocky, I just wanted to keep the kind of fight I had with one/ore some, I dunno, I thought I better do it, cause It was the first time in three years I laughed out loud :) oh and I DO KNOW what ronery is, absolutely no skin contact, no intimate contact at all, hospitalism, dissosiation, self-hurting-behaviour (but not c******), don't tell me I didn't know, and I did not had the luxury of a group to trust to share experiences, also not movies, animes to support me in this way, neither things like computer games to distract and help me out of a dissociation and panic attacks, adsdsakdsfa. I go to bed, now anon, keep your head up, it will be all fine!!!

    >>2519567 do you have someone you can talk with?
    How about that you put some money aside and search for a professionist? What do you do for YOURSELF? Take care of you anon, probably you just want to try suicide to see, that it's your life, and you can judge over it, whenever you like. Problably it's not really about ending, but a new beginning.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)23:41:13 No.2525405


    What the fuck is this shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)23:51:10 No.2525479
    you are a sexist cock. girls can be in the exact same position, you fuckhead.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)23:51:39 No.2525483

    Do not call the troll out. That's not how we do things around here. Honest.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:39:54 No.2525934

    One day I hope to meet you anon. It would be glorious. :)
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:45:15 No.2525981
    Yeah, when you're fat and ugly.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:46:27 No.2525995
    >yet you will still be approached by many different guys asking you out

    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:11:00 No.2526201
    The thing is, it's *expected* that guys hit on women, so for women, when we *don't* get hit on, we feel ugly and small, versus for men, you don't expect it so you just feel angry at yourselves for not making a move.

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