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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229915551.jpg-(27 KB, 448x300, COLLEGE WORSHIP NEW.jpg)
    27 KB Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:12:31 No.2513897  
    What's your major?

    Why did you choose it?

    What kind of jobs are you thinking about getting with it?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:29:29 No.2514096
    bu uu mmm ppp
    >> Tao !!eFZ1anCCqZ2 12/21/08(Sun)22:31:49 No.2514119


    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:32:06 No.2514120
    Mechanical Engineering

    I liked all of the engineering degrees, but didn't know what I wanted to do. Mechanical is the broadest and most flexiable.

    Currently doing reliability engineering.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:34:17 No.2514136
    I'm in a concurrent double-degree program (not a double major) majoring in Film Production and Junior/Intermediate Education.

    Thinking of getting a job in a production house, while supply teaching to bring in some money until I get a voice in the industry.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:35:14 No.2514143

    Not really good at anything, plus all frat brothers are doing it

    Your future boss
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:35:15 No.2514144
    inb4 Psychologyx500, Computer Sciencex10,000
    Make that 10,001.
    >> pleasure pill !!gyaC1AVoiJ4 12/21/08(Sun)22:35:52 No.2514151
    Studio Art.

    I enjoy creating, and viewing, art.

    Art teacher. Originally intended to major in 3D animation (at a different school) and obviously, do animation.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:36:20 No.2514153
    >until I get a voice in the industry.
    I seriously shit myself laughing, brah-voh!
    >> !MyName1ZlQ 12/21/08(Sun)22:36:25 No.2514154
    Psychology/Creative Writing

    Family business and personal reasons/Writing is fun

    Clinical psychologist/Comicswriter and novelist

    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:36:39 No.2514156
    You'd be surprised how few c/s majors are actually on here.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:37:14 No.2514163
    pre-pharmacy ---> pharmacy

    Job security

    Pharmacist at your local CVS. Or research -.-
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:39:12 No.2514178
    Fucking Sandwich Artist, bitches.

    That's right, gonna be making your future lunch.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:39:26 No.2514182
    Why do pharm guys have to take so much school just to be pill counters at a fucking CVS? I mean, the doctors write the prescriptions, what else is there to do?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:39:53 No.2514187
    Studio art as well. Was a compscifag for 3 years while being an artfag on the side. Finally switched over completely.

    Where do you go and what are your main interests as an artfag?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:39:56 No.2514189

    Wanna make games. I have an interview with a company on the 8th. Gotta love co-op.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:40:07 No.2514192
    I've got a BA in Classical Studies. In retrospect, I really wish I had pursued a degree in a different field (viz. one that people have actually heard of, and one that would allow me to actually get a real job).
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:40:14 No.2514195
    I said no mayonnaise.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:41:08 No.2514209
    Prove that you wont eat them by attending school for long time... they don't actually have to study, just show up and prove they're not on drugs.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:42:29 No.2514220
    Graphic design

    Art is all I'm good at.

    Probably none, I'll most likely start stealing from others and selling shit on ebay.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:42:44 No.2514222
    Studying information technology. Hoping to get jobs in software design or web development later. Probably wouldn't mind doing system administration jobs either.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:43:21 No.2514227

    It's the only thing I am not a complete failure at and/or it seemed like a good idea at the time.

    I have no idea what to do with my life. There's nothing I like to do that I can do for a living. I'll probably get suck waitressing/secretarying/whoring myself out for the rest of my life. Maybe I'll get by, maybe I won't.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:43:56 No.2514239

    Love movies, production, concept art, storyboards, scoring

    visual art director or production/director
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:44:27 No.2514243
    Political Science
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:44:29 No.2514244
    Biomed at a shitty state school.

    I'll probably be some shitty lab tech.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:44:52 No.2514248
    graphic design

    if i can't start my own firm, then i want to go freelance
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:44:55 No.2514249
    Because doctors make a lot of mistakes that pharmacist catch. I work in a hospital as a pharm student and plan on doing a residency which will allow me to round with the MD's and be an actual part of the medical care team.
    Doctors do not know everything, we are trained in a heavy background of chemistry and are the drug specialists.

    But to answer your question: lives are at stake and while those pharmacists just look like pill counters they are constantly calling the docs telling them that the patient has a pencillin allergy and therefore you cant give them amoxicillin. We learn quite a bit of information, now receiving doctorates and coursework somewhat similar to med school.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:46:07 No.2514257

    Good money

    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:47:04 No.2514266
    Pharmacy schools have a 30% acceptance rate and around 1/3 of those students fail out.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:47:12 No.2514267
    >> pleasure pill !!gyaC1AVoiJ4 12/21/08(Sun)22:47:24 No.2514273

    Initially, I went to SVA. Did two semesters there, plus a summer program when I was in highschool. Loved it. Was one of my better academic experiences. HOWEVER, I had a very hard time getting aid both from the government and the school. We're "too rich" to get most major loans, but not well enough off to sufficiently pay for it.

    Right now, I'm going to SUNY Stonybrook and commuting. Went in as a Historyfag, checked out the Art department and talked to some kids in my French class about it, and it seems nice enough. Switched my major after talking to the department head. The school is huge and dreary, and I only have a handful of acquaintances I met due to the generally large class size.

    I'm pretty fond of Rococo-era art and the general aesthetic of the time. My favorite artists are Mucha and Klimt, though. I hate minimalist modern art. I get a kick out of painting food items, flowers, and pottery. Sometimes I vector. I'm pretty terrible at 3D Modeling, thus the switch up.

    >> Humbert Humbert !Pedo0EJNug!!JrAzq66AR/4 12/21/08(Sun)22:47:27 No.2514274
    Chemistry. Needn't a reason to love working with molecules. I have already worked in the field for some years and will be working with Raytheon when we move to the US in January.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:48:19 No.2514276

    100% correct. Pharmicist caught a doctor's mistake and would of given me a totally unrelated drug. Pharmicists are well worth their salaries.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:48:48 No.2514280
    OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII... Sorry bro I'll just scrape that off.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:48:53 No.2514282
    I am a double major (not sure of the difference between this and a double degree) in both mechanical and electrical engineering. At my school, electrical engineering is divided into a power and computer track. I have chosen computer as it extends into alot of computer science, and it broadens my knowledge that much more.

    I chose it for a simple reason. I am going to school for free, and it was available to me. Not only am I taking advantage of the tuition, but I was genuinely interested in both fields.

    As far as jobs... who cares. I am going to use the knowledge for myself no matter what. Whatever job I end up with will only be because I enjoy the work.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:48:54 No.2514283
    Computer Games Design
    Design Computer Games
    Computer Games Designer
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:49:18 No.2514289
    Economics and History double majpr

    History is like a lit course, only we get to read about crazy shit that has actually happened to people (it is vastly entertaining) and economics because I guess I like math with my social science.

    Quite frankly, I have no idea. I will probably end up a barista at my local Starbucks, if it doesn't shut down. lol my life.
    >> Tao !!eFZ1anCCqZ2 12/21/08(Sun)22:49:45 No.2514293
    And yet, ER: pharmacy just wouldn't sell, would it?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:50:45 No.2514301
    only engineerfag here?

    civil engineering

    i literally grew up beside it.

    already got a connection to a job after graduation, 165k/yr, downside: moving to alaska for the job.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:51:02 No.2514305
    Why are you making it a point to show me what failures you guys are?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:51:57 No.2514312
    Info Science.

    I like computers but computer science requires tons of math classes which I would fail miserably. Also, it seemed to be a pretty good choice for a pre-req for a number of other things in case I ever go back for a *real* degree.

    I'm working as a depot tech, but I could probably make a somewhat lateral move to a few other jobs. Maybe entry level network admin or something. I haven't really researched this or planned as well as I should've. I just need to set some goals and really choose a specialized career path to really make some dough.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:52:13 No.2514315
    How does a pharmacist catch a doctor's mistake? Everyone I've had a prescription filled for anything I take it down to the pharmacy and hand the slip of paper to the some no speaky inglese bitch and come back an hour later to pick up the prescription for the same minimum wage cashier. I never even see the pharmacist.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:52:53 No.2514322
    Neither did: Law & Order: Trial By Jury, but juries are pretty important in trials, eh?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:53:05 No.2514326
    >Everyone I've had a prescription filled for anything

    Oops I meant Every time, not everyone.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:53:12 No.2514327
    Wouldn't a computerized prescription system just eliminate the need for pharmacists then? Doctor creates new prescrition for Rectoflex, system instantly recognizes that Rectoflex is a JRI (Jizz Release Inhibitor) that cannot be taken with the patient's current prescription for Testelix, suggests 3 other medicines that would be compatible with existing meds, patient allergies/sensitivities, and so on.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:53:50 No.2514332
    Art History(phd-yeah i know, but at the moment i go to a great school for undergrad, and getting into at least nyu won't be a problem for me)
    + 2 languages(masters hopefully)

    chose it because i love it. i'm not in it for the money entirely, but if i end up doing well i could be making a lot.

    jobs- the dream is an art dealer, though i'd take up curating in a heart beat. the languages are necessary for art history, but i could at teach them at a high school until i can get a decent job. with a phd, i could also become a professor at a university, and that's not bad at all either, just not really what i want to do.

    art history is a ridiculous field to get into. you have to have multiple internships, which are already extremely competitive, and they're all totally unpaid. what's even worse is that they offer them to like... black people studying african art, and asian people studying asian art, and i'm as caucasian as it gets.

    i'll probably end up as a bartender with a phd.
    >> Orinoco Joe !!Gl2vduNZkho 12/21/08(Sun)22:53:53 No.2514333

    Not seeing them doesn't mean they're not doing their job.

    I have a friend who's a pharmacist and has saved a few lives by correcting decimal points, or catching a doctor prescribing adult drugs to a child, or something else.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:54:35 No.2514343

    i'm >>2514248
    i go to SVA and know some people who go to stonybrook, how is the art department there? my friends had told me that it really wasn't at their level (mind you we all went to an art high school as well)

    rococo, mucha & klimt, those are normally my choices as well
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:54:50 No.2514346
    Spanish, possibly Psychology, also planning on minoring in Mandarin

    I like languages, I like people, and I want to help them out.

    I want to either be a translator, or a psychological worker of some kind.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:55:23 No.2514354
    Holy shit, H.H. What was your aim again? You stopped logging onto it for a while, so I deleted the account I had your contact on, forgetting to keep a note of it. My new aim is Robot2216, send me a message if you'd like.

    (also, more proof that r9k is the same 10 people posting over and over)
    >> Tao !!eFZ1anCCqZ2 12/21/08(Sun)22:55:27 No.2514357

    not really. as president I'd endorse a new justice system based around flipping coins. there'd be about the same sentencing rate. I'd hype it as a solution ot pesky jury duty.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:56:04 No.2514362
    tbh alaska is beautiful. it's one of the best parts about america. plus i heard you can see russia from it.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:56:51 No.2514371
    Music Education/Performance

    I like teh music

    Band director/Symphony orchestra performer
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:57:09 No.2514373
    I love art, I love math.
    Architect. Prolly some shitty draftsman at some shitty place.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:57:22 No.2514376
    Computer Engineering

    Started programming in 3rd grade. Started working with circuits in like 5th. It just sort of fit, you know?

    I'd love to work with robotics, but there's embedded systems in damn near everything these days, so lots of options. Waiting back on an interview as a test engineer at a big ass company.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:57:38 No.2514378
    Excuse me, I figured you knew how to come to a conclusion. I was making a point that pharmacy students do have to study, and study all the time.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:58:12 No.2514385

    I want to be Gordon Freeman

    Gordon Freeman
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:58:20 No.2514389
    The recession has me worried i wont get a good job...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:59:01 No.2514396
    Economics. I knew a friend and we decided to go through the education system together. There are all kinds of jobs for it. Accounting, management, etc. The pay increases the higher the degree, and if you want, you can work for a firm, government or even start your own. I think the only other industry I would have gotten into is the medical one because there is always a high shortage/ demand for workers. But this is what I'm good at and passionate about.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:59:17 No.2514399
    Well, most likely not. However, if you actually believe ER represents a true ED then I could sell you any show.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:59:19 No.2514400
    You can't scrape off mayonnaise any more than you can wash the taste of bear semen out of your mouth. Just give me a new roll, christ.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:59:35 No.2514402
    Info Science

    Needed something to write on insurance forms

    Project Management. Or just sign up for JET and spend my life teaching English to a bunch of kids in GLORIOUS NIPPON while pumping out freeware games every year or so. Whatever.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:00:07 No.2514407
    Computer science or computer engineering. Big difference there.

    Are you part of an electrical engineering program?
    >> pleasure pill !!gyaC1AVoiJ4 12/21/08(Sun)23:00:35 No.2514411

    Honestly, I can't even take any studio-related classes right now because I'm locked out of them. I have to "makeup" one of the prereq's over the summer/next fall.

    Next semester, I'm getting rid of their art history req's.

    What's your class year? I'm still booking for '11.

    I get really jealous when I get the career bulletins for the Computer Art department.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:02:03 No.2514423

    Didn't know what I wanted to do with my life, so I went for it anyway. Plus there is the advantage of being able to manage my finances better.

    Hadn't really put much thought into that yet (still doing first year.)
    >> Tao !!eFZ1anCCqZ2 12/21/08(Sun)23:02:51 No.2514429
    All the doctors i've known can be fit into ER stereotypes. So, Yes.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:03:12 No.2514432
    Computer Engineering (it should have been pretty clear from my post). About half my major coursework is EE, the other half CSC. Circuit analysis, semiconductors, embedded systems, signal processing- all that good stuff included. Plus I branched out a bit with electives into IC and PCB manufacturing.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:03:32 No.2514439
    Doubling in Philosophy and Corporate Communications.

    The Philosophy was mostly because it was interesting and fun to do, and it's nice to know a variety of techniques for logic, analysis, and argument.

    Corporate Communications was something I finally settled on because I discovered I had a knack for creating fun and catchy advertising, and I'd like to hopefully get into the marketing/PR/copy-writing field.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:03:56 No.2514443
    u r an fgt
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:05:37 No.2514455
    do pharmacists make
    much money? I
    want to
    be one.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:09:33 No.2514489
    Got a double degree in computer science and multimedia. Totally useless because now I'm a famous electronic musician.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:09:53 No.2514495
    i was seriously interested in pharmacology for awhile.
    my love for making drugs (though i never used them) has dated back to my childhood, and i thought it'd be really awesome to learn the whole science behind it.

    so pharmfag, do you have to be a natural at chemistry to do it or what. do you consider the classes difficult?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:11:09 No.2514504
    Electrical Engineering

    Because I loved the computer so much, that I wanted to know it hardware and software.

    Something electric, maybe?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:13:13 No.2514524
    >>now I'm a famous electronic musician.

    i don't believe you
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:13:18 No.2514525
    I can't believe all these art majors!

    Everyone's backup plan is to become an art professor, but...look at the number of art professors at your school. Multiply that number by 4,084 (total number of colleges/universities in the US, forget that not all have art departments).

    This is a rough estimate of the number of art professor jobs if everyone else suddenly quit to become conservative radio show hosts. Now calculate the number of job seekers by multiplying the number of art majors at your school in the same way.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:14:30 No.2514534
    Good show, I am the same. I just am always on the look out for CS majors showboating. Not that they have an inferior degree or anything, it is just that most places do not recognize it as an engineering program.

    To be honest, I think it is more similar than they give it credit for. Both learn tools and skills to solve problems with, and both have equally complicated upper level classes.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:15:10 No.2514545
    Anarchy, Sorcery

    luckily society raped me enough to see some truth. its the closest i can get to freedom.

    revolutionary, hobo, pirate, thief
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:15:46 No.2514551
    Bachelor of Digital Animation..

    Animator i guess.. But i'll range wider into the territories of 3D modeller, rigger, texturer, and concept artist, storyboard artist, etc2..... Hard to say. But one initial thing could hopefully improve on other things.... Its SUCH A FUCKING HARD COURSE!! But i'll deal since i love it nonetheless.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:15:56 No.2514554
    What do the females of r9k major in? Post here, I'm interested to know.
    >> pleasure pill !!gyaC1AVoiJ4 12/21/08(Sun)23:16:01 No.2514558

    Honestly, I am pretty sure that I'm going to do the extra time in grad-school for Adolescent Ed. Which, I think, covers something like grades 8-12.

    While there are still just as much competition for those jobs, I feel like it is much more likely to become a highschool/middleschool teacher than a professor.
    >> Anonymous of Massachusetts !NoraVXgoIM 12/21/08(Sun)23:16:45 No.2514563
    History, because I'm a history nerd.

    No idea what I'll do. Most history-related jobs require people skills. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:16:59 No.2514567
    This is true. Unless you decide to go on to get a PhD at a top 50 university, you're going to be the professor that works part time at the Home Depot just to fund your needs for art supplies.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:17:31 No.2514573

    Neither compsci nor engineering have very complicated upper level classes.

    You Have answers. You can get questions right.

    It's far more complicated at the upper edges of English, Philosophy or even something like history where the nature of truth is subjective. Fiddling with numbers is something you can get good at and even a monkey can do with enough practice. Abstract thought is harder than that.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:18:04 No.2514581
    female here, this is me:
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:18:06 No.2514582
    English major

    I didn't realize that you could enjoy literature as a hobby if you majored in something else.

    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:19:27 No.2514594

    Oh god, I could never teach art. I hate kids.

    Elementary school - art is a joke and the kids are retarded.
    High School - art is probably still a joke and the kids think they know everything.
    College - too much effort/schooling involved to get a job teaching at a university.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:20:45 No.2514599
    >Insinuating there's nothing abstract in computer science
    Holy shit kill yourself, you have no idea what you're talking about. Go back to your useless major.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:21:26 No.2514603
    Another femanon here, this is mine >>2514423
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:21:53 No.2514605
         File :1229919713.jpg-(32 KB, 512x384, master_shek.jpg)
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    why the fuck do you want to BE something. follow your dreams. follow your heart. this life is yours
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:23:40 No.2514621
    >I am bitter because my major is worthless.

    And how!
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:25:17 No.2514632
    Um, I don't think you understand how electrical eng. computer eng., or comp sci work at a upper division level. It's not "solve this math problem." It's more like "we need an application/system that does X," report back occasionally. When you start working on projects for other departments- departments who have no idea what is and isn't reasonably possible- sorting out all the requirements and trying to fulfill them gets quite difficult. It's basically unpaid industry work.

    But if you want, you can continue to think that writing essays is the height of collegiate difficulty.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:27:24 No.2514649
    Haha. When you have 50+ classes inheriting from each other four levels deep it gets pretty abstract brahs.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:28:41 No.2514656
    But modern computer science is BASED on abstractions!
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:29:36 No.2514669

    Nah, you're talking to someone who's done both and is currently doing a PhD out of a CompSci dept.

    I'm not saying what you do doesn't require thought; just that what you do doesn't require as much thought or intelligence as you think it does. Requirements really aren't that difficult mate.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:30:38 No.2514679

    Yeah, imagine what you might have to do if your entire degree was based on that rather than a tiny part of your hardest classes.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:31:26 No.2514684
    Hello, I am >>2514289
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:32:12 No.2514694
    GET IT ?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:32:17 No.2514695

    And just as soon as you come up with the novel though and emulate someone like Turing, then you can reasonably claim to be following in that grand tradition.

    otherwise it's monkey work dude. Someone's been there already and done the hard stuff.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:32:30 No.2514699
    Double in music- vocal performance and math.

    It's what I'm good at, plus no icky essays.

    I'd like to be a Baroque opera specialist. If that doesn't work out, backup plan is law school -> law -> local politics.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:34:46 No.2514720
    Why are you guys falling for this troll here?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:34:54 No.2514722
    We can tell you're a woman because 'barista' is feminine.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:35:00 No.2514723

    If you can't figure out how to turn off the caps lock, then I guess you would think coding was difficult.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:35:10 No.2514727
    Mathematics and (theoretical) computer science. They both give me pleasure, but beyond that I don't know. I suppose after graduate school I'll mingle in academia.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:36:05 No.2514736

    Trolling would imply attempting to elicit a reaction.

    I'm actually attempting to correct a common misconception. Any reactions are purely coincidental.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:37:39 No.2514754
    Math is to feel superior to other people, chemistry is to prepare for med school.

    Just kidding. I want to get involved with systems bio or synthetic bio and I figure they'll prepare me well. (Biological systems are essentially chemical reaction networks, and it takes a lot of math to predict their behavior.)
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:39:41 No.2514776
         File :1229920781.jpg-(39 KB, 388x586, twilight.jpg)
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    Nah, what it requires is a good deal of forethought; it really sucks when you get a good deal into a project and realized you started with a bad design choice.

    English and philosophy are like art. You can write whatever bullshit you want and if you defend it in an eloquent enough manner, people applaud you. It's like poets who completely disregard all syntactical and punctuation rules and get applauded for their "fresh and creative structure" or something along those lines. I'm not saying they're not important fields. They certainly do require a lot of thought to do right, you can get through them both fine with mediocre intelligence.

    Look at today's top selling authors. There are some decent ones, but success comes easier from pandering to your retarded fan base as it does quality.

    It's much more difficult to be successful as an engineer with sub-par skills.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:40:04 No.2514781


    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:42:40 No.2514806
    You missed the joke dumbass.

    Files are an abstraction for data. Everything in the *nix world is based on file abstractions. Icons, menus, everything you see on your fucking screen are abstractions. And this isn't even touching the "abstract class" or other OO jokes implied in here.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:43:24 No.2514811
    Polisci, specializing in international politics and East Asia > learn Mandarin, re-learn Cantonese, maybe learn French and whatever else may be useful > teach English in Japan, Korea and/or China for ~2 years > take foreign service examination > fail > freelance artist > washed-out artist > starvation
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:44:31 No.2514824
    You mean they all sleep with each other every week? I dont know what hospital you have been in, but I dont want to go there if the docs are too busy fucking each other to look at some charts.

    Which doctor do you know is the lesbian with the disability?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:45:04 No.2514831

    Ah, I get it. you think anything you said was 'funny'.

    I'm sorry, it wasn't. Feel free to try again though.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:45:59 No.2514844
    You impertinent little shit. I wrote an ANSI C compiler when I was 12-year-old. The vastness of the many applications I've written is beyond the comprehensions of you feeble minded fool.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:47:49 No.2514863

    Always wanted to be a scientist + interest in field.

    Theoretical physicist, as a professor or research associate at some university or other organization like CERN or NASA. If I could become an astronaut I'd post a 'sup /tv/ or /r9k/ from orbit/moon/Mars.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:48:06 No.2514865
    List your gender with your major please.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:48:39 No.2514870

    That's not how you make astronauts...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:49:35 No.2514880
    Web Developement (Web Design basically)

    Always interested me, found it cool that I could express myself in a medium that involved technology and being creative. Getting paid helps too.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:49:37 No.2514881
    Former computer science guy here, too. Shit is easy, and is why I switched out. You don't really need a degree in c/s to work as a programmer, just experience to prove that you can do the work.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:49:54 No.2514890

    What this post illustrates is how little you appreciate critical analysis.

    I mean, you posted 'Twilight' as an example of... literature? That alone would clue you in that you don't actually understand a single thing you're talking about. You just suggested that popularity equates to quality for heaven's sake.

    And to top it off, you don't understand the design process either. Actually, I take that back; you have a one dimensional view of the problem, and you're trapped inside that paradigm. You're like a monkey trying to reach a banana that's behind glass.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:50:22 No.2514895
    Astronauts aren't exclusively former fighter pilots these days, you know.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:50:46 No.2514901
    Just like anything, you dont have to be a natural if you just work hard. The material is not difficult for me personally, but its the amount of time since the degree is an 8 year program but put into 6 years for my school. Its the time factor that really affects me personally.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:51:06 No.2514902
    >Someone's been there already and done the hard stuff

    Define "the hard stuff." Even know, people are coming up with languages that take coding in a completely different direction. All Turing did was define what algorithms are (which is common fucking sense) and do some basic mathematics to show that computation was possible. Hell, the integrated circuit didn't exist until 2 years after Turing's death. No one who has any idea of the field could legitimately think that all the "hard problems" have been solved. I mean, cryptography is an on going field, IC density is getting to a breaking point, we're just starting to really get decent at parallel processing, and we've barely fucking scratched quantum computing.

    I know I'm getting trolled, but holy fucking shit, you're retarded.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:51:36 No.2514909
    Computer Science. I chose it because it was easy, and I was able to establish good experience with the Co-Op I did at Georgia Tech while making a decent $35k a year as a student. Now I work full time and make around $80k a year, with loaded benefits.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:51:44 No.2514911

    Not sure if you're trolling or not but you just completely failed to understand that guys post. Guess your brain is wired for understanding much higher level concepts.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:52:25 No.2514918

    Hey, look, I appreciate the time you spent becoming a code monkey so that other people can do the hard things. Someone needs to be a grunt in this life, and I respect the fact that you've offered to do it.

    (Ok, so you clearly couldn't manage being anything else, but I still appreciate your situation.)
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:52:49 No.2514921
    different person here, it wasn't funny, but you completely missed it, which makes me think you have no idea what you're talking about
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:52:52 No.2514923
    Philosophy; it interests me; law
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:53:28 No.2514925
    lol trolled. I'm starting comp sci, but I think he's right. It's much easier to solve something that has a defined solution, or to do something in a more efficient way than to try to solve the unsolvable.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:54:34 No.2514934
    I was going to go for Math originally, but I'm a poordyke and have no soul anyway, so....$ (I know, bad. But I'm enjoying it anyway. And a lot of the stuff overlaps, so I can still get a minor...).
    Haven't decided yet. Lots of wonderful-looking choices.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:54:57 No.2514938

    Ah, you've missed my point so you're defending his.

    Fair enough. It's not a good point, but have fun.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:55:08 No.2514939
    "Critical analysis," ahahaha. That's where you read into things to see symbolism that the author never intended right. "Oh, the imagery is so rich and vivid." No my point by posting Twilight is even with a PhD in English your writings will be less popular than trash. If you're not writing, then you're just a critic and honestly, no one gives a damn when they could just read the original work themselves.

    The only way I'd even think a degree in English could be interesting is if you were on the linguistics side of things and looking at the historical evolution of the language or something.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:58:13 No.2514971

    No. It may be much easier than solving the unsolvable, but certainly not than _trying_ to do so and failing.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:58:45 No.2514979
    Finance/International Business

    I've loved concrete work and I am not good at calculus so I decided to do business.

    Create my own investment firm
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:00:35 No.2514994

    If that's what you think critical analysis, what it represents and how it works then I suggest you stay as an engineer. You won't get very far in a difficult subject.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:01:08 No.2514995
    That's so cute... he thinks code monkeys are the ones who actually build the microprocessors and microcontrollers than make pretty much all modern technology function. His computer, his cellphone, his car, his TV, pretty much every appliance in his house, the internet, the power grid.

    Pretty much anything that supports modern life has a elec. eng. or comp. eng.'s finger prints all over it. So unless you're doing your critical analysis out of a book (not printed with computer-to-plate or digital publishing) onto paper (harvested and processed by hand) with a fucking quill (dipped in ink you ground yourself from wild berries), you can kindly shut the fuck up and go back to being largely worthless.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:02:24 No.2515002
    You write critiques to help others better understand the author's intentions, correct? It's cool. The retarded kids LOVE Cliff's Notes.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:02:30 No.2515005

    I like archaeology

    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:04:00 No.2515022

    So because you're scared of complex problems, you want to work with systems that have answers.

    That's ok. As I've said elsewhere, life needs the little people too.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:04:52 No.2515028
    This debate is irrelevant, as only computer-related majors will be the ones allowed to live and communicate with the Robot Overlords.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:05:53 No.2515038
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:06:07 No.2515041
    if your not majoring in science, you might as well hope for government handouts
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:06:23 No.2515046

    Again, just as soon as you actually achieve anything like that then you can join the ranks of people doing difficult things.

    But until then you're still just a code monkey following someone else's novel idea. Or grease monkey, if you'd prefer? I don't mind what sort of monkey you call yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:06:36 No.2515050
    Criminal Justice

    I hate pedos

    Reading 4chan for a living
    >> jews !!7QdGcHESxRT 12/22/08(Mon)00:07:16 No.2515060
    comp sci and botany

    i like computers and weed

    I currently own a "marketing solutions" site but plan to do something else, and i sell weed commercially
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:07:21 No.2515062
    Link to something you've published?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:08:42 No.2515072
    I should add:

    Because until you get a notable work published, you're on par with fanfiction writers as far as respect goes.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 12/22/08(Mon)00:09:13 No.2515081
    Government and Politics

    So I can learn how government really works.

    A public office, so I can do a better job than most do-nothing politicians.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:10:32 No.2515098

    Literary criticism doesn't present any "complex problems." It's just open-ended and pointless.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:11:50 No.2515112
    I'm not going to college and I have no idea what I'm doing with my life
    good times
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:12:10 No.2515116

    Oh please.

    I could link to Hamlet at this point and all you'd do is look for some way of tearing it down.

    Besides, personal validation or destruction wouldn't do anything. You're still a code monkey and nothing more, regardless of what I've achieved.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:13:38 No.2515133
    ITT: "You're an idiot who cannot possibly understand the greatness of my major."
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:14:09 No.2515139

    Ah yes, because something that is open ended is pointless, yes? After all, if you can't finish off a nice equation and have a self-contained system that makes sense, it can't possibly be worth anything can it?

    This is really rather pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:15:06 No.2515147

    Not exactly:

    ITT a mathematician trolls engineers for lulz, then leaves.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:15:16 No.2515149
    P=NP, please
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:15:33 No.2515151
    You do realize that the differentiation here is
    Engineering - Open ended and with purpose
    English/Lit - Open ended and with huuuuuuuurr
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:16:47 No.2515158
    Fuck, beat me to it. Though, while he's at it, if he could give me an equation to generate primes without needing other primes as input, I'd really appreciate it.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:16:58 No.2515161
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    Englishfag obviously also has a PhD in trolling.

    This anon applauds your trolling ability, and can only stare in envy.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:19:13 No.2515182
    History and Japanese, minor in Political Science.

    It's interesting as fuck.

    Social Studies or Japanese teacher.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:21:08 No.2515202
    Nah, as an engineer I freely admit we are easily trolled by comparing us to lower majors.

    In b4: engineering is just applied mathematics
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:25:20 No.2515247
    OP here. I posted a thread like this a while ago with more information in the first post, but it had about 3 replies. This is more proof that people want nothing more than a chance to talk about themselves.

    I'm thinking about taking a double major, physics (or maybe electrical engineering) and psychology (maybe fine art or something like human services)

    Someone give me some advice for that.

    Was interesting reading the posts in this thread. Everyone is so hopeful. I need to find a forum with 40 year olds, and listen to their realization on how they can't write a new War and Peace, or listen to programmers that are being employed by AT&T. You silly children crack me up
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:26:13 No.2515260
    It looks like I'm the first theater major in this thread.

    My goal - MFA in acting after college, then a series of small, part-time jobs while I bomb auditions before dying alone.

    I honestly have no idea where or what I'll be doing, but I know that I'll be hurling myself at the theatrical world.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:26:20 No.2515261

    Because I was a communications major before that and when it came time to register for my next semester classes I was like "What the FUCK am I doing in Communication?" and I looked at the classes and nursing was most interesting to me. My mom's a nurse (neonatal nurse practitioner), 2 of my aunts are nurses, my grandma was a nurse. My dad's a doctor, my grandpa was a doctor. I like helping people, I'm good at it, people always need care, and I figured why not join the long line of medical professionals?

    Something to do with Nursing, obviously. Not an NNP like my mother, but I'll definitely get specialized.
    >> Tao !!eFZ1anCCqZ2 12/22/08(Mon)00:27:48 No.2515283
    HI! I just want to say I'm on the side of liberal arts. engineers are doomed to disappointing, boring lives. At least us english fags are interesting people.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:29:21 No.2515304
    I went compsci. I grew up with a Dad who was a network engineer/network designer so I knew lots about hardware/networking.

    I learned a lot of the basics, more about SQL/DBs. I work in a job directly related to that ...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:31:04 No.2515324

    It's hard.

    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:31:21 No.2515329
    Yes, interesting people. Who are doomed to lead disappointing, boring lives. While writing crappy, unpublishable novels.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:33:39 No.2515361
    Dude, wherever this guy went for his trolling degree... bravo.

    I come from /v/, and most of that is SHIT compared to this.

    I admit engineers are defensive about heir learning, and there are tougher nuts to crack, but DAMN.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:34:27 No.2515369
    unfortunately the englishfag's narcissism makes them intolerable
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:46:18 No.2515506
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    -Urban Geography / Urban Studies

    -I've always liked cities, and I've spent virtually all my life in them. Also, maybe I played too much Sim City 2000 in middle school. Btw, it's a pretty shoddy simulation.

    -I intend to do a master's in urban planing, and probably get a job with one of the nearby municipalities.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:58:26 No.2515642
    Pre-pharm->Pharmacy school
    Pre-pharm->rejected by pharmacy school->Chemistry

    Pharmacist in Alaska working graveyard shift with one week on and one week off pull 160k a year.
    I like drugs. I also like being a legal drug dealer and having old people and opiate addicts at my mercy.
    Also a pharmacist can make the tech do everything and only require to check over the prescription.

    Backup plan is chemistry major. Reason: I like drugs. It's not my main plan because of low pay compared to pharmacist and dangerous working environment (everything cause cancer or have some serious toxic effects)

    Chemist in some industrial plant or "work at home" chemist
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:59:12 No.2515650
    Aerospace Engineering

    It was either this, mechanical engineering or medical. I just wanted to design weapons or cut people open.

    Aerospace engineer at NASA, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, or some smaller aerospace company.
    >> Tao !!eFZ1anCCqZ2 12/22/08(Mon)01:01:44 No.2515674
    And yet, we don't care, since we're secure and able to function in normal society. Good luck telling people about your riveting experience repairing TV remotes.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:07:08 No.2515702
    you're interesting. more interesting than the dickfag english/math/science majors we get here.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:07:25 No.2515705
    I just graduated HS and this is like my dream major. Is there a lot of math required for this? I know economics requires a shitload of hard math which I'm not good at
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:10:01 No.2515729
    Why not go to med school?
    >> FRAU DOKTOR !3GqYIJ3Obs 12/22/08(Mon)01:11:25 No.2515737

    Originally chosen as a compromise between pre-vet requirements and my chemistry major...then I sort of felt less interested in being a vet and more interested in teaching at the college level and doing research.

    I'm hoping to get my PhD, teach, research, hopefully doing some real protein side molecular genetics. (I took genetics this semester and am now hooked on it!)

    And as for the robot who mentioned chemistry majors having bad lab environs, its totally true. I know one professor who has had 4 lab explosions during her career.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:12:01 No.2515742

    Basic math. No calculus or anything like that. If you don't know what you want to do, this is perfect. Your work ethic determines your success.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:12:35 No.2515745
    I laugh at you faggots with your ridiculous bullshit liberal arts majors-Philosophy? Sociology? Psychology? Why even waste your fucking money?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:13:09 No.2515751
    Male nurses make more, in higher demand. More personal relationships with patients. Less school. I love school but my study habits and work ethic aren't the best. I know more about the 80's than my dad even though I was barely alive in the 80's.

    "How do you not KNOW this??"
    "Medical school. I had no time."

    He's pretty much like that for the entire decade. FUCK THAT.

    There's TONS you can do with a Nursing major.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:13:12 No.2515753
    Im a foreign politics major, and i want to join The Company.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:14:04 No.2515764
    I really have no specific idea, I just want to travel a lot and work with money. Seems right up my alley.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:15:11 No.2515772

    Almost at random. Could have been genetics or something else in the school of biological sciences, but there was a freshman seminar offered that fit my schedule. Asked the professor for a spot in his lab, the major followed later.

    Experimental neurosurgery. If I turn out not to be good at surgery, anything else an MD/PHD can do involving people and their brains.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:16:20 No.2515781
    True true, I guess since I am planning on going to med school I think everyone should. Thats great though, you will always have a job and there is so much you can do. Best of luck!
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:17:33 No.2515791
    Sociology and Psychology combined with other degrees are fucking useful man.

    Advertising, business relations, business ethics... Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:18:05 No.2515797
    Alternative Energy

    Want to help the world adapt to new renewable energies (no more oil)

    Anywhere pretty much, will be in such high demand in the next couple years.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:18:23 No.2515801
    Biochemistry with a Chemistry minor

    uh I was interested in both?

    >> FRAU DOKTOR !3GqYIJ3Obs 12/22/08(Mon)01:18:37 No.2515802
    I'm extremely jealous anon! Well done to you; good professors with openings in their labs are hard to find where I go to school, and from what I have heard, elsewhere as well!
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:21:21 No.2515823
    Hey thanks! And you as well!!
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:23:17 No.2515836
    Computer Science

    Uh, I didn't really want to go to college, but I wasn't ready to work and didn't want to stay in my home town.
    I'm good at math, but hate the subject. I suck at English and artistic things. I am apathetic towards other subjects. I enjoyed basic programming and I used the Internet a lot.

    Fuck I'm aiming low. I've seen good CS majors and I don't want to take jobs from them.
    IT (tech support) for the government. Shit's easy, I did some one summer and the hardest thing was wiping an old computer.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:25:22 No.2515852
    You better hope the energy problem is never solved in your lifetime, or you will be out of a job.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:43:14 No.2516024

    Definitely. I always knew I wanted to major in Philosophy, but also always knew that I needed to pair it up with something more directly applicable, which is why I have Corporate Communications, too.

    I love all the other Philosophy majors, they're good people, but if they don't have a second major to go with it, I have to laugh at them a little. Honestly, unless your major is incredibly difficult or has tons of hours, you're wasting your time not being a double major of some sort.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:46:18 No.2516047
    I'm just pissed I have to graduate this coming summer, in this shitty economy. I know what I want to do, I know I'm pretty good at it, but I worry there just won't be anybody hiring.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:55:07 No.2516121
    Broadcast Journalism

    I have an interview tomorrow for a Master Control position at a mid-sized TV station that I'll probably get. Hopefully the job will open some doors leading to a position as a video journalist.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:56:38 No.2516135
    Computer Engineering

    I was originally in the Electrical Engineering program, but when I noticed they focused more on power systems, I changed since I want to design small electronics or robotics.

    I will hopefully move on to get my masters and PHD in Robotics, if I can find a program that will accept me. After, I hope to get into a job that lets me design robots for either space or for household use.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:58:42 No.2516156
    i have a bs in biochem.

    i love chemistry and biology.

    i work in a hospital lab. i used to want to do the pharmacy thing until i worked as a pharmacy tech in retail for 2 years. shit looks boring. pharmacists make mountains of cash but i couldn't stand in one spot all day, checking prescriptions to make sure that some new resident understands how to dose amoxicillin to a 5 year old or that some 85 year old doctor isn't prescribing an antipsychotic that's been off the market since the 70's. then you have to deal with 30+ year old suburban house moms who insist on having their kid's ritalin filled in 5 minutes because he's starting school tomorrow and she's got oh so many important things to do tonight. then there's the really old people who talk about how their spouses got the shits and they can't figure out why, so they list every damn thing they've eaten in the past week. fuck that shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:22:57 No.2516348

    Switched from Computer Engineering since I knew I'd either run out of money or willpower before I finished that shit.

    I graduate sometime next year and I still don't even know what the hell I really want to do. But that's okay, since I had no intention of talking about that -- just wanted to say that reading through this thread was fucking awesome. Well done, comrades.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:44:51 No.2516538
    I'm really starting to get interested in nursing/pharmacist. I'd like to know more about what I need, and what I have to be strong in, or if the courses are hard.

    Any nurse/pharmfags here?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:08:09 No.2516704
    International Relations and Economic Geography with a minor in Arabic

    Nothing to see here, move along.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:11:40 No.2516728

    It's the thinking mans business major. I can still get a good job, and there is a fair amount of theory and philosophy involved.

    Work at a hedgefund is the dream job.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:14:26 No.2516750
    i love you soulless human calculator chinks. hf not having any fun in college and doing a job you hate for the rest of your life. also no woman wants to be with a computer engineer or a mathematics professor. hf being with a fat nerd loser. but you're used to that anyway.

    major: poli sci/psych double major
    why: i fucking rock at it
    what jobs: either law or I/O psychologist (HUGE market + growth, almost 90k guaranteed out the gate)
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:15:16 No.2516758
    Geography/Development Studies

    because I'm not actually racist and the development disparity sickens me
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:18:55 No.2516785

    I'm studying economic and agricultural development in Afghanistan and how it relates to counterinsurgency strategy. Meaning, that we just say we're pumping money into projects for photo ops, which does not actually helping anything, leading to pissed off people that pick up their guns and shoot at our troops.

    Yes, USAID is a joke because its not funded well enough.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:25:24 No.2516841

    Pharmfag trying to get into pharm school here. Currently taking classes to improve GPA for pharmacy school as well as for potential graduate school work.

    Be prepared to get raped by the chemistry and science you'd have to take. Couple that with having to get experience in the hospital/pharmacy as well as having to claw out the competition's eyes, and that's what you have in store for you. It was fun while it lasted.

    Graduated with a BioChem major, now considering becoming an RN. For lots of cash with not that much work in the medical profession, being a registered nurse kinda kicks ass.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:27:47 No.2516869

    So pharmfag would be perfect, but the journey there is bitchy.

    RN it is.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:29:17 No.2516887
    USAID is a joke because it's just a foreign policy tool! Aid doesn't need more money PUMPED into it, that only increases dependency - it just needs better administration.

    I say that's my major, but I don't start until next year (Britfag, we choose our "major" before we start, we actually sort of choose it at 16). I'm glad you're doing something more specific anyway - if I was more scientifically inclined I would have done civil engineering or something and built wells for the fuckers. I'll have to follow up with a masters or something.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:29:26 No.2516890

    with a minor in..


    mainly interested in Philosophy of Language atm.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:35:22 No.2516936
    Biology and Chemistry double major

    originally i was just a bio major (chose it at random) but I found that I preferred chem in my 4th year

    PhD in Biochem ... Cure cancer or make Bio-weapons
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:38:00 No.2516957

    Because I want to be poor for the rest of my life.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:38:21 No.2516961
    English might be that way, but Analytical Philosophy isn't. It's a lot more like science, but with formal logic.

    Continental Philosophy on the other hand is bullshit. You should learn to distinguish between the two. Analytically Philosophy will use very deductive reasoning and may involve formal logic. Continental Philosophy is English with a Philosophical bent.

    This goes for all of you. Analytic Philosophy is the corner stone of all science and math and comp-sci, but not that dirty french/german continental philosophy. That stuff is shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:46:57 No.2517009

    It sounded bad ass.

    Robot buildan jorbs. An engineering professor here has connections to a NASA lab that takes a bunch of annual interns.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:36:58 No.2519934
    Information Technology

    It's a pretty cool guy / good money / internets / etc...

    Network Infrastructure & Deployment
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:36:43 No.2520869
    high school english teacher

    want to usher intelligence into fashion

    uh... high school english teaching
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:48:51 No.2522026
    Psychology / Cognitive Science
    because I'm good at it, it's interesting, and it might provide a platform for later doing research with psychedelic drugs (after i get tenure lol)
    i guess i'd like to stay in academia doing research
    failing that, probably domestic terrorism
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:53:25 No.2522074
    quad major in math, neuroscience, chemistry, computer science

    phd in some interdisciplinary field, to do research

    in b4 university of phoenix online, i go to pitt
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:53:59 No.2522078
    Biology Dipl. (going for Microbio/Genetics/Biochem)
    Pretty much the only thing I'm interested in.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:54:50 No.2522087
    forgot to answer "Why did you choose it?"

    because i find all four interesting and am good at them. and i can go into literally almost any scientific field for grad school.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:59:24 No.2522110
    Computer science and computational mathematics

    doing research would be of greatest interest to me, i have already started working with a professor.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:05:06 No.2522167

    I didn't, I wanted to do Robotic Engineering

    As long as I enjoy what I do I couldn't care less.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:37:13 No.2522476
    P = NP
    N = P / P
    N = 1

    Man, my English major is too hard, I think I'll drop out and go into something easier, like Engineering or Math.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)20:25:33 No.2523576

    easy, interesting, lots of cumdumpsters

    -Law school?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)22:22:04 No.2524758
    Switching to accounting when I go back.

    Life is shit and nobody here is going to do for a living what they want. I might as well get something that can get my a job anywhere that pays enough to live and continue saving money. I'll put away money in long-term investments and take lots of time off in between jobs so I have the time and money to pursue things I'm actually interested in but nobody pays for anymore, like art and writing.

    Whatever pays and doesn't require a lot of BS. Doesn't matter if I hate a job, there's always 20 more being advertised even in small towns.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)22:26:19 No.2524802
    english education

    i like stories, and books.

    teaching, or you can teach...and when you retire from that you can teach a bit.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)22:28:16 No.2524819

    I thought it would be interesting.

    Jobs? That's years away.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)22:31:23 No.2524848

    have wanted to be a 'medic since I was about 10, just want to be able to help people in their time of emergency. Also, I love the adrenaline rush, and night shifts are awesome.

    Job? Paramedic.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)22:38:34 No.2524921

    LOL Char <3
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)22:42:56 No.2524961
    Currently a double major in English and International Affairs

    I started off as a business major before moving to journalism for fear of losing my soul. I had fun writing for the school paper and I'm going to try and intern at the local radio station or daily, but I transferred away from the degree because no one has any idea what to teach - the classes were a waste. I figure I'll wait it out and maybe get my masters in Journalism when colleges have a better grasp on what the newsroom is gonna look like in the next five or so years. English and Intl. Affairs are kind of a more liberal-arts take on getting into the journalism mindset, I figure.

    Journalist, copy-editor, English teacher abroad, technical writer (?)

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