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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229830929.jpg-(84 KB, 800x593, Weeaboobase.jpg)
    84 KB Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)22:42:09 No.2503899  
    I want a genuine basement dweller discussion thread. How many of you really go days without leaving the house? I can understand if somebody is supplying you with everything you need how that can happen, but when you're living on your own how can you manage to do that without leaving at least once every few days to get the basics in? I'm personally not a basement dweller but the whole topic intrigues me immensely. Feel free to discuss other related threads of basement dwelling discussion.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)22:47:25 No.2503953
    It's not hard to order groceries, haven't you ever played the Sims?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)22:47:42 No.2503955
    i am on weekends.
    during the week i am forced to go to class.
    come friday until monday.
    i basically dont leave my room in a basement apartment. aslong as you're stalked up for awhile you're fine. also, i dont work and live from my student loan

    and if you're really hating going outside, anything can be bought online and delivered.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)22:54:09 No.2504022
    I'm happily not a basement dweller, I have a life... and more importantly, my computer is above ground.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)22:55:19 No.2504029
    I've evolved into a building dweller. I work and live in the same building (it has offices/appartments in the same building down town). After I buy groceries I can go weeks without leaving the building. I think I almost went a month when I started ordering food. Mmmmmmmm lazy.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)22:58:15 No.2504060
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    all photos of basement dwellers appreciated in this thread

    I am looking to start a collection, sort of.

    not op
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)22:59:21 No.2504076

    and their dwellings
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)23:00:02 No.2504086
    I sit cross legged on this chair staring at my computer monitors every waking second of the day.
    I have lightshade blinds so not a photon of light gets in or out of this room.
    I have a minifridge that I restock on my rare expeditions to the kitchen.
    My television is bolted to the ceiling above my bed (best idea I ever had)
    I work from home.
    I'm reasonably happy.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)23:03:24 No.2504110

    I once went a week without leaving my house. I lived off whatever food was in my house. Lucky for me, I buy in bulk and vacuum seal and freeze food.
    >> Pizza !rWNBkCs4.2 12/20/08(Sat)23:04:01 No.2504119
    Weekends, I usually stay inside and do nothing, but weekdays is when I get shit done and go to class.

    Not really a basement dweller, but I get everything done in as few outings as possible
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)23:05:56 No.2504140
    Haven't stepped out of the house in two weeks. Mum does everything for me.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)23:07:13 No.2504151
    I've easily gone more than a month without going outside. There's nothing out there for me any more. Enablers FTW. :)
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)23:07:59 No.2504161
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    hey there sexy
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)23:08:27 No.2504168
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    this kind of works...
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)23:21:45 No.2504287

    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)23:23:40 No.2504309
    I haven't gone out for a few days, but the longest I've been inside, is around 3-4 months.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)23:31:56 No.2504400
    Unless I need to go out, I'm usually on the second floor of my house on the internet. The only things I need to get out for are class or if I go someplace with my mom because I want to get out of the house for a bit. It's winter vacation now, so most days will be spent inside one the computer in my PJ's. I do shower though and change my PJ's since I don't want to be a smelly neckbeard. When I have classes, weekends are usually spent inside for 3 days unless I have to go out to do one very specific thing. Otherwise, I have no life.

    I know, truly pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:10:03 No.2508047
    OP bump for some more responses.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:17:04 No.2508095
    When I finished high school I started playing online poker. Dropped out of college after 3 months because I was making so much cash online.

    Now I don't play poker anymore - I play the stock market.. requires less time spent (maybe 1 hour every day). My parents are still giving me about 300Euro every month, but I make enough of my one for the rent and hot meal delivery twice a day.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:18:31 No.2508102
    Yeah forgot to mention that I didn't leave my house since 25. June 2008 (was my birthday).
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:21:43 No.2508127
    I've become a basement dweller of sorts. I do, however, have friends and a full time job, so that might disqualify me I suppose. I go several days at a time without even seeing my family - I wake up, shower, and go straight to work... I usually don't eat until midnight or so after my parents have gone to bed. They don't like this at all.

    With that said...

    Working retail full time for the past couple years and living with the parentals at age 22 has given me ample motivation to go back to school and work my ass off. Currently enrolled and looking for apts on craigslist. Wooo! Next challenge is to avoid simply trading here for there and school for work. I need a lifestyle change.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:24:21 No.2508141
    That is fucking vile.....

    I sometimes don''t leave the house during the weekend, but that's more for lack of money than because I don't want to. During the week I go to uni and hang out with friends and stuff. Fucking January exams and christmas present buying are seriously limitting my opportunities to go out and have fun this break ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:26:54 No.2508157
    Not a basement dweller, since we don't have a basement. But in my bedroom I have a sofa, TV, bed, consoles, DVD player and my PC. The bathroom is just opposite and the kitchen isn't far.

    I go to college and socialise but rarely leave the house otherwise. I went out on Friday to the shopping centre and tomorrow I'm going to a restaurant, but this is not normal. I'm a shut in. I have about 2 friends.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:27:20 No.2508160
    Any attic dwellers here? I've been in my attic for around 6 months (since graduation). I planned on working and flying to Europe with friends so I could lose my virginity to some swedish party girl in Cyprus, but I've sat in my chair ever since. I didn't even go to my prom, instead staying to play Oblivion, the friends went without me, my budget is still mum-dependent.

    But this is all about to change, for on the seventh of January I'm off to the army. I'm going to miss my attic.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:27:25 No.2508161
    I stay in my room all day apart from to get food. I also keep the curtains closed to stop people seeing me fap and to keep the light from shining on my screen.
    I havent been out of the house since monday, not feeling too bad. My parents cant stand staying in the house all day. I quite like basements actually.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:29:02 No.2508166
    How much did you made on Poker ?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:32:34 No.2508179

    Classic stage in a /b/tards evolution to a /k/ommando

    Ive joined the army too, off to sandhurst in 2011 probably. That (OTC) and the odd university lecture are the only thing that gets me out of the house at all.
    What regiment are you going into?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:35:08 No.2508190
    I just now broke a nice 16 days combo of not going outside (except for less than 20 seconds exits, checking the weather / getting the mail).

    I went to buy a few gift for the family, took me like 40 minutes.

    What an adventurous life I have !
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:35:15 No.2508192
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:36:08 No.2508201
    I need a beer.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:37:13 No.2508209
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    This one's pretty bad
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:37:56 No.2508213
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    My favorite one.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:38:21 No.2508217
    Not a basement dweller, I lived in my own apartment on the 10th floor during this, but I was unemployed all last winter. I had enough money to survive on my own and enough bulk food to last a while.
    If going on my balcony counts, then I guess I did leave the apartment a few times a day for a smoke. But I don't count that - I went nearly the entirety of January without leaving my apartment.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:38:45 No.2508221
    At my highest point I was up like 360k Euro. I quit at 210k Euro.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:39:23 No.2508226
    I only leave my house about 3 times a month and thats only to visit my mom and go to the library. I live with my dad and he gets all the groceries and stuff. I have no friends.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:40:51 No.2508239
    Jesus, I thought I could be anti social at times.
    I finished Uni two months ago and don't start my job until January. This three months has been me at my laziest, but I still manage to leave the house every third day or so to see people that exist outside of my neighborhood.

    I'm shouldn't be one to judge, but what the fuck are you doing with your lives? It's not like you even have to spend time with people, just go outside and experience the world or get some god damn fresh air and exercise.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:45:48 No.2508270

    I havent played any sport since the start of the summer, its just so much effort!!
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:47:56 No.2508285
    not much to do in the frigid wastelands of Upstate New York Suburbia..... cept maybe go to the shitty mall
    But I'm just currently "chilling" literally until Uni starts again in Jan 09.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:50:08 No.2508301
    Somewhere in the armored divisions. ALMOST became a pilot but I failed the very last stage of testing, which sucks. Anyway I put tanks as highest on my preferences so I guess that's where I'm going.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:50:55 No.2508307
    cool set-up brah
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:53:32 No.2508326
    I live the house every chance I get
    assuming the chance involves my friends or women
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)10:57:09 No.2508357

    300 euro a month is fucking huge, and you're delusional if you don't think so

    durrr, this thread was directed at people who support themselves
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)11:01:23 No.2508381
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    Alright, Il bite. I dont live above or below ground but Im technically a basement dweller.

    No job
    sleep schedule is off
    yada yada

    I dont feel like a complete loser though because Im fit, not ugly, and I dont play video games any more. I dont even watch tv really. I just get on the computer and read my ass off while downloading all sorts of things then go to sleep and do it all over again.

    The longest time I went without leaving the house: A long time. I dont even know and Im too embarrassed to estimate.

    The last time I left the house: Yesterday. Did 160 mph down the highway past a couple bicycle riders a couple times then went back home and booted up linux.
    >> Ianuam !OVmf8yg7tY 12/21/08(Sun)11:12:24 No.2508456
    Leave the house once every fortnight. Sleep schedule is 'off', Anime/vidya sometimes. Split my time between 'puter and reading.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)11:14:50 No.2508465
    I have to leave every day for work, cept for Sundays.
    Lately I haven't really been hanging out with friends (They're all busy with their studies 'n shit) so every moment of free time is spent inside the house.

    That's all gonna change when I fly over to New Zealand in January tho. :D
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)11:20:53 No.2508494
    I live alone and I usually leave the house about twice a week, once for an appointment with my psych and once to see my family when they come visit.
    When my family are here I usually have them come to the shop with me to buy a weeks worth of food etc and do anything else that needs taking care of.

    I don't work, and usually spend about 12 hours each day on the internet. I try to read but right now I have 0 concentration.
    When I stay inside I just get to stay inside my own world inside my head, I can basically create my own reality. I don't like the world everyone else lives in..so I just choose to live inside my own head.

    The longer I stay inside the worse my anxiety and fear of going outside gets worse. It's a vicious circle.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)11:22:09 No.2508502
    The longer I stay inside the worse my anxiety and fear of going outside gets.

    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)11:25:19 No.2508525
    My longest time inside the house was from about the time I dropped out of college (December '07) to... I dunno, maybe March of '08? I don't think I bathed at all during that time period either.

    Since then, I've been looking for a job with absolutely no luck, but have made sure to get out of the house AT LEAST once a week. I just forced myself into a normalfag sleep schedule too, so despite my laughable chances of getting a job in this economy, things are looking up.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)11:27:28 No.2508544
    I use every real opportunity to stay at home.

    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)11:37:09 No.2508598
    I only leave the appartment to get groceries/booze/tobacco/drugs and college.
    And i have bailed college allot, i just stay in for weeks and drink.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)11:41:39 No.2508627
    Usually I only leave the house once a week, for groceries on Monday. Sometimes I hit a midnight movie on weekends, or go shopping for non food stuff, but not often.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)11:46:51 No.2508659
    I'm not a basement dweller, but i do spend most of my time online in my living room. I have my own apartment and am unemployed for over 2 months now. I look for work every day (i'm still looking in my field... one of these days i'll give up and be a busboy cause i'll need the money) but i've gotten so depressed that I can only leave the house to get coffee, which became a huge undertaking for me... getting out of my pajamas at noon, getting dressed special to walk across the street...

    but i dont need to go anywhere much due to my stocking up habit. i buy lots of meat and freeze it, lots of soy milk, cereal, veggies, etc. i stopped going out for coffee though like 2 days ago. i still havent shit.

    as soon as i get some cash flowing (f/t job hopefully) i'll return to my life of taking photos, writing articles for local papers, chilling with friends, trying to advance my career, and i might take up shooting and jeet kune do as well.

    but for now, i may not leave these 4 rooms for a few more days. no reason.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)11:47:59 No.2508664
    as much as i like indoors, if i don't go out after a day, i tend to feel like crap, even just a half hour stroll, i need to go out once a day, maybe i'm not cut out to be an anon
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)11:49:12 No.2508671
    Go to school monday, thursday. Don't leave house from thursday evening on till monday morning. Love it.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)12:01:04 No.2508750
    When I'm at University I'm very social and go out of the house most days. When I'm at home during the holidays I rarely leave the house, I'm pretty sure I've gone whole summers (3-4 months) without leaving the house. It's good for a while but then you usually get this underlying depression setting in.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)12:06:57 No.2508791
    well, im a wannabee basement dweller. i wish i could get away with being a real one.. but having no rich/stupid parents to support me i gotta have a job. i also go out to buy foods. however, otherwise im in my room (in the basement lolz) on the computer, or playing vidya. i am not ronery. in fact i much prefer being alone to the endless drama and ego bullshit socializing provides. sure you get some benefits, but sex is the main one.. and i can live without that. im not gonna die without it, and im not gonna be miserable either cause i have learned to deal with emotions. i live in the moment, making every single one the best i can make it. i don't whine, cry or complain, i deal with it. thats how i roll, and it works really well. most people wait for someone to save them (jesus, true love, luck etc), which they never will, so they spend their entire lives the helpless child. no thanks.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)12:10:03 No.2508811
    I just got back from walking my dogs...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)12:43:38 No.2509080
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    relates perhaps?

    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)14:14:24 No.2509774

    So beautiful it hurts my soul
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)14:20:31 No.2509821
    Where is the dude with the aluminium hat?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)14:23:47 No.2509858
    I won't be leaving the house until January sometime.
    Hell, after classes are out, I don't leave the dorm.
    I don't socialize. I don't party.
    I don't play WoW either, thank god.
    I just don't live in general, save on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)14:31:50 No.2509922
    I don't want to be in your room.

    In other words:
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)14:43:23 No.2510013
    I still live with parents, no basement.
    I work for the family business, which is located on the exact same lot as our house (50m~ away).

    Other than waking up at noon and going over there for four/five hours every day of the week, I don't leave the house or socialize.
    When I left school, I lost touch with all of my school friends and it sort of just remained that way.
    I'm fine on my own, but around times of the year such as now when it is the most social, I feel the seeping anxiety of knowing that I will most likely spend it alone, on the internet, talking to faceless strangers who mean nothing to me.
    I don't dread speaking to people or anything of that sort as I have to deal face-to-face with others at work.
    I just don't know how to be social or manage friendships.

    The longest stint was after I left school, perhaps two weeks before I was forced out.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)14:49:25 No.2510058
    LOLOL I shat a house out
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)14:57:26 No.2510132


    >> Orbital Underworld !qxN4dreMOs 12/21/08(Sun)14:58:00 No.2510138
    I'm a second-floor dweller.
    I've nearly starved myself due to my social anxiety with going out and getting my shit. I pretty much just internet, vidya, read, and listen to music alone in my room.

    I would love to retire as a millionaire and be some recluse lady, except without the 96 cats and all. Life dream.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)15:00:07 No.2510161
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    Pappa, is that you? Oh, Pappa...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)15:00:59 No.2510167
    Bricks were most definetely shat.

    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)15:01:39 No.2510173
    i am.
    i've gone over a year without leaving the house.

    and, if you lived on your own you could just order your shopping online and have it delivered.
    >> Corneranon 12/21/08(Sun)15:06:01 No.2510210
    I am not a basement dweller for I have a room on the 1st floor! In this room I have four corners. In two corners resides my matress (which lies on the floor). I then position myself in sedentry mode in one corner. This is my corner. I shall only leave my corner for three reasons:
    1. To relieve myself;
    2. To gather food; and
    3. To go to college.

    I shall stay in my corner for most of my Christmas holiday, but, come the fifth, I must bid farewell to my corner for several hours a day, every week day. Pah! What a putrid week shall I be in for!

    But for now, everything is a triffling matter- poppycock!
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)15:16:05 No.2510289
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)18:20:40 No.2511859
    Is it wrong that I'm jealous of the length of time you've gone without leaving the house? I think my record is about 3 weeks.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)18:22:35 No.2511878
    when i'm on vacation from school, I often go days without leaving my house and surfing the interwebs all day

    when i'm at school, however, I party every weekend and have an active social life
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)18:25:30 No.2511905


    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)18:26:55 No.2511916
    no car so got to go buy food every 3 days , and living on 4th floor so no basment , but would do it for 1month++ if I had the means and ends
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)18:27:18 No.2511918
    When I'm oncall, I may work from home for a week or more (constantly working from 9 am until 1 am, then sleeping).

    Apack's Ready Meals are tasty, self heating, don't go bad, and are not that expensive: http://www.readymeal.com/

    I keep a couple of cases on hand, so I don't have to worry about going outside for food.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)18:28:53 No.2511932
    When im at home during the holidays I dont leave my bed except for meal times and maybe go food shopping with my mum. (im a girl)
    I spend my time in bed on the internet and masturbating to that sexual experiences thread :)
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)18:34:12 No.2511989
    I don't leave my house except to go to uni, and I don't know anyone in town or at my school.. and I've lived here for three years. All my friends are on the internet.

    During school breaks, I never leave the house. I usually go my entire summer vacation without leaving the house. I'll get some pics later, my camera's out of batteries and I don't feel like fishing them out of my controller.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)18:38:35 No.2512023
    I probably don't qualify as a basement dweller by virtue of the fact that I have a part-time job and am in college full time, but it's not uncommon for me to spend my entire weekend inside with the blinds shut and whatnot. I'll show up on campus on a Monday and someone will remark about how beautiful/shitty/ect. the weather was all weekend and all I can do is go...uhhh...yeah, it sure was.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)18:43:19 No.2512060
    When I moved into my new apt, I didn't go outside for a week. I left to go for a walk, then came back and stayed for another couple of days before classes started and I have to leave. If I don't need to go anywhere, I don't go outside. Evil fire ball is ruining my skin and dark adapted eyes.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)18:50:18 No.2512109
    I prefer staying indoors when possible. Longest I've gone without going out would probably be 3 weeks or so. I stock up on bottled water and canned soups and don't have to buy food for weeks.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)19:03:23 No.2512202
    >I didn't even go to my prom, instead staying to play Oblivion

    I promised a girl I would take her to the prom, I told her I would pick her up at 8:00pm so we could get some food before we go. And I ended up staying home and playing vidya all day.

    She doesn't speak to me any more, and her mom said she started crying when I wasn't there by 8:45pm, she dressed up perfectly, and her whole family was there waiting for me to ring the doorbell and take her.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)19:18:57 No.2512321

    You're just the worst kind of person.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)19:23:55 No.2512354
    agreed 100%, you're a really big dickhead, that shit is super important to girls
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)19:26:18 No.2512374

    And that means what to me? I can get pussy anytime I want and it need not require fulfilling some teenager's childhood fantasy.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)19:29:27 No.2512408
    it means that you failed to fulfill an obligation that you entered yourself into, thereby directly causing the unhappiness of another person

    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)19:29:41 No.2512411

    Man I've seen goatses, kiddy corpses, an heroes, pedophiles, dead animals, people fucking dead animals and geriatrics having disgusting gay sex.

    But you kind of make me sick.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)19:32:52 No.2512440
    I cannot lie, I laughed quite heartily at this story.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)19:33:54 No.2512454

    This brought me almost to tears, and I'm a male anon and I never had the whole prom fantasy thing and frankly agree that it's silly.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)19:34:00 No.2512455
    You are me, and it is kind of scary.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)19:39:04 No.2512498

    Not the same people, just so you know.


    You're a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)19:44:26 No.2512550
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    l beIieve that's /thread, gentlemen.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:05:39 No.2512719
    >>2512550 No its not

    My basement dwelling began when a girl that I liked said she liked me and I made some dumbass coment to try and look cool that made her cry. Was a complete and total pussy, never apologized, just tried to attract her attention by being a complete shitthead calling the new kid that nobody liked a fag etc. That didnt work, and I later transfered to a diffrent school and had the exact same thing happen to me. Later I figured out that for the entirety of my life I had been a complete asshole to everybody and whenever I had the possibility to be freind to somebody I fucked it up. Have been a loner since.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:16:10 No.2512809

    it's a troll.

    no one on 4chan could get someone to agree to go to prom with them in the first place, and if he did, she'd be relieved he didn't show up, not sad.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:22:48 No.2512862

    well, i don't understand how you'd be jealous.
    my problem is that there's no where to fucking go around here.
    but meh, i'll probably be getting a job in january so my record will be broken.. :P
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:27:28 No.2512915
    I'm starting to see the pattern. All basement dwellers belong in their basements because they're either socially retarded pussies or bigger assholes than Pol Pot.

    This is what happens when humanity breaks with the laws of natural selection. Oh the hubris.
    >> Tao !!eFZ1anCCqZ2 12/21/08(Sun)20:29:51 No.2512928
    I went to prom.

    What is your problem?
    >> A.E.H. 12/21/08(Sun)20:31:31 No.2512944
    done it. Shit sucks. It doesn't change, it gets worst. Enjoy WoW lan parties in the Army guy.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:33:03 No.2512962
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    I just sit at home because there's nothing to do. My friends are useless, all they ever do is work, and they consider that to be enough leaving the house.

    I have plenty of friends at uni, but they all live way too far away from me to visit regularly.

    Life is fucking boring.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:36:39 No.2512995
    What's my problem?

    >I went to prom.

    Get out. You don't belong here.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:42:09 No.2513037
    it still made me cringe. a perfect imitation of the most callous kind of jerk, if it was an imitation.
    >> Tao !!eFZ1anCCqZ2 12/21/08(Sun)20:53:20 No.2513153
    That's not very nice. I can be funny and random too!!

    *fires waffle cannon* ka-WAFFLE!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL XDDDDDD
    >> I AM A PROUD THIRD-FLOOR DWELLER Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)21:29:19 No.2513490
    BASEMENT DWELLERS THINK THEY ARE SO COOL DOING THINGS SUBTERRANEANLY. Trolling and posting and masturbating. Well fuck you I am a dweller by choice! I shut my window shades by choice. You couldn't have sunlight if you wanted, so where's your free will then? I live 30 feet up here and still haven't left in 30 weeks. My parents bring me food twice a day. I only leave my room to shit/piss and get water.I am not a WoW addict, and I don't have a SNES, TV, fleshlight, or a rubber dildo. I don't do drugs, I don't smoke, drink, and I masturbate every other day. I am not a fat fuck. I am not a weaboo. I lurk 4chan, sometimes play video games, and ponder life. Not your stereotypical dweller.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)21:56:00 No.2513747

    I did something similar, this girl at a school dance told me she had been in love with me for a year and asked me to dance. I just sorta walked away with a "Yeah.....that's nice" look on my face and she started crying and I distinctly remember getting the feeling I was being glared at by her friends all night.

    Oh, I use to decline girls asking me out in high school because I was addicted to >insert video game here< and wanted to play them all day.

    I only leave my home for the gym 3 times a week, classes and work, sometimes I joyride my motorcycle at night though since roads are pretty empty late at night. Other then that though, I am basically glued to my computer, I don't socialize both in RL and online because it's boring as fuck most of the time, the exception being 4chan of course.
    >> Anonymous ­ 12/21/08(Sun)21:58:29 No.2513769
    I'd call myself a basement dweller, except that my room is on the top floor. Does that make me a ceiling dweller or what?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:07:44 No.2513848
    My friends always invited me to hang out, and I used to a lot. Then I gradually started to decline, to stay home and play vidya.

    After a while they realized that I was just going to say no and stopped asking all together. They're not my friends anymore; well more like acquaintances.

    The only time I leave my house is when this fat chick who keeps trying to get me drunk and fuck her asks me to go to parties with her
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:25:49 No.2514055

    You're me, minus the fatty part.

    I actually went over to one of their houses today. A while ago my 360 RRoD'd and I was too lazy to get it fixed, and he asked if he could borrow my Rock Band kick pedal for the drums, so I said sure and gave it to him. A couple months later I finally sent in my xbox and got it back, called him up to see if I could get it back and he didn't even recognize my phone number.

    I got that shit back though, now I'm not gonna leave the house for a while since I haven't played the new downloadable songs for Rock Band.
    >> Vanzetti !!N/2mhBhcfAI 12/21/08(Sun)22:33:21 No.2514131
    Attic Dweller here
    I usually only leave the house every couple days. I surround my self with RPG books and make hundreds of charichters I'll never play.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:46:43 No.2514263
    If it weren't for the fact that I'm the only person who can drive, I probably wouldn't leave my apartment much at all. It is a 2nd story apartment, however, so it would be more like upstairs-dweller than basement dweller.

    If I were living alone, however, I probably wouldn't leave my apartment, with the exception of going to get food and maybe going out to occasionally do laundry. I was attending college but had to quit for a year because my depression and anxiety got too bad and I was having panic attacks every day during class. Now, I stay up all night either surfing the internet or playing video games. I sleep almost 12-13 hours a day, but that may be because of the medications I'm on. My boyfriend fixes almost all my meals, aside from snacks or fast food, and it's gotten to the point where I only leave because he begs me to take him out. We haven't done laundry in weeks because I'd rather stay in bed than help them put laundry in the car and go and do it.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:50:50 No.2514302
    ive been inside for 3 days now
    >> Tao !!eFZ1anCCqZ2 12/21/08(Sun)22:51:41 No.2514309
    Holy shit. Depression and anxiety aren't real diseases. GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE HOUSE!
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:54:30 No.2514340
    When I have the means, I will be a basement dweller by choice- I simply don't want to do things for others and live up to any expectations except my own, which are set reasonably high.

    In other words, I'm working towards a degree, but when I get it...you better believe I ain't doing shit all beyond what I have to in the real world.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:57:57 No.2514379
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    Here is a picture of my desk in the basement. Normally, I only whine on /v/ in order to spark ronery threads, or for some sort of self affirmation, but I figured you should see it, as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:59:55 No.2514403

    If there were a way for me to make you live through my daily thoughts, I'd ask you then to tell me that depression and anxiety aren't real diseases. My life has utterly collapsed from these 'non-existant diseases' and I went from someone who had never had problems with depression and coping with stress to someone who can't even leave the house with no known understood trigger. So please, explain to me faggot what the fuck happened to me other than a fucking non-existant disease.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:01:59 No.2514422

    We should combine our basements and RULE THE WORLD.

    ..unless they make us talk to girls over the phone. shitshitshitshitshit
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:03:30 No.2514437
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    Basement dweller here. This is my work area.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:05:07 No.2514451

    Eve is a sweet game...
    >> Tao !!eFZ1anCCqZ2 12/21/08(Sun)23:06:56 No.2514469
    I don't feel like arguing with you, because you will probably never leave your basement before you boyfriend leaves you, but here we are.

    If you think that these things are disease and have messed up your life, can you admit that they controlled your actions? Can you say "I have no free will, as evinced by these diseases?" and then from that can you surmise There is no free will, and then Everything that happens was meant to be?

    Cause then you can embrace Wu Wei, and begin your path to knowledge of Tao. It is only mankind's illusion of free will that hurts mankind.

    peace be with you.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:08:42 No.2514485
    I do not even play it anymore, I have not for YEARS. I do, however, enjoy the desktop.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:12:10 No.2514518

    That works. Giant expanses of space with large machinery flying through them can make for a sweet image.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:14:47 No.2514539
    It depends. Often I need to go out to do shit on the weekends, and I go to work Monday - Friday. It's kind of a rare occurence, actually. I sit in my PJs for the entire time though.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:31:35 No.2514688
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    I actually have a normal job. I'm a salesman. I'm great at talking to people and selling them shit, it's just that in social situations I usually find people too fucking boring and don't say anything. So when I'm not working I just stay on 4chan and watch animu. I also live in my parents basement. The only times I go out is because I don't want my parents to be worried about me. Often I go to coffee shops and sit there browsing 4chan like I was at home. Or I get drunk and wander around in the mall or read books at Barnes and Nobles. I enjoy being in a big crowd of people knowing that none of them notice me. I feel invisible, whereas when I'm alone in my room I feel kind of exposed sometimes.

    Picture is not me but probably will be in 10 years.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:34:36 No.2514718
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    Also this one hasn't been posted yet, but it is a classic.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:38:30 No.2514762
    Occasionally I consider myself a basement dweller, but I doubt I really fit the criteria. I live with my parents, in their basement, which was my brother's room before he moved out. I'm not fed by them and I don't order delivery; I make my own meals. I go out nearly every day. While I don't have a job(although this is subject to change within the next month), I do volunteer work. I have a lot of appointments I have to keep up with that get me out of the house. I also have a bit of a social life. I don't hit the bars much since I don't have the money to taxi home very often, but I hang out with friends at least once a week. Last night I met someone and went to a movie. During the week I spent a couple of days goofing off with a bunch of friends.

    I'm not fat or skinny, I have good hygiene, I work out a bit, I can dress myself. I also play JRPGs(among other things), read a lot, and post on 4chan in the middle of the night. I don't fap a lot and while there are a few anime I like I can't say I've watched any in the last five months.

    Occasionally I don't go out for a day or two, but that's usually due to horrible weather. Motherfuckng snow. I went out for Lebanese food with my family today and when we went to get the car at the end of the night there were huge fucking snowdrifts pooling up everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:42:42 No.2514808
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    ok heres my basment
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:09:47 No.2515085

    Pretty much the epitome I would say.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:23:53 No.2515225
    Unemployed, and not attending school. Spent a month w/o leaving the apartment and only rarely leaving my room for food and such. I live with my mother and she pays for everything while I sit around doing nothing.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)08:37:19 No.2518291
    Another bump, I'm sure there are still lots of contributions to be had.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)08:45:28 No.2518332

    why? you like that?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)08:56:25 No.2518387
    I dwell in my room. It's messy. I have no life. Meh. Want to an hero but need gun. No guns here.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:08:51 No.2518465
    fuck, this is really amazing. i mean, i spent a day without leaving my apartment when i was studying for finals, but apart from that i dont understand how you can stay inside for days at a time, let alone weeks. dont you get really depressed without any contact with the outside world? i know i would be atleast.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:13:07 No.2518485
    Currently living with parents, so i don't have to worry about food. Just occasionally leave my room to steal some of it, it's all good. My personal record so far is a week without stepping outside the house and talking to anyone outside of my family.

    Hopefully at the beginning of next year i can end it all and move out.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:14:24 No.2518493
    I went to the liquor store. I bought booze.

    I then spent every day cooking complicated meals, with as many from scratch ingredients as possible. I played video games. I drank.

    I drank alot.

    I kept on drinking.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:19:51 No.2518513
    A month without leaving is normal... Always had problems connecting with people, got much worse as I ended up living in a strange city, then later a strange country where I didn't speak the language.
    After that I moved back to the US, but am worse than ever. Looking at my behavior I realize I am a freak who seems like a total psychopath. Can't talk to people well, can't look at people most of the time...
    What the hell, this behavior is totally illogical. I wasn't like this in highschool, even though I was shy I had some friends and two girlfriends over the years... What happened? I can't pin point it, but I can't seem to fix it either.
    I'm fairly good looking, in shape, I don't think badly of people... Well sooner or later it will all be over, and at this rate, thank god for that.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:19:51 No.2518514
    >>2518485 here

    OP, basically, i don't see what intrigues you about us basement dwellers. We're ultimately incredibly depressed people, who lead meaningless and empty lives. We realise this and hide from our failures through the use of computers. Most of us will probably commit suicide successfully by the age of 30. There is nothing intriguing about that. We are just a sad small demographic of society that contributes nothing and is completely insignificant.

    Our lives aren't the fun freeloading adventures they are made out to be. We are all miserable.

    It probably doesn't help i'm drunk right now. And crying, slightly.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:26:29 No.2518544
    I'm intrigued because I feel like I have a lot in common with basement dwellers, I do actually get out of the house, meet people, though I have quite a lot of social anxiety and I do spend a few days without leaving the house sometimes (I haven't been outside since Friday night). I'm not ultimately depressed or anything like that, but sometimes it gets to me.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:29:56 No.2518558
    Cheer up, OP. There may still be some hope in this world for you. Life might not be great, but there are plenty of reasons to keep on living, provided you can find them (lol, optimism).
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:38:29 No.2518609

    I wish I could give you a hug ;_;

    I haven't had an actual conversation with anyone who isn't an immediate member of my family in over four years. I've been trying to get out more lately...but it's hard to find the energy anymore. I hate everything about who I am so I guess this is my way of punishing myself.

    I'm obscenely unattractive, am chubby (used to be fat and steadily losing weight due to barely eating anything anymore). I live at home, am unsuccessfully looking for a job (I can't even get an interview), what little I have saved up goes towards my share of the food/electricity/water that I use up every month wasting away in my room.

    I haven't left the house in a month. I think the longest I went without going outside was 6 months when I was homeschooled in high school. I only broke the chain by going out for a walk with my dog.

    That said, basement dwellers (and the basement dwellers at heart who only go outside to work and get food), is an interesting subject, being that they ARE such a minority in the world. It's interesting to examine the paths that bring people to live their lives in such an extreme (and it can very well be considered an extreme) manner.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:40:00 No.2518618
    I am a major shut in, hikki, recluse... whatever you want to call it. Month without going outside except for work. Don't talk to people at work, or even look at them hardly. Phobic of doing so. Always been since a child, keep trying to change, but difficult. People don't really want to talk to me now that I've established myself as a freak...
    I don't hate people, don't think I'm better than anyone, or even worse except for lack of social skills... I would never cause trouble for anyone on purpose... I just am so afraid. I just want to die. Always got very good grades in school, could have done good things, but I am so deathly afraid of other humans...
    It makes no sense. WHAT about people am I afraid of? Nothing that I can articulate.
    Maybe I am brain damaged in some way that only affects social skills, as much as I try, I can't seem to get better.

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