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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229791382.jpg-(388 KB, 1325x958, life.jpg)
    388 KB Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)11:43:02 No.2498725  
    Time for a life tips thread.

    Do all of your assignments as soon as they're assigned, don't wait until the week before or hours before they are due.

    Eat healthy, you'll feel and look better.

    Clean and organize your shit. It will help you work better and more efficiently, and it will promote a better overall appearance for you.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)11:45:07 No.2498743
    acne is not directly caused by diet
    don't scrimp on chocolate or french fries just because
    you're breaking out all over your face
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)11:47:48 No.2498761
    A healthy-er diet certainly doesn't hurt though. Wash your face, it gets rid of the oils that cause acne
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)11:48:56 No.2498768
    TIP: don't use the word healthy when what you really mean is "healthful"
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)11:49:32 No.2498772
    yes, whatever

    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)11:54:10 No.2498798
    Always strive to better yourself
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)11:56:15 No.2498819
    Don't hang out with schizophrenics
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)11:57:41 No.2498831
    don't do what other people advise, you're the best person for deciding what is the correct course of action
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)11:58:52 No.2498843
    Don't take advice from an anonymous inter bo-

    oh shit..

    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)11:59:20 No.2498849
    itt: common sense.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:00:06 No.2498853
    most humans are allergic to fire
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:00:07 No.2498854
    ITT: Anon opens a fortune cookie and posts his result.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:02:15 No.2498869

    i didnt loI
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:03:52 No.2498882
    Change your pillow cases regularly.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:04:47 No.2498889
    the difference between your and you're could be the
    difference between life and death
    learn to use it wisely
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:07:06 No.2498909
    your balls go in too inside the vagina
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:12:38 No.2498951
    in Soviet America, the niggers hate you!
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:13:28 No.2498954
         File :1229793208.jpg-(23 KB, 706x303, iamthebest.jpg)
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    When going to bed, say goodnight.
    Never say Badnight.
    Ask /x/ to see what happens.
    True story, pals.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:14:25 No.2498961
    tell the story here brah
    i'm not going to that pathetic excuse for a board
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:15:16 No.2498964
    for freshman college students:

    scholar.google.com to look up journal articles
    read abstracts of journal articles
    now you can add 59038043 references and impress your bullshit english 101 professor
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:16:47 No.2498973
    Goodnight, pals.

    Never piss into the wind!
    That goes for you too ladies.
    Aim low.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:27:09 No.2499016
         File :1229794029.jpg-(13 KB, 407x405, advicedog.jpg)
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    o hai guise, wuts goin on har?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:30:24 No.2499033
    On trying to get women

    - * ALWAYS make the first move, do not wait for them to do it (of course try and time the first move right of course).

    - * Regret hurts a FUCKLOAD more than rejection...just remember that amici.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:31:21 No.2499041
         File :1229794281.jpg-(114 KB, 600x403, Ship Breaking 03.jpg)
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    Here's a life tip, be glad you aren't a Ship Breaker.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:31:22 No.2499042
    Speak to her. She won't come to you first.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:32:46 No.2499055
    healthful is not a word
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:33:52 No.2499062
    said the illiterate retard
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:37:10 No.2499087
    healthful- beneficial to health of body or mind
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:39:12 No.2499110
    Good things do not come to those who wait. Remember that timing IS important, but if you want something, go for. Don't procrastinate or except better things to come your way. You want that job? Print out that resume and hand it in. You want a date? Pop on PlentyofFish and grab the girl you want. You hungry? Order a goddamn pizza.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)12:51:04 No.2499166
    You won't be young forever. Stop playing fucking WOW and browsing goddamn 4chan and get outside and do better shit!

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