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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229783956.jpg-(236 KB, 500x1214, 1229255509.jpg)
    236 KB Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)09:39:16 No.2498234  
    Why are Americans so FAT?
    >> Pretentious. You proletarians make me sick! A fine tripfag of European descent. !nzcH8FLamA 12/20/08(Sat)09:45:11 No.2498252
    because amerikkka is pig etc...
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)09:47:45 No.2498260
    I think research should be done to find the correlation between stupidity and fatness. I bet the dumber the person, the fatter they are.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)10:13:45 No.2498378
    I could see where you're coming from.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)10:19:28 No.2498406
    The cheapest food you can buy here has high calorie/sodium content. The easiest (read: least work intensive) food you can buy here is very fattening, but low on useful nutrients.

    "Eating out" is a social norm and it's considered unusual not to. Most restaurants do not cook healthy food.

    Result: people get fat
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)10:21:31 No.2498411
    But it isn't exactly an exclusive trend. Because i am sure some of dumbest are the most attractive.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)10:21:45 No.2498412
    Oh, right, corrolary: Restaurants also provide large serving sizes due to readily available cheap (read: unhealthy, fattening) foods. Restaurants that provide more food considered better, becomes the norm.

    Result: people get fatter
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)10:24:06 No.2498419
    massive corn subsidies
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)10:24:25 No.2498421
    Fat food is much more easily accessible. Poorer people cannot afford good food and even if they could, often live too far away from a place that sells these things. If you are poor, eating healthy is not the #1 concern
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)10:33:41 No.2498448
    Now, I live in yurop and while I'm thin I'm recognized for eating a fuckton of food - two or three portions a meal.

    When I went to America, and got set up in the hotel, I ordered room service - a club sandwich and a new york steak - no biggie - the asian operator told me "sir, that's a lot of food" and I said it was for two (it wasn't but yeah).


    And in Burger King, I can eat a lot more for 5 bucks than what I get for for around 20 in where I live.

    While I have a general dislike of most americans due to their indoctrinated retarded right-wing thought, that made me seriously consider living in america.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)10:35:48 No.2498457
    you sick fucks! Poor people from other parts of the world scrapes off the small bits of rice they can find on the ground!

    Makes you think of your definition of poor doesn't it?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)10:37:02 No.2498462
    Because you've deluded yourself into believing so.
    >> Mohey Pori !m0hEY/p0RI 12/20/08(Sat)10:37:23 No.2498466
    I hope you didn't though. Even though it sounds like a dream, your better off.

    America 100% sucks because of the whole fat issue, and because we make so much money on these poor saps, once with the fatty foods, and then every single failed weight loss plan, it's a problem we're not to see end in sight.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)10:44:36 No.2498497
    1) Convenience: The cheapest and easiest to make foods are usually the least healthy. Americans, always pressed for time because of work or American Idol, are drawn to cheap, quick, and easy.
    2) Portion size: It's greatly inflated over the past few decades because restaurants know how to make their food cheap and tasty. The more food on your plate, the better the perceived value and the more likely you'll return for repeat business.
    3) Lax food regulations. Although the FDA has taken some steps to remove the biggest offenders of food, opponents of regulation say that the information is right there on the package and people should be able to make their own decisions. What they forget is that people do not always read the labels or know what's bad for them, unhealthy food is cheaper and contains many sweeteners and preservatives, and healthier choices may not even be stocked or available.
    4) Sedentary lifestyle. America's only workout is the walk from the car to work or the mall. Our car-centric sprawling lifestyle and shift to service/white-collar jobs has made us move less and less.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)10:49:01 No.2498515
    No, dumbass. Other parts of the world are different and we are not talking about people living on the street
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)10:59:11 No.2498554

    American portions are bigger, but not by that much. A 16oz medium fountain drink at McDonalds is about the same size as our large over here. Another thing to take into account is how Americans don't do courses. Maybe a sunday meal for them would be a thick slice of beef roast, with potatoes, mushrooms and carrots. That'll all go on one plate and look like a lot, but here in France my family will have bread and cheese, coffee, salad and a hearty soup for dinner which all comes in separate courses but amounts to about the same if not more than the American dish.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)10:59:25 No.2498556
    Makes me feel proud do be the one American who tries to walk places. As long as it's under 2-3 miles i'll walk there.

    Regardless, even though i'm out walking at least an hour a day or so, and trying to eat as little crap food as i can, i still never lose any weight. While this may not seem like doing much, i used to sit on my ass all day and eat a shit ton of terrible food, and not gain or lose anything either. Bah, my body just sucks i think.

    But yeah, American portions can be gigantic, and most of the cheapest stuff is the worst.

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