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So, /r9k/, where did this creep go?
The school I believe the girl goes to is Dreher High School. (http://dreher.richlandone.org)
The email for the dean of students is dbrooks@richlandone.org
And this should be proof enough to incite reasonable suspicion for the girl's safety with a screencap of the old thread.

Which of you gentlemen wishes to send the email?
Holy shit I was wondering about this. I was the guy that posted the regex exif info telling the op he should probably remove it before posting and he removed the thread soon afterwards.
i sense good things coming soon itt


oh god, well played.
wunderbar, that's my new favorite site.
Dreher High School only has proximity to the (supposed) location of the OP of that thread. No idea if that's actually her high school and if it's not we'd look like idiots trying to alert them.
ITT: some robot becomes more of a social pariah.
loooool oh god, now all we need is the guy with derrida's fb friends to send them caps of >>2495166
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Full thread screen cap. Sorry for my shitty font rendering.
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here is the name tag, someone could try to decipher it
joke's on you, that was OP's bedroom
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First image posted

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Other image.
Columbia, SC 29212, USA is where the exif leads to.


you guys are fucking assholes

this isn't /b/ we're supposed to stick together not fucking rat eachother out

obviously this guy might need some help but I mean fuck we're seriously going to fuck him up for trusting us?

you all disgust me

>this is why we can't have nice things
fuck you
leaving exif is the mark of an amateur
Doing shit like this isn't specific to /b/

This has been a 4chan thing and always has been.

And honestly, /r9k/ is a shitty enough board that I seriously laugh if you mention the notion of some sort of bond between all of us.
its not like they have any names or anything
no one can do shit
I've got both open. :P
Japanese Lettuce Hardcore is a r9k celebrity. I could be too if I became a tripfag and started posting 10x more.

Doesnt know how to link cross board.
>Typical /b/tard

My bad for think that robots had somewhat of a bond, I mean shit isn't what this board is for, all the actual rejects to have a place to go with all the other rejects, shit.

I mean shit whats with all the normalfaggotry and shit, go to facebook if you care about a guy sniffing 15 year old panties why the fuck do you care enough to try to track him down
The browser I'm using doesn't copy the www. and I forgot to put it in. My bad.
>implying a true brother won't point out the shit you're doing wrong
You guys are all sad.

This isn't thread related, but I thought I should tell you get a life.
keep trying faggot, go back to >>>/b/
Not all the panty sniffers get tracked down. Only the dumb ones who leave enough evidence to get themselves doxxed, like EXIF data or posting images saved from Facebook.

/r9k/ is /r9k/. It has never been a haven for rejects, it was a gentleman's board of originality, which, in its second incarnation, became a den of whiny people who like to take huge misogynistic dumps on other people.
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>calling /b/ assholes
>welcome to /b/
had this happen to me.
luckily (as far as i know) the girl never found out.
>posted images of a chick i took from her computer
>had blacked info from her credit card
>/g/ posted her myspace link
> i had her myspace password
>lurked for a week but never saw a message
thanks /g/

dont do stupid shit on /b/ or they will use it against you.
>you guys are fucking assholes
pointing out the obvious
Lol, I grew up in Columbia. Live thousands of miles away now. Fuck it's hot there.
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Well, that's not gonna help..
>implying there was ever some sort of obligation to not fuck idiots over just because we all posted on an imageboard at a given time
you are the worst type of newfag
Well, this is a turn of events. I wonder what's going to happen between OP and that family next.
b-b-b-but you shouldnt talk like that cause we are internet bros.
you should tell that anon sorry.
K or R.
I think it is Kaitlyn
sure OP could have been a brother and friend, but he is clearly amateur grade leaving exif data, a real neckbeard sociopath would known better
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I suck

looks liek Rachel, or something

We must bring justice to this girl, and OP must burn for stealing panties
was JLH trolling or does she seriously not understand why (most) men like to smell girls' panties?
What's the second name ? Any guesses ? I'm so fucking close
I'm a man and I still don't understand what's so great about it either.

I do not understand, it's just really weird,

I don't get it either. Doesn't make much sense to me.
oh, so we're all ok with JLH being a little retarded.. nvm me
Not a big fan of smelling girls underwear here either.
i'm with the /b thread. i think OP may have taken a picture of his sisters room, trolled with fake exif data. everybody knows about exif.
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Enhance image by 100%!
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Don't knock it, till you're so horny you can't think straight.
Looks like he'll be able to steal panties...in prison.

well, that's it for me. goodbye robots.

seriously, even if you personally are so far away from your natural reproduction default setting with your senses that you do not find anything appealing about the things that _should_ be appealing to you (hello, vagina is the goal of any male (procreation, heard of it?), the smell should get you an instant boner, given you're both a fortunate genetic match) that's okay with me!

but if you honestly, honestly do not even understand the concept behind it, then I truly feel sorry for you.
little hint: chemicals (our smell) is a language which we subconsciously understand and send signals with.

>tfw girl so I am not born with what ever you are talking about

I even asked in the thread, if that dude would get off to clean panties, and he said yes

So what's the point? Clean panties, no smell, no nothing

Creeps gonna creep
Im op of the thread. Listen. I lured about the whole thing. I'm a 15 year old girl. I was staying at a friends house and I got bored so I made up some story and posted some pics of her room. I know it was so stupid. please stop. Please. I would die if anybody found out what I did.
This whole thread is pretty disturbing.

Just saying.

Although this suddenly makes me wonder if I could make a fortune off buying hot panties and then wearing them before selling them?

But seriously, dudes. Why are we making such a big deal out of this? Fake exifs and all.
I could kinda understand the smell of a girl's skin but of used panties? Nope.

It's just different turn ons for some males. I'm pretty sure there are weird females with sexual ones too.
>not masturbating with your boyfriend's shirt draped over your face
We must dox this bitch.
post another pic of the room then, with timestamp
Stupid question;

What is EXIF, and how did it track OP?
Please stop. I'm shaking right now. If anybody finds out I'll die.
>Although this suddenly makes me wonder if I could make a fortune off buying hot panties and then wearing them before selling them?

There are actually women who make a good bit of money off doing exactly this.

The smell thing I can kinda understand, but I also know that not all women have the best of hygiene down there, as evidenced from the shit stains I've seen on my sister's underwear. I don't think I'd want to put my nose anywhere near that, especially unwashed. And wouldn't clean panties have no smell at all? That makes the least amount of sense to me.

You need the crime show software
Legion reporting in

We are on it and going to get dox


post a pic + timestamp of room pls


I knew a girl from work that used to wear thongs for like a day and leave stains in them, and sell them on to some market place, never really asked or anything about it, and also sold popcicles she stuck in her cooter,

Weird shit

You DO realize what part of the internet you're on, right?


How could you be *this* stupid? One femanon to another (and to all other anons out there), you don't do this shit on 4chan. It'll come back to bite you. Hard.
>Inb4 OP is discovered and anheros

Sorry OP. People are gonna consider this paedophilia. Once it gets out, you're fucked.

You can only hope now that the internet rage machine tires, lest your identity is found.

I know that feel though. I whiteknighted a dox victim with a Facebook message. Some anon posted a link that went to my account. It was a joke link, goes to whatever account you're logged into, but I couldn't stop shaking, scared that I had been found and would get attacked. So I sympathize a bit.
>believing some random anon's post
Oh, that explains it
where does one obtain said popsicles? hope they are strawrberry.
Property INFO:







I can post a picture tonight. With time stamp. Just wait.

Okay. That is some weird shit.

I'll keep that in mind if I ever find myself in need of money that badly. But seriously...
Someone e-mail the school all of this.

I have found u! ;D
As if you had never wanted to smell a guy's underwear.
It's information included with the photo that has stuff like the exposure settings of the camera and for some reason on cell phones gps data of where it was taken.

On the off-chance that particular anon is telling the truth, yeah.

But of course, I forget, compassion is wasted on here.

>looking at your sisters panties

Shame on you!


I dunno, never asked, disgusting thought really
Toasting in epic bread.

>withump known
Maybe like O'Hara or Osaka? I see some possible a's
I'm begging you
jesus /r9k/


have we really become so inundated by moralfags and normalfags that this is a thing that you are going to do



No, to be honest, I never have.
You must be new to 4chan.

counter bump
We found you, you sick fucker.


Also, begging isn't doing anything, except fuelling us. Best to do is unplug your computer, lay low for a few days.
Please, stop. I have paypal.
you do realize you are essentially doing something that goons did years ago

i mean, it corresponds so closely that i doubt this is genuine

for fuck's sake

>Doing everyone's laundry in the house because everyone else is too lazy to do it
>NOT seeing everything whether you wanted to or not

That's just stupid...

If you upload the picture onto your computer and post it, it's still there? Or do you have to go so far as to take a screenie of the picture and save that in order to get rid of it?


Apparently. I am so not on board with this. I'm hoping the people on here are trolling OP, and not seriously planning to do this.
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Look, I'm really tired of newtards acting like clueless fucks.

This is really, really, really basic computar detective stuff. Stop acting like you've found a smoking gun.
We found you. Deal with it. Your fucked.
...Even BEFORE normalfags we've done shit like this. Like I've said, it has nothing to do with what you've done, it has everything to do with how much you've exposed yourself to 4chan. Doxxing has always been 4chan's favorite pastime.
Saving the picture through paint will remove the data.
you're just attracted to your sister, admitting it is the first step
genetic sexual attraction is normal in some individuals
ITT /r9k/ getting played like fucking chumps
I just called her and told her. she says its okay and we'll talk about it when I get there
Also nice profile pic you faggot.

If you're logged into your FB, it automatically goes to your profile.

4chan hasn't found you. Relax.
Oh no, a "creep". The fuck is wrong with you people, are you a bunch of teenage girls? Leave him alone. The pervert just wants a pair of panties and its not like the girl is 12. She's 15 and has fucked lots of guys.
Sure is moral in here
Whiteknightin errythread
I'm guessing you're the one that posted the pictures. We gonna find you.

motherfucker you are a tripfag and a secure one yet

you don't fucking matter

this thread is an embarrassment, it's ANON IS LEJUN shit
I've seen this before multiple times, my heart still skips a beat.

For the lulz?

(Because if you're stupid enough to expose yourself on here... well...)

It looks like Rachel to me.
>not knowing your fb id by heart
I used to support all these raids and shit.

Then I turned 13.

yeah, who the fuck is still doing that shit at 13
> this thread is an embarrassment, it's ANON IS LEJUN shit

I'm too new here to have seen it with my own eyes, but I think I know what you're talking about.

But still-- isn't most of anon composed of script kiddies with a few *real* hackers?
>implying finding exif data means you're SUPER HAXORZZZ

Sure is newfag.

anon was mostly skiddies and retarded moralfags with a couple guys who knew something

then those guys went over to the FBI and now anon is a nonentity

as for this thread, there's basically no way it's legit, someone's trying to get someone else in trouble

>implying finding exif data means you're SUPER HAXORZZ

What part of 'script kiddies' implies 'SUPER HAXORZZ'?

I get it, this stuff is kindergarten basic practically.
Rachel Waters
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Class: Sophomore (2014)
Positions: L, S, DS, OH
i dont really find shit strange anymore. panties so what, dont really get why someone should go to jail for it, even if its somewhat connected to pedophilia. i mean he has'nt acted on it or anything.
he might get a ticket for stealing though.

also, move to sweden, get 15 year olds
ITT: potatoes, potatoes errwhere
>dude is stupid enough to leave trace amounts of evidence
>Fuck with him a bit

"Nyeerr be nice to the pervert"

I wish my hard drive didn't die, I had a pic of a thread where some kid deleted system 32 on his dad's work computer because /b/ told him it would make the computer run faster. They then convinced him to install windows over it and THEN they told him to take magnets, and rub them on the hard drive... All because it was funny, not because LEEEJUN or whatever but because he was an idiot.
/b/ is all over this now

i give the girls house 15 mins before it's burnt down to a crisp



OH & S masterrace

Forgive my ignorance, but then what about the anonops on twitter?

Property INFO:




Rachel Waters
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Class: Sophomore (2014)
Positions: L, S, DS, OH
Whatever happened to the Golden Rule?

You moralfags who are doxxing would piss your pants if you were the ones being targeted. It's always fun to shit on someone else unless it's you being shitted on, isn't it?

You spineless neckbeards are so illogical. This lack of comradery is the reason why you're friendless failures.
>/b/ 2012
>this isn't /b/ we're supposed to stick together not fucking rat eachother out
>we're supposed together
>This is what 4chan has come to? A bunch of newfags saying we? This is 4chan their is no We or Together. WEe are le legyyyion. go back to 9fag faggot
haha it's turned into a raid on some teenaged girl who's gonna get raped by /b/tards

stay classy /r9k/

I have no words.

Captcha: issaler torture,
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>height 5'3"

womanlet scum

Thanks, dude.

And how do you find the exif data to begin with?
Why do you sound so mad about this? The op was stupid to post the thread in the first place and even more stupid to include gps exif data in the images.
Just use http://regex.info/exif.cgi?

Maybe because he's right?

I'm with anon on this one. Shouldn't be doing this shit.
>Whatever happened to the Golden Rule?
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, what about it?
>You moralfags who are doxxing would piss your pants if you were the ones being targeted. It's always fun to shit on someone else unless it's you being shitted on, isn't it?
Maybe, but the difference here is we didn't post personal info and EXIF data on 4chan for all to see. He deserves everything he gets.
>You spineless neckbeards are so illogical. This lack of comradery is the reason why you're friendless failures.
A true friend wouldn't let you do something potentially dangerous. He'd pull you back, smack you upside the head and say "What the fuck are you thinking?"

because it's fucking lame. it's fucking lame and weak and it makes useless fuckers feel like they're doing something important with their lives. it's bullshit
Property INFO:




Rachel Waters
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Class: Sophomore (2014)
Positions: L, S, DS, OH
So what? You don't need to have any part in it yourself so why do you care?

it draws shitty people in

they see this and they think it's a board for people like them, so they come in and drive everyone else out

this isn't rocket science or anything

Awesome. Thanks!

-runs to try out-

People who snitch out someone in prison get a fucking shank to the back? Do you know why? Because of notions of comradery and loyalty. This is one of the most sacred trusts one has in a community/brotherhood/friendship.

When you betray that trust you're worthless and you deserve yourself to get treaded on.
>comradery and loyalty
AHAHAHAHAHAHA oh god, my fucking sides are moving on their own.. You're either a hilarious as fuck troll or you came her yesterday.
>A true friend wouldn't let you do something potentially dangerous. He'd pull you back, smack you upside the head and say "What the fuck are you thinking?"

If OP had a true friend...
Is anyone actually going to do anything about this?
We should send pizza and if it's not OP then who the fuck gives a shit?

Speaking of trust, this dude is trusted in somebody else's home which he proceeds to perv all over. That's a real life betrayal of trust, not this 4chan brotherhood you speak of.

Fuckin' brilliant.

Send pizza.


And the mystery as to why random pizzas have been showing up at anon's house has been solved.
The guy handed over his right to not be treated with trust and respect when he decided to abuse the trust and respect of others.
He was housesitting for the neighbors.

Dude appears to be 15-year-old sister of the girl whose room was photographed.
Wow you're so edgy and cool. You would shit on anybody. You're a fucking renegade loose cannon!

The funny thing is, the majority of you doxxing neckbeards WOULDN'T do something like this in real life out of fear of reprisal. This veil of anonymity is a shield for your nosy activities and cowardly behavior.

The guy hasn't done anything. And being a pervert, isn't a crime the last time I checked. If it is, I don't know that thought crimes are being enforced now.

You guys are just jumping on this for the bloodletting.

I'll send OP free Thai food

my problem is boys don't wear panties so i can't steal them
>implying it's not both

Privacy? Is that a thing?

No, I wouldn't. I was telling the other anon that if OP had a true friend, this wouldn't have happened.
I meant to quote
All these moralfaggots.

/r9k/ is truely the most beta of peoples.

I kind of doubt its both.
first come the moralfags, then come the feminists, then you can't say anything against furfags or you get banned for speciesism

you know i'm right
no anon, you are the moralfags

No problem.


Being a moralfag = beta?

So basically, being a douchefag = alpha?

Is that your reasoning, r9k?

Being a douche makes you so alpha?

>exposing a breach of trust
This is what betas actually believe. Darkness can't stand the light, faggot
I genuinely want this guy to face the consequences for being an idiot on 4chan and letting dox get out there like he did.
I find the conversation and schaudenfreude to be a bonus

/r9k/ 2012

>i dunno, bronies are kind of w
>reason: forcing your belief system/religious intolerance

>So basically, being a douchefag = alpha?



that is what "alpha" is known to mean, yes
Being a douchebag? Jesus christ anon, get over yourself.

This guy posted wanting to steal panties from a 15 year old girl whose house he was sitting AND he was stupid enough to expose his info whilst doing it. He's getting what's coming to him.
holy shit this thread

>it's not moral to dox a fellow anon!
You sure sound like a woman, faggot.

I genuinely want this guy to face the consequences for being an idiot on 4chan and letting dox get out there like he did.
I find the conversation and schaudenfreude to be a bonus

I actually believe you, disturbingly enough.

I'm already well aware of the fact that being on 4chan is sometimes akin to playing with fire. Any person info you put on here that you can be tracked with, will be. But if this ruin's the OP's life... does that make us any better or worse than the people who've already ruined our lives, in one way or another?
Can some kind robot catch me up on what's going on? I'm completely lost right now.

we're not saying it's not moral we're saying we don't want to start drawing in retarded INTERNET ACTIVIST manchildren

take it to 711chan or something
The Eternal September is upon us.

>What's going on

Everyone's grabbing pitchforks and shitstorming.


I am a woman, so suck it!


Oh, because I thought "alpha" meant active, confident and self-assured and cool. Not douchefag.
>faggot is asked to housesit for neighbors (feed the dogs, change the pool filter, make sure nobody breaks in, etc)
>neighbors leave
>faggot raids 15 yr old girl's room for panties
>posts pics on 4chan
>leaves EXIF data, girl's student ID is in one of the pictures
>zoom and enhance
>it's some 15 yr oldgirl from south carolina
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>Eternal September

My sides.

>a woman

that explains a lot

take your moralfag thread and put it in your pussy and go away
If you're a woman than you understand even better than us that douchefag = alpha = the man you want to fuck.
wait a minute

so this is a teenaged lesbian panty-sniffer pervert girl


what the FUCK /r9k/
Back in my Usenet days, that's what we called the huge influx of teenagers and college students who only knew about Usenet through their schools.
Summer is the new September: 4chan is not school-sponsored, but now that school is out, they have a lot more time to waste.
somebody phoned the number: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0YS03o7Vwjx

It didn't lead to anything and neither will any of this.


why am i not fucking suprised

i bet you're white, too

They see me witching, they be hating, I be hexing.


Sorry, don't fuck douchebags.

I love the sweet nerdy guys too much.


I'll put it there, pull it out, and keep right on going.

Problem, anon?

the fellow robot is one of us. you don't do things like this to one of your own. except here we do, so posting that stuff was pretty stupid of him.

but anyways, it's not really the morals that bug people about this.
>thinks /r9k/ is some club of friends


I know the reference. I just think it's funny.
the issue is not that we're "friends" here, the guy saying that is a troll

the issue is that this shit is like scientology-protest lame and will bring in lame fucks

It's the stupidity, isn't it?

I thought Project Chanology was fucking hilarious.

>i bet you're white, too

Oh, my skin! It burns, it burns!


there's that word again

get the fuck out, go to reddit

imagine how much karma you'd get for this there!


Sorry, no.
His point is that Chanology wasn't about having fun, it was about exposing fraudulent and information-censoring practices

it was about useless people rallying behind something to feel less useless
That's what it became. Not it's original form.

I know that. But there were two ways they could have done it, and they took the path that led to the lulz.

A more mature (if you want to call it that) agenda did not mean an end to the fun. When I look back on the history of project chanology now, it's not like it is when you look at the blackout protest of SOPA-- that was mostly serious and somber. This was full-blown chaos, the kind that makes you grin.
>So, /r9k/, where did this creep go?

Fucking normalfags, you ruined this board.


classic normalfag vocab

>eew this creep did something i don't like

yeah eat shit
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Worry not, brave anons. I shall cure this place of the normalfag plague with delicious crossdessing shota incest femdom.



this board radiations of ex-/b/tards
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second out of question mark. be patient.

this board stinks of ex-/b/tard

grow the fuck up
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your comment was not original
you seem to have mistyped the verification
your comment was not original
you seem to have mistyped the verification
your comment was not original
you seem to have mistyped the verification
your comment was not original
you seem to have mistyped the verification
your comment was not original
you seem to have mistyped the verification
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Please bear with me, the robot is messing up my shit.
ITT: /b/

the inbred roleplay persona of r9k?
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if no one's replying I take it you are fapping.

This thread is an insult to what /r9k/ used to be.


Remember when there were hardly any fags from /b/? And when there were, they acted civilized and not like fucking autists?
I miss those days.
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oh no sister's home i wonder what's gonna hapyn

Sorry, I'm a part of the Eternal September, so no, I don't remember.

But I think I understand.
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Tadaima nii-chan!
shut the fuck up you faggot. you are there trying to defend a creeper pedophile calling us losers? fuck you. you deserve to get your ass beat too.
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My little brother has been wearing my panties? That has to be punished!
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Just wait you little perv!
no in prison you get your fucking ass beat and murdered for being a pedophile, fuck this guy.
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This surely is going to teach you!
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This is going to take a while. I'll do my best to post all of them.
Removing EXIF data is like day 2 stuff. This is like when girls get sad because pictures of them sucking dick end up on the internet. If you don't want it to happen, then don't take pictures, it's really that simple.
you are the pedophile! GET EM
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derp dee doo
anon had a shoe
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Damn negro, those identical integers.

same moralfag
fucking hell why did i have to discover 4chan in the age of edgy underage faggots
"durr durr der is nothing wrong with a grown man taking a 15 year old girls panties and being a perverted pedophile"
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all of dat deliciousness

eat smegma, normalfag.
"moralfag" because you think it's alright for a grown man to take a 15 year old girls panties? you are obviously fucked in the head too if you don't see anything wrong with it.
Looks like the jig is up for OP

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Remember when bad-mouthing art of this quality was a bannable offense? neither do I, but moralfags still need to gb2facebook
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>walk into bedroom
>see this

What do you do?
the pedo and his slimy friends are trying to derail this thread
>mfw the "creep" is posting porn and calling everyone a moralfag
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I know what I would do.

"moralfag" because no one gives a shit about the ethics of sniffing panties around these parts.
Give dry clothes and send to bed.
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>mfw normalfags pretend they are not fapping

honestly there are a lot of more pressing matters you could be whining about then some dumbass sniffing some panties

and if you really wanted to do something then fucking do it, all the information you need is in this thread
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>implying that gown isn't just see-through
you are so pathetic. you deserve to get your ass beat for trying to defend a pedophile, i am personally going to make sure this guy gets in trouble and report him just because of all these people (who i wouldn't doubt is actually the original pedophile) trying to defend him. "durr no one cares that a grown man is sniffing a 15 year old girls panties" yeah maybe idiots like you who are fucked in the head, but to everyone else it, they would want to beat his ass and yours.

i thought of this commercial when it comes to selling used panties.
bad art, does nothing for me. try again faggot.

also, posting porn and calling people names isn't going to stop the "normalfags" from getting you in serious trouble.
Unlike 4chan, the real world doesn't tolerate your kind.
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I am no doctor, but from my experience I'd judge you have an avdanced case of rectal inflammation. I prescibed a daily dose of butt-creme combined with GTFO.
>Unlike 4chan, the real world doesn't tolerate your kind.

You might as well give up, buddy.
Accept your fate.
This is what you get for gloating on 4cham
remember how good it felt when you posted this. "Look guys I get to be around a real 15 year old and sniff her panties, u jelly?"
Now how do you feel faggot hahahahahaha
They don't have a volleyball team page.
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>they still believe I'm the OP
>they still believe normalfags deserve to be tolerated on 4chan
>mfw the authorities come to OPs house.
Instead of posting porn you might wanna wipe your hard drive of that loli.
At least you have the advantage of knowing.

Jus' sayin'.

>not having your loli encrypted
>living in the Evil Empire

jumping jehosaphat what a fag
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we are cleaning up 4chan 1 pedo at a time
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>they still believe I'm the OP

There isn't even anything illegal going on here. Saying you sniff panties is not a felony and neither is posting loli or shota. Summer truly is the worst time of the year.
i've already sent an e-mail to the columbia police department in south carolina and I've saved a frame screen shot of this thread of you talking shit to anyone calling us moralfags trying to defend yourself for being a creepy pedophile. you are such an annoying piece of shit and i hope you get your ass beat over and over, I'll look online for any arrests in the area regarding this and hope to get your name. Then I'll send out the screen shot of this thread showing you talking shit and calling us moralfags for wanting to report you trying to make it sound like you aren't doing anything wrong.
pedo pedo pedo pedo
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By the way, who's saying these children aren't 21 years old? Why do you think roleplaying naked consensual adults are little children? Are you some kind of peedoefile?
sup with this moralfaggotry; sure is summer here.
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>he believes there is only one person on 4chan who has loli on their hard drive
No, saying you sniff panties is not illegal. But doing so is. The police would have enough evidence to look further into it.
Actually loli threads are banned outside of /b/.
And you know people have been prosecuted for owning cartoon child porn, it's not common, but in retard case's like OPs it's a possibility.
enjoy this series, keep 'em coming!
you have no chance to survive make your time
[pedo] pedo pedo pedo [/pedo]
thats actually an excellent point. she is legion.
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i no rite?

>they believe calling people moralfags is illegal

What's with that first ammendment, liberalfags?
can't post

crap toast
if the age of consent is 18 why is it 16

what are you trying to hide from us, MR PRESIDENT?!

also lmafo @ people whining about loli, where the fuck do you niggers literally think you are
>Rachel Waters
>mfw she is a bastard daughter of King Robert Baratheon and a whore from King's Landing
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I don't even enjoy posting these, but I feel it is my duty as someone who still respects 4chan as a haven for social deviants.
i really wish someone could get the IP to this guy. anyone know how to? i remember there was this cam whore showing her tits and this guy keep posting non stop in posts of like 20 lines all caps "WRITE ADAM ON YOUR TITS"
and one guy said i have your IP, it ends in these 3 numbers (he then put the 3 digits), if you don't stop posting I'll post it and the guy stopped posting.
What's the name of this series and where can I find more?
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I see a reduction in moralfag posts. Is my treatment working? Maybe we can restore this board to its former glory by turning it into pedo central, at least for a couple of weeks or so.

This is a really gay thing to do.

There are girls out there actually being raped. You could spend your time being a superhero and saving them.

Instead you stay in your mom's basement sending the partyvan to random perverts who just wanna sniff some panties.

Who hasn't fantasized about that? Who wouldn't steal a hot girl's panties given the opportunity?
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>i really wish someone could get the IP to this guy. anyone know how to?

HAHAHAHA OH WOW can someone please screencap this?
why isn't there more penis in vagina or mutual masturbation or penis in mouth?
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>not turning into a superhero so you can rape them yourself

Find a visual basic programmer. he can write a gui that would be able to do that.
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but that would involve like getting up and not being fat


done and done
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I read shotacon for the plot.

Here's some cock though.
that's better still not enough
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This manga is one of my favorites because I wanted to be the little girl when I was small.
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How about this then?
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The climax is pretty hot by the way.
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Why do you suddenly post so fast?
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>you will never slip out of your school girl uniform in a girl's locker room

You don't know how to screencap?...
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This is extremely hot for me because the school gym is one of the main stages in my sexual fantasies.
Oh my god this is where I live fucking sick.
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My favorite fantasies are those where I am forcefully castrated and turned into a girl for mistakenly being assigned to an all girls gym class.

Of course I do, baka. I am just too busy posting this wonderful stuff.
damnit what is the source on this??????? i must know!
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When the female teacher notices the mistake, she tells me that something has to be done and straps me to a gynecologists chair. After giving me a shot with painkillers she says to the class she'll be back in a minute. All the girls laugh at my little penis and testicles. They pull and twist my penis painfully and squeeze my balls. I barely feel anything but I am still crying.
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The teacher finally comes back with some scissors and a small pill. "This will take a few minutes," she says and cuts off my penis. She presses a tissue on the spot where my dick was to stop the bleeding and inserts the pill in my anus. She removes the tissue and I can watch as my balls recede and form a vagina. Where my penis was grows a clitoris and my breasts turn to petite buds.
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You are a strange, strange little man..
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She unstraps me and all the girls welcome me to my new girlhood in a friendly way. Moments ago they hated me for my genitals but now they accept me as one of them and are eager to give me the ropes and befriend me. My teacher lets me choose some new clothes after class is done, including some really cute dresses and stockings.
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Needless to say it isn't a normal gym class, but the games we play are something for another story.
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Only about 6 images left.
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Is the guy who wanted to see more loli on shota action still here?
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Because I think he'll want to see this.
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Idea: I'll make a fake FB account and have a loli nurse cut my dick off and turn me into a girl.
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penultimate image
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand done. At least this is the last image in my folder. I hope you enjoyed this.
schlicking at the speed of light
The images were hot and all, but the text was what really got me a hardcore whyboner.


Sweet god, it's almost as bad as when I found that vore comic with the frog.
I'm disappointed with the people in this thread, this board used to be where shut ins and social outcasts resided, now I'm seeing faggots trying to ruin a guys life by ratting him out?

Fuck you guys, normalfags ruin everything.
i do and where can i find more??
This day shall be remembered as the day that Anon from the Paedo Isles slew the moralfags with the fabled blade Shot'Ackon.
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It's not the normalfags that are ratting him out.
Actually I think most of the guys doing this would also sniff girls panties. These guys are sad, lonely, and in real life are losers. Omega males. This oppertunity gives them the rare chance to actually have power over another human being and casue hurt. Remember this is the only way they can feel alpha, if only just for a moment. Torment someone else, even if that person is basiclly the same as them. ....sitting behind their computer screens, safe and comfortable.
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fuck off with the 'normalfags' BS

narc'ing out people for lulz isn't anything new

post shit like this on 4chan and you're bound to catch a ride in the party van
> this board used to be where shut ins and social outcasts resided, now I'm seeing faggots trying to ruin a guys life by ratting him out?
it's funny because the same thing would have happened at the dawn of /r9k/

these reverse moralfags sure are confusing
>look at me I read all the ED articles now im an oldfag

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