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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229746230.jpg-(386 KB, 1200x857, Tap_Kids.jpg)
    386 KB Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)23:10:30 No.2494646  
    So, gentlemen, let's discuss out childhood.
    Things to talk about:
    Where you grew up, how was allowance handled, did they buy you lots of stuff, how much freedom did you have (covering lots of topics), and anything else you want to discuss.

    For me, i grew up in Manhattan, upper east side. I was from a pretty privileged family, and i went to one of the oldest schools in America(w00t dutchmen). I had a lot of freedom in my life, parent's really didn't care.
    With allowance, my dad would just fill up my wallet when it got low. I really wouldn't carry more than $40 with me unless i knew i wanted to buy something. I never was frivolous with my money, so my parents trusted me with it.
    I would go out on the weekends and just take a cab home by like 1 or so (senior year whenever the fuck i feel like).

    How did you all grow up?
    Pic unrelated, it's not what childhood is like.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)23:16:13 No.2494703
    kind sir, would you mind gtfoing?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)23:16:40 No.2494711
    Only son, overprotective mother, alcoholic father that wasn't around too much. I lived my childhood with a NES and playing with my cousins.

    Turned up with several Personality dissorders and some social and sexual frustrations.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)23:19:46 No.2494741
    Well this is going to be a happy thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)23:21:47 No.2494766

    Wow, that sounds very similar to me. i grew up in SC, father really wasn't around. I was given little freedom, and they barely paid for shit. Fucking cunts
    >> Anonymous‮‮‮‮‮‬‬‬‬‬ 12/19/08(Fri)23:26:28 No.2494812
    I grew up as one of six in kids in an upper-middle class family in Massachusetts. My dad made more than most of my friends' parents but as most of them were only children I grew up as one of the poorer(Though by no means poor) kids. My parents gave me an allowance of $5 a month when I was 10, but stopped shortly after they started, I usually rooted around in pants pockets at the lost and found. My parents were very restrictive, I wasn't allowed to walk down with my friends to the corner store until I was 13. I wasn't allowed to go to parties in highschool, period. My parents tried to keep a tight leash on me and micromanage my life, which led to me lying to them constantly. They were oddly enough hardcore Democrats and very liberal on most political and social issues, which I've never really understood as it didn't seem to fit their personality.
    >> T3P 12/19/08(Fri)23:36:45 No.2494907
    Only child. Both of my parents are graduate psychologists, but because we live in a shithole 3rd world country we were lower midclass. I was mentally stimulated before birth and learned to read when i was 2 years old. We lived with my grandparents for several years and i had a nearly normal childhood (knew a lot of kids even a few girls (one of whom i danced with in a school dance)), but with a way higher intelligence. It was on a shitty neighborhood and gangs started to appear, so we moved to the other side of town, in a suburban neighborhood where I live to this current day with my parents (inb4 underage ban, etc). I started on a local school (small private school, public system sucks terribly in this shitty country) and had a nice life, until my teachers realized of my intelligence, I corrected them on almost any subject, and disputed some facts on their classes, so they started to make my life impossible.
    Also i started liking a girl, and to have friendships.
    I'll continue in other post
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)23:55:59 No.2495087
    Don't really remember. Only son, good parents. Even know (23), they offer to buy me pretty much anything I want. Oddly enough, this has had the effect off making me tighter with money and I try to avoid asking them for anything other than tuition, board, and books. I'd just as soon take care of it myself, but it would just have taken so much longer.

    When I was little I was diagnosed with the ADHD and they tried to medicate me, which blew up royally in their faces. I guess giving a hyper kid stimulants can bite you in the ass.

    Anyway, since it's just the three of us, there's and odd sense of equality. I don't mean that they're my peers, but they trust me and I trust them, there's no way I'd take advantage of their generosity.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)00:00:52 No.2495127
    *even now

    I swear I'm not retarded.
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 12/20/08(Sat)00:09:52 No.2495207
    I grew up in a suburb in Pennsylvania. I never had an allowance, because I never felt the urge to buy anything besides books. I dont remember any rules being set up for me, because I never did anything that stood any chance of making someone unhappy. Until I was about 8 I refused to eat unless someone gave me permission first. Back when I was like 3 years old I was told never to open the door to the attic, which is in my room. To this day I have never touched it.

    I have never been punished by my parents, or yelled at. I think a big reason for this is that my brother was very problematic growing up, and my parents energy was focused entirely on controlling him.
    >> T3P 12/20/08(Sat)00:11:10 No.2495221
    So, I was at school, and the fucking teachers start to go against me, I get boring and repetitive assignments, such as entire pages of multiplication and division tables (while i was at the level of beginner's algebra), and entire pages of boring and shitty works in english and spanish. That almost killed my interest for school, and destroyed my math loving childhood ;_; (I remember vividly discovering pythagorean with LEGO, and messing with my calculator and learning sine and cosine and exponentials). My parents noticed and decided to change schools, so I went to another nearby school. One of the best years of my life.
    There I learned many things and was recognized, so I skipped 2 grades (3rd and 5th). Then 'primaria' ended and i started Jr. High and High.
    Went to a Big School on the city. I learned my most important lesson there, and it was how to live.

    To continue on other post
    >> T3P 12/20/08(Sat)00:31:38 No.2495433
    Fuck, I am tired, and if this shit is still up tomorrow, I will finish it...
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)00:37:08 No.2495480
    I grew up in a very rich suburb in Michigan. The high school I went to had its own yacht club. My first car was a BMW 5 series. Regarding allowance, I think I first got 5 dollars a week, starting in the 2nd grade. It was up to 10 by the time I was in 5th grade. In middle school I think I got about 6 dollars a day, mostly just to buy snacks and things, and my parents would give me money for bigger stuff whenever I needed it. It was a very relaxed money situation, as far as I can remember. My parents were always keen about trying to get me to learn budgeting, but I've never been very good at it.

    Curfew was also something I don't remember much about. As a freshman, I know I had a midnight rule, but remember my parents being pretty flexible. I was allowed to stay out as late as 12:30 or 1, depending on who was driving that night and when they had to be home.

    By the time I was a senior, had my own car and a job (retail slave, also a lesson my parents wanted me to learn), I was able to come and go as I pleased.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/08(Sat)02:08:39 No.2496154
    Well, story time, I guess. Here's a tale of a life gone fucked-upside-down.
    I was born and raised on the west side Philadelphia, PA. Most of my time was spent in the park or on the playground, generally relaxing or showing off. Until a couple punks started stirring shit up in my part of town. I kicked the shit out of one of them, and my mom suddenly decided that I was better off living with my oreo relatives in Bel Air.
    I tried to convince my mom otherwise for the better part of a month, but she just packed up half of my clothes and NOTHING ELSE, and dumped me at the airport, kissed me in front of everyone, and slapped the damn ticket in my hand. Fuck her, I put my Walkman on and walked like I didn't even know her.
    It was alright, I guess. I got bumped to first class, but it was the only time I've ever been on a plane. They only gave me orange juice, though. I guess they did stupid crap like this all the time where I was going.
    Well, when I got to LAX, there was a security guard or some shit looking for me, so I dipped and ducked into some cab that smelled like someone boiled up a batch of shit and called it curry. I got a ride all the way to my uncle's place, and the rest writes itself.

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