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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229675415.jpg-(337 KB, 600x900, Deer Vs Mountain Lion.jpg)
    337 KB Have you told your parents you loved them? Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:30:15 No.2486735  
    Well, have you? Recently? No matter what, they are still your parents. My father passed away at 11:07 on December 18th, 2008. He was just fine when I saw him hours before.

    I realized, I have not hugged him, nor told him I loved him in two years.

    /r9k/, don't take them for granted. Call your parents. Tell them you love them, and thank them. It might be too late one day, and you'll wish you had.
    >> Dr. God !!k7ks6bCKlgf 12/19/08(Fri)03:35:09 No.2486774
    You are weak. Learn to not regret. You made a decision, can you not stick with it and see it through?

    If you had meant to call him, you would have done it. This is not to say that this situation is your fault, but your feelings about it are.
    >> Tao !!eFZ1anCCqZ2 12/19/08(Fri)03:35:13 No.2486775
    My mother hates me and gave up custody two years ago after CPS removed me from her care. She refuses to talk to me or any of her family.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:37:43 No.2486797
    but I'm scared of having social conversation with them ;-;
    >> Zetto San 12/19/08(Fri)03:38:05 No.2486799
    I live 4 hours away from home when I am at college, and I usually try to call them once a week. Sometimes just to say hey, others when I have questions or something.

    And I usually end it with "Love you, mom/dad."

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