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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229673714.jpg-(161 KB, 1024x768, 0000040708_20070626143429.jpg)
    161 KB Tradespeople. Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:01:54 No.2486466  
    You know what. I am sick and tired of all the universityfags, them and their degrees that will most likely get them nowhere. (I realise that for some of you it does work out, I'm looking at you doctors and engineers)
    Most of you will just dropout and get dead end jobs, some of you will get a degree, but it will prove useless.

    And then we trades people will laugh at you. Yes trades people, Carpenters, Electricians, Plumbers, Mechanics, Millwrights. Fuck even Chefs.

    People who work with their hands and brains on a daily basis. And yes most plumbers are laughing at your for not being able to use a plunger. Most Mechanics are laughing at you for what is really a simple issue with you car that could have been fixed for $50 but now its costing you $200 for time and labour.

    Oh yes as well you are not truly a man until you have been shocked by 650V of live electricity, (feels good man)

    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:10:46 No.2486560
    Fuck Yeah!

    Heavy Machine Op here

    Yeah I drive bulldozers. I could crush Smartcar and not even notice it.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:14:04 No.2486591
    >I could crush Smartcar and not even notice it.

    I don't think those are the brains OP was referring to.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:15:55 No.2486608
    My chef is paid well but he works 12 hours a day six days a week and stresses out a lot.
    >> I have an IQ of 110 !TARDwwOGcE 12/19/08(Fri)03:16:24 No.2486615
    Fuck yes, I'm going to be a mechanic!
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:16:52 No.2486622

    You're right. I wasn't I was referring more to the building trades, where we actually put into practice what engineerfags dream up .

    Its all numbers on a page until a tradesperson gets a hold of it
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:19:23 No.2486641
    Hey, tradesman. I just figured I'd let you know that the average voltage of a static discharge from oh, let's say a door knob, is about 12kV. I guess it's technically not 'live,' but you get the point. Anyone who knew what the fuck they were talking about would have listed a current.

    Just thought I'd share some of them thar EE booklearnins.

    Oh, and just for the record, you guys may laugh at us, but the majority of society takes you for granted. I can go "ooh, look at my shiny degree" and people will go "oh, I'm sure he's qualified to do XYZ." You tell them you're a plumber and they'll assume you're borderline retarded. Though, I do respect tradesmen. Sometimes I even display my asscrack while laying out PCBs as a sort of tribute to the brave plunger monkeys.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:20:46 No.2486658
    Hell some people thrive on stress. And besides it more then likely he dealing with pressures that would crush most people yourself included. Next to being a military member involved with combat arms, a top chef has to be one of the most stressful jobs out there.
    >> Rory !aMT1OzwfeA 12/19/08(Fri)03:22:00 No.2486669
    Carpenterfag here
    Moneys good
    work is always interesting and changing
    Collegefags gtfo I'm making money while you spend mommys and daddies while you go to school
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:24:31 No.2486684
    oh no!
    i am spending all my mommies and daddies.
    >> Mocodity !!2YEB5irtBNf 12/19/08(Fri)03:26:11 No.2486698
    I guess if some people are content to be blue collar then that's great...

    I prefer something more stimulating, at least for now. Because even if I end up an xray technician or a dental assistant, I can still write my book and be content.
    >> Zetto San 12/19/08(Fri)03:27:44 No.2486715
    People of the trade are very important to the back bone of society, and we'd be lost without the sheer manual labor that is provided by tradesmen. Dirty Jobs is the ultimate salute to the men and women who do all the dirty work. However, I want to use my head to help people, and while plumbing is a service that helps us all, there are other needs that require advanced knowledge to really work.

    The tradesman is important, but no more important then everyone else. We all have our parts to play to make this society work.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:31:12 No.2486744
    we are all valuable
    its the mixture of us that makes the world so interesting
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:32:21 No.2486750
    Actually it's your taxes that are paying for my college education. Take that bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:33:34 No.2486761

    Yes but if we lost most of you people and your booklearning society could continue with out to much hindrance. I can see the loss of all the worlds carpenters as affecting things more then if we lost everyone with a business or computer degree.

    Doctors you are welcome, I see you folks as honorary tradespeople anyhow, all that work you do with your hands and such.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:33:40 No.2486762
    tl;dr I was enough current I was blown back 5ft
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:37:15 No.2486791
    I have the feeling you only have your high school degree.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:37:21 No.2486792
    Degrees get you shit more money faster
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:37:25 No.2486793
    this thread is now about electricans, the best fucking trades people because they have to think, doing my third yea of my apprenticeship now, was gonna do more work as a residental for a few year but then move into PLC and maybe complete the full engineering deplomas, also contractors of any type charge outrageously for the easiest stuff.

    also fuck you, dental assistance is on the same level of retartation of a plumber, since its all practical and a xray technician wouldn't have the mental capacity or know how to fix the damn machine if it broke, you would have to hire a blue collar electrician. dumbass
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:37:26 No.2486794
    Unifag here (Majoring in computer hardware engineering) but girlfriend is a plumber.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:38:55 No.2486802

    you obviously don't have any idea what engineers do. we don't exactly call up carpenters to do scale or CAD models. not saying i don't respect the everyday blue collar worker, but you basically wouldn't exist without engineers creating technology for you to fix.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:41:21 No.2486820
    Universityfag here, you know what waiting tables through college made me want to do? Join the USMC, I'm tired of the soft life I want a hard as nails life. Just graduated can't wait to go in... have to get in shape first, should be a fun 3 months.

    Long live the proletariat.
    >> Mocodity !!2YEB5irtBNf 12/19/08(Fri)03:41:43 No.2486824
    I have nothing against tradesmen. My uncle trains electricians at the local school.

    I also have nothing against people who choose practical jobs instead of chasing illusive dreams like dental assistants and xray technicians.

    I am simply keeping my options open for the time being.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:42:33 No.2486837
    enjoy your bullet enema
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:43:00 No.2486840
    Goddamn I wanna be a chef so bad.

    I'm a straight male and cooking is my passion. Will I be laughed at?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:43:59 No.2486848
    All I hope is that you enjoy our job as much as I do. Physical labour seems like it can never be enjoyable guess everyone is different.
    >> Zetto San 12/19/08(Fri)03:44:34 No.2486851

    Well, yes, granted if we lost a few businesses, society at large could still function. But think about it. You lose doctors, who will help the sick? You lose the engineers, who will invest the next breakthroughs in our personal human limits? You lose the musicians, who will tell the tales of the soul or entertain? If you lose the lawyers, who will be your voice in an unjust world? If you lose the scientists, who will understand our world?

    I love tradespeople. I think it's great our society has room for people who don't feel the need of high education. But higher education is there for a reason. Neither can be taken for granted.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:45:39 No.2486858
    This is because most people at university are only good at pretending they aren't retarded/their parents made them do it.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:45:56 No.2486860
    electricians are analogous to Visual Basic while electrical engineers are C++. Both are incredibly useful but you have to remember that one was built from the other so more people can use it.

    Don't need an electrical engineer to fix a broken socket but the motherfucker can manage a power station is all im saying.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:46:01 No.2486861
    Yeah, that's great.
    The toilet is backed up with shit, can you get on that already?
    I'll just be over here, reading my favorite books and getting paid to do it.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:46:37 No.2486863

    Correction some of us wouldn't exist. Granted most of us would have a harder time than normal with out you guys. But back in medieval with masons and carpenters, alot of those guys would start out as a basic laborer and then work their way up to architect.

    tl;dr. Tradespeople can live with out engineers but engineers would be useless without tradespeople
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:47:01 No.2486870
         File :1229676421.jpg-(43 KB, 494x640, 2qd6brp.jpg)
    43 KB
    As a college graduate, I can tell you that OP has a point when he says that degrees will get you nowhere. I have a useless degree and I haven't had a job since I graduated (and I'm a drunkard, too). I'm sure glad that I spent all that money and wasted four years of my life.

    Pic is sexy but not related.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:47:25 No.2486873
    do we lol at italians?

    then no
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:47:43 No.2486875
    the only tradespeople on that list that make as much as someone who didn't major in bullshit are plumbers. And they still get beat out by people who did technical majors or business majors after a few years working.

    Now, if you add the cost of servicing debt to pay for private colleges that changes, but, if you pay to go to a private college that's not in the top 50 you're an idiot.
    >> Mocodity !!2YEB5irtBNf 12/19/08(Fri)03:48:01 No.2486877
    My thing used to be expediting in restaurants so I got to know the chefs and cooks and not a one I ever met was the slightest bit effeminate.

    I wouldn't ever want to do that kind of thing as a career though, nursing a drinking and smoking problem, hot-headed idiot uneducated staff, and the stress of the job itself.

    Though it probably completely depends on the place.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:48:38 No.2486882
    Only by cunts and closet-fags. Remember: Cooking is a survival skill and a delicious one at that.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:49:20 No.2486890

    except nowadays all architectural blueprints have to be approved by a mechanical engineer.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:49:36 No.2486892
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:49:58 No.2486895
    Actually, i'm using my mothers whorisness to get the state to pay for it, even though I have two generations o family to help me.
    I win.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:50:38 No.2486897
    Protip: Gay cooks are as common as snowflakes in June. They happen, but rarely.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:51:55 No.2486907
    from experience most good electrical engineers would not know how to put in a wall plug in a proper time frame, and visa very with general engineer problem
    >> sage goes in all the motherfucking fields Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:53:32 No.2486915
    pissing in an ocean, but here goes

    HAHAHA OP COMPLETELY FAILS AT KNOWING HOW ELECTRICITY WORKS. Static electricity is often millions of volts, and most 3 year olds have been stung at least once. Amperage is the killer. Also, 650V is not an AC standard in any country. Highest I'm aware of is (RMS=240V, AC @ 10A, peak 315V). 650V means jack shit without amperage to back it up.

    Nice try OP, but there's a reason you're not going to university, it's because you're an idiot. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:54:12 No.2486922
    Of course. To do something both fast and well with any consistency requires practice. This is true for everything.
    >> Mocodity !!2YEB5irtBNf 12/19/08(Fri)03:54:56 No.2486928
    This is such a stupid argument.

    I don't know how to raise and slaughter pigs, but that a) doesn't make pig farming a better job than whatever I end up doing, and b) doesn't mean pig farming isn't important. There need to be people at every level doing their jobs well.

    Watching someone go through engineering school is hell right now, so don't think that you can just dismiss all that and no one will notice.
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 12/19/08(Fri)03:57:12 No.2486948

    Ah you beat me to it


    As an EE major right now, busting my ass for a 2.571 GPA ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:57:32 No.2486949
    I don't care what you do. The only people I am jealous of are the people who enjoy what they do. I wish I knew
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:59:08 No.2486960
    It's the volts that jolt and the amps that kill.

    If you don't know this you should never be working with a circuit or piece of electronics you haven't seen before. Also, your education (trade or formal) was deficient.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)03:59:17 No.2486961
    The bottom line here is that soldiers and military folks are better than all of us.
    >> Mocodity !!2YEB5irtBNf 12/19/08(Fri)04:00:08 No.2486968
    I'm convinced it's up there with one of the hardest majors academically.

    BUT AGAIN for any butthurt blue collar faggots, doesn't mean the engineer is better than you or that your work is insignificant.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:00:16 No.2486969

    And you sir fail for assuming OP was talking about household voltages.

    Electrician here, I work with cruise ships. our basic form of electricity is 440V AC @ 100A. OP probably works with something similar. I myself was shocked by our main line once, it hurt like a son of a bitch and thew me back quite aways as well, but it didn't pass through my heart so I am still alive.

    Just so you know I am laughing at the tradespeople here who think they are better then engineers. People with law degrees yes, engineering degrees, no. (Unless its civil engineering, my friends in electrical engineering tell me everyone laughs at them.)
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:02:59 No.2486982

    aero major here. at my school we laugh at the industrial engineers. the civils are okay.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:03:39 No.2486988

    Pay is determined by how unpleasant the job is (and yes mentally difficult is considered unpleasant by the general populace) , how hard it is to replace you (supply/demand), and what else you could be doing (ignoring this reality being the reason that American schools which don't have significant variation in teacher pay by subject can't get good math and science teachers for the most part).
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:07:06 No.2487001
    honest question, how did you manage to get onto crusie ships, already there from apprenticeship or just managed to find right connections?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:08:33 No.2487010
    I'm an elevator inspector. Not really a trade, but the pay is good.
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 12/19/08(Fri)04:09:21 No.2487018

    how the fuck did you land that job
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:10:34 No.2487023
    Computer Engineering here. My thoughts on this matter are simple: if I can figure out how to perform your function within a few hours, your job isn't that "good."

    Installing a wall socket is easy. Now, if I had to make sure I was doing it all to code, yeah it would require a bit of research first.

    >visa very
    You mean "vice-versa?"
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:10:54 No.2487025
    Got certified then hired.
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 12/19/08(Fri)04:12:32 No.2487036

    Did you just think to yourself one day "I'm going to be an elevator inspector?"
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:14:16 No.2487045
    How do you go about this? That's what is being asked.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:14:40 No.2487047
    I heard a radio story about a man who was trapped in an elevator for 2 days and I thought to myself, "how horrible that must have been."

    Since I was unemployed at the time I decided to become an elevator inspector and do my part to lessen elevator related accidents.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:16:13 No.2487055
    Any cool elevator-related stories?
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 12/19/08(Fri)04:16:17 No.2487056

    That is fantastic. Fuck busting my ass to be an engineer, i'm gonna go inspect elevators.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:18:26 No.2487072
    Some niggers threw a burning christmas tree down a shaft in some projects one time.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:18:48 No.2487076

    you could install elevators as a mechanical engineer. I had to get an elevator installed for a building and the guys said they're always looking for more engineers.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:19:34 No.2487082
    Was going to become a machinist/engineer (american millwright) but realized it is fucking noisy, dangerous, dirty work (not so much the machining, but other general work which I would have to endure for a large amount of time before doing all machining). I enjoy machining and understand the skill required, but something about the people around me put me off, some were fucking dumb, brutes, you know...
    Myself, well, I was always told to use my brains before brawn so figured that although I'm not going to 'college" to get a degree in something heady I can still get something that requires a little less physical labor.
    Planning on doing a course in CAD, drawing plans, models etc. Not artsy stuff, just technical drawing and the associated work. A nice in-between I figure.
    Doesn't require you to be really smart, but there is a certain level of skill involved.
    Will see how it goes.

    Fuck it if it all falls over I'll pick fruit for a while.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:20:02 No.2487085
    Programmer-dropout here, didn't spent a cent on my education(it's free here). But I dropped out from economics university and I think it was a good decision. Now I live in my own apartment have a good job, but I feel kinda uncomfortable, because all of my colleagues have at least master degree, though I earn more money. I'm thinking about the distant education, something with combination of knowledges and reputation.
    >> Pretentious. You proletarians make me sick! A fine tripfag of European descent. !nzcH8FLamA 12/19/08(Fri)04:25:24 No.2487114

    You'll be laughed at, but only because being a chef is one of the hardest jobs out there, probably second only to fighting in a war.
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 12/19/08(Fri)04:26:56 No.2487125

    Where are you from?

    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:30:17 No.2487151

    Philadelphia. They asked me to give them a call when i graduate if i was interested haha.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:34:36 No.2487187
    tradies only use common sense after they have learnt their trade, they don't need to think abstractly or put their mind to serious work often. I respect tradies, fuck, they make more than me, but anyone who is going into uni for arts is an idiot.

    fuck im drunk

    But using your brains means thinking abstractly, you have to be worried about the outcome otherwise you are just going off things you learnt. Tradies barely stretch their brains compared to high end programmers or scientists, though that is not to say they couldn't.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:37:50 No.2487220
    Things are so different in the US. Where I live plumbers, electricians and engineers are the poorest people around. So are doctors and teachers. $200 a month, lol.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:39:39 No.2487233
    haha wtf, i spend 7 hours a day on the net at work and make 700 AUD a week

    you must be lying
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:44:13 No.2487260
    so...why would you spend 8 years in school, 3+ years as an intern, and leave school over $100k in debt to become a doctor when you'll end up only making $200/mo?

    your country either has really shitty doctors or has a vast shortage of them.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:44:34 No.2487268

    I live in a post-soviet country. Free education, free university education, even, free health services and then the government pays them for work and it's the same as welfare. This is why you get so many immigrants.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:44:58 No.2487273
    Actually many of people go to university and go on to good things and good jobs. A large bulk however move into useless industries like "management" (people who study business management at university are like black single mothers in the corporate world) marketing, media and other such bullshit jobs which really only exsist as a reward for doing your duty and passing state exams and paying taxes. It's like the current talk about union labour costs being too high for auto makers to compete. You could cull the entire corporate structure back to a handful of actually warranted and useful people and save money that way. Unfortunately that would mean a whole lot of useless bastards going through higher education have no reason to continue par taking in the state education scam.
    I work minimum wage and sell drugs and I'm doing sweet.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:45:45 No.2487278

    Their education is free. And yes, we do have shitty doctors. They are all permanently depressed.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:46:05 No.2487280
    I greatly respect people who get degrees in engineering, sciences or medicine but if you're getting some bullshit degree just so you can work a crappy job in a cube farm then you can kiss my ass.

    Thats how I feel about it anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:47:00 No.2487286
    My mother has an Art degree. She's in her sixties and is stuck in dead end retail and expects me, someone who is working IT (consultation and working under a private firm) to support her.

    It's not that college is bad or a waste of time (unless you go to a university, which you'd better be fucking going to if you're becoming an engineer, physicist, doctor, lawyer, or another specialty field) it's just people make dumb choices on their majors, they don't think about a realistic goal, just whatever is easy and sounds good. You either have the lazy shits who want some easy degree that will land them retail jobs for the rest of their lives, or you get the people who try to make a hobby or passing interest their major (instead of a minor!) or you get people who are only majoring in something because it's what mommy and daddy want. The rest are people who know their shit going in. Most people are good with junior college, university is overkill. Going to a major ivy league school to become an accountant? enjoy having your descendants paying off your loans. that is, if you can get laid as a bean counter.

    TL:DR version:
    The difference between tradesmen and people with a degree is that the tradesmen will be stuck in the same position, same pay, for the rest of their lives unless they manage to break into business ownership. People with good degrees will be the ones at the tops of the companies that hire the tradespeople, making the real money from the hard work of the tradespeople. The lawyers, the doctors, the CEOs, etc.
    In short: don't knock college because you're a fucking lazy ass. Most junior colleges actually have courses to help you get certified in your trade as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:47:21 No.2487287
    ITT: blue-collar faggots are saying "haha we could live without programmers fine" not realizing that their payroll software was written by a collegefag programmer, and without it they couldn't get PAID
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:47:26 No.2487289
    My girlfriends a dental tech. Dropped out of high school. On the job training and what yanks would call "night school" job related schemes ftw.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:48:27 No.2487293
    The hell, I haven't even graduated yet and that's only two days pay. Hell, I'm underpaid for what I do to begin with.

    Shit sucks for them I guess.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:48:56 No.2487295
    NO. We would get paid in fucking CASH and could cheat on our taxes much fucking easier. Fucking thanks a lot you dip shits. More education creating more useless jobs and waste.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:49:51 No.2487301
    Thank you for this thread /r9k/. I probably failed out of college this last semester, but refuse to look at my grades out of fear. You've given me inspiration. I don't really care to be a millionaire, and have no qualms about doing manual labor. Maybe I'll be a plumber or something.
    Looking at those grades now...
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:50:08 No.2487304
    Not everyone's cut out for hard physical labor. And trades jobs are generally for highschool dropouts.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:51:10 No.2487309
    Alright, I'm a programmer and I've gotta say: people got paid before we had software. Nothing wrong with ledgers, even if they are a bit featureless. I guess the same goes for cars and communication, but those are a bit more dependent.

    Actually an ATM is probably the best example of something these dumbasses take for granted.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:51:10 No.2487310
    What I said. University degrees are societies way of repaying you with easy money for doing nothing for having obediantly towed the line. Thats why even though most CEO's are more morally reprehensible than most drug dealers, we have to let them slide.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:52:31 No.2487321
    i'm drunk, also alright maybe a bit of an over simplification, maybe running main to the country certain standards or etc etc, but then again its only cause engineers wouldn't be asked to do it that often, also all you need is a good pair of plyers, a flat blade screwdriver and jiprock saw for residental these days
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:53:59 No.2487335
    You are probably to old to be a plumber now. It's like a 4 year apprentischip. Fuck knows why, it's so easy a mongoloid retard could do it. Fuck, a few of those "dummies" or "complete idiots guide to" books eliminate the need for most tradespeople (yes, IT nerds, you are tradespeople. In fact, you are probably a rung below them, and a rung above call center workers) if only you had large amounts of time on your hands.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)04:56:43 No.2487359
    Fuck you buddy, I'm 20. It's never too late to be a plumber.
    I'm still in, by the way. On academic probation.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:00:01 No.2487379
    its a big cliche but if you enjoy your job then that's all that matters

    and mechanics shouldnt laugh at joe blow paying $150/hour to replace a water pump. if everyone knew how to do that shit themselves then you would be unemployed.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:00:08 No.2487382
    The only degree that wows people is a medical degree. Thats it. Everyone else is just another form of ceritification. Plumber or Engineer. You may earn more at one job or the other (although I know a lot of plumbers and tradespeople pulling in over 250,000 a year and plenty of accountants working part time in retail to support themselves fresh out of uni) but your still all just...workers. If you want social standing, you just need money, it doesn't even matter how you make it. Other than you can go the fame route. I mean, you can be a good looking guy and a fully qualified engineer, and chicks would probably still rather fuck Chris Tucker, whose ugly and illiterate.
    tl;dr MOST university fags and blue collar workers are different sides of the same cheap ass coin.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:00:17 No.2487385
    22 year old Belgian Industrial Technician here.
    I keep a factory running that produces around 6.500 tonnes of pralines a year. (4.500 tonnes seafruits)
    I've got to keep around 77 different machines up and running and i've only got 3 other colleagues.
    I only did 7 years in highschool but i can fix anything ... electricity, pneumatics, hydraulics, PLC, HVAC (heating, ventilation, airconditioning), plumbing , welding, CNC machines and other special cutters, i also can do a bit of electronics.
    I've got a wage of 2.800 euro simply because i'm a jack of all trades and can fix about anything.
    It's also very hard to find technicians who are willing to learn all that.
    Being able to fix almost anything myself saved me shitloads of money and more importantly TIME (can't fix my car tho :3 )

    Ask Charlie from the chocolate factory anything ;)
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:01:36 No.2487394
    I know how to fix most things on my car. I don't have the tools and time. Thats why I go to a mechanic. But thats also why I only pay the bare minimum instead of having some guy rip me off like they do with most white collar losers.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:02:08 No.2487400
    what the hell is a seafruit?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:05:39 No.2487421
    who gives a fuck about social standing this is the 21st century not the goddamn dark ages
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:07:39 No.2487436
    just wait till we start building the robots, that will work for free and all hours without unions or needs for breaks....
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:08:47 No.2487446
    I'm about ready to drop out. My only fear, other than not having enough money, is that I'll never meet anybody to settle down with if I'm not at a university. All the good chicks are there. I'll be stuck with stupid fuckers otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:09:12 No.2487450
    Yeah, and then they'll take over the GODDAMN WORLD. AND THEN WHERE WILL WE BE!?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:13:14 No.2487484
    Laughed at?
    You will get them ladies like you were made of honey.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:13:51 No.2487487
    At which point I'll become a bounty hunter. Someone has to stop all those rogue robots.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:14:20 No.2487494
    The analogy is pretty fitting, because fatties love honey
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:14:25 No.2487496
    Blue collar workers....... LOL. I guess it's good to have pride in what you do though.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:15:44 No.2487506
         File :1229681744.jpg-(77 KB, 347x350, zeevruchten.jpg)
    77 KB
    Rough translation from dutch.
    Filled up chocolates that look like stuff that comes out the sea.
    The whole world buys this simply because it is "Made in Belgium".
    Pic related, it's our best selling overpriced product.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:16:39 No.2487518
    Educated persons are sort of like southern-californians - we don't realize there is a dichotomy until those of you who feel unappreciated point it out to us!
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:17:32 No.2487529
    I'm thinking of becoming a physics major. It doesn't pay the greatest and it's hard but at the end of the day I could respect myself. Besides, the only thing I'm any good at is math.

    Anyone who laughs at me for going to college can eat a dick. I'm doing what I want and I'm enjoying myself. Some people may find sitting at home and reading the manual to a graphing calculator to be weird, but I enjoy it. To each his own, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:19:09 No.2487546
    Those are extraordinary.

    Where can I buy them?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:19:25 No.2487550
    if I was blue-collar I would be pissed off by the auto industry workers, because they call themselves workers when they really just push a button and a robot does the work for them or they screw on a bolt. awesome jobskills, why does your union think it can demand anything again?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:38:15 No.2487693

    OP here. This is what I was actually getting at, people being certified at a trade and being useful to society, as opposed to getting a useless degree. In fact that was almost exactly what I wanted to say, but I was slightly drunk when I wrote the first post, and I've sobered up since then.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:43:08 No.2487720
    my highschool literally frowned upon trades, even college. for some fucked up reason they wanted to get as many people as possible to advance into Uni, and ya know what? a lot of those people dropped out. Trades is the way to go, especially an aprenticeship, because you make money as you work.

    the pnly problem is the upper eschelon is reached early, and there isn't really room too advance one you hit your 10 years. you're making your 75k, additional OT hours, but you won't make 6 figures unless you run your own company.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:47:52 No.2487732
    The generation that makes hating intelligence so cool right here. Waste all your teenage years on parties and 'being cool', become a plumber in later life and feel good about fixing toilets for people richer than you by lying to yourself and others.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)05:56:09 No.2487758
    My dad is a lawyer who makes $750 an hour and my mom is a doctor who makes $700 in 15 minutes... if all she does is some basic work.

    Fuck all you ditch diggers.
    >> Some namefag 12/19/08(Fri)06:01:04 No.2487783
    And what, exactly, do you do?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)06:01:41 No.2487788
    Full time student of course.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)06:18:23 No.2487882

    I missed what it is you're exactly good at.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)06:20:24 No.2487895

    Well I'm a trust fund baby of course. Who needs to work when mommy and daddy can pull all the strings? All you fags with your "elbow grease" and "sense of dignity." I'll have a real sense of dignity staring you down with my D&G Glasses, while listening to my new 3G iPhone, hooked up to my bitchin' BMW.

    Cold as Ice, Baby.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)06:33:22 No.2487969
    trades workers are truly pig disgusting.

    I seriously cannot think of something that would horrify me more then a blue collar job. I am so thankful that I had the fortitude, work ethic, and smarts that allowed me to succeed in university; thus, preventing me from joining the underclass.

    I really laugh, when I view threads such as this; people trying to justify their mediocrity in life by attacking their betters, is fucking pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)08:24:58 No.2488564
    Bitches will be all over you.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)12:50:45 No.2489791
    where do sciencefags, economists and academics fit in all this.

    i mean, they are pretty much ivory tower intellectuals who couldn't survive in the real world.

    Then again, they are paid many jewgolds because their knowledge in useless areas is specialized beyond reckoning.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)12:53:13 No.2489803
    Hey OP what do these trades people earn? Carpenters, electricians, plumbers, mechanics, and millwrights? Whats a millwright anyway, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)12:54:47 No.2489812
    i am going to grab a ccna and ccnp along with a few other certs. since i am working with routers i must use a keyboard alot so i am using my hands and i have to understand wtf i am doing so i am using my brains. thats like a trade right? plus i might have to get down and dirty with some cable running.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)12:59:55 No.2489844
    CCNA is pretty useless eh. I was forced to take the course in the army (information systems OPERATOR) and after I got out I found it wasn't worth shit.

    If you want to get a certification go all the way for expert and specialist level e.g. CCIE
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)13:01:27 No.2489853
    Are computer programmers tradesmen?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)13:02:29 No.2489860
    Student vet reporting in
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)13:03:04 No.2489863
    If I go about my day, thinking about what I could do to make a contribution to society, sometimes I'll think "Oh, I should shovel the sidewalk, that might help some old lady" or whatever. Then I realize that would be a waste of my above-average intelligence and education. It would be a disservice to my fellow man to waste my time shoveling ice when any monkey could do it.

    So, on my walks on campus, I have to remember, I'm there to do research and to teach, the grounds people are there to make sure my older professors don't slip and break their necks.

    People contribute in the best way they can.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)13:07:19 No.2489886
    meh, i've done tradeswork and while it's rewarding to know that you made something with your own hands, can fix your own car, wire your own house, etc., it's nicer to be paid thousands of dollars more for doing way less work.

    to each his own.

    also, troll thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)13:08:09 No.2489892
    They stay in academia.

    Got a Masters in History? Congrats! You can now teach History! Woooooo~
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)15:47:55 No.2491186

    Yes it is, I am however awarding the OP with a

    10/10, seeing as how it took so long for some one to say it.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)16:08:19 No.2491380
    I want to be an architect. In theory.
    What way shall I do that?

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