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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229667298.jpg-(21 KB, 216x152, 1.jpg)
    21 KB Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:14:58 No.2485581  
    You are the president of an eastern European country. Your economy is in terrible shape, so you offer portions of you land to outside groups. One day a group of 5000 Hasid Jews move in. You are delighted. They have an immediate positive impact on the economy. The bring money and business. Things go swimmingly and their numbers swell.

    Years go by. Then one day the leader of the Hasids comes to you and says that your country's acknowledgment of gay couples is against the Torah. He tells you you stand in opposition is Judaism. Your response is...
    >> ­ 12/19/08(Fri)01:16:49 No.2485597
    What Jews? I already killed them the moment they moved into the country and used their gold to fix the economy.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:19:56 No.2485632
    what gold?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:20:10 No.2485633
    I would not meet with them in the first place. They have no power in other location other than the physical place they are staying.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:20:52 No.2485636
    Ok , I hired you to run the economy motherfucker, not police this place. This isn't a religious state, it is political. This is my country and if fags want to bang each other behind your synagogue, that's not a problem for me. Don't like it? Get the fuck off my land.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:21:21 No.2485644
    Ban marriages in general. How were marriages allowed in my country of complete separation of church and state?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:23:27 No.2485666
    >>One day a group of 5000 Hasid Jews move in.

    Well there's your problem
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:23:30 No.2485667
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:24:54 No.2485675
    Fuck if I care, my solution solves both problems.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:25:02 No.2485678
    I make an army of 5000 jews and send them to attack America for my own personal enjoyment.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:35:19 No.2485790
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    My response is to remind him that his god given duty as a Jew is to be a Light onto the Nations, to lead by good example.

    And that your job as gentile is to follow the 7 Noachide Laws. And the homosexuality is not included in those.

    And I'd make a mental note that next time I would invite 5000 yuppie Reform Jews to move in instead.

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