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  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229665673.jpg-(39 KB, 485x403, movies.jpg)
    39 KB The Case Against Adolescence Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)00:47:53 No.2485363  
    I am a 16 year old college student who is sufficiently fed up with age restrictions. I am probably more mature (mentally and physically) than the 18 year olds i am constantly surrounded by but i am still unallowed to go see an R-rated movie. I am compiling a theoretical case against the MPAA (Movie Picture Association of America) and NATO (National Association of theater Owners) on why a movie theater restricting the sale of a movie ticket to anyone under 17 ought to be illegal as a form of discrimination solely based on age against a perfectly fair transaction.

    Any ideas on where to go with this? Possible loopholes?

    I have already done my own research but I figured any additional thoughts couldn't hurt.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)00:49:23 No.2485376
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)00:49:55 No.2485380
    lol good fucking luck in amerikkka

    oh noes we must think of the children's innocence!! shield their eyes!!

    when they all still end up such colossal entitled sluts and douchebags
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)00:49:59 No.2485381
    Well, for starters, movie ratings and theater compliance by them are entirely voluntary. The government is not allowed to enforce these ratings, and i suppose if it spilled over into commerce laws, you might get somewhere...
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)00:51:25 No.2485396
    Get your friends to buy you tickets?

    inb4 underageb&
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)00:52:50 No.2485408
    >I am probably more mature (mentally and physically) than the 18 year olds i am constantly surrounded by
    Now that there's your problem.
    No, you aren't. You think you are, and you aren't. You're smart, you're well-read, but you are NOT mature by definition. I too was a preternaturally mature and intelligent teenager and I now realize that I was just as dumb as everyone kept telling me.
    You are not an exception to the rule, and the quicker you accept that most underage-B& regs exist to keep you from hurting yourself because you are literally to stupid to not do it on your own the better off you'll be.
    Also, reported for underage.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)00:53:22 No.2485412
    if /r9k/ had hods i'd ask them to ban this kid for great lulz
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)00:54:52 No.2485422

    Nobody asked you two. Shut the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)00:55:18 No.2485429
    well my good sir, I've just compiled a psychological profile about you. You are one of those people who I would want to punch in the face for having a presumptuous personality where you assume that you are more mature than others, but really are not... gtfo, op.
    >> Tvmbledown !!eYuQGZHZNYM 12/19/08(Fri)00:55:40 No.2485431
    Score a fake ID - don't waste effort battling a system that will win.

    Win by subterfuge.
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 12/19/08(Fri)00:56:07 No.2485436
    you can blame Christians for that OP
    WHEN I WAS YOUR AGE (oh god) i remember i would either get my older friends to buy me a ticket or i would buy a ticket to a show around the same time and then go to the movie i intended to see

    another reason they don't let people in R movie your age is so the movies won't be as rowdy and other people can enjoy the movie
    >> E-mouse !LNaFATMuso 12/19/08(Fri)00:57:35 No.2485443
    "Children don't have rights."

    Sad but true.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)00:57:42 No.2485445
    What? OP asked us you fucking dolt, by posting it in a FUCKING FORUM.
    Also, if you're OP this only proves my point that you're immature and stupid.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)00:58:22 No.2485454
    I doubt this would go through, but I guess you can try. I was 14 when I started college and yeah, there were a lot of times when it seemed like the restrictions I faced were discriminatory and bullshit. Eventually I realised that being one exceptional case doesn't justify changing a law or regulation that's been in place for some time. But good luck on your case if you decide to go through with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)00:58:40 No.2485458

    THANK you.

    Look, OP, when you get older, you're going to look back on yourself at 16 and think, "Oh, God, I was so fucking stupid." We all do it. We all realize, in hindsight, that when we were younger than we are now, we were completely idiotic.

    You are no exception. You deserve no special treatment because of your perceived "superiority."
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)00:58:41 No.2485459

    You've never met me in person so don't be so presumptuous yourself. You are likely the kind of person i would want to punch in the face because they're ignorant and well...presumptuous. This is exactly the kind of shit i've been fighting for years as i try and move up in the world but fucking age restrictions hold me back.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)00:59:43 No.2485466
    go watch "This movie has not yet been rated". the movie rating agency is run by the major studios who are in bed with the owners of the the largest chain thearters. its a fucking scam. they claim to be protecting kids, but they will smack down an indie film in a minute. gross shit like American Pie gets a PG-13, but if you show a girl wanking, you get rated NC-17.

    that having been said, you won't believe me, but there is some solid reasoning behind restricting a young person's experiences and withholding them until they are old enough to understand and appreciate them. it IS done to protect the person. Not the person they are, but the person they will grow to become. this is called "parenting". you can't appreciate it now, because you are still 16, but you might understand later.

    kids younger than a certain age get seriously fucked up by having sex, drinking, and other stuff. its a little harder to prove that watching violent movies damages a young mind, but there is enough anecdotal evidence to make your case very hard to argue. You are fucked, kid.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:00:40 No.2485473
    Fuck OP, his problems, and anyone who tries to help him. 4ch is not for entitled little cunts to vent their spleens.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:00:56 No.2485474
    The reason for this shit is the whole "blank slate" theory which is basically the idea we can make people become whatever we want. As long we keep that up society is doomed to fail
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:01:15 No.2485475
    So much for maturity OP.

    BTW, reported.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:03:06 No.2485487
    this is why America is screwed. No respect for the young. they autmoatically assume that they're all stupid.
    I here you man. if you're in college, you ought to be able to go see your goddamn movie.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:04:49 No.2485494
    ITT 20 something-year olds get jealous of a younger kid that is actually being progressive in his life.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:05:52 No.2485506
    bud, you're really going to realize what I tool you were in a few years. Maybe if you would have done something to PROVE how cash you are, that would be different.

    See, I thought I was mature etc because I was appointed a VP at age 18 of one of these top 50 companies: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2008/full_list/

    It's 5 years later, I have a two masters and two undergrad degrees. I'm still not fully mature. Don't think too highly of yourself. Plus, by trying to reuse the word presumptuous, using it multiple times, and trying to win an arguement with no real points, you prove my point :)
    >> St. Peter 12/19/08(Fri)01:06:33 No.2485510
    Sup, OP? Sockpuppet much?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:07:26 No.2485517
    even if the "blank slate" theory is totally false, and I think it is, there are still conditions a human being needs to grow up healthy. just like kids need enough calories, vitamins and water, they also need enough sleep at night, they need to get hugged often, (maybe every day) they need daylight and playing with friends.

    there is a lot of stuff that leads to a healthy, balanced person that science hasn't been able to quantify, yet. there are also things a developing human needs to avoid that haven't been quantified: fear, hatred, violence (whether real or implied), and sexual experiences, for example
    >> Gandara 12/19/08(Fri)01:07:48 No.2485519

    The government can't, but the MPAA can. If they're as tight-assed as the ESRB, if they're caught selling a ticket to anyone under 17 they can be fined, and managers / employees would probably be fired from the theater. I know this is the case at GameStop, if we sell an M game to a minor the manager on duty gets fired as well as the employee who sold it.

    Add this to the fact that the theater may refuse service to anyone they please (business), and you're screwed if you're under 17.
    >> Underage_b& !!gA1B3d3//ZA 12/19/08(Fri)01:10:00 No.2485537

    Said film: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-559517494445537267&ei=727FSLHNLJPiqQKYy-W4BQ&q=this

    I agree with OP, although I think NATO is a bit much
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:10:10 No.2485539
    The fact that OP believes that "age restrictions" are holding him back is proof that he is totally immature.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:10:12 No.2485540
    I don't think somebody incapable of differentiating between "here" and "hear" is really qualified to debate the intellectual ability of teenagers.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:12:13 No.2485562
    No Im not OP, but really you people in this topic make it out to seem like OP is on the same level as the majority of high school ass wipes that barely graduate.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:15:41 No.2485588

    Thanks. Somebody understands.

    You call me immature for swearing here, but if i were two years older (and there were still some case against restrictions to make) you'd call it fighting back.
    I'm not being immature. It is the adult society that believes it absolutely necessary to hold a young man or woman back when they might actually be getting somewhere for a change.
    Youth is wasted as parents extend the longevity of "childhood" and dependency.

    Whether i'm young or old, i think it's fair enough to get pissed off when people are ignorant of rational argument based off of one thing--age.
    High schoolers receive more education than many of their parents did in college.
    we ought to be taking advantage of a young minds' ability to absorb more information than waste it by holding them back. At the time when the mind is perhaps at its best at taking in information, we are throwing it all away.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:18:02 No.2485617

    Yeah. A simple typo. Happens to the best of us. Realized it after i posted. Chill out. Like you've never made a similar mistake.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:19:14 No.2485629
    I'm 29 and I don't think there should be age restrictions on movies at all.

    Honestly, Europe has it right. Drinking at 16, driving at 21.

    In 6 years of being able to buy alcohol when ever they want they should learn how to be somewhat responsible, compared to just getting wasted at parties.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:20:37 No.2485634
    ITT Failue adults telling a kid with ambition to give up in life
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:21:28 No.2485645
    I agree here. I was another younger-than-usual university student, and even though I'm sure it's frustrating at the moment, it's generally not worth trying to change the entire status quo of movie ratings systems.

    Though it is cool that you have the initiative to try, there are better topics to deal with than not being able to see your beloved R-rated movies. When I turned 17, it wasn't even that big of a deal, and I don't think I've even seen an R-rated flick since I turned "legal."
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:22:45 No.2485656
    getting an advanced education =/= violence, sex, and morally corrupting imagery/concepts. I kind doubt OP's professors are teaching from American Psycho and Tropic Of Cancer
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:24:46 No.2485673

    you posting that is proof that you are totally immature and clueless. I too, like OP started college early. I am now swimming in debt after graduation because my parents wouldn't pay for me, i couldn't get any scholarships because i had no sob story for a white kid, and my college wouldn't help me because they only looked at my parents' financial status, totally ignoring the fact that they wouldn't pay. i couldn't save up money beforehand because guess what--I couldn't get a job.
    age restrictions on the young can hurt worse when you're older. i'm living proof.
    OP, i understand what's going on here, but sadly you can't break the system. theoretical or not, that argument won't work for real.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:25:50 No.2485689
    Yeah no, he's exactly right. I'm sure with the amounts of .. to put it softly, 'INTJ/INTP' types here, plenty of us felt superior to people older than us when we were 14-19.

    You're not. Hopefully seeing this multiple times on an imageboard will convince you otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:29:47 No.2485734

    Pretty much same position, but instead my parents did end up paying. My parents now have whatever control they want over me because i have a "debt to repay." So much for independence...
    Age restrictions suck. Youth is wasted.
    >> Underage_b& !!gA1B3d3//ZA 12/19/08(Fri)01:31:10 No.2485744

    >morally corrupting imagery/concepts.

    By your morals yes, But the odds of OP living by your are slim to none.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:32:02 No.2485755
    you are putting yourself on a very high horse there. Where do you take into account that you MIGHT not be as mature as you think, because of your age? You have to keep this option open and it's not for you to decide, but for trained psychologists.

    You may get pissed off about age limitations, but have to live with the fact, that you are biased heavily and that you just don't know how much more experience older people have. Noone knows at their current age, but after a while you'll have learned, that your experience amounts to nothing against someone older. Protip: The effect of films on your brain will change continually for at least the next ten years. If you really are 16, then you aren't even through puberty completely and don't know fuck all. Internet/Media experience isn't real expierence.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:33:06 No.2485769
    OP is a retard who makes advanced schooling kids look bad, but I gotta ask: Are you in Middle College by any chance? Which city/state?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:33:52 No.2485774

    Well, a more valid point has emerged here. Just age restrictions in general. Even outside of the media, are they really worth it.
    This whole movie thing may seem like a minor annoyance, but it's part of a larger system.
    Yes, there may be better points to argue than movie ratings that would be more beneficial to OP, but every movement has to start somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:34:12 No.2485777
    fuck no, man. that is not the point at all. OP isn't simply interested in the experience, he is pissed off at the whole system. if it was just about the movie he would torrent it and laugh at the MPAA AND the $9 movie ticket. No, OP WANTS to pay for that ticket, and an institutionalized system is keeping him back. its about the principle

    when I was OP's age, i had read several erotic novels, and watched dozens of hours of soft core porn, and i am not a slavering rapist. if OP wanted advice on an experience, then I would cheer him (her?) on, but he's not asking about that.

    OP, live life on your own terms. seek out those experiences and learn from them, good and bad. never get into something you can't walk away from, but never be afraid to get into something.

    BUT don't go tearing down something you don't understand. this isn't about your dignity, this is about the safety and well-being of millions of people. wait until you have seen both sides of the story, first
    >> Underage_b& !!gA1B3d3//ZA 12/19/08(Fri)01:36:08 No.2485797

    * your morals
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:36:30 No.2485800
    i don't feel like reading the rest of this discussion, but as for the "theoretical case" you should look at Ginsberg v. New York. Supreme court precedent that established the ability of sellers to restrict content to minors.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:38:06 No.2485817
    i think moot keeps this thread alive because he was underage when he created 4chan. lol
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:39:35 No.2485827
    I am speaking in a general sense. the morals of the average person, as near as i can figure it.

    Personally, I think the more dangerous something is, the more urgently people need to be educated about it. its like inoculating someone against a virus. obviously, the average slob disagrees with me, since the Federal Government insists on funding useless Abstinance Only programs and posts minimum jail times for possession of even tiny amounts of drugs
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:39:57 No.2485831
    they don't let you renbt r rated movies? man what kinda nazi town do you live in? i used to rent tons of horror movies at a time from my local movie place, it had a sweet horror selection.
    feel sorry for you pal, fand a new place.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:41:19 No.2485843
    Being 16 wouldn't stop you from getting a decent job, assuming you had your high school diploma or GED. You could have easily taken a few years to work and save up before heading to college.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/08(Fri)01:42:10 No.2485850
    I can see where your coming from, but I can also see where say.. the MPAA and ERSB are coming from.

    While you may be mature enough for it, plenty of people aren't. It is moreso a legal condition to protect themselves from litigation than anything else.

    "Timmy saw SUPER BLOOD HORROR FEST IV and then went on a killing spree!"
    "Well, ma'am, that movie was Rated NC-17 for obvious reasons, he shouldn't have seen it."

    While crap like this doesn't entirely make sense, the general population is pretty stupid and needs big brother to make base decisions for them. God forbid people actually monitor their kids without someone telling them what to do.

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