Robots, Help a fellow out...I just need to know how hard its going to be for my roommate and I to get an apartment. We live in LA and need a new place to live thats cheaper as I'm going back to school and can't afford to pay as much anymore...Sounds legit, right?Problem is due to badly crafted parental units mixd with a few bad choices we both have bad credit. How hard will it be for the two of us to find a nice safe place out here? Any protips or anything to help?Pic related... its where my home used to be...
>apartment>LA>cheaperDon't even have to read further, you're fucked.
A lot of places will be more lenient to bad credit if there are two of you. Though, it might not hurt to downgrade and find an apartment in a more slum-ish part of town If your landlord lives a floor below you with his Estonian wife and eight kids, he might not care so much about the credit rating so long as you pay rent.
>>2484504We're downgrading to 1500... Not something REALLY cheap... our old place is 3500 a month. Shoulda clarified that, my bad.
Similar problemAny robots with soem advice
East Los. Actually, nevermind. I hate Gentrification. You took NYC, San Francisco, Houston, Miami, LA, and countless other places. Stay away from one of the hubs of Latino culture.
How the fuck does apartments cost that much? It cheaper to move to kansas for a year.
>>2485239 I have to stay in LA.Ive got school and work out here and no car yet.
>>2485239>Stay away from one of the hubs of Latino culture.>East Los AngelesHA HA OH WOWSeriously man I grew up here and unless you count a bunch of dramaqueen wannabe gangsta's and their prepubescent pregnant girlfriends IT HAS NO FUCKING CULTURE.I MEAN NAME ONE GODDAMN THING THAT PEOPLE HOLD TO HIGH REGARD HERE.
Hit up CraigslistAvoid the property management groups that manage a bunch of buildings, their shit usually sucks and is overpriced. Try to find someone who just manages a building or two.I rent a room in a house by USC for super cheap, all utilities and TV are included.