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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229557795.jpg-(64 KB, 480x640, 1106697446575.jpg)
    64 KB Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)18:49:55 No.2472555  
    Hello robots, I hate the morning and just about everything associated with it. Getting up in the morning for my job is by far the worst part of the day, Breakfast is my least desired meal as well, if possible I try to skip it so that I can enjoy a larger lunch or dinner. Its fucking cold as fuck in the morning and the morning fluff news shows make even the sensationalist evening news programs seem like hard hitting information. Worst of all though, I really hate morning people, they are peppy and chipper when im feeling like a tired ball of shit, worst of all many I have noticed seem to think you are a worthless loser if you yourself are not a morning person. Do any of you robots feel the same way?
    >> ­ 12/17/08(Wed)18:53:04 No.2472588

    You are a stingy motherfucker if you let that nevada chick only order that one thing
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)18:55:15 No.2472601
    yes. i'm an engineer at a manufacturing plant. i don't have a schedule to maintain, but if i'm not there at the morning bell then i get shit from everyone. they think they are better than me cause they are there every day at 7 am, but i NEVER have anything to do before 8. i hate waking up that fucking early... if someone says good morning to me, i want to punch them in the fucking kidney.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:02:37 No.2473885
    Goddamn, these fake dates or whatever the hell you call'em always make me hungry. It's generally pretty good food but, I could definitely go for some chicken right now, cooked right...

    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:22:44 No.2474073
    I totally agree. Waking up at 5:30 am still isn't easy.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:24:16 No.2474091
    oh, I love morning.

    early morning, like before it's light out. beautiful. also, mostly everyone's asleep. win/win.

    but only if I wake up at 12 because my sleeping patterns are gay.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:29:32 No.2474134
    I wake up at 5:AM voluntarily.
    I'm a morning person.

    However, I'm also a night person.
    I sleep about 4 hours on a typical night, up to ~8 hours once a week or so.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:29:44 No.2474138
    I utterly despise mornings and everything associated with them.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:32:26 No.2474158

    Yes. I have a sleeping disorder though. My natural sleep clock is backwards (daylight makes me tired verses when it's dark I become completely wired). However, school/work requires that I sleep normal hours, which means I have to take sleeping medication to force myself to sleep at night. This always makes me groggy when I wake up, and because daylight makes me tired I often remain groggy for the entire day, and furthermore bright lights give me migraines. Morning is the brightest part of the day... so yes, much hatred ensues.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:35:33 No.2474191
    I agree with you completely OP, I am a night owl, so I have a tendency to stay up until 12:00-12:30 before I even feel remotely tired. If I could, I would stay up until 3 or 4 in the morning every day and wake up feeling well rested around 12. (Strange, that's still only 8 hours of sleep...whereas if I go to bed at 12 and get up at 8:30 I feel tired no matter what. Why?) =/

    It really, really sucks. I also can't stand "breakfast food" at any time of the day. This includes, eggs, toast, muffins, pb+j sandwichs...any of that shit. I'm down with bagels and bacon, but not for breakfast.

    I don't think this will change anytime soon.

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