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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229556677.jpg-(67 KB, 610x418, 610x.jpg)
    67 KB Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)18:31:17 No.2472427  
    Activists called for demonstrations across Europe Thursday in solidarity with those planned in Greece, as Greek students marked their 12th day of protests that have shaken this Mediterranean nation.

    Their demand was written on a banner pinned at the base of Athens' landmark Acropolis Wednesday, while a second banner nearby simply declared "Resistance" in several languages, including Greek.

    The student march scheduled for Thursday will be followed by a separate demonstration against a European Union agreement cracking down on immigration.

    Also Wednesday, Police arrested a number of illegal immigrants in Athens, accusing them of pillaging. But demonstrators denounced the move, and called on the foreigners to join their cause.

    Meanwhile, separate syndicate action is adding to the government's headaches.

    So whos getting involved?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)18:32:11 No.2472435
    >>The student march scheduled for Thursday will be followed by a separate demonstration against a European Union agreement cracking down on immigration.

    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)18:35:24 No.2472460
    shoo, reactionary scum.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)18:35:55 No.2472466
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)18:39:36 No.2472496

    sounds like more scientology tomfoolery to me.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)18:41:23 No.2472504
    I don't care what they do so long as they spare the Acropolis and other historical features. Torch the Christmas tree, fine, I don't care, actually I think it's hilarious trolling, but if they go so far as to do that I'll be too disgusted.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)18:41:52 No.2472507
    I know right? Silly white people, wanting to stay a majority in their own countries.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:23:22 No.2472832
    What the holy fuck is this about again? Some jackass teen got shot so they rage in the streets for days burning and looting?

    Sorry, but even the Rodney King riots had merit by comparison.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:25:38 No.2472855
    Would "activists" in this case be Muslim immigrants? Or would they be students with nothing to do?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:28:42 No.2472879
    Some 15 year old punk got shot by a cop that told him to fuck off. Bunch of anarchists and communists take this as an opportunity to break shit because they're morons.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:34:12 No.2472926
    In my country silly anarchists kids get their asses kicked.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:36:16 No.2472945

    As opposed to the US, where some unarmed guy gets shot 54 times the day before his wedding, the cops go free, the news media whines and dramatizes it for a week or as long as it turns ad revenue, and then returns to reporting celebrity breakup stories, sappy human interest bullshit and assorted non-news. Meanwhile America at large rolls over in its sleep and continues taking it up the ass.

    This country is full of weak, deferential pussies with no backbone. You're one of them.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:38:17 No.2472962

    Basically, that's all there's to it. If these fucks were lost in a forest they'd eat each other alive - if I at all cared at this point, I'd wish their beloved anarchy for them.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:40:28 No.2472979
    ahhh, not only ignorant to the inner workings of the things he's commenting on, but also a colossal retard - why am I not surprised you're a butthurt reactionary whining to suck more of your masters cock?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:40:39 No.2472981
    This is happening because in Greece, the polce can't enter any Campus at all.
    If the police started storming universities it would be as good as the US army entering people's homes and taking away their guns
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:41:37 No.2472988

    A thousand times this, goddamn. I'm almost expecting this to happen, though. I don't think these kids really give a shit.
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 12/17/08(Wed)19:42:22 No.2472995
    I think black people got upset, but nobody cared because they were black
    white people would have gotten upset, but they didn't care because the victim was black
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:43:10 No.2473000

    Who cares? They're just objects. Really, stop living in the past.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:43:39 No.2473003

    Bored kids who think they're edgy because they RESIST AGAINST THE GOVERNMENTZ. They have no idea what they really want.

    regardless. RESIST.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:43:54 No.2473006

    Sounds like you feel you have a solid grasp of the reasons behind this event. Please, explain this, justify it.

    Not >>2472879
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:45:10 No.2473012
    I second this.

    These kids wont know what priceless treasures they're going to miss...
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:45:14 No.2473013
    This is happening because some european countries are reaching a political dead end where people feel their democratic choices don't mather and their leaders have no actual say in world issues.
    Think about this, Barroso, the president of the european comission, was not elected.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:45:33 No.2473015
    I'm a huge fan of the molotov'd cops running around on fire while still holding their riot shields.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:46:26 No.2473027
    Hmm... I see that now I am responsible for educating your retarded ass - then again if you had the capacity to learn on your own you wouldn't be an incredibly ignorant moron. I'll give you a hint - the ability to expose your ignorance here infers you also have internet connectivity. Use it wisely from now on.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:47:55 No.2473039

    Because long-winded diatrabes on the endemic finicancial disparity among Greeks and culturally embedded nepotism and lack of opportunity and faltering promises of economic prosperity as well as long-standing corruption would be so much better suited to carried placards in multiple languages and shouted slogans.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:49:01 No.2473050
    Christ, did anyone else see the comments on Digg about this?

    "Hurr I can't wait for this to happen here in America Hurr Durr"

    "Hurr this will never happen in America because everyone is sheep Hurr Durr"
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:49:39 No.2473056
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:50:19 No.2473065
    It's frustration.
    In America people just voted for Obama( they might be wrong to expect him to adress their woes), in Europe people feel the only thing they can do about the current state of things is break stuff.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:50:24 No.2473066

    Really. I own nothing, no pictures, no books, no keepsakes or other garbage. Just some clothes and my computer. People who keep shit around are just dicks who can't let go.

    It's the past people. No one gives a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:51:40 No.2473076

    I didn't understand, what does promises mean?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:52:15 No.2473083
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    itt: black flag fags wanting to burn some cars because they're jealous the greeks get all the fun.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:52:57 No.2473089

    Oh, so you don't have a fucking clue.

    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:54:09 No.2473099
    >a separate demonstration against a European Union agreement cracking down on immigration

    Wait a fucking minute. Aren't European Muslims super fundamentalist and out of control? Didn't they fucking riot and kill tons of people over that CARTOON of Muhammad? Why the fuck are they butthurt over making sure fundie Muslims aren't getting in?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:55:07 No.2473112
    This is accurate. I really wish it wasn't.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:55:12 No.2473113
    If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal
    - I think it was emma goldman, but not sure
    yurop kinda went through the phase America is going through in a weak sense, with the fucking "third way" politicians pushing neoliberalism under the covers - didn't work out very well
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:56:14 No.2473123
    If I were rich, i would totally airdrop supplies and ordnance for the prostesters. I think crank and RPG-7's would be a hilarious combination.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:56:25 No.2473127

    I was looking for your explanation, dumbfuck...how the fuck am I supposed to find out why you think these riots are justified if I don't ask?

    What dumb fucking cocksucker.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:57:32 No.2473139


    People can be expected to use existing technology to their own ends. Implying otherwise is about as stupid as suggesting they have no right to hurl rocks at police because the municipal government laid the asphalt they're hurling.

    And you value your Internet connection over your individual sovreignty and hope for greater autonomy and freedom? I'm sorry I have to point out how pathetic that is.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)19:58:23 No.2473149
    Fuck that. Smoke weed. Get crunk. Fuck some pussy.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:01:59 No.2473185

    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:02:19 No.2473188
    Are you completely retarded, or can't you read at all?

    Suggesting someone to gain information on a subject before having knowledge on it? Suggesting the internet might be a valid source for such research? Wow, that really was pathetic...
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:03:27 No.2473197
    They didn't kill tons of people in riots.
    they demonstrated, broke some stuff and went home
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:03:29 No.2473199
    except I already implied my distaste for you, why should I waste my time to educate you?

    note that this is not a "discussion"
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:05:17 No.2473213
    Sily white people that gets older and say "HEY! Let's NOT have babies"
    Europe doesn't shrink already because of immigrantes.
    Stay them out of Europe and in two decades you don't have any working force to support your retired fellas.
    This is stupid.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:05:29 No.2473216

    A sound example of another neurotic labor-class peon of the state. Enjoy your life of meaningless, empty work and self-gratification from yelling at the Internet and attempting to denegrate the idealism of others.

    The rest of us will be busy securing our own freedom.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:07:28 No.2473233
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    >>2473027 the ability to expose your ignorance here infers you also have internet connectivity...

    you are in no position to educate anyone, cockteaser. you don't even know the elementary difference between INFER and IMPLY.

    go back to fapping over your fatuous self-importance.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:08:09 No.2473240
    Ohhh, shit. Epic fucking burn.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:08:50 No.2473251
    This is always the way it goes. Everyone rants about capitalism and democracy and strive to implement communist ideals.

    Twenty years after the revolution: WHAT THE FUCK WERE WE THINKING. BRING BACK THE DEMOCRACY.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:08:56 No.2473253
    Unfortunately, that meaningless ad-hominem doesn't cover up your failure at reading comprehension as exhibited above. You should just admit it and go bother with more idealistic things instead of whining.

    Also, as I leave, I should point out Marx > Bakunin to fill my daily troll quota.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:10:19 No.2473267

    Rand > Marx
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:10:59 No.2473273
    It's true. Everyone knows that a minor linguistic mistake one makes in his third language destroys all valid arguments.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:13:21 No.2473299
    That's like saying piece of turd > chateaubriand

    the first one was at least a valid comparison, ayn rand is simply retarded and her theories respected no one but the most idiotic since they are pretty much disproven economically, and its idealism is a sad excuse for enriching your master - but hey, you probably think sputnik was a hoax, so... enjoy your perpetual ignorance and retardation, loser
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:14:46 No.2473322
    Well, they have sort of similar colors... Oh, I get it.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:15:03 No.2473327
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    That would seem to indicate that your first language is one of the deeply inferior breed that doesn't even differentiate between the two meanings, and just uses one word to cover both. LOL.

    If you want to adopt a didactic tone, however, you cannot help being undermined by syntax errors. You just lose the air of authority you require to make an impression.

    Also: fail.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:19:50 No.2473383
    Welcome to 4chan baby. I come here for pictures and the odd funny comment. Don't expect to revolutionize anybody's world here.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:22:21 No.2473410

    Dude, you're asking a troll for an opinion. They have none. Think about it, if this guy supports this kind of shit, does he have any rationale beyond "it's for the lulz"?

    I've read the stories about this on BBC, etc. I understand their frustration...the kid getting shot was basically the last straw for people dealing with widespread corruption and an unresponsive government. Shit's hard enough to deal with when the economy is going well, but it's bad in Greece (if I understand correctly) relative to the rest of Europe.

    Riots are usually destructive and stupid expressions of rage...it's like getting pissed at your car because it won't start and kicking in the door panel. It might feel cathartic at the time, but they'll probably regret it after at the adrenaline wears off (if not then, when that repair bill comes in).

    This seems different, though...longer lasting, and more strategic. Remember, rioters basically brought down the government back in '84 (? maybe '81). Maybe there's something to the claims that an opposition party is purposely funding agitators to keep people stirred up.

    Maybe there's someone in the area with more of an on-the-ground understanding of this situation. I doubt if it's going to be >>2473027 though...
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:24:02 No.2473432
    To all those who try to diminish these riots to silly, bored kids breaking stuff. THIS IS NOT IT!
    A) Students have been raging so hard because of the massive corruption in this country (in all levels), our failing economy, police brutality everywhere and the awful prospects of life quality that they know they have atm (first generation to be worse off than the previous since WW2).
    B) Lots of people are backing them up because they simply agree that these are real issues and guess what just like the UK for instance (who are just to scared to admit this) or Italy, our political system includes NO parties able to help this situation just a few able, educated and non-corrupt politicians scattered throughout it.
    C) These people protest. In the middle of the road. I have been to the said protests. The actual breaking, smashing and burning happens on the sidewalks where the shop windows are by different groups of people. Namely: Black Blocs, Police Provocateurs dressed up as black blocs (these have been caught on camera and film and have been shown even on the mainstream media) and the said immigrants who found the chance to loot the shops (I realise they are dirt poor and need the shit but still its a crime)
    D) IT IS NOT JUST GREECE. I just saw on the news today what happened in Italy. It's the same as the Greek scandals with Siemens, the Church and its real estate and offshore companies, the corrupt ministers etc. If u do some googling you'll find out they just uncovered a series of similar scandals over there.

    Thing is the same shit went on in Italy in '92. People protested about they're absolutely corrupt Parliament and politicians for many days on the streets. Nothing changed. They became apolitical and started to not care. Enjoy a gazillion years of crazy fascist Berlusconi..I'm sorry I don't want this in Greece.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:25:48 No.2473448
    The acropolis isn't going anywhere believe me. Everyone loves it.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:27:11 No.2473466
    This clears a lot of things
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:30:05 No.2473497

    Don't bother. Everyone who drags his ass away from his reality televsion, vidya gaems and menial 9-5 shitjob long enough to act out a political conviction is a "bored kid" on this side of the Atlantic. We're whiny, apathetic and proud here. Don't try to educate anyone.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:30:05 No.2473498

    Thank you for responding. Are you in Greece or Italy? Do you think this will make a change? I'm thinking about Papandreou coming into power in 81.

    Are people still supportive of the rioters despite the destruction?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:30:38 No.2473511
    These people are just leftist idiots conditioned to believe that immigrants are something good.
    And of course some illegal immigrants.

    I'd say - put them at the wall and machinegun this filth down.
    >> Anonymous of Massachusetts !NoraVXgoIM 12/17/08(Wed)20:31:39 No.2473522

    Will the cops fire?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:38:23 No.2473607
    I am in Greece for xmas holidays, I read the part about '92 in an article by ex PM of Italy Romano Pronti and I just saw the stuff on the news. I am very uncertain, because this government is falling apart and I believe one of two things are going to happen:
    A) They buckle up and start doing some real work ( I honestly believe they have some good people in this administration), they have 3 years left anyway
    B) We have early elections where we end in a shitpile because there IS NO Papandreou or Karamanlis (I mean the old ones) or Venizelos to take the country and turn it on its head. Also no party will have enough votes for a governing majority so..
    What must be scary for an American is considering how HUGE this mass of people who wont get off their asses to do something is.. I mean I would be hopeless..
    Its not about leftists and rightists (these terms are outtdated and misused I believe) and in Greece there are people from all sides expressing their anger right now. Simply because both major parties of the centre left and centre right had their time and cocked up majorly. Its about people wanting idk a GOOD country is this too much to ask for?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:40:30 No.2473634
    I am the guy on top of this post. I have police guards guarding my apartment building so when they changed guard today I heard the group of them sniggering away at a policeman who had fired shots in the air to scare away protesters one of these days..These people just don't change think of them as your average /k/ user.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:41:09 No.2473641
    > Stay them out of Europe and in two decades you don't have any working force to support your retired fellas.
    do you realize that:
    1. Immigrants do not pay taxes or pension fund, so they will not be able to support our retired fellas
    2. Immigrants mostly live on welfare therefore further draining tax payers' money that could have been used to support our retired fellas
    3. Immigrants have high crime rate, once again draining money necessary to support more police, forcing the government to screw us with even stricter semi-fascist laws and scaring away working people and businesses, i.e. taxpayers we need to be able to support our retired fellas

    immigrants are not just a problem, they are three problems at once
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:41:57 No.2473651
    give me a gun and I will
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:42:22 No.2473658

    There's been an uptick in the fascist movement in Italy in the past year or two (as I recall, focused on the Romany influx)...do you see any signs there's a movement like this in Greece? Hate to see that shit start all over again.

    At least it sounds like you're not seeing any charismatic leaders in Greece. Yet.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:44:21 No.2473684
    > Its about people wanting idk a GOOD country is this too much to ask for?
    Idiots do not deserve the right to live in a good country, so yes, I guess it's too much to ask for.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:49:02 No.2473725

    That's fucked. It sounds like you're essentially living in a warzone. Are you stopped going in and out, searched, etc.?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:52:10 No.2473757
    Police should just visit all these neocommie fucks' houses at night and throw molotov cocktails into their windows. That will teach them a lesson.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:52:24 No.2473760
    No trust me I've done economics at uni. They are a temporary, second (by a very large margin due to the problems you pointed out) solution. Ideally, people in the EU would start having children again, but you really need a strong economy or some sort of stable economy to keep them happy and ambitious otherwise they'll never have kids
    No we don't have this stuff here people in cities are cool with immigrants mainly because we don't deal with them much since they live in their ghettoish areas. In rural Greece its different but who gives a shit about them they're only like 10% of the population at the most. My parents pointed out that even if someone has a plan or idea or wants to do something they wouldn't be showing their face now since there is a general disgust for the political system. I guess even the major political parties are keeping their cards closed until the next elections and are leaving the old guard to burn out until then. Good guess methinks
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:55:23 No.2473789
    You know, I'm not one of those hard-ass conservative republicans that thinks all protestors are hippy scum and should be killed, but this is bullshit. These fucking punk-ass kids are rioting over nothing. Someone in their age group was shot and killed and they think they're justified in burning the whole city down. I bet all those shitheads rioting are the same ones that come on here and spout Internet Hate-Machine / Anon is Legion bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:56:27 No.2473803

    Yeah, I've been reading about this on BBC and a couple of the UK newspapers (Guardian and Daily Telegraph...nice balance, heh) over the past few days. Story is almost totally lost in our media here (Illinois, all about our Governor and corruption).

    Was hoping that cocksucker was actually someone there who could explain why they were doing this.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)20:56:33 No.2473807
    No it's just that a minister lives in the flat under me so they "have" to guard him. It's been like that ever since he was an MP. It seriously isn't like a warzone save for a few areas in the city centre were the shit goes down.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:04:32 No.2473909

    Greeks? White? Ha!

    This isn't Plato and Aristotle we're talking about here. Stavros Theodopolous and his ilk are half fucking Turkish.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:06:24 No.2473924
    god damn faggots

    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:14:37 No.2473991
    fuck this ill just link you guys to a video of a police provocateurs so you can finally understand this shit that is going on. Wait a few minutes.
    Read his post: >>2473432
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:15:46 No.2474008
    do you realize that they already caused over 1 billion euros in damages? It is a serious problem and it's only a beginning. These fucks need to be killed asap.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:20:11 No.2474048
    Wrong. Official reports say its 100 million and most of that was banks and car dealerships
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:21:36 No.2474064

    Ah, thanks. That explains it. Glad to hear you're not in lock down!
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:27:20 No.2474109

    One photo I found, videos coming soon
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 12/17/08(Wed)21:27:59 No.2474115
    The thing i always wonder about these photos is who takes them! are the part of the riot? or those people that take pictures of starving kids... it just seems kinds cruel
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:28:54 No.2474126
    worthless greeks should all get shot
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:29:09 No.2474129

    So, you think the police are behind this (or at least some of it)? I've heard someone else say that as well. Is to just bust a few heads open, are they pushing for a real dictatorship, or does anyone know?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:29:28 No.2474133
    video of "black blocs" and policemen lounging together
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:33:29 No.2474165
    See the video under your post. It is much simpler than that, they are used by the government as an excuse to demonise protests and protesters (who are inherently peaceful) and blur the line between anarchism/crashnburn riots and meaningful protests done by citizens who want to change something. They use them as an excuse to break into these protests and end them early.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:33:57 No.2474169

    Looks like the descriptions the other guy talked about. Maybe building an excuse to bring in the Army?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:34:41 No.2474179
    I fucking wish i still lived in europe just beccause of shit like this. Shit like this would never happen here because everyone is afraid of the fucking government.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:38:50 No.2474214
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    more pics here
    oh and yea the video posted speaks for itself.
    >> Purple Soda !U3zvBDIf7o 12/17/08(Wed)21:42:19 No.2474250
    This is almost EXACTLY what happened in France a few years back. Except:

    a) it was muslims, and
    b) the French government didn't do SHIT about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:42:26 No.2474252
    forgot my link http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=937920
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:43:54 No.2474270

    C'mon, that's too obvious! ; )

    Yeah, I understand similar things have happened in the States and Canada with various protests, but this looks more blatant than what we've had here.

    Effectively cancels out any legitimacy the protestors had and costs regular citizens shitloads of damage. Really fucking great.

    I wondered why the arrest numbers seemed so low (I read something like 800 arrests as of Sunday; the cops would arrest over 100 kids on Halloween at my old college for basically doing nothing more than milling around around in costumes). But if it's cops doing most of the nastier agitation, they ain't gonna get arrested.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:45:13 No.2474285
    Well the only real parallel I can see is that there were real issues and real disgust from the people but this was just for certain policies regarding immigrants etc here its the whole country which is running wrong its like someone has to press restart.
    No way, EU in the middle etc. People ruling this country have much more subtle ways to do these things.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:46:33 No.2474295

    Hey, thanks for the pics and video, incidentally.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:52:22 No.2474346
    SEE what I mean?? I mean isn't the video outrageous?? And just by chance the banks were the most frequently hit targets, a handful of which have been chosen by the government to give low interest loans and loans with the government providing collateral. Oh look! Just when the banking sector was going to have a crisis loans funded by the government..
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:54:58 No.2474373
    No problem man. This isn't to say that the "anarchists" aren't doing shit here the government pretty much has always been using these people to light the fuse in protests but now the anarchists are getting organised and have pledged to not hit small shops etc so idk its just one big salad and the government is having a ball because the real issues can't get publicity.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:56:15 No.2474385
    i joined some dumbass peace group in college chasing after a girl. there was a guy in the group who was always pushing for violence, from semi-serious "hey, let's plant a bomb" to just shit like "cops don't 'get' passive, you gotta fight back", etc. everyone figured he was a government agent, especially after he started in one day about how he knew people and could get us anything we wanted.

    really stupid. the group couldn't pull it together to have a bakesale (literally, they "processed" people's bitching about this at every meeting i attended). i've heard about other times this has happened in the past few years, even something like a grannies book club or something.

    terrorists are caught by detective work, all in favor of that. but purposely baiting people and trying to stir up shit? fuck that.
    finally gave up and found a woman who didn't give shit about politics.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:57:46 No.2474408
    I don't know about this whole anarchism and community solidarity business. But I just REALLY want to throw a cobblestone at a cop.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)21:59:48 No.2474426

    What a fucking mess. Seems like it would be easier for the government to just obey the law and do their goddamn jobs. Guess I don't understand the criminal mindset.

    Hang in there, and I hope it works out for the best.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)22:01:49 No.2474442

    good the anarchists are doing that

    something about anarchists organizing does seem oxymoronic tho
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)22:07:35 No.2474513
    'Oxymoronic' only if you have no idea what anarchy is dumbshit.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)22:10:46 No.2474548

    lighten up, dude. i know what it is.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)22:11:38 No.2474566
    I think I read it on indymedia I'm not sure but they are gathering money to rebuild a 70yr old womans kiosk that was destroyed in the riots and they have like a rule now about the small shops etc so they can securely point their finger at the cops and say its them. I mean they are anarchists they are not stupid they no its not the small guy who is their enemy. Anyway I'm off 2 bed
    Anyone still interested in Athens Riots I think this post said it all. >>2473432
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)22:18:36 No.2474642

    Thanks, dude. Good night!
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)03:12:21 No.2477135

    oh dear. :(

    OT: I'm gonna throw a stone today :3
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)03:26:10 No.2477221

    herp im a derp derp hurr durr derp durrr hurp derp derp derp.

    yeah thats you
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)04:24:03 No.2477536
    These are just 14-15 yr old kids protesting with their schools and in a couple of cases groups of kids throwing stones at the police stations.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)04:30:10 No.2477565
    Police beating up a cypriot student that happened to be visiting a friend in Salonika at the same time as a protest.


    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)04:30:59 No.2477570
    The way I see you have a 1st world country with the per capita GDP and the police force of Pakistan
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)04:31:38 No.2477573
    GDP of Spain
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)13:14:43 No.2480211
    A 15yr old was shot yesterday in the hand in one of the demonstrations with a .20 bullet but it is still unknown who the shooter was. Some suspect the police.
    >> Joe and Alice Greek do not carry a gun Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)13:23:29 No.2480292
    good news there. we don't have a right to bear arms, so it was either a copper, a criminal (somehow the mob doesn't like 15-year-olds lol) or some rich businessman or politician (they are allowed to carry a gun under special laws).
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)16:06:07 No.2481509
    I'll put my money on the copper
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)16:08:12 No.2481518
    For the last 10 days or so I see me Latest Headlines RSS from BBC and there is always at least one title about the greek riots. This is this weeks.

    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)16:11:06 No.2481530
         File :1229634666.jpg-(19 KB, 226x170, _45297457_athensprotestfaceoff(...).jpg)
    19 KB
    Yeah same here. I just read this one where a british guy talks about police brutality he witnessed.
    >> HOW THIS STORY WOULD HAPPEN IN AMERICA: Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)16:14:35 No.2481551
    Officer Joe Smith has been implicated in the alleged killing of a youngster by a police officer. He and his partner have been suspended, with pay and vacation, pending the investigation. A group of people showed solidarity with the teenager's parents and criticized the police department, but sources say that they have been too busy with Christmas shopping to protest.

    In other more important news, Britney Spears' sister had a baby! Join us in our hour-long special on Jamie Lynn Spears' struggle as a 17-year old mother.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)16:16:38 No.2481566
    All I gotta say is, "OPA!"
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)16:23:52 No.2481608
    *throws a plate on the floor*
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)22:15:48 No.2483926
    Breathtaking photos

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