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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229479954.jpg-(360 KB, 800x600, EverQuest_-_East_Commonlands_t33unnel.jpg)
    360 KB Everquest Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)21:12:34 No.2463617  
    Who played this awesome shit 6-10 years ago? How awesome was that shit? What was your character? Favorite Zone?

    Remember when Druids and Wizards ran everyone's shit, then expansions started coming out every other week and everyone stopped playing? Fuck that, where can I find a private server that just has like the first two or three expansions but also thousands of players? Shit.

    65 Barbarian Shaman
    East motherfucking Commonlands, fuck year
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)21:30:00 No.2463752
         File :1229481000.png-(168 KB, 530x694, id10359.png)
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    Lol I didnt start WAY back when you did, I started right when Planes of Power came out. Played for about 5+ years and finally quit. Once my guild beat Planes of Power, the game felt completed to me. No doubt when you won a raid or completed a quest in that game, you felt like you did something pretty fucking hard.

    There was a group of people trying to do what you are looking for, a classic everquest server, but Sony shut em down. I tried to pick the game up again recently, but it lost its magic and appeal.

    Its a little scary how many fond memories I have of the game, I can still recall grouping in the Dreadlands and I played all night, the sun was rising from my window and the sun was rising in the game.

    The game is definitely dying atm, the servers will be consolidated im sure or shut down. I tried EQ2 , but the game felt very uninspired. My hope is they make an EQ3 in the future, with the feel of the old game but with the graphics of a new game, would be pretty kickass to say the least.

    Rallos Zek was one of the coolest gods.....
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)21:56:49 No.2463997
         File :1229482609.jpg-(94 KB, 1024x768, justice-3rdanniversary-tribuna(...).jpg)
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    I'm going to have to disagree and say that Rallos Zek, despite the cool name, was not one of the coolest deities. The coolest deity was The Tribunal.

    This game was my life for a while, spending summers staying up late and playing created many good memories. There's nothing like a deity raid.

    I always seem to find myself checking in on the old game every couple years, it will never be as good as it once was.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)23:54:51 No.2465047
    My brother played Everquest a lot early on, never really caught on with me but it looked like he enjoyed it. I trust his judgment.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)23:57:42 No.2465079
    This sounds like wow, but with the bitter players stolen by a future game
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)23:58:47 No.2465093
    East Commonlands was the shit. I played an Iksar monk.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)23:59:32 No.2465096
    about time i saw an EQ thread.

    it defined my life for several years. wowfags have no idea. about 130 days played cumulative.

    i was playing from like 13 to 15 hardcore.

    Disorder De`Enraged - 67 Gnome Necromancer
    Divik D`Mented - 50ish Wood Elf Bard
    both on Tallon Zek. fuck yes pvp.

    i had no life except this game and my few real life friends who i hung out with at school and then at home playing this.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)00:05:49 No.2465181

    oh yea... started playing when it was the first game, no expansions. i think tallon zek opened in august of 2001. thats when i began playing, whenever that server launched.

    favorite indoor zones...

    favorite outdoor zones...
    ocean of tears. lesser faydark. steamfont. rathe moutains.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)00:08:55 No.2465216
    This game is like WoW in that WoW would probably not exist had it been for this game. It was the earliest really massive online RPG. You could do so much shit in it, the quests were impossible (as a response you had to type the right words to continue dialogue with the NPC) but epic. There weren't as many bitches on this game as there are on WoW.

    It was a difficult game to play, it required more thought than games like Wow and allowed more individuality. Content seeped from my computer. It is impossible to experience this game in its entirety, it has too much shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)00:10:43 No.2465232
    I saw the picture while I was scrolling through the ol' /r9k/ and my heart stopped and I had flashbacks of memories long since forgotten. I thankyou OP for bringing back such a happy time in my life, and letting me live life for just a bit longer.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)00:13:52 No.2465277
    Thank you for saying something, I'm glad I could have done this for you. I only request that you pay it forward by posting another real thread. You know what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)00:24:35 No.2465413
    The EQ Classic project isn't dead, the website had to be taken down due to a copyright complaint about an image that was hosted. Still in Alpha I think, they have an IRC channel where you can find all this shit out.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)00:32:51 No.2465504
         File :1229491971.jpg-(304 KB, 1280x1024, EQ000007-Luclin-Bazaar-Main.jpg)
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    The game shaped me in profound ways I will never understand, I am confident I wouldn't be nearly as intelligent or gentleman-like if I never played this game.

    Veeshan server
    70 Half-Elf Bard
    North Freeport, then the Nexus, then the Bazaar when it first came out, then the Plane of Tranquility.

    I really got a sense of how epic this game really was, seeing literally thousands of players in the first Bazaar at any given time, being lagged to death. Never saw the stalls so empty.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)00:35:20 No.2465535
    EQ sux, AC rulz
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)00:38:12 No.2465572
    65 High Elf Enchanter. I've got fond memories of the game. I quit after... errr... Ykesha, I think. Before the expansion that introduced instanced dungeons.

    I've got great memories of Greater Faydark, Plane of Knowledge/Tranquility, and Plane of Innovation. Spent so much time fucking around in those zones.

    I tried WoW and EQ2, but neither managed to enthrall me like EQ did. EQ2 died quickly for me once I got into my early 20's, and WoW... it's WoW, what can I say?
    >> Pizza !rWNBkCs4.2 12/17/08(Wed)00:41:14 No.2465603
    I'm too young for it, I completely missed most of the internet's early stages. Fuck, I've only been going on it for the last 3 years, only the last 2 have been useful.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)00:43:56 No.2465631
    Not an EQfag. Was a Quakefag. Online quake (netquake, not quakeworld) took a huge blow upon EQ's release. All my online quakefag friends (my only friends, of course) left to play EQ. Thus, I hate EQ. EQ almost made me an hero.

    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)08:11:33 No.2468463
    It occurred to me just the other day (been years and years since I even looked at EQ): bixie = bix nood + pixie. You cannot unhear it.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)08:17:16 No.2468486
    what the?

    severe underageb& or just someone who had/has a life?

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