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I've finally gotten around to creating a rough 'pedo FAQ' of sorts. It explains the ridiculous justifications people give for hating paedophiles and treating them like they aren't human.

Critique would be nice, I'm not sure if I've missed anything important.
Prepare to be flamed, OP.

I'm okay with pedos. Although I wouldn't trust them around any future children of mine, they shouldn't be hated for something they can't control.
I think it's pretty solid. Might want to throw in a few statistical sources though.
Fuck off you piece of shit, there's no justification for pedophilia. Just kill yourself for the better of humanity if you can't even accept that there is something fucked with you.
Also, you should add something more in the "paedophiles scar children" bit, about the huge stigma of it in general. Parents and adults scare children into thinking "If you get touched here it's wrong". That idea of pushing negativity of the act onto children probably freaks them out, making them think they're damaged in some way. The U.S. and a large chunk of the world are living in a rape culture, where touching someone innocently is "sexual harassment", and sexual contact with children is "monstrous".
Before I even read that I just want to say a few things.

Anyone who is an adult and has a sexual encounter with a child under puberty age should be put to death.

The ephebs should just be handled the way they already are. Perhaps castration as well.

Psychiatric help should be encouraged and available for those who are pedos and haven't acted on it yet.
Oh wait you mention it already, I just jumped the gun without reading it all.

Good job, OP!
Before I even coment on that I just want to say a few things.

Anyone who is an adult and has a sexual encounter with a same sex adult should be put to death.

The fags should just be handled the way they already are. Perhaps castration as well.

Psychiatric help should be encouraged and available for those who are gay and haven't acted on it yet.
Your justifications allude that the only reason why having sex with children is because society thinks it's wrong. the loophole you have gotten into is that wrong/right things are ALWAYS defined by a set of social standards, not by an individual.

From this point you could argue things such as cannibalism is ok. It's not this simple
I feel the same way about pedophilia that I do about homosexuality to a certain degree. I don't believe it is something that can necessarily be controlled in most cases, but I don't think it is as natural as normal heterosexual attraction, just from an evolutionarily viable standpoint. That being said the major difference, if you are talking about actual pedophilia and not ephebophilia, is that children under a certain age, personally I'd say an average of about 15 or so, aren't mature enough to know the risks that come with a sexual relationship, and lower than 13 is ridiculous. Of course they will have sex between each other but that is different.

What rubs me the wrong way about pedos is pretty much the same thing that rubs me the wrong way about drug users for an easy analogy. It is when they are disingenuous and say things like "Yeah I know I'm 22, and she's 14 but she is more mature than most girls I know", no no she isn't, you like to believe she is and that you like her for more than her body or age, but you don't. Unless you are an Aspie, you can't be attracted to a 14 year old mentally when you are above a certain age.
lol, i consider pedos as stupid and crazy as trannies.

i would love for pedophiles to gain support along with trannies just to see the world go down the shitter
I don't really care if people get mad and call me names, it just shows the only reason they believe in what they do is because everyone else does and they've never actually logically thought about it, they just accept that viewpoint because 'it's just wrong'.

For the decriminalisation part? I thought about it, but it seems too long already. I'll probably do that if people keep asking for sources though. The point of making it was to provide a simple way to display all the subject matter without painstakingly typing it out for the thousandth time to someone who probably won't listen, so that may be a good idea.

Look at all that mad.
Two 12 year olds have consensual sex = normal
A 12 year old and 20 year old have consensual sex = pedophile, charge him with a crime!

I'm not seeing your logic, son. How is the sex different, if both parties consent?
one has more life experience than the other

two kids equally uninformed and emotionally immature is NOT the same as someone exploiting the naivete of someone else. And they're also not capable of not being naive because of the simple fact that they haven't developed enough emotionally, psychologically, or even physically (via puberty and developmental hormones).
A 20 year old and a 12 year old are light years apart psychologically.
I honestly hope you don't hurt any children.

I don't hate pedophiles, and I think the way they are demonized and treated as less than human in society is shameful. They should be encouraged to seek help and treatment.

Also, please don't compare homosexuality to pedophilia. A relationship between two consenting adults is very, very different from a relationship between an adult and child.
1. The 20 year old is seen as an authority figure by the 12 year old.
2. The 12 year old doesn't understand sex. According to social conservatives, a 12 year old should only know that sex is dangerous and sinful.
I addressed this in my last point. I'm arguing from the moral basis of pain being bad and causing pain to another person being wrong.

It's the most common and sensible starting point for a moral framework.

If you disagree that causing someone else pain is bad then obviously my argument won't convince you, but I wrote it for the people who agree with that premise.

Cannibalism is not okay because it inherently hurts people. No matter what the societal values or beliefs, it's still going to hurt when someone slices and dices you for a meal.

In contrast, it's society that causes the harm in adult-child sexual relations. It's culture dependant.
>shelter children from sex until age 12
>children cannot give consent because they don't understand the risks
Shall we start banning marriages that have any age gaps larger than 20+ years then, due to differences physically, psychologically, emotionally, and different life experiences?

Maturity isn't always an age thing. People mature at different times in their lives. Even people of the same age are completely different psychologically.

Because children are stupid and make dumb rash decisions. While two 12 year old's are both immature and unable to make wise decisions a 22 year old isn't. That's my problem right there, you can't equate the behavior and decision making ability of a 22 year old and someone below 14 or so. It just isn't the same, also the chances of the 22 year old coercing the 12 year old into doing something she doesn't fully understand is much greater than just 2 kids experimenting. I would have an issue with a 16 year old trying to have sex with a 12 year old, because they know more about the risks associated with sex.

If you're just saying "Listen I can't control who I find attractive" whether it is a disease, a disorder or genetics. I'll have that conversation, but if you're saying that the average 12 year old is as capable as making decisions in her own best interest as the average 22 year old, then you are just trying to justify the behavior as not having the potential for greater harm to her than to a woman of an age that is more emotionally and mentally mature, and you're full of it.
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Here's my take on it. Either lower age of consent to between 13 and 16, or raise it to 25, since everyone's so fucking concerned about "Readiness".
No because individuals with 18 or so years of experience are deemed mature enough to make their own descisions and live with the consequences. While individuals younger and viewed as being too young to responsibly make descisions, and so there is some amount of protection under the law ensuring they aren't taking advantage of.

For example, the difference between a 18 and 12 year old is enormous compared to the difference between a 18 and 24 year old. The teen ages are developmental years emotionally and mentally.
Did you even read the FAQ or did you post the second you saw the word 'pedo'?

>They should be encouraged to seek help and treatment
They don't have an illness to be treated. You're taking something politically and socially deemed unacceptable and then saying it's an illness. It's no more of an illness than homosexuality.

>Also, please don't compare homosexuality to pedophilia. A relationship between two consenting adults is very, very different from a relationship between an adult and child.

Re-read the OP picture
>equates homosexuality with pedophilia
>says that children benefit from sexual interaction with adults
10/10 reflects everything wrong with the rationality of pedophiles
>12 year old doesn't understand sex

I find this extremely hard to believe.

Of course, 12 year olds don't always make the right decisions, but neither do older people.

In today's society, most children know about sex. Do you really think that if pedophilia were legal and accepted, the majority of interactions would be from an adult forcing or coercing a child unknowledgable about sex?
No stop it these things aren't comparable. Yes the poster you are quoting is dumb, but you really can't compare a relationship between two, consenting adults and the relationship between an adult and a child.
oh please
you're completely ignoring the fact that beyond puberty, development eventually stops by the mid 20s. By that time, there is no difference in development. AND before you start getting hung up on technicalities, development is NOT senesence on a bigger scale. Two adults are consenting to engage in an activity that they are mentally prepared for, at the very least on a biological scale. That is NOT the same thing as pointing out the age difference between two adults because they are two ADULTS, as in THEY STOPPED GROWING.

There is a difference between a teenager and a manchild. One is developed and one is not. Please do not think that there is no difference between the two.
Knowing what sex is and understanding the significance and consequences are different things. I mentioned social conservatives because they are the reason so many kids haven't been properly taught, but really no 12 year old would be able to make a good decision.
Dude, there is a clear physiological change going on in children as they transition from adolescence to young adulthood. This is what most anons mean when they say "maturity". It's called puberty.

You are not seriously conflating the "maturity" of developing 12 year old girl and a 20 year old woman to the "maturity" of a 40 year old woman and a 20 year old woman, are you?

I mean, I'm totally okay with loli/shota sex dolls. I'm okay with drawn porn. But actually involving children who are still developing their adult mindset and body in any sick or twisted fantasies is just wrong.

Children aren't innocent little flowers, they know about sex.

Is it fair that in some countries, if you have sex with a 17 year old, you're deemed a pedophile?

In countries like Canada, you're allowed to have sex with a 13 or 14 year old, provided the age difference isn't extreme (about two or three years I believe).

So, a 13 year old with a 16 year old = okay. But, a 13 year old with a 17 year old = pedophile. Are these laws really rational?
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>I find this extremely hard to believe.
Exactly. If they don't "understand" sex, why are schools & parents teaching them how bad it is at that age? Kids are brought up immediately with a condemnation of their body. It does nothing more then confuse and force-shame their own selves until they mature later and realize their parents were full of shit. It's like God telling Adam and Eve to know right and wrong by not eating the fruit that tells them right from wrong, before they eat it.
>They don't have an illness to be treated. You're taking something politically and socially deemed unacceptable and then saying it's an illness. It's no more of an illness than homosexuality.

In the same way people with a compulsion to commit violent acts should have access to psychiatric treatment people with sexual urges towards children should have access to psychiatric treatment.

>Re-read the OP picture

Quick question, do you think in time you will be on the right side of history? Do you believe future generations will look back and wonder why we were so prude about relationships between 12 year olds and adults? This is an honest question. I am genuinely curious. I am not trying to make a point.
Violent impulses can be stemmed from various upbringings or events, not just a born inclination like peadophilia.
OP, I have the desire to have sex with girls as young as 13. Is this wrong? Should I seek help?
>Re-read the OP picture
>You don't agree with me...better read it again!
Besides your total lack of sources for your outrageous claims, get your fucking priorities straight. You feel the need to mention that pedophilia is the desire for children, not actually engaging in sexual acts with them. You feel the need to mention the child pornography decreases the number of offences against children. THEN you go on to say about how this doesn't matter, because children aren't harmed by it at all anyway! Do you genuinely believe this?

Hey, maybe you should include a section where you try to refute your insecurities with intimacy between adults? Go for broke, your image is already shit.
Yes 13 and 17 seems a bit harsh but that is a totally different issue than pedophilia. While the law may view it as such, any reasonable human being looking at the age difference realizes it is different than say, a 14 year old and a 26 year old. The OP of this thread seems to be referencing the latter instead of the former.
I'm curious to hear the anti-pedophiles thoughts on ancient civilizations like Greece, where relationships with young children were the norm. Were these cultures all disgusting pedophiles?
Fair enough they are both still uncontrollable desires ( that is to say you can not control whether you desire them or not, not that you can not control whether or not you act on this desire) but they both still cause him to others when they are acted upon.
>Knowing what sex is and understanding the significance and consequences are different things

There is no inbuilt significance or consequence to sex that a child cannot understand. Sex may be considered sacred and virginity equated with purity, but those are not part of the physical act. Society is to blame if anything goes wrong regarding those values.

It would be like someone coming up and whipping you across the face with a belt for shaking hands with someone, because it's against the rules. Yeah, you shook hands with the person, but in no way shape or form is being whipped a part of shaking someone's hand.

Yes I do. I think your definition of coercion is not the right one. You must think it means something like "Oh He'll give me candy if I suck him off" or rape.

Coercion is also "This is an adult, I'm supposed to listen to and respect adults. He tells me I should have sex with him. An adult wouldn't want to do bad things to me". There is a certain amount of trust implicitly given to an adult from a child, and that would be exploitation, especially since you wouldn't have the child's best interest at heart.

But I'll make you a deal, if you agree that it is impossible to have a sexual relationship with a child that is anything beyond just physical, i.e. you can't connect with her on a level you can with an adult emotionally or mentally. And that by definition then you are using her for sex, and since she is not as mature as you, you are taking advantage of her inability to understand the fundamentals of interpersonal relationships. Then I'll admit pedophilia in most cases is not something that can be controlled
Yes, many cultures also practiced, bestiality, rape and human sacrifice but we have advanced as a species to realize that these actions are immoral.
They had nice norms of assassination, revenge killing and slavery too. I'm not trying to strawman, just point out that ancient civilizations weren't perfect.
We shouldn't be basing modern societies morals and values on ancient civilizations.
Sorry, I'm not seeing the difference. A thirteen year old has about the same experience and knowledge when having sex with a 17 year old, and when they do having sex with a 26 year old, or a 16 year old.

13 and 16=okay
13 and 17=bad
13 and 26=bad

Does this make sense? Why?
I asked this in the last thread but never got a response. Did anyone read "When Rabbit Howls"? It was about this woman who got screwed up severely by her stepdad molesting and raping her constantly as she grew up. It started when she was 4 or something, and before she had a chance to interact socially with others and "learn that sex is wrong" like all of the pedos here seem to think is the main bad thing, she had already developed MPD in order to hide from the abuse.

Are you implying that a child age 12 or so could understand the consequence of Pregnancy if she's already had her period. Or that a even younger child could understand things like AIDS, Herpes, Chlamydia and other STI's. No you're not, you are just looking it as a "Oh yay pleasure" aspect.
>There is no inbuilt significance or consequence to sex that a child cannot understand

I'd love to see your citation for this. Are you a child psychologist? Please tell me what qualifies you to make this judgement since the prevailing opinion of modern psychology is that children are not sufficiently developed mentally to make decisions such as these.
Decide for yourself, faggot. Seriously why do you people need approval of others for what you do. If it's a crime than, don't do it unless you're prepared to do the time.
Was she legitimately "screwed up", or was that propogated by the media's report, or by the police who called her a "hero" or told her she was a victim? Was she physically abused as well? That's a funny thing about literature, it has a way of being able to bend reality. Read OP to cover those points of "victimization".
There is a certain gray area where we must judge things on a case by case basis. 17 and 13 year olds are possibly still in the same range of maturity emotionally and mentally, and so it is not necessarily true that one party is in a position of power over the other. This possibility for roughly equivalent emotional and mental capabilities shrinks as the age gap grows larger.
>In the same way people with a compulsion to commit violent acts should have access to psychiatric treatment people with sexual urges towards the other sex should have access to psychiatric treatment

You'll have to do better than 'should' statements because those apply to gays and straight people as well.

>Quick question, do you think in time you will be on the right side of history?

It seems inevitable, yes, just like abolition of slavery and equal rights and gay acceptance. It will be a long time before public opinion changes, though.
Once again, /r9k/'s pedophilia community go onto display the maturity and reasoning of a child. God damn it guys, I'm so sick of these "discussions".
The norm? I'm pretty sure sex with young adolescents was the norm, not sex with young children.
No, she legitimately developed MPD due to what happened. Apparently even went into some sort of Stockholm Syndrome for a time where she just wanted to please him. I have read the actual book (it's still on my bookshelf), and it is interesting.
>It seems inevitable, yes, just like abolition of slavery and equal rights and gay acceptance. It will be a long time before public opinion changes, though.

Your right to fuck children is, sorry to say, not comparable to the equal rights of black people or two adults who happen to have the same genitalia to love one another.

>You'll have to do better than 'should' statements because those apply to gays and straight people as well.

No they shouldn't because gays and straight people can have consensual sexual relationships while children cannot consent.
ITT pedophiles: civilized world hates you, "they must be the problem!!" Christ, you people are worse than jews.

You should know that you're adorable. Would that you could understand why.
You're right anon.

HEY EVERYONE! Let's stop the debate, and go back to the beta forever alone threads! Those are much better!

Fucking normalfags and aspies ruined /r9k/.
You could try posting why.
Too bad fucker. This law's never going to change. Ever. Nice rationalization if it helps you sleep at night.
Where is your citation for the whole "child porn shown to lower rate of sexual offences" bit?
>Children aren't emotionally mature enough to understand sex, or appreciate the consequences of it.

Pedophile response:That's because we should teach children about sex earlier, not for any legitimate reason, but so they can have it with us.

Stay Classy Pedophreaks, Stay Classy
>picking the worst phrased of three similar replies so you don't have to respond

When you say "sexual contact," do you include vaginal intercourse? I ask because prepubescent girls are prone to ripping, tearing, and other harmful effects from vaginal intercourse, and someone who wished them no harm would not force such an act upon them.

Also, I have no problem with ephebophilia, as it is historically natural and beneficial for the younger partner (see: Hellenistic Greece, traditional Roman marriages, feudal marriages, Victorian marriages, etc)--paedophilia, though, seems to be rather unnatural.
Sure is butthurt ad hominem in here. Thanks to everyone able to discuss things rationally, despite differing opinions!
If it's fiction, go fuck yourself. If it's non-fiction, there can EASILY be a writer bias towards the situation.


Typical big boy buzzwords. Haven't got anything to add? Then shut the fuck up.
What's it like knowing you are going to die hated and despised by society, unable to ever truly express who you are?

You know what. I can solve this debate right now with a simple thought exercise. Here's how we'll frame it, and if you can do it I can guarantee you pulled some people to your side. Personally, I'm into adults of the opposite sex. So when I see a girl I like at a bar or a club, or in class I'll go up to her and chat about common interests, i.e. music, the news, politics, books she's read etc. Then I'll ask her if she wants to get a drink or see a movie or the like...

You're a pedophile, which means you're into pre-pubescent girls ranging from what is it again? 4-13ish then any older and you're an ephebophile or whatever. I want you to demonstrate how you'd chat up, or hit on, or pick up/convince a young girl say age 8ish to have sex with you. I'm sure since it isn't a big deal, you'll be able to do it without coming off as a predator. In fact this challenge is open to any pedos in the thread. Demonstrate how you'd hit on and ask an 8 year old out on the street, in front of their parents, without seeming like a predator.
Although I loathe pedophilia and do not support pedophiles at all. I do not believe that this, like most things in life, are so one sided.

Although what OP's 'pedo FAQ' said was, excuse my language, bullshit I do agree with one thing: pedophiles are born that way. It's unfortunate but I believe its true.

I don't agree with making it almost mpossible for them to find a place to live. Yes they did very bad (the ones that acted) but treating them like a dog or less isn't going to teach them any better.

I would prefer that pedos be allowed drawn CP (not real for obvious reasons) so that they can get their urges dealt with in a safe way for everyone.

OP, I do not hate you for being a pedo. Until you act on your urges and hurt another then I will not condem you. However I do not agree with your attraction.(as already stated)

Do you think that humans evolved in a way that led reproductively fertile females to become irreparably damaged upon having sex?

Those things you mentioned are easily understood even by children. You can extrapolate and make it more complex to suit your argument by arguing that kids don't understand the long-term consequences of contracting HIV, but really all they need to know is that it's bad and they'll be very sick. Every risk can be dealt with in the same way so that the child can fully understand the potential consequences.

Taking a step back I would say that having sex with anyone while you're at risk of passing on a debilitating disease is incredibly immoral in any situation.

>I'd love to see your citation for this. Are you a child psychologist?

I'm undergoing my final year of supervised provisional work in the field, so I have the same education (a masters in clinical psych) as most anyone else who would be telling you about this stuff. My qualifications really make zero difference in this matter though because it's such an easily observable and general social phenomenon.
Anyone can note these things and to be honest the literature on paedophilia is laughably bad. The most hilarious is the classification of paedophilia as a mental illness under the DSM when the supporting research uses the exact same shoddy methods as were previously utilised to find gay people as mentally ill. They actually have one of the traits as something along the lines of 'lack of self-restraint'... I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact the studies are done on convicted child rapists? Nah, must be a universal trait just like how the behaviour of all straight rapists generalises to straight guys!

So you're using your profession to get into the pants of little boys? Oh my.
inb4 OP molests one of his patients

seriously, it's the perfect situation, children are extremely susceptible to transference during therapy, i can already see where this is going

I don't hate pedos. I understand that there's a big difference between pedos and child molesters. However, once a pedo turns into a child molester, that's when most people start to have a problem.

A child exploring his sexual urges by himself is perfectly healthy and normal. However, when an adult gets involved, he's not doing it to help the child express his urges in a safe and healthy manner; he's doing it to exploit the child's urges for the sake of his own personal gratification. Its not done for the child's personal well-being and is exploitative regardless of whether or not it "harms" the child.

Not only that, but even if it was legal, how are you going to find children to be sexual with? Do you think that any parent in their right mind would give you permission to have your way with their child? Do you think adoption agencies would give you a child to be your own personal sex pet? Do you think your wife would be cool with you molesting your offspring? Sure, maybe you guys do need some porn as an outlet, but it sure as hell isn't going to involve real children. You would have to settle for loli or young-looking asian actresses or something. But child porn stars aren't going to happen either.

Oh dear. OP, I seriously hope you are not considering abusing your authority as a way to hurt children.

OP, tell me truthfully, are you going to use your profession to touch and hurt children? Or not? I will withheld judgment until you tell me. Nothing was ever gained by jumping to conclusions.

Considering no response from dear old OP, I dare say we've hit the nail on the fucking head.

If you dare to hurt a child, you will in the end be punished for it. Fuck you OP, you filthy sack of shit.


and I'd be very interested in seeing you do this>>2463548

I don't think you often think about the logistics of sex and children. You're just like once they make it legal to have sex with children, I'll have children to fuck everywhere. How are you going to get them asshole?
you lost me when you started talking about how adults are forced to silent them....... why would they need to be forced to be silent if it was ok with the child in the first place. besides the emotional and hormonal unstable minds and bodies of children id say they could not accurately give consent to such acts nor would it be deemed appropriate in our social contract. you suck and i hope you die!!!

OP is the worse kind of fucking pedo scum. He goes on and on about how it is possible to love a child, and be in a sexual relationship without using your authority as an adult to coerce them into believing you have their best interests at heart. Then we find out he is training to be a fucking child psychologist, and is planning on using that sensitive position to get children, who are already emotionally damaged and vulnerable to enter into a sexual relationship with an adult who just sees them as a means to sate his child lust, and then move onto another one. Even if he doesn't plan on fucking his patients he is still planning on using his knowledge of psychology to give him a better chance of convincing kids to sleep with him.

I can see it already "Don't worry hunny, see I'm a doctor and I have to examine you"....

OP makes me fucking sick, forget everything I said about giving you the benefit of the doubt. You're actively takings steps to make it easier to exploit and coerce children into having sex with you, all while pretending to be in love with them. You are literally the worse thing to happen to this world since Catholicism.
Why do people always try to compare pedophilia homosexuality? I don't know of any gay person who has to lure their partner into bed using candy.
I see no source. Not interested. And it makes it sound as though all children desire sex.
Please, OP. As a psychology student myself, I do not see how homosexuality and pedophilia are comparable - perhaps you really cannot control it and it is a sexual preference by nature, sure. But like earlier posts mentioned, homosexuality, bisexuality and heterosexuality typically involve consenting persons of age. Sure, it happens with younger folk, but not between a huge age gap many times.

I really wish for you NOT to abuse your power and keep your sexual preferences COMPLETELY TO YOURSELF as a working mental health professional. You don't want to put your clients at risk in any way. There is no leeway or excuse for this.
This has finally made me want to leave this place forever. Thank you OP.
i read a description of CP movies written by pedos, it would say stuff like " daddy put his penis and rubbed it against her clit, she got wet and squealed like she was loving it", and the fbi description would be "small child being raped by obese Caucasian male".
I'm sorry OP but with your 'profession' and the lack of an answer I will have to agree with >>2463739

I hate jumping to conclusions but honestly, the fact that you are going into a profession that will put children that are easily manipulated, emotionally damaged and incredibly vulnerable, right at your feet, the whole 'pedo FAQ' and the lack of an answer just leads to a horrible conclusion.

Not all pedophiles are monsters and inhumane but anyone who does what I believe you are planning is nothing more then scum. Shame on you OP.

As someone who has studied Evolutionary Biology, Anthropology and Psychology I can see what he is getting at. Basically his point is that from a biological, or reproductive, standpoint, they are the same because they are both sexual preferences that are not evolutionarily viable. I.e. 2 dudes fucking is not going to produce a child just like a dude fucking a premenstrual girl won't. Therefore, from an evolutionary standpoint, they are the same if you believe in an biologically, or more specifically a Darwinian, based morality system then they are basically the same.

OP is stupid and wrong, but I can see where he is coming from
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Pedo here
Girls under 14 should not be touched.
Laws against drawn child pornography are incredibly stupid.
If I could turn into a young boy right this instant, I'd definitely have sex with older men for money and gifts just all day long.

Cock constantly inside my ass, just a train of cocks and money.
I'd definitely turn into a little girl right now and fuck men for money
>ancient civilizations like Greece, where relationships with young children were the norm.
WRONG. Pederasty was common, but only with slaves between the ages of 12 and 18. Even then, these sorts of relationships were VERY exploitative and all about power and dominance. They cannot be compared to modern relationships.
I would buy so many legos and pokemon.

Oh man now I'm thinking about that episode of SVU where the teenager cammed to older men for money, and the sucked his little brother off on cam for more money, and got arrested.
im not going to say its wrong, but how the fuck would it work out in society? i mean if a 30 year old man were hitting on my son/daughter at 14 or less years i would kill him..or her for that case.

i just dont see how it would work out
please dont throw everything onto gays, it would be more fair to say "fetishes". Sounds better and you get more freaky shit on your side, like BDSM (not being able to move = psycial harm) Beastiality, Prostitution and Gays of course.

This. Between the whole "Pedo FAQ" and becoming a child psychologist, OP seems to be quite the sniveling little scoundrel.

What's the plan, eh OP? Work your way to the top just to get some child cock? Is that truly your life goal?
>mental illness
>being gay

Wrong. Being gay is mostly chemically while in the womb. How else would gay little kids exist? Talkin bout that faggot kid that always played with the girls. Maybe some gays get it through trauma, but certainly not all.

Pedos aren't born pedos. It's through trauma, or attachment to something (said attachment gets passed on to their longing for young ass).

It's apples to oranges.
>children don't get scarred for life by being molested

Stopped reading there.
>children masturbate from infancy
>mfw I have no face, and will never have a face ever again.
Actually, that part is true. It's not unusual for a kid to start masturbating at a very young age.
Oh God 1/10. You went too far towards the end before the last few it was believeable.
If it's legit then you're just a retard
>Pedos aren't born pedos. It's through trauma, or attachment to something (said attachment gets passed on to their longing for young ass).
Source now.
That attachment thing sounds like some Freudian bullshit.

According to Wiki, there ARE some biological associations, some of which are similar to homosexuality, such as the tendency to be left-handed and a high 2D:4D digit ratio. However, there are a lot of other factors, like disturbances in the prefrontal networks of the brain, a tendency towards lower IQs, poor memory test scores, and a lower volume of white matter.

Not that I think any of that matters. Child abuse is still child abuse.
I was actually asleep and that's why I didn't respond, but please feel free to assume my silence means I'm using my professional position as a way to leverage sex from children. Idiots.
I'm not even attracted to kids, this is just been an area of special interest for me ever since I realised how backward everything in society regarding paedophilia is.

And does it make sense to you that I would spend six years at university and a further two years training just so I could be in a position of power over kids? I'm sure I could be the owner of a daycare by now or a foster parent or something. Adding to this, clinical psychology isn't child psychology.

>why would they need to be forced to be silent if it was ok with the child in the first place

It isn't okay with the child in the first place because they've been conditioned to feel scared when someone touches their 'private parts'. You'll actually hear a lot of people saying they just thought it was a normal thing until they heard at school or from friends or on TV that it was considered horrible... and then they 'realised' it was wrong and became emotionally traumatised. Hah.
Please explain why I'm wrong. If you can't explain then I'm afraid you're just arguing from a "moral" standpoint, moral in quotation marks because it's simply a value you've absorbed from society and not something you've actually thought about
Just you wait till the age of consent is pushed to 21, just like goddamned alcohol.
God why do pedos keep fucking trying to justify their sickness get a fucking life and DIE. I HATE HATE HATE you fuckers.
Read some plato aristotle socrates you dumb fuck. Anything that's philosophy, you don't know the first thing about WHY we have socially constructed morals. Fuck your IQ must be 90 or below.
Not only does everything you say prove not only are you under educated (like most white trash pedos) but you also have not even thought your own theories through.


If I have to connect the dots for you on these points than fuck off a DIE- you are too stupid to live.
>Read some plato aristotle socrates you dumb fuck. Anything that's philosophy, you don't know the first thing about WHY we have socially constructed morals. Fuck your IQ must be 90 or below

Firstly, I would like a moment of silence for the buttmad that just passed... secondly, you could always just explain why I'm wrong. If it's so obvious you should be able to convincingly debate your position rather than hiding behind other people.


Great argument right there
Those who call bullshit on the society causing traumas, think about this:

Those children who are circumcised at the age they can remember it don't become broken, depressed inviduals, even though it physically damages the child. Why? Because it is socially acceptable, even encouraged by some.

If you can't explain your own position, you either don't have a satisfactory understanding of it or you're arguing it because 'its just wrong end of story'.
Children can't give informed consent. Therefore, every sexual relationship with a child is rape.

Kill yourself.
So I was "molested" as a kid by my male babysitter when I was 8 or so. My dad also hit me with a belt as discipline when I mouthed off as a kid too.
The molesting thing was hardly even a thing. It didn't scar me or do any damage that I know of, the guy was a teenager and wasn't aggressive or violent, he just asked me to suck his dick, which I didn't see why not. And this guy would now be a sex criminal for the rest of his life. Yet, my dad hit me with a belt till I cried plenty of times throughout my childhood, and this is perfectly legal.
I'm not saying we should be asking 8 year olds to blow us, but it's fucking retarded that you can beat the shit out of your kids and that's perfectly legal, and yet sucking them off or asking them to suck you off or fucking whatever, is some heinous, disgusting thing.
I know society always has double standards, but that's just bullshit and stupid
Okay I will ATTEMPT to explain it very slowly for you. Though I'm probably wasting my time because I doubt someone as under educated as you would understand these things.

Pedophilia is a paraphilia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraphilia pretty much meaning a fetish or a sexual disorder. First of all homosexuality is NOT recognized as a mental disorder like paraphilias are. Pedophilia is a psychosexual disorder meaning that the actions of an individual who is one (in and outside of a sexual situation) show signs of being psychotic, sociopathic, and sometimes even schizoid. The reason for this is pedophilia exists on a spectrum of psychiatric disorders just like something like Asperger syndrome exists on a spectrum of Autism. So a person with Asperger syndrome has a developmental disorder just like a person who is a pedophilia has a psychiatric disorder. Why do we call it a disorder? Well because cognitive and clinical diagnostic misjudgment has occurred in the brain. It's considered abnormal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diagnostic_and_Statistical_Manual_of_Mental_Disorders

But why socially, economically, and morally do we find it abnormal and offensive. Lets look at just a few of those many reasons. These reasons may seem obvious to your average everyday person. But you lack in common sense so I'll TRY and break it down for you why these are all considered disorders and abnormal and how that ties into philosophy, psychology (even more) and society.
I for one support Op's plight to destroy a childs life so he can have an orgasm.

I can't think of a more noble cause to devote yourself too. I mean afterall children are only psychologically scarred because society frowns upon fucking children. Obviously this type of mob mentality needs to desist, if we could simply get people to accept that we want to fuck their 5 year old daughters then I believe we'd grow as a society.

I love how one of the points in OP's image is "Pedophilia is the sexual attraction to a child and not implicating that we will have sex with them" and then the rest of his pic goes on to explain why fucking children isn't a bad thing.

Holy shit thank god you're behind a computer. There's probably a good reason why pedophilia is almost universally considered fucking terrible.

I hope to god im being trolled
>we have advanced as a species

How? You mean technologically? That's advanced, but not related to the topic at hand. You can't really put technology and philosophy in the same boat. That's like apples and oranges.

Offhand, OP, your argument is interesting, although I would like to see these sources on CP lowering violent pedo levels.

>Do I think the actual act of pedophilia is wrong?
Not particularly. To me, sex can be a way of showing love, same as kissing, hand holding, or hugging. It's just more intimate.

>Do I think we should allow pedophilia in our current society?
I really don't think so. Just like we shouldn't legalize marijuana or lower the age for alcohol consumption. We have a stake in how our society is formed, but think that those with differing opinions are wrong for reasons only we justify to ourselves. Until most of us develop a reasonable mind, we need to stay restricted in what liberties we can take.
>Anything that's philosophy
Uh I ace' d my philosophy finals with a paper on why slavery was the moral thing to do and why and how it should be reinstated in modern times. If i wanted to go further I could reason why Hitler was a moral human being. You should actually study philosophy before making mentioning it. Ethics is a mind blower my friend. In fact I already made a thread like this one, discussing the morality of pedophilia. The funny thing is, anyone who disagrees with the mainstream opinion will be labeled a closet pedophile.
Didn't read the thread because fuck you, but you're trying to get people to stop hating paedophilia with logic, which will never work. Most people choose emotions before logic when making decisions, and paedophilia is no exception. People's aversion to paedophilia is emotional, not logical. All the studies in the world showing that hating paedophiles causes more harm than good won't make any difference.
Firstly let me say that I use the word pedophilia for ease of understanding - I'm not implying that I believe it's a fetish or disorder.

Secondly, the DSM is incredibly shoddy and politically motivated. Remember how the psychological community wrongly categorised homosexuality as a mental illness because of biased research? The same thing is happening here.
How do you think they get pedophiles to study to begin with? Is it reasonable to assume that pedophiles would come forth and participate in research? No, I don't think so. The subjects they do their research on are all convicted sex offenders.
You can't make any conclusions on a population judging by a small group of people. It would be like collecting data from adult rapists and concluding straight men lack self control and are psychotic.

>Why do we call it a disorder? Well because cognitive and clinical diagnostic misjudgment has occurred in the brain
And by applying that same incredibly vague and utterly useless standard to gays, you won't get exactly the same result? Or people into BDSM? Or people who are introverted?
>arguing on a stupid forum
>someone says homos are the most oppressed minority
>say that's fucking retarded
>it's okay to discriminate and mistreat this group of people, because they deserve it
feel bad for pedos, just because normalfags are retarded and cannot into morality or basic reasoning.
I'd just like to share a little personal observation of mine.

I've noticed that the more intelligent someone is, the more indifferent they are towards paedophilia. It's shocking really. All these working-class idiots doing some shit entry job and talk like they have a mental disability, they're the sort who'd hate paedophiles enough to attack them.

I openly admit to my friends that I'm a paedophile, and none of them care, because they're intelligent.
What i can't imagine is how it would work OP. How would adults approach children they are sexually attracted to? How do you think parents should act?

To me this whole notion seems insane and comparing pedophilia to homesexual adults having consenting sex is laughable.

They DO deserve it. They're creepy fucks.

You ever met a pedo that was all there mentally? An upstanding citizen with a good career, beating women off with a stick with his handsome good looks and charming personality?

No those fuckers got serious mental problems. Pedophilia is a mental disorder not a sexual orientation, arguing that is a moot point with a pedophile obviously.

Pedophiles DESERVE all this hate. So they know if they get caught with a minor then the full force of society will fuck them right back. It's fear that'll keep most of them from attempting it.

If suddenly everyone was more lax about pedophiles then kids be getting taken advantage of all the fucking time, because they're fucking kids.

Take a look at this thread for example, its obvious the people arguing pro-pedophilia cannot grasp simple social behavior. Their minds are completely fucked
>Ethics is a mind blower my friend.
Seriously. There are so many different ethical viewpoints, and you can use differing views to claim anything is moral/immoral. I assume you utilized some sort of utilitarian form of argument for slavery being moral?
I'm too lazy to read this gay thread, so I'm just going to share my opinion assuming something similar has already been said 3,000,000 times.

I feel sorry for paedophiles. Child molesters disgust me.
>i'm now going to generalize an entire group of people based on absolutely no facts, only my personal feelings
like i said, normalfags, basic reasoning, etc.
>You ever met a pedo that was all there mentally? An upstanding citizen with a good career, beating women off with a stick with his handsome good looks and charming personality?
Are you really that fucking stupid? If they admitted they were a paedophile, none of that stuff would happen. There are loads of paedophiles who have well-paying jobs and get chased by women, but you don't realise it because they never admit that they're paedophiles.

>No those fuckers got serious mental problems. Pedophilia is a mental disorder not a sexual orientation, arguing that is a moot point with a pedophile obviously.
It being a mental disorder makes no difference. Homosexuality used to be a mental disorder. The fact that it's a mental disorder just shows that society deems it "abnormal". That doesn't mean that it is abnormal, or that it's bad.

Couldn't be bothered to respond to the rest, you're clearly very stupid, and pretty much every sentence in your post contains a logical fallacy.
OMG THIS. YES exactly.

Children can't give informed consent. Therefore, every sexual relationship with a child is rape. I think you have a misunderstanding of what a 'child' actually is OP. A child is someone who has not developed emotionally, mentally, and even physically as much as an adult. Just because you are as dumb and underdeveloped as a child doesn't give you the right to rape a child. Your low IQ and fact that you are easily intimidated (probably manifests it's self through social phobias, shyness, insecurity) probably makes you feel like you can relate more to a child. Less intimidated by one as well.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia - Read under Causes and biological associations. Pedos have lower IQs so I was probably correct in my assumption.


People place value on certain things in society. There is a psychological, evolutionary, and economical reason for this. It's that an individual builds his life to serve a whole. 'The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few' - Spock. This is merely and simply pure LOGIC. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic When you do something detrimental to yourself or others this defies the logic of a flourishing community. Even on a individual level its only logical to see detrimental things as wrong. As society progressed those ideas have become more complex. They became more than just survival instincts. That's where we get our concepts of morality http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morals. Because these all tie into and connect to logic, intelligence, sociology http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociology, religion, spirituality, and psychology they make sense to a higher developed mind. Why does it make sense not to molest and rape children? Because it is the opposite of evolution, it's the opposite of serving the benefit of the whole.
Animals cannot give consent as they do not have the cognitive abilities to understand such a concept, but if you let a dog fuck you in the ass, are you abusing it simply because it cannot understand what it means to consent?
Hurp durp

There you have it guys pedophilia is ok because if a dog fucks you in the ass you're not abusing it.
Idiot. They based their data on a biased source. The only way they'd find paedophiles is if they surveyed convicted child abusers. The paedophiles who don't act on it are the ones with higher than average IQs, but nobody surveys them because they keep it a secret.

All studies on paedophilia are - and until paedophilia is socially acceptable, will be - based on biased data, using only the people who were convicted for child abuse.
It's like you have to win? You fucking retard, do you even know how an analogy works? I'm saying a thing can fuck something else and it's not rape, even though that thing cannot understand consent.
You're not raping a dog if it's fucking your asshole, which, by your logic, would be rape.
My analogy might make every pedo cringe because of what I'm likening them to, but it fucking works.
At least my logic holds water.
>I openly admit to my friends that I'm a paedophile, and none of them care
Bullshit. They're all probably too self-absorbed to give a shit if they're hanging out with a potential child molestor, and too socially retarded to pick and choose their friends.
When a child experiences trauma something called idealization and devaluation usually happens (in a normal healthy human brain) the trauma can be caused by sexual assault even if its done gently as pedo like you might say. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idealization_and_devaluation It also can cause a huge variety of reactions in children as young as 1. Dissociation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissociation_(psychology)
Even cognition.

Children as young as 2 or 3 can show signs of all of these. Children who are abused this young usually are psychologically messed up because at that young of a age they create normal instinctual bonds with the adults around them. These aren't just psychology facts they are also scientifically proven by studying hormones in the brain. Children are simply not mentally equipped to experience sex with an adult because their hormones are not in order for that.

Why is it seen as okay for a child to masturbate or explore his/her sexuality on their own then? Why do children experience orgasm and sexual desires? Because everyone develops differently. When I was 12 I could have orgasms and squirt and I had not started menstruation yet. I also remember experiencing powerful vaginal contractions. Some people never experience these things because they are Asexual. Either way it's a child's right to their own body, just because they can explore their sexuality doesn't mean they are ready to do it with someone else. And because they are naive and easily manipulated/tricked people like you are seen for the monsters that you are preying off the weak.


Brilliant retort, you showed him good.
>Children can't give informed consent. Therefore, every sexual relationship with a child is rape

I explained why this isn't true in the OP.

>ad hominem ad hominem ad hominem
I see.

>Pedos have lower IQs so I was probably correct in my assumption.
Based on studies of people who are convicted sex offenders. Not only the people who break the law, but the ones who get caught.

The rest of your post was meaningless babble on philosophy and logic. All you did was explain logic and how morals come to be (without even acknowledging the most important point - social influence).

There are many many arguments that could be made for adult-child sex being positive (early learning experience, overpopulation, lessening of harm to children when they are legitimately raped etc.) but those stretch too far into the theoretical for my liking. I'm simply arguing that in and of itself, a child having sexual contact with an adult will not be harmed unless society is structured in a way that encourages the child to feel violated and abused. It's neutral at worst.
This just in: not every sexual act is violent abuse
In fact, the vast vast majority of sexual acts are not violent or abusive in any way
Also just in: violence happens outside of sexual contexts
In fact, the vast vast majority of violence any given person sees will be completely nonsexual in any way
More on this at 6
Dude, you've got this totally wrong. Pedophiles are NOT human.
Yes i did. Im surprised someone here recognizes it(nice to find other intelligent people on this board). Utilitarian Ethics are God Tier. I'm currently creating a new brand to address the common criticisms thrown at consequentialism. It's a more focused version of two step utilitarianism. I've also successfully argued for pedophilia(not child sex), genocide, and warmongering.

You're analogy might not be rape but it would be abuse by it's definition. The purpose is to gain sexual pleasure by taking advantage of the animal and thats considered abuse regardless of the pain or pleasure we think the animal feels.
>the animal enjoys it and is not harmed
>the human enjoys it and is not harmed
>it is therefore abuse

I really don't follow your reasoning here. The only way I could see this being a logical argument is if you thought literally everything that can't consent (dildos, fleshlights etc.) being involved in sexuality is being taken advantage of.
this guy gets it. the human response to someone being afflicted with something like pedophilia should be sympathy. this person is going to have to live with some shit for the rest of their life, and the only acceptable response should be support. if someone commits a crime, then that person is a criminal and should be penalized by the justice system, but when you just treat these people like shit, you're just causing them internal destruction and warping their psyches instead of helping them. it's blaming the victim (again, it's blaming the victim when this person has not committed any crimes. stop with this equivocation fallacy of being a pedophile = you've already raped an entire preschool). you're doing damage to people who have done no wrong.
>hurr let's treat all pedophiles like shit, so if they ever tell a single person, their life is ruined
>durr look at all these pedophiles who are mentally unstable, see only pedophiles are mentally unstable, that's why we treat them this way
it's a self-fulfilling prophecy and it's fucking retarded.
goddamn society get your shit together.
I don't think of pedophiles like they aren't human, and I don't have a problem with them as long as they don't act on their desires at all (but I do think they should be in therapy and put away for a long, long time if they ever do act on their desires).

But a lot of that FAQ just looks like a lot of professional language and big words strung together.

>of course child porn is not legal, it just encourages sexualization of kids and makes pedophiles more likely to act on their desires!
>Legalization of child pornography has been shown to lower the rates of child sex offences...

What sort of child pornography are you talking about there? Because even if some of these guys are just viewing the stuff, some kid has to be exploited and another guy (or woman, actually, not discriminating here but it is usually men as far as I know) has to do something with the child. So that's still fucked up and still not great for the kid.

And I'm not sure if I believe that, anyway. Because I don't know about you guys, but if I watch a certain kind of porn a lot, I start wanting to do some of the stuff I see. If I watch bondage porn I start to think "Wouldn't it be great if someone tied me up?" and more often than not I'll bring that up with someone and it will happen. I can't help that think that pedophiles are similar.
Pedos are all disgusting freaks and you will NEVER be accepted into society so FUCK OFF.

>it's simply a value you've absorbed from society and not something you've actually thought about

You are the worst kind of faggot. The "it's only society's problem" kind of faggot.
>normalfags in charge of being well-reasoned, logical, and rational
Ain't even pedo, but you're retarded and the fact you vote saddens me.
If I may i'd like to give a new take on this argument.

As a general rule of thumb for me; if the entire animal kingdom doesn't do it, then you probably shouldnt fucking do it. Now let's explore what I mean by this.

Nowhere in nature will you find an adult of the species, mating with a child of the species. Also you'll never see animals fuck a dead animal because mentally that shit just isn't supposed to happen.

Even a BEAST with no sense of morality or introspection knows not to do these things and yet you a being capable of complex thought and and understanding of morality deem this as acceptable?

The only explanation for this is monster. You are an absolute monster and you use your ability to explain morality to justify everything you do.

Also you compare homosexuality to pedophilia but once again many animals partake in homosexuality. Flawed biologically yes but it's not the same as pedophilia.

Infact comparing the two is fucking insane. It's like comparing eating animal meat to cannibalism. They're both the same(sexual orientation) but one is universally accepted as worse then the other.

In conclusion, suicide is always an option.
Is it possible for normalfags to make an argument that doesn't rely on logical fallacies?
>As a general rule of thumb for me; if the entire animal kingdom doesn't do it, then you probably shouldnt fucking do it.
The animal kingdom does not drive cars. I guess we should stop driving cars. Oh, and they don't wipe their ass either, so let's not do that.
>appeal to nature fallacy
holy fucking fuckity fuck
Logical fallacies everywhere
>But a lot of that FAQ just looks like a lot of professional language and big words strung together.

I'm sorry, I'm used to writing in a certain way.

The difference between you and a paedophile when it comes to porn is that they have literally NO way to relieve their desires legally. They can't go to a child prostitute without breaking a very serious law, they can't have a sexual relationship without breaking a very serious law either. So they have the desire and no physical outlet. THEN they don't even have porn to relieve their sexual frustration. Taking pictures of kids in public to masturbate to may not be illegal but it carries a huge risk of being assaulted and having your reputation permanently tarnished, so that isn't an option either.

And all that is on top of the hate they hear for paedophiles day after day, on top of the fact they need to conceal and lie about their sexual preferences. As you can imagine it creates very frustrated people who turn to raping (legitimately raping, using force) children as an outlet. To be honest it's the obvious outcome when having a picture of a kid carries close to the same jail time as having sex with one. If someone can't control their decades of repressed urges any longer it makes sense in a really messed up way for them to choose the actual child rather than the porn because the trouble they'll get into is pretty similar.

By legalising it you give them a viable outlet. Obviously the production and sale of child porn is still just as illegal in these places, but the crime rates don't get any higher once possession is legal.

Google around for the stats, the Czech Republic and Japan are particularly interesting for the fact that child sex offences plummeted after possession of child porn was decriminalised.
Nobody ever answers my fucking question. Isn't it more of a fetish? And doesn't the fact that it is considered taboo fuel this?
OP, you're taking those "studies" out of context.
The studies show that, in Japan, child molestation decreased as lolicon drawings were allowed, nothing to do with actual child pornography, which is exploitation of children on several levels.
There is a huge conspiracy on to make sure I don't get 6 year old poon.

Society is just teaching these children to not want my dick!

cool strawman. Comparing reproduction to driving cars. Yup I guess the other guy was right, pedophiles do have some pretty fucking low IQs
Wrong. Animals don't partake in homosexuality, if anything you'll see two species of same gender living together, but no sexual act ever occurs.
Pedophilia is not a fetish you fool
The fact that it is considered "taboo"? You mean the quickest way to ruin someone's life? That does not fuel anything, rather, it causes every person afflicted with that sort of sexuality to repress it extremely, to the detriment of themselves because the alternative is social suicide
are you trolling or has /r9k/ actually gone full retard?
(continued because apparently I have a lot to say about this)

And also
>and consensual sex with CHILDREN? They don't even understand sex!
>children are perfectly capable of understanding and thus giving informed consent
Saying this as someone who was in a "relationship" with an older man from when I was seven to when I was twelve, I understood what sex was, yes, and I was consenting, but it fucked me up big in the long term. And it had nothing to do with "society victimizing children involved sexually with an adult". I didn't know anything about pedophilia until I was about 14 and didn't think anything was wrong with what was going on with me and this other dude and no one found out until I was ~25 and told my shrink. Apparently my depression, anxiety, low confidence and hyper sexuality are all very, very common in people who have been "molested" at a young age along with my... various addictions. And there is nothing else that has happened with me that would cause any of this.

>They can feel sexual pleasure as well
Yes, but when it comes to things men would want to do with a child sexually (penetration, mainly) they wouldn't get anything out of it. It would hurt (unless the dude had like, micropenis or was pencil-width. It wouldn't result in any sort of pleasure for them.

And finally, because somehow I missed this before:
>Most pedophiles desire loving, sexual relationships with children.
But those relationships would be completely one-sided. Children can not fathom /that/ sort of love.
Pedo here
Yes, it is a fetish.
Yes, taboo is about 60% of the appeal, with the other 40% being that we're socially stunted and seek the simplicity of children.
Hey OP, how young does a child have to be for you to think it is wrong for adults to have sex with?

Just curious.
>directly quote you
>use an ad hom right after accusing me of using a logical fallacy
Is this what passes for trolling now?
Are you going to provide anything to disprove said statements?
Because both parties are making mistakes. You might think it would have been great to have had sex at the age of 12, but had you figured it all out by then? Condoms, STD's, pregnancy, period etc. Most 12 year olds are experimenting with their own sexuality, but by themselves, and not with others.
The animal kingdom does not have life saving surgery or equal rights. That's a horribly flawed argument.

Also, it doesn't even fit reality. Paedophilia is seen throughout the animal kingdom. Bonobos (great apes that funnily enough have a similar social structure to humans and are often used to explain human behaviour) engage in paedophilia. So do stoats, ducks and a multitude of other species.

here i googled for you

these posts are bad and you should feel bad
i mean it
>"[M]any researchers have described homosexuality as something altogether different from sex. They must realise that animals can have sex with who they will, when they will and without consideration to a researcher's ethical principles"
>animals can have sex with who they will, when they will
Animals confirmed for pedos.
Unfortunately, paedophilia does happen elsewhere in the animal kingdom. The Bonobo chimpanzee, one of our closest relatives, frequently engages in sexual activity with all members of its group regardless of age or sex. This is a form of social bonding for them, helping them resolve conflicts without the need for violence. It is obviously not done for reproduction, since they mate with individuals of the same sex and those too young to breed.

Also necrophilia is really fucking common in birds, to a stupid degree.
So long as they can genuinely understand what's going on and it's not just "yep" when the adult explains it. If they can explain in their own words what they're going to do and why they're doing it then I don't see a problem. Age-wise, perhaps five.
It's the same reason people find incest erotic. Its hot because it shouldn't happen, and there is the risk involved. Granted, most people who fap to incest are appalled by the idea of fucking their relatives, but most pedophiles do not have an exclusive attraction to young girls, and their attractions weren't always focused on young girls.
I was telling the truth, I wouldn't be half as into it as I am if it was mainstream

Actually it's not a flawed arguement to someone with a brain.

Firstly Chimpanzees are usually compared to humans because of their similiar social structure. Bonobos are completely fucking different.

Secondly the poster clearly states that animals are incapable of introspection and yet the pedos try to jump on this and say "HUUR DOGS DONT DRIVE CARS" which has nothing to do with what he's saying.

He's saying that biologically in all cases, this behavior is universally not accepted. Only through serious mental disorder in humans does this occur. He also explained the absurdity of comparing homosexuality to pedophilia by way of referencing the animals. Obviously ducks dont have equal rights because they have no understanding of morality like humans do. THAT WAS THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT.

I understand you'll never concede to my point because you're a pedophile trying to justify mental illness. Because if you did accept that it was ethically fucking deplorable then you'd probably find it hard to live with yourself knowing that you're a monster.

I understand anon. Im sorry you have to go through that, but a child's life takes precedence over an adults sexual desires.
Now that's a quality post right there! Great argument, mate. Keep up the good work!
but what about physical issues?

most kids' bodies aren't ready for sex.
What essentially those posts amounted to was someone shouting "FUCKING FAGGOTS" while at a debate for gay marriage.
And then replying to that with "really? really man?"
And then the reply to that being "OH WOW, THAT'S YOUR RETORT? QUALITY ARGUMENT."

It's fucking stupid, but I'll explain why each of those posts are bad.
This guy is striaght up impersonating a pedophile for no reason other than to slander them.
This guy making a bad post was explained here >>2465112
And lastly >>2465103 was debunked with a quick google search from >>2465125

So there you go.
First time I come on /r9k/ in 6 months and I see this shit.

Yeah no, fuck this board, you're all fucking pathetic.
Do you know any paedophiles that aren't socially stunted?
Humbert Humbert isn't an option.
>Firstly Chimpanzees are usually compared to humans because of their similiar social structure. Bonobos are completely fucking different.

Neither of them can be used to make any conclusions about human beings, I was just pointing out that not only do other animals engage in pedophilia, our close genetic relatives do as well.

>Secondly the poster clearly states that animals are incapable of introspection

Let's take a look at what he actually said
>Even a BEAST with no sense of morality or introspection knows not to do these things

But they actually do do those things. His point was that if it doesn't occur in nature (ignoring human nature for some reason) it is wrong. Even under that horrible logic he's still wrong because it does happen in other species.

>understand you'll never concede to my point because you're a pedophile trying to justify mental illness

Ah, the creme de la creme of ad hominems.
If >>2465109 is lying, answer the fucking question.

Is pedophilia a fetish, or is it a sexuality?

What age did you realize you were a pedophile?

What got you in to it?

Were you attracted to kids when you were a kid, and your attractions stayed the same while you grew?
I'll keep my personal beliefs out of this post.

Pedophilia is not universally frowned upon, there have been MANY cases where pedophilia is accepted and even encouraged.(a list too long for the post limit so I wont bother posting it) so take my word for it.

What this goes to show is that pedophilia is NOT a mental disorder. That many people engaging in this behavior with lack of discretion can not be seen as mental disorder because the act was so widespread the probability of them all being mentally ill is zero.

One could make the aruement that all of these people were primitive swine who didnt understand basic concepts of morality, however, consider the following.

for three centuries the age of sexual consent in England was 10. This was not in some loin cloth clad tribe living on the side of a volcano, but the nation that for six centurieswas already graduating students from Oxford and Cambridge.

>blaming the victim
>self-fulfilling prophecy
It's not a fetish, it's a goddamn sexuality, like I explained here >>2465104
Do you consider homosexuality a fetish that is only practiced because it's taboo? If you do, you're retarded just like if you think the same for pedophilia.
And I'm not a goddamn pedo.
>Do you know any paedophiles that aren't socially stunted?

You would need to be socially stunted in the first place to let anyone know you were a paedophile in today's society.
A clever, correct reply that doesn't answer the question.
I don't know any pedophiles period.
Not even online?
Are the socially successful paedophiles just too suave to get caught?

strike that i have no desire to continue this.
>so take my word for it
You're not a pedophile, so your claim is invalid. If no pedophiles want to correct me, I will keep assuming its a fetish.

Its like if I said I had a huge attraction/I was only attracted to fat chicks or moms. Is that suddenly a sexuality?

Homosexuality makes a shit load more sense then Pedophilia does.
Do I need to be a goddamn homo to say homosexuality isn't a fetish? No, I don't. Try to think for 2 goddamn seconds. If you want a pedophile to fill out your silly questionnaire, it might help to get rid of your preconceived notions first.

Here you go


Do you even know what admitting pedophilia entails? Its basically social suicide, why would anyone who is socially successful risk their entire social life just to tell someone their "sick disgusting immoral" sexual orientation?
Go fuck yourself, creep. You're trivializing traumatizing events just so you can justify your fetish. I usually have no problems with fetishes, but paedophilia can ruin a persons entire life since they are so psychologically, emotionally and physically vulnerable at such a young age. You'd like to think that society is the factor doing this damage. But no. It's your dick in some kids ass, you sicko. When I was a kid I wanted to play with toys and build fortresses, not have a strangers cock up my shitter. You're willing to fuck up someone's psyche and well-being just so you can get off. That's what makes you sub-human, the fact that you're willing to do that to satisfy your worthless urges, not the fact that you're just attracted to the idea.

I hope the FBI track you down and you get raped in prison, jerk-off. Then we'll see how sexual contact isn't inherently harmful.

This post sums up my feelings on the subject quite well.

Please OP, please commit suicide. See suicide isn't inherently bad, its just social conditioning leading you to think that way. I believe if people weren't so damn deadset against suicide that lots of people would be able to see the benefits of it.
So I'm this poster >>2464937 and I got molested as a kid, and nothing happened. I really think western society flips shit and thinks kids are the most sensitive things in existence. Kids are tough man, I climbed trees and shit and fell a lot and always had scraped knees and I'd go wandering through the woods behind our house. And it didn't really do anything.
This issue is really fucking inflated.
>implying that all of the pedophiles on /r9k/ aren't just fucked up, insecure guys who are convinced people their own age aren't interested in them and never will be so they turn to children because they think children are all innocent and won't know if they're repulsive physically or their dick is small
Same pedo here.
I partially renounce the fetish claim.
It's half way between a fetish and a sexuality, I myself am attracted to both adults and children, though there are some that see nothing in adults.
These people are "mentally ill", but only about as mentally ill as homosexuals, their preferance being down to a hormone imbalance, except with the downside that they can't have the worthy consent of the other party.
So you are avoiding the argument without providing any significant back up to your stance? Good game bro.
You guys aren't pedophiles.

You're just grasping at the last thing on the planet that may be willing to fuck you.
You're not providing any evidence, so why should I? Claims posited without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Isn't that the basis for all paedophilia?
Paedophilia is no more of a choice than homosexuality is.
For the sake of the argument, I'm going to believe that that event actually happened to you and that it didn't leave any kind of pyschological impact on you (which is also highly doubtful). Not all kids are going to be the same. Not all of them are going to shrug off an experience like that. They can seem tough as you said, but it can take a few moments of their childhood to leave a deep scar that will haunt them for the rest of their life. And to risk that occurrence all just to satisfy one guys sexual desires is highly selfish and immoral.

And I'm going to base this next statement on my own experiences; I didn't want to suck a guys dick when I was a kid, I don't want to do it now. And if I had an 8 year old I'd DEFINITELY don't want that happening to him, even if he supposedly doesn't mind.
This describes me perfectly
I guess I'm not a true pedophile
Obviously you need to be gentle, anal sex hurts for the first time if your 10 or 20. mutual masturbation, oral sex etc. pose no physical risk.
This question has been asked a few times but keeps getting missed.

How would you guys want to be seen in society?
How would you approach kids?
How much power does the parent have in the 'relationship'?
Using anecdotes is pointless. Children can enjoy sex;l but no one is arguing that they always will with every person.
Things people need to do:
>Stop comparing homosexuality and pedophilia
I'd like to be seen the same way as it was in Ancient Greece, just a normal every day part of life.
Harmless fetishist
Talk to them when I can and revel in their simplicity
There should be no relationship, that shit fucks them up, the parents should be around in case I slip up
If a child is going to discover its sexuality it should be on its own terms. You being there with your dick out shouldn't be part of that experience.

Words cannot describe how much I despise you right now. There's a chance that you might carry out your urges, and that is making me physically sick and bloody angry. This thread is going to kill me.
Raping and hurting children isn't a part of every day life. stop justifying your sickness, it was wrong then and its wrong now.
Slavery was also a part of everyday life. I'm guessing you want to justify that too.
>Believe something that could harm the lives of others directly or indirectly because you're clearly putting your desires/feeling ahead of the others around you.
>expecting me to take you seriously

People supporting this because even though this is not accepted by society, SCREW THAT!!!! society is filled with normalfags and hurr durr I hate normalfags

Since when was r9k filled with this much retardation?
You should go around asking parents if you could fuck their children right now. I'm serious, go for it.
>That feel when even if you offered sex to a child, and talked to them about why they would enjoy it, they still reject you.

>normal everyday part of life

"Hey John, What's your daughter like six now? When you gonna let me tap that shit?"
>Nigga as the girls father I get first dibs then the uncles and THEN ill let someone outside the family take a whack at that. Thats just common courtesy bro, family first.
"Awh shit man, shes 6 I think shes ready for her first threesome. Whats the big deal its perfectly normal and not hurting anyone"
>eh you're right lets go fuck my 6 year old daughter like completely normal rational adults. Im sure it'll have no negative consequences at all.

Life through the eyes of a pedo sure is wierd.

Life in the eyes of a pedo.
Not him, but what if I'm perfectly gentle and the kid enjoys it? Would it really be so bad to play around and teach a little girl to kiss and explore each others bodies under the covers in a playful way? I get to enjoy being with a little cutie and she gets to have fun with me.

Penetration would cause harm and that's why it's wrong, I dont get why you think masturbating a girl would be so bad.
> Molested as a young child by pedo
> Read through that entire thing
> Pedophilia doesn't harm kids! LOL
> Have extremely fucked childhood due to issues from being molested

I have never been more genuinely offended by something I have read on the internet, ever.

You cannot justify ruining kids lives. I hope you wake up to yourselves one day.
I just said I don't want to touch children, let alone fuck them
>tfw molested by a pedophile for 4 years

This guy gets it.

How are you pedos going to go around picking up kids? No parent would ever allow this shit to happen.
>mfw OP has ignored every good argument or post brought up against him that blows his bullshit out of the water
>mfw instead he attacks the shit posts and terrible arguments to look like he is smart

Faggot of the thread award goes to OP, no surprises there.
What are these good arguments that 'blow my bullshit out of the water'?
Fuck men and their dirty, disgusting fucked up fetishes.

yes ALL men are pedophiles.

Also I have it on good authority that a women once fucked a chimpanzee. Women are chimpanzee fuckers. God women are so SICK

I think first of all you'd have to outline how exactly you'd like pedophilia to be accepted in society.

In what way can adults approach children, how parents could decide what is allowed and how much physical contact should be allowed.

What would you consider as consent by a child and not just a lack of understanding?
Thanks for the laughs, /r9k/. Stay stupid.

Answer this fag.
I hope you choke, prick.
This entire post can be invalidated with a single point;

It's not natural to hold sexual desire for someone who isn't of full child-bearing age. That goes against all our inherent mental programming that screams 'Continue our species!'.

It's not right, it IS mental illness. Get over it. Seek professional help or An Hero.
I really hate how much normalfaggotry there is in 4chan these days.

>it IS mental illness.

Then so is homosexuality according to your rationale.
I wouldn't say
>most pedophiles desire loving relationships with children.
There's no way of knowing the relative frequency of those who desire a loving relationship with children, and hence would not be prepared to hurt or upset children, and those who just want to fuck children and are prepared to abduct and distress them.
I would instead say
>Not all pedophiles want to or are prepared to hurt children. A pedophile can just as easily desire a kind, loving relationship with a child as a non-pedophile can desire such with an adult woman.

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