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  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229459769.jpg-(114 KB, 530x800, 196703_fran_gerard11.jpg)
    114 KB Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)15:36:09 No.2460088  
    ITT: Sites that 4chan ruined for us

    Mine = Imdb. I used to go there all the time and frequented all the movie message boards. Now I just use it as a reference for movies occasionally, but recently tried to view the message boards again. I couldn't bear the thought of not telling some of the stupid people to FUCK OFF FAGGOT. Anybody else got sites that 4chan fucked up?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)15:37:56 No.2460116
    seems like you have a problem. maybe try realising that diff people use diff language, then use the appropriate language in each case. its a start anyway...
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)15:38:36 No.2460130

    I can't go back there...... I just can't
    >> Ted !eSTalLYN5o 12/16/08(Tue)15:39:24 No.2460141

    Completely and totally ruined by 4channers.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)15:40:37 No.2460163
    you wacky guy get out of here

    good idea

    you're assburgers are showing
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)15:40:37 No.2460165
    you're looking too deep into this, I was just talking about pointless sites we used to frequent that are tame to the unbearable point now. I'm still a fully functional human being who understands what type of language is appropriate. (as much as a 4channer can be I guess)
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)20:20:45 No.2463086
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)20:38:12 No.2463252
    None. I still visit all the crappy sites I want despite what 4chan has made of them. It's called integrity when you don't lose your personality to a group of retards. | :<
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)20:48:33 No.2463368

    Some forums about, well, spudguns.
    Used to frequent a lot but got sick of the stupid fucking questions everyone asks, and the horrendously underage b& users.
    Plus the pussy ass mods. And the elitism by some of the users. Well, users in themselves, post counts, hate that kind of stuff now.
    It's un-needed really.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)21:01:32 No.2463519
    hey op, want to post some more titties now?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)21:04:22 No.2463547
    I have a hard time not telling people IRL to FUCK OFF FAGGOT, or to use jargon like "banhammer". I also giggle at inappropriate times about wacky stuff i saw on /b/ or /d/. I need to get out more!
    >> twitchy 12/16/08(Tue)21:09:34 No.2463584
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)21:12:11 No.2463609
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    ummmm, all of them.
    i can't the faggoty shit and overly polite asskissing of douches with lame opinions about stupid shit on all other message boards.
    IRL it's all i can do to keep from yelling "GTFO of here!" at my boss during business meetings.
    I told one of my coworkers that his idea was "the stupidest fucking thing I ever heard."
    no one talks to me at work anymore.
    i think they're going to fire me.
    and i don't give enough of a fuck to change my behavior.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)21:14:26 No.2463627

    yup yup, I'm definitely in for some moar vintage titties. reminds me of my mom.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)21:16:04 No.2463639
    PS3forums, because of /b/s newfaggotry spread to there.

    That place actually used to be decent, now i can't even stand going there anymore.
    Funny how i am an SMC as well....
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)22:51:01 No.2464461
    4chan has done ONE good thing for me.

    I don't take anything seriously anymore, unless I'm pretending to care.

    But I can't ever go back to regular internet communities. Everyone is right. They're all full of loathsome faggots.

    Ask abut TFW2005 in /toy/ or /co/.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)23:08:18 No.2464631

    lucky you, my mom is a fat pig
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 12/16/08(Tue)23:14:37 No.2464683
    Not really related but i am hearing memes alot more IRL
    a good example is when i went to my friends concert there was a bunch of high school kids there and they were yelling out things like "you lost the game", "EPIC" and "EPIC FAIL" and they were talking about furries
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)23:24:33 No.2464774
    I'm kind of like OP, I've gotten so used to be being able to really tell people what I think of them on 4Chan that I have to restrain myself everywhere else I go so I won't be accused of "trolling". I'm not a 12 year old troll "LOLFAGGOTLOL!!" type, but some places I see some reeeallly stupid posts and would dearly like to point out what fools they are... so anyways I end up finding other, more subtle ways to do it, which can be fun in and of itself.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)23:29:32 No.2464823
    Man, 4chan "ruined" almost all the sites I used to go to. I can't stand most members of the sites I used to go to, I just keep thinking
    "Man, this site is fucking retarded, what the hell was I thinking coming here?"
    Overall I just started seeing all the stupid shit in the sites, and I stopped seeing what made it good.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)23:32:28 No.2464847
    Oh wow. A fellow Transfan. Would you happen to be female? ^_^
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)23:34:09 No.2464859

    1) The game is not related to 4chan, at all. It was around before 4chan.
    2) Epic and Epic fail are really, really generic. Most likely they learned that from a video game.
    3) Furries are topics of discussion on a numerous amount of other message boards.

    I've seen way worse, at my highschool (yes, I know. I graduate this year so stfu), mudkips is an often used phrase and such, and I've heard DIRECT references to "4chan" "/b/" and "anonymous" my computer science teacher use to browse 7chan regularly, I only know this because we're tight.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)23:35:10 No.2464871
    Thankfully I was getting fucking sick of most of the internet in 2003, when I happened across a group of faggots with poor taste in anime who said that some guy Moot was making a message board where you could upload pictures.

    Oh lord, the faggotry content of a community is inversely proportional to the number of subjects it covers.

    As the number of subjects covered decreases to 1, faggotry approaches infinity.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)23:38:33 No.2464902
    r9k ruined other 4chan boards for me, because it's so much better. I used to put up with the trolling and douchebaggery in /fit/ and /fa/, always hoping for *finally* a good thread. When I'd find one I'd rejoice and try to actually contribute awesome, informative, and respectful comments. Then the thread would either fall of the board or get spammed by their resident retards. Then, after a while, there were no good threads.

    r9k definitely has a bit of retardation here and there, but I'm a hell of a lot more optimistic that when I show up there will be people having actually conversations instead of just typing like someone with Tourettes'. The trolls show up too, but at least the really bad ones are ignored, so when we get trolled, it's usually at least somewhat sophisticated or clever, as opposed to the same damn copypasta every day that still seems to work every time.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)23:43:48 No.2464947
    4chan "ruined" plenty of sites, but I'm not sad. maddox, stileproject, newgrounds, and several others just got shittier and shittier, and i stopped visiting them entirely. I thought the internet was a dried husk, until i found the chans.

    Now hilarity ensues almost daily. not an oldfag yet, but have been lurking for about 2 years. i don't regret it at all.
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 12/16/08(Tue)23:45:09 No.2464957
    i graduated in 06 and there wasn't any use of the word epic other then FUCKING EPIC NOVELS THAT SHOULD BURN IN HELL! just 4chan stuff seems to be leaking into the Real world

    like this
    4Chan>Other sites>IRL>TV
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)23:47:21 No.2464974
    I was disillusioned too. The fucker basically abandoned the site for the longest time. HOWEVER:
    This may be win. We will see.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)23:51:28 No.2465011

    Don't forget epic poems that you pretended to read to pass some class.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)23:52:01 No.2465019
    Penny arcade.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)23:52:34 No.2465024
    The Escapist forums turned before my eyes from a decent place full of nice, genteel blokes who like the vidya into a cesspool of pretentiousness and faggotry.
    Yahtzee is still a sexy motherfucker though.
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 12/16/08(Tue)23:52:46 No.2465027
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)23:54:34 No.2465043
    >I giggle at inappropriate times about wacky stuff i saw on /b/ or /d/
    >wacky stuff i saw on /b/ or /d/
    >wacky stuff i saw on /d/
    /d/ is seriose bizness.
    Tentacle rape is no laughing matter, kk?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)23:56:08 No.2465063
         File :1229489768.jpg-(77 KB, 972x720, march_67_fran_gerard_5.jpg)
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    since you asked so politely
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)23:58:05 No.2465083
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    mmmm torpedoes
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)00:01:44 No.2465125

    where will I go for my twisted conspiracy theory racist news now?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/08(Wed)00:04:42 No.2465172
    4chan kinda ruined irl for me.

    A bunch of people I know are going around throwing terms around like butthurt and epic fail.
    >> Gandara 12/17/08(Wed)00:06:25 No.2465186
    Good Lord... I used to frequent GameFAQs when I was a little faggot. Got introduced to the forums by some friends from church (lawd, this was many years ago... I was 15 at the time I believe) who were members of one of the "secret" forums. In other words, posted in a game forum that nobody ever posted in, and made it a social board instead of about the game at all.

    Got caught up in visiting other GameFAQs boards, such as LUE... it was like 4chan Lite, a place where the "Trinity" (Tubgirl, Goatse and Harlequin Fetus) were considered the most horribly disgusting things on the internet. Oh, the naivety.

    Thankfully I snapped the fuck out of it and stopped going to those horrible, horrible message boards. It was 4chan's doing, but I thank 4chan for it... I thank 4chan every day for saving me from that shitfest.
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 12/17/08(Wed)00:10:21 No.2465226
         File :1229490621.png-(908 KB, 1264x3968, -d- - Hentai-Alternative_12294(...).png)
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    i decided to look at /d/ out of curiosity and the first things i see are tentacle rape...pic related

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