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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229440973.jpg-(25 KB, 470x332, franceImage1.jpg)
    25 KB Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)10:22:53 No.2457648  
    So it's the end of the America unless Obama pulls something massive from his skinny black ass...

    Which country is going to take our place as the worlds controlling power?

    Have they already taking control?

    I would say China or India, but probably China as they have the will and the cash to get shit done.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)10:24:42 No.2457654
    I for one will welcome our new Chinese Overlords.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)10:30:16 No.2457674
    Definitely China. India isn't even on the radar yet. Japan and Germany have bigger economies than China right now, but they aren't growing nearly as fast.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)10:30:16 No.2457675
    l for one weIcome our new Chinese Overlords
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)10:33:51 No.2457684
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    Europe and Russia will unite to form the state of Eurasia. The world will shiver.
    >> S. Iwata 12/16/08(Tue)10:37:46 No.2457700
    China has the manpower, capitol, and national zeal that makes them the likely successor to the US as the world leader.

    God Damn Communists.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)10:37:57 No.2457703
    Part of the reason why America was a superpower is because they were able to culturally influence the rest of the world. McDonald's, blue jeans, all those trappings of Western society -- it's much like how the Roman Empire was able to hold such influence.

    When the Romans established new provinces, they would set up baths, forums, theatres, and other culturally Roman institutions in the cities (or even start their own cities). People in the provinces knew that these Roman cities were where to find prosperity, so they became assimilated into Roman culture.

    China has always been more isolationist, and I have trouble seeing them as a similar force in the near future.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)10:40:43 No.2457715
    Somewhere in Europe. Possibly the Holy Empire of Britania rising to power once more. People keep saying China but you have to realize that China depends on us as much as we depend on them. If we fall out, so do they since we have been selling them billions worth of IOU cards.

    Fuck yes time for robots on roller skates.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)10:41:34 No.2457718
    Everyone knows that America comes out of this crisis stronger than before.

    Where do you think all the billions went that Europe lost in the crisis? They went into American houses and cities.

    Both Europe and America lost a lot of money, but Europe got NOTHING in return. They're the ones truly epically assfucked by this whole situation.

    And the best part is that it was a unique opportunity for the European Union to work together and strengthen its political influence but what did we do? We broke down into our little countries again and let USA and Asia gain influence while we sat back, chilling. Europe fucking sucks and is run by morons who have take too much interest in every single person's needs instead of taking interest in the entirety of the country/Union/continent.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)10:42:32 No.2457721

    Amazing point is amazing.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)10:43:29 No.2457727
    So hollywood is a tool of the "empire"?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)10:47:08 No.2457740
    You heard it here first.
    America wins again.
    60 more years of prosperity.
    Anyone want a loan?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)10:49:44 No.2457745


    Globalization was driven by greed, not culture. Mcdonalds is American Culture? Fuck that.

    American became a superpower because it was filling the vacuum after World War II. It spread its influence by exerting political and military control over various countries all over the world.

    And China won't be the next super power because if the U.S. economy falls through, so does China's. Their economic boom is due to an insane amount of exports to the U.S. When Americans can't afford the goods any more, China's economy will fall apart.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)10:50:06 No.2457746

    Already well on their way.
    Too bad nobody speaks their fucking language.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)10:50:27 No.2457747
    Yeah, but they could change eventually. Right now their modern culture is pretty much a crappy spinoff of American culture. But you never know what could happen in the future. Nobody could predict Hollywood would get so big. As their economy grows, their culture might grow with it, but like you said, I don't see it happening anytime soon.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)10:53:15 No.2457753

    People really need to get away from the use of this word "empire". It has connotations of a single, all-powerful entity manipulating and controlling the world around it.

    Nothing could be farther from the truth. The "American Empire" is nothing but the result of millions of INDIVIDUAL actions and investments into foreign countries, each unawares what the others are doing.

    It's only a hivemind.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)10:53:34 No.2457754
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    This has ALREADY happened. The answer is China. They are our debtors; they own the national government, basically, as they own all the bonds. They are also our bankers. Nowadays, when China, through back channels, tells our government to do something, they do (if you average neckbeards only knew...) We borrowed money from them, once again, to finance this bailout. We are going in the direction of increasing dependence, not less.

    Also (this is key) they can basically print money based on the huge and compliant labor force they have. They are smart enough to realize they can have all the control without thumping their chests about it, so they stay in the background and quietly add to their power all across Africa and wherever their money is welcome (everywhere).

    It's China. They've won already. They are keeping the US economy afloat, because it helps them at the moment. One day, though, it won't, and then the change in power relations will become very obvious.
    >> PogoTheClown !O6dF3ZGDvY 12/16/08(Tue)10:54:21 No.2457756
    chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world now.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)10:57:45 No.2457766
    I agree with this. And it's funny, I really don't mind. We should just join with China officially so we can avoid future butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:00:39 No.2457778
    With the bailout and patriot act, the difference between US and China is not as large as it was.

    They are only communist in name.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:00:46 No.2457780
    No it's not, it's the most spoken language but only because there's one country that has a SHITTON of people that speak it. Only one country actually speaks the language, the rest of the world does not know it. The most spread language is English and Spanish.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:02:37 No.2457787
    But guess where most Chinese speakers live?

    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:05:54 No.2457808
    China,most part of South East Asia, Central Asia and Chinese minority around the world.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:10:06 No.2457834
    10 bucks says that in 100 years this planet will look like fallout 3.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:12:40 No.2457841
    I laugh at all the retards who say China. hahahhahaha

    Even the Chinese people know that their country is still 50 years behind the western world. There are powerful people and newspapers in China who are actually afraid that their country will break down in the next few years.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:12:57 No.2457843
    fallout 3? More like 5 minutes into TITAN A.E
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:13:23 No.2457845
    People have gotten used to the idea of a 'hyperpower', one-state-rules-all. See it in Cold War terms: multiple superpowers, all vying for their respective interests.

    America and China are already superpowers. The EU is potentially a third, depending on whether it can consolidate itself politically - it's already the world's largest economy, taken as a whole.

    Other powers, like India and Russia, will play important roles but they don't have the potential to rival the other three.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:13:42 No.2457847
    I believe he meant that none of us humans can speak their language.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:19:00 No.2457869
    I don't think there'll be another world war, we're past that now.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:20:03 No.2457876
    A multipolar world, US-EU-China-Russia-India would be massively entertaining. But would probably end in nuclear war. Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:21:00 No.2457881
    World War I: "The War to End All Wars"
    That turned out well.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:23:11 No.2457897
    Stop saying China you goddamn hicks. China is killing off so many of their women, their population will probably sink into nothingness as they stop having enough children and all their women go for Western men who respect them more. It's inevitable and shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:23:40 No.2457903
    Yes, but no-one uses it internationally. And it is ridiculously hard to learn. English is the global lingua franca, and will probably stay that way.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:30:07 No.2457941
    Don't you understand as we become poorer we buy more crap from China because they are cheap?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:31:41 No.2457951
    Hurrr yeah cause having a lower population will crush their economy and workforce
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:31:55 No.2457954
    Do you understand that China needs us to buy their affordable crap? If we go to war, we will stop buying from them. If they fuck us over, we will stop buying from them. There aren't too many things you can buy with an IOU from America. They benefit from the relationship as much as we do.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:32:53 No.2457959
    Their power comes in sheer numbers. If they lose that, they are no better than any other crappy country that does trade.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:34:07 No.2457968
    OP is a moron.

    The economic downturn is affecting everyone, not just the United States.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:36:52 No.2457985
    China will be the new America
    India will be the new Canada or UK or some other country like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:38:16 No.2457991
    How many nukes do you think it would take to kill 1.5 billion people in a time of crisis?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:40:50 No.2458005
    Really? I think we'll have one in around a decade.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:44:27 No.2458030
    America can't go to war with China. China controls pretty much all of America's industry. It'd take YEARS for the US to rebuild its ability to produce some of the most basic goods in large enough quantities.

    China ALSO has Billions [Trillions now?] in American IOU's.

    The US has been economically outmaneuvered, China only needs to put the squeeze on now, slowly enough that Americans don't realize it. Like a frog in a pot of water that is slowly coming to a boil.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:45:50 No.2458038
    China is directly reliant on American purchasing power.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:47:19 No.2458047

    This isn't even an argument. We could nuke them out of existence anytime, anywhere. They can't call our tab if they're all dead now can they? That's why they haven't and that's why they won't. China's our biggest bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:48:28 No.2458059
    The UK will rise again, we've done it before.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:50:11 No.2458067

    Of course, because the US owes China so much money, China can't afford to go to war with the US either.
    (Unless they default, in which case I probably wouldn't blame them.)
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:54:32 No.2458097
    India and China have massive social problems, that are going to catch up with them sooner or later. Concerning both demographics and class.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:55:49 No.2458105

    That's starting to change. As an effective middle class emerges (in the hundreds of millions), the West will lose its importance for China, as their manufactured goods will be purchased more and more by domestic consumers.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:57:43 No.2458116

    No, the "Empire" term most accurately describes the current situation. It's just an informal rather then direct system.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)11:59:14 No.2458125
    Actually, we need them more than they need us. They can find other buyers. We consume, consume, and consume and produce very little (in comparison). If trade immediately stopped between us for any reason, they would definitely get fucked.

    But our asses would be shredded and pulverized.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:00:31 No.2458138
    Including a veritable zerg rush of elderly.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:00:31 No.2458139
    Why would you nuke China? What have they ever done to you?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:00:52 No.2458142
    We could get a lot of them.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:10:27 No.2458200
    You couldn't kill all of them, that's not how nukes work. You could probably kill a third of them. But they would see our nukes coming and send their nukes at us. They don't have as many, and they can't fly as far, but the west coast cities would be destroyed.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:11:56 No.2458206
    Let me repeat, China is our banker.

    Exhibit A. Have you heard of the Rothschilds? Did you know they were bankers?

    Exhibit B. Have you ever taken out a loan from the bank? Let me ask you this. When you go to the bank, who sits in the driver's seat: you, or the banker? Do you tell your banker what to do? Or does your banker tell you?

    This 'we need each other' is just face-saving bullshit they tell you to make the humiliation go down easier. Fact is, if the USA walked away from China, they'd send themselves into a deep, deep depression, as they would have no manufactured goods to sell. This is purely theoretical, as the USA could never do this, just as you cannot walk away from your loans, for the simple reason that you need the money the bank is giving you.

    However, China COULD walk away from the US, in the same way that the bank can stop loaning money to you if they feel like it. If they did, it would hurt, but they would still have their manufacturing capacity, and Europe and the rest of the world with manufacturing needs. They would lose a lot of their savings, but since this money was savings, they didn't need it immediately to prop themselves up. The USA, though, would have a huge smoking hole where the money to fund its operations once would have been. You can't even imagine the economic devastation, it would be that horrible.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:16:19 No.2458227

    Sounds like a win-win situation.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:17:40 No.2458237
    >they can't fly as far
    No, I'm sorry but you're wrong on this. Once a nation can put something in orbit, it can send nuclear missiles anywhere in the world.

    Both China and India have the ability to hit the entire continental United States. [Speaking of Iran, if they get nukes, their next step is going to be a space program.]
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:18:20 No.2458241
    China is ok, but their success depends on America's success. If we quit buying their stuff, then all those giant factories that are devastating their environment will start to go to waste, and it's all downhill from that. They'll do well for awhile, but they're destroying themselves too fast.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:18:41 No.2458246

    yeah try to attack china and get your ass served by the SCO ( counterpart to the nato consisting of china, russia, india, most central asian countires and some of the former soviet union members)
    and as a german im pretty sure most nato countries will turn against the US if you continue to act the way you did for the last 25 years
    >> Anonanono 12/16/08(Tue)12:19:34 No.2458254
    ya, who's gonna respect a country that doesn't build their empire across the planet?

    not me
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:19:45 No.2458256
    Point being, China can't call in our debt as long as we could kill a good portion of its precious Chinamen. Go ahead, call China up and ask it if it dares. I bet you it'll shit itself thinking about nuclear annihilation.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:20:47 No.2458266
    If China has so much power, what do you think they are going to do with it?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:22:07 No.2458270

    Can't tell if you're trolling, or an idiot. There is no formal military alliance between China, Russia, and India. Sure Russia and China may run joint war games together, but you'd be a fool to think they're allies.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:23:13 No.2458275
    You owe someone money, so you decide to nuke him. That's a great moral concept.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:24:31 No.2458282
    Wait until the time is right, and topple the US.

    I'm sure the Americans will give a last "Fuck You" to the world and try to nuke China in retaliation. Of course, once the US blows its wad, the country is finished. Honestly, I think it could quite possibly become a third-world shithole.

    I wonder what the great wall of Canada is going to look like when it's built to keep out all the illegal American immigrants.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:24:49 No.2458287

    It's the American way.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:26:04 No.2458299
    You know nothing of nuclear weapons. The furthest China could launch a nuke, is with the CSS-2 IRBM, which only goes as far as just over 3000km.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:29:22 No.2458327
    No, YOU know nothing of orbital mechanics.

    Once in low earth orbit, that's it. You can land yourself anywhere around the earth you want.

    China has rockets that can reach all of the US, and if they follow with their planned moon mission, they are going to have rockets that can reach out deep into space.

    All China has to do is put a nuclear warhead on one of these rockets, and they will.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:29:46 No.2458334
    And while this happens, independent countries in Europe sit back and laugh
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:31:06 No.2458351

    You're missing the point. The USA wouldn't nuke China because they don't want to 'pay back the debt.' They wouldn't do it because they NEED CHINA'S MONEY, right now, in the present, every cent they are getting. Nuclear war with China would be tantamount to asking China to dump all its bonds, withdraw all its loans and leave. This is what would happen, in short order:

    1. Economic recession.
    2. Economic depression.
    3. US government says, btw, taxpayers, we need to raise taxes by an order of magnitude. Also, we need to cut services, by an order of magnitude.
    4. Return of the Great Depression.
    5. And so on...
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:31:08 No.2458352
    Anyone who says anything other than Belarus is a moron.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:32:57 No.2458366

    If they can find time to giggle while the Middle East conquers their flimsy little socialist union. You're going to wish you'd spent more on your defense budget and less on universal healthcare, you fat humps.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:33:32 No.2458372
    Belarus is shit. Ukraine forever.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:35:00 No.2458380

    That's not how nuclear weapons work, or how they would be effectively delivered. It's not like you can take a random rocket built for space travel and go "durrr, lets put a nuke in dis shit and kill some pig disgusting americans": No, you need special types of delivery systems.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:37:12 No.2458401
    I'm a moron so I guess the UK. A wild guess. Switzerland are better. Definitely.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:37:30 No.2458402
    Isn't it wonderful how Americans constantly bring up the horrible, terrible European healthcare system that costs so much money.

    Then conveniently ignore that the American healthcare system costs even MORE.

    Cognitive Dissonance at its finest.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:38:22 No.2458410

    The Swiss are the scum of Europe.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:41:13 No.2458426
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    You're both dumb. Pic is why.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:42:28 No.2458437
    4chan is a lovely place where lovely people meet and talk about lovely things!
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:43:41 No.2458450
    And /r9k/ is supposed to be better then /b/ because......?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:44:50 No.2458461
    /b/ is full of /b/tards!!!
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:45:17 No.2458467
    Funny thing about that: The rocket is just a payload delivery system, the nuclear warhead isn't just a bomb or a payload, it's a rocket in its own right.

    It's boosted into a trajectory approximately on its target. From space, the warhead is released, this part has its own rocket engine and countermeasure system. It releases chaff, dodges incoming anti-ballistic missile missiles, and generally does its best to deliver its candy.

    The original launching platform does not matter unless you're intercepting as the rockets launch or reach space.
    >> Colt !0gHjoNa/tU 12/16/08(Tue)12:47:05 No.2458489
    China will become the new superpower, but I don't see how this is the "end of America," like everything will descend into chaos and martial law. I mean, I don't see that we're going to be taken over or something, we'll just lose dominance.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:47:13 No.2458490
    I understand now. My whole life before this was a lie!
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:47:13 No.2458491
    Ah, uh, erm....I don't have to read "nigger" 12000 times a day?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:49:30 No.2458505
    I think the Russians are secretly planning WORLD DOMINATION again because Putin is prime minister and his friend is president now so they'll restart the cold war and NUKE THE FUCK out of everything and yeah.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:50:35 No.2458516
    Oh yesss. Because the Middle East is hellbent on world domination.

    You're funny, American.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:51:49 No.2458525
    Not American, fool.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:56:19 No.2458569
    WHORECHAN is the only way to describe this.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)12:59:00 No.2458594

    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:00:01 No.2458602

    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:00:14 No.2458606
    l Iove the whoIe world... lt's such a briIIiant pIace...
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:00:49 No.2458615
    I'd foresee some states seceding from the rest of the nation, maybe forming their own power bloc.

    And then, perhaps, some civil wars. Actually, that'd be perfect for China. Get the US into a civil war, make them use up their armed forces, and their nukes. Take over the world when the dust settles.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:01:50 No.2458630
    Dude, I love C&C Red Alert.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:04:27 No.2458653


    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:05:29 No.2458662
    How does Putin mean nuclear war? Srsly, dipshit, he may not be a great leader, but that doesn't mean war.

    My guess is that some tiny country, like Slovakia would take advantage of the power lapse of America going under, and would quickly become a new independent superpower. Thus the cycle restarts.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:05:34 No.2458664
    I'm surprised at how negative everyone is. If everyone kept to themselves then, frankly, nobody would give a shit. If the middle easterners didn't have such a big problem with the west, it would also help but theres not much that can be done to sway their view. Ho hum.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:06:10 No.2458674
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:06:41 No.2458680
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    I'm thinking regional unions will like the EU will be maintained and strengthened. African Union, Asian Union, Americas Union, etc.; on our way to a global unification and government. pic semi related.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:07:12 No.2458689

    Boom-de-ah-da, boom-de-ah-da, boom-de-ah-da, boom-de-ah-da...
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:07:22 No.2458691
    Calm down, no need to start a war, theres enough already going on anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:08:59 No.2458705
    Obama nuking Iran will save us just like WW2 pulled us out of the Depression
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:09:02 No.2458707

    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:09:12 No.2458709

    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:09:45 No.2458712
    Ooh, I have an idea. How about everybody here bands together to create our own governmental body to rule America if it does fail?

    There's enough of us here for a full Parliament, so that might just work.
    >> Colt !0gHjoNa/tU 12/16/08(Tue)13:10:51 No.2458724
    I seriously doubt that any states would secede to form their own power block. Mostly because they would have to know that they would be pathetically weaker for doing this, even if the United States itself had been weakened. If anything, wouldn't Americans be brought together by being dethroned (fearing an outside threat)?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:10:59 No.2458727
    The time has come to think of new names for these united continental fronts.

    I suggest the one-time Marvel designations of Megamerica, Panafrika, Intereurope, Extralia...
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:11:12 No.2458728
    This isn't getting anyone anywhere in terms of political progress. It's mostly rants and random ideas. Are you all too lazy to do anything? Lets DO SOMETHING for CHANGE! (Go on, hate me.)
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:13:46 No.2458749
    Europe becomes new superpower, has cold war with China.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:14:03 No.2458755
    Let's create a website and make ideas and shizznits and BOMB AUSTRALIA.

    what are we talking about?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:16:28 No.2458772
    Amen brother. (I am not a christian. I am therefore not liable to completely pointless insults.)
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:18:12 No.2458779
    Has everyone forgotten that it's not America's economic or military might that makes it exceptional and will keep it on top but rather how it got there. It's our principles and our willingness to die to stay free. No other country can claim this. We stand alone. If you've ever been around the world, you'd know that we have the greatest resource of any nation. Liberty, and those who will fight to hold onto it.

    No country without freedom can stand against us for long. All you need to do is look at history to confirm this.
    >> ‮‬ 12/16/08(Tue)13:18:17 No.2458780
    Yeah well I say fuck you all, long live the british empire, why the fuck we didn't stay in control is beyond me, shoot the niggers and have sex with ther corpses, thats the solution to our fucking problems.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:20:40 No.2458793
    Well, I'm all for the British Empire because the English have one of the best armies in the world, especially with their advanced training in the use of weapons.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:21:09 No.2458795

    There isn't a problem in the world that can't be solved by a good corpse-fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:21:26 No.2458797
         File :1229451686.jpg-(86 KB, 332x487, Oresundsbroen_HCS.jpg)
    86 KB
    Europe FTW
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:22:01 No.2458804

    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)13:23:33 No.2458813
    I know, eh. You guys try to give freedom to countries like Iraq, but they're all "GTFO".

    Savages. Don't even understand what proper American freedom is.

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