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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229326014.jpg-(46 KB, 600x800, l_0ed1b06676fd490caf245be1bc598ad2.jpg)
    46 KB Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:26:54 No.2443440  
    Alright so, the girl on the left is an old friend of mine, who has recently been hanging out with the wrong crowd.

    Now, when I say wrong crowd, I mean the people who shop exclusively at Hollister and get shitfaced drunk all weekend and have sex with lots of guys.

    This is her new myspace picture. I'm really upset that she's becoming one of those people who has to dress like a skank all the time and have sex with lots of guys to feel good about themselves, so I left this comment on the picture:

    "Should I even bother telling you guys about how you're objectifying yourselves by wearing clothes that neglect to cover more than two square inches of your body?
    There are ways to look cute that don't involve borderline nudity. You should know that Mackenzie."

    Is this too harsh?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:28:13 No.2443448
    man what a skank, i'd hit it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:28:30 No.2443450
    you should tell her that, then go out with her! maybe to a club. make sure she gets drunk, and try to make out with her. then she'll say you're just friends, you'll feel worse than you do now, and you'll realize that you should have just backed the fuck off and minded your own business!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:29:01 No.2443456
    She looks hot, you're an ass. You don't get to dictate to her what she can or cannot wear.

    Furthermore, with friends like you, no wonder she needs an ego boost.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:29:03 No.2443458
    You are either a troll or out of a friend
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:30:05 No.2443467
    This >>2443450
    but also this >>2443448

    Also, I'd hit the one on the right too.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:30:27 No.2443470
    OP here, I'm a girl.

    and I would mind my own business, but I care about her and I know that she's not actually like the rest of those people, she's just getting caught up in it.

    I usually don't butt into people's lives like this..but I want to do something.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:31:16 No.2443476
    She probably won't even understand what you meants. I think all the cold crept from her bladder to her brains.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:31:31 No.2443478
    You weren't harsh, but I wouldn't expect to be her friend for much longer...
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:31:44 No.2443481
    Verdict is in: You're an asshole!

    She's going to do what she wants and you telling her what to do, especially in such an assholish manner, will only make her feel more assured that what she's doing is fine and you're a dick.

    Its not like shes shooting heroin or something, if she wants to get drunk and sleep around then let her, its her life.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:32:14 No.2443485
    you should confront her. you might start to fight and then move in for a passionate yet confusing kiss.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:32:25 No.2443486
    meh. We used to be friends, but now we're more friendly acquaintances.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:33:39 No.2443497
    That comment sounds annoyingly shrill over here
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:34:30 No.2443502
    Yah because standing idly by while someone fucks themself into an alcoholic whorefest is what friends are for.
    >> 2-XL 12/15/08(Mon)02:34:37 No.2443504
    God shut up, let people wear w/e they want. It's her fucking decision what to do/wear, stay out of it, it's not you bussiness.
    Maybe this sentiment comes from wearing the other gender's clothing, but I don't think so.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:34:54 No.2443510
    you're a girl?

    have sex with her, take pics, and post it on the internet (/r9k/ preferably) and tell her that if she wasn't such a slut she wouldn't have gotten herself into this situation.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:35:32 No.2443515
    I'm a total pushover faggot/femanon fat harpoon-worthy bitch who thinks women are perfect. Stuff your mouth with another bagel you stupid bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:35:53 No.2443520
    Thanks. At least somebody agrees that you shouldn't just let somebody become a drunken slut when you know that's not who they really are.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:36:42 No.2443529
    Got any nudy pics of her, op?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:36:58 No.2443534
    Insult her and push her farther away. That will help matters.

    BTW, why the fuck are you friends with a girl? Fuck that shit.
    >> 2-XL 12/15/08(Mon)02:37:01 No.2443536
    I second the motion
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:37:11 No.2443538
    an amazing revelation:
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:38:01 No.2443548
    You know your friend a lot better than I do, but what you said would not convince me to change my ways. Then again, I have a penis so this seems to complicate things.

    Tell her regardless. The turning point in whether or not she'll change will most likely depend on how much attention she has gotten from guys who want a slutty girl (aka. the cheap lay). The worst that will happen is that she likes the attention, becomes a slut, and you lose an acquaintance.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:38:31 No.2443552
    I'm confused as to who this comment is directed towards.

    if it's me (OP) then, yeah. I'm actually 5'2 at 105 pounds, so I wouldn't exactly call myself harpoon worthy. I'm not ugly, I just wish women didn't have to dress like sluts to get attention.

    excuse me for thinking that maybe women could be thought of as more than just something to look at.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:39:07 No.2443556
    she'll no longer be friends with you after that

    not joking, thats kind of a slap to her face because of her lifestyle which she embraces.

    It also sounds annoying to the point of bitchiness. If you confront her it should be in person.

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:39:51 No.2443564
    I was lol'ing until I read this.

    YOU'RE A CHICK? Christ, this just wreaks of jealousy. Women don't care about how skanky or slutty they look, they want dick (as long as the dick has lots of money and nice abs). Especially women her age. She's probably in college right? Right. Well that means she'll coast along until mr. right picks her up, marries her, and then takes care of her (gives her money) for the rest of her life. This is the cycle of the woman, and any woman who rejects it either ends up with a great guy and has a long lasting marriage (maybe 3%), or becomes the CEO of some ridiculous company and is alone forever (usually ending with suicide or manic depression).
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:39:54 No.2443565
    women are more than just something to look at?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:40:12 No.2443572
    >>2443552 excuse me for thinking that maybe women could be thought of as more than just something to look at.

    AHAHHAHAH.. oh fuck I lol'd so hard.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:40:27 No.2443576
    Yeah. I know it's bitchy. I guess that's the only way I know how to get across to people. Too abrasive?
    shit. I should work on that.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:41:49 No.2443587
    Little harsh. I would leave something more like,

    "I'm worried about the way you're acting and dressing. You're falling into a cycle of using sex for self-validation and I'm just concerned you're ruining your life. I want better for you than this."

    Don't make it about her being dumb, make it about you being concerned about the choices she's making.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:43:00 No.2443600
    I agree with you, but posting that comment just makes you sound jealous. The girl is a slut, let her live her slutty slutlife
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:43:06 No.2443601
    if a guy wanted to get drunk and sleep around, would you be opposed?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:43:47 No.2443607

    It's kind of pathetic how all of you are so cynical to think that women all only want one thing. No wonder most of you are virgins/never touched a girl/will never touch a girl.

    And, I'm not jealous. Christ. There's no way to prove this, so I'm sure you wont believe me, but I don't actually need that kind of attention to make myself happy.

    Apparently it's very rare, but I've matured to the point where I don't need that kind of gratification.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:43:49 No.2443608


    op is just being a prudish, sexist, and probably envious cunt.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:44:22 No.2443616

    Are you there God? It's me, David.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:44:38 No.2443619
    If my friends were concerned about me, I would want them to tell me even if it were harsh. HOWEVER, there is a difference between speaking your mind and being a nag. Telling her you're concerned is fine, but frequently whining and making snide comments about it isn't going to convince anyone to change their ways.

    I know it sucks seeing a friend make terrible decisions, but there really isn't much else you can do. And unfortunately it's part of life to see friends, even good ones, change and go off in their own direction.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:44:43 No.2443620
    how about sending it in a message instead of a picture comment.

    the fact that you posted a pic comment, then posted the pic comment on /r9k/, shows that you are an egotistical bitch who wants everyone to see how right she is about everything.

    you should probably get back in the kitchen before food burns. oh yeah, the clothes need washing as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:44:45 No.2443621
    Jesus, that's even worse.

    All you need to fucking say is "Hey listen I'm kinda bummed that you're dressing/acting like you have been recently because I really dig you as a friend and I think you should stop doing that stuff. I know you think it's fun but you lose respect from a lot of people."

    Here's a hint, when she says "I don't give a fuck." that's a sign that you need to give up. If she is completely apathetic then there is no saving her.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:44:52 No.2443624
    really i just don't think it should be public.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:45:14 No.2443629
    actually, yes I would. Don't think that I'm some feminist bitch who thinks that only girls shouldn't do that kind of thing. I'm morally opposed to it all.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:45:17 No.2443630
    those insensitive jerks forgot two other things women want: attention and money.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:45:32 No.2443632

    > I've matured to the point where I don't need that kind of gratification.

    So the only kind of gratification you need is from a vibrator?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:46:50 No.2443639
    Jealousy is an ugly color.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:47:03 No.2443644
    actually, I haven't posted the comment yet. I decided to wait until I thought it through.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:47:26 No.2443645
    you tried to give a life lesson to a woman? you are an idiot my friend.

    But yeah, she looks cool and not that slutty imo.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:47:35 No.2443647
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:48:03 No.2443653
    i'm guessing that you are single, amiright?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:48:14 No.2443654
    again, no way to prove this, but I have a boyfriend and have had the same boyfriend for almost a year now.

    Nope. I get gratification from knowing that I have somebody who actually thinks of me as more than just somebody to fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:48:27 No.2443656
    Oh, you.

    You're not mature, you're just jealous. Also this line made me cringe:

    >No wonder most of you are virgins/never touched a girl/will never touch a girl.

    The reason they believe that all women want is sexual attraction and MONEY is because it's EXACTLY WHAT THEY DON'T FUCKING HAVE. Just like a lonely person knows that he's lonely because his personality drives people away, so he envies (hates) those people who are naturally charismatic, "super chill about everything", etc etc. Also we get that you think women are this superior gender, it's cute.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:48:45 No.2443658
    i would fuck both of them
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:49:03 No.2443662
    Spoilers: He just wants to fuck you. Enjoy your "surprising" breakup this year.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:50:37 No.2443670
    Oh you have a boyfriend? This certainly changes things.

    Try dumping him, see what happens to you and your state of mind. You'll start to understand what it means to be alone, what it means not having that little failsafe that you can fall back to if everyone gangs up on you. See, we don't have that. We just have our minds and our experiences, and we can tell when some dumb broad posts about her slutty friends that she's just jealous because she can't experience that side of life.

    It's one or the other sweetheart, and you chose the "rather safe than sorry" route.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:50:41 No.2443671
         File :1229327441.gif-(45 KB, 550x350, 1029-013-26-1099.gif)
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    >I care about a friend, that's why insult her through MySpace instead of talking to here.

    You're awesome op, I hope you get TINNITUS.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:52:28 No.2443686
    Godfuckingdamn dejavu.
    I have a close friend who I've been watching taking steps in the wrong direction. Busy as I've been, as many times as I've taken time out of my day to alert her to her poor decisions, she's heard what I'm saying but doesn't really hear it. She's basically fucking a an old weeaboo loser working a dead-end job when I know she's worth much more than that if she weren't so desperate for attention and validation through means of pussy. She recently went out and bought a bunch of outfits like what the girl in the OP is wearing and we had agreed to go out clubbing (I was all for it) but I don't want to encourage anything worse than what I'm seeing of her. I'm also tired of being used as an emotional tampon for when shit goes wrong (also, not friendzoned guy, we're both notmale). She's very dependent on others to validate her actions and pay her attention and spend time with her. At the same time, she just doesn't really think and causes everyone trouble.

    I hate it so much but it's her life. As such, if she cannot make beneficial decisions for herself, then that is her personal flaw that she needs to correct and I do not want too much to do with someone who can't care for themselves until the issue is rectified.

    I'm considering distancing myself and explaining that I want nothing to do with the choices she's making as it's obviously wasting my time when I have better things to do than beg her to keep her ass out of trouble.

    OP, there's a good chance it's out of your hands. Tell her once, explain everything the best you can, and step out.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:53:50 No.2443699
    so we're not going to get naked pics?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:54:00 No.2443700
    Right. I'm not jealous. Can't prove it, but I'm not. Why would I be jealous of a drunk slut? Honestly, that's not what I aspire to be.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:55:05 No.2443706
    Haha, you are jealous! Aw honey, life isn't fair, you might as well learn that.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:55:10 No.2443707
    Girl in OP's pic will probably get raped someday. And she'll deserve it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:55:20 No.2443709
    Why do we have to assume OP is jealous? And even if she is, why do we think that dismisses her concern for her friend?

    And OP, she wouldn't be dressing or acting like that if she didn't want to. I suggest finding more like-minded friends because you won't be able to talk this girl out of it. She might come to her senses if she has any in time, but it'll be because something went wrong or she just woke up. I question whether or not she has any sense if she's behaving this way in the first place.

    She's just become another satistic, and maybe that's all she'll ever be.

    Does this bother you?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:55:25 No.2443710
    i don't see any tits yet... why are you still here?
    >> stand on toilet girl !!EkiuUadC9sR 12/15/08(Mon)02:55:33 No.2443711
    I really hate those kinds of dresses on girls. They DO look slutty.

    Anyways, just try to ignore everyone saying shit about you. It's just going to make the thread worse.

    I would suggest breaking it to her softly if you really do care about her. It's true that you need to be honest, but if you really care you will try to tell her in a way that will make her listen. The way you have it phrased just makes it sound like you are trying to make her feel bad and anger her.

    Also never EVER say things like this in public comments. Unless of course, you just WANT to get a rise out of her and create drama and make her hate you. Then go right ahead.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:57:57 No.2443730
    virginprudefag is viiiiirgin and pruuuuuude
    and there are more polite and confidential ways to talk to your friend if you *really* care about her and don't just want to embarrass her as revenge for friendzoning you. you know, like talking to her in a non-public context of some sort. but you're 16 and you've got it all figured out, so i'll just let you keep destroying any semblance of a decent friendship you had with this girl. have fun.
    >> Acers and Chasers !GzIuYcsk4Y 12/15/08(Mon)02:58:01 No.2443731
    >"I don't give a fuck"

    This is the root of this girl's problems, she'll get conditioned to behave a certain way because she'll go to all these parties and fuck all these guys, and when anyone protests she'll just ignore it because she point blank does not care. The only way to solve that problem is to confront her with someone more experienced than she is. She won't listen to you, or your mom, or her mom, or anyone else unless they understand the mentality that she has.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:58:26 No.2443734
    Finally a comment that isn't insulting. Interesting that it came from a woman, apparently the only people who understand that you can be worried about somebodies wellbeing without being jealous or a "fugly femanon who is harpoon worthy". Anyways.

    Thanks for the input. You're right, maybe a myspace picture comment isn't the best way to tell somebody that they're taking their lives in the wrong direction.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:59:57 No.2443746
    DUDE I KNOW THAT CHICK. I so fucked her last wednesday.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:59:59 No.2443747
    Give up. If she's already descended to this level of whoredom then she's too far gone to be saved now. Anything you do or say is going to make you look like a killjoy so just sever all ties and await the inevitable tearful and apologetic phone call when she gets pregnant/AIDS.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:00:36 No.2443755
    Jesus, interenet white knight who forgot to read the op.
    Hey, and you're a girl, who would have guessed!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:01:21 No.2443765

    hmmm. Maybe a talk in person would be better? I didn't really think it all through. Pretty much the reason why I came here to get insulted :P

    oh. I'm 19. Not 16. and don't always assume that people aren't willing to admit they're wrong.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:02:11 No.2443771
    19 and still jealous of your more popular friend.
    Sad, so sad.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:04:22 No.2443790
    >>2443765 Maybe a talk in person would be better?
    HUR DUR THIS IS JUST NOW DAWNING ON YOU? contrary to the teachings of wise old 4chon, the world's problem's cannot in fact all be solved by banging away derisively on a keyboard. and grow up some, jesus. that was a decidedly 15-16 year old drama move you made with your friendzone friend.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:05:41 No.2443799
    If thats 2 inches shes really short, you shouldn't hang out with her anyways
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:06:08 No.2443804
    I wouldn't consider being a slut being popular.

    and. Personally, I don't give a shit. The mentality of the people that she hangs out with isn't really "my type" you could say. Even if I could fit in with them, I wouldn't want to.

    Not everybody wants to be like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:06:47 No.2443808

    That was almost convincing. Almost.
    >> Acers and Chasers !GzIuYcsk4Y 12/15/08(Mon)03:07:10 No.2443814
    >interesting that it came from a woman

    That's not interesting, you're on 4chan for fucking fuck's sake, there aren't going to be wonderful plethoras of advice from the men here. She's a woman with estrogen so she's more likely to understand your emotional struggle with this friend of yours, it's not interesting it's just human nature. People seem to have a hard time understanding that we are humans (a species) and we are not meant to be independant, we're meant to belong and run with our respective groups. This is why I still think feminism was a terrible idea (in America I mean, fuck all if the women in Afghanistan have to suffer that much, that shit is just cruel), because it gave American women this idea that they are super-people and are meant to be totally independant of men and their selfish masogynistic ideals.

    And it's bullshit, all of it. Women are creatures just like men, and they have the inherent need to be with the opposite sex just like men do. I won't make this anything about gays being unnatural because that's another subject but seriously, for you to be patronizing her for behaving a certain way so she can get some dick is outright stupid and envious.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:07:30 No.2443818
    OP, post more pictures from her myspace so I can fap and then add my opinion to this matter.

    I am not kidding
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:09:23 No.2443835
    Yeah. actually, I'm not a feminist. I just think that the males of 4chan tend to have similarly wrong thoughts about women.

    I am well aware that women are no more entitled to anything than men are.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:10:28 No.2443846
    delicious insecure jealousy is delicious.
    More please.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:11:20 No.2443854
    are you saying that you think you have to be a slut to be popular? and are you saying that you think everybody cares about popularity within one specific group of people?

    How could you be so shallow minded to think that there is only one "type" of person out there in the world? I would think that it's common knowledge that everybody is NOT the same and people DO have different ways that they want to live their lives.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:13:12 No.2443869
    OP here.

    I'm done with arguing...I know that most of you guys don't really understand what's going on/ are too close minded to try.

    thanks for the people who actually put in some useful information. It helped.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:13:22 No.2443871
    God OP, you posted in this thread over 9000 times


    Is 100% dead on. Some people change, deal with it. It's not like shes going to kill herself and it's not like it affects your life in any way, why not let her live her own life, you know, maybe some people have different views on how life should be.

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:14:12 No.2443878
    I am saying that you are a jealous teenager and that's all there is to it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:14:30 No.2443879
    Try watching your friend, who you've known since childhood, who was constantly abused and neglected by their parents their entire lives, become addicted to heroine and slowly degenerate into a junkie. Try watching as one bad relationship completely destroys their life and pushes them away from you, despite all your attempts to help and comfort them. Try taking them in when they have nowhere to go and then waking up to find they'd robbed you blind.


    Fuck you, you stupid bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:17:09 No.2443902

    Don't make friends with degenerate trailer trash next time, kthx
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:18:39 No.2443918
    OP, ignore the virgins here. The same guys who are attacking you are the ones who would call your friend a whore and talk about fucking her, treat her like an object etc.
    I dont think you sound jealous or insecure, in the end you'll get more respect than her.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:20:19 No.2443932

    Be strong! You got hit by a vicious troll
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:21:22 No.2443944
    fuck a salad shooter, troll
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:23:48 No.2443960

    Jesus Christ, you women are fucking assholes to each other.

    I mean, I've had a bunch of my friends turn into fratboy bros since they've gone to college, and I've always felt disassociated from those kinds of crowds, but I would NEVER say this kind of shit to them or stop being their friends just because of it. I mean, fuck. You want to talk about shallow? Look in the fucking mirror.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:32:49 No.2444046

    Don't even talk about shit you have no idea about. She was a good kid. She was smart and she had fucking goals and a future. But then her fucking parents forced her to move out and her asshole boyfriend completely fucked her up. And I'd known this girl since I was 2. We grew up together. Watching what happened to her was the most awful thing I've ever experienced.

    The point is, fuck you. Fuck your whiny little teenage problems. You have no idea what it's like to really lose a friend.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:34:12 No.2444059
    jealous much, backstabber?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:34:28 No.2444064
    Everyone has goals and a future. She was just too weak to deal with her problems. Accept it, she was too weak and she destroyed herself.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:36:16 No.2444083
    I won't say "I feel your pain", but I do understand what that's like. I had a friend awhile back who was basically my only solace throughout my first couple years of high school, then he told me he had to move away and in the last few weeks that he was in school, we stopped hanging out and he became friends with some other weird people. After he left I dropped out of high school and went into independant study, nearly killed myself from depression, and started working at a sign shop as a general laborer.

    Shit sucked for awhile :(.... oh and I guess I should have some sort of point. Well the point is don't drive friends away just because they aren't exactly like you, you never know when they'll be gone.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:36:36 No.2444084
    Go listen to Don't Speak and cry
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:40:45 No.2444120
    oh no! guys might talk about fucking her! anything but that!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:40:47 No.2444121
    my best friend died. fuck your shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:42:56 No.2444144

    That doesn't mean I don't love her. She was one of my oldest friends. I'll always love her. Excuse me for giving a shit about my friends. And it fucking gnaws me up inside every day that I didn't do more to help her when I could have. That I listened to her when she told me to stay away. Yes, she was weak, but I'm the one who failed her.

    Fuck, I'm crying as I type this. Are you happy, you asshole? Yeah, big fucking man, trying to piss people off on the internet. Good for you. I bet you've never had any friends.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:43:03 No.2444145

    Guy here, and I really fucking hate those dresses on girls. They basically say "this is a skank that will fuck any dude that buys her a few drinks, stay far away if you don't want an STD".

    That's her image now. She thinks fucking A LOT OF DUDES and being a dumb bitch will make her popular...and she's right. She'll be very popular with her new two-faced slut friends. Good for her. Let her destroy herself.
    >> Acers and Chasers !GzIuYcsk4Y 12/15/08(Mon)03:45:03 No.2444161
    >Guy here

    Good thing you cleared that one up.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:49:20 No.2444192
    Shitty parents had a shitty kid and your stupid ass thinks it's your fault. Unbelievable.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:50:54 No.2444204
    Oooh, crying. We call those crocodile's tears, jealous bitch. And you have the nerve to talk about friendship.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:52:35 No.2444215
    Female feminist here. What the fuck is wrong about dressing like a skank and having sex with lots of guys? Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:52:56 No.2444221
    you know the person you're talking to is NOT op, right?

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:57:33 No.2444254
    ITT: Op looks down on her friends from her pedistal then brags to the internet about how right she is. Upon realizing the internet sees through this sham, she abruptly refuses to listen to what is being said by the vast majority and ironically take the comments as pure insults.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:57:33 No.2444255

    Yeah, I'm sure you and all your friends grew up in some lovely suburban community and you all had wonderful Beaver Cleaver family upbringings with no problems. That's great. Good for you.

    Yeah, fuck all the poor kids! They'll never do any better! Let 'em all rot, I say.

    You fucking disgust me.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:58:43 No.2444265
    You know I don't give a fuck......
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:58:46 No.2444266

    You can't blame yourself for what happened to your friend and you know that - stop trying to validate your good will on an anonymous message board and get professional help if it's eating you up that bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:59:42 No.2444275

    tl;dr, Women are cunts.


    PS: More pics of OP chicks please.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:01:56 No.2444292
    nothing if you know what you're doing. Puffed up moralistic buffoons don't realize no benchmarks exist to judge people, and that each person is completely free in their autonomy.
    Some actions will be stupid, some smart, and some, such as sleeping around, can only be categorized by the ethod behind the action.
    If that's what that person wants out of life, if they have some kind of gender, then quit moralizing and let them live their life.
    If they have misguided beliefs about what their actions will achieve, have a crack at explaining it to them and then kindly fuck off and let them decide.
    This person enjoys sexual intercourse, and knows how to get it? More power to them.
    They seek actual validation from males? They'll suffer from their mistakes in time.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:02:32 No.2444296
    I said shitty parents, not poor parents. You reading my statement as all shitty parents are poor is your generalization, not mine.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:02:42 No.2444298
    your the type of girl whos got a group of femanist bitch friends. "OMG LETS BURN OUR BRAS!!, SPINSTERS, DOING IT FOR OURSELVES!!!"
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:03:14 No.2444303
    Needs more crying 'friends' a pics of tits please.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:05:22 No.2444314
    what irritates me most is your blatant assumption there is something wrong with dressing this way
    forget how she acts for a moment, but opinions like yours are what made personal attacks such as 'slut' so easy
    There were days when a girl could dress to the nines and take pride in her look and attractiveness without being accused of any half-assed moral trangressions prudes like to think of.
    So call her a slut if you like but don't fucking stereotype
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:05:45 No.2444316

    I'm not trying to validate anything. The OP just pissed me off.

    And I am in therapy, thank you.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:11:18 No.2444350

    Well I don't know what the fuck else you could have been implying, since I already explained to you that this girl WASN'T a shitty kid even despite her shitty parents. It was a huge series of events that lead to her getting fucked up. Her life was destroyed. You have NO IDEA what you are talking about, and you need to shut the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:11:51 No.2444355
    holy shit, i want to give this anon a hug. that was really moving..
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:16:01 No.2444386

    Someone give this guy (girl?) a fucking medal.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:16:32 No.2444387
    You say she was abused by her parents her whole life then go and say she wasn't shitty? She was damaged goods from the start, destined for failure. I'd call that pretty shitty.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:19:38 No.2444416
    Nice. You've called out the same person and unless you are being sarcastic, you've made it look like I'm praising myself.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:21:02 No.2444425

    Again, you fucking disgust me. Damaged goods? So every kid who grows up in a crappy household has no chance of crawling out of the muck and succeeding? We should just throw them all to the wolves?

    Get this: MY parents abused me, and I'm currently enrolled in college and studying to be a mechanical engineer. What about that, shithead?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:21:54 No.2444428
    Hey, you're still young, enough time to fuck up like you are gentically engineered to do.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:22:45 No.2444435
    protip: troll is having fun with half-honest opinions
    >> Acers and Chasers !GzIuYcsk4Y 12/15/08(Mon)04:22:54 No.2444437
    You are SERIOUSLY on the wrong side of the road. Like we're talking drunk cheerleader at 2AM exiting the freeway on the on-ramp.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:23:08 No.2444440

    Way to make it look like you're covering your ass after obviously praising yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:25:01 No.2444447
    I knew someone would say that...
    I read it and thought they were being sarcastic at first
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:25:39 No.2444452
    I do not understand your metaphor at fucking all.

    Nice post number. That is all.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:27:58 No.2444468
    "Should I even bother telling you guys about how you're objectifying yourselves by wearing clothes that neglect to cover more than two square inches of your body?"

    Eh, the dress looks fine on her, and she's not "objectifying" herself, you're just being a prude. The REAL problem is that she shops at Hollister, which means she's a materialist dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:29:09 No.2444475
    Statistically, yes. Most kids who grow up in a shitty household end up shitty themselves. The exceptions are the ones with the strength to overcome their deficiencies (READ: not your junkie pseudo-girlfriend).

    Did you become successful through your own volition, or was some faggot trying to hold your hand the entire way? That's what I fucking thought.
    >> Acers and Chasers !GzIuYcsk4Y 12/15/08(Mon)04:29:56 No.2444483
    No one has sympathy for the drunk baffoon that crashes their car because they were on the wrong damn side of the wrong. You have to be really fucking stupid to make a mistake like that, or just really fucking drunk. Anyway the point is that you aren't going to get anywhere with your argument so just... shut up. Or something.

    Whatever I don't care anymore.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:30:03 No.2444484

    What? No, dude. I'm the one who said you should get a medal. And I meant it.

    That was seriously one of the most intelligent and non-biased opinions I've ever read on 4chan. Just take the damn compliment, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:35:27 No.2444504
    I thought all you motherfuckers were above internet fights?

    Seriously what the fuck. This kind of shit was all the rage 6 years ago, when the internet JUST started to get popular.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:35:57 No.2444509

    This man here summed it up right, except he spelled pedestal wrong :<
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:37:45 No.2444520
    See, the problem is that you want to fuck her, but can't. Because you are too chickenshit to make a move.

    Which is why you are getting so butthurt about the possibility of her banging other guys.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:39:35 No.2444530
    no girls on the internet

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:39:47 No.2444533
    thanks indeed. Just lamenting the days long gone. These days it's bitchy cat-fighting, moralizing and interlopers with too much to day about what other people do to be happy
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:45:32 No.2444582
    As long as people like OP still exist I don't really care.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:46:44 No.2444595
    >There are ways to look cute that don't involve borderline nudity.


    So she's dressed up and wants to look hot, so what? It looks like she's getting ready to go out for a night on the town. Women tend to want to look sexy when they're doing that. It's not like she wears that shit every day when she goes to school or something.

    Calm the fuck down. Christ.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:47:26 No.2444598

    I was just trolling, if it makes you feel better.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:49:05 No.2444611
    cardinal rule of trolling: never reveal you have trolled
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:49:28 No.2444613
    Wow, OP is a BITCH.

    She's enjoying herself, fuck off.

    If she ends up not liking it, she'll have regrets, but that's life.

    Op is like jealous or something, fucking hell, let your friend enjoy life.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:50:15 No.2444619
    Why is this still kicking?

    People caught on to OP's character, emulated it, and trolld the rest of you dumbasses.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:56:03 No.2444659

    I'm not even bothering with the other responses. THAT is the recommended course of action.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:59:48 No.2444685
    >hanging out with the wrong crowd

    This is where you are totally wrong. Encourage her to be a skank and have lots of promiscuous sex as long as she's safe and smart about it. I enjoy women who embrace their position in our culture as objects for male and lesbian sensual enjoyment.
    >> Dr. Doctor !mde5lT3yqk 12/15/08(Mon)05:00:03 No.2444687
    Your friend is a skank. Let her be. Who gives a fuck. Let people ruin their lives as they want. I don't know why people get hung up on other people's failures. Noone gives a shit about the OP in this manner yet he feels some Messiah complex to 'save' his friends.

    I know the feeling; but you gotta resist it and ust go and deal with your shit.

    Oh and can you post nudes of her?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:00:16 No.2444691
    Neither know how to dress. Bitch in blue should be wearing a strapless bra. Bitch in black shouldnt be wearing one at all.

    Also, OP, stfu gtfo. She is a city slut, deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:05:51 No.2444738

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:59:08 No.2445119
    bump for moar pictures of OP

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:31:11 No.2445359
    Tell your friend I jerked off to her pic twice today.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:36:17 No.2445395
    Yes. It's far too harsh.
    You're pathetically jealous and have become a mysoginistic douchebag as a result. What exactly is "wrong" with sex? Would you not sleep with beautiful women if they threw themselves at you? Should she wear a hajib? If you feel that possessive of her, go ask her out.
    Oh, thats right, she wouldn't touch you with her friends vagina.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:39:21 No.2445414
    Oh shit. I didn't see that you were a girl.
    Fat, right?
    Maybe hit a gym, learn2makeup and you can hit the clubs with her and get some penis in you and stop stalking and trying to control your friends lives.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:58:42 No.2445548
    Fuck, I think I used to live in the same building as the chick on the right in OP's pic. Does she happen to be from Wisconsin?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:04:39 No.2445589
    I would love to inhale your stupid friends crotch.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:14:57 No.2446221
    Tell your slutty friend that some guy on the internet wants to fuck you in the ass. And her as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:26:14 No.2446271
    >I mean the people who shop exclusively at Hollister

    I stopped reading here. Yes, because where a person shops suddenly determines their entire character.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:29:54 No.2446289

    It is far more likely than one would think.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:34:21 No.2446311
    trolls trolling neckbeards trolling neckbeards trolling virgins trolling trolls trolling op trolling neckbeards

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