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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229323853.jpg-(158 KB, 800x600, 1229319254070.jpg)
    158 KB Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:50:53 No.2443104  
    So I totally stole this thread from /b/ because those guys suck:
    Do you tend to go for the geeky/nerdy girls or the more "normal" ones? Why?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:51:38 No.2443112
    lower self esteem/easier prey
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:51:57 No.2443117
    I go for the nerd girls because I imagine them being secret, kinky sex goddesses.

    Thankfully I was correct.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:51:58 No.2443118
    Either or, I don't really have a preference, as long as they accept me and all of my abnormalities. If they have similar interests, all the better.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:53:12 No.2443130
    Current GF I met on Warcraft...
    The nerdy ones are the best. They don't act like stupid, stuck up cunts (most of the time). Sure, most of them aren't 'traditionally' beautiful, but some of them are the most gorgeous girls in the world.
    Besides, after the sex, you can go play video games or watch Galactica with them. Sounds like win to me.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:53:33 No.2443134
    I don't go for anything. Celibacy, fuck year.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:54:40 No.2443149
    I tend to go for no one because I generally suck at relationships.

    Usually I get interested in interesting people, regardless if they are nerdy or not.

    Unique = Better
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:55:11 No.2443156
    l have posted this before; all women are whores, etc. etc. Don't trust a nerdy one just because she's nerdy. She still deserves to be shot.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:55:57 No.2443165
    Personally, I just want a smart girl. Not necessarily a bookish one, but I don't want a dumb slut, or someone who irritates me. After that, it's down to whether there's that ineffable "chemistry" between us.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:56:10 No.2443168
    Where are all these nerdy girls? I can honestly say I have never found one. Where do they hang out?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:57:04 No.2443175
    I met my last gf at uni, absolutely gorgeous sexy and smart. And a very kinky goddess, loved it. Too bad I had to let her go....graduating a year before I did, not much I could do, but I will always remember that one night...oh god that night.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:57:38 No.2443177

    Skulking about somewhere, or probably putting Wiimotes in their pussies.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:57:55 No.2443181
    I have a bit of a fetish for chicks with an "teen movie" look. I mean the pretty ugly girls who's flaws that are actually hot
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:59:07 No.2443189
         File :1229324347.jpg-(100 KB, 800x600, talk nerdy to me.jpg)
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    I r nerdy /b/ :3

    That's basically a picture of me in OP's pic
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:59:12 No.2443191
    -Lower self esteem.
    -Easily corruptable.
    -Sexual goddesses once trained.
    -More grounded.
    -Good job/well off.
    -Better personality.
    -Easier to talk to.

    Last point: My gf is smart, so I can talk to her about smart things and she usually takes a genuine interest. She can also help me in other 'smart' areas that aren't my expertise (she's science/bio I'm science/physics/math/computers). This has been the best part of our relationship. We are SO compatible because we can talk to each other about real stuff that we are interested in, not her talking about vapid dumb shit while I 'bore' her with intellectual stuff. I'm still way smarter than her, but she's 100 times smarter than any dumb club slut and it's great.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:59:29 No.2443195
    If I were theoretically able to attract girls, I would go for the geeky/nerdy girls, as normal girls tend to be dumb as all hell.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:01:26 No.2443215
    Posting basically the same response as I did in /b/:
    I want a best friend like that. I'm a girl sort of like the one pictured, except I'm not into anime or portal.
    I only hang out with dudes ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:01:36 No.2443217
    I don't "go" for girls at all. I have a low libido and I'm wholly unassertive. If I did ever feel the urge to actually pursue a romantic or sexual relationship it would probably be with a nerdy girl. I'm not a virgin by a long shot, but I've never had sex with a girl I cared about at all, and I'm incredibly intimidated by girls who are out there and social and probably far more sexually experienced. I'd get extremely nervous and probably unable to perform if I were ever put into a position to "make love" and actually care about my partner's pleasure instead of plowing some dumb young girl who I don't respect at all.

    That's the gist of it, anyways. There's a lot more to my weird sexuality than that, and it gets pretty weird, but that's neither here nor there.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:02:40 No.2443227
    I don't know if nerdy, but definitely not normal. Nerdy girl rules, my ex-gf was truly nerd and I had plenty of good time with her. My actual gf (beautiful!!!) is not nerdy but crazy, hehe. I mean I don't know if I can get related to chicks who aren't open minded and a little bit crazy. Also all my gf smoke hemp as I do
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:03:58 No.2443240
    You like that she has lower self esteem?
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 12/15/08(Mon)02:04:04 No.2443241
    i like nerdy boys
    y? idk i just do probably because i am a bit nerdy too
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:05:35 No.2443251
    I prefer normal looking ones that happen to be closet nerds. Or better, befriending a normal and turning them into a nerd.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:06:03 No.2443257
    i wish I knew girls that liked nerdy guys.
    Actual nerds that is, not hipster retro gamer ironic douchebags.

    I can dream..
    >> qb !qb//OOQQ.U 12/15/08(Mon)02:10:12 No.2443288
    I like girls that have similar interests to me (art, video games, computers) but I'll ask out any girl that I find attractive.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:10:19 No.2443291
    I don't "go" for anyone. Any girl I've gone out with or ever had any mutual connection with always asked or approached me first. Probably because I have a fear of rejection. Oh well.

    I always prefer geeky, but these days I'll go with whatever. I'm not picky. There are physical standards, but that's about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:11:22 No.2443298
    Well ya. The girl think's you're better than them, so they try harder. They try to look nice, stay fit, etc. As a result you end up with a pretty hot, thin, well-dressed girl. You can also drop compliments or minor criticisms to motivate her.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:13:18 No.2443320
    Is Dallas nice this time of year "Amy"?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:13:25 No.2443323
    I tend to go for anybody that's smart, or at least aren't afraid to show their intelligence.

    Most of the time, that means they're nerdy because there's this god-awful trend where girls actually think that they need to act dumb to attract a guy..and the nerdy ones are the only ones brave enough to be themselves.
    >> Fine Too 12/15/08(Mon)02:15:40 No.2443343
    I prefer 'damaged girls', or a 'perfect girl but with flaws'
    Its like buying a used product, and getting a few bucks off. It will do the job, you just have to deal with the cosmetic flaws.

    I think above average girls are the best girls.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:20:20 No.2443386
         File :1229325620.jpg-(89 KB, 600x579, Madame Mongler.jpg)
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    It's... terrifying!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:20:29 No.2443387
    that pic is stale copypasta.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:21:34 No.2443397
    OP's pic is practically drawn from life of one of my good friends/mate's girlfriend

    let's see what about the picture is the same:

    AZN: check
    Glasses: check
    Nerdy t-shirt: check
    Lounging about in panties: check (i've been around numerous times when that's been the case)
    Stuffed animal(s): check
    Matress on floor: check
    DS: check
    PSP: check
    Wii: check
    Anime poster(s): check
    Colbert Report: check

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:22:50 No.2443411
    I like girls with obvious emotional flaws. They are easy to control.
    >> Autonymoose !x4vv0ZYuAo 12/15/08(Mon)02:23:43 No.2443415
    If I went for women, and I will at some point, it will be both. Nerdy girls because they'll share my interests and we can make geeky jokes and RP. Regular girls because they can show me a world I'm not used to if I do it right.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:23:48 No.2443417
    Middle ground, girls that are just slightly nerdy are really cute, but if they are a real nerd its just plain unattractive. And the "normal" ones are too normal, it just doesnt get my attention.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:29:28 No.2443464
    >> 2-XL 12/15/08(Mon)02:32:08 No.2443484
    The girl in OP's pic doesn't seem that cool. She has an anonymous poster on her wall and a 42 sticker. meeeeeh. Also doesn't know that you can fuck your 360 by having it stand up that way. Safer to put it horizontal.
    Silly picture failed.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:36:17 No.2443524
    I hate the picture in OP's pic so much. Everytime I see it posted it makes me sick. It's so fucking pathetic and full of shit. Look at that thing. Who drew that? Some lonely nerd, pining for some girl geek that doesn't exist? Or is it supposed to be ironic?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)02:39:07 No.2443557
    Unfortunately, nerdy girls, like most nerdy guys, are obese. :(
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:14:08 No.2443877

    i checked the URL listed at the bottom right of the pic.

    painted by one Kacey Miyagami (presumably a girl?) who lives in southern California and mostly draws furry shit.

    apparently this is her receiving some award for her furry artwork

    possibly a self-portrait, then?
    >> Acers and Chasers !GzIuYcsk4Y 12/15/08(Mon)03:16:11 No.2443896
    I'd go for geeky chicks if the majority of them weren't behemoths.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:17:40 No.2443906
    I have a girlfriend who's really geeky. She doesn't care that I don't have an education or anything either. Too bad no one can see her :(
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:20:01 No.2443930
    Problem with geek girls is they tend to be sluts, in a kind of self destructive way.

    They feel socially rejected, and they've realized they can get attention and acceptance of a sort through sex.

    This isn't always true, but it happens more often than than the average for the rest of the population.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:20:38 No.2443939
    I actually prefer preppy girls. Geek women are fucking overrated as hell.
    You want sex? Too bad! She was raped by her older brother so now you have to let her cry into your shoulder for half an hour every time she gives you a blowjob.
    Wanna play with her in WoW? Tough shit, she's a hardcore lvl 60 cunt and won't let you in her clan (or let you find out she's been whoring nudes)
    How about some other 2 player geek romance bullshit? It's a shame she only likes RPGs (which she sucks total ass at)
    Maybe she has some cool friends? They're all trying to fuck her, and she's only dating your sorry ass so she can keep the cock teasing up.
    At least you guys can go out on dates like a normal couple, right? Fuck no! You get to sit on her couch and watch a poorly bootlegged Twilight.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:21:46 No.2443946
    Happy ones who love life to the fullest.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:22:05 No.2443948

    You're fucking the invisible woman?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:37:05 No.2444091
    I go for smart girls. What I've found is that most smart girls keep in good shape by the time they're in college, and most don't have sexual hangups. I appreciate dumb ho's, though, there's a lot to be said for being an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:39:12 No.2444104
    God i wish i was more of a geeky gamer girl. My boyfriends obsessed with games and computers but im completely clueless, ive never even owned a nintendo or anything, probably played it once in my life. I know he'd love it if i could get into games and be a computer nerd, but im so fail at those sort of things ;_____;
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:41:55 No.2444133
    I agree with this post 100%. I don't think that's ever happened to me before...

    But anyway, this is true for all the geek girls I know. Well, almost all. But the ones who it doesn't apply seem to be headed in the "slut" direction.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:43:50 No.2444152
    I go for slightly older, well-adjusted, down to earth woman. Right now I'm checking out this one woman who actually got there before me the first time we met to "study" at a coffeehouse. She actually has a job, nicer car, and she is good looking. I should marry this bitch. But I'm starting to think she goes on the internet more than me because of the types of words she uses, which scares me.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:44:54 No.2444159

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:45:20 No.2444167
    Theres nothing more unattractive than a gril that thinks she's doing you a favor by being with you no matter who you are.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)03:57:38 No.2444257
    That is now my new fetish.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:00:50 No.2444281
    Dating a nerd-preppy hybrid.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:07:59 No.2444334
    I actually don't tend to go for any girls, ever. No girl would ever be interested in me, BAW BAW BAW BAW.

    But seriously, hanging around nerdy yet semi-attractive chicks made me realize something: They're fucking impossible to get. There are about 30 other nerds vying for her attention along with myself. Then, along comes some jock guy who she takes as a boyfriend. A bunch of the nerds leave, myself included, but some stay, thinking,"She'll leave that jerk, and go with me!" I just don't even bother anymore. Nerdy chicks already have nerdy friends, no need for another. And there's no chance of me ever becoming an intimate interest for her, so it's just a waste of time. Unless the chick's fat, then I don't even fucking try to befriend.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:11:48 No.2444354
    Nerd girls.

    Luckily, I go to MIT.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:12:04 No.2444357
    As a straight girl, I go for normal girls as friends. Reasoning behind this is twofold;

    (a) It reinforces that I am not so far gone that I am unable to socialise with normal people (god forbid I ever get tossed down to the level of "gamer" girls)


    (b) I fucking hate "gamer" girls. They drive me up the wall with their inane bullshit about how they play games and did you know that they play games and oh my god last night they played a game and did you know they're a gamer girl cause they're female and play games? SHUT UP YOU VAPID CUNT. It's like that's the only facet to their personality, they never seem to have anything else to offer other than their tits + vag and the fact they play games. Christ it's more two dimensional than the so-called "preppy barbie bitches".
    Obviously this isn't ALL girls who play games but it's a retardedly large chunk of them and they seem to be all the ones I run into.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:13:18 No.2444364

    Signed. Every geeky girl I've met is emotionally fucked up in some way or another and has a goddess complex from being around passive nerds who worship the ground they step on.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:15:19 No.2444377

    >Do you tend to go for the geeky/nerdy girls

    Nah, why would I want someone with all the same interests as me? That'd be boring.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:15:55 No.2444383

    Dumbass. Nerds can get more sex than jocks if they know what they're doing. Women go for masculine men, and you can still be masculine even if you don't do sports. Build up your strength and muscle mass. Learn to ignore your fears. Stop displaying weakness during social interaction.

    Ever wonder how people like Donald Trump fuck supermodels? Women fuck power. Truly smart men are powerful.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:17:31 No.2444394
    Try playing girly MMOs (RO, Mabinogi, Maplestory, etc). There's three girls to every guy there.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:18:29 No.2444409
    I dated a girl that did cosplay, and shortly afterwards one serious weaboo.
    The former was a fucking whore, immature AND had no sense of personal hygiene
    The latter was even less mature and she would never listen. Couldn't talk to her.

    So yeah, I prefer normal women.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:19:15 No.2444414
    hey, uh, you sound pretty cool, want to get a coffee sometime?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:26:30 No.2444457
    Normal ones.

    The geeky ones are anti-social, and it becomes too much of a fucking chore to bring them up to the normal level. Also, Daddy issues. Every last one of them has daddy issues.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:32:03 No.2444492
    >Actual nerds that is, not hipster retro gamer ironic douchebags.

    gee, it sure is too bad they don't exist. girls want a tough arrogant jock in a Guitar Hero shirt that they can call "my gamer boyfriend! XD", not an actual nerd that likes to read and play real games.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:32:21 No.2444493
    If you happen to live in my city, sure why not.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:35:57 No.2444510
    Even if I'm fairly geeky myself I've only dated "normal" girls. Mostly because I haven't found any geeky girls that I got along with or that I found attractive. I'm a rather shallow person, you see.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:36:24 No.2444514
    This is true.

    I don't know what kind of girl I would go for if I were a lesbian. Probably normal girls.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:39:08 No.2444529
    No, real geeks are all computer science / mathematics / physics grad students who generally do not give a shit about games / fashion / music / retro shit, etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:40:11 No.2444538
    God, I wish more people would realize this.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:40:38 No.2444541
    Hrmm, i'm in toronto right now. I'm guessing you're not, no one is EVER from canada
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:42:53 No.2444560
    Ah, heartbreak. Ausfailia here.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:43:46 No.2444568

    Masculinity and strength, eh? Sounds like jock to me, sounds like something I'm not into. That's what I mean by jock, btw.

    Every time I go to the gym, it just makes me depressed seeing how much of a weak pussy I am compared to everyone else. I do a few weights, and then quit. Eventually I stopped going.

    And muscles don't mean shit if the girl never sees you with your shirt off.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:46:01 No.2444586
    If you're profoundly worried about getting laid then you're probably not a geek.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:48:27 No.2444605
    I was hanging out with my friend and his girlfriend and she turned on the radio and listened to it for a while.

    Sometimes I think "You know, I should go for more normal girls. There really aren't any down sides to them or anything."

    Thanks for reminding me otherwise, John.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:51:05 No.2444625
    I go for serious girls. The one's that are like fucking stone faced icequeens and will shut your ass down if they think you aren't at the top of the genetic ladder.

    That girl who has no apparent interests outside of getting 4.0's and studying. Those girls realllyyy turn me on.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:52:28 No.2444631
    Where in aus?

    picking up where that other guy left off? :)
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:54:07 No.2444642
    Give her a book on lambda calculus and throw out all the game consoles and I'm sold.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:55:58 No.2444657
    Intellect is Key.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:56:47 No.2444663
    hey fuck you, i was off booking a plane ticket.

    I mean, uh.. uh.. good luck, i'll hate you forever if it works out.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:57:38 No.2444672
    the op image has an anonymous poster.. Where can i get one of those, they would make awesome rl trolling material.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:57:40 No.2444674
    Is that just your way of saying ``I've read SICP"?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:57:52 No.2444676
    Key to figuring out how to get into her fucking pussy.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)04:59:13 No.2444682
    I go for girls like these. So perfect...

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:00:19 No.2444692

    Bring real maple syrup! I will make pancakes.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:02:52 No.2444710
    The crazier the better.
    I enjoy girls that are different/quirky.
    Normal girls are just too... normal.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:04:51 No.2444731
    Most "nerdy girls" fucking suck. I can't stand them... theyr'e in it for the fucking attention (camwhores and whatnot).

    Turns out my current girlfriend is a nerdy girl that lurks... but I guess she's realer considering that she never posts with a gender and never draws attention to herself.

    tl;dr (somehow): Depends on why they're nerdy.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:06:27 No.2444739

    No, because even dumbshits with more muscle mass in their right foot seem to get girls.

    If talking to her feels like talking to a lamppost, I might as well talk to said lamppost because (1) it'll provide a sauce of illumination and (2) it'll cost much less.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:06:29 No.2444740
    d'awwww. i haven't had pancakes in AGES.

    or maple syrup, for that matter.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:09:38 No.2444767
    But you live in Canada! Next you'll be telling me you aren't a moose-riding lumberjack </3
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:14:06 No.2444798

    Man, I'm really pessimistic about women. Shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:15:41 No.2444814
         File :1229336141.jpg-(39 KB, 596x379, bearcav.jpg)
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    Uh, i don't have time for breakfast, I'm too busy cutting down trees. But moose riding? Ha, that's for pansies, I ride a grizzly. Pic related, it's me and a friend going Sasquatch hunting.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:18:15 No.2444833
    Oh my, how manly! You best be the rugged one in the background, white-haired is a little old for me.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:20:06 No.2444847
         File :1229336406.jpg-(94 KB, 819x550, ppshtaticool'd.jpg)
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    what always gets me about that image is the one guy using the ak 47. The guy in the foreground is using WW2 era sub-machine guns, (PPSH and MP40) and the guy in the far background (all you can see is his silhouette) seems to be using a MP40 as well. but that other guy, with the AK, really messes up the timeframe. I mean, it's not like old SMG's like the PPSH are still in use, (see pic) but, somehow, this still ruins an otherwise epic picture for me. Am i over analyzing this? I mean, it's a picture of guys riding fucking BEARS, and I'm obsessing over this one detail.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:21:00 No.2444854
    Nerdy girls: it would help me greatly if you would list what superficial personality traits immediately pique your interest.

    inb4 charming, well spoken, not socially awkward, and knows how to compliment without overdoing it.

    that and interests that you find attractive. Be more specific than vidya and anime, if you can.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:22:27 No.2444860
    Just accept that it is an alternate reality where those guns are used at the same time and people ride bears instead of horses into battle.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:24:43 No.2444874
    Oh yeah, the guy in the foreground is Joe. He's a hardcore motherfucker, he once killed two yeti in hand to hand combat, armed with nothing but a frying pan and an old ballpoint pen. He's easily the oldest of the lumberjacks i work with, but still, none of us fuck with him.
    >> Lynx !!KY+lVSl0s2m 12/15/08(Mon)05:25:25 No.2444879
    At first I was like:
    >>2443112 lower self esteem/easier prey

    But then I realized they're single because they're picky. A lot of the single girls I goto school with have built up in their head the perfect boyfriend.
    Thankfully I made my girlfriend a geek, she played twice as much warcraft as I do and loves to sit down and play magic or pokemon with me. Still working on the warhammer, but DAMNIT I'm close.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:28:08 No.2444899
    willing to buy me copious amounts of good vodka
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:29:07 No.2444907
    Just accept that it is canada, where hardcore lumberjacks use varying types of weapons to hunt Sasquatches and yeti. jeez, is it that hard? Joe tells us some great stories about how he took his MP-40 as a trophy from one of the greatest Nazi commanders of all time, Erwin Rommel, after infiltrating Hitler's headquarters, lulling Rommel into a false sense of security with a game of checkers, and then strangling him with his own Iron Cross.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:29:28 No.2444911
    GTFO Golddigger.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:30:08 No.2444914
    alcoholic would be a better description, but ok
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:30:25 No.2444917

    This anon hits the nail on the head.
    Fuck, I'm a nerd, I'm miserable, I have issues. I want to help myself. "Nerdy girls", however - they only want to wallow in their misery. They want someone to pour their own shit onto.
    Sure, if a girl is into videogames, I'm definitely going to be interested, but nerd girls are bleh.
    Hey, NERDY GIRLS. Get some fucking personality. And no, crying about daddy issues and writing slash fics is not cool.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:31:02 No.2444921
    No you are a fucking golddigger for wanting a man to buy it for you. GTFO with your skank ass.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:31:41 No.2444927

    That the poster you quoted is not that smart?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:37:31 No.2444966

    I'm going to have to agree with this man here. Essentially:

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:42:38 No.2445001

    i'd buy you vodka sometime :3
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:43:24 No.2445010
    Well I will make the both of you pancakes, as long as you bring delicious maple syrup, slain with your manly hands.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:44:02 No.2445014
    Good vodka? bitch, you best be joking. I'll learn you some good booze
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:47:26 No.2445038
    when you ask about superficial traits, don't bitch and moan when they're really fucking superficial
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:47:55 No.2445043
    I've always been attracted to nerdy guys, because I tend to like their personality better than the average male. I currently have a truly nerdy guy- Dorky and lanky looking, vidya games, and science/math smarts (+ regular smarts.)
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:52:42 No.2445078
    well, maple syrup is made from the boiled blood of Sasquatches (don't believe that bullshit about it comes from trees, people die to get you that delicious mapley goodness), so I'll see what i can do.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:54:30 No.2445091
    I intend to go for the alcohol and wake up some place assuming I had sex because there's a chick there.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:54:46 No.2445093
    Doesn't have too be nerdy but it's greatly appreciated as I'm sure as hell not going to stop anytime soon. "Nerdy" is a very liberally applied word these days. Sure, I'd like a girl with common interests, but the main thing is that she doesn't just go "bwuh? me confused ;_;" when it comes to reasonably intelligent tasks. If there's one thing I hate, it's helpless people who never tried.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:56:43 No.2445102
    would totally go for that girl over a normal girl just due to how much more intelligent and able to relate she is.

    not to mention more open-minded in general.

    and i have a cat? :p
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)05:59:28 No.2445123
    Sweet as, I'll get out to the kitchen =D
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:00:46 No.2445135
    AK47 is from 1947, PPSH was still around. You're not just overanalyzing this, you're doing it wrong.

    I don't really go for a specific type, sometimes it's the geeky girl(not TOO geeky though) and sometimes it's a normal, girl-next-door kind of girl.

    Doesn't mean I ever succeed though.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:00:49 No.2445137

    God, I know what you mean. I fucking know what you mean...

    My nerdy girl knows at least enough to keep up with stuff if I explain it to her. I would not call myself particularly intelligent but I know my way around enough things, and I like that she's at least able to grasp things when I tell her.

    Sure, there are some "buhhhhh wat" moments, but I get those too sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:03:48 No.2445175
    Care to tell what this "nerdyness" is? Is shy automatically nerdy or do you have to take intrest in some specific thing? Does being a nerd mean that you have to identify with this nerd culture?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:06:09 No.2445192
    I never had a nerdy gf before. All my exs have been normal people.I always wanted to have that token nerdy girl but most nerds as you can tell are pretty messed up so I tend to stay away.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:07:20 No.2445199
    would a mathematics major be considered "nerdy" despite my lack of WoW addiction?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:07:47 No.2445202
    Being messed up doesn't make you a nerd...reading a lot of comics and being addicted to a video game makes you a nerd.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:08:49 No.2445207
    Nerds hate WoW. If WoW == Nerd, there'd easily be 10 million + of us.
    Nerds socially converse in PASCAL, C++ en Java, among others.
    PERL and PHP are always welcome too.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:09:20 No.2445208
    awesome. What's your governments position on bears? I mean, they're well trained and all, but i cant leave her alone, I'm the only one who can feed her.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:09:51 No.2445210

    Math >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WoW, anyday.

    Yes, yes, yes, yes, I say, and yes again.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:11:50 No.2445223
    >Java, PASCAL, PHP

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:12:52 No.2445230
    So you have to take interest in certain hobbies to be a nerd?

    But these people treat nerdiness as it is some sort of definitive personality type. Just because you take hobby in gaming or reading does not tell too much about ones personality.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:13:07 No.2445232
    The girl in OP's picture.

    I have her AIM.

    She is online right now.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:16:04 No.2445259
    Trim it's fur, and we'll disguise it as a large wombat. Does it like pancakes, or should I buy steak too?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:16:54 No.2445265

    What's her first name? Can Anon divulge any information about YOU, YOU ATTENTION DEPRAVED SLUT!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:18:03 No.2445272
    Yes every single nerdy person is exactly the same.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:19:29 No.2445281
    I'm reaaaalllly into Nerdy girls. I'm a semi nerdy guy. Yet they fucking despise me. Yet really typically attractive girls, with big personalities and crass taste in popular culture and clothing always keep hitting on me. I don't really mind them, to be honest (how do you really "mind" a hot chick who wants to fuck you?) but I'm pretty much intimiated by their social standing and the fact that I like to think of myself as a misanthrope.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:19:38 No.2445282

    I don't know her first name, nor have I ever sent her any messages. Too shy.

    Also, concerning me, I don't think you can be a slut if you don't have sex very often, can you? Also, a dude.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:20:08 No.2445285
    Girls who are nerdy can often be just as unappealing as normal girls, but for different reasons. Just having similar interests isn't enough.

    That said, a geeky girl who is also compatible with my personality is the best.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:22:20 No.2445299

    Perth ay? Oh ho ho! We have a winner.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:22:52 No.2445304
    I like strippers who wear glasses.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:23:23 No.2445310
    Haha I have the opposite of you.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:23:44 No.2445313
    Fucking Christ that OP image makes me sick.
    There is nothing that I despise more than "girl gamers"/"geeks".
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:23:51 No.2445314

    Well, shit. How'd you get her AIM? Wanna share it?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:25:10 No.2445320

    Email me her AIM and I can see what she's like for you. I'm not really that shy and I won't fuck it up.

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:26:36 No.2445331
    Wow, were you the other guy taking over from manly Canada man? Bit of a late reply there.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:27:17 No.2445335

    Someone posted it in a similar thread on /b/, so I saved it for later lurking. Hasn't been online before, so I question the validity of these claims, but I kept it anyway.

    Alleged SN: cthulhuskitty

    Enjoy(maybe), because I won't do anything with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:29:02 No.2445345

    No I'm a new guy taking over from the guy taking over from manly Canada man.

    I was late getting into this thread, I had to finish being awesome.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:30:35 No.2445356
    Just spam her with memes like any self respecting nerd coward would. Memes, much like caps lock are cruise control for cool.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:31:36 No.2445363

    They're easy enough if you're the jerk (which is nerdspeak for 'any man more attractive than me'). All it takes is a year at the gym.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:31:58 No.2445367
    >self respecting

    And there lies the rub.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:32:24 No.2445373

    let me agree and elaborate on this;
    i wouldn't mind a girl interested in games, or in other various nerd topics, but the problem is when a girl is encouraged because everyone tells her how cool she is for being nerdy.

    then they sink farther into nerd-dom, turning either into simple no-dick males, which you can at least befriend (though are undoubtably going to be more oblivious/emotional than your actual male friends) or worse they turn into egotistical cunts, having finally found a realm where they can reign as beauty queen.

    there is of course room for argument, and various extraneous cases, but shut the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:34:16 No.2445384
    Touche my good sir.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:34:30 No.2445386
    Hmm, sounds like a plan. She'll eat pancakes, but prefers steak.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:35:05 No.2445391

    Same question..
    inb4 university science departments.. in one now and and the girls here are more like completely normal girls with above average logical capabilities.

    Also, I think this pic with the bears is supposed to be in russia few years after WWII, about the same time AK-47 was invented. The other guns shown there were used in russia well into the 1950s.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:36:54 No.2445398
    Are you the girl from up there? Or just some random fag making a comment. Maybe you can tell me where you and your nerd girl brethren hand out in our fair city. All I ever see is drunk club sluts and thier collar popping boyfriends. So sick of club sluts.

    Help me femanon, you're my only hope.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:36:54 No.2445399
    She can have both then. Man I love pancakes.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:37:48 No.2445407

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:37:51 No.2445408
    Yah.. Lanky.. aka not me at all.
    Dorky for sure though.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:38:26 No.2445412
    Oh, well, if you're finished being awesome =(
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:40:14 No.2445419
    OH FUCK MAN I LOVE THAT MOVIE !!!!11eleven
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:40:55 No.2445422

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:42:47 No.2445436
    i like slightly nerdy girls. the full blown geeks are too socially inept and timid for my taste. for me it's the intelligence factor that turns me on more than anything. plus, even though we're all fucked up, they somehow seem more emotionally well adjusted than so called "normal" girls in my experience. which also gets my dick hard.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:43:29 No.2445443
    I have to rest and replenish. Being awesome is harder than it sounds. I'm typing this while waterskiing behind a hovercraft made of diamonds and breast implants, so while not being awesome per se, I'm still being pretty rad.

    Now answer my >>2445398 question.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:43:51 No.2445445
    I prefer normal girls that are intelligent and nerdy in their own way - like my ex. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:43:51 No.2445446
    Wait, is this for Perth girl? Cause that is me, but I don't know where we hang out, all I meet is those annoying faggy "gamer" girls =/. Sorry man, just hang around I guess?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:45:36 No.2445463
    The only girl GAMER I know is really fucked up. Is there normal ones?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:46:37 No.2445470
    geeky/nerdy. although for whatever reason the geeky/nerdy girls i've dated have all had really bad gas. except for that, they're great.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:49:17 No.2445486
    Um, off hand I would say no. I still play games but am fucked up so =/. Go to LANs? I met a boyfriend there once, he was a pretty cool dude.
    The other choice is conver a girl; my brother's girlfriend was pretty preppy to start with but now she loves her some battlefield 2142, left4dead, CS etc. I would go option two; less psychological problems as a general rule.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:51:05 No.2445496
    Yeah that was for you, as well as all that other shit up there. You have crushed my dreams Perthgirl. I wanted to find a nerd girl I grow old watching BSG, reading spiderman and playing the vidya with. Now I will have to settle for some dumb bitch who will at least keep her mouth shut while Sarah Conner Chronicles is on.

    I hope you're happy.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:51:07 No.2445497
    I agree.

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:55:36 No.2445526

    Well, um, don't stop. Just get into a routine, in six months you'll see a marked improvement.

    Develop a lifting routine, and do it regularly. Not just lift a few weights and stop. You're basically grinding for stats, so you'll need to lift lots and lots, over and over.

    As for making it visible, wear well-fitted t-shirts or regular shirts.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:55:40 No.2445529
    Awww, sorry man. You can get that but it comes with crazy issues. =( Shit sux, I know.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:55:42 No.2445530
    "goddess complex" is a good term. It's applicable to many nerd-girls I know.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)06:57:27 No.2445539
    Who cares if the girl can see it? That isn't really the point dumby. The point is to increase your confidence.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:00:02 No.2445555
    If I go after a girl, she's got to like anime and video games, I've been with my current girlfriend for 4 years now, it is so true that nerdy girls are sex goddesses, they also have bigger breasts and look HOT in glasses and shit <3
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:01:39 No.2445562
    Man, Perth blows. Maybe I should import a girl. You can do that right? Mail order Japanese schoolgirls? Buy 2 get a free tentacle?

    What about you anon, are you a geek? Can we have the hot sex then go read some Catch-22 together on our Ewok bedsheets?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:06:18 No.2445603
    Hehe, it's even better when they hide how gorgeous they are most of the time. Then you finally get them naked and it's like "wait... when did you go from mousey and cute to daaaaaaaaaaaaayum"
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:07:09 No.2445607
    You are almost certainly a virgin, sir
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:08:01 No.2445614
    If you get two girls, can I have the free tentacle?

    I would say I am a geek; science course at uni, videogames etc. Not hot sex, have a sort-of boyfriend, it's complicated n shit. Don't even have geeky female friends I can introduce you to =( And holy shit Ewok bedsheets they would be... Unique.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:08:15 No.2445616

    I am going to have to ask you to refrain from posting for the integrity of faces and palms everywhere
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:09:14 No.2445620
    >then go read some Catch-22 together
    >on our Ewok bedsheets?
    No wait, ur a faget
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:10:09 No.2445627


    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:13:28 No.2445645
    Oh, go ahead and doubt me, my esteemed colleague. the day may come where you find yourself in such a situation. On that day, my words will ring true and clear and you will feel most foolish for your lack of faith.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:16:42 No.2445676
    God damnit anon, why do you hate my freedom?

    Well shit, I guess I just have to stick with plain old boring girls. I'm going to kidnap the first hot girl I see and make her play Torment until she fuckin well likes it.

    Oh well, add me if you feel like talking sometime Perthgirl, I only know 1 other anon here and hes a LOL RANDUM XD /b/tard who I try to hide from when I see him.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:18:16 No.2445686
    I dont actually have Ewok bedsheets. But I totally wish I did, so its not really much of a defence I suppose. Catch-22 all day though nigga.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:20:39 No.2445700
    Low self-esteem isn't as much of a selling point as a lot of you make it out to be. I was together with a gamer girl who had fairly low self-esteem for about a year. She was a great girl, but she had issues and eventually destroyed everything for both of us.

    Besides, ever hit you that they may like you because you're "one of them" and not because they have low self-esteem?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:22:00 No.2445708
    I envisioned zombies as you said "One of them"...

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:23:15 No.2445721
    We all think that we can get girls with low self esteem to do all sorts of freaky shit in bed. Don't you ruin that for us. Don't you fucking do it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:24:49 No.2445731
    if(Self-esteem == <100%)
    Shitrelationship = 1
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:25:06 No.2445732
    I've been going after a normal fag lately but after just waking up at 6AM with her and all the bullshit she gives me; Im starting to wonder why. She doesn't get my nerd jokes, and shes a bit of a bitch.
    Im gonna go find a shy nerd that will fuck me and then play games with me.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:25:17 No.2445733

    It depends on how low their esteem is, I don't like a girl who is completely broken, they tend to end up being a little psycho. I go for someone who's pretty much just breaking in the low esteem spectrum, they're very easy to get on with.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:25:30 No.2445737
    Sorry! I will keep to lies from now on.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:27:02 No.2445747
    You know, I dated a girl with poor self-esteem once.

    She could never take a compliment. I'd tell her she's pretty and such, and she'd just "blah blah no I'm not you're a liar don't say that."

    It irritated me, but I never said anything about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:27:06 No.2445748

    DO IT, I wish you good luck fellow anon.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:31:08 No.2445767
    What? how the fuck can you tell? "on a scale of 1 to 10, how fucked up are you?"

    YOu can probably tell if someone has low self esteem after a little while, but I dont see how you can tell degrees unless you are with them for a while, in which case it's probably too late.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:33:06 No.2445772

    That's exactly it, you have to literally 'shop around' to find a girl who is in the right spectrum, I've been with crazy fucked up girls before, my current girlfriend I'm with right now is perfect.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:47:47 No.2445839
    She is going to leave you for the perfect guy. Get ready for failure.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:49:37 No.2445846

    Was gonna say that way earlier, but I didn't really want to dash his dreams into a thousand pieces.

    But now, /agree.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:51:21 No.2445852
    Its more of a mental preparation thing than dashing dreams. Now when she leaves him for the guido she met at the club, he can at least say 'anon told me so'.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:51:24 No.2445854
    >"on a scale of 1 to 10, how fucked up are you?"

    It would be so fucking awesome if that worked. Unfortunately, the only ones who would give you an honest answer are the 10s.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:52:00 No.2445855

    I've been with her for 5 years and it's impossible to pry her off of me, be jealous.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:53:12 No.2445857

    Protip: She's nerd with low self esteem who's into nerdy guys like me and not faget club scum.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:53:15 No.2445858
    Ok anonymous. You will be together forever and die old with this girl.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:56:45 No.2445867
    Don't you love it how jealous geek virgins will try to bring you down simply for having a good love life? I feel happy for you man
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)07:57:38 No.2445873
    I would believe you are sincere but...
    >The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
    >Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:00:09 No.2445882
    Moot wrote those and moot is a fag. Therefor you are a fag. Somehow. Shit I dont know.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:01:52 No.2445887

    Don't you love it how...meh.

    I was gonna put some sort of comeback but then I realized you're pretty much right.

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:05:27 No.2445903
    PHP is never allowed bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:09:05 No.2445914

    Shit man... I've got some bad news for you then
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:09:05 No.2445915
    Then just stop doing it. I don't have a problem with people who have it shitty, and I don't feel "above" anybody in particular. The way I see it the only thing separating the archetypical loser from a successful person is how they perceive themselves and CHOOSE to lead their lives. Yes, it's all choice.

    What bothers me though, is when people feel the need to drag down others in the vein of "if I don't have a girlfriend I'm pretty sure you don't either", it really doesn't serve any good at all. It's annoying, it's sad, and it keeps this board from moving past the "BAWWW GURL PROBLAMS" on to "So I have a sticky situation with this one girl, could you guys share some life experience with me?"
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:18:23 No.2445949

    I'd make a longer post detailing my issues and asking for advice, but I've got 30 minutes to clean up and get ready to go home (I'm at work).

    So, I'll just say thanks for the advice, and I'll be sure to use said advice in future dealings with online denizens.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:20:35 No.2445961
    sorry, i had to go chop down some agressive trees. (read: got distracted by fallout 3) Anyways, bear riding anon here, i think she'll love that. Uh, so.. Any ideas how to get a 'wombat' onto a plane?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:21:17 No.2445968
    I don't go for really any type, both are most likely boring dumb cunts who obssess over trivial things.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:26:59 No.2445992
    Normal girls. When you start dating, girls always are interested in your hobbies, or what you do when they're not around.

    It's easier to get someone interested in fun games like Bomberman, or Tetris Attack than it is to instill social skills in them.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:33:28 No.2446026
    I like nerdy girls because they're easier to relate to seeing as I'm a nerd too.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:36:43 No.2446046
    i'm sort of inbetween nerdy and normal, which is a drag because everyone i'm interested in turns out to be either too nerdy or too normal.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:38:20 No.2446053
    Geek girls are the greatest. They can be really kinky in the bedroom as well. Normal girls are boring creatures, interested only in clothes.

    (Not being sexist here, normal guys are boring as fuck as well.)
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:39:26 No.2446058
    I go after girls for varying reasons, some of which have nothing to do with pursuing any kind of meaningful or lasting relationship, but I've been called a sociopath on numerous occasions. Sometimes I just have more fun fucking with someone than actually trying to build anything real.

    Normal girls are usually not as smart as the nerds, but their social skills are more developed so as long as they are worthy opponents in some respect I am content to go after them.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:47:21 No.2446103
    Fallout 3? You're totally forgiven, that game is the bomb. I guess just put it in a travel cage and put it through in the back as cargo? Unless you are particularly attached to it, then take it on the plane too? I mean, the option of the plane-people is to let the bear on, or be mauled by the bear.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:48:29 No.2446110
    I go for who I can stand to be around.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:50:33 No.2446118
    The "normal" ones bathe. 'Nuff S]said.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:50:50 No.2446121
         File :1229349050.jpg-(207 KB, 450x778, Smoke_by_matmoon.jpg)
    207 KB
    I have got to agree.
    I married one.
    It is true, the guess they are more in to the kinky shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:52:31 No.2446127
    hmm, i suppose. I mean, there's no issues in canada, everyone has at least a dogsled, pulled by wolves, if not a bear or a moose(there's no cars here) but, i can imagine, if i got on a plane with a giant wombat in Australia, there might be some questions.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:54:34 No.2446135
    although alot less attractive teh nerdy girls are easier to talk to but alot less interesting (surprise surprise)
    I'm already a nerdy guy (by my standards) so why would i want a clone of myself in girl form?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:55:50 No.2446139
    And the bags of milk, dont forget the milk bags.

    In Australia, milk comes in cows.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)08:56:19 No.2446141

    >although alot less attractive

    Good sir, I cannot express how very wrong you are.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:00:40 No.2446161
    in cows? How odd... How do you serve milk, if it comes in cows? does every family have a cow?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:06:57 No.2446186
    No each village has 1. Each family rides Kangaroos to the village center to milk him daily.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:08:35 No.2446197
    Hmmmm, there might be. But we used to have mega-fauna of wombats here, perhaps explain you are a scientist who has made a recreation of the mega-fauna wombat? Could the bear lie that still?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:10:49 No.2446207
    hey, if we visit during the winter, she'll practically be asleep the whole time. If there's nothing to do, she kinda hibernates, it's her natural reaction, even though she's active year round now.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:14:05 No.2446217
    Excellent, since it is winter there now you'd better get to killing those sasquatches so you can get enough maple syrup for ~30 pancakes. I'd better go find the best ever pancake recipe. Hooray, pancakes and a bear and a rugged man!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:17:33 No.2446231
    I hate geeky/nerdy girls, especially the ones who are proud of playing vidya. Why?
    Well there, let me elaborate, good sires.

    They are often really fucking mediocre or ugly but they don't seem to realise it. Their egos are constantly being fed by male nerds with no self-esteem and standards.
    They often have nothing interesting to say and regard vidya as something more than a mere pasttime. Makes me rage like a motherfucker.

    All-in-all I'd never date a nerd unless she seriously had a super awesome personality and if she didn't talk about vidya.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:24:13 No.2446262
    well, yeah. Do you have aim, so that we can talk more about this trip to Australia later?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:28:51 No.2446282
    fuck geeky girls
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:33:25 No.2446302

    That's why I only went after geeky girls who were mostly into anime, but also like to play games, I'd hate to date one of those whores who prance around conventions in shitty Nintendo shirts and shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:34:13 No.2446310
    Geeky/nerdier ones, because they're more interesting and generally less vacuous. More in common, more to talk about, usually ultimately also nicer people. Sometimes it doesn't apply, I've spoken to a few quite self-involved and conceited ones, but as a general rule they're just more interesting.

    Also, I have some weird sort of protective, paternal thing where I just want to wrap any shy girl I see in my arms and make her feel good about herself and that sort of shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:40:32 No.2446354
    guys can we archive this?
    i have to go soon and by the time i'm back it'll be 404.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:43:30 No.2446378
    Having had two relationships where our common interest was sex, it didn't last for long.

    So for now, I'm looking for a geeky/gaming girl who I can enjoy sex and videya with.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:44:37 No.2446387
    i agree. I had a lot of fun, imaging what canada could be like.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:50:18 No.2446411
    Nerdy girls are cool. Gamer girls, however, are only cool until WoW trumps you in importance. If you want to play games hang out with your male friends.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:53:11 No.2446431
    I tend to go for more normal girls usually, but my girlfriend at the moment is a hardcore nerd and she's perfect. Her dad was autistic and only interested in computers, so she could basically build a computer from age 5. On top of that she's probably the most intelligent person i've ever met, she's doing a physics and computers degree and she's a math genius. As a bonus she's 8.5/10 face and 9/10 body, and I have pretty high standards. I don't even know how I ended up with her.
    >> Iceman !krXhpxQFmk 12/15/08(Mon)09:57:22 No.2446464
    Holy fucking shit this was me four years ago.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:57:30 No.2446466
    The best girls are the ones that seem normal until you stop at the bookstore while the two of you are out shopping and she grabs the newest Star Trek book. They're geeky, but it's not their only defining trait and they don't whore for attention over it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)09:58:27 No.2446474
    Hot + nerdy girls ALWAYS ALWAYS have issues. ALWAYS. No hot girl just "decides" to play TF2 for 5 hours a day and read every book Issac Assimov ever wrote, and shun normal hot girl things like makeup and parties. If you find a girl like this it's most likely because she was bullied/molested/her mother had a stroke when was 4 and she had to mind her for her entire childhood and teenage years so she had no friends and never developed social skills.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)10:00:25 No.2446484
    That's me but I am a dude.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)10:03:17 No.2446504

    Exactly. My fiance is pretty normal, but also played WoW pretty hardcore and is good at other rpg's, reads all kinds of books and watches obscure movies.

    Yet she never parades it around, brags about being "nerdy", she's just into what she likes.

    So called "geeky" girls, are no better then scene sluts, just going along with a fad for guys on their level.
    >> Sweet Lime !!8ue7+53Tapy 12/15/08(Mon)10:05:59 No.2446520
    So, where do you guys meet geeky/nerdy girls?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)10:07:57 No.2446532
    Met a girl last week in the basement of a used book shop, digging through a pile of Terry Pratchett books. We're going out for coffee tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)10:13:52 No.2446572
    I don't really meet them anywhere in particular. Sorry bro. It helps that my core group of friends are kind of artfaggish and unconventional, it means that the people we associate with are always a little off-kilter and way more likely to be nerdy. You could try places like Anonidate. The chans sound unlikely, but i've made two really good IRL friends and gotten some sex just from posting in "post your msn" threads.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)10:23:27 No.2446635
    where was this bookshop? not because i want to meet girls, but i need to read more terry Pratchett.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)12:04:39 No.2447214

    You, my good sir, couldn't be more right.

    I tried to make a move on this girl once. Low self esteem, damaged goods, the whole thing. Except she was a full-blown japanophile and refused to date anyone who wasn't at least 1/8 japanese.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)12:08:09 No.2447239
    nah, I focus mostly on getting hot girls
    >> lol@lol.com Delishus Vicodin !EhE8ram93U 12/15/08(Mon)12:09:27 No.2447247
    More normal ones because they tend to be prettier. However, the geeky nerdy girls are better for relationships. Or girls that are slightly offbeat.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)12:13:14 No.2447270
    Girl in the picture is named Ami. Her AIM is CthulhusKitty

    http://ami-the-geek.livejournal.com/ This is her LJ.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)12:14:37 No.2447275
    http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1351405 Source of pic.. And if you read it, she painted it of her friend, not of herself.
    >> Arrogant Cockroach !!lsalSBD6LR3 12/15/08(Mon)12:18:16 No.2447303
    Hay Vicodin. Want to be the name-giver? I'm going to pass the fuck out in like 10 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)12:19:40 No.2447314
    I first met this girl on high-school. We were very young, and I really liked her.
    We became best friends, se knew this nerdy world thanks to me, and now she is some kind of nerdy/otaku-ish girl.

    Now she is my girlfriend. And dude, it rules.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)12:45:34 No.2447522
    Thanks for the SN, I'm talking to her now. She says shes watching "A Treevening With Kevin Smith". She seems friendly.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)12:47:35 No.2447542
    Any girl that I end up liking will probably need to at least respect and be willing to engage in the following:

    Watching cartoons (Anime and otherwise) on lazy Saturday mornings.
    Let me go buy the latest transformer toys.
    Watch Discovery, Travel Channel, History Channel, and Sci Fi, etc.
    Lets me play metal in the car. Gojira <3
    Try new things.

    Seriously, I'm a kinda-nerd who spends almost as much time camping, hiking, fishing, shooting, and climbing as I do nerdish stuff. The relationship for me is one where I honestly enjoy their company, am attracted to them, and learn to trust them.

    In other words, I'll be lonely forever.
    >> Floppy McDonald !vXKh1ytRio 12/15/08(Mon)12:49:08 No.2447555
    I am all about the nerd chicks. I find them more physically attractive AND I love being able to talk shop with them.
    >> Apina !2JqKJ7pH5w 12/15/08(Mon)12:55:22 No.2447629
    This. Nerdy girls are way more attractive than "normal" ones.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)12:58:14 No.2447649

    >Watch Discovery, Travel Channel, History Channel, and Sci Fi, etc.

    I cant ever find anyone who wants to watch that with me, sucks balls. Lets go watch Andrew Zimmern make an ass out of himself :D
    >> Floppy McDonald !vXKh1ytRio 12/15/08(Mon)13:08:01 No.2447740
    >I cant ever find anyone who wants to watch that with me. Lets go watch Andrew Zimmern make an ass out of himself and you can suck my balls :D

    Edited for truth in intent
    >> ~((Why Dost Thou Hide Thyself in Clouds?))~ !INTJnoGqQo 12/15/08(Mon)13:09:44 No.2447755
    Come on anon, lets watch some Discovery together.

    Oh look! It's the Mythbusters! Gee Wizz, what will they do today?!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:10:58 No.2447763

    You sound EXACTLY like one of my friends. Or maybe you are one of my friends....
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:11:21 No.2447767
    I only go for nerdy guys.

    They're the only ones that like me. ;_;

    But seriously- I met an indiefag awhile back and while he was attractive as well as "liked" me- (I think he just wanted to have sex, but I guess I'll take his word for it) I had a really hard time relating to him. Books were my life through middle school, and he had read *one* book he liked. Maybe it's stupid, but I just can't be attracted to someone who doesn't enjoy reading.

    It's a plus if they like anime and video games as well, but reading is definitely the most important factor.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:13:17 No.2447785
    >he had read *one* book he liked

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:15:55 No.2447795

    Was the one book he liked, by any chance, Twilight?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:16:10 No.2447796

    Oh, and it was "The Perks of Being a Wallflower"
    >> Floppy McDonald !vXKh1ytRio 12/15/08(Mon)13:16:30 No.2447803
    Books are a great bonding point. The girl I'm seeing now loves Lloyd Alexander's The Chronicles of Prydain as much as I do. I ended up buying her the latest printing of the series for Christmas.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:17:58 No.2447812
    Nerd girl here.

    Honestly, I'm not picky. I'm not waiting for the perfect guy, I'm just waiting for one that's not a total creeper and who's main goal isn't to get into my fucking pants.

    Most girls self esteem comes and goes. I can feel pretty, and look damn hot when I need to, but I'm an art major, so I end up covered in paint, chalk, and charcoal no matter what. I don't want to ruin the clothes I actually look good in.

    I like nerdy guys. I like sweet guys with a cute smile and a good sense of humor. Even though I'm an artist, I tend to go for the science and computer guys, and what I wouldn't give for the physics majors to realize that *GASP* I'm a GIRL that you know, is INTERESTED in them. For fuck's sake, when a girl goes to a science lecture about things she doesn't understand, and rests her head on your arm, she's fucking INTERESTED.

    And don't assume that when a girl is in your room at 3am playing video games she's there for just the games...

    My current boyfriend is not my style at all, but he's a good guy. Somehow I ended up with a frat guy while chasing after geeks...But he is a geeky frat guy, so it all works out in the end.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:19:52 No.2447823
    I sort of want to break this kid's kneecaps

    It feels right
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:21:29 No.2447837
    >And don't assume that when a girl is in your room at 3am playing video games she's there for just the games...

    I don't know about you, but I'm usually just there for the games.
    >> Doolin' Dalton !!1H+u/cJOEhx 12/15/08(Mon)13:22:04 No.2447840

    I have a theory. On the scale from one to ten, tens are always the perfect girl with nothing to really love about them. They're universal, well rounded features, well rounded personality. Thing is, I'm not well rounded. I like my girl to have quirks, body parts that aren't the ideal, personality hiccups that make her who she is.
    >> ~((Why Dost Thou Hide Thyself in Clouds?))~ !INTJnoGqQo 12/15/08(Mon)13:22:39 No.2447847

    Pic now, or gtfo.
    >> Lief 12/15/08(Mon)13:24:08 No.2447855
    Haha I had the same reaction!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:27:20 No.2447879
    I've always liked nerdy girls. I mean, I like her to be at least pretty, but the personality is the more important part to me. Hell, met a sweet girl online (she was only sixteen at the time), and we got close, and I brought her out here to live with me when she hit eighteen. Beautiful, sweet, nerdy little thing.

    I'm cheating on her. A lot.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:27:27 No.2447880

    Naked covered in chalk would be nice, just saying.
    >> To the nerd girl. Heed our requests: ~((Why Dost Thou Hide Thyself in Clouds?))~ !INTJnoGqQo 12/15/08(Mon)13:29:16 No.2447894
    I, for one second this.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:29:44 No.2447899
         File :1229365784.jpg-(60 KB, 451x442, n1425001128_30504523_2940.jpg)
    60 KB

    that's not going to happen. Here's a shot of my at a show opening. Face is about a 5 or so, but I'd give my cleavage a good 8.

    the big problem is I look like I'm fucking 15. I've passed for 13 before, and I'm a college girl.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:31:01 No.2447907
    you drastically overestimate your looks.

    shoot lower
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:31:15 No.2447908

    I don't know about ball sucking, but I'll watch Zimmerman if we can watch Anthony Bourdain be awesome too.

    I've decided to make more internet friends, so here is my AIM: Niodox You may or may not recognize it, as I was trying some lonely/hookup threads for bit. Honestly though, I just love talking to people and listening. Anyone who just wants to talk (Travel Channel topics included) send me a line.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:32:16 No.2447914
    I'm a nerdy/geeky girl with a gamer bf. I'm slowly finding out that he's stupider than I thought academically but we can talk about games, comics and movies so I'm conflicted...
    >> FRAU DOKTOR !3GqYIJ3Obs 12/15/08(Mon)13:32:51 No.2447922
         File :1229365971.jpg-(71 KB, 700x550, so pretty.jpg)
    71 KB
    My name states my gender rather explicitly.

    I am currently attending an all women's college, so while I do not generally see many members of the opposite gender, my preference lies toward the geeky side of the spectrum, since, regrettably, I seem to be the uber nerd type.

    I like my men to be intelligent, funny, and geeky, and weight plays less a role for me in attraction than personality, although I prefer bear-like men. There are other factors, such as the man in question's aggressiveness and so on, but at this point in time, I wouldn't consider myself a picky bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:33:57 No.2447929
    Geeky women are mostly disgusting ugly bitches, my woman takes care of her looks just like a woman is supposed to.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:34:54 No.2447937
    ........normal would be?
    I would rather go for normal than the busty one.
    >> ~((Why Dost Thou Hide Thyself in Clouds?))~ !INTJnoGqQo 12/15/08(Mon)13:35:16 No.2447940
         File :1229366116.jpg-(64 KB, 226x386, econfiguration.jpg)
    64 KB
    You have fulfilled our request, take this atomic orbital energy chart and admire it's greatness.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:35:48 No.2447941

    No, you pass for a 15 year old because your entire face is shaped like a ball. You are a walking Pac-Man. People in here, just like your "friends" in the real world, are going to tell you you're beautiful. These people would grovel at the feet of a small-titted walrus if it'd give them the time of day.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:37:17 No.2447953

    perfectly said anon...
    and more often then not, the nerdier ones are kinkier and nymphs...
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:37:31 No.2447954

    All-women college? Is that what they're calling state schools now?

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:38:20 No.2447959

    X stereotype is kinky. You don't have to settle for a fucking social retard to get some pooper.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:40:26 No.2447976

    It's true, a 5 on the face? More like a 3, tops.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:42:12 No.2447988

    People, there are normal nerds. The people who can do anything, play sports, but still read star trek.
    They are what I would consider my type.
    Not the 'LOLOLOL OMFG WoW LEVEL 736'...
    Define nerd someone.
    >> FRAU DOKTOR !3GqYIJ3Obs 12/15/08(Mon)13:46:35 No.2448023
    I find your sense of humor to be lacking anon. Simply because women now make up more than half of college going population and in many areas, college bound women out number college bound men, does not mean that you need to vent your bitterness on me.

    Think of it this way, all women institutions keep us out of traditionally male institutions like Harvard, Amherst College, and their ilk. You should be thankful, if nothing else Anon,
    >> ~((Why Dost Thou Hide Thyself in Clouds?))~ !INTJnoGqQo 12/15/08(Mon)13:50:53 No.2448054
    Also, gtfo or supply suitable image.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:51:59 No.2448062
    find someone with a science degree who likes DnD. Shouldn't be hard.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:53:43 No.2448076
    Er, wow. You are..wow. Asshole.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)13:57:42 No.2448117

    As usual the woman misunderstands, women shouldn't be allowed in universities. They shouldn't even be allowed above grade 9, also they should not learn what men learn, it's too much for them to understand. They should be learning recipes and how to cook, clean or other things of the type.

    Silly, silly women.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:02:03 No.2448155
    most women are smarter than men, dumbfuck.

    fortunately, fewer women are really smart than men are.

    lolz at male variation, more retards, more geniuses, and all you suckers at the middle of the bell curve can't out wit the creatures that caused twilight to be so well received.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:04:28 No.2448180

    Right, if you say so sweetie. :)

    *Looking towards male chums*

    Does she think that anyone would take her seriously? She's a woman for crying out loud, she's stupid by her genetics, it's nothing she can control, poor girl.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:09:48 No.2448226

    I'm more on the nerdy/geeky side. Not into math, hardcore studying, programming, anime. But I like video games, building computers, and fantasy like LOTR. You wouldnt guess by looking at me though. Not a nerdy looking guy at all so no one expects it.

    Most geeky/nerdy girls want geeky/nerdy looking guys, and I've found are quite pretentious and bitchy. As in elitist, prude, and think their vaginas are golden. Most shun you for not going to a university straight away, and act really bitchy. And the sex goddess thing is a lie, most are really inexperienced and "meh"

    There's a few that are not like that, the girls they pretend to play games to sleep around with all their guy friends.

    So I'd say normal out of those two choices. But i'd like a girl who plays games and does drugs most.

    Fixed typo, do not mute me robot. Dont do it. Fuck you did it anyways. Asshole.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:14:44 No.2448276
    Mmm orbitals.

    Whoever it was who said most geeky girls are obese like their male counterparts is exactly right. There are a few exceptions, like fakeass gamer girls such as Britini Martini (who technically does game often but is CLUELESS about anything else) and the girls who don't shamelessly promote their nerdiness. The latter is what you want, unless you like to go whaling.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:15:08 No.2448283
    Geeky/nerdy girls, of course.

    It's so much better to date someone who actually shares your interests.

    Plus, girls with geeky glasses are HOT!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:15:42 No.2448289
    The first time I realized my girlfriend and I were meant for each other was when I told her there was going to be a lunar eclipse and her eyes lit up with excitement.

    There's nothing in the world quite like someone groking what excites you. Really and truly understanding what makes you tick. And if you're as nerdy as me, there's no way a non-geek could ever have that connection.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:16:48 No.2448299
    When a girl says she likes nerdy guys, what she really means is she wants Brad Pitt, wearing his usual, stylish clothes, but also sporting a pocket protector.

    Fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:18:41 No.2448312

    And you want Jessica Alba with glasses.

    Welcome to being a shallow motherfucker! You'll learn to love it.
    >> FRAU DOKTOR !3GqYIJ3Obs 12/15/08(Mon)14:19:04 No.2448317
         File :1229368744.jpg-(17 KB, 320x240, 220101[1].jpg)
    17 KB
    Alas, I only have a few. I'm camera shy.

    Pardon the low quality.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:20:31 No.2448326

    Alba needs bigger tits and another face, but I see your point.

    Anyway, why is your owner letting you have a computer in the kitchen? :S
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:21:13 No.2448332

    Why is everyone so hideous?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:21:20 No.2448335
    I am instantly attracted to nerdier looking girls. Seriously, the second I see some unkempt girl without makeup I fall for them. I don't know why. Probably because, in LA, its so hard to find any chick under 50 who isn't done up like crazy.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:22:03 No.2448339
    Your face is square and you have a manjaw..
    Your name should be "FRAU DYKE", not "FRAU DOKTOR".
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:23:22 No.2448354

    Laptop. :D Maybe he's just in the Christmas spirit, some kindness from the bottom of his heart. I dunno.
    >> FRAU DOKTOR !3GqYIJ3Obs 12/15/08(Mon)14:23:44 No.2448359
    I blame genetics, personally. Or the camera.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:24:26 No.2448364
    I hate women and I hate sperging faggots, combining the two is a travesty
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:25:00 No.2448370
         File :1229369100.jpg-(205 KB, 518x386, pps43_005.jpg)
    205 KB
    I think the silhouette gun in the background is a pps43, not an mp40.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:25:28 No.2448372
    I got for normal girls mainly, although it doesn't work too well when they realise I don't have too much of a life outside them. I appear to be popular-ish myself but I'm really not.
    >> ~((Why Dost Thou Hide Thyself in Clouds?))~ !INTJnoGqQo 12/15/08(Mon)14:25:28 No.2448373
         File :1229369128.jpg-(97 KB, 800x600, h_nmr_table.jpg)
    97 KB
    You have fulfilled the request, accept this H NMR compound identification chart and revel in it's glory.
    >> Decepticunt !!rKtUfG3TJi0 12/15/08(Mon)14:26:07 No.2448376
    Personally, I really like your hair and wish mine would behave similarly.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:26:28 No.2448378
    I don't quite grok you, but I am happy for you and your girl.

    I glad I caught that.
    >> FRAU DOKTOR !3GqYIJ3Obs 12/15/08(Mon)14:27:45 No.2448384
    I know I have a man jaw, but having known many dykes in my time, I can safely say that you either have never seen a dyke or are confused by the idea of what a dyke is.

    I apologize for my utter hideousness, oh great robot lords.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:27:51 No.2448386
    Not at all. I'm not sure what twisted logic you're using to come to that conclusion.

    I loves me some homely nerdy chicks.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:28:30 No.2448392

    I see, well obviously the man is to do what he wants with his property.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:29:16 No.2448396
         File :1229369356.jpg-(33 KB, 352x400, hungry-fat-girl.jpg)
    33 KB
    This is not your real picture.

    I imagine you to be something like this.
    >> FRAU DOKTOR !3GqYIJ3Obs 12/15/08(Mon)14:30:29 No.2448413
    Which organic chemistry text was this taken from? I believe I may have used the same one last year! Are you taking organic this semester, or do you simply have that table handy should you have the occasion to use it?
    Thank you. Its a natural wave in the hair.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:31:05 No.2448417

    This >>2447837
    And also... we're kinda dense. It took this one girl a long time of tailing me before I realized she was interested in me.

    Girls who are interested in us tend to be on the level of Myths. You can't be real, kinematics is real, fluid dynamics... you? Nah.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:32:08 No.2448431

    I think we would get along pretty well.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:33:10 No.2448440

    I just do what I'm told.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:34:53 No.2448460

    Good girl, now if all women were as good as you. Even a half-wit dumbfuck can do what she's told, meaning that most women be able to understand.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:35:13 No.2448462

    It was taken from an image search, you dumb bitch.
    >> FRAU DOKTOR !3GqYIJ3Obs 12/15/08(Mon)14:36:52 No.2448479
    I think you'd find the success you so crave as a dominant if you were perhaps somewhat less agressive.

    Just commenting on a trend I'm seeing in your replies.
    >> ~((Why Dost Thou Hide Thyself in Clouds?))~ !INTJnoGqQo 12/15/08(Mon)14:37:52 No.2448493
    I don't know, but it's the Organic Chemistry book by Bruice. At least, it resembles it very well. I am taking Organic this semester, but it was a shit course and I'm bracing for a butt-raping when the exam comes around.

    Hmmm, I don't know, see I just know these so well because they are drummed into my skull at this point. Also, they make sense, which is always a good thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:38:04 No.2448495

    Advice: BE MORE AGGRESSIVE. If you're into actually nerdy guys, they're probably pretty clueless when it comes to girls. Your subtle hints might as well be no hints at all. You need to come out and say that you're attracted to them as more than friends.

    If in the worst case he doesn't like you like that, there's a VERY good chance you will be able to remain friends (A few years ago, my best friend admitted she had a crush on me and it didn't harm our friendship at all)
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:39:06 No.2448504

    Again, you're a dumb bitch. The best girls enjoyed being dominated. Enjoy being lonely and fat.
    >> Mocodity !!2YEB5irtBNf 12/15/08(Mon)14:39:20 No.2448509
    Am I the only one who can't stop opening that picture and looking at that girl's cameltoe?
    >> FRAU DOKTOR !3GqYIJ3Obs 12/15/08(Mon)14:40:36 No.2448526
    Yes, that is the same text as a matter of fact. As far as the final goes, as someone who has been there, done that, any organic chemistry final will regularly rape just about all of your classmates. If your professor is a kind soul he/she will most likely curve the scores. If not, hope for the best!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:42:12 No.2448540

    Oh hai, I didn't get raped by my final.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:43:28 No.2448553

    What he said. You don't need to spend too much time on 4chan to notice that nerd guys are even more clueless then the average guy. They'll be greatful for someone else to make the first move... and it usually has to be pretty blatant, or they'll think they're imagining it.
    >> FRAU DOKTOR !3GqYIJ3Obs 12/15/08(Mon)14:44:21 No.2448561
    I never said I didn't like that kind of thing. (I actually really do.)
    I simply think your methods are missing the mark because you seem to be making quite the ass out of yourself and thereby make it more difficult to communicate with you.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:44:48 No.2448574
    I did pretty well, thankyouverymuch.

    Something about that bothers me, something about filling up the orbitals and like an outer orbital getting filled up before an inner one. Don't make me bust out my ancient organic text >>
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:45:04 No.2448576
    Everything else ever was here

    Chem is loser
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:45:09 No.2448578

    Speaking as nerdy guy, yes you need to fucking come out and say it or do something that cannot be mistaken for anything else. That does not mean say hi or smile prettily at them. That means going over their house to hang out (just the two of you) or watching a movie together (cuddle), or flat out asking them out.

    I for one have trouble even allowing myself to think about a girl. I force myself to ignore signals because I'm tired of misreading subtle messages. You need to force a response, not entice action.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:46:05 No.2448592

    Bullshit, women need to be told what to do, they are all really fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:46:51 No.2448595

    Don't listen to him. He's just recommending stronger hints. SAY THE WORDS. I know it's hard, but you have to realize just how dense nerd guys are.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:47:59 No.2448609
    >I for one have trouble even allowing myself to think about a girl.
    Oh wow. I'm glad I'm not the only one that does this.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:48:16 No.2448613
    This is an interesting thread.. kinda..

    I'm an attractive nerdy girl who isn't a dumb fake attention whore.. (seriously.. I know you think posting this refutes that but I'm just making a point)

    The problem is I would really like a relationship with a guy similar to me but I'm not aggressive enough to get you guys, and I usually end up with men who'll actually ask me out but are jerks. The last guy I was with would always sigh at me and refuse to watch Sci-Fi or make fun of me when I would start up a video game other than Halo.

    Be more aggressive! I'm currently interested in a guy who's a math major and seems really cool and I like him.. but he is too shy to do anything and I don't want to seem desperate sooo.. =/

    I don't really mind being alone, sometimes I actually prefer it.. but I do miss having a romantic relationship with someone who cares about me and likes doing stupid geek shit with me.
    >> anem0ne !!XYHK7lW+Knv 12/15/08(Mon)14:49:29 No.2448623

    it's like a magnet

    my eyes look elsewhere but they are always drawn back to it
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:50:17 No.2448636

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:50:50 No.2448641

    THIS. A lot of use have already accepted what we assume is the inevitable, that we will always be alone. This decision tends to crush any glimmers of hope or hints we may see.

    YOU NEED TO SAY SOMETHING!!!!! please?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:51:07 No.2448645

    Take it to heart nerd girls, you have to be the stronger more confident person at the start. If you're lucky, he'll grow some balls then and take the lead then if you're the submissive type.
    >> ~((Why Dost Thou Hide Thyself in Clouds?))~ !INTJnoGqQo 12/15/08(Mon)14:52:23 No.2448660
    Nigger - please... That is a Bohr model of an atom, which is bullshit. this is the correct way.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:54:24 No.2448679
    i consider myself a nerd, and i was really moved by that book.. I really enjoyed it, it's not in the realm of tolkein or Adams, but, i really, liked it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:54:33 No.2448681
    Let me guess, you are tired of being lonely, but wont let yourself tell others how lonely you are for fear of bitching at them. Cause that's what stops me every time from contacting a girl.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:58:35 No.2448727

    If you are hot, then pictures.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:59:37 No.2448738
    Somewhere, Bohr walks among us. Immortal, but unobserved.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)14:59:47 No.2448745
    oh shit, you're right.. I never looked that closely at the background, i was always more concerned with the badass old dude with the ppsh and the saber in the foreground.
    >> FRAU DOKTOR !3GqYIJ3Obs 12/15/08(Mon)14:59:58 No.2448747

    Ah, and on top of that you then have HOMO and LUMO, which I was always fond of, since it seemed to make a lot better sense of why certain arrangements were aromatic or non-aromatic.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)15:01:11 No.2448762
    Not really.

    I just know that I won't be able to attract or interest women in general, and thus conscientiously avoid thinking about them.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)15:05:26 No.2448805

    So you've given up and I'm shooting myself in the foot. What a brilliant lot we've gotten ourselves into old chap. A brilliant lot.

    Since I'm already bawwwwing, might as well go for broke. I want to kiss a girl that I love, is that really to much to ask for before I shuffle off this mortal coil?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)15:05:39 No.2448809

    i hate u all for reminding me of chem
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)15:07:56 No.2448828
    I've given up after having been in a relationship before. I don't know if that makes it worse or not.

    And yes, kissing is fantastic, and I wish you the best of luck in finding that someone.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)15:11:46 No.2448868
    the nerdy ones. its all about personality.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)15:12:41 No.2448881

    Amen, brother, amen.

    Just one kiss from a girl who loves me.
    >> FRAU DOKTOR !3GqYIJ3Obs 12/15/08(Mon)15:30:59 No.2449061
    Have faith. If you give up, then it will simply never happen.
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 12/15/08(Mon)15:33:16 No.2449075
    I avoid normal people because I am unable to relate to them, and they make me aware of how different I am. One day I hope to meet a halfway attractive mentally ill girl that I could...whatever it is that people do in a relationship.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)15:34:39 No.2449086
    Godspeed Mr. Bubbles.

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)15:34:50 No.2449088
    You must want normal over nerdy if you didn't notice the DS, 42, and Anonymous poster first.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)15:41:16 No.2449141
    I went to a fancy dress party as Nikola Tesla and nobody knew who I was. Seemed like an awesome idea at the time.

    Being a nerd girl sucks.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)15:43:55 No.2449165
    That is awesome. Tesla kicked ass, fuck Edison.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)15:44:33 No.2449172

    That's the most awesome fancy dress costume ever, you sound cool.

    I like girls to be slightly nerdy, just because I'm kinda nerdy and it means we get on usually, however I prefer intelligence to nerdiness.

    My current girlfriend is 100% not nerdy, and kinda ditzy but I love her and we get on great.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)15:51:07 No.2449218
    What if you are stuck in between worlds? I have no idea what 42 means, nor Nikola Tesla (but Tesla reminds me of Tesla coils but isn't he a guy?), but I recognize Colbert, Guitar Hero, etc. But I saw her spread legs and camel toe first. I don't play games all the time, or watch anime at all. I like sports and being social too, but physics too. :/

    Am I doomed to be too nerdy to be normal. But too normal to join the nerd people?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)15:53:11 No.2449230
    no u r a special flour n i luv u and i will always luv u and u r mine

    unless ur fat
    >> Automaton President Ryan Kilcannon 12/15/08(Mon)15:54:47 No.2449247
    That is an awesome idea.
    I always want to pull off a costume like this, but being a short child-looking woman makes it look awkward in a bad way.
    >> Decepticunt !!rKtUfG3TJi0 12/15/08(Mon)15:56:18 No.2449266
    You don't sound nerdy at all. You're a normal guy who happens to be good at and enjoys physics, and you know about the basics of life such as guitar hero and Colbert, pieces of standard knowledge.

    Enjoy liking sports and being social.
    >> FRAU DOKTOR !3GqYIJ3Obs 12/15/08(Mon)16:00:14 No.2449297
    Well, maybe he'll find a nerdy girl, but it looks like he'll find a more mainstream gal since it seems like he has different social circles.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)16:02:29 No.2449320
    i'm a man, bro.

    average female intelligence exceeds average males.

    if you have an i.q. of 130 or higher you're most likely a male though. lrn2biologyplox
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)16:05:50 No.2449341
    No, it doesn't. The average female IQ is actually a few points lower. Do your research, asshole.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)16:06:06 No.2449345
    i came into this topic expecting nerd tits but there have been none posted.

    for shame, /r9k/, for shame.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)16:08:13 No.2449363
    Mr. Bubbles, just shut your damn face. Every damn post of yours I see makes me so angry, I wish I knew where you lived so I can come over and beat you and possibly steal your computer.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)16:08:26 No.2449367
    I fucking adore nerd girls. That "kawaii desu ;3" shit gets me going and I'm terribly ashamed of it.

    Also, I'm a sucker for girls with glasses.

    Sucks though, the only girls that like me are normalfags. The closest thing I've ever dated to a nerd was an art student that had played Katamari Damacy a few times. I know nerd girls must exist, I'm just not sure where to find them~
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)16:09:02 No.2449369
    Not fat. I couldn't stand being overweight. Although Jan and Sept are my overweight months where I go a whole week of muscle pain from not exercising over the holidays... and then doing a "regular" session.

    But I can babble on about processors and graphics cards. Of Magic the card game, I've read every chapter of Naruto like twice. I'm serious when I say that few of my friends can match all of that. Some has one aspect or another. I was among the numbers who played Neopets and Runescape lol.

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)16:11:46 No.2449389
    Nerdy is fine. Shy is not.
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 12/15/08(Mon)16:12:02 No.2449390
    I am very sorry for making you angry. I have done many things to try and improve my posting but they have not satisfied a couple people. If possible, please explain why I am making you angry and how I can change my posting habits to prevent this from happening again.
    >> DeathInc 12/15/08(Mon)16:12:17 No.2449395
    i've dated 3 normals, and currently fucking a nerdy girl that plays wow and l4d

    normals were way better in bed but the nerdy is more fun to talk to

    its a give and take
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)16:12:55 No.2449398
    Yeah, short chubby female tesla wasn't as good as I thought, but I got to do my hair silly and draw on a moustache. I was with my boyfriend dressed as Oswald Mosely, a Boudica and some roman politician so it wasn't too weird.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)16:13:46 No.2449405
         File :1229375626.jpg-(52 KB, 604x401, 1227397521506.jpg)
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    This thread smells like rotting fish and blood.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)16:15:21 No.2449416
    also, this is not good to spread around.
    >> Hound 12/15/08(Mon)16:16:38 No.2449426
    similar experience but i have managed to coax my girl out of her sexual shell.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)16:17:05 No.2449433
    I am a nerdy girl.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)16:22:02 No.2449486
    Honestly? Not a fan of the nerdy girls. They all try to put themselves up on a different pedestal... queens over those socially inept male nerds who slave over them.

    I'm more into musicians, personally.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)16:25:07 No.2449523
    Well, you're so helpless, and I don't know if it's an act or not, but I'm guessing there's some sincerity there, so this is probably what makes me angry.

    You seem like a lost old man in the middle of a busy street, cars coming every whichway about to hit you.

    I feel sorry for you, and at the same time, I want to hit you.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)16:25:34 No.2449530
    >>queens over those socially inept male nerds who slave over them.

    This is true and pretty hilarious to watch. It's fun when someone with an ounce of social sense approaches one of these girls though - or if not fun, at least interesting to watch her reaction.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)16:36:10 No.2449650
    If these are any indication of what the average nerdy girl looks like then I can easily say that I'm in the top 1% of good looking nerdy girls.
    >> Dancer !gaY7oY9jik 12/15/08(Mon)16:39:38 No.2449688

    Torontofag here.

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)16:40:35 No.2449699
    The REAL nerdy girls some people in this thread want, unfortunately, are too masculine to be attractive. And I'm not talking physically, but they're always trying to one-up men and prove they're "better" at something. They're usually resentful towards normal feminine activities, not wanting to fit in, almost like a borderline dyke.

    I like girls who act like girls. No need to prove you're better with some chip on your shoulder. And I don't give a fuck if they read or watch dumb shit. I do that too.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)16:42:42 No.2449719
    those girls are pretty damn cute. if youre actually better looking than them then i'm impressed.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)16:46:01 No.2449750
    Show us some proof then, why dontcha?
    >> ~((Why Dost Thou Hide Thyself in Clouds?))~ !INTJnoGqQo 12/15/08(Mon)16:46:27 No.2449755
    You know the drill by now, post a pick or gtfo.

    Seriously, if they have the nerve to post pictures, and you claim you're better looking, go ahead and show us.
    >> DeathInc 12/15/08(Mon)16:58:50 No.2449838
         File :1229378330.jpg-(39 KB, 604x453, n47907054_32697263_1404.jpg)
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    nerdy girl i'm banging

    Nerdiest girl i know that's not a blob.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:01:55 No.2449851
         File :1229378515.jpg-(63 KB, 534x734, IMG_0055c.jpg)
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    You guys have low standards don't you?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:02:38 No.2449857
    OK, I gotta ask this... What's that Sandman poster in the background about?
    >> Hot Lips !/kskXCiw86 12/15/08(Mon)17:04:58 No.2449876
    Holy shit she's hot. Lucky you. I wish I knew hot nerdy chicks.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:05:16 No.2449880


    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:09:19 No.2449910
    >> ~((Why Dost Thou Hide Thyself in Clouds?))~ !INTJnoGqQo 12/15/08(Mon)17:10:13 No.2449917
    Awsum man.

    No, certainly not, just wanted to see if you're not all talk. You're pretty, but I think the girl above you is slightly more attractive in my eyes, although I do prefer lighter-haired girls. Still nice though.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:18:34 No.2449976

    >Top 1%

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:24:44 No.2450014
    I was having a rare moment of feeling self-important and cocky about my looks. I'm done attention-whoring for the rest of my life now but thanks for the compliment.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:26:44 No.2450028
    My girlfriend loves books, loves fantasy, has a 3.98 GPA, wears a Hamlet-themed hoodie around, loves kung fu movies, and I knew none of that before I fell for her.

    But you might be right anyway
    >> Row !!jvCuWJ8NrnK 12/15/08(Mon)17:31:25 No.2450061
    Interesting. Tell me more about you. What makes you part of the 'nerd-type'?

    Also, favourite music? Movies?
    >> sage !!SOJTvLiutsP 12/15/08(Mon)17:31:34 No.2450066
    What the fuck is this shit? Back to gaia with you you unholy faggots.

    tl;dr, itt, cunts. All of you.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:35:00 No.2450096

    Thanks. Off to google we go.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:37:29 No.2450117

    that man has minutes to go until he is a sandman fan.

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