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  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229302539.jpg-(21 KB, 300x400, jessica-alba.jpg)
    21 KB Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:55:39 No.2439414  
    Let's bring this back, it's been a month or so.

    Asked a multiracial mixed fag anything. I'm half-black, half-white.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:57:44 No.2439435
    I'm half-mormon half-cajun... oh wait... that's all-white. T-T
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:58:16 No.2439439
    inb4 somebody asking you if your black half steals from your white half.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:58:20 No.2439441
    so half of you is from utah?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:59:36 No.2439454

    It doesn't, however some racial jokes I feel half offended / insulted and half of me finds it pretty fucking funny. Usually I stick with the funny part.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:59:42 No.2439457
    are you hot?
    most mixed race guys i know are hot...
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:00:43 No.2439465
    you agree that white people are xenophobic egotistical douchebags correct?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:01:36 No.2439480

    All the guys I've known who are as mixed as I am.. Yeah, I've found them attractive. I've posted my picture in a thread people and had someone recognize me from the last mixedfag thread I made, maybe I will again, who knows.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:02:44 No.2439485
    Fuck you, I'm 3/8s chinese, 1/8th filipino , 1/2 indian, 1/2 white.

    I'm the real mongrel.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:03:27 No.2439488

    Not all, but a large amount especially those in higher economic statuses, yes. They tend to not actually look outside of what they think is possible, and since they've never struggled racially they can't identify and empathize with someone who's had issues with it. That's the only negative of dating a white guy, they'll just never understand that part about you. Only other mixed people (regardless of what major races they are a part of) tend to really understand.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:04:42 No.2439498
    i'm mixed race as well.. white/black.

    so, have you noticed that most mulattoes identify completely with whites, or completely with blacks?

    also, do you look more white, black, or are you somewhere in the middle?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:05:52 No.2439505
    your mathematical ability shows that you are 1 whole moran
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:06:05 No.2439508

    Technically, I'm 3/8th African, 1/8 Native American (Cherokee and Iroquois), and the rest of the Caucasian side is Irish, Italian, German, and French.

    Doesn't stop the fact that people think I'm fucking Latina or Hispanic, and no one can ever guess what I am based on what I look like. I'm sure you understand the same. You might be more of a mongrel but I'm on the same boat as you buddy :P
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:06:11 No.2439509
    Popeye's or KFC?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:06:39 No.2439518
    What could we possibly ask you? How are you different than any of us? What unique perspective do you have to offer?

    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:08:24 No.2439535
    I'm mixed too. I identify with both sides of me pretty much. I don't act like a black guy, I act like a white guy. I can still identify with my black brethren, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:08:30 No.2439537

    I've noticed that too from the ones I've met, but the ones I've met... very very far and in between when it comes to those who are half white / black. Most of my friends are white, and a bunch of black male friends.

    However, I don't have a single black female friend. They... tend not to like me somehow.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:08:51 No.2439542
    Oh yeah?
    1/8 arab, 2/8 black, 3/8 white, 2/8 native
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:09:22 No.2439551
    ignorant suburban white kid
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:09:23 No.2439552

    Do you like your chicken fried or boiled?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:10:14 No.2439562

    I dunno, but you were able to note your own race on the census all of your life, just now with President Obama being elected are we now actually being truly recognized. And have you had to deal with "WHAT ARE YOU WHAT ARE YOU HUH WHAT RACE ARE YOU" from every person you met in the streets? Gtfo son.

    Honestly, I don't eat either, but I'd say Popeye's because real cajun food is the shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:11:38 No.2439577

    Same, except for the fact that black women tend to not like me. Most at least.. There are always exceptions.

    Baked or cooked with pasta, yummm. I hate fried food dawg
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:12:43 No.2439590
    Op is Obama.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:13:06 No.2439596

    If Obama was a female, perhaps.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:15:03 No.2439621

    Good, dude. Black chicks aren't attractive, at all. This is coming from that same mixedfag, btw.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:15:13 No.2439623
    yeah, except obama calls himself black.
    nothing pisses me off more than a half black, half white person who refers to himself as black.

    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:18:09 No.2439655
    That's because we hispanics are a cooking pot of races anyway, it's easy to mix anything and call it a hispanic.
    Which raises trouble for me. I'm >>2439542 and I manage to look foreign enough to get asked for my passport in my very home country. It's ridiculous.
    Phenotype of all that is a somewhat light Indian.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:18:26 No.2439659
    Good thing I'm a chick then lol :D Black chicks really.. I dunno. Some are fantastic and fucking awesome. I've had one or two really GREAT friends who were. But stereotypically they judge me and I don't even bother with that shit, you know? Dramatic and "my baby's daddy" and oh god, makes me rage. And they act as if I'm not good enough.

    THANK GOD SOMEONE ELSE FEELS THE SAME AS I DO. I like Obama, I voted for him, but for fuck's sake that irritates me. FINALLY one of us get on the map and he's like "I'M THE FIRST AFRICAN-AMERICAN PRESIDENT" ... Thanks man, thanks a million.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:18:51 No.2439666

    The world calls him black. That's far different than him calling himself black.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:19:50 No.2439686
    You are considered a black in usa if you have 1/4 in you so no he is being politically correct in saying he is black.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:20:13 No.2439690
         File :1229304013.jpg-(404 KB, 1200x1600, 008.jpg)
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    I too am half white half black, want to make a club?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:20:19 No.2439691
    Really? Haha. Yeah, it happens. I'm so far from my two major races that it's just a fail for me. Go in a store, someone talks Spanish to me, I get pissed off. Yet white people are like "HI WHAT RACE ARE YOU YOU HAVE PRETTY SKIN" and black people are like "You're part black? You fucking liar you aren't black"
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:21:36 No.2439711
    This the problem is if he called himself white he would of got half the votes that he did because people don't see him like that. I know in my state if you have one tenth nigger in you are considered black.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:21:48 No.2439716

    OP here, you look SO much like my little brother in some of your features. Especially the hair.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:22:23 No.2439727

    esp since obama is whiter than most honkeys i know (myself included). its not about what your skin colour is, its about what your mind colour is. or some shit like that
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:23:51 No.2439745
    All mixed kids have a white mother, prove me wrong.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:24:23 No.2439750
    Politically correct but it still doesn't excuse the major fail.
    You also have a really great point.
    Perhaps, how you act is how you get defined if you're mixed UNLESS you look overwhelmingly like one race.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:25:15 No.2439762
    yeah but the one-drop rule should have died with slavery, or at least the civil rights movement

    i mean come on we're like the only country in the world that still believes in that shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:25:18 No.2439765
    I am 1/8 black, 7/8 white; the outdated nomenclature would be "octoroon".

    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:26:26 No.2439778
    feman0n here
    mom is full native american
    dad is full mexican american
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:27:00 No.2439786
    are you attractive?

    you're a mexican, gtfo
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:28:17 No.2439804
    You win with the OP, my mom was white, she had jungle fever.

    I agree, but America is always going to be retarded in this sense.

    What the fuck should us mixed-fags call ourselves? Mulatto's offensive and mixed is a general term for anything. Is there something you call yourself or others besides ___-roon?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:28:21 No.2439805
    haha yeah, but I've found a way to exploit it.
    I'm colombian, so it's a pain to try to leave the country. It's double the amount of security checks, frisking and all that jazz. So I just stare at them dumbfounded pretending to not understand spanish. They just dismiss me and I move right along.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:29:46 No.2439816
    You sound like you're probably ridiculously gorgeous.

    HAHAHA Next time I'll do that, LOL!
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:30:56 No.2439839
    Nope. Maybe true for americans
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:31:28 No.2439847

    I'm Hispanic/White and I hear those skin comments all the time almost exclusively from White people. Especially my White aunts, I couldn't tell you how many times I heard "I wish I had your skin" from them growing up, after a while I started to wonder if they really wanted my natural light tan, or if they were making a point to remind me that I did not look like them.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:32:45 No.2439864
    Half Chinese, Half White.

    Ask away.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:32:54 No.2439868
    i just say mulatto or halfbreed. sure, it's self-deprecating, but in a good way.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:33:04 No.2439870
    Yeah, I always wondered the same thing. All my white friends think I have a wonderful skin tone, but I'm lighter than some of them so it's like.. Uh okay, what's so special about it? You can go get a tan and get tanner than I am naturally. Unless you're a ginger.
    >> //!\ This is a message from the /r9k/ quality control bot, your post has been found to be in violation of several board related posting statutes. /!\ 12/14/08(Sun)20:34:27 No.2439891
    attention whoring
    inciting race trolling

    You have been fined one (1) sage for [attention whoring and cliched thread theme], please take note of this and avoid future citations.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:35:09 No.2439900
    yes, i get those same comments
    or, "you have great hair"
    i'm like "...lol".
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:36:37 No.2439914
    >>THANK GOD SOMEONE ELSE FEELS THE SAME AS I DO. I like Obama, I voted for him, but for fuck's sake that irritates me. FINALLY one of us get on the map and he's like "I'M THE FIRST AFRICAN-AMERICAN PRESIDENT" ... Thanks man, thanks a million.

    >>The world calls him black. That's far different than him calling himself black.

    This annoyed me so much. Why does everyone want to say "We just elected the first black president" and ignore the fact that who we really elected is the mixed race son of an immigrant who was raised by a single mother?

    My father was adopted, so I have no idea what I am other than largely Cherokee...
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:37:06 No.2439918
    Stupid haha. People astound me sometimes with their comments.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:39:09 No.2439954

    I get both the "OMG! Your skin tone is so beautiful." and "Oh my god, I wish I had your beautiful CURLS! I'd KILL for those!"

    Fuck. FUCK. SHUT UP. These curls are A PAIN IN THE ASS.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:39:24 No.2439957
    You'd think being mixed would be a more amazing thing for people to talk about than a black president. Just because even though black people weren't fully accepted and still probably will never entirely be, mixed people and mixed couples still had so much prejudice and STILL do to this day.. Being mixed is the union of the two major races that hated one another not so long ago, so .. why doesn't America recognize that?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:40:26 No.2439970

    You've been cursed with the curly hair too? Oh man. Same here. And there's NOTHING that works perfectly for it.. either's it's WAY too strong / relaxer mixtures / chemicals, or it doesn't do shit to keep the frizz down.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:44:46 No.2440019

    It's like semi-niggish curly hair. The curls aren't hella tight. They're in the middle. It's fucking bullshit. Black girls are fucking ALWAYS like "Let me braid that shit, it's perfect braiding hair." and I"m always like FUCK SHUT UP.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:46:47 No.2440044

    That shit is SO painful, omg. Someone convinced me to when I was little and I regretted it for a month.

    There's like no options for us hair-wise really except to find something that really conditions it yet doesn't make it so soft it makes us look like a poodle ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:48:01 No.2440057
    i've never met another mixed race person in my life.
    not even a half white/half asian person, and they're everywhere

    i love you guys ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:49:59 No.2440078
    Mexifag here with a black girlfriend. I hope our kids don't have the shitty curly hair, but I'm ready to be let down.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:50:26 No.2440086

    I wear hats. At all times in public. I'm growing my hair back out right now, but only because of my irrational fears that I'm balding. Heh.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:50:29 No.2440087
    My mom irons it straight and it's pretty low maintenance. Just a session with hair dryer and some chemicals every week or so.
    Looks good, but it only enhances the arab part in her.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:51:21 No.2440102
    I love you too, yes for the mutual understanding we all get when these threads happen.

    Your kids are probably going to be fucking adorable, be prepared for that at least. Just don't braid their hair.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:52:52 No.2440116

    This thread is now filled with sunshine, puppies, and understanding.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:53:22 No.2440121

    I used to wear it up all the time but my boyfriend convinced me it's better if I leave it out and curly. I'd straighten it like I used to but it takes so long with how long my hair is, even though it looks SO good when it's done.

    I already dye my hair on a regular basis..I used to chemically relax it but it seriously fucked my hair up so I haven't done it in yeaaars. Now you're tempting me to give it another try :)
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:54:05 No.2440131
    Yeah, makes me wish I had some more mixed friends in my life.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:54:52 No.2440140

    I'm a god damn dude. I'm not gonna do work on it. I'll comb through it when I'm in the shower, and when I get out. That's all you're gettin' out of me.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:56:10 No.2440157
    Naw, I'm the only ugly one. It's my dad's honkey nose.

    That's a good question-- I'm lucky that I'm Latino and I just go by that. Spanish generally is a lot more flexible when describing background, you can go by different degrees of mixed.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:56:21 No.2440160
    That's what my brother does. Honestly if you're a guy, there's no point, but if you cut it short it looks fine usually.

    But I'm not trying to look like Sinead O'Connor, no guy would like that from any chick
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:58:01 No.2440175
    True, but not being Latina or Spanish, I don't get too many options for names except "mixed" or "what-the-fuck-ever" :P
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:58:06 No.2440177
    What's it like to be a nigger, honky?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:58:54 No.2440184
    I'm half black and half Costa Rican. =D But I don't know if it matters much since I look all black. I wish I were more in touch with my spanish side.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:59:01 No.2440185


    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:00:28 No.2440196

    Honestly, I usually just run clippers over it. I grow it out in the winter, but other than that I'm damn near bald.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:01:53 No.2440210
    Yeah, call it the heritage of the colonial times of a lot of racial mixing, where the degree of whiteness declared how much you could earn from the heritage. I shit you not.
    If we go by skintone, I'm generic mestizo (mixed blood).
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:07:33 No.2440265
    so, mixed kids, do you date other mulattoes, whites, or asians or what?

    i tend to like whites and other mulattoes
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:10:52 No.2440305
    Same, whites and other mulattoes. I've only been able to date one mulatto though, only other mulatto guy I've known who I wasn't related to.

    My boyfriend is white, and he doesn't understand it and never will, but I can't expect for him to.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:10:57 No.2440307

    I got latin fever. Bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:11:08 No.2440311
    I'm 17 and also half white/half black. But for some reason my skin color changes from yellow to orange frequently.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:12:26 No.2440330

    I'm not mulatto (Mestizo), but I don't have much of a preference beyond "attractive".
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:13:49 No.2440341

    Half asian here. I tend to prefer half-asians and asians, but I'd date a white guy.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:14:08 No.2440346
    OP and first reponse to your question, I wanted to add: I also find Asians hot but never dated one. When it comes to females though, I tend to like olive-skinned women with a bit darker skin than me.. Like greek or Italian (especially Italian)
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:15:24 No.2440359
    I only find white women attractive, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:16:11 No.2440369
    Not even other mixed women?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:20:25 No.2440418

    he only grew up around whites or holds a racial bias.

    personally i cant discriminate against races when it comes to pussy.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:26:31 No.2440502
    Mixed here (Native, White, Latina, Gypsy); don't really care about the other person's race.
    Depends if they're attractive, and not a dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:28:44 No.2440532
    im half asian and would never have kids with an asian chick

    if i were half black i would never have kids with a black chick.

    i guess i just want my kids to look mixed, like me.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:41:45 No.2440656
    You're an asshole, really.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:42:30 No.2440663

    Can we have sexual relationships?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:42:37 No.2440665

    Same.. Although my kids are going to be overwhelming white, and like 1/8 black with who I'm with now. Lol.

    We have no idea what our kids are gonna look like, but we're both good looking so hopefully our genetics hold the same.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:44:32 No.2440684
    I am a perfect aryan and so is my girl, I think hitler will be attending the birth of our first child.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:50:24 No.2440743
    >>2440184 here
    I prefer white men, and I'm dating one now. He's also Canadian from a pretty small town, so he doesn't really empathize with me on racial issues.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:52:18 No.2440761
    Yeah, that sucks, but not really that much. They eventually get it.. at least from what I've seen in my relationships now and in the past.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:56:55 No.2440818
    Yup I'm that mixed kid from the pic higher up and I prefer white girls er lighter toned girls. not into black chicks.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:03:19 No.2441610
    yay a mixed people thread.

    I'm half hispanic, half black but I come out looking like a tan asian with curly hair ;-; wwrrrrryyyy
    >> Casanova Frankenstein !HggsKt0/NM 12/14/08(Sun)23:07:43 No.2441652
    ITT: Filthy blood traitors and race mixers.

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