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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229292057.jpg-(19 KB, 302x305, Racist2.jpg)
    19 KB Racism Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:00:57 No.2437694  
    I know this has been covered before but...

    Dear /r9k/ I think I may be racist. What I mean by this, is that I am seeing myself begin to buy in to the idea that "blacks are genetically stupid", and that black american culture stupifies blacks. Obama is brilliant, but he is only half black, and exceptions always exist. I look at my school and there is ONE black person in my class; her mother is white however. I hate this, because I like to think of myself as an enlightened liberal, but I can't ignore the empirical evidence all around me.

    tl;dr: Is racism justified because some races are genetically inferior?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:01:46 No.2437698
    OP here: I mean there is one black person in the advanced classes.
    >> Mocodity !!2YEB5irtBNf 12/14/08(Sun)17:03:37 No.2437720
    Have you considered that the empirical evidence is based on culture and not on genetics?

    There are plenty of examples of well-educated full-black people around.

    It's all about upbringing.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:04:10 No.2437725
    They are inferior though. Just look at Africa. Most fail continent ever and it's all black. Explain how anything else factors in besides their fucking tribelife and inability to advance.
    >> Absolutely 12/14/08(Sun)17:06:21 No.2437749
    Heh, I was the one black person in my advanced high school classes.

    In the end, it has to do with the person and their upbringing. It's the culture that makes them retarded, not genetics. Otherwise, non-blacks who act black wouldn't appear to be as stupid.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:07:15 No.2437757
    I think enlightened liberal is a pretty cool guy. eh is noticed black people are dumb and IS afraid of himself.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:07:32 No.2437762
    I used to be like you. I grew up with the liberal brainwashing all around me. I'm now very racist.

    I find your problem very amusing, since so many other people are currently going through it. You're an enlightened liberal, yet you can't ignore the unpleasant truths you see around you.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:07:38 No.2437763
    youre just jealous cause you got a nasty little white boy dick
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:08:32 No.2437772

    OP here: Yes I have considered that it may just be cultural. That could explain it. However, if the end result, be it from genetics or culture or both, is a scourge on society, it doesn't really matter.

    And Africa is for the most part a shithole, but that could be partially because of culture too I guess. The tribal culture just brings them down, because if Tribe A gets into power, they repress tribes B and C, which causes civil war, etc. But maybe if they were smart they'd realize this. IDK.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:08:41 No.2437775
    Nice troll, mate.

    Blacks don't know how to write.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:08:47 No.2437777
    I think whites are just genetically superior, not everyone ELSE is inferior, That's racist.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:09:24 No.2437782
    Pretty much. I hate to admit it (and yes I'm one of the cowardly douchebags who only does it on the internet) but the more ghetto fucks I see that are 100% black, the less I think of that race and its plague on modern society.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:10:33 No.2437796
    It doesn't rain.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:11:37 No.2437807
    It's alright to be racist. You can't ignore what you see with your own eyes, and that's not being shoved down your throat by the media.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:11:38 No.2437808
    Yes, western Africans are genetically inferior.

    No, it is not socially acceptable to point this out.
    >> Zombs 12/14/08(Sun)17:11:40 No.2437809

    I have the same problem as you OP.

    Sometimes I just want to shout "Ok, I'm not racist but what the FUCK is wrong with all these black people around here?"
    >> Soviet Lesbian !hdwrehqOns 12/14/08(Sun)17:12:44 No.2437822
    Whether they're naturally inferior or not is irrelevant. The important thing is not to prevent those who aren't inferior from fulfilling their potential.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:14:05 No.2437835
    some fucking nigger stole money out of this lady's purse at my work today.

    she left her purse in a cart, discovered money was missing, and some lady told her that the guy doing carts (nigger) was going through her purse.
    he denied it when the me, him, and the victim were discussing it. he gave some bix nood explanation.

    fucking niggers. is it any surprise that he's also lazy as fuck?

    black racism exists because the majority of blacks dont contribute as much to society and are usually niggers like i've explained. why would you like blacks? honestly?

    ive met some cool black people in my day, but i know theres so many niggers out there that just give the rest a bad name
    >> Absolutely 12/14/08(Sun)17:18:07 No.2437882

    You got me. Sorry.
    I'm also not your mate, buddy.
    >> Zombs 12/14/08(Sun)17:19:01 No.2437891
    Oh forgot to add that I was fucking mugged a couple weeks ago. Not money or anything. BUT MY FUCKING PIZZA.

    Ok. I live in Pittsburgh, PA. I'm in Oakland at my brother's apartment. We bought a pizza. Me and him are going to get it when suddenly I get punched in the fucking EAR by some black motherfucker. I dropped the pizza and tried to comprehend what the fuck just happened. All the black kids were like "GET HIS PIZZA YO PICK DAT PIECE OFF DA GROUND MAN GET DAT PIZZA." I punched one in the face and the kid who punched me in the ear started running away, as did the others (with my fucking pizza of course). My brother picked up a brick and chased the other one but he hopped over some fences and we lost track of him.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:20:18 No.2437909
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    I will say this i cant see any scientific reason why certain races cant be inferior, anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot. I just think its more cultural. As the diagram illustrates there are two kinds black people and 'niggers'. Its this whole 'im a hardcore gansta' shit thats the problem not genetics.
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 12/14/08(Sun)17:20:54 No.2437916
    this is super gay
    but I think you're my favorite tripfag or something
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:23:13 No.2437948

    Its okay OP, and fellow angry posters, you are not alone. There's nothing wrong with the black race, but something is definitely wrong with black culture.

    Of course, none of you can voice your opinions without looking racist, but Bill Cosby can without looking like an Uncle Tom.
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 12/14/08(Sun)17:24:47 No.2437959
    >but Bill Cosby can without looking like an Uncle Tom.
    he can't
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:26:09 No.2437978

    Agreed. It absolutely is cultural. We've even got people like Bill Cosby coming out and saying parts of the black culture are counterproductive:

    In one episode of the Boondocks, it was a parallel universe where MLK Jr. didn't die, but was in a comma. He woke up today and said something to the effect that "you black people today ARE niggers - get your f-ing act together".

    So it's not like this is only apparent to non-blacks. It's easy to ignore the eloquence of Obama, but what about Chris Rock, Dave Chapelle, Eddie Murphy? They are certainly quite intelligent and all of these men have given harsh criticism of their own culture.

    We'll (because it's our society too) get though this, it's just going to take some time.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:26:23 No.2437979
    It would be justified if they all acted like niggers.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:31:00 No.2438043
    And I'm not your buddy, mate.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:33:22 No.2438075
    OP here: What if it is lower intelligence that in part, or in whole, causes the pure fucking retarded black culture? Stupid people in general are quick to violence I have noticed. Higher achieving, more intelligent people talk stuff out, avoid fights. Stupid people say "I'll beat your ass if you talk shit about my girl", which is the same thing a goddam caveman would do. Fuck!
    >> Lord Edin, black guy !tsGpSwX8mo 12/14/08(Sun)17:36:34 No.2438109
    i lol'd... serves you write. xD <==Sweet.
    srsly,black aren't bad. get to know one. i'm black and a pretty nice guy,i have a mixed girl who says i'm smart and we need more smart black people. i was like,dude wtf? she acts like over protective mom xD. i love her tho. we're all not bad jus some. race is the error in society. without it there would be a perfect world
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:38:06 No.2438126
    Black people are their own worst enemies. As soon as one of them tries to better themselves, they all turn on that person and accuse them of acting "white".

    In this day and age they have every opportunity available to them, white people bend over backwards for them, but most of them are still fuckups. There's no excuse.
    >> Zombs 12/14/08(Sun)17:39:56 No.2438150
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    >> Lord Edin, black guy !tsGpSwX8mo 12/14/08(Sun)17:40:25 No.2438153
    lol i jes had to rape english. it was asking for it
    *walks out to find a white girl*
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:41:19 No.2438164
    AHA! Caveman. You're absolutely right. Back in the day we used to slaughter each other and fight all the time. Rape of women was so common-place that getting married to someone strong enough to protect you was the only way to keep safe.

    So why is this no longer the case in the more civilized countries? We certainly haven't evolved. Humans have been almost entirely genetically homogeneous over the last 500,000 years (evolution takes a long time), so how is it possible that we've changed?

    Society has evolved, and with that comes conditioning to certain kinds of behavior. Violent people were raised in violent environments. I'm not going to deny a certain genetic propensity to intelligence, but if you show me any stupid/violent person (black or otherwise), I'll show you a stupid/violent/neglectful parent or two.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:43:11 No.2438184
    You fail to look at the other factors right in your face:

    - Plundering of resources, including human work power
    - Interference of natural economic development
    - Constant regime changes
    - Small resource pool
    - Inhabitable areas (many places in Africa have no access to water)

    The "they're black lol" argument doesn't hold, because poor people exist EVERYWHERE. Its not a reflection of genetics, but a reflection of environment. Outside of the big cities in Brazil or other tourist spots, the rest of Brazil is poor and destitute.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:47:16 No.2438228
    I agree with everything in your post. However: I still can't believe that the cycle is quite so impossible to escape. How is it that there aren't black kids growing up in a shitty neighborhood who think "I don't want to die" and "I have no money. Maybe if I stay in school and go to a community college I can get an AA and get a job that will support me". Or at least dont' drop out. It really isn't hard kids to pass school , especially at a shitty public school. Just show the fuck up! There are situations where you just can't get to school, but those are not the norm.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)17:53:38 No.2438297
    looking pretty old /n/ in here right about now, ne
    >> Fresh 12/14/08(Sun)17:54:44 No.2438315
    Yo hommie u trippn we dont need no adalt aducation...i will fuck u up boi! represent!
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:03:21 No.2438389
    Well, you're touching on the very same motivational factors that push anyone to study hard. What it sounds to me like you're saying is that kids in messed up communities would benefit most from putting effort into school - which is true.
    But it's much more difficult to think in those terms when you're growing up in a poisonous environment. Remember, some of these kids are even brainwashed into thinking that the white-man is still running around trying to keep the nigger down, so it doesn't matter what they do. Kids who drop out don't do it because they're stupid, they do it because they think they have better things to do.
    The problem is not inescapable, we just have to get through to these kids before they've settled in their ways.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:05:08 No.2438406
    of course, it doesn't help when 'liberals' decide that complexity is too hard so they'll just say that blacks are inferior
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:06:36 No.2438419
    Niggers make me lol.

    White kids trying to act like niggers make me lol.

    Black people aspiring to become something of themselves make me smile.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:07:33 No.2438426
    Anyone subscribing to a populist ideology(like American "liberalism") is inherently racist because the basis of your philosophy is defining people by the groups they belong to.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:09:36 No.2438444
    You're not racist, OP, you're prejudiced. I'm in the same boat.

    You don't hate them because they're black, you hate them because they're dumb. The color of their skin has nothing to do with it. However, you assume all black people are dumb until proven otherwise, which makes you prejudiced.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:10:27 No.2438451

    Is it not rather naive of anyone to think they have "better things to do" than get a highschool degree? I agree that they might be kinda brainwashed in their "poisonous" community, but it can't take much to see through that. It can't take much smarts to see that they're being lied to, that they can succeed if they want to!
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:11:10 No.2438462
    Reasoned thinking? In my 4chan? It is highly unlikely that human populations vary significantly in genetic capacity for intelligence (whatever that is) because of the huge selective pressure for high intelligence in the evolution of early homo sapiens.* What -would- affect test scores, and IQ would be sociocultural factors like slavery and the resulting poor socioeconomic status of blacks in the US. Black people have to rise up to defeat these problems, but they're constantly being told otherwise by everyone including themselves so it's not so easily actually.

    *Watson, one of the pioneer geneticists disagrees but that's because he's a racist prick.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:11:28 No.2438466
    OP here: Yes, you are perfectly correct, very good point. Hit the nail on the head, etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:15:33 No.2438510
    From the perspective of the government, yes.
    But it's impossible to provide quality service without filtering your targets a bit.
    -One wouldn't advertise porn on any channel at any time of day.
    -A doctor wouldn't check an Asian for sickle cell anemia.
    -It'd be a bad idea to waste your marketing budget on a full-page ad for next gaming console in The Monthly Gardener.

    The government has no business legislating for groups, but charities that want to help the poor need to focus their attention on the particularly needy communities.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:15:47 No.2438516

    Look up colonization you underage retard. Africa has been the most raped place for centuries.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:15:48 No.2438517
    Zippedy doodah Zippedy day
    Blacks are inferior in every way!
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:18:01 No.2438553
    Generally speaking, people really suck at decisions that profit in the longterm. There are studies where people would choose a shorter vacation tomorrow rather than a longer one next month, which defies reason. It makes sense from an evolutionary perspective where next month you might be eaten by a leopard so it's best to capitalize on short term bonuses.

    So, back to the black kid in high school, he/she is made fun of for being studious, and sees peers gaining short term wealth from staying out of school and doing whatever. They see successful famous people they identify with gaining wealth and fame from not going to school (musicians, athletes). So the odds are stacked against them from making the sensible solution and staying in school and succeed over the long term that way.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:19:22 No.2438566
    africa has the most genetic diversity of any place on the planet
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:19:50 No.2438571
    Here's your problem OP. You basically have two possible conclusions tugging at you:

    1) Black people are genetically inferior and inherently predisposed to XYZ

    And option 2

    2) There are environmental pressures specifically for black people which promote a series of self-destructive behaviors.

    Honestly, this choice is a no-brainer for me. Even if I ignore the millions of beaten-to-death you don't even fucking understand genetics arguments against option 1, I'm still gonna go with option 2 because guess what? Black people aren't going away, and I'm willing to bet that the society which only desegregated its school system forty years ago still has some work to do.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:29:37 No.2438661
    You are looking at things through a lens of your own experience. For you, and me, and most of the people who found it rather trivial but necessary to get through school, these things are obvious. But our after-school activities were probably video games, not proving yourself to a gang to get accepted. We didn't need to gang up for protection, we took our safety for granted.

    As for the particular example of why so many of them still think the white-man is keeping them down. It's the same reason you get the feeling that black people are stupid. They see the same race connection and call it evidence to prove their parents right.

    Plus, it's not like none of these kids see through it - many have. A dozen examples to the contrary have already been given in this thread. There ARE black people who see through this early enough to make a change. The problem is that it's more difficult to see through it when you're on the inside, so less of them do take education seriously than in other communities.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:32:03 No.2438690

    One of my black friends dad wasn't allowed to go to school with whites, that wasn't that long ago. Those people didn't just die out, and they passed it on to their kids. You really think there isn't a segment of "the man" that doesn't want to keep blacks under the thumb? Thats just naive.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:38:17 No.2438756
    Went to get a 2 liter of Mountain Dew from the gas station around the corner just a bit ago.

    3 unemployed black men were trying to decide on their lottery numbers, and taking a while doing it. They were trying to figure out what were lucky numbers other then 4-11-44.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:42:53 No.2438791
    Ok, fine. I've yet to see it, but I'll accept it could still be happening - does it change my point?
    I've talked to kids when I was in HS who said that it wouldn't matter for them to work hard, because they'd still fail in a white-man's world.

    Whether there still is an element of this going on today or not, that's what they've been conditioned to think. But this isn't based on their experience, it's based on their parent's experience which was drastically different from today.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:44:23 No.2438801
    ITT Stupid Americans. What the fuck did you idiots expect, enslave a race for 400 years, then legally consider them half humans for the better part of a decade, then devote secret government programs to undermine them through the 70-80s+ and then wonder in bewilderment what the fuck is wrong with them.


    Yes, Im sure you asked them if they were unemployed.
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 12/14/08(Sun)18:46:14 No.2438817
    How do you know they were unemployed?

    You know, when a group of my friends hang out on the sidewalk (or pretty much anywhere), cops don't come up to us and ask us what we're doing
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:47:06 No.2438822
    Oh, my.. Did you learn how to use apostrophes in school?
    It should be:
    Because there is more than 1 parent, OK?
    Good girl.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:48:25 No.2438835
    Lern 2 American History OP. Jesus, we've kept the blacks in ignorant slavery till 150 years ago, and kept them from advancing socially untill 50 years ago. And you think all thats going to get fixed in two generations?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:51:12 No.2438849
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:51:17 No.2438850

    Why would you see it if its not directed at you. Or better why would you be looking for it in your daily life. I've seen it more than once but its not directed at me and I don't go looking for it. Its there, thats not even arguable it would be completely naive to not think it is, its debatable to what extent. Also you don't know what is based on their own experiences and what isn't because they don't have our experiences. As for your point I don't care about it, disagreeing or agreeing wise, I was just pointing something out.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:54:51 No.2438885

    3 black men wearing rags I wouldn't even paint a house it, buying the cheapest malt liquor available & trying to pay for everything in change?

    Yeah, they're gainfully employed.

    Illiterate as well; I've never met a black person that can read that hasn't read the Malcolm X book at some point. If they'd read that they wouldn't still be playing the modern policy game.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:55:42 No.2438900

    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 12/14/08(Sun)18:56:19 No.2438902
    you actually had no idea whether or not they were employed?

    I don't know where blacks get the crazy idea that they might not get a fair shake from white people
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 12/14/08(Sun)18:57:48 No.2438911
    If George Bush were black, everyone would think his stupidity was the result of some negroid deficiency
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:57:59 No.2438913
    >ITT Stupid Americans, enslave a race for 400 years
    >Americans, enslave 400 years
    >America, 400 years

    are you a fucking tree stump?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:00:48 No.2438940
    In my opinion, blacks are genetically inferior to whites, but that only defines maximum potential. Blacks with nigger behaviour aren't close to achieving their racial maximum potential. Blacks who push for their maximum potential can't compete with whites that push for their maximum, but they can integrate in society in a civilized manner.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:04:38 No.2438978

    You are stupid, and I could care less when your shithole blight on the planet was founded.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:05:06 No.2438985
    Indeed, it should be 500 years!

    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:05:21 No.2438986
    i know some black people and their ok, i was just saying the problem is the ones who hoot at my white female friend on the bus and walk around like theyre hard

    also i love this video
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:06:32 No.2438998
    >could care less

    Learn some grammar.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:07:52 No.2439008
    All these arguments that seek to attribute every problem with blacks to their environment ignores the fact that other races have been exploited and discriminated against just as much and have accomplished great things. East Asians are an excellent example. In 1957 Ghana and South Korea had the same Per Capita GDP. Today South Korea is a strong first world country while Ghana is still a nigger infested shithole.

    It's very hard to conclude that genetics doesn't play at least some role.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:08:30 No.2439010
    Angry niglet detected.

    How about the average black person have a smaller skull than the the average white person? Yeah, try to factor culture into this, coon.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:10:54 No.2439026

    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:11:08 No.2439030

    Moar butthurt American bitching about ridiculous things on 4chan. Keep baawing Ameriscum about non issues because you have no argument.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:12:56 No.2439047
    I got my hand on my gun
    Cuz you got me on the run
    Blazin' hot like the sun
    Nigga I ain't the one
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:13:33 No.2439052
    lol - good catch

    As I said, point taken. I can't speak for everyone, so I shouldn't try. This particular individual was speaking about things he did not experience first hand. Kept going back to grandpa's stories and such, so [it was my impression that] he wasn't speaking from his own experience.

    At one time it was a reasonable excuse to not care about school "because you're black". But that is no longer the case, no matter what one's parents say. Many of the children in my generation were using that as an excuse though. That was my point.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:14:42 No.2439063
    I say lets enslave them again.
    They contribute nothing to society and now we are living a big recession. Let's solve both problems at once. A black slave is one less black criminal and next to free workforce.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:15:45 No.2439077

    So, in your world someone smelling of sour piss & alcohol is holding down a job?

    If they were white I would have been wondering why they were at my store and not the store across from the mobile home trailer park, taking a break from beating their fat & pregnant again wives and watching NASCAR & porn.

    It's not racist to assume that if 3 men can't produce $20 between them 2 days after payday, then given their attire they likely aren't working.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:16:18 No.2439083

    You're the only one bawwing about non-issues here, faggot. GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:16:28 No.2439086
    What the hell, is that black baby half panda?

    Oh no wait, I see what's going on there. Nevermind
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:18:21 No.2439102
    South Korea got tons of aid from the US during the cold war so they could keep communism at bay. while Ghana, like most of Africa, isn't a location of strategic importance and thus the global superpowers don't see them as anything more that markets for arms surpluses and machetes.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:19:49 No.2439118
    There are no genetic difference between "races". RTFM. There is as much genetic variation amongst a group of africans as there are between africans and euro caucasians. Skin color, hair type and trivia like nose shape are microscopic. Genetic disease defense is more environmental; eg. sickle-cell syndrome confers increased immunity to malaria.

    You still looking for excuses for being an asshole.
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 12/14/08(Sun)19:20:30 No.2439124
    it's sunday and I'm watching football; I probably smell worse, and I definitely smell of booze

    and fine about what you would have assumed if they were white, but would you have assumed they were jobless?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:23:50 No.2439152
    Yes there is. Smaller skulls.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:24:52 No.2439158


    You're the one making issues out of nothing. I really could not care less that you hate America. If you're the paragon of an anti-American stance, I think I'll abandon my distaste for the modern American zeitgeist and start waving a flag around and wearing boxers with an eagle painted on my johnson.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:26:23 No.2439166
    All the black kids at my school got really bad grades. They would ask the stupidest questions and would take hours to understand something a white kid understood in 10 minutes.

    Just look at Africa, its a stinking hell-hole. If they had white governments they would be much better off.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:27:13 No.2439171
    You're all being trolled.

    This is immediately recognisable as Stormfrunt propaganda. Make it seem like it's ok to be liberal AND racist. Use words like 'genetic' and 'empirical evidence'. I don't know what's worse; rabid fascist propaganda like this or your general lackwit inability to recognise it when it's shoved down your soft, fat gullets.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:27:45 No.2439175

    no genetic basis for that beyond variations and you are assuming that skull size means something (brain size, I presume) which in turn means nothing. it's not like big-headed people are smarter than small-headed people, that's stupid. The general tendancy for brain size vs. "intelligence" (define) is across huge numbers and species. eg. humans vs. mice. It does not translate into a linear scale or something. You, also, are an idiot and need to RTFM.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:28:12 No.2439177
    Black guy here, reporting in from Duke.

    I don't think that black people are genetically inferior, because the adopted ones are usually well functioning members of society. It all depends on the upbringing. I don't know why Africans are so much smarter and well behaved than African-Americans, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:30:04 No.2439195
    >well behaved
    You've never been to Africa have you?

    They are smarter over there though, yes.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:33:17 No.2439214
    troII spotted
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:33:22 No.2439215

    Not going to happen.

    Neither are the blacks going to rise up just because of Obama, like Hal turner & other neo-nazis insist. The ones that did are largely the black middle-class & lower middle-class that are attempting to hold down jobs & make a better life for their children. By & large, those are the ones that get looked down on by the blacks who can't hold down steady employment...for not being able to keep it real.

    A lot of things are getting cut in the next few years to combat the new recession & the serious deficit that GWB has left us in. The lot of the welfare black person isn't going to get any better. If Obama manages to enact any FDR style work program, the large proportion of it will be filled by whites that already are skilled laborers, while the minority of the slots get filled by blacks that can actually get up & get to work more days then not.

    Everyone will cry about it, but the Obama work plans won't be as good as a real job but far better then welfare. While there will be the chance to pick up new skills that is going to require motivation, and that's sorely lacking among the welfare class.

    End result, economy rebuilt & welfare class is as poor as ever. I'm waiting for drug crime to go up in the US just like it has in Mexico as the recession hits the drug dealers as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:33:48 No.2439218
    Black guy here
    I can prove that no matter what you say you don't really want to believe there is racial inequality. You want to believe every race but YOURS is inferior(or at least unimportant). Asians are loads smarter than whites(and healthier, more efficient, more cultured, etc) but you either ignore that or you downplay. Either accept that you're doing this out egocentrism or accept by saying what you say you're saying you yourself are inferior
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:35:00 No.2439228
    Stop using RTFM out of context. It only makes you look like a pathetic newbie who just learned this acronym.

    Also, about skull size and intelligence correlation, scientific studies are still inconclusive on both sides, so it's unlikely I'll take your word, a 15 y.o. fag on 4chan, as a closure to the debate.

    Enjoy your fail.
    >> KingBlackAnon 12/14/08(Sun)19:35:09 No.2439230
    Threads like these remind me why I much rather take a Klansman type over the in denial type any day.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:35:29 No.2439234
    Most blacks don't qualify for welfare.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:36:34 No.2439252
    I don't hate niggers any more than I do any other wild animal. It's human's fault for letting them run around freely.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:38:42 No.2439268
    I agree. Negroids have proven time and again that they need a white man to give them orders if they are going to be of any use.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:40:01 No.2439279
    That's true, most blax I know prefer the type of racism that you find sometimes in the south where the people let you know upfront they don't want anything to do with you rather than the hypocritical liberal faggot type where everyone's all smile, smile but probably feels pretty much the same racism.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:42:12 No.2439296
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:42:26 No.2439299
    Its a pretty good question that no one is willing to actually research. Are blacks genetically stupid?

    And its not just them, no one is going to dare ask, "Are Asians genetically smarter?"

    There are definite physical traits that black,asians and other groups tend to have, height, overall physical prowess, eyes and well,skin color.

    I moved to a more 'racist' area recently and found that people were more then willing to say blacks are stupid for being blacks, but when Asians came up, they said it was 'cultural'.

    I think its just cultural, blacks tend to grow up in counterproductive environments and an asian parent's strictness is legendary.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:42:48 No.2439304
    Thank god, even liberals are starting to wake up to the obvious fact of the negros inferiority.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:45:45 No.2439328
    Yeah, we ruined Africa. We're such bad people that we took a continent full of primitive tribes at constant war with each other and left it as a continent full of primitive tribes at constant war with each other.

    That said, I don't think that black people are genetically more stupid than whites. I think they may be more predisposed to be criminals, but that is because they have more testosterone than white people on average and so are more inclined towards risk-taking behaviour. Given a different set of cards, though, that same risk taking can make a person a millionaire.

    Even if they WERE genetically predisposed to be stupid on average, though, it wouldn't be a reason to be racist - you should take a person's intelligence on a case-by-case basis, not via prejudice on skin-colour. Hell, 90% of all people are stupid but I don't assume a person is stupid until I have spoken with them.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:48:06 No.2439344
    Every good thing niggers have has been given to them by whites. Slavery was an improvement for most of them.
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)19:48:56 No.2439348
    Most racist people are just scared egotistical bastards. White racist love to bash blacks for intelligence and they say asians "study harder". Black racist do the same thing with sports too and asians like to do with creativity(where they lack)
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:50:44 No.2439365
    bIacks in canada


    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:51:07 No.2439367
    Whites are usually number two at everything, whereas everyone else is good at one thing and sucks at everything else.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:52:13 No.2439378
    >Obama is brilliant

    LOL, u mean popular? In what medium has Obama ever shown himself to be brilliant? He's no more brilliant the W.

    Prove me wrong.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:56:17 No.2439421
    That's why whites don't suck completely at anything, unlike blacks and asians. Because whites are adaptative.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:56:44 No.2439426

    wow, you are like a textbook, cliche bigot fool. Man, so much research has been done, so many tests taken, and so much documentation exists, that clearly you have not read a word of. And why bother? Your mind is made up, facts clearly unnecessary. What a twit!

    There's no genetic differences in race. Get over it.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:58:44 No.2439445
    and what about hybrids between the races?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:58:59 No.2439448
    Murder instincts we speaking, tweaking
    And leave a nigga, leaking on the concrete
    You run up with cowards, all I got is one nigga behind me
    At a time to cover my back, and other than that
    Ain't too many niggas, gon cover my tracks
    So I feed him, with a long handle
    Man I'm in the desert, and surviving is a strong gandle
    So I can't be walking, in the wrong sandles
    Feeling like all I got, is me myself and I
    Don't know too many, that I can leave my wealth and die
    Empty, cause I know that drama will only increase
    And who's gonna carry me, when I'm trapped under them bed sheets
    Sealing the sheets with hot blood, niggas steady saying they got love
    And I'm the one laying with hot slugs, shit I've been there
    And any nigga that I fuck with, is just like me
    So when we beefing, that's the nigga you just might see
    But everybody claiming know 12, saying we blow wells
    And how I hung with him, but can't say what I done with him
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:00:54 No.2439470
    For all the nice liberal white guys confused why the black people around them aren't succeeding the way they are. I think you all need to do some reading to understand your white privileges living in a social hierarchy that works in your favor. Now consider all the injustices that are placed on people of color, the kind of cultural messages they are receiving from the media and from racist fucks. For example, when you clutch your purse when a black guy comes into an elevator, yeah, they notice it. All these small messages of suspicion do add up to the psyche of a growing young black person.
    Secondly, notice the environments these people grow up under. If they are from a poor neighborhood, their family life is most likely broken and their environments are most likely going to lead them astray. It would be the same fucking thing that would happen to you if you weren't born into your pale skin.
    As far as cultural influences, there IS a very negative influence from the blacks that are portrayed in the media. They show them as criminals, as ghetto, glorify the "tough" life in the hood. A young mind isn't going to dismiss these ideas, hence why they embrace it. You can see it as a form of defiance to the dominant society that is telling them they are lesser. It also embraces anti-intellectualism.

    Everyone in society falls under these notions that they are dangerous and it continues it in a cycle. They aren't naturally more likely to do crimes, but the criminal justice system is targeted towards them.

    It's a lot more complicated, but hopefully you consider these points.
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)20:03:14 No.2439487
    Being mediocre at everything doesn't make you superior at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:08:41 No.2439539
    Facts show otherwise.
    Try again when your shitty race has accomplished anything at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:08:57 No.2439545
    There's no genetic differences in race.
    That's why we are all the same color and have the same physical characteristics.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:09:45 No.2439557
    Agreed. That's why I like the white race, we aren't mediocre at anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:10:11 No.2439561
    White is clearly the best race. Other races have accomplishments, but none close to ours.

    White is right.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:11:25 No.2439574
    Abominations. Race mixing with inferiors should be a crime.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:12:37 No.2439586

    High literature, academic music, plastic/visual arts, SCIENCE!...
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:12:42 No.2439587
    your use of the word "astray" makes me doubt your thought process. You assume that you are correct while they are astray. How is your way inherently better than theirs?
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)20:13:59 No.2439607
    Blacks have accomplished plenty. All we have to do is raise our iq average(which we are doing) and we're set
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:15:15 No.2439624
    You know what the biggest difference between you and a black man is?

    Skin pigment.
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)20:15:22 No.2439627
    None of which come from white people.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:15:37 No.2439630
    Name a few examples then.
    Peanut butter? LOL!
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:16:28 No.2439639
    I like white, but you can't blame blacks for liking black. Everyone sticks to their own; that's the way it should be. Unfortunately, one can't avoid having to mix with each other in this day and age, but it's not too hard to keep it to a minimum.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:16:35 No.2439642

    If no genetic difference occurred between the races there would be no races. I think what you mean is intelligence wise, yes?

    Your only proving what I thought, it is just culture.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:17:18 No.2439647
    Actually, I suspect that they tend to be stronger and more intelligent than the average. Out-breeding generally results in better genetics but, ironically, your genetics are actually coded to find closer genes more attractive because that is what makes those genes survive.
    I have nothing but anecdotal evidence to support my opinions, though, so don't take them as fact.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:19:34 No.2439682
    I'm literate and not a criminal.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:20:31 No.2439694
    No? We shall see:

    High literature: William Shakespeare, Goethe, Tolstoi...
    academic music: Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Strauss, Haendel...
    plastic/visual arts: DaVinci, Michelangelo, Botticelli, Dali, Picasso...
    SCIENCE: Newton, Fermat, Descartes, Leibniz...

    How many of those were black?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:21:05 No.2439701
    proof these animals are the same whereever they're from.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:21:49 No.2439717
    Record levels of crime
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:23:55 No.2439746
    Niggers would still be eating worms and praying to sticks and rocks if it weren't for the white man.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:26:06 No.2439775

    RTFM; skin, etc are inheritable noise-level differences. Of course culture is a huge factor. Rampant poverty breeds on itself; so does rampant education and good health. It takes generations to go in either direction.

    Places like Africa were NON-TECHNOLOGICAL not primitive. There was plenty of long-lived successful cultures (plus stupid ones too, people are people) but the folk with weapons did 'em in.

    Of course some people argue that technological cultures are superior; but of course they would, they are in it. Everyone's local culture is better than others.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:27:43 No.2439797
    You know God damn well that doesn't mean a thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:29:04 No.2439810
    >>2439775 RTFM

    This faggot just learned this acronym. Let's aknowledge his effort to look cool so he can move on.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:30:28 No.2439829
         File :1229304628.jpg-(63 KB, 440x682, BlksPharoahs.jpg)
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    Listen to this man, he graduated middle school. He knows his shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:31:31 No.2439849
    I think blacks are more culturally inferior than genetically. Raise a black kid in a white community and it generally turns out fine, like most white kids turn out alright. Raise it in a concentrated black community and the failure rates go way up.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:31:37 No.2439851
    While it is no-longer PC to call a culture that is still tribal and living in the stone-age primitive, that doesn't make it untrue.
    If they were not inferior cultures then they would not have collasped into vicious warfare and corruption once the white colonials left/lost power. India's pre-colonial culture, for example, probably was not inferior since they have handled the transition relatively well.

    However, once again, the fact that they have a primitive culture does not make them genetically inferior - they just lost the lottery of history and geography.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:31:54 No.2439855
    aka how niggers gave humanity aids.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:32:37 No.2439861
    It means I'm not a shit-skinned spook.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:33:31 No.2439879
    all "enlightened liberals" are closet racists. you're completely normal.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:33:49 No.2439883

    What a fail use of an acronym. Also, do you know the definition of the word primitive? I don't think you do.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:33:49 No.2439884
    yeah, that's true. i agree.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:35:02 No.2439897

    I'd like to see the correct orthography of this word on the internet for once. America: a country of dyslexic.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:35:18 No.2439902
    Seems there are still plenty of liberals willing to make excuses for niggers.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:35:58 No.2439908

    I forgot the quotes around it.

    Yeah and RTFM, obviously you don't. Babies.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:37:41 No.2439926
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:37:52 No.2439930
         File :1229305072.jpg-(39 KB, 320x240, guns_germs0ddss.jpg)
    39 KB
    The genes aren't different enough to create any kind of difference in intelligence, it's entirely negligible.

    Look at the man in this picture, his name is Jared Diamond, he wrote a book called Guns, Germs, and Steel. Have your mind blown.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:38:03 No.2439931
    How you wrote it isn't how it's written. Pharaoh is correct.
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)20:38:31 No.2439940
    First and foremost almost everything you mentioned is completely subjective. What the hell is academic music? Regardless every modern genre of music has black influence or even black creators. Plastic/visual arts have always existed. Of course white people had their ideas about art but it means nothing. The latest art forms(graffiti, scat, jazz, etc) tend to have black influence of creators. High literature is a completely redundant and idiotic term but there are blacks in that area(richard wright for one). As for science we have heart surgery and 1/3 of the inventions used to make the microchip
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:38:47 No.2439944
    Too bad most niggers can't RTFM, or anything else.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:40:19 No.2439967
    If anything, races that are less civilized are more genetically superior, because they've been in small numbers, out in the bush fighting tigers and shit. Natural selection is working on no human more than the tribesman.
    Over thousands of years of civilization, shouldn't the gene pool be totally fucked up from a shitload of incest and retard babies being allowed to live and reproduce?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:41:29 No.2439979
    Are you a pre-teen or you just enjoy writing like one?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:42:23 No.2439986
    Another nigger apologist.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:42:49 No.2439994
         File :1229305369.gif-(31 KB, 508x408, KoolAidMan_Fullpic_2.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:43:00 No.2439995
    Gee, thank God, I was quoting, hence the green text, right faggot?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:44:29 No.2440015
    Protip: It's not about race or 'culture', it's about wealth. The stereotypical black person in the US acts like the stereotypical poor whatevercolourskin person in every other place in the world.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:45:54 No.2440030

    Argue on point, halfwit.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:47:30 No.2440051
    Ahh, I see what you mean. Silly me, I was looking at the cover (what one would think to look at, as that's what matters)...but you're right, THE FILENAME IS WRONG, OHNOES!!!!!11

    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:48:38 No.2440061
    >everything you mentioned is completely subjective

    You're just embarrassing yourself there, niglet.
    Those men I mentioned there are universally recognized as unmatched geniuses in their areas, and their work is a main reference. Even if you can come up with one or two names of domesticated coons that were able to produce anything slightly more complex than stone hammers, they would be hugely outnumbered by whites and their accomplishments. Enjoy being a member of a race that has no reasons to be proud whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:48:41 No.2440063
    You aren't racist. Black "culture" with its glorification of being gangsta, street, being a pimp, etc is what makes them stupid. You even said yourself, you see people like Obama as brilliant. Denying the truth that black culture is fail is only lying to yourself. It doesn't make you "enlightened" it just makes you ignorant. Just look at most liberals. They talk all kinds of bullshit, but in the end they all live in white neighborhoods, act civilized, speak proper english, and are probably afraid of the hood (and with good reason).

    tl;dr you are thinking for yourself and seeing the truth.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:49:07 No.2440067
    Untrue. Most of the rich ones act in a similarly self-destructive manner.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:49:47 No.2440073
    or you could just say niggers have very few achievements, and they only way they can look good is if you tear down white achievements. Your shit race has done nothing white people could not have done better. All you've ever done is hold us back.
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)20:50:10 No.2440079
    This thread was started by a tripfag in disguise. Most likely it's can't evolve(who has no knowledge of the world before or after 1920).
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:51:02 No.2440097
    Considering the poster wasn't the one who wrote the word on that magazine cover, but he was the one who chose the filename, I don't know why you even looked at it. It must be because you're impaired nigger.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:53:31 No.2440123
    >can't evolve
    Just like negroids.
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)20:53:51 No.2440128
    You just embarassed yourself bird turd. None of what you mentioned is objective in any way shape of form. All you said is "they didn't do things exactly the way I do so they're inferior". You're "academic" music is just the mere subjective product of a brief time period in history. Learn the difference between a cultural value and a real one.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:54:04 No.2440130
    Point is: you're either too young, or too stupid. If you can't find a better way to express yourself, that's the kind of answer you're going to get.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:54:12 No.2440133
    africa has the richest culture on earth
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)20:55:20 No.2440147
    Kettle calling the pot black. If you had acheivements of your own(not your race) you wouldn't care about this shit
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:56:07 No.2440155
    Hahahahhahahhaha, good one brah.

    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)20:58:16 No.2440178
    gb2mom's basement uneducated fag
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:00:07 No.2440195
    This discussion isn't about me Sambo. I suppose you can't be expected to follow a conversation though. I'll just lower my standards for you like everyone else does for niggers.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:01:19 No.2440203
    Richest stone age, aids filled culture maybe.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:01:31 No.2440206
    >You're "academic" music

    Learn some grammar, please negroid.

    And how about you learn some music theory before discussing it? Johann Sebastian Bach mastered the fugue form, being the most compreehensive composer of the Baroque era. Carl Phillipe Emmanuel Bach invented the sonata form. Ludwig van Beethoven arrived at the end of the Classical era and set the bases for the Romantic movement that was to develop.

    All of this while niggers were blowing on antelope horns.
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)21:02:57 No.2440220
    But really it is just about you. Smart, beautiful, and successful people don't worry about this crap. Regardless I'll still lower my standards to your aryan mind
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:04:24 No.2440234
    Niggers don't seem to like academic things too much.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:05:42 No.2440251
    no because you take blacks out of the ghetto and have parents with middle class backgrounds, and the idiocy just isn't there.

    what it is, is culture. projects such as harlem safe-zone seem to be proving this - change the culture, the kids do just as well as any other race. additionally, generational white poverty in the south proves it in the other direction - take the same vilification of learning and switch the race the results are the same.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:06:24 No.2440256
    In after 300 replies.

    All you moral faggots can go take sum 9 millimeter aspirin.

    Black people do not operate in the same way that whites/asians/natives.

    They have zero concept of social responsibility. Nothing is created without ownership. Theft is encouraged. Full belly = good. It doesn't matter how you got it.
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)21:07:05 No.2440260
    I've learned grammar crackroid. In fact I tested out of my high school english classes(in b4 affirmative action). All of what you mentioned is still subjective in the end. There is no rational argument that "academic" music is better or more efficient than "savage" music
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:07:32 No.2440264
    That's not "black culture", a better term is "gangster culture" its something that has evolved from an urban impoverished environment, whites, and Latinos are just as much a part of it as blacks are. It has nothing to do with race. You're a fucking racist scumbucket.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:07:46 No.2440267

    Those are characteristics of being in poverty. They're not exclusive or inclusive of being black.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:09:19 No.2440289
    I agree with you. Partly.

    I've seen trailer trash white folks. They formed gangs and such just as much as the inner city blacks do.


    Off said trailer trash a job, he/she will take it. Offer inner city gangbanger said job......
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)21:09:20 No.2440290
    Look we all know you're a dumb faggot who majored in history so he has no job
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:09:53 No.2440295
    Everyone who says that lesser black intelligence is purely cultural needs to open their eyes. A large majority of black people LOOK LIKE APES. Usually like a gorilla or chimpanzee. They are PHYSICALLY LESS EVOLVED. Seriously people, if your physical design looks like a primate, don't you think your brain is going to be less evolved too?

    Also, look at black behavior. It is very often fight-or-flight. Remember that video of the guy popping out of the trash can to scare people? What does the black person do? Punched him in the damn face. Black people react without thinking, more on an instinctual basis rather than intelligent one.

    Some black people are intelligent and contribute to society. The rest can suck my dick.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:10:20 No.2440300
    Please. That's just retarded.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:10:49 No.2440303
    Thank you. It's the culture that's the problem, not the race. And I'm very tired of stormfags like OP shitting up these boards with threads like this, also. Can we have some original content, please?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:11:09 No.2440312

    You have statistics to back up that claim?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:11:11 No.2440313
    >In fact I tested out of my high school english classes
    Not surprising as you are one of the few niggers that can kind of write. I expect great things out of you. Maybe one day you'll work you way up to crack dealer.
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)21:11:18 No.2440316
    >Off said trailer trash a job
    Learn grammar and go live with some of the trailer trash whites here in California. Notice how they have 12 kids and quit their job after the first pay check
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:11:22 No.2440317
    OH HAI
    How's that "not living in reality" going for you?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:12:27 No.2440331
    You, like most of the rest of America, are mistaking class for race. You can find "white" black people and plenty of white niggers. It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the culture you're born into and the opportunities available to you (though mostly the first, I'd say).
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:13:46 No.2440339

    Really huh? I guess thats why the majority of welfare recipients are white women. Who knew just offering them these invisible jobs would solve the problem.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:13:58 No.2440344
    Pardon my typo. The extra "f" is important and in no way suggests to me that you have no valuable argument. It also suggests to me that perhaps you lack the capacity.

    DAMN YOU "f'"!!!
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:14:13 No.2440349
    go kill yourself before your high school English teacher retires out of shame.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:15:13 No.2440357
    OK, why am i not in reality? Urban, innercity white youth are just as prone to being fuck ups as black youths are; people only associate that type of behavior with blacks, since they have a higher percentage of being poor in an urban dwelling due to environmental factors (ie entrenched racism in American society due to the legacy of slavery).
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:15:25 No.2440360
    Say, you know what's really funny? The majority of the U.S. population is "white". FUCKING AMAZING.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:15:30 No.2440361
    If you don't know the difference between "your" and "you're" then I doubt your grammar proficiency.

    And about your sad argument there, I can only assume it's a result of poor artistic education, considering modal harmony, tonal harmony, complex forms, among many other aspects of music theory has been developed by these white artists and white theorists. And what does black tribal music represent? Nothing but curiosity. They didn't develop coherent musical speech.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:17:51 No.2440385
    >coherent musical speech
    You can't get any sort of coherent speech out of nigs.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:18:50 No.2440397
    This is fact.

    Also, there's been I.Q. tests of black children, which showed they were less intelligent. Making bad grades is one thing, scoring a bad I.Q. is another.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:19:49 No.2440413
    Back of the bus.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:20:32 No.2440420
    This is what happens when you try to educate subhumans.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:22:08 No.2440437
    Those IQ tests are racist!
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:22:13 No.2440440
    >if your physical design looks like a primate, don't you think your brain is going to be less evolved too?

    Doesn't make sense, considering the human being (Homo sapiens sapiens) is a primate.

    Order: Primates
    Suborder: Anthropoidea
    Family: Hominidae
    Genus: Homo
    Species: H. sapiens
    Subspecies: H. s. sapiens
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:23:59 No.2440460
    don't be a fag, you know what kind of primate they meant
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:24:11 No.2440465
    Anyone here ever left their counry? I have. I've been lots of places and you know whats funny? (when it comes to blacks).

    East Africans treat West Africans like the niggers they are. For good reason imo. Ever met an intelligent black fellow? All my money says he was an East African. Flat faced and well spoken. Basically, he looks like a heavy brow'd white guy with brow skin.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:24:40 No.2440472

    Order: Primates
    Subspecies: H. s. sapiens
    Subhuman: Niggerus Criminus
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:24:44 No.2440474
    lTT: naggers
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:25:31 No.2440482
    The primates that are primates just like humans are primate?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:25:35 No.2440485

    je lol'd

    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:25:48 No.2440489
    It's not genetics, but culture. When the only role-models present are those who glorify violence and ignorance, they act this way. The same can be said for white kids who were raised in the same type of urban setting.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:26:18 No.2440497

    I hit submit too early.

    My point is that west Africans are the niggers. They are stupid tribals. The eastern types are much more civilized.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:28:07 No.2440523
    I agree.

    How DARE the test ask math questions.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:30:24 No.2440557
    needs moar SQUATZ and OATZ
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:31:43 No.2440568
    I love this site so fucking much.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:32:33 No.2440573
    Cattle have done more to further humanity than niggers have.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:36:36 No.2440609

    So IQ doesn't mean anything when determining smarts any other time on 4chan but when you want to insult niggers its ok huh?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:38:54 No.2440628
    As long as it has fewer niggers.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:40:46 No.2440648
    Bread has done more to furthur humanity than white people. Goddamn honkeys! We should burn them all.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:42:51 No.2440668
    I remember when I used to be liberal and pro-nigger. Then I actually witnessed some. I was also had to read some of their pathetic "literature."

    How does a black woman fight crime?
    - She gets an abortion
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:45:06 No.2440691
    if black people took over the earth, technology would decay to wooden tools in 2 generations. no one would run power plants because "work iz fo suckaz", no one would go to school and those that did would be taught opinions instead of facts, and basically no one would invent or innovate anything. humanity would be reduced to a bunch of stick swinging earth digging loinclothed naked monkeys in less than 50 years.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:45:07 No.2440693
    Then who would pay for nigger's welfare?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:47:50 No.2440718
    You know your race sucks when Gandhi hates you.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:48:25 No.2440724
    I don't know if many of you went to high schools with a good percentage of black people, but what OP says is the truth. I went to a high school with about 3,600 kids 30% of whom were black, there were 3 black kids in the AP (advanced placement) classes.

    That said it isn't because of genetic superiority or inferiority. It is because black youth have grown up in a subculture that glorifies street life and violence, while denigrating education. Sure rappers will say "stay in school," during interviews on BET but they themselves dropped out and their music will talk about how cool they are for killing people and selling drugs. When this subculture finally dies or evolves into an education friendly environment then blacks will advance in society.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:55:52 No.2440808
    If they are so easily swayed by a bunch of nig rappers they can't be that smart to begin with.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)21:59:34 No.2440846

    You're right your friends have never influenced your decision on anything ever. You're a stoic monk who's willpower and independence is only matched by the length of his penis.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:03:22 No.2440901
    Not even the same thing. Either way, they've never influenced me to the point of self-destruction.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:06:11 No.2440936
    Half you negroid lovers don't believe your own bullshit deep down. I know because I was like that for a while.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:07:55 No.2440955

    It's actually exactly the same. Your culture influences you and your friends to different extents. Friends influence you to different extents. Your culture isn't a self destructive one. Did you grow up in a poor neighborhood? Did you grow up with two parents who had a vested interest in seeing you do well in school? Did you grow up surrounded by like minded people who also planned on doing well in school and going to college?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:08:12 No.2440959
    Let this thread fucking die and these faggots go back to stormfront
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)22:08:58 No.2440967
    That's bullshit and you know it. The reason blacks are the way we are isn't because of rap. It's because of:
    1.Diet(espicially a lack of milk)
    2.Lack of breastfeeding(which builds about 5 iq points)
    3.Environmental poison(most blacks live close to pollution dumps)
    Also remember that the way "blacks" are today is influenced by much older blacks too. Take away the 50 something thugs and things look a lot better
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:12:31 No.2441012
    I think we need to up the dosage. Investing in a little more poison now could save us a lot of hassle in the future.
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)22:12:42 No.2441015
    ITT: A white guy who studied art and is bitter about his salary being below the average nigger.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:14:30 No.2441033
    ITT: A black guy that is the average nigger.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:15:37 No.2441043

    I'm not saying that it is simply "rap," it's the subculture that they live in. This stems from more than just the music they listen to. It includes the areas they grow up in, not the environmental factors but the sociological ones (prevalence of gangs and drugs). There are many other individual factors.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:15:54 No.2441045
    You can't earn a salary below zero boy.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:16:54 No.2441059
    it's "who"
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:17:09 No.2441062
    >There are many other individual factors
    Like subhuman retard parents breed subhuman retarded children.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:20:53 No.2441104
    Is he on first?
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)22:21:48 No.2441117
    ITP:The white guy who made 90% of these posts
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:26:03 No.2441160

    Yes negligent parents are a huge factor. Probably the biggest factor.

    I actually had the unique experience of hearing the story, first hand, of a black girl (15 years old) getting pregnant. It was in biology in my freshman year in high school. My bio teacher put me in a group with 3 black people for a worksheet (probably because I was one of the smartest kids in the class and he didn't want them all to fail, which they would have) and as I did the worksheet a fat black chick proceeded to discuss, in detail, how her boyfriend had fucked her last night and came in her pussy obviously not wearing a condom. Later in the year she had her "science" report on how "Abortion is bad." A month or so later she went to a high school for pregnant women. Needless to say I have no doubt she will be a horrible parent.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:26:55 No.2441174
    Niggers wouldn't bother me if I never had to see their ugly, gorilla-like faces or smell their shit-like scent or listen to their "music." We should find a way to lure them back to Africa.
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)22:29:00 No.2441187
    Don't pretend to be black and then be apologetic about it
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:29:44 No.2441193
    Thank god one of you gets it.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:31:17 No.2441213
    Black person here. Seriously. I'd post a pic but I'm too lazy, because I'm black.

    I have an IQ of like 135 but I have determined that lack people on average average may actually be genetically dumb. Sorry. It shows up in like IQ tests, SAT tests, crime statistics, etc. I guess it was just easier for them to evolve physically to outrun lions than it was for them to evolve mentally and make elaborate lion traps.

    It's actually a huge source of sadness and depression for me. But hay, in this Godless world the truth doesn't feel good and maybe shit just sucks.

    That said, I try to judge each black person I meet on their own merits, and I do feel like I meet a lot of intelligent blacks who are held back by their environment. But at the same time I have to acknowledge that they're in a generalized way not as smart as other races. Overall I feel more sorrow around them than I do hatred because they're victims of circumstance.

    I'm an exception and for some reason I'm smarter than both my parents. I do however have white blood in my family tree, and my grandmother (who was so lightskinned that I thought she was white until my mom told me otherwise) was supposedly a genius. So that may be where I get it from. My father is also really intelligent despite being dark. He says his IQ is like 90, but I swear he's smart as fuck. I once asked him how a plasma TV works and he actually started explaining to me how it involved the ionization of noble gasses. I mean what kind of dumbass knows that shit?

    My goal in life is to go to Africa and artificially inseminate black women with the semen of geniuses so I can over time increase the average IQ of blacks.

    Also, I hate dipshits like >>2441174
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:32:14 No.2441225
    I hate you plenty too.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:34:15 No.2441256
    For what? I didn't even do anything.
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 12/14/08(Sun)22:34:32 No.2441260
    lol did you delete your post so you could add more shit about your personal life that nobody cares about?

    you're a fucking genius, dude
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:36:19 No.2441285
    Being a nigger is reason enough.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:36:30 No.2441290
    I deleted it because it had some typos.

    Also lol now your postrefs became blockquotes.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:36:42 No.2441292

    I hate to burst your bubble, but...you are an anomaly. When you have a child with a black woman, he will go back to his genetic average of 90+
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)22:37:42 No.2441306
    Okay I believe you're black now. I used to be just like you because I saw all of these racist and I hadn't seen any good arguments against them. But you know what I did? I found a way to come to peace with it. I studied this shit deeper and actually found how wrong these racists are. I suggest you do the same
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 12/14/08(Sun)22:38:10 No.2441311
    so it wasn't to add more shit?
    that was just a bonus or something?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:40:12 No.2441340
    Come on man, that's not right.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:40:31 No.2441347
    It was so you would dwell on it I guess.

    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 12/14/08(Sun)22:41:34 No.2441359
    oh I know why it was
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:42:20 No.2441366

    That's very optimistic of you, but crime statistics don't lie. Blacks will always be more impulsive and likely to commit crime than whites or asians.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:42:39 No.2441370
    lt's cause you like suckin dick and gettin fucked in the ass
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:44:47 No.2441397
         File :1229312687.jpg-(63 KB, 699x428, map.jpg)
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    <-- if you are saying black people are genetically or culturally inferior (which this confirms) you must accept that asians are genetically or culturally superior to white people
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:45:49 No.2441414

    "Lies, damned lies, and statistics"
    -Benjamin Disraeli

    You can uses stats to prove anything, without applying the right context. You fail to tack into account levels of education, health, and poverty in the black community.

    Yeah, becuas
    >> Massive Max !!M6aBunxIzXX 12/14/08(Sun)22:46:00 No.2441419
    It's all upbringing, nothing to do with genetics. Blacks just got the short end of the stick. Before Europe and everyone else came in and fucked up their shit, they did all the same shit that every culture did. They warred with each other over asinine shit.

    Honestly, how many of you have actually had a conversation with a black person? Hell, of any other race? I live in the Californian Bay Area, so I get to talk to every race on a daily basis. I can say without a doubt that EVERY RACE IS EQUALLY FUCKING STUPID.

    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:46:01 No.2441421
    It has yet to be wrong. I've never met a nigger I liked at all.
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)22:46:23 No.2441425
    That's assuming black crime is genetic. Since the number black criminals is only half a million(in a group of 35 million) I doubt it. You also have to remember those statistics clump older blacks with younger blacks. I know plenty of old black thugs but never met a young one
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:46:45 No.2441433
    Fuck and my post still has typos. In before racism against me.
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 12/14/08(Sun)22:46:47 No.2441434
    I guess I didn't know why it was then

    my bad
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:47:42 No.2441445
    Africa is bad because Europe tried to take over for a while and fucked up all the tribes. They were pretty okay before that.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:47:46 No.2441447
    I wonder what would happen if you removed the niggers out of the united states and europe.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:48:50 No.2441456
    i wonder if you also removed asians from those countries
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 12/14/08(Sun)22:48:52 No.2441457
    people would go back to hating the Irish
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:49:49 No.2441462
    There will always be racism against you.
    >> KingBlackAnon 12/14/08(Sun)22:50:50 No.2441471
         File :1229313050.jpg-(43 KB, 640x480, HonkeyPlse.jpg)
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    Shut the hell up, you fail. On the off chance that you were black which you are not you wouldn't be anything special here anyway. I've only met one or two other black guys on here that wasn't a self hating coon.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:51:02 No.2441474
    alright, take out the spics and sandniggers too while we're at it.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:51:05 No.2441475
    lol you enjoy licking dicks and taking dicks in every orifice.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:51:44 No.2441479

    I accept that, but I think they have yet to prove their culture's worth.


    I know it's a hard thing to accept, but when you put a race that is more prone to impulsive behavior in white society, they are going to commit most of the crimes.

    Also, you people always fail to show me why you haven't pulled yourselves out of failure and shown that blacks aren't the criminal race that everyone dislikes.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:54:14 No.2441510
    Whites and gooks are the only acceptable race mix.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:54:23 No.2441513
    true, true. i'll give you that one
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:54:26 No.2441514
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)22:56:13 No.2441527
    >Also, you people always fail to show me why you haven't pulled yourselves out of failure and shown that blacks aren't the criminal race that everyone dislikes.
    The poorest people in America are the hispanics not blacks. It's also true the least educated are the hispanics as well. I think that says enough about who's lowest. I know it's a hard thing to accept but you still didn't prove my point. No matter what you say it's still a fact there are not enough black criminals to say blacks are more "impulsive" or "criminal". In fact there is no proof of that
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)22:57:24 No.2441539
         File :1229313444.jpg-(40 KB, 348x450, racism...sigh.jpg)
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    Racism justified by genetic superiority,... what the fuck guys are we back to the late 19th century? Fucking seriously if anyone takes that kind of argument as worthwhile.

    OP get your head out your ass. I find nigger and other racist memes as funny on 4chan but don't try to push that kind of shit on reality. It doesn't work.
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)22:59:46 No.2441567
    The only reason to post in this thread is to get it to 500 so it goes off the front page. These faggots can't be reasoned with because that's not their purpose
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:02:45 No.2441603
    Er why's it so hard to believe I'm black?

    Also I like how you accused me of being self-hating.

    I could do the thing where I take a picture of myself holding a piece of paper with the date and /r9k/ written on it in Sharpie but I feel like at that point I'd have already lost.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:03:40 No.2441616
    Forgot my sage black guy... i mean nigger. lol
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:03:50 No.2441619
    >I'd have already lost.
    You lost the day you were born.
    >> deleted 12/14/08(Sun)23:03:54 No.2441621
    I'm racists against blacks too I guess. Out of all the races blacks have achieved little to nothing in history. Asians? South Americans? Bad asses. But blacks? I wouldn't automtically judge an individual black as inferior though, that would be fucking stupid. And yeah it has been a bit of a debate. Is it okay to be somewhat racist? I guess so.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:05:18 No.2441631
    >what the fuck guys are we back to the late 19th century?
    We had a good thing going back then.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:08:15 No.2441661
    i find racism necessary, as we can't judge every single person individually. i judge people first by their socio-economic background, then their race (though most of my prejudice comes from race simply because it's much easier to know someone's race than their culture/money by looking at them)
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:10:23 No.2441681
    Naw I pretty much won. Besides having above-average intelligence (for any race) there are a lot of opportunities available for me just because I'm black, such as scholarships, affirmative action, etc. Also I'm good looking. I think you might be just envious and hateful.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:13:52 No.2441717
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)23:14:57 No.2441729
    IThis is an example of what's wrong with America:NO EFFORT. You don't know anything about blacks because you never made the effort. There were black civilizations, black inventors, black artists, etc. South Americans(except for Mesoamerica) didn't do much. If you want to make a statement about blacks that's fine. But when you don't make an effort to learn shit about us you're not in a place to judge.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:16:45 No.2441748
    >There were black civilizations, black inventors, black artists, etc
    All of them weak and inferior.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:18:26 No.2441766
    of course there were/are many important and famous black people. just not that many.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:20:03 No.2441774

    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:20:09 No.2441776
    Then you will have a bunch of geniuses with AIDS.
    >> KingBlackAnon 12/14/08(Sun)23:21:40 No.2441799

    You aren't black, shut up. Like I said already anyway, 4chan attracts self hating blacks so you'd be no different from the usual 'Why u hate me, IM lIEK U, PEASE EXCEPT ME" threads they out themselves with.
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)23:22:02 No.2441803
    I'd like you to prove that seeing as a black guy made 1/3 of the microchip inventions and Kenya made regular trade with China and India when Europe couldn't.
    You contradicted yourself
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:22:26 No.2441805
    I live in the city. It is impossible not to be racist within 6 weeks of living here. It is just simple survival skills. I don't feel guilty.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:24:56 No.2441819
    what i meant is that there aren't many important black people compared to other races. also, 1/3...isn't that like less than 2/3?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:26:23 No.2441827
    The robot, for one, finds satire mute-suitable.


    This is an example of what's wrong with America: NO EFFORT. You don't know anything about south americans because you never made the effort. There were south american civilizations, south american inventors, south american artists, etc. Blacks (except for North America) didn't do much. If you want to make a statement about south americans that's fine. But when you don't make an effort to learn shit about us you're not in a place to judge.

    Gee, it sure is easy to make bold statements in an anonymous board.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:27:50 No.2441839
    >south american civilizations, south american inventors, south american artists
    Some of their stuff is actually good.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:29:23 No.2441847
    i think black people is a pretty cool guy. eh commits crimes and doesn't afraid of anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:29:29 No.2441848
    I like how the racists show up in evening time after a rational discussion in the afternoon.

    To dive in: maybe blacks haven't invented or generally succeeded as much because of the centuries of slavery followed by oppression and idk, racism?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:29:56 No.2441853
    I wish I was black so I can always have excuses for my failure in life.
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)23:31:15 No.2441863
    There are plenty of notable blacks in history. Keep in mind that black does not only includes the blacks from Africa and America but South America as well. I think that includes plenty for us all. Out of curiosity I wonder if you've ever heard of austronesians? These fuckers have never accomplished anything and that's a proven fact.
    By the way when I said 1/3 I mean one of the three guys who invented the first microchip was black. He made the design of it and the model.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:32:12 No.2441870
    South America has excellent artists, especially poets, novelists and now filmmakers.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:32:29 No.2441873
    THE JUSTICE SYSTEM IS AIMED TOWARDS THEM. YOUR WHITE ASSES ARE JUST AS LIKELY TO GO AND DO SOMETHING ILLEGAL. WHITE PEOPLE ARE EQUALLY AS LIKELY TO CONSUME DRUGS. But you know what? If you were caught for X crime, do you think your fuck ugly mug would be printed all over the papers or shown on the news? No, most likely all of you have your nice parents who are capable of helping you or preventing any of that to happen. Blacks are also on average, around 120 or something percent more likely to get stopped while driving on a highway. All the racist pricks throughout this thread are obviously ignoring ALL the solid statements people have stated.
    NO, they are not genetically inferior. If IQs are low it's most likely due to education. Do all you fucks neglect the fact that most of blacks live in poverty? Consider Africa, it's very underdeveloped and the conditions there are tougher than any of your pampered asses could deal with. Do you honestly think you'd score as highly in that upbringing?
    One more thing. I'm sure you all know that the concept of race was constructed by whites in order to gain power. There is no scientific superiority you have, simply for being white.

    Think of how good you have it, you fucking idiots. You wouldn't be in the position you are if you weren't given all your advantages for being white. Now let that fact sink in your thick skulls. NO YOU AREN'T SPECIAL, you aren't superior. You just happened to be born in a society that raised you into it.

    Inb4 nigger, I'm not black.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:33:43 No.2441881
    that does not explain why africans weren't able to significantly advance before non-africans came to africa
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)23:35:16 No.2441886
    PROTIP:There are more blacks in South America than North America. I know plenty about south america. I also know the difference between the native south americans(who really did nothing) and the mixed people there. The central americans(mayans, aztecs) are a different story however
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:36:04 No.2441892
    Yes, they have real art and readable, and often very good literature. Better than niggers could ever hope to achieve.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:37:40 No.2441901
    All you nigger lovers need to live in a nigger zoo (and NO, not Williamsburg where you've taken it over with mob rule). Then you'll see the light.
    Oh yes.
    >> KingBlackAnon 12/14/08(Sun)23:38:00 No.2441904

    I wish you were too, you'd shut up with this dumb shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:38:16 No.2441906
    Especially after having more time to develop. As has been pointed out, they were for a while more advanced than Europeans, yet they were easily surpassed.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:38:42 No.2441917
    Africa is a shit environment for sustaining large human populations. Ancient African states are only seen around the Nile where there is enough nutrients for the agriculture needed to run a state. In contrast, Europe, combined with crops and tech from the Middle East, is an ideal place for human cities. Actually that whole latitude range, including Asia is great for agriculture but Asian civilizations said fuck y'all and focused on their own region instead of expanding.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:39:15 No.2441922
    congratulations, you have found 1 important thing that a black person has invented (actually how a black person along with 2 white people invented)
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:39:57 No.2441926
    The dirty, dirty jew have brains the size of women!
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)23:41:20 No.2441938
    This thread makes me proud to be black. Throughout this whole discussion I have proven I know more about science,history,sociology,genetics, and logic than even the geekiest whites
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:44:34 No.2441970
    does it also make you proud that most people here and irl hate you for your race?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:45:07 No.2441975
    Niggers are no good.
    You're on the right path.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:46:07 No.2441989
    He isn't proud. Deep down he knows he can never be anything important. Nature chose the nigger to be inferior and inferior he shall be.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:46:08 No.2441990
    oh god another one of these threads

    in after shit
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:46:50 No.2442000
    As long as have little interaction with blacks, then I am OK. I am sure that if I lived around blacks I would hate them and their obnoxious criminal nature.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:47:10 No.2442002
    >in after shit
    Yeah, quite a few niggers posted in here.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:47:15 No.2442004
    Have you not heard of the Harlem Renaissance?

    Why are people even bothering to debate this on 4chan? No one is going to make a difference to the people here. They don't care that other people face life differently because they're part of the minority. They don't care that just 60 years ago things were so fucking different than it is today, yet the stigma has still carried over.

    Seriously. This is the last place racism should be taken seriously. Everyone bitches about everything here.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:47:24 No.2442006

    You really do have a jiggaboo's brain don't ya? Ancient Central Americans didn't develop the Aztec and Mayan empires. They were used as a stock/resource of slaves. These were the native peoples of where Mexico is today. As for the South Americans they had plenty of artisan civilization before creating the Inca empire.

    read moar
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:47:37 No.2442007
    Obama is not brilliant, his marketing people are brilliant.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:49:05 No.2442022
         File :1229316545.png-(66 KB, 500x350, Super Negro.png)
    66 KB
    This thread calls for tripplenigger
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:49:10 No.2442023

    That always happens, because 90% of the people who believe this are dumb, uneducated and love talking from their ass. If you know even halfway what you are talking about you make them look stupid. Anytime a black guy decides to make a thread calling out the racists in /b/ its always hilarious. First they flood the thread and then they get shut down and stop posting in it.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:49:30 No.2442029
    >Harlem Renaissance
    I have. It produced shit.

    >hey don't care that other people face life differently
    Not true at all. It's mostly just niggers that I hate.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:51:27 No.2442046
    Stormfag who is educated by uncle's stories is uneducated.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:52:06 No.2442055
    i would rather argue with an (arguably) black person here than talk to a black person irl and get shot/mugged.
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 12/14/08(Sun)23:52:50 No.2442061
    Wait a Cotton Picking Minute...i Have herd this b4
    >323 posts and 8 image replies omitted.
    updated copypasta is updated
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:53:29 No.2442070
    Nigger is never educated.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:53:34 No.2442071
    God made man in his image....Blacks are known to be the first people....how does that taste you retarded Republicunts? Suck on it back to Stormfront.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:53:55 No.2442077
    If Anon was forced to adopt an orphan, and Anon had a choice of adopting one from Cambodia, Africa, or Eastern Europe, what would Anon choose?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:53:55 No.2442078
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/14/08(Sun)23:53:58 No.2442079
    >Ancient Central Americans didn't develop the Aztec and Mayan empires
    prove it
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:54:52 No.2442088
    The supposed nigs on here are capable of actual communication as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:54:58 No.2442089
    Brotip: smart whites stay the fuck away from racism, CP, and domestic terrorism threads.

    Except when we're drunk, apparently.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:55:35 No.2442097
    >I'm a pussy who can't socialize outside of the internet
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:56:40 No.2442106
    There is no god faggot. Niggers are evolution's biggest failure.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:57:19 No.2442115
    not all of us are religious. besides, all that religious shit happened in the middle east. so that means jesus would be middle eastern according to your logic
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:57:38 No.2442116
    Everyone's a little racist. It's not a big deal.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)23:58:58 No.2442134
    Yes, Jesus was black.

    Eat it, Stormfags.

    (Alternate punchline: "This explains everything about Christianity.")
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:00:29 No.2442148

    The majority of your Republicunt fuckbuddies disagree and by their own book, God made blacks in his image.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:01:40 No.2442162
    I'm not religious, a republican, or a stormfag. None of those things are required to recognize the inferiority of niggers.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:01:43 No.2442165

    Go to Central America. The people there are descendants of freed slaves. They'll tell you themselves. You will not find as many treasures and ancient ruins that belonged to Aztecs or Mayans there. They don't want anything to do with tyrannic empires of the past. Not the same with Mexicans because this is part of their Heritage. They (the Central Americans) still have held on to their traditional cultures. In Central America you can find original per-colombian foods such as the Humita (Tamale). Just like they used to eat before any such Empires were built.

    now go throw cow shit on your mud hut you aids boon.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:02:21 No.2442175
    Come take a ride on the side where the weather stay dry
    Boppers ride plenty dick behind the shit that you drive
    As I creep the scene I'm peeping these so called friends and foes
    Louisiana nigga with the k, but better to fuck so many hoes
    And yours too, watch me roll through, with the screens falling down
    They lit, with your bitch, on my passenger side
    Hit the switch, trunk rise, gangsta whitewall tires
    Sunshine, blind eyes, on my candy coated prize
    But my pride, can't be tied to no item you purchase
    Cause in the long run, when you gone son, the shit's all worthless
    Valet service, got em nervous, when we hit the scene
    Haters green, blowing steam cause we stepped out cream
    Our team fifteen deep, methyzine and sweets
    Limousines we cheap, so check the V.I.P.
    Hit the club, rush the bar, pull a star then I'm jetting
    Now which side, want to ride, with the shop that's wrecking
    I-10 connected, that's right
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:02:30 No.2442177

    Middle East isn't a race and Arabs didn't get to that area in mass till relatively recently.
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 12/15/08(Mon)00:02:44 No.2442183

    if i can interject for one second, Jesus was in fact a jew and middle eastern
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:03:51 No.2442193
    I'm not a republican either. 0/2
    >> black guy !neAe92srE6 12/15/08(Mon)00:04:20 No.2442196
    Then why re you wasting time talking about what you hate instead of enjoying life?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:07:15 No.2442222
    Why do you even exist to pollute humanity?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:07:24 No.2442224
    No YOU aren't black. Why would I lie about this shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:09:30 No.2442239
    neither am i 0/3
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:11:39 No.2442253

    Nor am I 0/4
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:14:18 No.2442277

    Samefag, your God is black. Enjoy
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:17:13 No.2442293
    Then I'm superior to my god.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:23:44 No.2442339
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:28:40 No.2442379
    pastor manning knows what's up. he's a good guy.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:31:44 No.2442407

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:35:07 No.2442439
    you morons got trolled again. Copypasta +1

    /relationship/ loses again
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:36:29 No.2442449
    nope, go fuck yourself, niggereater
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:39:28 No.2442473
    >butt unbelievably hurt
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:40:50 No.2442479
    nope, this is my second time posting in this thread, niggereater.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:42:01 No.2442486
    No, but some cultures are not as beneficial to humanity as others.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:42:36 No.2442490
    guess again, racistfags. every race has dumbasses. faggots in cargo shorts with popped-collar polos are no less annoying than niggers with oversized jerseys with gigantic platinum necklaces.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:43:56 No.2442505
    nice deletion, cockmongler
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:44:47 No.2442509

    It wasn't a troll if the posters had a rational disscussion on the merits of OP's hypothesis. OP might have left long ago (likely did, this is a long lived thread), and disscussion continued. Since other posters (trolls or not) had rationalizing debate over the factuality of the proposition, it must have some qualities as a topic.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:45:01 No.2442513
    >butthurt rage samefagging to bump the thread over 10 times already

    I can see your faggotry
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:45:57 No.2442518
    At least the cargo pants kids will just beat you up, and won't steal your shit. Their parents are wealthy enough, so they don't need your wallet to feed their drug addictions.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:46:49 No.2442526
    nope, try three. nice try though, niggereater.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:48:37 No.2442536

    ITT. illusions of grandeur. This is fucking 4chan, not a symposium.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:49:54 No.2442544
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:51:03 No.2442560

    Op used copypasta, its a troll and no he is also still posting in this thread, bumping it.

    As for the merits of the topic, a long discussion doesn't prove shit,everyone knows this is one of the easiest ways to cause a shitstorm.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:51:18 No.2442565
    lol "correction"
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:07:23 No.2442712

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